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Research Design
The researchers used quasi experimental design in this study which requires selecting groups
upon which a variable was tested without any random pre-selection processes. The experiment
proceeded with variables being compared between different groups. This design was used to
evaluate the effectiveness of serpentina infusion in lowering blood glucose levels.

Locale of the study

The researchers conducted the study at Pallua Norte, Tuguegarao City. There were 20
respondents, 10 respondents for serpentina and 10 respondents for the control group whose
age ranges from 45-55 years old of any gender who agreed to undertake the study. The Criteria
that had been used in choosing samples included having elevated blood glucose with
maintenance medication (Metformin).

Subjects of the study

The subjects of the study were 20 respondents who are currently residing at Pallua Norte,
Tuguegarao City and who agreed to undergo the study. The respondents were divided into 2
groups with 10 members each, namely group A and B. For the experimental group, there were
10 respondents for serpentina classified as group A and 10 respondents for the control group
classified as group B whose age ranges from 45-55 years old, with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
and with maintenance medication (Metformin), with exemption for patients who have past
medical history of loss of consciousness, currently experiencing nausea and vomiting,
pregnant, lactating and just undergone delivery, individuals with autoimmune diseases, who are
experiencing depression, epilepsy, and are receiving electroconvulsive therapy, who have peptic
ulcer and ulcerative colitis and those with kidney and liver dysfunction. The experimental group
was given serpentina as an adjunct treatment while on Metformin therapy and the control
group was not given any intervention.

Instruments and Procedures

A. Pre-experimental Stage
Gathering of Subjects and Initial Data Gathering
Prior to conducting the research, the researchers did courtesy call to the local government unit
and with the barangay council as well to inform them about the intent to conduct the research,
disclosing pertinent information they need to know about the research perse. When the

researchers got the permission to conduct the research, they seek the help of the midwife of
Pallua Norte and determined appropriate subjects through purposive sampling. Then the
researchers came up with 20 respondents who have Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and confirmed it
by checking or acquiring some medical data which shows elevated blood glucose level. The
researchers asked for the clients consent if client is willing to take part in the said study,
disclosing all the necessary information they need to know about the research like the possible
risks, benefits, the span of the research, etc. The researchers interviewed the participants in
gathering basic information about their history. The Criteria that was used in choosing samples
includes clients who have Diabetes Mellitus type 2, with maintenance medication (Metformin)
and inclusion of the said contraindications.
Collection, Preparation and Processing of Serpentina
Prior to conducting the research, the researchers made sure that the right plant was used by
consulting the Cagayan Valley Herbal Processing Plant located at Carig Sur, Tug. City. For the
preparation of the needed infusion supplements for the respondents, the researchers gathered
serpentina leaves. The researchers picked the greenest mature leaves and made sure to
remove those leaves with signs of yellowing. The researchers needed 1 gram (3-4 leaves)
of serpentina. After gathering and preparing the needed leaves, the researchers boiled 1 cup of
water (240 ml) in a clay pot, stainless steel or glass vessel at a moderate heat (75c) for 15-20
minutes then poured it in a cup, and steep the 1 gram of serpentina and let it cool for 10-15
minutes. After cooling, the infusion is ready.
Pre-test Evaluation
The researchers requested both experimental and control group for some medical data that
would confirm that they have DM type 2. The researchers took their latest blood glucose level
after fasting for atleast 8 hours using glucometer (One Touch) in obtaining the latest blood
glucose level and served as a baseline data in the research study.

B. Experimental Stage
Before the first day of the allotted 3 weeks of the study, the researchers instructed the
respondents not to eat or drink anything from 12 midnight up to 8:00 in the morning. On the first
day of the study, the researchers obtained and checked the blood glucose level of the
respondents at 8:00 in the morning. Then, the respondents was instructed to drink the Infusion
in group A every morning at 8:00 am and together with their significant others on how to prepare
the said infusion to prepare it everyday to maintain the freshness of the leaves. The researchers
also instructed that they would come back anytime to monitor them if they were continuously
drinking the supplement, they did not specify the time, day or how often they would visit in a
week to test whether the respondents are really complying with the study. The researchers also
instructed their significant others to strictly monitor the client and after a 3 weeks, the
researchers took their blood glucose level at 8:00 am. This was continuously done for three
weeks noted any differences from the control group.

C. Post- Experimental Stage

After 2 weeks, the researchers took the respondents blood glucose level to re-assess by
using the glucometer. As instructed to the respondents from the beginning of the study,
which is they should fast for atleast 8 hours before getting their blood glucose level for a
better result. The results gathered and compared it with their baseline data to ascertain if
there are significant variations that confirmed the effectiveness of the intervention given.
Variations between the results of the experimental and control group were analyzed.
Data Analysis
In analyzing the data, the researchers collected the data by taking their blood glucose
levels before and after drinking the Serpentina Infusion. Using the Independent Samples T-test,
the researchers noted the difference between the results of blood glucose levels. It is used to
determine the difference between the treatment results of the participants before and after
drinking the serpentina Infusion. The researchers constructed a conclusion and proved the
effectiveness serpentina extract in lowering blood glucose levels.

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