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APRIL 1990



He will relate closely with Ben Okello, Outreach As

sistant in Leadership Development, the committee of






(CCIE), and all other Team members.

Pray that George and Debbie will be successful in
raising the remainder of the funds needed for their
relocation to Kenya.

Two pictures taken while they were in Ivory Coast.

George and Debbie Pickens with sons George-Mark

and John-Michael, accepted a call March 1 to join the
Harvest Outreach Team in Nairobi, Kenya. Their target
departure date from the USA is mid August 1990.
George joins the Outreach Team as an Associate in
Church Development. They had a successful ministry
in Ivory Coast, West Africa, for three years but because

Training Program Graduates of1988

of medical reasons must relocate in their mission


The purpose of George's position, as Associate in

Church Development, on Harvest's Outreach is to:
1) provide a means for churches to network for World
Evangelism; 2) provide discipleship (spiritual forma
tion) training and materials; 3) oversee scholarships to
proven African church leaders.
Pickens family at church dinner in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Hal Bonham

Dick Kimball

Louise Campbell

Mike and Cathryn Klein

Debbie Carder
M/M Harry F. Love
Cynthia Carson
Philip and Nereah Makau
Randy and Donna Christian M/M Bill Miller & family
& Family
Linda Muune
Kyle Foster
Jennifer Pauey
Kenneth and Ruth Fowler
M/M Sam Poghisio
Andrew Francis
Ed Sharpe
Sue Gibbs
Charles Hake
Jane Ann Kan-

Lee Ann Shaw

Keith and Susan Yeager


In an effort to be as effective as possible, Harvest has
begun an in-depth evaluation of Bible study materials
currently being used among the Christian Churches in
South Nyanza, Kenya. The Theological Education by
Extension (TEE) materials are unique in that they are
used not only to train local church pastors, but also to
train the general population of the churches. The re
search will involve testing how well the materials are
received and to what extent they are understood by the
people in the local church.
Believing that evaluation is essential in determining
effectiveness, the research will be conducted by Dan
Ferguson and Ben Okello. The project will also be used
by Dan as a thesis topic in meeting graduation require
ments of Daystar University College.




In response to the educational needs of 58 churches

among the Luo, Maasai and Kuria peoples of Kenya,

Larry Niemeyer has written the third set of training
materials. Entitled "Training New Disciples," this
series is a follow up to the previous two: "Making Dis
ciples of Christ," and "Strengthening New Disciples."

The series is part of an ongoing commitment in which

Harvest is helping the churches develop a full cur
riculum for their members - literate and illiterate,
young and old. Slow but steady progress is being made
in the commitment.

Tim andTwyla thinking about Kenya

Tim and Twyla Bright have chosen January of 1991

to leave for Kenya with their family to start their mis
sion work in Africa.

Tim joins the Harvest Outreach Team as an Associate

in Team Development. Tim's responsibility will be to

plan, organize, develop, lead and assist in Team De
velopment. During his two year appointment he will
be involved in an intensive language and cultural study.
Tim and Twyla will develop team building relationships
and work with the church leaders of the Luo, Kuria and
Maasai people of western Kenya.
Pray with Tim and Twyla that many more individuals

and churches will pledge prayer support and then finan

cial support for their work in Africa. There is only 8
months remaining for them to raise the needed funds. .


The "Summary of the Nairobi Church Survey" was
recently released by Daystar University College. This
summary, which is based on the larger report, "Nairobi
Christian Outreach in a World-Class City", provides an
overview to the extensive research and data collected

by the Daystar Research Department. Larry Niemeyer,

Director of Outreach Ministries for Harvest Heralds

served as the Project Director, Survey Coordinator, and

Senior Author of the report. In addition, Harvest contri
buted significantly to this report by providing research
funds and the services of former Harvest personnel Wes
ley Paddock and Philip Makau.
The summary provides a clear picture of the growth
and development in denominations of all types in the
city of Nairobi. It answers questions about the spiritual
health of the church as well as the quality of leadership
in the local churches. The data reveals churches struggl
ing to cope with urban sprawl and decay. Leaders, often
untrained, are stretched to their limits in an effort to

meet the needs of their congi-egations. The pages of the

report are rich in data whose implications cannot be
As a result of this report church leaders in East Af
rica's largest city, as well as other major urban centers,
will benefit from the research done and the challenges

Tim and"hvyla look at a mapofKenya

As part of a personal ministry, TeiTie Ferguson has
been working with several refuge women from the coun
try of Uganda which lies on Kenya's western border.
These women are being trained in the skill of crossstitch. As they become proficient in it they produce
items which can be marketed in Nairobi thus helping
them to provide some income for their families because
unemployment is high in that large city.
It is hoped that this ministry to the physical needs
of these women will open doors to meeting the spiritual
needs of the families also.

1to r, Terrie,Catherine, Catherine, Margaret




Nashon Ondiek and John Owuor have been selected

by Harvest and the Christian Churches of South

Nyanza for a three-year scholarship to Zimbabwe Chris
tian College In Harare, Zimbabwe. Both men have
proven themselves capable disciplers of others and loyal
contributors to local church ministries.

Persistent and prayerful pursuit of passports and gov

ernment permission from two countries resulted in an
swers and documents by April 15th. Dan Ferguson and
Ben Okello worked hard to see this possibility become
a reality.
Classes began at Zimbabwe on May 1. Pray for both
men. Homesickness and being foreigners in Zimbabwe
will take their toll. John has left a wife and family
behind for this initial term.

Our prayers are that God will use Nashon and John
in powerful ways.

Harvest is glad to announce the graduation of Ben

Okello at Daystar University College in December 1989.
A note from Ben to Larry Niemeyer is actually a note
to all who shared with us in this ministry. Ben said
"... I will not forget the help that you have given my
family, church and myself both materially and spiritu
ally. I know that I cannot give enough credit for this but
the Lord will..."

One of the key objectives of Harvest is to provide

scholarships for proven African church leaders. It has
been very rewarding to see this young man receive Har
vest support. In 1982 God called him from a teaching
vocation to evangelize. He answered that call and with
the companionship of commited church elders went out
and started more than fifty churches in four different
tribes. Since January 1 of this year he has been serving
with Harvest as an Assistant in Leadership Develop

Are there proven church leaders next in line for Har

vest scholarships? Yes! Two men have been selected for
a three-year education at Zimbabwe Christian College.
Two other men are being considered for study at Daystar University College in Nairobi, Kenya. It is our
prayer that they, too, will be used by the Lord.

to r, John Owuor and Nashon Ondiek

Ben L. Okello


Saturday, January 20 proved to be another significant
day for Harvest as the Board of Directors met at Beaverton, Oregon. They continued a process of sharpening
the Harvest image begun in August of last year. Presi
dent Bob Kuest, minister of the Glendale Christian

From Kenya to Zimbabwe


My dad said 1 could write you all a note telling what
I've been up to lately. Well since November I've been
going to school at Good Shepard Pre-school and it's great
because there is lots of toys to play with. 1 liked the
Christmas program this year and got to sing in the
choir, but my friend Daniel got to be Joseph.
1 spend most of my day at home playing with Nelson,
the son of our house helper who lives right by us. He
is only 2 so I have to show him how to play sometimes.
Maybe you could come visit us. That would be nice.
Nathaniel Ferguson

Church, Glendale, Arizona heads up this endeavor.

Significant directions taken include the following:
Adoption of a statement of the purpose and eight key
objectives for fulfilling that purpose.
Clear identification of the Harvest aim: to help reach
the unreached of Africa.

Introduction of a new strategy tool: "The Harvest Mis

sion Profile" a tool that will make mission plans
and planning clear to participating churches.
Recognition of Judy Niemeyer as Harvest's Associate
in Communications.

A call to Dan Ferguson to become Harvest's first full

time Director of Home Ministries beginning in Janu
ary 1991.
A call to George Pickens, formerly a missionary to
the Ivory Coast in West Africa, to become a Harvest
Associate of Church Development at Nairobi, Kenya.




Convicted in 1980 by a rereading of Acts and the life

of Paul that God's way for missionaries was a team ap
proach, the Niemeyers set out to pursue this ideal in the
field structure of Harvest. They have found that the les
sons to be learned are unending.
One lesson learned this past year is that, just as Paul
had to develop several teams, they have had to accept
such responsibility too. Harvest teams of the past eight

(Excerpts from a letter to Larry Niemeyer)

Discipling one on one is a slow process but has great
rewards. Bill and Carolyn are discipling a couple who
have been in the church for some years. Gary and Coleen
Vemon were baptized through a Pre-Discpling teaching
session and are also being discipled by a man and woman
in the church. We now have 11 people who have been
discipled and are involved in the program. Plus, Bill is
busy overseeing the Discipling program all over Zim
babwe, holding instruction sessions for people in Hatfield
and Greencroft in Harare, Mashoko Mission, Bulawayo
and Chinhoyi.

years have looked like this:

1980-82- Larry and Judy Niemeyer
1983-84 - Larry, Judy, Catherine Githendwi
1984-88 - Larry, Judy, Vienna Dunham, Wes and

Arietta Paddock, Philip and Nereah Makau,

Mary Oburu
1988-90- Larry, Judy, Mary, Philip, Nereah, Dan and
Terrie Fer^son.
Some members are short term participants. Others re
sign and seek other ministries. Inspite of this mobility,
the team task must go on.
Upon realizing the mobility of mission teams, the
Niemeyers were challenged to seek "Team Number Five"
while home on furlough. God has been blessing and the


The farmers of Karoi Christian Fellowship are busy
with plans for training Christian workers to witness
among their fairn labor force. The initial concern was
expressed during one of our discipling sessions and is
growing from there.

personnel of that team are as follows:

- Larry Niemeyer


Bill and Carolyn DeLaughter

Chuioh Development

- George Pickens (Debbie)

- Judith E. Niemeyer
Team Development
- Tim Bright (Twyla)
Apprentice (Administration) - Dan Ferguson


Church Development

After an eventful 13 month furlough, the Niemeyers
will be returning to Kenya in mid-August. Special gifts

- Ben Okello

- Terrie Ferguson
- Mary Oburu
Mobility can be expected in the future, as, for example,
the Fergusons complete their apprenticeship, or as the
Blight's identify their specific ministry and set out to

would be very helpful at this time: Return Airfare -

$4000, Vehicle in Kenya- $7000, Laser Printer- $2000,

Other Computer Equipment (modem, software, fax
machine) - $500, Airport Customs Duty - $2000, Cam
corder - $1000. Designate any special gifts and mail to
Harvest, P.O. Box 24, Riddle, OR 97469. Thank you.

establish their own team. Team Number Five will trans

ition into Team Number Six. The lessons go on. Harvest

is prepared to keep learning - and being available.

Volume IX, Number 2,1990. Published by Harvest Heralds, Inc. a non-profit organization recognized for tax deductible
giving by the Federal Government. Robert Kuest, President; Curtis McDonald, Vice President; Leslie Jordan, Treasurer;
Bruce Saunders, Editor. Send all correspondence to Harvest Heralds, Inc., P.O. Box 1147, Beaverton, OR 97075.

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