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Understanding By Design Unit: EDpuzzle Staff Development

Title of Unit
Curriculum Area
Developed By

EDpuzzle Workshop
Technology Integration (for middle school
science and math)
Leslie Walbert

Grade Level
Time Frame

Staff Development
Staff meeting: 45-60 minutes

Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)

Content Standards
ISTE Teacher Standards: (1, 2, 3, & 5)
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and
technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual
2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments. Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic
learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context
and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the Standards.
3. Model digital age work and learning. Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative
professional in a global and digital
5. Engage in professional growth and leadership. Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong
learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of
digital tools and resources.


Teachers will understand that EDpuzzle is a tool to create or

edit videos.
They will understand that they can get videos from YouTube,
TED Talks, and many other resources and edit them for a
They will be introduced to EDpuzzle as a presentation tool for
teaching students.
They will understand the process of creating a lesson.
Teachers will understand EDpuzzle as an interactive way of
teaching a concept and should feel comfortable and
confident about using this tool in their instruction.

Essential Questions

What is EDpuzzle?
How can EDpuzzle be used an instructional tool?
How do would you plan to incorporate this into your
future instruction?
How do you create or edit a video on EDpuzzle?
How do you add voice, quiz questions, and other
interactive elements to your EDpuzzle presentation?
How do you make EDpuzzle available for students to use?
How do students log in to EDpuzzle?



Teachers will know

Teachers will be able to

Teachers will know what EDpuzzle is, how to create an EDpuzzle

lesson, and how to integrate EDpuzzle into their instruction

Understand what EDpuzzle is and how it can be integrated into

their instruction. They will also create their own EDpuzzle
account and create their own EDpuzzle lesson and view other
EDpuzzle videos. They will be able to edit videos on EDpuzzle
and add interactive elements (voiceovers, quiz questions, short
answer questions, etc.)

Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)

Performance Task Description

Teachers will be introduced to EDpuzzle as a presentation tool for teaching students. They will be able to create
an EDpuzzle lesson and feel comfortable and confident about using this tool in their instruction.
Teacher, video creator/editor, EDpuzzle lesson developer
Middle school students
You will find a video on YouTube that you can use for a lesson based on your curriculum. You will take that video,
upload it to EDpuzzle, and make edits and/or add interactive components to the lesson such as: voiceover,
multiple choice quiz questions, short answer questions, etc. You will finalize the video and save it to your new
EDpuzzle account. Volunteers will share what they created.

Other Evidence
1. Watch an example of an EDpuzzle video created by Leslie Walbert to learn more about this type of technology.
2. Watch a few more examples of EDpuzzle videos that pertain to middle school math and science curriculum. Then youll
participate in an open discussion of EDpuzzle and provide verbal feedback to the instructor (Leslie).
3. Teachers will create an EDpuzzle account.
4. Complete an evaluation on the workshop.

Learning Plan (Stage 3)

Where are your teachers headed? Where
have they been? How will you make sure
the students know where they are going?

How will you hook teachers at the

beginning of the unit?

What events will help teachers

experience and explore the big idea and
questions in the unit? How will you equip
them with needed skills and knowledge?

Teachers are learning more about how to engage learners by using the flipped classroom
approach. They have been used to teaching in a traditional style with few technology
integration strategies. This activity will help them have another tool that gives students a fun
way to learn and allows them to do it at their own pace. I will help teachers do this by giving
them very basic and simples instructions to show how easy this strategy of teaching is and
how easy it is to use EDpuzzle. This will allow them to feel more comfortable with it and more
likely to try it.
I will give teachers an example of what they are learning about from the beginning by making
them learn about EDpuzzle by using EDpuzzle as a way to present the material. This will spark
their interest more easily than me telling them about it and talking about it the whole time.
This will help show them how easily students will get hooked when they use it in their future
Teachers will experience and explore EDpuzzle by learning about it through watching an
EDpuzzle instructional video on EDpuzzle. They will explore by learning how to create their
own EDpuzzle lesson. I will make sure each teacher has an iPad or a laptop to view the

How will you cause teachers to reflect

and rethink?
How will you help teachers to exhibit and
self-evaluate their growing skills,
knowledge, and understanding throughout
the unit?
How will you tailor and otherwise
personalize the learning plan to optimize
the engagement and effectiveness of ALL
teachers, without compromising the goals
of the unit?
How will you organize and sequence the
learning activities to optimize the
engagement and achievement of ALL

presentation on (They can bring their own but I will bring extras just in case) and I will walk
around to help anyone that needs it.
I will help teachers reflect and rethink by opening up a discussion on EDpuzzle to share ideas,
thoughts, or concerns aloud. They will also fill out an evaluation at the end where they will
share what they enjoyed, learned, or criticisms about the workshop or EDpuzzle.
I will help teachers exhibit and self-evaluate their knowledge allowing them to share their
EDpuzzle videos that they create and share how they feel about their work.
I will make sure the participating teachers are following along by checking in with them
periodically. I can see if they have any questions that need to be addressed before moving on.
If questions seem to take up too much time, I will request that they email me or see
afterwards for other questions. I believe this plan is set up to be extremely understandable
and engaging to make it easy to follow.
Be sure there are iPads or laptops for each teacher involved with the correct App or
website is downloaded on each one. Each teacher will also need a laptop even if they
have an iPad (creating EDpuzzle must be done on a laptop. Viewing EDpuzzle videos
can be done on iPad.
Introduce EDpuzzle on the projector by using EDpuzzle to help present what this tool is
and how it can be used. Teachers can see a video about EDpuzzle and immediately see
how interactive it is.
I will pause the video through out to talk about this tool and answer any questions. The
video will include a PowToon presentation of brief information about EDpuzzle (free
app, free membership, a way to create videos or upload already created videos and
then add interactive quizzes, teachers can view analytics from quiz answers, etc.)
Teachers will view various examples EDpuzzle videos to practice seeing how fun and
interactive EDpuzzle can be.
Teachers will create their own account and practice creating an EDpuzzle video. They
can upload an existing video and add the quiz questions.
Teachers will fill out a quick survey on what they learned and want they want to
understand better. Their answers will indicate whether this is something they could see
being implemented effectively in their own instruction.

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