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A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Whether we are consciously aware
of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. Values can range from the
commonplace, such as the belief in hard work and punctuality, to the more psychological, such as
self-reliance, concern for others, and harmony of purpose.
When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them,
propelling them to the top of their fields.Whatever one's values, when we take them to heart and
implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to
Just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organizations and institutions. In fact, if we were to
examine any company, we would discover that one or more business values was the key to their
success. Examples are

Sears' commitment to trusting the customer. [From the 19th century onward, any product
could be returned to the company with a money back guarantee, which engendered great
trust in both directions, enabling booming sales, and, the great success for the firm that
Apple Computer's belief in the values of solving problems of society. [The company created
the IPod player and ITunes online music store to overcome a conflict between those who
sought to download copyrighted music for free and the music industry which sought to
protect its artists and its revenues.]
Marriott's values of systemization and standardization. [The company created a standard
model hotel, and then duplicated it hundreds of time around the world, enabling it to grow
incredibly fast, and become the leader of its industry.]

Below is a list of important personal values culled from years of observing individual achievement
Common Personal Values
Accomplishment, Success











Respect for others


Hard work





Concern for others








Spirit, Spirituality in life




Delight of being, joy
















Peace, Non-violence


Freedom, Liberty


Without values or beliefs, we would be mechanical-like beings, driven here and there by the
vicissitudes of life. Without values, we would be creature-like, compelled to action solely by our
urges and passions. In this inhuman existence, there would be little consideration for truths we hold
dear, let alone implement them to ennoble and enrich our lives. In this reality devoid of values, we
would live unconscious lives, without meaning or purpose. On the other hand, when we take to
values, we live a purposeful and dynamic existence -- i.e. we become truly human.
Interestingly, not only do values energize us, but when we implement them, it energizes everything
they come in contact with! If I apply the value of customer service and delight when I speak with the
client, I energize the conversation, which leads to greater response from the person on the other end,
who is now motivated to purchase the services I am offering. Also, if I am truly sincere in my belief in
customer satisfaction, I create an added value that reinforces and builds on the first one. A
combination of values applied to a situation dramatically energizes circumstances, which not only
increases the likelihood of success, but turns the interaction into an enjoyable, even thrilling
experience. Thus, implementing values have an innate capacity to create more energy,
accomplishment, and joy in living.
Values drive us, motivate us, move life, move us forward -- enabling progress even evolution. Values
are what enables life to take the Next Step -- whether they drive our own individual lives in a positive
direction; improve the economic, social, and cultural conditions of a nation; or move society forward
in its never-ending ascending path of progress.
Tolerance, openness, respect for the individual, and teamwork are several great human values, while
Oneness, Love, Beauty, and Truth are some of higher spiritual values that they derive from. At certain
points, the human and spiritual values come together and blend into one another, expressing through
spiritualized human values such as selflessness, self-givingness, and gratitude.
Values are expressions of emotionalized truths that when implemented energize whatever they come
in contact with, enabling the greatest positive results with the least effort in the shortest period of time
-- whether it is for the individual, a collective, or society as a whole.
Values are psychological objects. Although we cannot see or touch them, they are every bit as real as
any physical object. People may dedicate their entire lives or even give up their lives to pursue their
values, as so many loyal patriots have done fighting for values of freedom, equality and human rights
during the past two centuries.

We all have values that determine our decisions and guide our lives. Those who value their
individuality take responsibility, are self-reliant and act with self-respect. Those who value
truthfulness cannot bring themselves to tell a lie. Those who value family or friendship sacrifice their
personal interests for the good of others. Those who value goodness cannot bring themselves to do
something they know is wrong. We express values in our relations with other people when we are
loyal, reliable, honest, generous, trusting, trustworthy, feel a sense of responsibility for family, friends,
co-workers, our organization, community or country. On a more physical level, we may place great
value on cleanliness, punctuality, orderliness, accuracy, quality, and physical perfection in whatever
we do.
In the end, the quality of the values we embrace and the intensity of our commitment to the
determines the level of our accomplishment in life.

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