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El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Friday, January 6,1956
Page 21- Second Section

College Receives
Rosicrucian Books
Texts Western College has re
ceived Rosicrucian book*. Ray
Oakes, member ol the organiza
tion, announced.
The books include: Rosicrucian
Questions and Answers,** "Sanctu
ary at Sell/' and the monthly
Kosicrusian Digest.
More books will be presented to
the library. The Rosicrucian ritual
dates to the era of the Egyptian
kings in the days of building of
the pyrainidi.

Mansfiel, Ohio
Saturday, February 4, 1956
Page2- Churches Section


Do The Present Day Dogmas
Satisfy You?
The Rosicrucian O rder is m ace up of intelligent
people, m en and women, the world over who arc ever

for new truths concerning

this wonderful

Cosmos. For the most part, these men and women have
been satisfied wzth the dogm as perpetuated in our
the answers which are sou! satisfying.
The Rosicrucian Order is a repository for the ancient
truths of bygone ages and new truths which arc ever
being revealed to m an k in d by Masters who in close
attunem ent with God.
If the dogm as which you were brought up to believe
In do not strike a responsive chord in your soul, perhaps
your soul development has reached the stage where it
is now ready to receive the higher truths. If this is so,
the Rosicrucians stand ready to assist you in your quest
for the higher truths

Give them a chance.

For more inform ation about the Order, write for the
free book. The Mastery of L ife which will be m ailed
w ithout obligation.

P. Q, 3ox 442

Mansfield, Ohio

Mansfiel, Ohio
Saturday, March 10,1956
Page2- Churches Section

Have You Read


I f you have and you would like to have more in fo rm ation
on the f a c t s of re in c a rn a t io n , The R o s ic ru c ia n Supp ly Bu
r e a u , R os ic ru c ia n Pa rk, San J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a has tw o fine


Gives details as to the theories of reincarnation.
Reveals the experiences of one personality over a period of
centuries through many incarnations.

Santa Cruz Sentinel-News

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, March 11,1956
Page 14

Several small
paintings by
Ahgupuk, Eskimo artist, were on
display for members to see. An
nouncement was made of his free
color and sound film, Alaska
Holiday today at 3 p.m. in the
Rosicrucian Egyptian museum,
Naglec avenue, near Park avenue
in San Jose.

The Independent
Long Beach, California
Tuesday, March 13, 1956
Page 19

Rosicrucian Lodge Will Install Officers

Abd.el Lodge, Rosicrucian O r
der, A.M.O.R.C., w ill install new
officers March 21 in cerenrionics
in Norway Hall, Redondo at
7th St.
Luis A. Martino-La ily will suc
ceed Aleck N. Edwards as master

cf the lodfce. Other officers to

be installed are Marie G. Drake,
secretary; Joseph A. Hender-

shott, c h a p l a i n ; Sam Wolfe,

guardian; Ruby Carson, i n n e r
guardian; and Morris A. Carson,
c h a i r m a n of the board of

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Wednesday, March 14,1956
Page 4

R o s ic r u s ia n s to
A s s e m b le

H e re

The re-enactment oC the ancient

Egyptian new year's rites will be

hdc at a Rosicrjcian conclave
[Thursday night at the Masonic
temple. Tilton and Ellsworth ave
nues, San Mateo.
The Rosicrucian order, a philo
sophical fraternity, maintains, its
traditional origin occurred in 1350
B.C. and commemorates this ancicnl new year ben inning with a
Egyptians of that period cell**
brated the new vcar on the vernal

I equinox, which, has now become

March 21.

The Independent
Long Beach, California
Friday, M arch 16,1956
Page 4

Rosicrucians to Fete
New Year on Sunday
New Years celebration of the
local lodge. The Rosicrucian
Order, will be held at 3 p.m.
Sunday in Norway H all at 7th
St. ard Redondo Ave.
T he
Rcsicruclans cclebratc
New Year's Day at the beginning
of spring which -.he group con
siders symbolic cZ the beginning
of new lifo.

Santa Cruz Sentinel-News

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, March 22, 1956
Page 22 *

Plan New Year
Rites Monday
The re enactment of a ceremony
that began in ancient Egypt over
40 centuries ago w ill be the h ig h
light of a local Rosicrucian meet*
ing next Monday night at 8
o clock.
According to E. J. W alters,
master of the Rosicrucian Santa
Cruz pronaov the ancient Egyp
tians, fro m the tim e of M emphis
to the Ptolemaic period, began
their N ew ^ a r on or about the
tim e of the vernal equinox when
the sun, on its jo u rn e y , crossos
the celestial equator and enters
the zodiacal Mgn of Aries, which
always occurs on or about March
21* This was considered the be
g in nin g of the new year and was
symbolic of new life.
The occasion of the new year
is celebrated, said Walters, by
a sym bolic feast in which the
p articipants partake of sim ple
foods corresponding to certain
basic elem ents of nature, such
as salt, corn and unferm ented
grape ju ic e .

As the R o s i c r u c i a n order,!
A M O R C . a non religious but p h il -1
m aintains
that its traditional o rig in occurred
d u rin g the reign of Am enhotep
IV , in 1350 RC, the order com
m em orates this ancient new year
b e g in n in g
though n o n re lig io u s , that e m
braces the allegorical significance
of the ace-old E g yptian rite.
March 21 is also the beginning
of the fiscal period of all Ros
lodges, chapters and
pronaoi throughout the world,
and the date is m arked by the
in stallation of new ritualistic and
ad m in istrative officers.
New officers of th e local Ros
icrucian organization who w ill
be installed are: Mrs. Nora Delon,
m aster; W illia m W ilcox, secre
tary, and J. B. Corless, guardian.
The cerem ony and conclave is
to be in the Palom ar hotel. Vis.
itin g m em bers from San Jose,
W atsonville, Fort O rd. Felton,
Ben L om ond and o th e r surround
ing cities are expected to attend.

The Amarillo Globe-Times

Amarillo, Texas
Friday, March 23, 1956
Page 5

R o s ic ru c ia n s T o
In s ta ll O ffic e rs


In s ta lla tio n of officer* w ill he

held in a R o sicru cian conclave
. Sunday in connection w ith the re
t e n ac tm e n t of a cerem ony That
began in ancient E g y p t m ore
than 40 centuries ago.

The cerem ony and conclave w ill j

be held at the F ederated
C lu b
R o om s, 2001 W olR in C ircle. Visit-!
in m e m b e rs over the area are

O fficers to be installer! are J .

j C. lteese, M aste r; M rs. L orena
^Triplett, secretary, and M rs. M u r- 1
iel L indsey, G u a rd ia n .
The ancient E g yptians, fro m the!
tim e of M e m p h is to the Ptolern.qicj
Period, besan their N ew Y e a r on,
or about the tim e of tfa* vern al I
i equinox, w hich occurs on o r about!
M arch 21. This was considcrpd the
beg inning of the New Y e a r and
w as sy m b o lic of new ]ife.
The order co m m em orates th is!
ancient N ew Y e a r b e g in ning \^rh'
a cerem ony, though nor.religious. i
that em brace* the sig nificance o f :
the age-old Efcypf-an rite. M a rc h

21 also is the hcs^nnins: of the

fiscal period of all R o s ic ru c ia n
chapters, and p ro n a o ij
throughout the w orld, and
rhedate is m a rk e d by the in s ta lla
tion of new ritu alistic and a d m in
istrative officcs.

Mansfield News-Journal
Mansfield, Ohio
Saturday, March 24, 1956
Page 3 - Churches Section

Have You Read


If you hav e and you would M o to Have more in fo rmation

on the f a c t s of re in c a rn a t io n , Tho R o s i c r u c ia n Supply
Bureau, R os ic ru c ia n Park, San J o s e , C a l i f o r n i a has two
fine books.


( l i x r v ilrl.ill.s ,iv to tlu* th*oiH*> of I e m r . u tu itio n


T\i \*il.s lin* c\|m i uMiii's of mu* pci sonuht.Y u v e i
con(ui h s llu ou^h m.iuN uu .11 !iiti'n&

pci iod of

The Oregon Statesman

Salem, Oregon
Tuesday, March 27, 1956
Page 2 (Section 1)

trithr* t f f lt n : Gcorf* KisWr. I

master; Edvard McCloud. nm >
tary, u d M u N. G ra m , guard*

Del Rio News-Herald

Del Rio, Texas
Sunday, June 17,1956
Page 7

RO StCRU CIA N Secret T e a c h in g

lire offered to those who seek
to* use them solely for the per
fection of their Inner faculties,
and in the mastering of dally
obstacles of life. The Inter
A M .O .R .C . will be happy to
receive the requests of those
who believe that worthiness
and sincerity determine the
right for one to have such wis
dom. A copy of The Master j of
Life, a fascinating book, will
be given free. Let this book
guJde you to the conservative
plan whereby you m ay widen
your scope, of personal power.
Address your letter to Scribe
S. E . C.f AM O EC Temple,
Rosicrucian Park, San Jose,

Oxnard Press-Courier
Oxnard, California
Wednesday, June 20,1956
Page 10

Rosicrucian Order
Organizes in Oxnard
A chapter of the Hoslerncion Order, AM OIiC, lws het*r. or
ganized in the Oxnard area.
Newly appointed IocjiI
ficers arc Mrs. K vrlyn Snlmo:i,
master, Mrs. Oro Montgomery,
secretary, and Richard Everett,
Meetings w ill bo hole] at Mic
Oxnard Comm unity Center c n (
the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of
(th* month at 8 p.m.

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Thursday, June 28, 1956
Page 3




Thursday, June 28
8:00 P.M .
Knights Pythias Hall
239 East Holt Avenuo


This Is


The Daily Messenger

Canandaigua, New York
Tuesday, July 24,1956
Page 3

J^o c a )

R o s ic r u c ia n

A p p o in t m e n t M a d e
'Ih p RosieruH .in O nlO r (A.MOP.C
u 'ill
fipicsriilcd in (his
co:iim u n i I y in Us extension a c t i v i t y
r>> L<|v. a;<| K. (Jrcgof, of 7 j Sr-*1Jhnd Rd , \\h:: ic c r n tly received n
cei ih irn tp of a p p o in tm e n t a*
Iric l
C om m issioner, from
G ia n d l-odse, locRlcd a l San Joxe,

CM:5oi r-.a.
The Korrrueian Order is'a /r.V
lernly rtew>leri to Wie disscnniulion Q - knowledge of ihe natural
>'V* of life A id the leaching* >(
i philosophy. :t is neither comnh:r:.V nor reli*nux. )lx work Is wor'd
wid? and each country has it* var
ious eclioniil Jodies
ard exienslon commissioners. The
inier* nation a! conventions.
* :*

h e ld a n n u a l l y a t S a n J o .s e , a r e

a tte n d e d


h u n d red s

fi-orr. differe n t nation*.


a tu d ca U

Mansfield News-Journal
Mansfield, Ohio
Saturday, August 11, 1956
Page 2 - Churches Section


HAKE YOU FREE (John 8:32)
M ankind is beset by its anxieties, worries, and fears
m an y of which could be laid aside if only more of the
W orlds truths were universally known.
Much amxety is expressed over such questions as:
Do wc have im m o rta l life? Of what does it consist?
Ju st exactly who goes to Heaven and 'Oio doesnt?
U nder what conditions will we see our loved ones again,
if at all? Will church members fare better than non
church m em bers in the hereafter? Has any particular
church denom ination a monopoly on H eaven ?

The truth concerning these questions and m any

m ore is here on E arth now. If your m ind is not shut
against truths you have never heard or been taught,
you can learn the truth and the truth shall m ake you
The Rosicrucian Order has been in existence for
330 years and has acted as a repository for the W orlds
;reat truths gathered from the W orlds great religious
eaders, thinkers, and philosophers. For example, what
Is now being found in the Dead Sea Scrolls conccrning the Cssenes has been knov.n to the Rosicrucians
from the time of Christ.

You are invited to invcsiigatc the Rosicrucian Order

by w riting for their free booklet, T H E M A S T E R Y O F

L I F E which outlines what they have to offer the sin

cere seekers after truth.

. P. O. Box 441

------------- ---------------------------

Mastfleld, Ohio

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, September 13,1956
Page 25

Plan Pryamid
Building Rites
An outdoor ritualistic core
morn celebrating the building oi
tlu* moat pyramid ot ( hoops will
hi* conducted by the local order
ot Rosicrucians Sunday at 1:30
p. m. at the J. B. Corless res
idence on Kmpirc grade.
Mrs. Edward J. Walters said
that the mailing address of the
mooting place i> Box 284A, Bonny
Doon. and a sign where to turn
off will be posted opposite the
mail box.
The Rosicrucian* throughout
the jurisdiction of the philosophic
order will gather for this annual
ceremony, relates Mrs. Joseph
Delon, master of the local AMORC
Rosicrucian Pronaos.
The public is invited to wit
the ritual and moot the
local Rosicrucians and thou* fam
ilies at a pot luck picnic lunch.
People attending the event are
requested to bring their own table
The pyramid of Chepos was
started about 40(H) R r t r e la t e d
Mrs. lKlon on the fall equinox.
I nlike the other pyramids con
structed during the pyramid age
of Kuypt. it was not intended a
a burial place tor a pharnah who
r!c>ired a monument for his reign
but as a temple of learning.

The construction of the great

pyramid, explained Mrs. Delon,
required a knowledge of all the
known sciences of that period.
Since the Rosicrucians trace
their traditional origin back to
the year 1350 B.C., according to
Mrs. Delon, when Amenhotep
was pharoah of Kgypt and his
torically known as the first great
personality in history, they com
memorate their ancient origin
by the ritualistic construction of
a miniature pyramid.
The laying of each stone rep
resents to them the cultural ac
complishments of the order dur
ing each year of its existence. The
apex will be placed upon a min
iature pyramid at a future time
when the ideals of the Rosicruiail
movement have boon realized.

The Amarillo Globe-Times

Amarillo, Texas
Friday, September 21,1956
Page 8

fttttc r a d a a s P la n

C o n u M m o fa tfo n
Roilcrxiclan* frorr* ov<nr the
Amarillo are* will commemaratf
the building of the Great Pyra
mid Jo art outdoor fete and cere-'
mony to be held Sunday at A p.m,i
5tt Eiwood Park, .
Jere C. Tteese. fnaster of the;
here, states that Roalcruciara
throughout ihe jurisdiction of the
philosophic order wilt participate
in thf) symbolical re-'inacfiment of
the building of the Great Pyra
mid. of Cheops*
According to tradition, th e *
pyramid at Giza was begun about
4000 B.C., on the occasion of the
fall equinox, as a temple of learn
ing, Since iheR<*?icnxcians trace
their traditional origin buck to
the ye^r 1350 B.C., they com
memorate their, ancient . origih
by the ritualistic construction of
a miniature pyramid, the laying
of each sx>ne representing to
them tho cultural accomplish* j
mentis of the order during each.'
year of* its existence.

The Oregon Statesman

Salem, Oregon
Sunday, September 23, 1956
Page 5

K o M c riic ia iiN
P la n

C e r e m o n %y

Salem area Rosicrucians will

commemorate the building of the
Great Pyram id. in honor of the
approach *of autumn with on out
door fete and ceremony Tuesday
nichl at the former We*t Salem
cily haII Innldinn
Open to the public the R o'clock
ceremony will .symbolically m en
.iet the bmMine of the p\ramid of
, Cheops in Kgypt in 4000 B.C.

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Fair bank, Alaska
Monday, October 8, 1956
Page 13

Griffin Offers
7-Point Program
As a Candidate

in government :or Negroes as

well 3s other minority groups in
the territory.
"I thir.k the man that works
by the hour to earn h:s living
as well as the small businessman

Ernest W. Griifin, 23, is an in

dependent candidate for the ter
ritorial House of Representatives.
Griffin, who has held no previous
public office, is co-owner cf the
Fairbanks Recreation Center.
Bern in Belzonia, Miss.. ,the
candidate has teen in Alaska
for five vears and is a member of
the A.M.O.R.C. He lists as -is
qualifications for the post of rep
resentative: citizen, veteran, hlgn
school education and six years
! Griffin gives as his reason for
1seeking office: "I have chosen to
**un as an independent candidate
(for the territorial House of it<4>rescntatives because I feel there
is a dire need of representation i

(Independent, House)

has no real representation in gov

ernment in tbe territory. Aljthough they pay the major part of
the tax bill, they seldom realize
directly any of the benefits of the
tax dollar.
"1 propose, as a member of the
territorial House o Representa
tive:, to lobby for: (1) adequate
low cost housing units with field
houses and sufficient playgrounds
for children throughout the terri
tory, (2) an adequate health and
sanition program, i3j government
aid for the development of Alas
kan resources, (4) full and equal
job opportunities zor all minori
ties; (5) enforcement of the
F.E.P.C. and all other anti-dis
crimination laws, (6J abolishment
of all discriminatory laws, fed
eral and Jocal, and (7) an adequate
government works program based \
on a 40-hour w*ek with pay rates1
in lice with cost of living."

The Fresno Bee

Fresno, California
Sunday, October 28, 1956
Page 3-B

G ran d Master
Will Address 200
Rodman R. Clay son of San,
Jose, the grand master of
Ihe Rosicrucians O r d e r of I
AM ORC, will
be the featured
^ speaker when
an c x p e c ted
200 tnpmbcrs
of t h e order
convene today',
In the Ponder*:
Temple for a
C entral C a l i *
fornia rally.
The day long
will ;
gel under wayi
R. R.
at ft A,\l w ith
C inysou
a convocation!
1o be followed by a scion-!
tfic demonstration, an appclla-i
tlon rite and the showinp, of
r motion picture.
io llo w ln g Claysons l a l U
T. R. Souza and Mrs. Edilh
Do.j>Jas$, bolh of Fresno, will
Roland Conklin of Porter
ville. Tulare County, will con
duct an open forum. The pan
e!isls will be Paul T. Dodgson
nf Fresno, W ilhelm ina Semple,
of Stockton, Charles W alls of!
M iddleton of San Jose.
Josephine Wnrnken a n l Joel
D:sher. both of San Jose and
brth officials of the order, arc
evpccted to be present.

Bristol Daily Courier

Bristol, Pennsylvania
Saturday, December 1,1956
Page 13

district Head
Is Appointed
A I^evittown man has been ap
pointed District Commissioner of
the Rosicrucian Order. AM ROC.
Albert Conn, 32 Island road, In
dian Creek, received a certificate
of appointment from the Grand
Lodge in San Jose. Calif.
The Rosicrucian Order is a fra
ternity devt/.ed to the dissemina
tion of knowledge of the natural
laws ot life and the teachings of
a philosophy It is neither c o m
mercial or religious. Its work is
world wide and each country has
various sectional lodges, chap
ter", and extension commission
An international convention is
held annually a*: San Jose.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, December 4, 1956
Page 16

Rosicrucians To
Hear Lecture By
Edith Douglas


The Roscrucian pronaos of

Santa Crut v ill hoar a lecture b>
Miss Edith Douglas ot Apfos at
it* next social convocation. Mon
day at 8 p.m. at the Palomar hotel.j
MUw Douglas formerly was
master of the Fre*no chapter and
spoke at iU rally m Octobcr in
The convocation is open to all
active members ol the AMORC j
in this area.
The Santa Crux pronaos will
have its Christmas parly Decem
ber 17. a week early, a* the second
regular meeting would be Decem
ber 24. There will he an exchange
of inexpensive gifts* among those
who attend, the usual business
meeting and refreshments.

Mansfield News-Journal
Mansfield, Ohio
Saturday, December 15, 1956
Page 2 - Churches Section

Why Are We Here?

Are We Here For a Definite Duty?

Many a time have you
not p a u s e d to wonder,
W hy?
Why you are as you are,
and others are doctors, law
yers, b a n k e r s , clerks,
housewives, and so forth?
Why some are prosperous
and healthy, others in dire
need? Why we are called
equal, when such inequali
ties exist?
Why are we permitted to
m a k e the mistakes for
which we must suffer pen
alties? Why does God, D i
vinity, or our C r e a t o r ,
whichever term you are
fam iliar with, perm it us to
make such errors? Why
must we learn through suf
fering for a m istake? Why
are we not shown how to
prevent the m istake?
Why do God and nature
m athem atically a n d sys
tematically decree the ex
istence and manifestation
of everything here on this
plane, and still we our
selves apparently do not
know why we are here on
this earth plane?

Why, if we are here for a

definite purpose or act, do
we not return again to be
able to complete our duty
and purpose on this plane?
Perhaps we do.
These q u e s t i o n s the
churches, universities, and
science in general, attem pt
to answer: but still there
is m uch about these ques
tions that causes the aver
age person to ponder, and
apparently he is left w ith
out adequate inform ation.
Certainly someone m u s t
know the answer and rea
AM O RC, the international
Rosicrucian Order, is com
posed of m en and women
interested in questions of
this nature, in self-evolu
tion, and in securing the
logical answers to these
questions. Therefore, they
can show you how, to your
satisfaction, you m ay se
cure the knowledge that
lies behind the veil.
The free book, The M as
tery of L ife , will be m a il
ed to inquirers without ob

1 P. O. Box 442

M ansfield, Q2tio

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Monday, December 24, 1956
Page 8

Officers Seated
By Peninsula's
AMO.RC Chapter
IriFtffJaHon of officers oi li e Pen*
|in>ula chapter of AMORC was held
on Thursday evening with Rodman
j H. Ciaysnn, grand master of tne
i Rosicrucian orcier. conducing rhc!
i ceremony. The group, formerly
kr.ewn a= ths Sen Mateo Pronaas,;
attained chapter status this month, j
Officers of the new chapter arc: 1
Chester W. Swienton. master, c f ;
Palo Alto: Mrs. Osborne C. Doane, I
rr.atrc. Athe:ton: Miss Janet Me-
Clellsn. secretary. Belmont: Chris
CabaUir.n, chanter. San Mateo;
j Mrs. J. C. Schultz, chantress. Redvvoml City; Howard \V. Peelp. .nI ncr tfiii.rdian, San Bruno; and Al*
' bert Bcmis. outer unrdta?i. Burtlingame. B^ard members sre Korjm ar A., Niles: Mrs. Mar
garet. Peters. San Mateo: and J .
C. ScInil 12
Uadwocd City.
Following tlic installation Mr.
Jcnnc, past, ar.d Mr. Swjcnton spok? tn t ie group. Refresh;:ierts were served by the hc^p'tlnljily committee.
AJ] members of the Rosicrucian
Order ;nc invited .o attend chap
ter meetings on the first and thin*
Thursdays of encvi ir.onlh at Line
Hal! i t . Belmont.


San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Tuesday, January 1,1957
Page 14

Library Displays
| Rosicrucian Lore

Atlditicnul volumes on llus'icrvciar* literature Have heen donated

lu the Burlfjigair.i? public library,
Joseph 1*1. T c.C 7" I I.aurd
avenue. Eurlii:g.ime, ar.nuunced
i All of l!ie order's publications
urc <n philosophy, m^upliysics,
, the sciences and the <*rli=. Toni c*,
! Icerl represent at iv3 of ihc Jodgo,
! said. Also lo be donalec to the
library will ou the monthly periodi
cal of the order, "The Kosicrician
[ D ig e st .

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, January 22,1957
Page 6

Cub Pack Visits

Carrying out their theme for
this month, Eves in the Sky, 20
h<>\> <f Cub Pack 118 of Capi
tola viMted the Rosicrucian plan
etarium in San .lose for a half*
hour lecture nn the stars Saturliaj
\fter the lecture and examin
ini: exhibit* nn the planetarium's
mam floor, ihe Cubs went to the
Egyptian museum. According to
( ubmaster Earl Anthony, th e
boys were most impressed with
the experience of going into a
cave. a replica of an early
Kgvntian tomb.
The boys were Bruce Johnson.
Darrvl t'rawford. Lerov Miller.
John Welson. John Ellis, Robhv
Schultz, Jim Van \ess. Ronald
Voun^. Dennis Young. John Vi*
col. David Begley, Michael Mo
Ginty. Karl Anthony. Garv Fouerhaken. Donald Ro*si. Rradlev
Bogard. John Bell. John Gruber,
and Fred Dice
Providing transportation were
Mrs. Anthony. Mrs. Helen Ilav.
ford. Mrs llde Rossi. John Bell
and Boh Crawford

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Tuesday, January 29,1957
Page 10


14312 Prior Street, Von Nuys



Wednesday, January 30, 1957 8:00 P.M. .
SPEAKER: Mr. Fred Owens
PRESIDING MASTER Richord L. Mac Donald
No Chrs Rofrothmonti No Chart*

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso. Texas
Thursday, January 31, 1957
Page 17-Second Section

Rosicrucian Leader
Plans . P. Visit


Ralph M. Lewis, impcrator and

president of the international Rosr*
crucian Order will address men-,
bexs of the El Paso Pronaos on
Tuesday evening. He is on a Spc|dal tour of lodges and chapters of
!the Rosicrucian Order in the West.

San Bernardino Sun -Telegram

San Bernardino, California
Sunday, March 17, 1957
Page 17

POMONANew officers of the Aries, which always occurs on or
Rosicrucian Order. Pomona Chap- about March 21. This was considter, serving Northeast Los Angel^
beginning of the New
es county, San Bernardino and
Riverside counties, will be i n s t a l - b e c a u s e spnng u symbolic
led in Pomona. They are Frances of new Me. emphasized by the
R. Holland, Pomona-, Master; reawakening of Nature from the
Frances Kuttler, Pomona, Sec- dormant period of winter, the
John Dana, Pomona, bursting forth of blossoms and the
Chaplain; Marian McLean, San growth ot living things.'The ocBernardino, Inner Guardian; O. casion of the New Year will be
A. Orth, La Verne, Outer Guwrd- celebrated, states Mrs. Holland,
ian; Russell B. Ellis. Cucamonga, by a symbolic feast in which the
Chairman of the Board of Trust- participants receive simple foods,
corresponding to certain basic
The ceremony and conclave is elements of nature, such as salt,
to be held at knights of Pythias com. a n d unfermented grape
Hall, 239 E. Holt Ave., Pomona, juices.
March 20, with many visiting
-------- ---- ---- members from the surrounding '
cities in attendance. Deputy Grand
Master for the Southern Calif.
District, Dr. J. C. Guidero, from
Los Angeles, wili serve as instal
ling officer.
According to Mrs. Holland,
Master ol the Rosicrucian Po
mona Chapter, the ancient Egyp
tians, from the time of Memphis
to the Ptolemaic Period, began
their New Year always on or
about the time of the vernal equi
nox, when the sun on its journey
crosses the celestial equator end
enters the Zodiacal Sign of

Independent Press-Telegram
Long Beach, California
Sunday, March 17, 1957
Page A-3

Alxllcl Lode*, nosicruclftn Order, AMORC,

will conduce a ipecial convocation At A p. m.
WfdnfPdny at 2*155 Atlantic Ave, In honor of
M n . II, Spcnctr Lewii*

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, March 19, 1957
Page 5

To Install New
Officers Monday

The re-enactment of a cere?

mony that began in ancient Egypt
more than 40 centuries ago will
be the highlight of a Rosicrucian
conclave to be in Santa Cruz Mon
day night at 8 o'clock.
According to Mrs. Joe Delon,
master of the Rosicrucian Santa
Cruz pi onaos, the ancient Egyp
tians, from the time of Memphis
to the Ptolemaic period, began
their New Year on or about the
time of the vernal equinox when
the sun, on its journey, crosses
the celestial equator and enters
the zodiacal sign of Aries, which,
always occurs on or about March
21. This was considered the be
ginning of the New Year and was
symbolic of new life.
The occasion of the New Year
is celebrated, said Mrs. Delon, by
a symbolic feast in which the par
ticipants partake of simple foods
corresponding to certain basic ele
ments of nature, such as: salt,
corn, and unfcrmentcd grape
As the Rosicrucian order, AMOKC, a non-religious but philo
sophical fraternity maintains that
its traditional origin occurred dur
ing the reign of Amenhotep IV in
1350 Bt\ the order commemorates
this ancient New Year beginning
with a ceremony, though nonrelig
ious, that embraces the allegorical
significance of the age-old Egyp
tian rite.

March 21 is also ihe beginning

of the fiscal period of all Kosecrucian lodges, chapters and pronaoi throughout the world: and
the date is marked by the installa
tion of the new ritualistic and ad
ministrative officers. The new of
ficers to he installed in the Santa
Cruz Pronaos are: J. B. Corless,
master; Mrs. Paul Veatch, secre
tary. and Harry K. Held, guardian.
The ceremony and conclave is
to be in the Palomar hotel. Many
visiting members from the sur
rounding cities are expected to

Long beach, California
Tuesday, March 19,1957
Page B-5

i S E W


Rosicrucian Order
.Plans Installation ,

Now officer* of Ihe local lodge. X oiknicU n Order* will

ln1M)cd lit 8 pro. Friday at 2435 Atlantic Avc. during l he
celebration of the group** new year rile.
Officers Include Joseph A. llen dm ho tt, .'n1er; Alir* . yp,
ilciHily mailer; Dow*Id Luntf. chaplain; R n jm Humrm*, outer
guardian; Cecelia C*lr, Inner guarding and It.
lMi,ird of tnnlces.
The t>hlloophlcal group bellpvet 1he ancient Etyptln tr
dlllon that the new yer m a m with the venial cjjti no* M
21 and la aymtalkrd with the annual *pring rfblrtn In nature.

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Wednesday, March 20,1957
Page 24

New Year Set
RoS:cn:cjn5 m ibis area will'
celebrate the ancient New Year'
rite on Thursday. March 21, at'
Lind hall in Belmont. Following
the ceremony. PajI Van Zand:, of
Brisbane, will be installed as dcp*
J uty master.

According to Chesler W. Swien-

i ton. master of the Peninsula chap

iter oC AM OBC. the ancient E gyp
tians. from the tim e of M emphis
to the Ptolemaic- period, began
their New Year on or about the
tim e of the vernal equinox.
. As the Rasicrucia:i order, a
philoFophical fraternity, m aintains
that its traditional origin occ:irred
during the reigr. of Amenhotep IV ,
in 1350 B.C., the order com m em
orates this ancient New Y ear with
a ceremony that embraces the al
legorical significance ot the age
! old K gyptian rite;

The celebration includes 'a sym

bolic feast in which the partici
pants rcccive simp'ic foods cor
responding to tcrtain basic ele*
meats of nature. March 21 is a>so
the beginning of the fiscal period
of ail Rosicrucian lodges and chap
ters throughout the world.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, March 21,1957
Page 15-B

Rosicrucians Will Celebrate

New Year Rite on March 21
New officers of Van Nuvs inner guardian, and
George I
chapter of the Rosic-ucian Or*: Hartzel. outer guardian.
(icr (AMORC) who will he m*i Ceremony ana conclave is to
stalled are Raymond Si rock, be held at orwa> Hall, 14312
master; Walter Neubauer, dep Friar St., Van Nuys. with many
uty master; Mrs. Viola Meyer,j visiting member* from the sur
chapter secretary; Mrs. Chris-' rounding cities in attendance.
tina Walsh secretary of t h e According to Richard Mac
board; David Williams, treasur Donald. master of the Rosicru*
er of the board; Jack S o u s a , eian Van Nuys chapter, the an
chaplain; Mrs. Anna Mazzarelli. cient Egyptians, from the time
of Memphis to the Ptolemaic'
Period, began their New Year
always on or about the time'
of ihe vernal equinox, when;
the sun on its journey crosses,
the celestial equator and en
ters the Zodiacal Sign of Aries,
which a l w a y s occurs on or
about March 21.
This was considered the be
ginning of the New Year, be
cause s p r i n g is symbolic of
new lifeemphasized by the re
awakening of Nature from the
dormant period of winter, the
bursting forth of blossoms, and
the growth of living things.
Occasion of the New Year
will be celebrated, states Mac !
DonaH. by a symbolic feast in
which the participants receive
simple foods, corresponding to[

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, March 21, 1957
Page 15-B

certain ba^ic elements of na-'

lure, such as sail, corn, ami un
fermented grape juices.
Ac the RoMcrucian O r d e r .
AMORC. a non-religious hut
philosophical fraternity, main
tains that its traditional origin
occurred during the reign of
Amenhotep IV, 'in 1330 B.C.,
the Order commemorate* this
ancient New Year beginning
with a ceremony, though non
religious, that embraces the al
legorical significance of t h e
age-old Egyptian rite.
March 1 also is the beginning
of the fiscal period of all Rosicrucian lodges and c h a p t e r s
throughout the world, and the
date is marked by the installa
tion of new ritualistic and ad
ministrative officers.
The Van Nuys chapter of the
Rosicrucian O r d e r however,
will hold its New Year feast
and installation of officers on
Sunday, March 24, at 7 p.m.

The Raleigh Register

B e c k le y , West Virginia
Thursday, March 21, 1957
Page 17

Area Woman Appointed

To Rosicrucian Post
An area woman has been com
missioned to represent the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) in this
locality by the Grand Lodge in
San Jose Calif. ;
Melba Staton, Ghent, recently
received a certificate to net as
district commissioner to Conduct
extensive activities for the Order.
Rosicnician Order is a
fraternity devoted to the dissemi
nation of knowledge of the natural
laws of life and teachings of a
philosophy. It is neither commer
cial nor religious. It Is world-A ide
and each country has its various
sectional lodges and chapters v.ith
annual conventions being held in
San Jo y .

The Amarillo Globe-Times

Amarillo, Texas
Friday, March 22, 1957
Page 3

Set Ceremony
The reenactment at a ctrnmony that began In ancient Eyypr
more lhan 40 centuries ago will
hitfMlfcht a Koslcnician Amarillo
Pronaos enclave at 3 p.m, Sun
day at the YWCA, 1006 Jackson.
From the tim* nf Memt>hL* to
the Ptolemaic Prriod. ancient
Egyptians bpgan their new year
on or about the time of the vemni
equinox, which occurs on or
about * March 21, according to
Jere C. fteesc* master of the
Amarillo lUwlcrucians.
1 tic new year is celebrated. said, with a symbolic feast
in which the p a rtic ip a n t part&te
of simple* foods >rrespoitdmsr to i
certain basic elements of nature, (
such as salt, corn and unferment
ed j?rapo juicft.
The Rosicniclan Order, AMORC,
a nori-roligioiis
fraternity, maintains fhat its tra
ditional origin occurred during
the reign of Amenhotep IV.* in
1350 B.C. The new year ceremony
embraces the allegorical sig
nificance of the ageolci Egyptian
rite, Rcesr said.
New officers of *he Rosicnrcian, svho will be Installed at the
ceremonies, are J \V. Triplett,

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, March 29, 1957
Page 14

AMORC Appoints
For Santa Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. M. F, Hare, of
2120 North Pacific avenue will
represent the community in Rosi
crucian Order (AMORC) exten
sion activities. They recently re
ceived certificates of appointment
as district commissioners, from
the Grand Lodge of San Jose.
Duties of the commissioner are
varied and his services are with
out compensation. Among other
things, he is required to place
paid advertisements in local
newspapers, in conjunction with
the advertising campaign of the
order, the activities of which are

The Wellsboro Agitator

Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Thursday, April 11, 1957
Page 2-Section 2

Digest Presented to
Public Library


Readers in Wellsboro will now :

have access Mo the monthly maga- !
zinc known as the Rosicrucian (
Digest." Willis Campbell of Con*
way Street, a local member of
the Rosicrucian Order (AMORC). I
has recently received notification J
from the Grand Lodge in San
Jose. California, that this maga*
, zine will be made available each
: month in the local library.
* The Rosicrucian Digest is the !
monthly periodical issued by the J
(AMORC). !
which is an educational, philoso- 1
nonrcligious fraternity i
: and -deals with
discussions of j
f many philosophical and scientific s

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, April 11, 1957
Page 22-C

Mrs. Patricia Holer Appointed to Post

The Rosicrucian Order will
be represented in this area in
its extension activities hv Mrs.
Patricia M. Moler of 17939 Ingomar St., Reseda.
She recently received a cer
tificate of appointment as dis
trict commissioner from the
Grand Lodge in San Jose. C-al.
Her duties will be varied
without compensation.
Mrs. Moler said. They include
placing advertisements in con
junction w ith the national ad
vertising campaign of the
Order, the activities of which
are international. She also will

analyze the Rosicrucian radio

programs on local stations.
The Rosicrucian Order is a
fraternity devoted to the dis*,
semination of knowledge of the
natural laws: of life and the j
teachings of a philosophy. It *
is neither commercial nor re-!
ligious. Its work is world-wide:
and each country has its var-!
ious sectional lodges, chapters j
and extension commissioners.*
International conven t i o n s
which are held annual at San
Jose are attended by hundreds
of students from different na

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Saturday, May 4 1957
Page 3

Do You Laugh
Your Greatest
Powers Away?
You bave heard the phme, "Laugh,
down, laugh." Weil, that fin me per
fectly. I'd free, worry nd try co rtisoa
my way out of difficulties all to no
avail; then I'd haw a hu-cb, a something
within that would tell me to do a certain
thing. I'd Uxgh ic o .f with a shrug. I knew
too much, I thought, to heed these im
pressions. Veil, it's, different now Tve
learned to use this mow power and I no
longer make the mistimes I did, because
I do the right thing at the right time.


W ill Prove What
Your Mind Can Dol
Here is how I to t started right. I had
heard about hypr.csis revealing pur lives.
I began to think there must be some inner
inrd/igence with which we were born. In
fact, I often beard it said there was; bur
bow could I use ic, how could I mafce ic
wcrk for me daily? That was my prob
lem. / wanted to leam to direct this inner
voice, master it if I ccutd. Finally, I wrote
to the Rosicrucians, * world-wide frater

nity of progressive men and women, who

offered to send me, without obligation, t
free bnok entitled Tht MasUrj I f Lift.
That book opened a sew world to me.
I advise jjw to wtite today anc ask for your
copy. It w illpnu tt ytu what your mind
can demonstrate. Don't go through life
laughing your mental powers away. Use
the coupon below or write: Scribe A.N.Y.
------------ USI THIS G ir t COUPON------------SCRfBt

A-V' Y-

The Jtaicuoint (AMO'RQ

So J ok , G iifotti.
B o * K i fr cepj Tit MurifytfLift.
which 2 ihiK t 4 u i ttcttJ.

C ry ------------

The RO SICRU C IAN S (AMORC) San Jose, Calif. (Not a religious organization)

SCHS Girl's Painting Wins Mention

Santa Cruz Sentinel
Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, May 14,1957
Page 2

Tlionu* t*. LrliktoB, a pal

prrsldeal of the S o c i e t y of
We*ter A r tu u . alUrhei an
honorable mention tag an a rep
reae ntallonal water color of lb*
Kanta C m
municipal wliarf

Arlene Freitas
Earns Mention
For Painting
A water color painting of the
Santa Cruz municipal wharf by
Arlene Freitas, 17, of 320 Seabright avenue, will be oil display
at the San Jose Rosicrucian art
gallery from Thursday to June 12.
The painting won honorable
mention in the representational
division of the first annual H.
Spencer Lewis art award contest
sponsored by the art gallery. Open
to high school students through
out California, the contest pro
vided first and second prizes in
each of three divisions, as well as
honorable mention awards in each
of the classes._______ ____________

which wai Hone hv Arlrnr Frella*. 17, of l i t Seabrlght arnue.

Ailene, a troior al Santa Crn*
high krhool, rnterrd (he paint
In* In the II. Spencer U l i a il


award contort at the Rotknaclan art MUrry in San Jo*r.

The palntlnt will be eiblbiled
from Thursday to June It. Ar
Irne la a ittident of MU* Jennie
A. Moore at the high achoftl.

Judging entries were Thomas C.

Leighton, a past president of the
Society of Western Artists, John
Garth, art critic of Argonaut
magazine and art commissioner
for San Francisco, and Maurice
Logan, associate of the National
Academy of Design.
The H. Spencer Lewis art
award is a recognition of talent
in youths of high school age.
Arlene, a senior at the Santa
Cruz hitfh school, said I hope to
be an illustrator for childrens
books and magazines when 1
finish studying.*
She has applied for entry into
the College of Arts and Crafts in
Oakland. Last year her paintings
were awarded two gold keys in a
regional high school art exhibi
tion in the Emporium in San
Francisco. The exhibit was also
shown in Pittsburgh, Pa.

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Tuesday, May 14,1957
Page 11

Carlmont High
Two Carlmont High ichori sty.
dents, Jeanette Dulrs, Belmont,
and Peter Plamcndon. San Carles,
honorable mention
awards for paintings on exhibit
this week In the Rosicrucian Art
Gallery in San Jose.
Miss Dulis, awarded for an ab
stract entry,
and Plnrrjondon,
whose honorable mention was in
the humorous division, w e r e
among numerous California high
school exhibitors Hi :he first an
nual H. Spencer Lewis Art Award
contest sponsored by the San Jose
The two students, among thir
teen to receive honorable mention,
both study under CarJrnont High
school art instructor Karl Bauer.
Judging the contcsv were Thomas
C. Leighton, past president, Soci
ety of Western Artisis, John
Garth, art critic of Argonaut
Magazine and Maurice Logan, assnciate of the National Academy
of Design.

Eureka Hum boldt Standard

Eureka, California
Friday, May 17, 1957
Page 8


MISS DARLENE YATES. daujjlilcr uf

nia, the cu:ilest provided first and sec

Mr. and Mrs% Roy Yales of 32H4 Albce . ond prizes ir. oj>ch of three divisions and
strcel, rcccived honomblc menliun lot* 13 honorable mention awards in each
her painting in the reprcseplalinnai di c!as. The CL*ca&ion was the first annual
vision arc exhibits sponsored by the RosK. Sjicnccr Lewis nr I award. Miss Yales
icriicinn Art Gallery in San Jose. Open . is shown with her painting.
i only lo hiflh school Isudcnu in Califor-

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday, June 5, 1957
Page 13

Editor: I just came across a
paragraph in an article from_ a
past issue of the "Rosicrucian Di
gest. which I believe to be ex
ceptionally timely, and of great
value to every citizen. It strikes
me as being the real key to peace:
The first step if for all those
countries whose ideals purport to
be democratic, to strive for the
abolition of nationalism and the
integration of physical and econ
omical resources. If we are sin
cere in desiring to attain world
peace, the sacrifice of nation
alism will be made. If national
ism, local history, and customs
are more efficacious in influen
cing us, then we are doomed to
world catastrophe- The axiom:
Pride goeth before destruction
and a haughty spirit before a
fall. is ever true."
Lets hope this axiom is heeded
before its too late!
Mrs. M. F. Hare
2120 North Pacific

Oshkosh Daily Northwestern

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Friday, July 12,1957
Page 2

Who Are

The Rosicrucians?
The Rosicrucians are men and women who have been
motivated by the eternal quest for truth. Being brought
together by a common purpose, theycenturies ago
instituted the Rosicrucian O rder. It is a nonsecfarisn




the investigation, study,

and practical application of natural and spiritual laws.

The purpose of the organization is to enable all to live
in harmony with the creative, constructive cosmic forces
for the attainment of health, happiness, and peace.
The O rder

is internationally known as "A M O RC*

(an abbreviation) and the AM O RC in America and all

other lands constitutes the only form of Rosicrucian
activities united in one body. The AM ORC does not
sell its teachings. It gives them freely, with many other
privileges, to affiliate members.

Thoughts about our Cosmic origin and the desire

to awaken

and utilize fully

our latent powers and

talents are not limited to any race or class of people.

Consequently, Rosicrucians are to be found in every
walk of life and in every civilized land.
The Rosicrucians invite you to learn something m ori
about their worldwide activities and their advantages
to you.



teachings have a practical

application to the daily affairs of living. There is no

attempt to place the minds of the members under
bondage to any authoritative dogma.
The romantic history of the Rosicrucians, as an or*
ganizaiion centuries-old, and wha! they can do for you
as a free thinker in a modern world is fascinatingly set
forth in the free book. The Mastery of life. Merely fill
out the coupon b e lo w and mail it to the address shown
for a copy. I> will oe sent you without obligation.


Oshkosh Daily Northwestern

Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Friday, July 12,1957
Page 2



Please send me free copy of he book, M ttitry of

Irfe, in which I am interested.

Y O U R N A M E:


Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Wednesday, July 17, 1957
Page 23

10 Santa Cruzans
Attend Conclave
Ten Santa Cruzans were among
the approximately 100 persons at
tending the recently concluded
33rd* annual international Rosicrucian convention in San Jose.
Members of the Santa Cruz
Pronaos, they were Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Delon, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Veatch, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walters,
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Maxwell, Mrs.
Margaret Goodman and Mrs. Ai*
leen Benkert,
One of the chief speakers was
James R. Morgan, high-ranking
metallurgist asso ciated writh
Americas first atomic power pro
ject. *

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, July 19, 1957
Page 16

Tri-County Group Slates

its Birthday Celebration
POMONAThe Pomona Chapter of the Rosicrucian Ord<*r,
AMORC, serving Northeast Los
Angeles County. San Bernardino

An honored guest and speaker will

he the inspector general for Southf rn Callforrua. Albert Moore of
Manhattan Beach. Masters anti
. _
past masters from Desert Hot
and Riverside, will hold a special Springs, ''an Nuys. Whittier. Pas.!birthday ce!rhrat>>n to commrm* dona. Lr>s Angeles and Lon? Bt*ach
orate its first birthday Sunday, will also participate .VisitinpmemJuly 28, 7:^0 p m . at Knights nf brrs from tht se areas will also
Pythias Hall,
K. Holt Ave., hr in attendance.
I All Grand Lodge members from
Master of ceremonies for this this vicinity are invited to attend,
special event uill l>r the deputy A social hour, complete with hirthGrand master for Southern Calif., day cak*\ will conclude the evcnDr. J. C. Guidero of I>nc Angrlcs. ings ceremonies

Lincoln Evening Journal

Lincoln, Nebraska
Tuesday, July 30, 1957
Page 7

Lalsch Krltirn**
Robert D. Latsch, Lincoln busi
nessman. has returned from Calij forma where he attended the 33rd
annual Rosicrucian convention at
San Jose, Calif.
Saa Jose is headquarters for the
Rosicrucian Order, a non-sectart ian fraternity devoted to study and

The Rhinelander Daily News

Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Saturday, August 3, 1957
Page 2

Sarafh Meets with

John Sarath, Rte. 2, has re
turned from San Jose. Calif., where
he attended the 33rd annual Rosicrucian Convention. Rosicrucians
from many parts of the world at
tended the session, which featured
a Science Symposium in which the
principal speaker, James R. Mor
gan, reported that the pushbutton
era is coming by leaps and bounds.
One man, sitting in front of the
gigantic instrument panel of a
modern atomic reactor, controls
many millions of watts of power
and through ihem the destinies of
thousands of people/'
Improvement in the abundance
and economy of atomic power con
trasted with the increasing scar
city and rising cost of fossil fuel
will inevitably lend to almost uni
versal electrification, Morgan, a
metallurgist, said, and all this is
scarcely an introduction to the
really big things to come! Fusion,
or hydrogen, power will no doubt
replace atomic power even before
the atomic industry has reached
maturity as an industry."

Rosicrucian International
Convention, held annually at this
philosophical organizations head
quarters in San Jose, boasts one
of the most international audi
ences. Its program consists of dra
mas, demonstrations in art, sci
ence, and mysticism, of films, lec
tures, forums, and rituals. Fea
ture events this year, in addition
to Morgan, included a talk on thu
Dead Sea Scrolls by Dr. Avraham
Biran, lsraelian Consul for Western
United States, and a unique exhi
bit of canine intelligence presented
by the Wests training center of
Guide Dogs for the Blind.

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Saturday, August 3,1957
Page 3

of Mind
you fck thu inoer yw/ojOg for Peace?
i fclrjje r'ron the ooisy grind of a fflidticeasdc cirjiorior.? Are you coosactJy reminded
cf a tnsbliiuU oi work ia tacic ceaditica of
year life? Hive you sought the tneansog befcird
tbe reil of awdern false reality? If you h m *uf*
fired-this it far you.

The oorrpfaceat senile of a Buddhist aicot or

mewi*h suggest* oo u&ug voofosss ftoa the
world oe uaptrruituihtLity to it iuSe*ing. [t radi
ates jrjsteaci the consolation aad ccadence expe
rienced by one who cao ezrisioa a tomorrow
when yet burdened with today. It jubtiy cor.vey*
a feeling cf hope audit surround ings of despjir.
It portray* ooe wbo has put in order his own
mind in i found therein Pcm* Profound,
Hew to Obtain Inner Ptoo*

A f'f* beak will feeseoc to jw gf*'i*g the m w

of Peace Profound in ywt poctial liting. Tbe
Rosicruciins (not a religion), a worid-w;de piwy
jopSicaf and ay weal morenjeoc for peace, fjttit*
you to investigate, with no obligation Send the
attached ctr-ipoa for the fn t book, The Mtsttry
ef Lift, which expUitu further or addrew your
inquiry to: Scribe C.IJ.W .


S ac Jose, C alifornia
jsik e C.V.W,
Tbt RoUcrnciaal (AMORC)
S*a Ic***, Cali/ornu

I an nnnerelf iwritittd io i try primcai ted

oirvficil iretboi of prate ia mr lift. Pieue teii me
ihe /> bocfc, T*4 M*ttrry ot Lilt, which rS*jn


The Kansas City Times

Kansas City, Missouri
Saturday, September 7, 1957
Page 48

iKBBie'KUCTAN i a MARC i . Veteran* Bid* .
Unwood 6 Paseo 8 p m , 2nd A 4th Tues.
Discover your mental self. Learn the tre
mendous possibilities of vour mind. Explore
that mvfftenous **orld within you.
free book. Masterv of IJfe," explains how
vou can master the everv-dav problems oi
life, find happiness.
Address Scribe III.
cian Park

s*n Jo*#* Calif.

San Mateo Times

San Mateo California
Wednesday, September 11. 1957
Page 18

Rosicrucian Order
Installs Leaders
Miss Margaret Gwynn. d.iuf.hter o Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Gwynn of Palo Alto, has been
installed as Colcmbe of Penin
sula Chapter, AMOEC. The cere
mony was conducted a*. Lluti Hall
in Belmont. In addition to her
studies in the Rosicrucian Order,
Margaret is a student at V/ilbor
Junior High acbool. a communi
cant of St. Marks Episcopal
church, and a pupil at Rose A nns
Dance studio.
Officers who participated in the
ceremony were: C h e s t e r TV.
SwientOD, master, and Miss Eisricde Waltzoerg, alternate Col*
ombe, of Palo Alto; Mrs. Osborne
Doane, Atlierion; Mrs. Curfc
Schultz, Red*,rood City; Donald
Dalberg, Santa Clara; Chris*
luna. Snn Mateo; and Howard
Pcclle of San Bruno.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, September 13, 1957
Page 2

Outdoor Fete Planned

Rosicrucians To Commemorate
Building Of Great Pyramid
On September 23, when the nun i of Cheops at Giza was begun about
on it* ecliptical journey crosses 4000, B.C., on the occasion of the
the celestial equator (or the au fall equinnx. t nlike the other
tumnal equinox. R osicrucians pyramids, it was not intended as
throughout the world will com a burial place for a vain Pharaoh,
memorate the building of the but as a temple of learning. The
construction of the Great Pyra
Great Pyramid.
J. B. Cories.*, master of the lo mid, it is said, required a know
cal AMORC Rosicrucian Pronaos, ledge of all the known sciences
states that Rosicrucians through of that period.
out the jurisdiction of the philo
Since the Rosicrucians. it is
sophy order will gather for a said, trace their traditional oiigin
ceremony on Septmeber 22. at back to the year 1350, B.C., when
which time they will symbolically Anemhotep IV was Pharaoh of
re-enact the building of the Great Egypt*, they commemorate their
Pyramid of Cheops.
ancient origin by the ritualistic
According to Rosicrucian tradi construction of a miniature pyra
tions. states Corless, the Pyramid mid. The laying of each stone
represents to them the cultural
accomplishments of the order
during each year of its existence.
The apex will be placed upon a
miniature pyramid at a future
time when the ideals of the Rosi
crucian movement have been re
The outdoor fete and ceremony
will be enacted locally at the Cor
less home, Box 284-A, Empire
Grade road, at 2 p.m. Members
may bring friends as guests.

Rosicrucians to
Enact Building
Of Great Pyramid
BELMONT A unique cere
mony and ritual will be enacted
tonight at $ p.m. at Lind hall in

Tnc ceremony will he a Hcsicrucian enactment of the building

o the Great Pyramid of Cheops.
The: exact'date will be September
23 throughout the Rosicrucian
world but Thursday night h a s
*. been the date selected for the lo
cal enactment. It symbo'Lzes the
date when the sun on its ecliptic
cal Journey crosses the celestial
equator for the autumnal e^uincx.
The public is invited.
* Chester W. Swicmon, master of
Peninsula chapter, AMORC, states
that Rosicrucians throughout the
jurisdiction of the order wfll sym
bolically re-enact the building of
the Great Pyramid of Cheops.
This pyramid was begur. a b o u t
4000 BC at Gizeh, on the occa
sion of the fall equinox.
Unlike the other pyramids, it
was not intended as the burial
place cf a vam phnrnoh. but as a
tem ple * of learning.

Since the Rosicrucians irac*

1 their traditionrd origin back, to !
I Amenhotep IV, pharaah of Egypt j
in 1350 BC, they commemorate
' their ancient origin by the ritual-!
; is tic construction of a miniature
pyramid.* Svicnton said. The lay-,
ing of each stone represents t o '
. them the cultural accomplish* j
men's of the crder durbj? each.
year of its existence.

Tucson Daily Citizen

Tucson, Arizona
Friday, September 20, 1957
Page 20

Meeting Set





AM ORC, Rosicrucian will com - 1

memorste the? building of th e !

Pyram id

of Cheops

at 7

p.m. Sunday at the home of Albert

V/. Prince, 2922 W. Dove St.
Dr. Lillian L. Tomlin, master of
the local chapter, said that Rosij crucians throughout the jurisdk-!
! tion of the philosophic order will)
I gather for ceremonies Sunday and
! symbolically reenact the building
, of the pyramid.
I Sunday's ceremony will be open
to the public. At its conclusion
; there will be cntertainmenc and j
i refreshments.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, October 24,1957
Page 14

Color Slides To
Be Shown Monday
To Rosicrucians
Rosicrucians m the Santa Cruz
area will ho taken on a lour of
torvign countries by color slide*
and a travel talk A a meeting
Monday at K pm in the Palo mar
Mr and Mrs Kdward Walters
of Soqtiel. who won a prize at
the county fair tor their color
slide photographs, will present
the program. Mrs. Walters has
corresponded with Rosicrucians
all over the world for the last
se\eral years and has obtained
slides on many foreign countries.
The mooting Ls open to all ac
tive Rosicrucians. Membership
cards are requested.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Sunday, October 27, 1957
Page 29-A


Is the subject of a free public lecture sponsored by

Von Nuys Chapter of the Rosicrucion Order AMORC.
Speaker, Mr. Fred Owens, high degree member of
The Order Come and hear of the vista that lies be*
fore man in the vast unexplored areas of his mind.
Question and answer period. Refreshments Friday,
Nov. 1# 1957, 8.00 P M. 14312 Friar St., Von Nuys.
Free admission.

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Sunday, October 29,1957
Page 15


Van Nuys chapter of The

Rosicrucian O r d e r AMORC
will sponsor a free public
lecture, After Hypnotism
What? by Fred Owens on
Friday, Nov. 1, at 8 p.m. at
14312 Friar S t
Owens, a high degree mem
ber of the Rosicrucian Order,
using the present interest ini
hypnotism as a focal point,
will trace hypnotism's past
and project it into the future.
Following the lecture there
will be a question and answer
period and free refreshments.
Owens said the Rosicrucian
Order AMORC has for hun
dreds of years aided those
who desire knowledge

Mansfield News-Journal
Mansfield, Ohio
Saturday, November 23, 1957
Page 2 - Churches Section

Life :s a series
fleeting moments, each all absorbing
and important The future is e\er THE NOW. Every
mom ert of which we are conscious has its attendant
C T C u m stances. The m an or woman who has 'earned to
s*Mve the problems of dai3v affairs has not the future
to fear because he or she has mastered the present
Can yru conquer your circumstances, your problems and
d.fficu' o: today0 Are you perfcctv satisfied witn
\our position m life0 Do obstacles prevent you from
attaining the heights, freedom from worry ar.d strife,
the enjoyment of personal health and happiness? If
they do, m en you are not mastering your life and you
are not using the powers within you The Rosicrucians,
a brotherhood of learning, can show you in simple
language and in simple methods how you can change
the course of your life without interference with your
present social, business or religious practices. You can
take the tried and tested methods of the Rosicrucian s.
and in the privacy of your own home set them into
action, bringing the most outstanding and satisfying resuits. Lot us show you the wav. A oeautifu! book, telling
vou the whole story, revealing the simple system and
how you m ay adopt it. will be gladly sent to you without
obligation. Ask for *'The Mastery of Life.*

P. 0. Box 2011

Mansfield, Ohio



The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, December 5, 1957
Page 5

Rosicrucians Plan 1
Music-Color Show
Tomorrow Night
Van Nuys Chapter of the,
Rosicrucian Order. AMORC.
will present a demonstration
of music and color tomorrow!
at 8 p.m. at the Chapter Hal!.1
14312 Friar St.
The demonstration Is under!
the direction of a representa
tive of the laboratories of the
Auroratone Foundation ofi
Auroratone. k n o w n as
painting with music." is a


U .

I moods of music into color

! patterns, a Rosicrucian said.
Featured in the program is
a special sound and color film
which includes the voice of
Bing Crosby.
The Rosicrucian Order con
tends that music and color
play an important part tn
man's emotional and psycho
logical makeup.
The program will seek to
demonstrate this contention.
It is free and open to the pubI lie.
Refreshments will be

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, December 5, 1957
Page 14


c m play on important part in your tifa They may form a
key to what you have been seeking. Von Nuys Chapter,
Rosicrucian Older, AMORC, sponsors a free demonstration of
such 4 key. Program presented by a representative of Aurorafane Laboratories includes color-tonol presentations of the vorce
of Bin) Crosby. Friday/ Dec. 6, 1957, :00 P.M., 14312
Friar St. Refreshments. Public invited. N? charge or collections.

Blue Island Sun Standard

Blue Island, Illinois
Thursday, December 12, 1957
Page 10

Atom Power
A Necessity, Says Rosicrucian
1 ho pushbutton o r a i s l o m i n k l l l t h i f o s s i l f m I *t< i a t i n i s l i o p i
h\ Uaps mil bound* C)U4 m a n U s * w h a t w i l l p o w n o v u u n t i l "
siltin g in tiont of th i vji^antu in t i n s | u it n u i h m i u s a n d m o w
stiu n icn t panel ol a modi i n o u i i i l s a n d i n p l a i n s o t t i n m x
i m illio n
w itoi
p o w ii
itom it it utm controls m a i n
m illio n s ol w alls ol powi r an I t h i t i s i n i ( > l \ i s n o t i n o i i k h o l h
Not o n in H i l t s
( i d t i ih i H ' i
through Hum thi tU slim os H
ssifa tm ^ un
thousands of
oph 1 hat is pail
lo i
of I ho pu t tri ol lOMOUROW * l i m k i h l i i i p i i i l c o s t s
u iv in h\ lain* s l< M o ig in *it Ih* i h o m o s t p a i l n o t s o l u i m i i . %
lit i
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S iu n u
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El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso, Texas
Saturday, January 25, 1958
Page 3

. . . but the Egyptians

knew it ages ago!
POWERS to overonro* stclsoessf M t i to
ec*pe poverty! Knowledge 10 bring happi
ness ind
of mtnd! SViSI and genius IO
c;eatc a fivi/.mdon which
slid copy ni
di)! These arc only lnm of l i t accomplish*ecnt ( the ancicr! Egyptians.

control of Ii(t. la y o u bands, thit Is o w W s i

could jJrer tbe entire course of you* affairs.
The Rosicrucians offct to youif you have
tbe cootagc to btck away from limned fotuM
of thinking-.these same simply expressed
truths of life which have led thousands to a
joyous method of better l>ring.

Abo%c and bcvor.d these physical achievemenu ri> the secret wisdom pciicsscd by
the Egyptian ir.ystcry schools. Ia thc* cen
ters Of learning nsen and women were taught
the laws of life acd how to mast Cf them. With
this master) they were able to sbape their
destinies as they wished them ro be. It takes
eo greater rneucal clTod iaacbitvtrti>ilu wbtn
you know bow. Sueee tsful Living is the oldest
art io the world. It coMistt of developing
usi'imh'h, ftrtujkl and the ability to combine
experiences iato new and workable ideas.

Lears how you may shat* tbe private iosiruaionj of The Rosicrueiaos, a ooo-proht
fraternity of men and wotneo whose inOutncr er.esuit iato every (and. Let this be tbe
turning point in yutt life! Fat your copy of
"Tie Matltry / Lift" s* the coupon below
or wme to Scribe L M .

These laws operate as u't/j.iingly af (he

laws which govern the sue, moon aod plan
ets. They were duco*c:cd centuries ago by
certain wi*e nsen of Egypt, and preserved
down through the ages by the Rosicrucians.

! SairwI.FA

Time his since crumbled Egypt's wall*,

but it couldn't denroy tbit formula for tbe

L*t This FREE Book Holp You

T h e R o s ic r u c ia t u
I a m o r C!

I r.tXsla-x*f<{AMOna
; S in )&m:. CaJilOf" *, U i . A

r K ( n l m nhrt*N .isviiii*.*rC 0f<V"f"TI

M *n r>
creU i.c k 1 n n , n c w l
OM n * * <s>cL*c u s* m M a h * 4 It I t iu ia
n a a e n h i* wi In*.
N iw

_______________ ____ _
A4tnn:______ ________ _______

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, January 30,1958
Page 8-C

Valley Order Sets Lecture on Astronomy

Van Nuys chapter of the
Raymond L. Strock. master they live, the greater and
Rosicrucian O r d e r AMORC of the Van Nuys chapter of; richer w ill be their lives.'*
w ill present a free public lec* AMOKC, said, "the Koslcruclj
He a d d e d , As men's
tunre Friday, Feh. 7. at S p.m. an Order has always sought to!
turn to the space
by Dr. Fredrick Leonard, pro help in the uplifting of man-,
fessor of astronomy at ihe kind through the scientific as surrounding our earth, the
University of California.
well as the spiritual because Van Nuys chapter gives this
The lecture is*tltled M et* the Order believes that the free lecture to the public as
rite*; Captives From Outer wore men know of themselves one of Its contributions to the
Space" and it will he delivered and the universe In which* community.
at chapter headquarters. Nor
way Hall. 14312 Friar St.
Dr. Leonard, a noted author
ity on this subject, will iltus
|trate his lecture by showing
Isamples of actual meteorites
a n d projecting slides.
| He also w ill conduct a short
question and answer period
aoiiowtng me leviuie.

Tucson Daily Citizen

Tucson, Arizona
Thursday, January 30, 1958
Page 26

R o s ic r u c ia n Set
R a lly O n S u n d a y

- S

The seventh annual statewide

Rosicrucian rally, sponsored by |
the Phoenix End Tucson AMORC
chapters, will be held here Sun-,
day in the Odd Fellows Hall, 135
S. 6th Ave.
Registration for the all-day ,
meeting will begin at 7:30 a.m.
Principal speaker will be James
K. Whitcomb, prand treasurer of
the order.
Menr.bers will attend a dinner
U 8 p.m . Saturday a t the Elks

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Sunday, February 2, 1958
Page 20-A

i t t h e t i t l e o f o U c t u r e to b e s p o n s o r e d b y th e V o n N u y i C h o p t e r
R o s ic r u c r o n O r d e r A M O f t C .
ip e o fc e c D r. F r e d e r ic k L e o n a r d , P r o f . o f
A stro n o m y U C L A .
S lid ? * e n d m e t e o r it e m m p ie s p lu s q u e s t io n o n d
a n s w e r p e rio d
In q u e s t o f o u t e r s p o r e , m e n le a r n s m o re o f h im s e lf
f o r h e , to o , it a U m r e r s e "


FRIDAY, FEB. 7, 1956 8;00 P.M.
Public fn*ited
No Charge

San Antonio Express and News

San Antonio, Texas
Sunday, February 9,1958
Page 8-B

U o s ic m c ia n
U n it F o r m e d
.ton:e.s A. Sckrurcn, 111 BonneH
Dr., lias
appointed master r:
a n*wy r.uhoi ized San Ar.lcnioi
cliuplcr ol llio International i?usifcrucian Order.
Ollifr nfficrrs tire Mrs. Nnrmn
Jean Moeller. Kccrclarv, nnrl Ar
mando Gianlia. pua dJan. Mcctjiniis will be M:1 nl 7:13 p m the
and thril .S-Urdsvy o l each
. rvin'li in the Inlci i:olional Bldg.,1

filS W. ]{
. Jton SI.

Ilic order is a pliiloj-^l-.irnl

nnvcmc'it devoted io I lie study af
Hie sc.cicc^ and laws of mi.iro. |

M ansfield News-Journal
M ansfield, O h io
S atu rd ay, February 15, 1958
Page 3 - C hurches Section


Do The Present Day Dogmas
Satisfy You?
The Rosicrucian O rder is m ade up o i intelligent
people, m en and women, the world over who are ever
searching for new* truths concerning this wonderful
Cosmos. F or the m ost part, these m en and women
have not been satisfied with the dogm as perpetuated
in our present day churches and have turned else
where to seek the answers which are soul satisfying.
The R osicrucian Order is a repository (or the
ancient truths of bygone ages and new truths w hich
are ever being revealed to m ankind by Masters who
are in close attunem ent with God.
If the dogm as which you were brought up to be
lieve in do not strike a responsive chord in your
soul, perhaps your soul development has reached the
stage where it is now ready to receive the higher
truths. If this is so, the Rosicrucians stand ready to
assist you in your quest for the higher truths. Give
them a chance.
For more inform ation about the Order, write for
the frze book, The Mastery of L ife which will be
m ailed without obligation.

P. O. Box 2011

Mansfield, Ohio

El Paso Herald-Post
El Paso. Texas
Saturday, February 15, 1958
Page 3



(N O T a
t n t eime tr> Air,criri ia 194. Tocf, h rjd 'ju in tri of the Rojiirueiaru w*d oer even million piecei
! tn n ^jllr to ill parti of (he

W h y' ,* U th su o R rtu* How

doc any one m in or wcm io

i chieve prfiCTru> Lj if not bf

mistery of the pD*-en within cjcfvei?



Know the trpteriecj w w i t h i n

you! Attune rcuneir to the witdcn
of the t/x*! G nsp the inner power
of your mind! Learn ihe iterra of
a. futl jrvd eeaceful We! Berv,wr>Ji
Fnnltlm fike many other learned
and g in r men *.->d wo.uco w jj t


Wftfc ta yOwS JREB
COPY of 'TKc Muxry
ol Uto~TODAY. No
eVutiMa. No jiif.rsta.
A iMa-rof: artir itmce.
AMftU: Jtni* Q.H.S.

Xouuucian. TL Rejicrucunj




>---- ------ ------------------U N O TH i t C O U P O N --------------- -----------I Sri.a#

f T * ROSICIUCIAMS (AMOrtC). S Jow. Ci .W f*

Ksd tu iS ftt too*. Tkt

*1 L it. * kick optauit W 1 car
j Iwra l fete nr f*CuJiirt in j powcn f mini.

^O T T _



The Independent
Pasadena, California
Wednesday, March 12, 1958
Page 4

The Rosicrucian Or d e r
YAMORC) will be ^presented
in this community In its ex
tension activities by Ellon Dick
inson Walts; 86 S. Allen Ave.,
who recently received a ccrtf.
jficste of appointment as Dis
trict Commissioner from the
Grand Lodge in San Jose, Calif,

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Sunday, March 16, 1958
Page 8

Rosicrucians To
Install March 24

New officers of the Santa Cruz

Pronaos of the Kosicrucian Order
AMORC will he installed at a
conclave at the Palomar hotel
March 24. To be installed are
Mrs. E. J. Walters, master; Mrs. |
Joseph Delon, secretary; and Paul
J. Veatch, guardian.
According to Mrs. Walters, the,
ancient Egyptians, from the time
of Memphis to the Ptolmaic per
iod, began their New Year always
on or about the time of the ver
nal equinox, when the sun en
ters the Sight of Aries, which al
ways occurs on or about March 21.
A symbolic feast in which
the participants receive simple
foods corresponding to certain
basic elements of nature, such as
salt, com and unfermented grape
juice will be staged by the
Rosicrucians in celebration on the
New Year.
Mrs. Walters said the Rosicru*
cian lodges and chapters through
out the world, all begin their fis
cal periods at the time of the ver
nal equinox.

Star News
Pasadena. California
March 22, 1958
Page 3

Lodge Master
Named by Order
Albert Half was recently In
stalled as master of Pasadena
A khnaton Lodge, Rosicrucian
O rder A M O R C lo r the coming
year. Serving w ith him will be
Moliie Gray* secretary; Bill
Schaefer, chaplain; John W cl
kert, guardian, and Thor F itz
gerald, chairm an of the board.
Mrs. L. R Spencer Lewis,
F R C member, board of direc
tors of the Suprem e Grand
Lodge of A M O RC . was a re
cent visitor and presided at a
Jodge m ee ting W idow of Dr.
Harvey Spencer Lewi:?, found
er of the new cycle of the
Rosicrucian Brotherhood in,
America, she is the m other * f
R a lp h Lewis, the present Imperator.

Long Beach, California
Tuesday, June 10, 1958
Page A 10



The TRUTH About

Luis A. Martine-Lally, LL.B.

Members ot the audicnce wfit actually experience

tbe "Isofation-lnierprctation Problems" of the
space traveler.
Distinguished (puesfiOrt and Answer Panel

Rev. Rex Barr, B.D. Lcmual Foot, F.R.C.

Virginia S c o m rro n , R.N.
Refreshm ents


Approx. 1 Block Sourh of Willow on Atlantic







The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Sunday, July 20,1958
Page 2-B

Van Nuys Group

Sends 14 to Meet
of Rosicrucians
Fourteen members of the Nuys Chapter, Amorc,
Rosicrucian Order, attended
an international convention of;
the order in San Jose, Walter
Xeubauer, master, has report
Two members of the dele
gation, V i o l a Meyers and
K a t h e r i n e Dutcher, spent
three weeks in study up north
hrfore the convention began,
Xeubauer said.
He quoted Dr. Oscar Junek,
;the anthropologist, as telling
i he convention that even
without war, radioactive fall
out i~ becoming a serious
Junek called for a review
of human needs as differenti
ated from human wants, Ncubauor said.
The delegate*? saw demon
strations in art, science and
mysticism, dramas and films
and heard a variety of lec
tures, according to Xeubauer.

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, July 31,1958
Page 10-C

Robert D. (.eland
Gels Rosicrucian j
Humanist Award !

* Robert D. LeluncJ. principal

Los Angeles John Muirj
Junior 1*1inh Scliool. has re
ceived a 1TvS Humanist Award!
from the Rosicrucian Order,!
. For many years the Order
Awards to non-members in
ifianv parts of the world who
meet certain qualifications.
*These are that the recipient
be of exceptional character,
that he v 2*w humanity as one.
that he unselfishly s e r v e
Oth^>. and that this service
be nf ?.n exceptional nature to
Hunnni'y above and beyond
the cdll of duty.
L^l;:nI *\irnrd hi= award for
" oir-t .1niincr work in >ihol;is*
tic endr.ivur. character buildiiU?. and ( M alilish in s a
winch sained worldwide
i n t ^ c-i anions' p;irrn:s, siu*
ftem * and i%ihira1or.*.*


Intl Rosicrucian Speaker

Cites Basic Human Needs
The 1958 International Rosi-}sam whether men live under
Jcrucian Convention held injthe Aurora Borealis or the
(Sen Jo?e, Ca!., was attenflerl,tropic sen. Because the?e,
'by George Hilts of Si 16 Gar-'needs are common to all men
rlen Grove Ave., Reseda. who at all times and in all parts of
has now returned home w iih llhe world. they indicate also
this statement:
I m ans real kinship with other!
" It gives me an inner feel ! men.
At a time when uncertain I
ing of joy to be able to attend
an International Convention world conditions together w ith
lo talk and mingle with peo the specter of atomic warfare!
ple from all points of the have placed a question mark
on the continuance of civiliza
"Gathered here at conven tion. it is refreshing to talk to
tion time are all races, colors, a man with great faith in its
creeds, and various religions survival value.
who find a unity of brother Juneks thesis, like most
hood and common interest.
significant ideas, is simple.
S *m Serious Threat
Democracy w ill prevail be
"One Just doesn't read about cause it respects man as an in
it but is actually part of this dividual. And man is basically
experience and he or she has decent. If he has the chance
I the opportunity of taking a to think. Democracy gives him
this chance and encourages it.
part, and thus knows.
Born a Czech. Dr. Junek
The convention, themed on
Basic Hum an Needs, was re studied at Prague, the Univer
ported by Hilts as follows;
sity of Chicago, Oxford Uni
Radioactive fallout is today versity and the University of
a subject which causes deep Paris
and, until recently,
concern on the part of scien taught anthropology at New
tists and laymen alike. Even York University. A world
without war, fallout is becom traveler, his curiosity has led
ing a serious threat, according him to Africa, Labrador and
to Dr. Oscar Junek, a famed to isolated communities in
Europe and this country,
A t the 1938 International Special Kent urea
Rosicrucian Convention. Ox Dr. Junek's warmth, wis
ford-trained Dr. .Junek spoke dom and enormous scientific
on what man's real needs con erudition have won him ac
sist of in the face of this and claim on lecture platforms!
other recent developments.
throughout the L'nited States.!
"W hen nowadays our atten His lifetime of woi k in teach-!
tion is drawn to scientific ing the foreign-born and study
achievements such as the split ing the traits of the human;
ting of an atom, intercontinen race has produced in him a
tal balletic missiles, space deep and abiding faith in both
travel. Sputniks, it is right and God and man.

mas. demonstrations in art.j

science, and mysticism, of,
films. Icctures, forums, and
Special features this year in
cluded Dr. Junek's appearance,
a displav of the famed Leon
ardo Da Vinci models, scienti
fic demonstrations of biologi
cal phenomena, and leqture?
by a high-ranking scientist and
State Department official.

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, August 14, 1958
Page 20-C

San Antonio Express and News

San Antonio, Texas
Saturday, August 23,1958
Page 12-A

Why do some indfvirluala seein to electrify every
one by llifiir prcwcnm? Why nro von seemingly
drawn in some persons ;<nd iimlanlly repelled
liy others? Can your emotions and thovr/hts gen
erate strange radiations that have their effects on
objccls nd poisons? Learn how to rnuivi? n:i<l
truMvsr.iil Cosmic jurccx *\w\i influence your life.

Hear J. A. Sehcuren explain the*c fascinating
principles of personal mn^nclibnt. Nu feus or obli
gations ALL W BLOOM K.

Tuesday, August 26lh, 1958 8 p.m.

Braekcnrirfga Pork



The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, September 18,1958
Page 23-A

Local Rosicrucians to Enact Building of Great Pyramid

When the sun on its eclipti- way Hall, 14312 Kriar St.. at period. Its building entailed
Since the Rosicrucians, It la
M l Journey crosses the celes 5 p.m. The public is Invited a mastery of mathematics, said, trace their traditional
tial equator for the autumnal to witness the ritual and par* physics, and a considerable origin hack to Amenhotep IV,
equinox, on Wednesday Sept. ticipate in the fete.
understanding of those funda Pharaoh of Eqvpt in 1350 B.C.,
21, it will commemorate for
According to Rosicrucian mentals of astronomy recog and historically known as the
:the Rosicrucians throughout*tradition, states Owens, the nized todav.
first great personality in
the world the building of the,pyramid of Cheops, at Gizeh,
history, they commemorate
Great Pyramid.
was begun about -1000 B.C..
their ancient origin by the
Krcrl A. Owens, master of on the occasion of the fall
ritualistic construction of a
the local AMORC. Rosicru equinox.

miniature pyramid.
cian Van Nuys Chapter, slated
Unlike the other pyramid*
Mones la y M
Rosicrucians throughout thejhuilt during the pyramid age
The laying of each ston*
jurisdiction of the philosophic! of Egypt. It was not intended
represents to them the cul
Order will gather for a rere- as a burial place of a vain
tural accomplishments of the
mony on Sunday at which Pharaoh who desired a monu
Order during each year of us
time they will symbolically ment of his reign, but as a
existence. The apex will b
reenact the building of the temple of learning.
placed upon a miniature pyra*
Great Pyramid of Cheops.
The construction of the
mid at a future time when
Begun in 4OM0 BC
Great Pyramid, it is said, re
the Ideals of the Rosicrucian
The outdoor fete and cere quired a knowledge of all of
movement have been real
mony will be enacted at Nor the known sciences of the


On Sept. 23, when the sun on period. Its building entailed a
its ecliptical journey crosses t h e . mastery .of mathematics and
celestial equator for the autumn-1 physics, and a considerable unal equinox, Rosicrucians through derstanding of those fundament
out the world will commemorate als of astronomy recognized to
the building of the Great Pyra day.
Since the Rosicrucians, it is
Tom Wins borrow, master of said, trace their traditional origin
the local AMORC Rosicrucian back to the year 1350 B.C., when
Pronaos, states that Rosicrucians Amenhotep IV was Pharaoh of
Egypt and historically knoyn^ as
throughout the jurisdiction of the the first great personality iii his
philosophic order will gather for tory, they commemorate their
a ceremony on Sunday, Sept. 21 ancient origin by the ritualistic
at 3:45 p.m., at which time they construction of a miniature pyr
will symbolically re-enact the amid. The laying of each stone
building of the Great Pyramid of represents to them the cultural
accomplishments of the order
According to Rosicrucian tra during each year of its existence.
ditions, states Winsborrow, the The apex will be placed upon a
Pyramid of Cheops at Giza was miniature pyramid at a future
begun about 4000 B.C., on the oc time when the ideals of the
casion of the fall equinox. Unlike Rosicrucian movement have been
the other pyramids built during realized.
The outdoor fete and ceremony
the Pyramid Age of Egypt, it was
not intended as a burial place will be enacted locally at Im
for a vain Pharaoh who desired provement Assn. Hall (Veterans
a monument of his reign, but as Hall>, 8th Street and Cactus
a temple of learning. The con Avenue, Desert Hot Springs at
struction of the Great Pyramid, 3:45 p.m., Sunday. The public is
it Is said, required a knowledge invited to witness the ritual and
of all the known sciences of that participate in the fete.

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, September 1 8 ,195S
Page 7

Hood County News-Tablet

Granbury, Texas
Thursday, September 18,1958
Page 8

Rosicrucians Commemorate Build. Pyramid

On September 23. when t h c 6:00 p. m. The public is cordisun on its ecliptical journey ' ally invited to witness the ri
crossi s ih** celeMial equator f(*r tual and
thi* autumnal equinox. Rosi- picnic supper whit I. follows.
Members of t h i Rosicrucian
throughout the world
will e*mt> emorate the building Order attend the Fort Worth
Pronao. from Granbury, A lva
of the Great. Pyranncfc
(>bnrnf*r and iTfhor 'ComI I t f> '\
:\ CiahfrSr. fPTS fcr ST
the Koit Worth AMORC Uosi- fmuhities within it jurisdiction
Pronaos, state* that
R sicrueiaus thiough*ut the* ju
risdiction of the philosophic.
Older will gather for a cere
mony on September 21. at
whieh time thev will symboli
cally* re-enact t h e building of
the* Great Pvramid of Cheops.
According to Rosicrucian tra
ditions. states M r s
tin* pyramid of Cheops at Giza
was begun about 400fl B. C.. on
thi* occasion of tin* fall equinox,
t nlike the other pyramids built
during the Pyramid Age of
Egypt ,it was not intended as
a burial place for a vain Pha
raoh who desired a monument
of his reign, but as a temple
of learning. The construction of
the Great Pyramid, it is said,
required a knowledge of all the
known sciences of that period
Its building entailed a mastery
of mathematics and physics,
and a considerable understand
ing of those* fundamentals of
astronomer reengnized today
The F*>t Worth rcrcmony
Garden Center, beginning at

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, September 18,1958
Page 2

A.M .O.R.C.
M ystical Convocation an d
P yram id Ceremony
Convocation a t 3:00 P .M .
Pyram id Ceremony
a t 3:45 P.M .
Sunday, September 21, 1958
Im provem ent Association H a ll
8th St. and Cactus Avenue

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Monday, September 22, 1958
Page B-4

Rosicrucians Set
Ceremony Marking
Building Pyramid
When the sun on its eliptical
the celestial
equator for the autum nal equinox
Sept. 1!4, it will com mem orate for
th e
world the building of the great
pyram id of Cheops.
Jam es A. McClain, m aster of
the local AM ORC, states that Rosicrucians of the local chapter
and throughout the jurisdiction of
the philosophic order will gather
today to sym bolically reenact the
building of the great pyram id at
The outdoor fete and ceremony
will be locally enacted at G ar
field Park. 800 E . Holt Ave., P om
ona at 5 p.m . The public is

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, October 23, 1958
Page 2

The * Desert. Pronaos, AMORC
will hold its regular convocation
at 3 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26 at the
Street and Cactus Avenue, Des
ert Hot Springs.
The deputy
grand master Dr. J. C. Guidero
of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC,
will be with the local group and
around 4 p.m. the meeting will
be open to the public.
Dr. Guidero will show colored
slides of the 1958 Rosicrucian
convention held at Rosicrucian
Park, San Jose, and also slides
of the Laguna Art Festival. Re.
freshments will be served.

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, October 23, 1958
Page 10



A.M .O.R.C.
M ystical Convocation
Sunday, October 26, 1958
Guest Speaker, D eputy G ra n d
M aster, D r. J. C. G uidero
Im provem ent A ssociation H a ll
8th Street and Cactus Avenue

The Daily (ileancr

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
Wednesday, November 19,1958
Page 7



At Hann*on Sport* Club Tonight at 8.00 pan.
You just h a v e to be at this wonderful pre-holiday danco to
enjoy yourself. Proceeds in aid of Charitable Christmas
Treat. ADM ISSION: 3/- Single; 5/- Couple.

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, December 4,1958
Page 2

Rosicrucian Order A .M .O .R.C.

Sunday, December 7, 1958

Guest Speaker - Past Master

John Schissler Im provem ent Association H ail
8th Street and Cactus Avenue


San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Thursday, January 1,1959
Page 23 (Suburbia Today Section)

Benjamin Franklin
(A RotlcnariiB)

W H Y was this mangreat? How does

anyoneman or wom anachieve
greatness? Is it not by mastery o f the
powers within ourselves?
Know the mysterious world within
you! Attune yourself co the wisdom
oi rhc ages! Grasp the inner power
of your mind! Learn the secrets of a
full and jx^ccful life!

benjamin Frankiinlike
F RE E !
miny other learned and
rcat men and women
was a Rosicrucim. The
Kosictuciant ( N O T a
1religious organization)
firtr came to America in
16y4. Today, headquar
ters of i he KoiKruuans
send over seven million
pieces o( m ill annually co all ratis of the
world. Write for Y O U R FREE C O P Y o f
"'I lie M a n e t) o f Life -T O D A Y . N o
ohlipaiioit. N o salesmen. A non-profic
orgnnijjfion. Address: Scribe C .A Z .

SAN J O S * . ( A M U K C ) C A L I F O R N I A

J t N O t i m e O UFO^N__________
Sen be

C A 2 .


S Joae, California
Plfisc ir.nJ me rhe/rrr book. TAr M d ittry */
t j f t , Jiich ckpltiflS l.ciw 1 may lorrt lo u%t '

my faiufuc ind power* of mnJ.

Name_______________ ________________I
Address________________________________ I


Stite_______________ !

The Corpus Christi Times

Corpus Christi, Texas
Tuesday, January 6,1959
Page 7

C h a p t e r Formed
By Local Group
Th? first mrctinz of the neufy
organised Corpus Christi Rnsieruc:an chapter was held in the Rosiertirian temple at 5740 leopard
E. I>. Cot Ls master. Mr*. John
.Ma) berry is secretary "and Ro
bert Hyde i* cuaniian.
The chapter was organized
about mx \'Ccks n~o under the
authorisation o! lh e Supreme*
Grand I/xl^c of the International;
nosicrurian Order, AMORC, of
San Jose. Calif.
Cox prcsMed al the initial m erl
in;:. Mrs* Helen Kiel!. master of
the BeeviJle ehapier. read the dis
ownrse. The !rm;rte dedicatory
scrvicc was conducted by Camp
Kzell of J>eviik. *ho is zrar.d
councilor ol the onler for the
Southwestern States.
Meetings will he held on the,
first and third Saturday nicht*
at 7:30 o'clock.

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, January 30, 1959
Page B-4

Convocation Talk Set

Long Beach, California
Saturday, January 31, 1959
Page A-6

. Public Invited
I>,p ucrld-vlde Scsicr^ ian C 'ftV j
lr.3*n as AMCRC. r.virti \i. to *
ie "v o f

d i> '.o jr:e v



n p *ip H v & ic i,

prf*'lcpl piycMf cy.

InilrurK v*


UrJur#*a If** dftti oi p-fvr.nal K**n.

5'inq ycur frierds.


Siarh Feb. 3rd

MOR&AN HALL. 825 Locust

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, February 6, 1959
Page B-3

Rosicrucians Invited
T o Lecture Sunday

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

Fairbanks Alaska
Thursday, February 12, 1959
Page 5

Attention Rosicrucians!


M e m b e r of A M O R C living in Fair*

b an k s or stationed at Erelson or Ladd A F B and interest

ed In Rosicrucian activity in Fairb anks, contact the local
Rosicrucian District C o m m iss io n e r:

MRS. K. I . G O I N

N o r t h w a rd


Phone: 4 9 8 0 E v e n in g s



m ay

w rite





O r d e r Bt Rosicrucian Park, San Jo se , C a lifo rn ia.



The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, February 20, 1959
Page B-3

Rosicrucian Event Set

RWith* rs
*f thf*
m< inns ar** invite to
Ia 'kc* part in
of reinr^rfifi*
tion at T p m Sumt*\ a* t h ^
Kmehf; of Puhias Hall. 239 E
Holt An e Pomona P o m o n a
ChaplfT ANI^RC,
tho f*vrnf

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, March 12, 1959
Page 9



The reenactment of a ceremony hotep IV, in 1350, B.C the orfler

that began in ancient Egypt more commemorates this ancient Ne\y*
than 40' centuries ago will, be a Year' beginning w ith a ceremony,
high light of a local Rosicrucian though non-religious, that em:
conclave to be held in Desert Hot braces the allegorical significance
Springs Sunday, March 15, at 2 of the age-old Egyptian rite. March
p.m. According to Tom Wins- 21 is also the beginning o f xthe
borrow, master of the.Rosicrucian fiscal period of all Rosicrucian
Desert Pronaos, the ancient Egyp lodges, chapters, and Pronaoi
tians, from the time of Memphis throughout the world, and the
to the Ptolematic Period, began date is marked by the installa
their New Year on or about the tion of new ritualistic and ad
tim e of the vernal equinox when ministrative officers. '
the sun, on its Journey, crosses
New officers or the local Rosi
the celestial equator and enters crucian organization who will be
the zodiacal sign of Aries, which Installed
are: Grady Thomas,
always occurs on or about March master; R u th Weber, secretary
21. This was considered the be and R. R. Reynolds, guardian.
ginning of ihe New Year and was
The ceremony and conclave is
symbolic of new life.
to be hold at the Improvement
The* occasion of the New Year is Assn. hall, Kth Street and Cactus
celebrated, states Tom Winsbor- Avenue.
Desert Hot Springs.
row, by a symbolic feast in which Many visiting members from the
the participants partake of simple surrounding cities are expected
foods corresponding to certain to he in attendance.
basic elements of nature, such as:
sail. corn and unfermented grape
AMORC, a nonreligious but p h il
fraternity, m aintains
that its traditional origin occur
red during the reign of Amen-

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, March 12, 1959
Page 2

All AMORC members are
Invited to attend the mystical
Now Years Fea$t and installa
tion of officers of the Desert
Pronaos AMORC to be Iicld at
the Im provement Associutio'J
Hall, Eighth Street and Cactus
A von tic, Desert Hot Springs,
Calif., on
SUNDAY, M ARCH 15, 1*)5D
at 2:00 P.M.
A t 4:0(1 P.M., Deputy Grand
Master Dr. J. C. Guidoro will
show colored slides. The pub
lic is invited to this part of
the program.
Refresh men ts will he served.

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Saturday, March 14,1959
Page B-3

Pomona Rosicrucians Slate

Installation Sunday Night
POMONAThe Pomona Chap* 'i! st *t. 1 McLpan. by a. symbol
ter of Rosicrurians will install of- K,
*n which the participant*
fjrrr* nt T ! twivorrw n j i t i t __
. ^ t
.___ .
. A . lv - t.
reortve simr*e (mrts, c'urnrspondthe Knightp of I^ythia* Hall, ZM
K II >!t. Ave
element! o!
I n s t a l l ^?T1 be:
nature, such as salt. er>m and
Albert P Shiffmnn. master; 1! n ln r m ffltd i tfrape juin-t.
T. W Me. chai>h:n: Lovey Simqo
As th* Rosicnjritn O nto.
Tuarrfan and Wuhelmma Inman. ^
O P, C\. a non-religious b u t
. ...
philoaophu d
fraternity, main-,
According lo .Times A. McLean.*'
, .
m nflrr of li- Rn-i. ru. uui Ctup ta,n< 'h''* h* trRtll1l',IV' 1 > or
t*T. the an .ent F pt.u w , from rti ''**1 du"
rHgn of
h** tirr.^ Af Memphis to ih*' Ptol- Arn nhr p IV n 1. A B.C. the
Vmaic Period. began their N e w on^r commrmontos this ancient
Year on o r atom the time of the New Year b*wnmsj with a c+r*vernal r<iuinoT, when the sun on n#n>\ though nan-religiMi% that
it <4 journey c r ^ n tbe celtistUI **ml>mrr< the allr ,: >ri< al 'ignifi<*quator and enters the eance ol U * age->ld KOT^ian
Sj^n <*f An*< wh>rh always or nto
cur* on or at*MJt M.irrh ?1
March T1 Is a!o the beginning
Ths uas conniderod th- b-*gir f the fi*-a! v r for all Vj * ininc ? the Ne^v Year, laec.niae true n
W > tnd ehaptfT*
^pruu U symbolic of i>*w life throughout the war! I and t h e
emphasized hy the reawakening date* is marked by the litftallaf nat'ire from the dormant per-1 n of mne ritualistic tnd vtmini.xl of winter.
Intrative officers tor tlie forthTlu* New V r will be rolel>rat* coming year.

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Monday, March 16, 1959
Page 16

Rosicrucians !
To Install
New Officers
w ill install officers for the com
ing year on Thursday evening.
March 19, at Lind hall in Bel
mont. The ceremony w ill be fo l
lowed by the celebration ol the
ancient Rosicrucian New Year
n te . New officers to be installed
are Mrs. Osborne Doane, master;
Chris C abaluna, deputy master;
Mrs. Chester Swienton, m at re;
I Mrs. J . C. ShuLts, chaplain, R alph
Church, chanter; Mrs. Frederick
: Gwynn, chan tress; Jo h n Hesster,
inner uardian, and Ernest N or
! wood, outer ffuardian.
Mrs. Dor.ald Sippie will con
tinue to serve as secretary :or
the chapter. Colombcs who will
continue to serve arc Margaret ;
Gwynn, Sharon Norwood, Dianne
Sippie. and Ju d ith Hessler.
Members ot* the board of trus
tees are Miss Evelyn Oelschlager. Howard W. Peelle, and ,J. C.
Shults. A ll Rosicrucians in ihis
area are invited to attend the
j installation and to participate in
( the New Year riic.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, March 19, 1959
Page 6

Rosicrucians To
Celebrate New
Year's Arrival
The reenactment of * cere
mony that began in ancient Egypt
over 40 centuries ago will be the
high light of the Rosicrucian con
clave to be in Santa Cruz next1
Monday at 8 p.m.
According to Mrs. Eva Walters,
master of the Santa Cruz pronaos,
the ancient Egyptians, from the
time of Memphis to the Ptolemaic
period, began their New Year on
or about the time of the vernal
equinox when the sun, on its
journey, crosses the celestial
equator and enters the zodiacal J
sign of Aries, which always oc
curs on or about March 21. This
was considered the beginning of
the New Year and was symbolic
of new life.
As the Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, i nonreligious but phil
osophical fraternity, maintains
that its traditional origin occur
red during the reign of Amenhotep LV, in 1350 B.C., the cere
mony, thoueh non-religious, that
embraces the allegorical sienif*
icance of the age-old Egyptian
! rite. __________

March 21 is also the beginning

of the fiscal period of all Rosi
crucian lodges, Chapters and
pronaoi throughout the world:
and the date is marked by the in
stallation of new ritualistic and
administrative officers.
New officers of the local Rosi
crucian organization who will be
installed are Paul J. Veatch. Mas
ter; Harry Held, secretary; and
Wilfred P. Maxwell, guardian.
The ceremony and conclave is
to be at the Palomar hotel.

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, March 19, 1959
Page 24-C

Will install
New Officers!

New officers of the Van

Nuys chapter of Rosiuutian^
will be l'M.dlcd Sunday at
# pm . Th**y are Robert .f.
master; Jan Roothe,
seuetary; Raymond L Strock,
ch.ipiJin; Oorge Christopherson guardian, and Cedric A.
Hickman, chairman of the
boaid of trustee*.

H eld on C e rta in D ate

The ceremony and conclave

Is to bo h<*ld at Norwjy Hall.
14312 St. with many
visiting nif-mly rs from the
surrounding cities in attend
According to Fred A. Ow
ens, master of the Van Nuys
chapter, the ancient Kgyp-i
tians, from the time of Mem
phis to the Ptolemaic peuod,
began their New Year dways
on or aliout the time of 1he j
vernal equinox, when the sun
on its journey evokes the
celestial equator and enters
the zodiacal sign of Aries,I
which always occurs on or
about March 21.

This was considered the be

ginning of the New Year, be-j
cause spring is symbolic of*
new lifeemphasized by the!
reawakening of nature from1
the dormant peiiod of winter,i
the bursting forth of blossoms!
and the growth of living

The occasion of the New

Year will be celebrated, states
Owens, by a symbolic feast in
which the participants receive
Mtnple foods, corresponding to
certain basic elements of na
ture, such as salt, corn and un*
fermented grape juices.
Begins Fiscal Ierlot
As the Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, a non-religious but
philosophical fraternity, main
tains that its traditional origin
occurred during the reign of
Amenhotep IV, in 13*10 BC, the'
order commemorates this an-l
cient New Year beginning
with a ceremony which em
braces the allegorical signifi
cance of the age-old Egyptian
March 21 also is the begin
ning of the fiscal period of all
Rosicrucian lodges and chap
ters throughout the world, and
the date Is marked by the in
stallation of new ritualistic
and administrative officers.

Presented Past
Masters Ring
Darlena Crabtree who has
served as Master of the Rosi
crucian Ft. Worth Pronaos for
the pa^t year was presented a
Past Master's ring at ceremonj ies held Sunday in Ft. Worth.
The ring has recently been de
signed for Past Masters and she
was one of the first to receive
it in this area The center stone
of roval purple is marked on
one side by the ancient Egyp
tian characters and on the other
by the cross and unfolding rose,
symbols of the order.

Long Beach, California
Friday, March 20,1959
Page D-2

Aljcliel Kostmicians Will lushiiJ Friday

The Rosicrucian Order's Ab- Ave.
diel Lodge will install new| Officers include Donald D.
officers in ceremonies at 8<Lang, master; John Brewer,
p.m. Friday at 2-153 At?antic!deputy master; Frank Wiede-

mnn, chaplain; Roger Lang,

guardian, and Royce Sumrow.
chairman of the board of

Franklin County Tribune

Union, Missouri
Thursday, April 2,1959
Page 2A

Lh Hi man It guardian
In Rosicrucian Society *
One of thf new offioers it the
St. Louis chapter of the Roaicru
dan Society is Cyrus Adama it
Mr. Adams is the Societys new
fuardian, installed last Sunday in
a ceremony at the Roosevtil Hotel.
Hie Rosicrucians, a non-religious,
philosphical fraternity, ilt it it
this time of yeir as the fUrt of
a new year. Their installations are
at thia time for that reason,
-The Leslie man was formerly
the telephone operator in hft home
.village for-a number of years and
lived in or near Leslie m at of
his life.

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, May 8,1959
Page B-3

Pomona Resicrucians
Plan Lecture Sunday
San B w i u r ' ;>
area members of the Rosk'rucian
Oilier aiv invited to attend a lec
ture entitled "Prayer.
given by Alice Nye. past master
of Abdu l IiOdqe. Lon;: Beach She
will speak at 7\10 p rn. Sunday
at the K n ie h t s of Pythias Hall at
2H9 Holt Ave . Pomona

The Gazette and Daily

York, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, June 9, 1959
Page 4

Richard G. Ballou, 1 Center
court, has been appointed district
commissioner to conduct extension
activities for the Rosicrucian order
(AM ORC) in the York community.
The order, according to a release
from the Grand Lodge in San Jose,
Calif., is devoted to dissemination
of knowledge of the natural laws
and philosophy.

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday, July 17, 1959
Page 20

Rosicrucians Hear
About Life Forces
The emotional and mental forc
es that drive nu n and women in
their daily activities were dis
cussed by one of Canadas fore
most at the Interna
tional Rosicrucian convention in
San Jose last week.
Dr. D. C. MacDonald presented
a aeries of reports on the effec*
tiveness of psychiatric treatment
in correcting illnesses. He indi
cated many organic diseases may
be cured by psychiatric treatment.
More than KMX) persons attend
ed the Rosicrucian meeting which
also featured appearances by vio
linist Dick Keener of I he Lawr
ence Welk show and The Haskells,
______ _ _

Humboldt Standard
Eureka, California
Saturday, July 18, 1959
Page 10

Two Local Women

Attend San Jose
Rosicrucian Meet
George Schemoon of
Eureka and Mrs. Oonnn A n
derson cf Areata have r e lu m
ed from the 1959 Kosicrtiian
convention, an annual event
held at the Rosicrucian Park
in San Jose, July 5*10.
Dr. D. C. MacDonald, one of
Canada's foremost psychiatr
ists, presented an ilustrated
lecture, depicting Ihc emotion
al and mental
forces which
drive mnn and women in I heir
daily activities.
The convention also feat
ured personal appearances by
D irk Kcsner, violinist, and tlie
a group featuring
m iijic entertainment.
Tim week-long program in
film s and demonstrations by
noted physicians, cler^vmcn,
scientists, artists and musicians
from every part of the world.
The Rosicrucian Order is a
non - sectarian philosophical
headquarters in San Jose m ain

tain a planetarium, scicncc

museum, art gallery and Egypt
ian museum, all open lo the
public. The Egyptian museum
houses the largest collection of
Egyptian and Babylonian an
tiquities :u the Western United

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, July 23, 1959
Page 12-D

Eilis Represents
Van Nuys al Meet
of Rosicrucians
The Win \'u's Chapter of
tin* Rumciui i hi Order \ \ <1<
jppro^ewed .it the ordei s
]. on\entioii. held in S.m
Jom* hv Michael Kllt
I. Ills reported that P r C V
Mat IHmald. one o f C in a d a <
fotemo>t p>\<hialt M '
prc^eitcd an illuM iated lecture
depiciinp th** emntmn.i! and
nn nt >1 f o t w h i c h
men and women in their daily
a. ti\rie^ '
The etfe<t of a poisons
t>'<nicrhu on ihe i h e m u a l comp 'lio n K of the hiwiv
onstrated by Di. M.icPonald
KHh aid
Kntet tainmcnt and lecture'?
b\ ph\'lrian*. ricrevmen and
Tx % i i


v o | 'VJ UII


The Paris News

Paris, Texas
Tuesday, July 28,1959
Page 4

Paris Woman
Attends Course
A Paris woman. Sue Harcrow,
has returned home after complet
ing the Fine and Mystic Arts
Course at Rose-Croix University
of the International Rosicrucian
Order at San Jose, Calif.
She received her diploma, spent
one week at the international con
vention there, and considerable
other time visiting.
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC,
is a non-sectarian philosophical
fraternity. It unites, its members
say, into one livable philosophy
metaphysical idealism and such sciences as physics,
chemistry, biology, physiology and.
______ |

The Lawton Constitution and M orning Press

Lawton, Oklahoma
Sunday, August 2, 1959
Page 10

MINI> o m
Thia sometime* trite phrase w i i most forcibly demonstrat
ed to be more than a mere saying at last week's International
Rosicrucian Convention. Dr. D. C. MacDonald, one of Cana
das foremost psychiatrists, presented an illustrated lecture,
depicting the emotional and mental forcea which drive men
and women in their dailv activities. In his talk, he dealt vritU
the mind-body relationship to healthy adjustment and living;
to the problem of emotions in respect to their effect on inter
personal relationships. The effect of a peraona thoughts on
the chemical components of the body was graphically demon
strated in a series of reports on experiments In this field.
There is growing evidence to show a psychosomatic basis
for many diseases. Thus the prevention and even correction
of many organic disturbances must be approached through
the mental states of the perarm involved. This gives promts#
of an ever-widening application of psychiatric treatment lit
all types of illnesses.
These new trends in the healing arts were discussed before
a thousand delegates to the 1959 Rosicrucian Convention, held
annually at Roslcructan Park. San Joae. California. The Con
vention also featured personal appearances by violinist, Dick
Kesner. a national favorite on the Lawrence W elk show; and
The Haskells, masters of entertaining magic. The week long
program also Included lectures, discussions, films, and dem
onstrations by noted physicians, clergymen, scientists, artists
and musicians from every part of the world. Here waa a
United Nations in miniature, bringing together the people*
of the world In common purpose.
The Rosicrucian Order. AMORC, is non-seetarlan philoso
phical fraternity. I t unites, into one Uvable philosophy, meta
physical idealism and such practical sciences as phystaa,
chemistry, biology, physiology, and psychology. Its interna*
tlonal headquarters in San Jose maintain a planetarium,
science museum, art gallery, and Egyptian museum, all opto
to the public. The Egyptian museum houses the largest col
lection ot F.gypt tan and Babylonian antiquities In western
United States.
Any person interested please contact the order for further
in fo rm a tio n . Also contact me by m ail at this address.
JA M E S J . 8 E K A K

P.O. Box 141

ChattaaeofpS' Okla.


Pottstown Mercury
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Thursday, August 27,1959
Page 23

^e.ervv . fn * . \tar o'd Mo: a
^ >rer R a r
wiom colleague#
have dut>red "trve common oe*>
p e i p<** <*u ea>e
ha* ea.ned
a *oot in Who a Who
The \e;can *onf*r.ter and
P*- -io I w ai a i Walnut
a (+

Whoa Who n *re {aa'

ac.-ipt* are in publuihera hand*

Mna* of h * pihLhed woika are
in Spring Ford Hi|h acnool and
throughout the nation
Or Oliver <\ KunUeinian re
tned ajpervjung principal of the
Spring Fort airtool ayatem. call*
Ra:r a honteapun philonopner
\nd w ell hr n v j h l h#, fo r
while Mra Lucy P Mallo>, for
ih r n ee-tim e n w q rr
\ l
me- Kng h teacher in the
l r \ bnr ur sp rin g * haa w ritte n
Senior High duoa him th * com
101 liin e * and n f r IVKI p n m *,
mon people* a poet laureate "
not tn m ention a aria of
Barr dedicated
honk* on p o r irv .
on# of htf book# to Dr hutielman.
>t>* o? hi worn
Wnen me 1- a called *'Immortalizing the
TVv .% on tie t.rape*
a.< Senary Tree of O orge W'a*hinf
pubL oed .n ' Se.erted Nrne ton "
Rarr aent gavcia made from
nod of that htatoric tree to
Preaident R 111 n hower and
Judg* P. Arnold For real
When the poet arn e d on a
]ur* during the March term of
Mnn(gnmer) count> court in
3M7, .ludge Forreat told ihe en
tire court h waa happv that
urh a man ahould fulfill hit
jury dut* in hia courtroom
Rarr a a born at In io n canal.
R^rka county and in 1914 bought
the \allev Porge spnnga
ar>ld it in 19.14 and in 194* bought
h home in the Tm Roiougba
He a igmrnted hia education

r<T^n oi 19x1 '* and a c a tio n in
he aama ooo* termed him one
of the ffm?r> a top writer*

SIX f>F Rarra rw>*a have t>oen

pjol hed and :* more manu

h\ taking ii eorreapondence
couiaet from the Pennaylvama
Slate unneraitx
among them
mineralog> and temolog> and
wat on* of the higher m a cla**
of i
Re*idea writing pr>r r\ Rarr
aUn ia ' claim tn \ral m*
\entmn One of tho*r he a 't,
i* the quirk com machine ued
in hank* and cold pak for pre
aeration of food
He i a m rm bfr of Ro\riford
Firat I nited Church of I'h naf
and a member a? large of the
Rov^r*ford I.iona club H* id a
pa*t executive of th* Kimber*
Ion i.range and a lifr member
of thee orfani/atinn*
< ount*
t alifnrma
Tree Preaenation *^o:^t\ The
Ameruan P o e : a Fellowship
National Songwriter*
tiuild. Florida niapter The \n
cient M 'M lc Order nf RoMtru
He i poet laureate to
Poeta and Frienria maganne
Whoa Who .n America and
Songvu-.tera World

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Tuesday, September 15, 1959
Page 6

Plan Annual
Ritual Sunday
Members of the Sant* Cruz RoMi runan pronaoa will gather for
a ceremony on Sunday at 2 p m.
at the home of J. B. Cories* on
Empire grade. when they will
symbolically reenact the build
ing of the Great Pyramid of Che
ops. according to Paul J. Veatch,
According to Rosicrucian tradi
tions. Veach stated, the Pyramid
was begun about 4(MH) B.C. on the
occasion of the fall euuinox. It
was not intended as a burial place
for a vain Pharaoh but as a tem
ple of learning It* construction
required a knowledge of all the
known sciences of that period,
particularly mathematics, physics
and astronomy.
Since the Rosicrucians. it is
said, trace their traditional origin
back to the year 1350 B.C., when
Amcnhotep IV was Pharaoh of
Egypt and known as the first
great personality in history, they
commemorate their ancient ori-

gm by the ritualistic construction

of a miniature pyramid. The lay
ing of each stone represents to
them the cultural accomplish
ment* of the order during each
year of its existence. The apex
will be placed upon a miniature
pyramid at a future time when the
ideals of the Rosicrucian move
ment have been realized. All
grand lodge members and guests
^ 'e invited to participate.

The Corpus Christi Times

Corpus Christi, Texas
Wednesday, September 16, 1959
Page 8-B

Ceremony Will Mark

Building of Pyramid
The R o s i c r u c i a n Order
meet at 3 p.m.
Sunday at 5740 Highway 9 io com
memorate the building of the
Great Pyramid o Cheops. Ac
cording to Rosicrucian tradition,
the Great Pyramid was begun
about 4000 b c . on the autumn
equinox. The autumn equinox will
occur Wednesday, Sfcpt. 73.
The ceremony Sunday will be
Ihe combined ceiebratior. ol the
Beeville and Corpus C h r i s t i
chapters, Ernest D. Cox, master
of the local Rosicrucian chapter,
said. Camp E 2ell ol BeevUIe.
grand councillor cf the Southwest
District, will conduct the cere

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, September 17, 1959
Page 3

Grady R. Thomas, master of its existence. The apex will be
the local AMORC Roslcrucinn placed upon a miniature pyra
Pronaos, said this week that Ro mid nt a future time when the
sicrucians throughout the Juris ideals of the Rosicrucian move
diction of the philosophic order ment have been realized.
will gather for a ceremony Sun
The outdoor fete and ceremony
day. Sept. 20, at which time they will he enuctod locally nt the
will symbolically re-enact the DMS Improvement Assn. Hall,
building of the Great Pyramid of Stli and Cactus Streets. Desert
Hot Springs, nt 3:30 p.m., Sept.
On Sept. 23, when the sun on 20, The public is invltetl to wit
its ecllpUcal Journey crosses the ness the ritual and participate in
celestial equator for tne autumnal the fete.
equinox. Rosicrucians throughout
the world will commemorate the
building of the Great Pyramid. '
According to Rosicrucian tra
ditions, said Thomas, the Pyra
mid of Choops at Giza was begun
about 4000 B.C., on the occasion
of the fall equinox. Unlike the
oilier pyramids built during tbe
Pyramid Age of Egypt, It was
not Intended as a burial place for
a vain pharaoh who desired a
monument of his reign, but as
a temple of learning. The con
struction of the Great Pyramid,
it is said, required a knowledge
of all the known sciences of that
period. Its building entailed a
.mastery of mathematics and phy
sics, and a considerable under
standing of those fundamentals
of astronomy recognized today.
Since the Rosicrucians. It Is
said, trace their traditional ori
gin back to the year 1350 B.C.,
when Amenhotep IV was Pha
raoh of Egypt and historically
known as the first great person
ality In history, they commemo
rate their ancient origin by the
ritualistic construction of a m ini
ature pyramid. The laying of
each stone represents to them
the cultural accomplishments of
the Order during each year of

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, September 24,1959
Page 1

COMMEMORATION In public ceremonies here Sunday

afternoou, members Of the ltoslerucinii older commemorated, the
buUding of Uie Great Pyramid of Oiro|>/ <it tho I->1IS Ii7i|rovincut Assn. hall, lie ro Toni Wlnsborrow of Uescrt Hot Springs
adds a y titW lc xtonc while Grndy K. Thomas of Joshua Tree,
master of llils district of the order look* on at right. When the
Bun on Its ecllptlcal journey crosscs the celestial equator for the
autumnal equinox, Rosicrucians commemorate the building of
the Great Pyramid. (Photo by George Gowland).

The Ogden Standard-Examiner

Ogden, Utah
Saturday, October 3, 1959
Page 3

ILocal Rosicrucian ^
IC/io/ce Announced

The Rosicurcian Order (AMORC)

will be represented in its extension
activities here by Jacob L. Mar
tinez Jr., of 2853 Lincoln. He re
cently received a certificate of ap
pointment as district commissioner
'from the Grand Lodge, located in
I San Jose. Calif.
His duties are varied and services
are without compensation.
According to .Jacob L. Martinez
Jr. it will be his duty, also, to
analyze the Rosicrucian radio pro
The Rosicrucian Order is said to
be a fraternity devoted to the dis! semination of knowledge of the na
tural laws of life and the teachings
of a philosophy. Its work is world
wide and each country has its vari-1
ous sectional lodges, chapters, and
extension commissioners.

Santa C ruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Friday. October 16,1959
Page 7



"The Truth About Psychic Phenomena"

It your life all you with it to be? Do you want
to increase your power of accomplishment?
Learn the cherished wisdom of the ancients.
Discover what made their strange miracles pos
sible and how you can bring startling changes
into your life.
The film, ''Domain of Destiny"
will also be shown


Chinese Room
Palomar Hotel


New York Age

New York, New York
Saturday, October 17, 1959
Page 4

Your Second Self, Rosicrucians

Say They Can Help You Find It
"Would you like to meet your second self?"
The world wide order of Rosicrucians claims it can make the introductions through
a system of metaphysical and physical philosophy intended to awaken the dormant self.
mR lo the Hosicrucian manual Q
Through subjects designed to I just becime a member my- tion, they ire the "Ancient Mys
teach self awareness, the *Um - self a short time ago, Washing-, Ucal Order Rosae Crucii," which
i% thf ___
ele ____
nme of
crucian Order can show you your ion Added, -and I've become a ...
the Orsubconscious self, which is your cl*anKCfl Person. The Order gives
throughout the world
better self, according to a liaromeUilng to think about. It dcr lhroU*hOUt lh* WOr,a<
lent spokesman for the Order.
howi you that there is a mean*
Originally founded in Kgypt m
about 1M0 B.l". the order ha,
w *'hinton went on to explain
spread all over the world teach
u .
.. , .
inz such tonus as the mysteries
\ _
ol time and space; the human
natter; the effects of li**ht and
color; ami numerous related top,cs

in New \ork for the benefit nf
. .
Rosicrucian members,

,0 these meetings twice
1 w*ck anc* receive instruction
from teaching members," he
said. They are usually very
A Recrnt Membei
wrj| educated people with mas*
All sort* of people belong lo tPr-, (ir pj, j) d(*j.rcP!( wjin can
(the Rosicrucian Order, said lPach u* in such a simple way
1J}M,5ruc,*n n'>('e.
WP a|j understand no matWashington of 233 W. 111st St. {Pr ho* much education we had
in an interview with the A(iK. tn
past *
j Rich. poor, educated, uneduThfl home o fu p nf Ihe R(isi.
Cited, men nr women * just so fd if jan Order in San Jose, C a lif,
long a hey re law abiding all* i5 jocalpd m RoMcrurlan p ark
rens thvy t an become mem- where an extensive admmistra*
an(t cultural set-up ii
Included in Rosicrucian Park
are buildings housing their Urnversity. Science Museum and
Planetarium, Research Library,
the l.atm American building, lly
Supreme Temple, and the Kg>p*
tian and Oriental Museum and
Art Gallery.
The Rosicrucian Order is not a
religion or a political orgamza*

St. Petersburg Times

St. Petersburg, Florida
Sunday, October 18, 1959
Page 15-E

Rosicrucian Order
St. Petersburg Chanter tf the
Roitcruclan Order, AMORC* will
hold its regular convocation this
afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Hi-Fi
Room of the Toffcnettl Hotel at
1st Ave. and 2nd St. N. The lec
ture, "Cathedral of the Soul/
will be given by the Chapter
Master, -Austin M. Huff Sr. The
Sunshine Circle will meet follow
ing the convocation.

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Thursday, December 3, 1959
Page 11

Mrs. Frances R. Holland, grand
councilor, and E. Allen Craig, in
spector general of AMORC,v will
visit local Rosicrucians at the
Improvement Assn. hall in Des
ert Mot Springs at 3 p.m. Sunday,
Dec. 6.
These high Rosicrucian officers
for Southern California normally
make one official visit a year to
all lodges, chapters and pronaoi
of their jurisdiction of the order.


The Terre Haute Tribune-Star

Terre Haute, Indiana
Sunday, January 17,1960
Page 7

Rev. Donald A. Thompson re
cently received a national hu
m anist award in recognition of
his outstanding work at Rvdor
C om m unity Center in Chicago
He serves as pastor of the First
U nitarian Universalist Society of
Terre Haute.
The award was presented h y !
Mrs. Helen Hale, member of the
N efertiti Lodge of the Rosicru-j
cian Order in Chicago, and Or-i
ville Gossman, past master of the
Indianapolis Chapter AM ORC.
Since 1950 Rev. Thompson has
been active in the midwest with
the organizing of U nitarian or
Universalist Fellowships at Park
Forest, III., Chicago, III., T e r r e
Haute, Roselle.
111., Kokomo,
Ind., and Marion, Ind. In 1954
he started a Hutsonville, 111.,
Com m unity Library.
In Terre Haute, in addition to
serving as pastor to the local fel
lowship, he has served as a Boy
Scout commissioner since 1956.

Sandusky Register
Sandusky, Ohio
Saturday, Januaiy 23, 1960
Page 2

Spick/tf O f
ly Harry V M

Many readers will recall that
last weeks Issue of the Saturday
Evening Post featured on its
fro* wver a picture of Benjamin
Franklin* great American suites
man, scientist and philosopher of
the lSth century. The Post for
many years has placed its
founders likeness on the front
cover when it came time to com
memorate the anniversary of his
birthday, Jan. 16. This year it
was the 254th commemoration.
Bom In Boston in 1706, one of
17 children, and I0rh son, Frank
lin later became a prominent
member of the famous American
Philosophical Society. W* were
intrigued to learn that, along with
Thomas Jefferson, he was also
an early member anv official of
. the Order of Rosicrucians.

: The brief item which mentioned

this fact did not disclose just
,what this Order was or is. For
tunately we were enabled to learn
something about it from a
llet only recently and quite
jincidcnce sent to us. b / a
ij&der of this column. We do not
Btatfher personally, but perhaps
jbrrtr of our readers do. She is
Sirs- Arthur Franklin of rural
B^yjin Heights. Nor do we know
whit prompted her to send it.
But we appreciate her nice
So well act forth here today,
and in much briefed form, a
lew background highlights of
the intellectual and historic
Kbsicnician Order. It is called
The Ancient and Myitk Order
of Rosa Crucia, better known
America as AMORC. Dating
back to ancient Egyptian days,
rk was established and public
ized in GeriAany in 1114. The
term Rosa Crncis," which is
Latin h r Rosy Cross, was
called Rosenkreutz in Ger

The Order, whose symbol is a

golden cross with a single red

rose in the center, was founded

as "The Secret Society of Philos
ophers Deeply Versed in Secrets
of Nature. It- was established in
Philadelphia in 1693. One can well
understand why Franklin was

interested in that orgtnlution.

Today its membership in all parts
of the United States consists of
an astoundingly large number of
scholars, scientists, educators,
jurists, professional men and
others of philosophical mind.
Said to now exist in all civilized
lands, the Rosicrucian Order is
a non-sectarian fraternal body of
men and women who are devoted
to the investigation and study
and the practical application of
arts and sciences and ot natural
and spiritual laws. Its main pur
pose is to enable all to live in
harmony with the creative cos
mic forces for the attainment of
health, happiness and peace.

To Rosicrucians peace is a per

sonal thing. They maintain that
the true articles of peace cannot
be legislated, but are drawn up
in the personal aspirations and
conduct of the millions of "little
people. Their Creed of Lasting
Peace is based on the premise
that it is best attained by PRE
VENTING WAR, instead of by
trying to make it AFTER WAR.
This Creed lists a dozen classifi
cations as to personal' conduct
that makes one <niilty of war.
Well quote a few excerpts.
when 1 arrogantly excersjK my
intelligence to the disadvantage
of my fallowmen; . . . when
I distort the opinions of others
which differ from mv own; . . .
when 1 covet what another has
honestly ncqulred; . , when
I imagine my kin and myself
to be privilege** people; . . .
when 1 believe that others must
think or live as I do; . . . when
I make success in life solely
dependent npon power, fame
and riches; . . . when I believe
that minds should be regulated
by force, rather than by rea
Peace will come, the Rosicru
cians say, when we live and act
in ways opposite to those listed
above. Well, their Creed makes
good sense. It is no wonder that
a great thinker like Benjamin
Franklin subscribed to th? Rosi
crucian Creed by active participa
tion. More should follow his ex

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Tuesday, February 9, 1960
Page B-3

Rosicrucians Plan
Meeting in Pomona
P O M O N A San B ernardin o arra
m o m hors of tho R o s ic n ic ia n Ord**r a rc invited to attend a Ina
ture by Ralph M. L o * i s , imporator. at 7 '.0 p.m . S unday, Kob.
11, at K. Holt A v p . in Pom ona
A *>c m 1 hour will follow t h e

Tucson Daily Citizen

Tucson, Arizona
Wednesday, February 10, 1960
Page 6

Order Will
Hear Yoshino
A statewide rally of the Rosicrucian Order will be held in
Tucson Sunday at the Odd Fef-1
lows- Hall, 135 S. trth Ave. Mem
bers of (be organization will rnert
at 7:30 a.m.; guests are asked to
be present at 10 a.m.
Dr. I. Roger Yoshino, assistant
professor at the University of
Arizona, will speak on "Tlie
American D i l e m m a . H e will be
introduced by Mrs. Helen Miller,
program chairman.
The rally, co-sponsored by the
Phoenix chapter and the Dr.
Charles L. Tomlin chapter of
Tucson, will be attended by me m
bers from throughout the South
Mrs. Neva Stiroot and Mrs. C.
E. M.icConnell, masters of the
two chapters, will welcome guests
and members.

The Kansas City Times

Kansas City, Missouri
Monday, February 15, 1960
Page 16

Kansas City chapter. Ancient
Mystical order of Rosicrucian
will meet at 8 Friday night at
the N orm andy building, 3827
Main street. Miss Mary Eliza
beth Jones will give a demon

The Ottawa Journal

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Wednesday, March 16,1960
Page 40

C eleb rate'
New Year's
Ottawa Rosicruciam shared
a ritualistic meal of salt, com
snd unfermented ftrspe juice
Tuesday night st Trafalgar
House, where they met to ob
serve New Year's Day accord
ing to the calendar of t-he
ancient Egyptian*. It believed
ter have coincided closely Wilh'
the vernal equinox.
Nearly 60 Ottawa perso^
belong to t h e Rosicrucian
group, described by M. F. Ben
son. outgoing secretsry, as
"a fraternal organization, noo
religious but philosophical.**
Members elected J. Atexan
der as master for the coming
year. He succeeds H. James.

Other officers a rr Jelnne

Moulds, secretsry; Kevin Ryan,

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, March 17,1960
Page 16

Hear Talk On
Visit To Egypt
Our Egyptian Heritage", a talk
concerning a recent trip to Egypt,
wag given Monday before the
Santa Cruz Rosicrucian pronaos
by Rodman R. Clayson, grand
. master of the Rosicrucian Order,
which has its headquarters in
San Jose.
Clayson and his wife recently
visited Egypt with s group of
Rosicrucians from the bay area.
Following the convocation, color
ed slides of the country were
shown by Clayson.

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Thursday, March 17,1960
Page 18

In s ta ll Chiefs
BELMONTN W officers of the
Peninsula chapter of the Rosicrucian Order AMORC will he in-,
staled at .8 oclock tojjJflht at
Lind hall, on Masonic way.
Chris Cabal vna. will be installed
as master, Chester V/. Swdentori
as deputy master, Margaret Peter
as chaplain: Vera.'Zr.amtns and
Stanley Sacha as. guardians, and
Jo in Leuanvick,' treasurer of, the
board of trustees. :'*,
> v /'.The meeting will, also be a
celcbraticn o i the ancient Egyp
tian new year's date, March 21?
and a symbolic Jeast will . be
** *

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Saturday, April 9,1960
Page B-4

Rosicrucian Lecture
Scheduled in Pomona
POMONA Rosicrucian

m em
bers of the San Bernardino area
are inviled to hear a lecture The
Rights of Rites.' to be given by
(rand Councilor Francos R. IIol*
land at 7:1)0 p.m . April 10 at 233
K Holt Ave., Pomona. The jjuest
sjjeaker is a form er resilient of
this area and u is the first m as
ter of Pom ona Chapter. A social
hour follows the talk.

The Ottawa Journal

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Monday, May 2,1960
Page 10


Stw fUtft, wptnfU y*
in th* artft, Hlrr tttm
JsmiJUf # ynm. Hstt ym k&u n thfrn in a frtrmmi lift}
You wonder hv yrni a n living on Mirth to dav and for * h it
nurpMf \mj art H m . f t r la in r r f ia of hia ar*i w*nia^
cannot ha dnulged indi*< riqwmtafy. If von
amrfrWy frrl tha n#*d for n*truriion in tha uaa of K o r
higfirr rraaliva md*wm^nt. >u haVa
Th* ata^
hfra tha Ilnatrrurian Ua hmffi
nf p r t r t r a lt a h i^
In v<hj ia your avarvday life. I^am how lo quiatly impcaaa
your par*o ahty 00 other*, to hattar your boamaaa and
aorta) poatt no.
I'aa vriur <am naturally #w)ifad pnaara (o arhirva rN u ltl
y 01* now think ufM llliM kia in your praaanl alata of untrftinad and uaadirarird andaa* our.Simpia flnnrnirian taarh*
inga a m U i intaMtgrot a r n and woman to amir In naw haifh ll
nf rhiaramani, naw frw dnn, naw crnLantmant in life.
I>av*otad to tha altainmant nf tha tnaa brother hood of Man*
kind. 'Pha H^*rni<nn* ara a Non liehgwaja, NonPoliUcal*
N o o P ro tt Making Fraternity.
You a n united. thouah not urgad. to writa fnr tha fra*
32 paga hook"Tha Maaterv of ufa,*' whirfc haa b a n writ
ten m> gi\a raad^ra an outline of th# world wide am pa and
hiatotv of thi* non coramamal fraternity
Thi* invitation m nf tn ha takan a* an aaaifranra that arf
Applicant ramvin*'T>a Maatarv of {.iff* wiD ba appnnad
for metnharahip by lha Oean of Stud^nta.
r / M a w tke t* a aa iaAaar aa u rrtr H i

sotinrs I.SJL _


.C A L U O tN tA . U J - C

a J^-rihe: T.G J.

i t ? RnatrRrciANS ^am ord


J Man Jw , f'altfortua. U 8. A.
Plaaa* *and ma, without coat, tha book ' T H K M A S T E R Y

J O f.|JFK.'*

Tucson Daily Citizen

Tucson, Arizona
Tuesday, May 10,1960
Page 17

Tucson W oman
Writes A rticle
Mrs. Bonnie MacConncII, past
master of. the Tomlin chapter of
the Rosicrucian Order, has had
an article published in the Rosi
crucian Digest, a magazine of
worldwide distribution.
The article, "Designing Is Fun,
appears in the magazine's May
An artist, Mrs. MacConnell. is
employed at a local television
station. She has twice won
the Chaparral Club toastmistress
award and one year placed first
in the Arizona Toastmistress con

The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, May 20, 1960
Page B-3

Rosicrucians Plan
Family-Style Fele
POMONA The Ponvma C n
j o f
Hostcrurian t * *<
AMORC' will hoM a famiK
dinner from to f p.m v w
according to Ralph M*Oi!l > ,;n
John P aba * MI St h ?
Moppet Nrcoitiion B ind w I
Mm lain The dinner Mill hr ser *d
in the* dining **oom of the Kr
of P>thias Hal! 2:9 K Holt V *
Poraonn All RoMcrueians in i hr
San B< nurriino ar t and ih* i
hr ar** invited to attend I*n
tions vull so to the pyramid mr1

Independent Star-News
Pasadena, California
Sunday, May 29, 1960
Page 8

R o s ie n ic ia ii
L odge Scls
P u b lic Meet
A dinner and film pros ram,
open lo the pubile, will oc
pven by the Akhnatnn T/Od^e,
Rosicrucian Order, AMORC.
Tuesday al 20 N. Raymond1
Ave., Pasadena.
A donation dirncr wiJl be
servetf from G:30 to 7:15 p.m.
. The movio w ill be MEjjyp|lian 'IVaveloguc.1* Alice Kye.
:pnst master of the Abdiet
Lofl?e. AMORC of Lon
liench. will narrate ihe film.
A qnesciflin mid answer pe
|:riod rcftarilini* Ihe order and
ils work will hr included in
1the prog van: whirli begins at
:S p.m.. acrordinc to Mrs. Al
jbert 1>. Hall. master nf the
AUhnaton Lodge.

Simpson's Daily Leader-Times

Kittanning, Pennsylvania
Wednesday, June 15, 1960
Page 20

i Rosicrucian
Is Made Here
The Rosicrucian Order (AMORC)
will be represented in the Kittan
ning community fn its extension
activities by Annamac Lasher of
1033 O r r Ave.. who recently re
ceived a certificate of appoint
ment as District Commissioner,
from the Grand Lodge, located in
San Jose, Calif.
The duties of the Commissioner
arc varied and her services are
without compensation.
The Rosicrucian Order is a fra
ternity devoted to the dissemina
tion of knowledge of the natural
laws of life and the teachings of
a philosophy. It is neither com
mercial nor religious. Its work is
worldwide and each country has
its various scctional lodges, chap
ters, and extension commission
ers. The international conventions,
which are held annually at San
Jose, are attenefcd by hundreds of
students from different nations.
Each District Commisioner en
courages all members of hfer com
munity to enjoy, if possible, the
experience of attending such meet

Long Beach, California
Tuesday, July 12,1960
Page B-7

| 20 Los AJamitoa
Marines Give Blood
More than 20 Marines frq n
|Los Alamitos Naval A ir Station donated blood to the Red
:.p m r r

D .n#v?


J 1Q W .

'Broadway, Monday afternoon.

Tnade under the auspices cf
the Sunshine Circle, tiie char
ity organization of the Abdiel
Lodge of the Rosicrucian

Tucson Daily Citizen

Tucson, Arizona
Saturday, July 30,1960
Page 8

j Five Allend


; Five Tucsonan* were among the

; 1.000 persons attending the recent;
; international convention of the
I Rosicrucian Order held in San j
I .lose, Cal. Lectures and experi* J
I ments during the week-long pro -1
! gram were devoted to the explor-.
: ation and application of mind
power as a controlling force in
personal life and human affair*.
| Those from Tucson participating
j in the meetinps of the nonsectar
ian, philosophical fraternity were*
C. H. Farris. Mrs. .Inhn Pellicci, J
Mrs. Lyle Stanton. Mrs. Harold
Wane and daughter .lean.

The Daily Record

Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, August 9, I960
Page 9

IBack From

i rear P^*:nt oi the Cap. h.ivr* r*.*-}
j turnM (rvn\ Sen . ! Calif., I vriKit? Lbey
tjj" fio^i*
curcUiri intrm aiional Con\en- '

hon. 1.CO) delr^alcs fiwn h

t*v'cnu that i*a.i;cd fnm huiune**.;
. mrc.r.u; <\r>C frncmAl jni.wm%i
j Lo



d r s u n a l : p r o - I

>.iJciwns /STBrdn? ii/e c..*i othrri

O r 'J + r.
AMOPjC, is a ncwi-v<*Vinan,
plili'y+tyhhtM fralr-niily whch;
s**^x[jr..ur.ds a system of iitudy!
iniwiurL io *'Au}<?n Uii* jor*1
latent facjIliPi of tie ud/ wb**rr\iy ?ir may uliJ*
up u> a hvllcr advantage h**'
naiiM*d! talent., an^i load h ha;- ]
;1er und mon? u .'ftf'Jl lif*?."

It urvt*s lnln rin lovable

;h ilw h y mclaphysical j
sr.idi practi^l Renees
. a* phyf.f**, rh*mLnr>*, li*>k*y.}
|phyzjosjgy tr.d ; i,ycho]0^y."

The Arizona Republic

Phoenix, Arizona
Saturday, August 13, I960
Page 29

Meet Planned
By Rosicrucians
Phoenix Rosicrucians wilt hold
in opeo public meeting Tuesday
, at fi p.m. with Dr. James Herthey as guest speaker.
The meeting will be held at the
Assembly Hall. 1738 W. Van Burt*i. D r> Hershey's talk will be
titled "The New Man.M *
Dr. Hershey Is the former min
ister of, the Church of Religious
Science hare. He hai also served
a* pastor of the Vallejo/ Calff,.
Church of Religious Science, and
has done widespread lecturing
and radio work.

He has also served as practi
tioner and teacher of Science of
Mind classes.
The public is invited to attend
the meeting. Refreshments wilj be

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Wednesday, August 31,1960
Page 4 - Section 2

Rosicrucian Books Now In Library

A dditional volumes on the sub public Library.
Maude Bartlett, of 66-764 Flora
ject of Rosicruclanlsm have been
added to the collection of Rosi Avenue, local Rosicrucian m em
crucian philosophy at the local ber, states she has been informed
by the Grand Secretary of the
Rosicrucian Order, w ith its inter
national offices In San Jose, Cal
ifornia, that because of the de
m and for works on this subject,
it has been found essential to
donate further copies to the Des
ert Hot Springs Library.
Maude Bartlett also declares
that since the Rosicrucian Order,
know n as AMORC, is not a re
ligious organization, all of its
publications are treatises on phil
osophy, metaphysics, the scienc
es, and the arts * the object
of the organization being to givethe student or member an un
derstanding of the fundam ental
laws of life so as to p-ermi: him j
to realize a fuller and m o r e '
abundant existence,
i The selection of cides for the j
periodic Rosicrucian conclaves is
determined, f u re h e r
states '
Maude Bartlett, "by t he Ir,:ere=-.
shown by the reading public in
, the- organization's
i and m onthly periodical, the Digest, Ln tie oublic
In addition to holding men-*
bershin conclaves in such cities.
1 extensive advertising is than ccsr
! ducted by the Grsnd Loige i n :
the local press. The funds rr
make possible the donation of
bcoks to ihe oublic libraries are

The Valley News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, September 8, 1960
Page 14-C

Seek Zoning
for Facility

An application for condi

tional use approval and zone
variance for a fraternal lodge
of the Van Nuys chapter. Bosicrucian Order. AMORCt has
been held under advisement.
The order is seeking to use
the existing one-family dwell
ing on the R-4 (multiple dwell
ing) and E-l (one family
dwelling) property on the
southwest corner of Wood*
man Ave. and Wyandotte St

A future addition is planned

i at the front
The application was pre
sented at a public hearing in
the Southern California Gas
auditorium in Van Nuys
before Jack Bauer, associate
zoning administrator/
Two area property owners
appeared in opposition, hut
most of the surrounding residents'are iniavor of the pro]j ect.
Raymond Stock, represent
ing the applicant, noted that
the new._fadlity will be used
for private study groups and
gatherings of adults.________

Dedication Required
There will be no bar* danc
ing or -rental of the building
facilities to others, it was an
Bauer said the plot plan did
not show sufficient parking
and noted the dedication of
both Wyandotte St. and Wood
man Ave. to their full width
may be required.

The Terre Haute Star

Terre Haute, Indiana
Saturday, September 10,1960
Page 8

Sunday, September 11th, 2:30 P.M . (C. D. T.)
Terr* Haute House A ! and 2

Lecture by PAUL KELLER

From Indianapolis, Ind.
Tape Retarding and Color Slides of Rosicrucian Park,
San Jose. Cal.





The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Thursday, September 15, 1960
Page D-4

meet at 5 p.m. Sunday in Gar

field Park to commemorate the
Sunday in Pomona
building of the Great Pyramid of
%POMONA Member* ci the Cheops.
jtosicrudan Pomona Chapter will According to Rosicrucian tradi
tion, the pyramid wai begun on
the autumnal equinox in approx
imately 4,000 B.C. The organiza
tion claims to trace ita origin
from the time of Amenhotep IV.
The public is invited to the cere
mony and to a dinner to follow
it at the chapter headquarten at
239 E. Holt Ave. at 6 p.m.

Rosicrucians Meet

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Wednesday, September 21, 1960
Page 10

Sunday, Septem ber 25 3:00
p.m. Convocation, Speaker,
Deputy Grand Master Dr. J. C.
Guldcro. 4:00 p.m. Pyramid
Ceremony (The public in v it
ed) 4:30 p.m. Social H our
(The public invited)
Town H all, 8th St. & Cactus
Ave., D esert H ot Springs

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, September 22, 1960
Page 6

Rosicrucians Plan
Ceremony Sunday
Santa Cruz AMORC Rosicrucian
Pronaos will symbolically re
enact the building of the Great
Pyramid of Cheops by an outdoor
ritual ceremony Sunday at the
J. B. Cor less residence, 155 Fea
ther lane on Empire Grade. The
event is set for approximately 2
Margaret L. Goodman, master
of the local group, said that the
ritual will be to build a miniature
pyramid, the laying of each stone
to represent the cultural accomp
lishments of the order during
each year of its existence. The
date is determined by the suns
ediptical journey across the
celestial equator for the autumnal

The Desert Sentinel

Desert Hot Springs, California
Wednesday, September 28, 1960
Page 1

DHS Rosicrucians
Build Pyramid In
Local Ceremony
D e s e r t Rosicrucians joined
last Sunday, Sept. 25 at DHS
Town Ila ll in a ceremony cele
brating the construction of the
Great Pyram id which honored
an ancient Egyptian
Gertrude W inborrow of DHS,
master of the local AMORC Rosi
crucian Phonaos, said that Rosi
crucians throughout the philoso
phic order gathered for the cere
In talking w ith Mrs. Winsborrcw she revealed the Pyram id
of Cheops at Giza was begun
about 4000 B. C., on the occasion
of the fall equinox. Unlike the
other pyram ids bu ilt during the
Pyram id Age of Egypt, it was
not intended as a burial place
for a v a in Pharaoh who desired
a m o n um e nt of his reign, but
as a temple of learning.
R e q u ir e d

K n o w le d g e

"The construction of the Great

Pyram id, It was pointed out
in Sundays Town H all meeting,
required a knowledge of all the
know n sciences of that period.
Its b u ild in g entailed a mastery
of m athem atics and physics, and
a considerable understanding of
those fundam entals of astronomy
recognized today.

Since the Rosicrucians, it is

said, trace their traditional ori
gin back to the year 1350 B.C.,
w hen Amenhotep IV was Phar
aoh of Egypt and historically
know n as the first great person
ality in history, they commemo
rate their ancient origin by the
ritualistic construction of a m in
iature pyram id. The laying of
each stone represents to them
the cultural accomplishments of
the order during each year of
its existence. The apex w ill be
placed upon a m iniature pyra
m id at a future time when the
Ideals of the Rosicrucian move
m ent have been realized.

Long Beach, California
Saturday, October 8, 1960
Page A-5

.v .r
lr.*~ *' *r* *cl

r lcif* r > e * J

I ! AMirnh
I i*

trn jl

it ...\ I * U*,t t'f '

imi (|,.f if A.-j

O C T . 30 "D O E 5 TH E S O U L

C-i ? i . r

4 ^ i* l

l . r \ r*

fu'r 4 >i vni I.),, i

>i| |q

j i, j

f/tH N

fe e * * !-

iundoVl Ot*. H . 2), 30 3:00 f. M.

1250 Pocllic Awt., Ioho Ifo th 13


flfll *
l PfjAMfiHert

San Mateo Times

San Mateo, California
Saturday, October 8, 1960
Page 2

_________ _




m k

V z k j p ^ v * >

1$ There Life on O the r Planets?

Does man stdnd alone in the titfelcss occan of

space? Is ezrth Ihe only habitat of inteliiqent
beings? Those strange inexplicable Ieelinc,s
avc have at times . . . .ire they a tugging from
the recesses of space upon cur senses? Hear
Gerald BaiJey. member of Hie International
Lecture Board oi the Rosicrucian Order,
AMORC, discuss this subject broadly and ra
tionally. .See spectacular color views of stellar
objects. Enjoy the sound-color film, DOMAIN
OF DESTINY which invites you into a new
world, of personal mastership!
Sunday Evening, October 0; S p.m.
p e n in s u l a r o o m


The San Bernardino Daily Sun

San Bernardino, California
Friday, October 14, 1960
Page B-3

Rosicrucian Meeting

POMONA Rosicrucian memborn in the San Bernardino area

are invited lo hear an address by
Mrs. H. Spencer Lewis, member
of the Board of Directors of the
Supreme Grand I/>dge of the or
der at 7:1* Sunday mpht at 239
E. Holt Ave., Pomona.

Long Beach, California
Saturday, October 15, 1960
Page A-5


tf your 1if o*| you wisS it fo be? Do you won*
to increase ycur power of accomplishment?
lecrn tho secrct laws f life
wisdom of fh onclcnrs. Com* ond discover
v-.of made
slrarq miracles pcisibl* and
ho**r yov ccn Lrin^ stuillin^ cncnces i**.le yeuf
li?c. Hnar Miss Alice M. Nye F.R.C, erplain
I nil useful V.nowledq*.
A\ a Rosic.*ucion v'-b'ic ossembJy you will not
heor mera belie?*, personal opinions or unproved
decries you wil hear fads, ver^ebo end
Nu ?ccs or obligation al
'Icor.c. Qviiioni answered fallowing 4he


1250 Pacific Avt.. Iona Beach 13


NC? A R*Ii OiO*JS OrCftn:o!>Cfl


1 If you are urobU to allnf'd, lend

fhis coupon (o Abdiel lodge. 24SS
J Atlantic Av.. leng Seaeh 6 lor
I FREE eopy of Rosicrucian boot:,
*'Tfce Mosfcry cf Lfe. * No cblxjo tf ion,


The Montana Standard

Butte, Montana
Sunday, October 16, 1960
Page 16





It Can Be Done the Rosicrucian's W a y

FREE Booklet Tells How You Can Do It
The RoslrrtiHar* KNOW HOW? l or ages ihey haie
demonstrated a greater knowledge of aad a superior pourr
over all obstacles lo life. them help you solve >our problems. Their guidance
fcil reveal pych:c iavrs and mystical principles. which will
make you successful In attaining HEALTH, HAPPINESS.
The free b/>nk THE MASTERY OF LIFE, will tell you
how you can receive, in Ibp privacy of >our home. Use
rational sucple. Rosicrucian teachings of Self I nfoldtacot.
Write a letter asking for it today.

San |oso, Calif.

Long Beach, California
Saturday, October 22,1960
Page A-7

'Z J .

f j 'd


jj ^ 111 i Why do io~vo irdividiroli sttm

cv^iyon* by ^ prntrrr.#? Why aro yo-- s*cingly drown <o tom# ;>ron* end imJcnHy rppc*lfd by o*Hn?
C cn your cmoiioni oid
thoughts general* <lrcnq radiation*. 1ho< Ko%o
I Heir cH ect; on ob;ccf* end ptnens?
how to r*ccivc a id Ironjm'il Cosmic lorcej iV.oJ
in^lufrco yo*>r lifr.

H^ar M;u Atico M. Ny, F.H.C., lYplain Ih rs

fakC'naling pn'ne pl#l of perjono) mognliim.
No fccx or ebiqefivni all welccmr.

2 2 rd , 3 :0 0 P. M.

1250 Pacific Av.. Long Beoth 13


Mot a Rc.'oiy.^ O^anaMig-


| If you are urobl o oKc.ftd, tend
| thi coupon fo Ak-dicI Lod'jf, 245 5


/j Mn n 11/
1 Amm
Brach ik
h (or
Fo r E easy e.f Rnicr.-can book,
,rTK* Mai*ory o( Life.' N b obligalien.



The Progress
Clearfield, Pennsylvania
Monday, October 24, 1960
Page 3

its extension activities by Janet

W. tlhnsky of Bloomington Ave.,
.who recently received a certiticate
of appointment as District Com
missioner from the Grand Lodge,
located in San Jose, Calif.

other things, he is required

place paid adveitisements in local
newspapers, in conjunction w ith1
the advertising campaign of thcj
Older, the activities ol which are
international. According to Mrs
C l CWKXSVILLfcZ - The Rosi* The duties of the Commissioner Elinsky, it is her duly also to ana
lyze the Rosicrucian radio pro
crucian Order (AMOUC) '\il! I>e arc varied and lus services arc
grams if and when broadcast over
represented in this community in w i t h o u t compensation. Among
local stations.
The Rosicrucian Order is a fra
ternity devoted to the dissemina
tion of knowledge of the natural
laws of life and the teachings of
a philosophy. It is neither com
mercial nor religious. Its work is
world wide and each country has
its various sectional lodges, chap
ters/ and extension commission
ers. The international conventions,
which arc held annually at San
Jose, are attended by hundreds of
students from different nations.
Each District Commissioner
courages all members of lus com
munity to enjoy, if possible, the1
experience of attending such meet-1

Curwensville Resident
Nnmed Commissioner

For Rosicrucian Order

Long Beach, California
Saturday, October 29,1960
Page A-9


*'TK W o/Id \ O ld * it M y ift r y ''

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Sunday, October 30th, 3:00 P. M.

1250 Pacific Avenue, Long BeocH 13
Uei 4 Re o ^i

| H y o j orf l'o'd-* *o oDfoo', \ t nd
| (Sit coupon <o A b d *l lod<). 2<5S
. Atlantic Avt.. Long BtocS 6 lor
e a p f ol Roi-cr-c'm** bool.
Motitry ol LU." No cV> -;o*

I lic*.

N o m t ..........

A d d r c n ... .

Santa Cruz Sentinel

Santa Cruz, California
Thursday, November 3, 1960
Page 8


Additional volume have been
added to the collection of Rosicrusian philosophy at Santa Crui
Public library. The volumes vu-re
donated b> international officesot the order because ol reader
demands, said Mrs. N. K. Hart
702 Felton avenue, local Rosicruc
ian members. The publications are
tn afiscs on philosophy. m< taphj>.*

Ks tbe sciences *ud arts.

The Van Nuys News

Van Nuys, California
Thursday, December 1,1960
Page 22-B

holiday bazaur under the au

piccs of Van Nuyj> <;hapiej
ftoslcrueiah Older AMORC
will be pres**mp<J S;iturrHy
from 11 a m.;until
p m;
the . Son>;. of; X urway, J la!'
11312 Kriir St.
It will feature unique hum.

aid. There.will be jejn stoijt

jewelry, festive candles, h^jnifnac*,s Hnt?ns* and many otjiir
gift,' itenvs.
Those who drop in during
*ieh* Saturday shopping will..
in<J luncheon nerved throughjjiit the dnv, it was nnnoqnced.

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