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As for the introduction, I need you to remember

the format of PT3 exam. There are 4 sections.
Section A - (Error identification of a
text) 1 question (Q1)
Section B - B (Comprehension of a
non-linear text and
information transfer) 2
questions (Q2 and Q3)
Section C - (Comprehension of a
linear text
and poem) 2
questions (Q4 and Q5)
Section D - (Guided writing and
novel) 2 questions (Q6 and Q7)
For Poems section (Q5), the questions will be
the one that you have studied from Form 1 to
Form 3. Only one of them is going to be asked.
Here is the list:
1. I wonder by Jeannie Kirby
2. The River by Valerie Bloom
3. Mr. Nobody By Unknown
4. Heir Conditioning by M
5. Leisure by William Henry Davies
6. A Fighters Line
Meaning: Generally, this poem is about a child
who is wondering (tertanya2) /curious (ingin
tahu)about things happening around him/her.
He/ she asked his / her father questions about
nature. His / her curiosity (sifat ingin tahunya)
led (membawa) him / her to ask the questions
but in the end, the child asked why his/her
father wont let him/her know the answers if
the father knows the answers.
*his/her, he/she, him/her refer to the child.
We dont know if the child is a boy or a girl,
thats why I mentioned both.
The speaker (the first point of view )
wonders about:
1st Couplet: The colour of grass and the
invisibility of the wind
2nd Couplet: the one who trained the birds to
create a nest and told the trees to take a rest
(here, it doesnt mean that the trees are
resting, they just dont move around)
3rd Couplet: the varying shape (kepelbagaian
bentuk)of the moon and the place where the

missing piece (bahagian yang hilang)of the

moon can be found (boleh dijumpai)when the
moon that is sighted (dilihat) is not a full
moon(bukan bulan penuh).
4th Couplet: the illumination (nyalaan/sinaran)
of the stars and lightning (kilat).
5th Couplet: the person who painted
(mewarnai) the rainbow (pelangi) and placed
the clouds at a high attitude(tempat yang
6th Couplet: the reason the speakers father is
withholding the answers to lifes mysteries.
When the question asks why the father didnt
want to tell the answers, the answer might be
that he doesnt want his child to ask more
questions, /or maybe the father didnt know
the answers.
Themes : 1. The beauty of the environment
2. the mystery of our natural
Moral values :
1. We need to accept the limitation of
human understanding ( kita harus
menerima batas tahap pemahaman
2. We must appreciate nature and be
aware of our surroundings. (kita
mestilah menghargai dan mempunyai
kesedaran terhadap alam sekitar).

3rd stanza objects that are sunk in the river

usually tend to stay there.
4th stanza the sound of the river has a lulling
effect(kesan menenangkan).
5th stanza the sound of the river is
appreciated by many.
6th stanza the river can destroy trees and the
speaker jokes that the reader may be the
rivers new victim.
Moral values :
1. Appreciate nature
2. Protect the river

Meaning: the poem is about the story of a
funny little man who does things invisibly
(secara tidak Nampak) in everybodys house.
Nobody has seen him but if anything goes
awry in a house, Mr. Nobody becomes the
culprit (penjahat).it is funny that Mr. Nobody is
blamed (disalahkan) for all the mischief
(kenakalan) in the house. When something
happens and no one takes responsibility
(bertanggungjawab) to having done it, Mr
Nobody gets all the blame(disalahkan) . Every
household has a Mr. Nobody. Many things
happen that are nobodys fault (bukan salah
sesiapa), and yet Mr. Nobody is implicated

Meaning : The river is chosen as the title to
represent the fluid nature of the river and
people.(sungai melambangkan perwatakan
manusia sprit air yg tdk mmpunyai bentuk
The speaker (the first and third person )
states about:
1st stanza the river can be found flowing
(mengalir) at any place of the earth, therefor it
is not exclusive to any one place. It is also
compared to nomad (org yg suka berpindah
2nd stanza the river flows around valleys and
hills as it cannot be stagnant( xblh duduk

The speaker (the first point of view ) talks

1st Stanza: the incognito nature(sifat tdk
dknali) of Mr. Nobody is supported by the fact
that the poet who composed this poem is
anonymous(tdk dikenali). The speaker claims
without evidence(menuduh tanpa bukti) that
Mr. Nobody is responsible(bertanggungjawab)
for the misdeeds (kesalahan )done in every
home. Mr nobody is used as generic alibi( bukti
yg digunakan) that all use when they want to
deny(mgelak/mnolak) having any involvement
(pglibatan)in mischievous (nakal)activities.
2nd stanza: in this stanza, the mischievous
exploits are revealed(didedahkan). They are
including tearing pages from books, leaving
the door partly open, pulling buttons from

shirts, and scattering pins. Most adopt wait and

see attitude(sifat tunggu dan lihat) when there
is a need(kperluan) to take action to do the
oiling for the squeaking door(pintu yg brbunyi).
3rd Stanza: this stanza provides(mmbrikan) us
with more examples of shunning responsibility
(perbuatan meletakkan kesalahan)by claiming
(dengan mendakwa)that Mr. nobody puts damp

(lembab)wood upon the fire, brings in the mud

and mislaid (menyelerakkan)the papers.
4th Stanza : more wild accusations (lbh bnyk
tuduhan)for Mr. Nobody. The poem ends by
reemphasizing (menekankan)that Mr. Nobody
should be held responsible(ptt disalahkan) for
our lapses(tgkah laku). This reminds us that
many are irresponsible((tdk btggjwb) and there

is a need (perlu)for all to learn how to be more

Moral values:
1. Be Responsible
2. Be honest

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