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Greatest Thinker of the 21st Century: Volume I

Part I
This volume merely serves as a collection of ideas, synthesized and formed from various sources
and research from multiple sectors of time. Meaning is derived from the ability to innovate, think
extensively, and execute important ideas. It is fundamental in the progression of all human
beings that diversity in intellectual thought is cultivated and allowed to reach the highest
pinnacle that it can. The goal is to create, implement and promote diverse ways of thinking that
lead to pure innovation and promote an intellectual pinnacle of integrity and spirit that humanity
has yet to reach and capture fully. It is important to emphasize the potential for more heightened
experiences that pursue more ambitious and moral concepts along with transformative ways of
thinking, seeing and analyzing human existence essentially what it means to exist as a thinking,
formative and resourceful being.
Theme: Obscure realms of reality
Purpose: Increase intellectual capital of modern world
Terrestrial, visual and cognitive landscapes are capable of promoting irregular and inexplicable
cognitive experiences and outcomes. Divergent thought patterns are fundamental in developing
and exploring the true meaning(s) and foundations of life. Reality is a conglomeration of
quantum fluctuations, the Holographic Principle and a series of moving/dynamic projections that
act as the true reality. Reality is an entity that is flexible in nature; it is perceived by some and
absent from the perceptions of others. Reality is also a vacuum that sucks in mental
consciousness and focus when brought to the forefront of thought. Reality is a warped entity that
attests to the complex mathematical and non-mathematical functions, pathways and structures of
both the brain and the fundamental and/or quantum structure of nature/universe. Objectivity
coupled with subjectivity helps to uncover the true nature of reality or the feasibility of reality.
The advanced sciences, mathematics, complex thought patterns/systems and spirituality are the
fundamental tools that humans possess that are the closest to discovering and describing a
tangible reality and its constituents. Alienation distances the individual from social and
consumerist influences and requires the individual to rely upon their own conjectures and
assertions about what constitutes reality. It also allows the individual to create and discover
substantial intellectual principles and their ensuing systems. Patterns in Christianity joined with
patterns in science and mathematics. Theoretical physics transcends the impediments of human
(intellectual) idiosyncrasies, creating a global framework that includes all areas of active thought.
Theoretical physics is a fundamental tenet of human thought, and the juxtaposition of objectivity,
subjectivity, and ingenuity cements theoretical physics significance among the realms of human
cognition. Theoretical physics, and mathematics (in particular pure mathematics) ability to
transcend beyond and merge together the concepts that are representative of the contrarian ends
of the intellectual and/or cognitive spectrum (subjectivity and objectivity) solidifies their

imperativeness. Reality is controlled and owned by a higher being (God), the reality pertinent to
the human race is utilized by God to present significant projections of living and faith, whoever
follows these projections are sentenced to eternal life in heaven, while those who condemn it are
sentenced to live life eternally in hell, forming the basis and purpose of reality for the human
species. Reality from a/my personal perspective and/or standpoint is a series of grandiose
projections that serve the purpose of utilizing and presenting metaphysical and philosophical
principles and/or merit(s). Reality is an entity that can be controlled and perceived through a
powerful medium whether it is through/from technology/computers or human beings; it is a
controlled entity that is available to some and vacant or nonexistent to some. The classification
of reality presented in this post is one of combined sensory and mental reality, not circumstantial
reality. Materialism and dualism I think are interwoven constituents in life, death, and the
afterlife. Dualism manifests itself on Earth, materialism in death and decomposition, and the
spiritual afterlife is mainly composed of idealism interwoven with dualism. The wide-ranging
implications of both science and religion allow the individual to perceive beyond the confines of
society or the cumulative reality (matrix?). Corporate establishments are extremely
ingrained/integrated into most if not all aspects of living (or what is dictated or considered to be
living). This is done purposefully in order to create a severe dependency that causes most
members of society to relish in the cerebrally restrictive comforts of modern
society/consumerism. The media, corporations and government form a cumulative product
termed society. Society is an (purposefully) elusive structure that confines all of the members of
modern civilization that reside within it. The trends, patterns and phenomena that formulate
society are highly controlled and extend in multiple directions in order to reach every member of
the human civilization. This dependency is so severe that a large number of the members are
unwilling to sacrifice comfort or complacency for the principles central to uninterrupted thought,
ambition or freethinking. The so called characteristics of human nature are merely ideas put forth
by corporations and other mediums or establishments of power in order to justify the prevalence
of certain themes (love/relationships, money, power, fame, etc.) in the media (which is then
transferred to society or the collective mindset of society). These elusive themes are presented as
natural although they are merely artificial, corporate concoctions. These values and themes are
put forth in order to dumb down the population enough to allow the population to comprehend
the themes and to execute while not questioning the themes presented, continuing a perpetual
cycle of consumption. The intellectual has the capacity to transverse and contribute to all realms
of thought, the subjective and the objective with a seamless quality. Society is constructed of
fallacies and falsehoods that attempt to create a reality and justify its uselessness when in truth
reality is an uncertain, malleable, and subjective entity; intellectualism attempts to obliterate this.
The act of conflict creates a reality that is devoid of the principles that solidify and dominate the
common reality. Conflict is a separate reality that operates outside of the realm of perception and
the orthodox or established reality. The divergence from the common reality causes a deceptive
illusion to occur that negatively affects the experiences of those involved in the processes of war
and/or conflict and its related endeavors.

Steps for the optimization of life




Become spiritually involved/ Engage in spiritual extrapolation and analysis/ Bring

and showcase intellectualism and scientific thought to and in spiritual and/or
Christian ideology
Actively avoid societal influences that promote or propel cerebral destruction
Actively engage in activities that promote scientific, artistic, and mathematical
knowledge and dexterity
Engage in innovative research
Eliminate inefficient or insignificant thoughts
Develop original ideas in the areas of science, mathematics, reality (or
philosophy), and art (in whatever medium(s), I prefer films)
Create a synthetic superhuman brain
Make an intellectual impact/ Elevate reaches of human thought/ Create unique
intellectual experiences/ Increase the intellectual capital of modern civilization/
Develop new ways of thinking/ Make intellectual statement(s)

The relationship between truth and reality in film (in particular in the cinematography and
mechanics of film) is akin to the notion that reality is merely a reflection off of the eyes similar
to how color is perceived (which is a system of reality in and of itself) which leads to an
investigation into the relationship between light, color and reality further signaling the
imperativeness of physics in the exploration and expression of the ultimate reality or maybe
solely the reality that has formed a consensus with the majority of humanity.
-color and reality: how does color form and shape reality and perceptions of it
-dual realities (the colorful reality and the colorless reality)
-reality is absorbed
-mathematical shapes and their distortion(s) and validation(s) of reality
-The true reality is the signal to a purer and greater truth

Part II
Transcending the Definitions of Theoretical Physics and Mathematics

-pure mathematics
Pure mathematics intellectual bridges the gap between the thinker and reality.

Forms the fundamental apparatuses of reality

Imperative to the internal mathematical structure of the universe

Provides answers

Central to finding mathematical answers and structures that form the derivation of the
-fields vs. landscapes
Fields are the internal manifestations or structuring and dynamics of landscapes.
-graphing landscapes
Graphing landscapes combine the regions of data with a visual mathematical reality, data and
mathematics vary in scope and purpose which is why there are an infinite range of graphs,
graphs represent the universe and are among the true infinities
-optics/topological optics
The nature of light and the use of topology in the examination and description of optical
phenomena. The continuity of light, relationship between the propagation of light and light
formed in topological figures, flow of light, flow of topology, merging of the flows of light and
topology, physics of optics merged with topological principles, topological optics aiding in the
exploration of connection(s) between topology and film, nature and implications of film,
reality/construction of reality, films and reality, optical field and topology, optics and the
topological field, optical field and topological field, nature of topology, nature of pure
mathematics and physics, transcending the definitions of theoretical physics and mathematics,
Part III: Visuals

Warning: The graphs are not complete or accurate by any means; they are merely representations
of graphical relationships between literature, films and mathematics

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