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Paul R Friesen
A Teachers Manual

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

All materials in this book are copyright of Paul R. Friesen, writer
and developer.
Paul R. Friesen
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Surprised Blonde Woman Pointing To Gift Stock Photo
The lady leaning against a shelf
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Feel free to use the ideas in your classroom.

Use the book as a template for students to do
specific homework.
Have FUN


Paul R. Friesen

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

This 10-chapter set is based on a system I use in conversation.
There are a few basics to learn when you have a conversation with
someone. Each idea has embedded some of the ideas. What you
find in this book are templates that you, the teacher, can use to
help your students input their own ideas.
There are several ideas:

A topic question
You need to have a reason to have a conversation. This topic
question sets the direction for the conversation. Many students
enter a conversation with no topic in mind. Having a topic question
shows that the person has a directed focus and has thought about
what they want to chat about. This should be followed by questions
related to the topic. This allows the conversation to develop a bit
and both persons will have an enjoyable time.

Longer is better
Longer responses will give more information, and communicate
what you want better. I teach longer is better because many
people assume the other person has understood or has knowledge
of what they want. This may be true with close friends, but most
often the communication is with new persons. Therefore, longer
sentences help complete ideas. Longer sentences and better
communication also requires fewer questions to achieve the
enjoyment that you want.

Question Answer Question sequence.


In a class each team of students is required to write a conversation

that MUST demonstrate; the topic from the chapter, grammar focus

This sequence allows both continuing the conversation easily, and

changing directions smoothly. An interview has only the first two
sections of this sequence. A conversation requires active
participation and the second question will demonstrate interest in
continuing the conversation.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

used at least 10 times (underlined/colored/ or numbered for ten
weeks. Combining two teams students are tasked with rewriting
their conversation into a final conversation, which must include a
balance of speaking, the Q and A sequence 80% of the time,
grammar focus, and transitional narration. The teams then read all
ten chapters consecutively. This allows the students to see how silly
some of their conversation can be, experience a simulated life
conversation about ten topics. Through experience the sweat
disappears after 5 minutes and it becomes fun. The affirmation of
their ability to have a conversation more than 3 lines long results in
a confidence, which is used later in life. Not all students will be
extroverts or assertive in seeking out foreigners, but they will have
confidence to have a longer conversation with them, and with
continued confidence enjoy their connections in life. In their job or
just in life what they learn and practice can be used in real
everyday conversations.

Add 20 questions
Asking good questions is a key part of enjoying a conversation.
Often conversations with friends ignore the questions and we use
statements. Many of the books used have short statements, which
stop conversations if not used properly. Questions are used to
continue or change direction in a conversation. Developing good
questions will return good answers and information. Questions are
at different positions to reflect variety and use.


Most books have short simulated conversations. Often the

conversations have one-word responses. By adding questions the
student can demonstrate some control of the conversation direction.
Challenging students to have 20 questions ready conversations can
be maintained for a significant time. Once experienced the student
will want to think more about the topic and prepare better. 20
questions now will provide the foundation for later conversations.
One of the objectives of a conversation class is not to memorize
responses, but build a foundation from which to springboard
conversations, add confidence to a students future connection

Why 20 questions?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

through an understanding of how questions help him/her maintain
control and direction in a conversation.
One of the templates is called 100 Questions. This is a total of the
10 chapters plus 10 conversations. Each is numbered so students
can see that it really is not so hard. Add small ideas to include in
each chapter, reflects the topic of any book. Questions are an
essential part of moving conversation along. Therefore, the number
reflects only a WOW idea for the student. When the student
realizes what they have done they exude more confidence.

In each of the following conversations there are numbers. As
suggested above numbering the questions allows for the teacher to
see the student is keeping with the program of 10 questions
minimum. In the first conversation there at least 10 in each chapter.
The answers are also designed to be longer. This reflects the
longer is better philosophy.

Every chapter has a grammar focus. In some templates you will
find the grammar focus listed at the top by the chapter topic. In
others you will find the grammar in bold. Have students use ALL
the grammar focus in the book chapter, highlighting the places
they use them. Use either a set number like 10, or have students
use the grammar in each sequence of A~B, once in the question
and the next in the response. The questions will help maintain the
focus on the topic.


The second unit in this book is a story. Students from two different
levels used the same book. The higher level class was tasked with
making a story versus a conversation. The groups were made with
5 students each. The whole story was to include all the topics and
two A4 pages per week. This meant that one student would write
two chapters in the semester. The objective was to apply the same
rules of conversation, but in a story form.

Converting conversations to stories

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

This required that students had to collaborate with each other to
determine the story direction. Each student worked independently
to include the grammar and vocabulary of the chapter, while
maintaining the direction of the story. The end and beginning of
each chapter required short connecting paragraphs or sentences,
as the narration does in the conversation.


Using the story method helps develop the grammar, punctuation,

and communication idea to a higher level. Not all students
appreciate this, but the teacher can work with struggling students
to develop their writing skills, which is also a focus of testing

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John and Sally


Conversation Template 1

meet in an English Club

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Table of Topics
Let me Introduce Myself
What do you do?
Do You Like noodles?
How often do you do Yoga?
Opening Telephone Call
Meeting at the Do it Again Coffee Shop
Meeting on the Street
Going to the Filipino Professors Office
After Meeting with the Filipino Professor


Is There a Bank Around Here?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 1
Topic: Let Me Introduce Myself

* Introduce the conversation setting with a narration.

I am new in school and want to join a Club. Everybody is new so I need to
connect so I can have a good time.

*Break the ice

John: Hey! Is this the Newspaper Club? 1
Person: Yes! Are you a new student? 2
John: Yes! I get lost on campus because it is so large. My name is John
Sally: Hello John! My name is Sally. I am also new here. Why do you
want to join the Newspaper Club? 3
John: Well! I need to learn to write better. Why are you here? 4
Sally: Well! I like looking on the Internet for silly news stories. It helps
my English and they are sometimes very funny. Do you look at
English newspapers on the internet? 5
John: Not often! I only look at the headlines. How does it help your
English? 6 I find it very boring.
Sally: I find a lot of interesting words. It helps me build my vocabulary.
You should try it! Have you looked at the blog? 7
I put the new words I find there. It helps other students learn
them too.
John: That sounds like a good idea. There are not many students here.
Do you think there are enough students interested? 8
Sally: I think that it is more interesting if there are not too many. Have
you ever done a podcast? 9


John: No! Is it fun? 10

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I think that we are going to do a few in this club. Sounds like a
great idea. Lets meet again to talk more about pod-casting ideas.
(Conversation 1 continued)

Topic: What do you do?

Setting ~ John and Sally are about to leave the Club when John
continues the conversation by asking for some family information.
John: Ok! I will have to some research so we can make this Newspaper
Club even more exciting. Sally! What does your father do? 1
Sally: He owns his own business. Do you work after school? 2
John: No! I need to study. What kind of business is he in? 3
Sally: He makes bricks. You know like the ones on the sidewalk. Does
your Dad have a business or is he in Management in a larger
Company? 4
John: My father is a Middle Manager for LG. He is in quality control. So,
If you have an LG TV he had maybe approved it. Bricks! Sounds
like a heavy job. Is your dad a muscular man? 5
Sally: No! He is just a small guy. He has machines to do the lifting. LG
sounds like a good career. Does he like his job? 6
John: He works long hours. It is hard to spend time with him. Does your
father stay at the office at night? 7
Sally: Yes! He often spends long hours there. How many people does
your father manage? 8


Sally: I dont know exactly. It is not a big company. Possibly only 20 if

you count the cleaning lady. Does your father work in Seoul or in
Osan? 10


John: I have only been in the office once. I think there were about 50
people there. Some people may have been gone. How many
people work for your father? 9

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: He works in Osan. Where is your fathers company located? 11
Sally: His factory is located in Danjin. They have to be close to the sand
to make bricks. How many products does your father manage for
LG? 12
John: He manages mostly the flat screen TVs. They are always
changing things. How many kinds of bricks does your father make?
Sally: Well! I have only seen the one style. It seems to be what people
want most. We have English class soon. Did you do your
homework? 14
John: Yes! I think it is fun but it is getting longer all the time. Dont give
up. See you in class.
Sally: Ok! Bye!
Conversation 3
Topic: Do you like Noodles?
Setting ~ John and Sally have met on the way to class. As they approach
the school
John: Hey Sally! How was your Chusok holiday? 1
Sally: Well, it rained every day. I wanted to take it and make noodle
soup. Do you like noodle soup? 2
John: My mother always makes noodle soup when we are sick. She says
there is some magic in the bones when cook them. Do you believe
that? 3
Sally: There is some truth in that, I think! Talking about food makes me
hungry. Would you like to go for lunch? 4


Sally: My favorite is Joes Diner. He has a wide variety of food on the

menu, and he serves large servings. Im sure he would have
something for you. Whats your favorite? 6


John: Sure! Where would you like to go? 5

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Joes Diner is a well-known restaurant. I usually order noodles.
Pasta is usually not as heavy as meat, and noodles are usually in
a soup. I think it is the broth from the bones that gives the good
They go to Joes Diner.

Sally: Here comes the waiter. Are you ready to order? 7

Waiter: May I take your order? 8
John: Sure! I will have a club sandwich, bowl of chicken noodle soup,
and coffee.
Sally: I think Ill have a cheese omelet and a side of green salad. I will
have water with ice, if you have it. Do you have Thousand Island
dressing? 9
Waiter: Yes! It is not a problem!
John: Sally! What new foods have you tried lately? 10
Sally: I went to a small restaurant for some very spicy kimchi last week.
It was delicious and came with sliced pork. Have you ever had the
spicy Korean kimchi? 11
Waiter: Here are your orders! Enjoy!
John: Thank you! Lets see how this tastes. I will have to go to the gym
later. Do you go to the gym? 12
Sally: I havent yet. Perhaps a yoga class later. I need to relax.
After the meal
John: Well, I have an appointment with the Professor.

* I will have to

* Notice how the ending is made here to exit the conversation.


Sally: Yes! It was a good lunch. Maybe next time we will meet in the gym.


run. It was good having lunch with you today.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 4
Topic: How often do you do yoga?
Setting ~ John is looking at the list of classes.
John: No baseball! What else do I enjoy doing? Maybe I will try tennis.
Sign up person: Did you see any activity you would like to join? 1
John: I think I will try tennis. How much is tennis? 2
Sign up person: It is $70 a month, but then you can use the weights as
well. If you sign up for the year you will get a 40% discount. How
does that sound? 3
Sally: John! Are you signing up for baseball? 4 I didnt think they had
baseball, but you never know, the list is always changing.
John: NO! I think I will buy a tennis membership. What are you doing
here? 5
Sally: I came to do yoga for an hour. It relaxes my mind. How often will
you come to play tennis? 6
John: Hmmm! I have time in the late afternoon usually. The time is
Good for me so I can go relax after. How often do you do yoga? 7
Sally: I usually come here twice a week. I am not always in town so I
come when I can. Perhaps we could play some tennis later. I am
not good at it but you can challenge me. How often would you like
to play a rookie like me? 8
John: Lets see! I dont have a partner so anytime you can make it
would be good. I need to keep fit, because I sit all day in a chair
at work. Have you ever tried Tai Chi? 9



Sally: I have thought of that. It is a combination of kung fu and yoga. Do

you swim? 10 It is supposed to be the best exercise to keep in
shape. A friend of mine lost 25 pounds in just a couple of months.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: I thought of swimming as an option. I am just a bit shy to show
my sexy snow white legs, and I swim like a sick frog. I prefer to
go to the beach and swim in a more open pool of water.
Sometimes I just go swimming at the beach in the summer.
Sally: Well the class will start in a few minutes. It was good to meet
again. I will try to stop by later in the afternoon sometimes for a
tennis lesson. Call me if you need a partner. My schedule is often
John: Sounds like a good plan! Have a good yoga class and I will try not
to hurt myself with the tennis ball. 11

Conversation 5
Topic: Opening telephone call
Setting ~ Coming into the dorm room with other students doing
John: Hi guys! What are you watching?
Sally: We are watching a new episode of Desperate Students. The story
is all about a group of students who find themselves under a lot of
pressure. They have been having a lot of fun but the tests are
next week. What are you doing? 1
John: I was going to check my e-mail. My partner told me he is going to
be on the net at 8. We have to do our English homework. When
are you going to do your homework? 2
Sally: Well! My friends and I are going to take bit of time from our study.
This show is very funny. Watch it for a bit, then tell me if we are
as stupid as they are in real life. Do you have time? 3


Sally: There isnt much left. I am ordering chicken after the show is
finished. That will be in about thirty minutes. Not everybody will
stay. Some of them are going to go to a movie. I am too tired to
go. With tests coming I have to study. Are you ready for the tests?


John: I dont have much time, but if I watch I am going to get a coke
from the fridge. Is there any food left over? 4

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: No! Not yet! I am reading the textbook pages. There is so much
to read. I think I will be an encyclopedia when I am finished. Oh!
Someone is texting me on my phone! Can we meet later? 6
Sally: Sure! I am going to see my professor later. I have questions about
his homework. He is going to explain it to me. I think I understand,
but I want the best mark I can get. Homework marks are
important, if I dont do well on my first test. Are you a good test
taker? 7
John: Not really! I study and usually get a B. I want to go to New
Zealand as an exchange student next year. This conversation
class is hard but it pushes me to a higher level. How often do you
watch this TV show? 8
Sally: I usually watch it once a week. I dont have time to watch it more
often. I usually dont watch TV. I go to the theatre. It is more fun
to be with friends than sit at home watching TV. How often do you
chat with your partner? 9 Doing homework together on the
internet is a good idea. You can work together but you dont have
to be in the same place. I think it is more relaxing and can be
more fun.
John: I chat with my partner about twice a week. We spend about 2
hours at a time to work on the homework. Thinking about
conversation ideas is hard, but in the end we have learned a lot
and we practice in class. Have you ever tried it? 10
Sally: I havent yet. Usually my partner and I meet at school, and work
at it in our free time.
John: You should try it sometime.
Sally: Sounds like a good idea. Well,

*I have to go get ready the show

Is over. Have fun guys! 11



* Practice changing the ending to exit the conversation.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 6
Topic: Meeting at the Do It Again Coffee Shop
Setting ~ John and Sally had agreed to meet at their favorite coffee shop.
Sally: Hey! Where were you yesterday? 1 I thought we were to meet and
do our homework for English class.
John: I know. Im sorry. I was going to phone you but I had another
appointment. I was running late and I forgot to do it. What did
you do yesterday? 2
Sally: Well, I went shopping in the morning. I usually go shopping on the
weekend. I have more time, and I enjoy it a bit more. Then I
went to the coffee shop, but you didnt show up. Luckily, I had my
notebook so I worked on the homework alone. What appointment
did you forget yesterday? 3
John: I had made a plan a long time ago to meet a friend from New
Zealand. It was a little embarrassing. They were waiting and I
was still trying to get there. I know homework is important and it
is my turn to do it. Where did you shop yesterday? 4
Sally: I usually shop at AK PLAZA. It is a bit expensive but it is close to
my house. I dont have to take a bus or get run over by some
motorcycle. There is also a nice food court. Kraze Burgers are a
really good. They are much better than the fast food ones you get
many other places. Where did you your New Zealand friend
yesterday? 5


Sally: No! Nothing too special! There were some shoes I like, but they
were too expensive. I am a student so I usually just dream about
things, and try them on. Maybe for Christmas I can suggest it to
my parents. Santa can bring some strange things. I need to do
the homework to keep my grade up. Where did you go after your
meeting yesterday? 7


John: We met at Yak and Everest. It is a Nepalese restaurant downtown.

I enjoy curry but Indian curry usually is quite expensive and you
get such a small amount. This was great, and their tea, which is
usually black tea was like a good chai. You should go there
sometime. Did you buy anything special yesterday? 6

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: We met for about 2 hours so I thought it was too late to meet
with you. I had to get a few groceries for my mother. I stopped at
the local small supermarket. The groceries are too heavy to carry
far. Then I went home to do homework as well. There is too much
before the test. Did you catch up on the homework? 8
Sally: I did do most of it. You understand we need to have 6 pages
before midterms, and number 5 we need a video or audio. When
do you think we can meet again to do this audio or video for the
teacher? 9
John: We can meet at school and ask a professor. That is the easy way.
Remember that we are to do a conversation not an interview only.
That makes it harder. We need to have good questions. When is a
good time for you? 10
Sally: Tomorrow is great. We need to finish it. Then we can continue with
the other homework we need to do. Tests are coming fast.

Conversation 7
Topic: Meeting on the street
Setting ~ John and Sally meet on a street on theor way to do some
personal shopping etc.
Sally: Hey John! How were your tests? 1
John: I dont think I got an A+, but I did ok. The English conversation
class was harder than I thought. The professor even told us what
to study, and I felt silly not knowing some of the questions. Do
you think you did ok? 2
Sally: Ok? Yes! A+! Not likely. Im going to go shopping with some
Filipino friends. Do you want to join us? 3



John: Sounds good! I dont have much money though. I will maybe go
to cheer you on. I would have to buy the cheaper one. Where do
you want to shop? 4

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I think I will go to Myoungdong market. They have a great
selection, and if I get there early in the morning I heard the price
is lower. Then I can buy name brand stuff cheaper. Is early in the
morning ok with you? 5
John: Sounds great! Oh! Look at those computers. They are so small.
Which one would you choose, if you were to buy a computer? The
smaller one or the prettier one? 6
Sally: Well, I am not a computer person, but I would choose the cheaper
one. I have some friends who would like the prettier one, because
they like color more than speed or size. What is more important,
speed or color? 7
John: Speed is more important than color today to me. What else do
you want to shop for? 8
Sally: I thought Id look for a jacket. Its getting cold out now. Theres a
shop over there with some nice ones. They are cheaper than
other shops. Maybe because they are in the market not a big
store. Which one do you like better, the wool or the leather one?
John: I like the leather one. Leather is warmer than nylon, but more
expensive. The best one is the light wool one. They are the best
for dressing up, when you dont have to walk too far. Leather is
easier to clean than the wool though. Do you like the color of the
leather one? 10
Sally: No! I like the wool coats color better. John! Have you ever met
the Filipino professors? They are always dressed so well, and
smile all the time.
John: I will have to meet them. I wonder what they are like. Lets go to
their office next week.



Sally: Ok! Sounds great! Next week! I can hardly wait.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 8
Topic: Going to the Filipino professors office
Setting ~ John and Sally have agreed to meet and go to the office of the
professor together.
John: Hi Sally! Are you ready? 1
Sally: I am a bit nervous. What do you think they are like? 2
John: From what I have heard I think they are very warm people. Have
you ever met any Filipino workers? 3 There are a lot in Korea now.
They work in the factories.
Sally: Have I met any? I have seen a few but never had a conversation
with them. They almost look Korean sometimes. They dont look
like bad people. I have some friends who went to the Philippines
to study on a scholarship. They said the weather was great and
the people were friendly. Do you think they have an accent? 4
John: I have heard some foreigners talk, while I was waiting for the
train and they talk so fast. They seem nice though. They hang out
together and dont get to close to Koreans. Do you Koreans are
scared of them? 5
Sally: I dont think so. I think they are just nervous because they cant
speak or understand their language. I have traveled a bit and you
feel a bit lost when you cant understand. They seem to smile a
lot though. Isnt that a good thing? 6
John: Smiling is a good thing. It is better than violence. I think Filipinos
are quite gentle really. They love children and family. I read that
many people hire them to be nannys for their children. Being a
nanny means that your boss trusts you a lot doesnt it? 7



Sally: Yes! It does mean there is a lot of trust. Children are precious. I
think the professor we are going to see is very nice. She is a
nurse and her students like her a lot. Have you seen the Nigerian
Professor? 8 I wonder what she is like.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: I have seen her. I think she teaches Business. She seems like a
very nice lady. I think she brought her children one day in her car.
I wonder if she has an accent. I have heard other black people
talking and its hard to listen to, but they seem to love music and
community. Most of them can speak Korean very well too. I have
heard that they are mostly business people. They buy used cars
and stuff. How about going to her office sometime? 9 Then we
dont have to guess what she is like. We can know for sure.
Sally: Ok! Sounds like a great idea. Im nervous. All these ideas we have
about what people are like, and we dont really know. I think we
should meet a few more. What do you think? 10 Why be nervous
when we dont have to be!
John: I think it is a great idea. What are you going to do after we meet
this professor today? 11
Sally: Im going to plan a vacation trip to Arizona and Guam.
John: What can you do there? 12
Sally: That is what I need to find out. Oh! Here is the office. Are you
ready? 13
John and Sally meet the Filipino Professor to finish their homework

Conversation 9
Topic: After meeting with the Filipino Professor
Setting ~ The meeting is over. John and Sally think about their
experience and their persecutions about other cultures.


Sally: I dont know. What can you do in the Philippines? 2


John: Well that wasnt so bad. She didnt even have a bad accent. She
was nicer than I thought. The Professor in the next office, who
dropped in, was nice as well. Are you going to change your
vacation spot from Arizona to the Philippines? 1

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: We forgot to ask about that. Silly us! They export a lot of fruit I
would imagine. I have seen packages of dried fruit in the store.
Maybe you could pick fruit on the plantations. Doesnt that sound
like a good tourist idea? 3
Sally: If I wanted a working vacation I would go to Australia. The
Philippines are composed of many islands. I think hiring a boat to
go to a few would be better. Wouldnt you like to get out of the
city if you were a tourist? 4
John: I think it would be great, if you have time. I think you see culture
in real life out of the city. What would you do in Arizona? It is just
desert. 5
Sally: Yes! That is almost true. There is the Grand Canyon as well. The
desert has many special things in it. Imagine Australia with a
large desert. There are still lots of things to do in Australia. The
aborigines have a very interesting culture. How about a vacation
living with the aborigines? 6
John: That would be interesting. Does Arizona have aborigines to live
with? 7
Sally: I dont think so. They have Native Indians. I think they make
jewelry and stuff. Maybe even have ranches. I read that they
have jeep trips into the canyons. That sounds like fun. How about
a jeep trip? 8
John: Well, I would be scared of snakes or something. They have those
rattlesnakes, which are dangerous. Maybe a balloon ride is safer.
Have you ever tried something like hang-gliding or something like
that? 9
Sally: That sounds like a lot of fun. Do you know how much it is for a
balloon ride? 10



John: I have no idea, but we could check on the internet. Lets check it
out. There are so many things to do if we look a little bit. There is
just no time to do it all.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 10
Topic: Is there a bank around here?
Setting ~ John and Sally want to ride a hot air balloon, but need to check
for prices and things. John needs to find a bank ATM so he can fix
his computer.
Sally: Hey John! Did you check for stuff on the internet? 1
John: No! My computer broke so I havent had a chance. I was looking
for a bank. I need to take out some money so I can fix the
computer. Have you seen a bank around here? 2
Sally: I thought there was a Royal Bank about two blocks from here. Do
you need a specific bank, or can any bank do? 3
John: Any bank will do. I just need an ATM. Do you need anything?
Maybe we can go for coffee or do some shopping? 4
Sally: Well, we should find an internet caf. Then we can have a coffee
and find that information on the internet like we wanted to last
time. Are you hungry? 5 We could also go to a cheap restaurant
John: That sounds like a good idea. Have you seen an Internet caf, or a
cheap restaurant around here? 6
Sally: This area is new to me. I thought I saw a caf on the bus, but it
was down the street a bit. We should go to the bank first. Then
we can ask someone if there is one closer. We can maybe find a
computer shop as well. Oh! Do you see the restaurants over there?
7 They are across the street from the bank.
John: Yes! I see them. I will go to the bank while you look at the
restaurants. You can choose the food you like. How long do you
think it will take? 8


John: Sounds like a great idea.


Sally: It shouldnt take long. Should I ask about the computer shop for
you? 9

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John and Sally go different directions and different places. Sally is in the
Sally: Excuse me! I am looking for a computer shop. Is there a computer
shop around here? 10 My friend, John, needs to buy some parts
for his computer.
Restaurant Person: Yes! Henrys Computer Shop is about ten minutes
away on the next block, close to Market Street. Will you have
something to eat first? 11
Sally: Yes! I think we will have time. What are the prices here? 12 We
were looking for a less expensive place because we are both
Restaurant Person: We are the cheapest on this street, and we serve
larger portions than other restaurants. Usually we are quite busy,
but it is about one hour before the rush comes.
Sally: Great! John will be here soon.
Sally waits for John to show up so she can tell him the good news.

*What will happen next. Can you add to this story about that topic on
the next page story The end comes when your imagination stops. Be sure
to keep the Question / Answer rhythm and longer is always better.







Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas





Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

100 Questions


A 100 question conversation template to develop skills in the conversation

topic development area.


Conversation Template 2

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The Challenge
The challenge in any class is to help the student retain what they learn
over a longer period. In Conversation class, most books offer short
conversations, which is good. In real life, many of our conversations are
with friends. In a job they are focused on ideas based on products we
service or sell. The challenge is to have students develop skills to be
active participants in conversations that are neither work nor friend

The Theory
The theory behind the 100-question format is to think longer about a
focus topic. Each topic in the book has ideas to draw from. Each chapter
has a focus topic. By writing a series of question answer question
ideas they can develop a continuous flow in any conversation. After the
initial series they will add things like; commands, time words, tenses, etc.
They can develop a vocabulary using the books focus topic vocabulary.
Using the ideas and vocabulary in a series of QAQs they will begin to
understand the nature and strategy of conversation, not just as rote
memory, but as a living organism, which can be manipulated to achieve,
purpose or information gathering.

The Purpose of the template

Because this is a new idea to the student, I wrote a week-by-week
template which they could follow. There are 10 QAQs in each chapter plus
inserted ideas, which are numbered. The goal was to achieve a 100question conversation, through a 10 week 10 QAQ per week grid.
Will they be able to do it? My goal was not to achieve perfect grammar. It
was to teach the pattern of conversation which, when learned would give
a higher confidence to the student to participate in conversations where
they may not otherwise feel compelled to enter.


I applaud the effort of all my students who have worked hard to do this.
To put together a story line over 10 weeks is not easy. To do it with a
student partner whom they have just met in class is even harder.


I think that after studying several years of English, they have it in their
head. Through hard work and a better understanding of conversation
strategies, they can take the conversation book, they have written with
their peers to review at any time. Language changes, but the pattern does
not very often.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

However, they have or will have done it. This is the template I made as
their teacher to guide them.
For those who read this. I hope you can enjoy and use it in your class in
whole or in part as a template for your students or for your selfdevelopment in conversation

After 10 years of teaching there are some things you should figure out.
The first is that changing the system through complaining is not effective.
Second, if you are serious about teaching, and not just making money,
the issues in the classroom and the system need to be explored so a
solution can be developed. There are too many teachers who feel locked
in the system. Even harder is to teach when the purpose of education is
determined by how the image of the owner is kept and how much money
can be made.
Education for profit does 2 things. The first is it often extends the material
so long that it is most ineffective. The second is that when money, or the
happiness of the student is foremost in the design, without well prepared
teachers the system will breakdown. This is not only for Korea but for any
system which is driven by greed and conformity.
The writers of large publishing companies have done an injustice in the
area of conversation. They have ignored both the classroom and the
culture issues. Therefore most, but not all (just a large majority), of all
the ESL books designed for Conversation do not do an effective job of
building the students capacity to continue a conversation. There are great
games and ideas in each book. The grammar is important but the ideas
are not built into one another. Each chapter is a standalone idea. The
conversations too short and the activities fun but forgotten after the class
is finished.


To this end, I challenged myself to develop a system, which could be used

to build several things. First, it is to help the student understand the
nature and structure of conversation. In this system, I have used the
Question Answer Question idea. It may seem very basic but in real life
conversations are not continued for two basic reasons. The first is that
what comes next is lost in the nervous tension of speaking. The second
comes from a lack of ideas generated from topics talked about. Questions


How to build better and longer conversations

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

are the controlling part of a conversation. Therefore, it would make logical
sense to focus on this sequence first.
The second area of development is vocabulary. In this conversation you
will find that there are 10 vocabulary words. Building vocabulary is not so
hard. I would suggest the students learn to use a thesaurus. This is
because they will learn words associated with the same ideas. Dictionaries
are good but they often confuse the student, because they offer just
definitions, which cross-language creates a lot of communication problems.
A third, but very minor part is grammar. Grammar is important and as
you learn new vocabulary, the grammar will change. This link is vital to
understanding the nature of conversation. We must remember what is ok
in colloquial English is not always good grammar. In teaching conversation
we must stay focused on effective communication leaving the cat to wag
the tail, not the tail wag the cat.
Using this template you can manipulate what you want and expand the
conversation every week. It has numbers to help you, and underlined idea
and words which are associated with the topic.
We shouldnt ignore the books that are in the market presently. We do
need to consider ideas that fill the gap between the educational culture
system and the current Korean system. The issue of efficacy is twofold.
The first is that most books are written for intake into an English culture.
Therefore the relevance and connection is assumed. In a monoculture this
connection needs to be built in.
In the area of public and/or private school, teaching the problem is that
the American books used or suggested are not connected in topic to the
rest of the curriculum. Bringing this together will give support to what is
being taught. This in turn will motivate the student to learn as it is
intertwined with the English being taught.


English conversation should not be taught as an anomaly to the

curriculum, but together with it as foundational reinforcement to what is
being taught in other classes in any language.


The purpose of this conversation template is to help bridge the gap for the
teacher. I have found, in the University level that the creativity in topic
development in disciplined writing and interaction reinforced other areas
of focus in other classes taken by the students.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Examples from the template
John: Its raining again. I hate rain. Oh hi! I was just speaking aloud.
My name is John. I am a student. Do you live around here? 1
Sally: No! I am new here. I dont like rain either. Im a student at
______________. I havent seen you before. Im Sally. Where do
you go to school? 2
John: I go to ________ too. I am majoring in ___________. What do
you like to do on weekends? 3
Sally: I look on the internet for movies and concerts. What do you like to
do? 4 Medicine has a lot of homework.
Note This is from the Introductions chapter. Notice that the standard
greeting is left to follow a statement.
John: Its raining again. I hate rain. Oh hi! I was just speaking aloud. My
name is John. I am a student. Do you live around here? 5

*Teaching students to break the ice before greeting provides a better

cultural introduction. Blurting, or yelling out Hi! How are you! is truly
ignorant in todays world. Teaching students to use better etiquette in any
culture is important.
Using this initial statement, have the students create their own break- the
- ice introductions, followed by a statement of their name. Expanding this
idea to use first names for same age people and respectful names for
older people will help with etiquette.


The 1 is the beginning of the question answer question sequence.

Asking for information is both polite and helps set the conversation on a
topic to continue. Have the students write a list of 5 information questions
that they can use as conversation starters. In a smaller class, where
speaking activity is easily attained talk about the ideas and write them on
the board. If speaking confidence is lacking writing them down will help
them start.


Notice that John does not ask for Sallys name. He asks a question that is
nonintrusive and is generic in information. Do you live around here?1

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Now you have started a conversation which is both polite in beginning,
allowing the other person to refuse to join if they want, and a question to
start if the other person is willing to join.
Sally: No! I am new here. I dont like rain either. Im a student at
___________. I havent seen you before. Im Sally. Where do you go to
Sally answers the DO question with a No! and then adds to the first
statement. Do questions should receive a standard yes/no answer. This
would apply often with Are you...?, or the verb to be as well.
To continue the conversation Sally needs to add something and she
responds to the first statement about rain. Rain is the common point of
connection. Choosing a point of connection makes conversation easy and
smooth. If there is no common point the other persons attention will not
follow the direction of the conversation and it will die out quickly.
Sally follows the comment about rain with information that is equal to the
information given to her by John. This is important because you need to
listen to the information given. Now you have the question answer and
need to finish the sequence, asking the second question.
After a second remark about their relationship, I havent seen you
before., Sally gives her name and asks the second question to continue
the conversation. Where do you go to school?
This question will lead the conversation on the same topic as the first.
Now the conversation has started. What is next? More of the same
sequences with different questions. In the template you will find 10
sequences on the same topic. There will also be 10 vocabulary words that
focus on the topic.

Learning to listen to important ideas you can delete the words that are not
important to communication. What do you like to do on weekends? This


In this conversation John decides to change the conversation topic by

asking a new question that will give new information. What do you like to
do on weekends?2 This is the first question of the new topic and a new


In this conversation John answers the question and adds more information.
By adding more information the conversation is easier to continue.
Without information your conversation will not be focused. When there is
no focus you need to change the topic by asking a new topic question.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

allows you to listen to the idea better. What asks for a thing not a
person or movement. Like sets the emotion as positive and enjoyable.
Do is important because it asks the listener to respond with an action
statement. It is linked to What. Do at the beginning of the question,
requires a yes/no answer. Do in
the middle of the question requires a response that includes an action.
Weekends sets the time of the action you are asking about.
Write various questions that you can ask that will give you information
about a topic, to follow the conversation. You already have information
from the first question sequence. Now you have to answer the question,
What do you like to do on weekends?, and give a question to continue.
Sally: I look on the internet for movies and concerts. What do you like to
do? Medicine has a lot of homework.
Sally answers the question with equal information and asks the same
question in return. This circle of returning questions.

--------------------- Question
Answer ------------------------------------------- Answer
Question -------------------Now you can see how conversation works. Using one-word answers do not make a
conversation. Using short questions that do not ask for information make
conversation boring.



In this conversation you will find very few one word answers. Do, Are, Is, Was
questions will always get one word answers and not much information. Using them
in conversation is ok once in a while. If you use them too much the conversation will
not give you any information just a lot more questions. If you like to answer
questions or ask a lot of questions this is great. If you want a smoother more
enjoyable conversation learn to ask better questions. With better questions you will
have better conversations.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

A rule of thumb in English
Longer is better, when writing a note or asking for information get the
most information. Too short and you miss good information and then have
bad communication.
Sally makes a comment about the information that John had told her.
Medicine has a lot of homework.
Making comments about the information someone has given shows
interest in the conversation. If you make comments about other ideas not
related to the conversation ask a question to change the topic after the
You have made several questions. Now ask them to a partner. When the
partner asks the second question make a comment and ask a question to
keep the topic going.
Look at the following conversation between John and Sally. You can build
vocabulary by replacing the words that are numbered in each chapter.
Build vocabulary through replacement of similar word ideas. This could be
like running to jumping. From touching to choosing, if you are
Be careful of talking, speaking, saying. For these add words like talking
about speaking to, is saying. This will help with ideas like watching
movies, not seeing movies.
In the conversation template you will find two sets of numbers. One set
will be consecutive 1-100, while the second will be only 1-10.
The 1-100 set is for every sequence of Question Answer Question.
There are 10 of these per chapter totaling 100.


In the following conversations, the numbers will be put on Johns, then

Sallys or alternate. The key is to have at least 10 questions. The pressure
on the student is now less, but the small reminder keeps them using the Q
~ A rhythm. The idea is now becoming a habit. If the class has practiced
this in class, conversation gets easier.


The 1-10 set are words that were used in the text chapter. There will be
10 per chapter. They are topic oriented words. Please change them to
expand your vocabulary, or change the topic and then match the
vocabulary to it.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas



In this set of conversations each chapter has added annotations. The

student was tasked to not only have their 100 (10Q x 10 weeks), but
show how many nouns they used for each topic per week. These nouns
are annotated as flowers1, etc. This helps the teacher score form a
rubric and the student to keep track of how many they use in each

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 1
Topic: What do you like to do?
Setting ~ John is talking aloud about the weather when Sally shows up.
John: Its raining again. I hate rain. Oh! Hi! I was just speaking out loud.
My name is John. I am a student. Do you live around here? 1
Sally: No! I am new here. I dont like rain either. Im a student at
George University. I havent seen you before. Im Sally. Where
do you go to school?
John: I go to George too. I am majoring in Medicine. What do you like to
do on weekends? 2
Sally: I look on the internet for movies and concerts. What do you like to
do? Medicine has a lot of homework.
John: Yes it does, but I like sports. Sally! What kind of movies or
concerts do you like to go to? 3
Sally: I like romantic movies or jazz concerts. Have you ever been to a
jazz concert?
John: Only once or twice. I guess you dont watch sports often. What do
you study at George? 4
Sally: I study Engineering Design. Im a freshman this year. This is
basketball season, which Korean team do you watch the most?
John: I watch the Samsung Kings. They have won the championship the
last three years. I go almost every Saturday afternoon. I take a
break from my homework. I think there is a romantic movie this
weekend playing at the CGV. Who is your favorite actor? 5


John: Im not sure, I didnt look. The title was Dear John. The poster
looked quite romantic. I used to go to movies more but now I
prefer sports. There are some jazz concerts every weekend.
Where do you like to go for Jazz concerts? 6


Sally: I have gone to the COEX CGV, but its always too busy. I go to the
smaller ones. There are not so many people, so it is more
comfortable. Who is playing in the movie? I like Channing Tatum.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I usually go to All that Jazz Club, or to some small Clubs close to
Sookmyung Womens University. There are many small concerts
there and you can see a lot of new groups. Who do you go with
when you go to your weekend games?
John: I usually go with a couple guys who live close enough to meet at
the stadium. We buy seats in the middle price so we can see the
players. The cheap tickets are too far way. If you sit in the middle
you can see all of the game very easy. If you sit at the end it is
more exciting. Who is your favorite Jazz musician or singer? 7
Sally: My favorite singer is Annie Ross. She sings in a few comedies and
goes on tour sometimes. I hope I can see her sometime. How
about American sports! What do you think of Lebron James?
John: James is a great player. He is very young to play in the NBA.
Maybe a future Jordon! Better than Korean sports for sure. I
should get going! My mother will be waiting! How about meeting
again? 8 Ill introduce you to more people.
Sally: Sounds great! Where should we meet?
John: Well how about at the mall? 9 Its close and easy to get to.
Sally: Ok! Where in the Mall?
John: Ok! Next week at 10 at Starbucks? 10
Sally: Fantastic! Starbucks! See you then! Bye.

Conversation 2
Topic: Commands

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a command or imperative. This

helps students see how many commands they use. This is in addition to
the question numbering already in place.


John: My coffee is almost finished. Oh! Sally! I was wondering if you

were coming. Did you have a hard time finding this place?


Setting ~ At Starbucks wondering where Sally is..

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: Yes! But just a little bit. I hope you didnt have to wait too long.
What are we going to do today? 11
John: Wow! Look at those fish!1 Arent they big?
Sally: Yes! They are huge! What kind of fish are they? 12
John: I think they are giant squid! Lets ask the person over there! Is
she the helper?
Sally: Yes! Hello! Could you help us? 13 We would like to know the name
of those big fish over there.
John: I told her they were squid. Are there more fish we could see?
Helper: Well, there are lots of bigger ones. Sign the guest book first! 2
Sally: Ok! I have a pencil. Is that ok? 14
John: Wait!3 I have a pen in my pocket. What color pen do you need?
Helper: Use black pen only!4
Sally: Ok! What other information do you need? 15
Helper: Underline why you are coming from the list! 5
John: Ok! Just to see big fish! Can we go anywhere with this pass?
Helper: Yes! You can go anywhere on this floor.
Sally: Wow! Excuse me! Where can we find the blue whale? 16
Helper: Im sorry! Did you say blue whale?
John: Yes! We wanted see the BIG fish! What big fish do you have? 17
Helper: We dont have blue whales, but we do have killer whales. Sit
over there6. Please!

Sally: Yes! They are cute. Cross this out9 as a place to go for fun. Are
you having fun, John?


John: Be patient! Come!7 Watch8 the small ones! You like the small
bright colored ones dont you? 18


Sally: I hate waiting. Do you know how long we have to wait?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: A little! It is relaxing to see new things. Isnt it better than a
coffee shop with loud music? 19
Loudspeaker: Come to the10 front gate to see the killer whale show!
Sally: Does that mean us?
John: I think so. What should we do after the show? 20
Sally: Maybe coffee in a nice quiet place would be good.
John: The Nuts for English Coffee shop looks like an interesting place.

Conversation 3
Topic: Whats in your Bag?
Setting ~ John and Sally meet in a nice quiet coffee shop to chat about
their day.
Sally: Wow! Such a nice place! Everything is English. Even the wallpaper!
Lets sit at this table. It has two lamps.
John: Did you see the book names on the shelves? 21
Sally: No! Did you?
John: A few! There are some classics. Did you order already? 22
Sally: No! Not yet! I was looking in my bag for my wallet. Did you bring
some money?
John: Yes! I can pay for the coffee. Would you like a piece of cheesecake?
Sally: Sounds like a good plan. Do you have your notebook in your bag?
It looks heavy today.


Sally: Yes! I carry my flash memory everywhere. Would you like me to

show you my homework?


John: Yes! I was going to work on my homework. Do you ever do

homework in coffee shops? 24

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Sure! Is it English homework? 25
Sally: Yes! Lets see if I can find it. Do you have just stuff in your bag?
John: Wow! You have a lot of lipstick in your purse. There is also a
dictionary, gum and a pair of sunglasses. Yes! I have some stuff
but not as much as you. Why do you have so much? 26
Sally: Just girls stuff. What stuff you have in your bag?
John: In my backpack I have. lets see .. my iPod, a bottle of water,
pencils, and eraser. There is also a camera and a folder for
printed homework. Is there a second floor in this shop? 27
Sally: I think so! There are stairs around the corner. Would you like to go
up there?
John: Sure! Oh, there is only one table here! Did you want me to start
my computer for you? 28 Then you can show me your file on your
flash stick.
Sally: Would you? I have to make this conversation every week. It is so
hard. I thought we could practice it here. Would you like to do it
with me?
John: I think that would be great! Do you want me to use expression?
Sally: Of course! What good is conversation without expression?
John: You are right! Conversation without expression is very boring.
How can we learn good expression? 30 Ive tried but it hasnt
been easy.


John: I dont listen to radio much, but it sounds like a good idea. I
usually listen to music on my MP3 player. Is your iPod full of
music or talk shows?


Sally: Well! The Professor suggested we listen to radio talk shows. It is

really hard because I cant hear the words well. Have you ever
tried it?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: Music of course. I do try to listen to talk shows every night though.
Im finished my coffee and the time to get back to do homework
is here again. Thanks for helping me with my homework. Shall we
meet next weekend or maybe in school?
John: Sounds good! Lets try to meet here next week.
Conversation 4
Topic: What do you have scheduled?

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a reference to time. This

helps students see how many references to time (schedule) they use. This
is in addition to the question numbering already in place. Not all
references are annotated.

Setting: Sally wakes up on Saturday but thinks it is a school day.

Sally: Oh no! It is already 9:30 in the morning1. Why didnt I hear the
alarm clock?
Rrrrring rrrrrrring
Sally: Hello! I am so late for school my teacher will be very angry.
John: Oh Sally! Its Saturday! There is no school today, so relax. Did
you forget we were going to meet today? 31
Sally: I didnt forget! Whats your schedule for today?
John: Well! When will you eat breakfast? 32
Sally: I think I will skip breakfast this morning. Have you already had
your breakfast?
John: Yes! I usually have breakfast at twenty past seven2. (7:20). The
early bird gets the worm you know. How about lunch? 33


John: I do the dishes for my mother. She is very busy with her job so it
helps. What chores do you do? 34


Sally: I have to clean my room so I will be free after ten thirty3. (10:30)
Do you have chores to do, like cleaning your room? I have new
furniture now so I have to organize my room a bit.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I clean my room mostly. Sometimes I wash clothes or dishes. Do
you surf the internet every day?
John: Yes! I surf the internet in the evening4 from 7~10. That is when
most of my friends come on and we do our homework together.
Why not join us? 35 We use
Sally: Sounds like a great idea! I study English usually at that time. I go
to a private school to help me with my homework. Maybe there is
another time we can meet online. What is your schedule after
your chores?
John: I was going to share a burger with you! If you dont have
breakfast maybe we could go for pizza. Would you like that? 36
In the afternoon5 I will play a game of basketball at the school
Sally: Id love to have pizza! When is the game?
John: It is from 2:30 to about 4 oclock6. Why not be our cheerleader?
Sally: Ha! Ha! Ok! Should I wave my hands and shout so you can play
John: Sounds like you have been watching TV sports. In the evening 7 I
watch sports on weekends. The best games are played on
weekends8. What do you watch on TV on the weekend? 38
Sally: I watch dramas. Sometimes they have good movies as well.
Maybe I will have to watch some sports, but playing is more fun.
What do you do on Sunday9?
John: On Sunday I like to relax. Which Church do you go to? 39
Sally: There is a Presbyterian Church close to my house. They have a
service at 10:00 in the morning10. We usually go out for lunch
after. Why dont you come sometime?


Sally: I think he would like that. Lets make time in our schedule to meet
him next week.


John: Well! Im not a church person. Can I meet the preacher sometime
during the week? 40

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Ok! Now hurry and lets go for pizza! Im hungry.

Conversation 5
Topic: Family pictures

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a reference to the verb to be

correctly. This helps students see how many pronouns and the verb to be
they use. This is in addition to the question numbering already in place.
Not all references are annotated.

Setting ~ John and Sally have met to look at their family pictures.
Sally: John? Tell me about your family. Do you have any pictures of them
in your wallet? 41
John: Well I have a few pictures. Family is important to me. Here is a
picture of my younger brother. Do you have any pictures?
Sally: Let me see! Oh here is one of my mother? Your brother looks very
handsome. How many years younger is he1? 42
John: He is 8 years younger than me. Some people think we from
different families. He is2 very different than me. Do you want
some more coffee?
Sally: Sure! Thanks! Here is another picture. She is 3 my sister. She is 4
years older than me. Oh! Who is4 that in that picture? 43 There
are so many people in it.
John: Oh that one! That is a picture of my family. My father is very
funny. He likes to have these big pictures. I dont see my brother
much but they are all very friendly. What are5 your parents like?


John: He is an artist. He likes to draw cartoons of everybody. When you

meet him you will have to ask him to draw one for you. Do you
have any brothers or sisters?


Sally: My mother is a good cook. She is 85 years old. What is6 your
brother like? 44 You said he is different than you.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I have an older brother. His name is7 Hank. He is hardworking and
serious. Do you have any more pictures? 45
John: Oh! Who is this8 picture of? It looks like a younger you.
Sally: That is my sister. We are very close to each other. Many people
think we are the same. She is really outgoing. Do you have any
sisters? 46
John: I do but she is older than me. She works in a school. She is a
teachers helper. What does your sister do?
Sally: My sister is9 a working mother. She has a small girl. It is hard
sometimes, but she will do ok. Being a young mother can be
tough sometimes. Do you have any grandparents? 48
John: Yes! I have grandparents. They live in Vancouver. They are10 very
kind and always do special things when we visit?
Sally: Wow! Sounds like you have a good time there. My grandparents
are good sports fans. They go to the soccer stadium every
weekend. Does your family do anything special for Easter? 49
John: No! Sometimes we go to church. It is a family tradition. The
children make eggs and my parents buy candy eggs to enjoy.
What does your family do for Easter?
Sally: We go to church of course. Easter is not about eggs and bunnies.
It is about Jesus rising from the dead. We sing special songs and
have a special choir. Are you traveling this Easter holiday to see
your grandparents? 50
John: No this year my brother has to take a test and my sister is too
busy. So this year we will stay here. Maybe we can meet at the
Mall for an Easter treat. Would you like that?
Sally: Sounds great! Lets make a plan. Ill call you.



John: Ok! Later! Bye.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 6
Topic: Shopping for Clothes

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a reference to shopping vocabulary

as listed in the chapter. This helps students see how many nouns they
use that are related to shopping. This is in addition to the question
numbering already in place. Not all references are annotated.

Setting ~ Sally has looked in her wardrobe and found that many of her
clothes are missing buttons, and not looking so pretty any more.
Summer is coming and
Sally: Hey Mom! Could you give me some money to buy some new
Mom: Sally! You have lots of clothes!
Sally: I know but many of them are missing buttons and dont fit
Mom: Ok! Ask me on Friday so I dont forget.
Sally: Ok!
~~~~~ Sally goes to her room to phone John ~~~~~
Sally: Hey John! What are doing on Saturday? 51
John: Not much on Saturday! What do you have planned?
Sally: Im going clothes shopping. I need to get some T-shirts 1, a
jacket 2, new shoes3, and maybe a new sweater4. Would you like
to come? 52
John: Sounds great! The new styles are very bright, with lots of polka
dots5 and flowers6. What color are you looking for?


John: I might get some jeans or shorts. Usually the brand I like is very
expensive. Do you buy name brand stuff?


Sally: I like yellow stripes7 or flower patterns8. Do you need anything for
spring or summer? 53

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: No! Usually just what is on sale. They are usually good quality but
last years style. I like cotton9 for summer. What jean brand do
you buy? 54
John: I like Levis. They last for a long time. Their denim10 is heavier
than other cheaper brands. How about meeting at the Mall in an
Sally: Ok! Ill be there.
~~~ At the Mall shopping ~~~
John: Hey! There is a sale over there! How much are these?
Sales Lady: Those are sixty-nine ninety-five!
John: Is there a different color? I like black better than green.
Sales Lady: Yes! What style would you like? 55
John: Relaxed fit, if you have it! Did you see anything Sally? There are
some t-shirts on sale over there.
Sally: Wow! A really big sale! I like these striped ones. How much are
they? 56
Sales Lady: Those are five for 15 dollars. What size do you need? You
look like a size 95.
Sally: Right! Im a size ninety-five. Are there more sizes with the green
and orange stripes? 57 I can only find two!

John: Sure! I have lots of time today! Maybe I can find some shorts
there. Arent they a bit expensive?


Sally: They dont have nice sweaters in this store. I will have to go to
Galleria. The best and newest fashions are found there. I saw a
lot of flowered sweaters there last week. Do you have time to go
there today? 58


John: I found a leather jacket for Spring. I have been looking for this
style for a long time. The sales lady said its on sale for one
hundred fifty dollars. Did you find anything else? You were looking
for sweaters.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: Well that is true but I think I will buy only one sweater. Why not
get a pair of those new safari shorts? 59
John: My mom would never let spend that much money on a pair of
shorts. What will your mom say if you spend that much money?
Sally: You are right! I should not spend so much on one when I can buy
more. Where should we go for new sweaters? 60
John: I think LotteMart is a good start. Lets go look and then your
mother will be happy. If she is happy you will be happy. Right?
Sally: What a great idea! You are right.
*** Sally and John go to LotteMart and then home to see what her
mother will say.

Conversation 7
Topic: What do you do on weekends?

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a reference to frequency

Vocabulary as listed in the chapter. This helps students see how many
frequency words they use. This is in addition to the question numbering
already in place. Not all references are annotated.

Setting ~ Sally meets her mom and John after shopping a bit on her own.
Mom: Wow! How much money did you spend?
Sally: Well. Not all of it, just most of it. Im not sure that next weekend
I will go shopping. I need to clean my room more often 1. Hey!
John! Do you often do things with your family on weekends? 61


Sally: No! Not always2. If there is a special occasion, we will go on a

picnic to the mountain. It is close and it doesnt take a lot of work.
How often do you go on picnics with your family? 62


John: Well, my family is quite busy. We often dont do activities together.

We do things by ourselves or with another family member, like
my sister and I will play tennis on Saturday. Do you always do
things as a family?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: We never3 go on picnics. We went to the mountain once. It was a
school trip. Most4 weekends my father is not home. He works out
of town. I also play sports, so I almost always have a game on
weekends. What about your brother? What does he do on
Sally: My brother? He has band practice. He is usually5 making a lot of
noise in the house practicing. What about your sister? What does
she usually do on weekends? 63
John: My sister is usually practicing English on the computer. She listens
to and then writes the ideas she hears. She usually
sleeps until noon on Saturday. She is very lazy. When do you do
your homework on weekends? I never have time.
Sally: Sometimes6 I do my homework late at night. Then I sleep in. Have
you ever handed your homework in late? 64 My teacher takes
points off if it is late.
John: I hardly ever7 hand my work in late. I try to do my homework on
weekdays. Do you want to go to the movies on Friday night?
Sally: Im sorry. This weekend I will go out to a restaurant with my
Uncles family. What about Saturday to the Matinee? 65
John: I never8 go to the Matinee shows. I thought they were just for
kids. How about in the evening? Would you like to go singing in a
karaoke room?
Sally: Sounds like an interesting idea. How often do you go to the
karaoke room on weekends? 66


Sally: Sunday night! This weekend I will go shopping with my cousins. I

like the idea. I am not very good at dancing. I need to hold on to
you very tight. Sunday is usually my night to relax, but we could
try it sometime. Mondays I have an early class. When do you
relax on weekends? 67


John: It would be my first time. I go dancing sometimes9 on Sundays in

the evening. Do you like dancing?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: I never have time on weekends. If I dont do things with you I
Play basketball. Sometimes I play cards with my friends. We do
that usually when it rains and we cant play outside. Do you play
games on rainy days?
Sally: Yes! I often play board games with my mom. She is good at them
and beats me all10 the time. How often do you win? 68
John: I dont often win, but it is fun. Have you listened to the new music
group 2PM?
Sally: No! Most of the time I listen to the older romantic songs. Do you
download new songs to your MP3? 69
John: Yes! Some weekends I have time so I usually try to download a
few new ones. Have you ever tried doing that?
Sally: No! I have never had success in doing that. I dont have an MP3
either. How about just coffee today? This weekend seems to be so
full of activities.
John: Ok! I think the schedule next week is not so busy. Call me on
Sally: Ok.

Conversation 8
Topic: Lets Eat

*This chapter has numbers

Sally: Oh John! I dont know what to do! I have to plan a party for some
foreigners from South Korea. Do you know what they eat? 70


Setting ~ Friday Sally hasnt seen John all week. It just seemed he was
very busy. Her teacher had asked her to make a party for some
foreign teachers. They were from South Korea. She really needed
some help. Finally on Friday she called John.


where there is a reference to vocabulary related to

countable / noncountables as listed in the chapter. This helps students
see how many words they use. This is in addition to the question
numbering already in place. Not all references are annotated.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: They eat a lot of rice. Do you have any rice?
Sally: I dont have any1 rice! I guess I will have to go shopping. What do
you think I need? 71
John: Well, lets think a little. How many onions do you have?
Sally: I have a few2 onions. I dont think I need any more. What about
bananas? Do they eat bananas? 73
John: Yes! That sounds good. How many3 do you have?
Sally: I have lots of4 bananas. I think we should get several 5 bags of
chips. Why not come shopping with me? 74 It wont take too long.
John: Sure! Ill be right over!
John and Sally go shopping at the grocery store on the corner.
Sally: Excuse me! Do you have any fresh whole chickens? 75
John: They are over here! Each one is about 1 kg. Do you think we
should get a few6 apples?
Sally: We can make a fruit salad. I heard they like apples. I dont have
much milk though. I need to get some7. How about sugar or
sweets? 76 I know they like it in their coffee. They call it milk
John: A sweet potato cake would be good for dessert. They only have a
few8 here. Dont you think we need fish? They are Korean and fish
is a normal food for them.
Sally: What a great thinker you are! We need a head of cabbage as well
and some9 mayo. Do you think cabbage and mayo go well
together? 77


Sally: Why not buy a dozen! What kinds of noodles are there? 78 Usually
there are several 10 different flavors.


John: I saw some instant noodles. South Korea is famous for them. How
many should I buy?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Dont forget the green tea, a South Korean favorite. I didnt see
any. Is it close to where you are?
Sally: Well I think we bought enough to last for a day. It will be a lot of
hard work. Oh! Did you bring your wallet? 79 I cant find mine in
my purse.
John: I have a few dollars but Im not sure I have enough. How much do
you need?
Sally: I need about 45 dollars. I feel silly. Do you have that much? 80
John: I have 46 dollars. Just enough! How are you going to get home? I
think it is too far, and there are too many groceries.
Sally: I was hoping you would help carry them. Would you do that for me?
John: It would be a pleasure. Since we came in the car, it will easy to
take you home.
Sally: Thank you so much!

Conversation 9
Topic: Where have you been?

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a reference to vocabulary related to

to be + ing. This helps students see how many words they use. This is
in addition to the question numbering already in place. Not all references
are annotated.

Setting ~ Sally and John have met again to chat about paces they have
been. Sally has an uncle in Africa.
Sally: Im so tired. This party takes too much time. I need to take a trip!


Sally: Hello! John! I am so excited. I need to ask you some questions.

Would you give me some good answers? 81


*** Sally was wondering where she would go. The South Korean
teachers were coming and John had said he had been in a school
overseas. Just then, the telephone rang.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Sure! Ask me and I will answer. This party must have made your
brain crazy. What would you like to know?
Sally: I would like to know if you have any friends in another country.
Maybe even an uncle or aunt. Do you have any? 82 Mine are
living in different cities but not countries. I thought it would be
fun to see what they are doing.
John: Sounds like fun. I think I have some phone numbers of some
friends. I have an uncle in Africa. I think they are about 7 hours
ahead of us, so we need to phone them at 10 in the morning. Ill
come over and we can phone them. Is that ok with you?
Sally: Sounds great! What country are they in? 83
John arrives at Sallys house and they get ready to phone.
John: They live in Mali. They write letters all the time. They have four
children. Are you ready? Lets do it!
They connect to the Uncle in Africa
John: Uncle George! What are you doing now1? 84
Uncle George: I am preparing to go on a trip to Timbuktu. Have you ever
been there?
John: No, but it sounds like fun. How is Jamie? What is she doing now2?
Uncle George: Jamie is hanging out3 with her friends. She is very
popular. What are you doing?
John: I am with my friend Sally. We go to the same school. Do you want
to talk with her? 86
Uncle George: Sounds great! June, our youngest is riding a camel 4.
Would she like to ride a camel?


Sally: Mr. Sim! Riding a camel sounds like fun. I like riding horses. What
are your other children doing? 87


John: I think so. Let me give the phone to her.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Uncle George: Well, Julie is playing soccer5. He will come home at 5
oclock in the afternoon. John likes sports. Do you like sports?
Sally: What about the others? What are their names and what are they
doing? 88
Uncle George: The other two childrens names are Jackie and Juno.
Jackie is practicing6 tae kwon do. Juno is watching TV 7. Why not
visit us sometime?
Sally: Id love to. What TV programs can you watch in Africa? 89
Uncle George: We watch CSI most of the time. What are you doing today?
Sally: George and I are going8 to a great hamburger place, Michelles
the Queen of Burgers. It is our favorite place to eat. What is your
wife doing? 90
Uncle George: She is eating9 a piece of fresh apple pie. It is the season
for apples here. So when are you coming here?
Sally: I wont make any promises. John! What a lovely family. How about
lunch? Im hungry.
John: Ok! Its off to Michelles for a Gorgoron special.
Conversation 10
Topic: Where will I be in the future?

*This chapter has numbers

where there is a reference to vocabulary related to

The future. This helps students see how many words they use. This is in
addition to the question numbering already in place. Not all references
are annotated.

Setting ~ At Michelles restaurant.


John: Yes! I do once in a while. I think it will take a lot of hard work 1,
but I want an interesting job2. What about you? What do you see
in the future?


Sally: John? We will be finished school soon. Do you ever think about
what you want to do school? 91

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I think that in the future I want to live in another country? My
teacher is from New Zealand, and she always tells us it is
comfortable to live in. In your future do you think you will have to
move to another country? 92
John: I hope not. I want to find a nice wife and have many children 3.
What job do you think you will have in New Zealand?
Sally: I predict4 that I will be on TV in a short time. I think Sam and Julie
want to live in South Korea. They will have to work hard to save
money! Do you think that it is a good idea? 93
John: Not so soon. I think they will have to get more experience first. I
want to become a good English speaker.5 Are you going to be
Sally: I plan6 to get my Degree first. Then I want to do commercials for
Samsung. Where do you think technology will be in the future?
John: I think technology will be very small. People will live in space 7.
Can you imagine phoning your teacher in space?
Sally: Well it would be very sunny or very dark if they lived on the moon.
How many years will it take to get there? 95
John: I think it will take five more years before they get serious about it.
Where will you be in five years?
Sally: This year I plan to start my Degree. I need to get good grades 8 so
I can enter. In five years I hope to be in New Zealand. What
about you? 96
John: If I am going to be9 an Engineer, I will still be in school. What
about in ten years?


John: Ten years is a short time. Everything is changing faster. Soon we

will have English in our DNA. We wont have to study it any more.
What do you think?


Sally: In ten years, I will be rich10 because I won the lottery. The
weather will be hot and sunny because I will live in New Zealand.
Isnt ten years a long time? 97

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: Probably not, but the idea is nice. Imagine living a long life. How
long would you want to live if you could choose? 98
John: That is a good question. With technology maybe we will never
have to die. What will happen to my pension?
Sally: You will never stop working, if I know you. Did you hear about the
British man who is still cleaning cars at 99 years old? 99
John: Wow! Is it possible?
Sally: Believe it or not! It is true! Well its late again. Time flies so fast
when you have fun. Imagine one semester feels so slow in the
beginning but it is over so fast. Ten years is not very far. Just
today it seems like forever. When can we get together again? 100
John: Yes! It is so true. Well lets get together again. So far these
weekends have been a lot of fun.
Sally: And my English is improving. See you soon John! Bye!
John: You too! Soon! Bye!

**What chapter would you add next? Add a conversation. Choose a topic. Add a
setting. Choose at least 10 different words related to the topic, plus the tense
(present, past, future, etc).
Topic __________________________
Vocabulary x 10+ _____________________________________________




Setting ______________________________________________________________

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas




Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas


Conversation Template 3


John and Sally start


Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Chapter Index
Chapter 1 Friends, Family, and Greetings
Chapter 2 Jobs
Chapter 3 Houses and Homes
Chapter 4 Possessions
Chapter 5 Daily Activities
Chapter 6 Getting There
Chapter 7 Free Time
Chapter 8 Clothes
Chapter 9 Eat Well



Chapter 10 Health

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

In a search of an effective way to expand conversation I chose to have
students write out their ideas. Enjoyable conversation contains more
visual terms. To put the thinking into writing encourages the student to
expand their terms of reference. This expansion will help students to
participate in conversations in a fuller way, leading to a higher satisfaction
The base of this theory is to take the basic conversation pattern, question
-answer question, and add the visual or descriptive words. Most books
have the same topics covered. Most books have CD's or DVD's with short
conversations. Few books build the ideas together.
This homework and final test is designed to help the student understand,
not only the patterns of conversation, but remain focused on a prescribed
topic vocabulary. Developing the skill of communication in more graphic
terms will also improve listening as vocabulary increases. Understanding
the key words to listen to, which in turn will help to increase the speed of
comprehension, is important.
Conversation at this level is not about rote memory or advanced grammar.
It is rather a development of descriptive ideas to enlarge on the basic
topic structure learned through the dialogue with Sally and John.
I do not expect novelists to be born. Rather a better understanding of how
to make conversation work better, confidence to enter conversations
higher, an overall conversation satisfaction, and easier interaction. Each
chapter should contain 10 Q-A-Q sequences, 10 vocabulary or grammar
ideas related to the chapter topic, and about 1 A4 page length per chapter.
The topic selection comes from the textbook. World English (Level 1)
Enjoy your reading of Sally and John have their various adventures.

If you think your students cannot do this style or length, I would

Conversation 1



challenge you to try it. My students did it and the final test was fun and
challenging. They gained both confidence and skill. Believe in your
students and they will achieve great things.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Topic: Friends, Family, and Greetings

*This chapter has highlights in bold. The focus of this chapter is the use of the
verb to be This helps students see how many words they use. This is in
addition to the question numbering already in place. Not all references
are annotated.

Setting ~ John is new at the University. He has to make so many choices.

Another student is waiting and wants to sit in the seat next to him.
Sally: Hey! Is this seat taken? 1
John: No! Let me move my bag. My name is John. Im a freshman. How
about you? Have you done this before? 2
Sally: No! I am also freshman. I wanted to register earlier but I couldnt
because of my part-time job. Now I am waiting in line. My brother
is a Senior at this University. Do you have any family at this
school? 3
John: NO! My father is a farmer. He has my grandparents farm. Now
they are too old. Do you see the guy over there with the blue
jeans? 4
Sally: There are fifty guys with blue jeans. Which one are you looking at?
John: The guy with the blue jeans and leather jacket? 6 He is beside the
girl with the pink stockings.
Sally: Hmmm! I think so. What side is he standing on, the left or the
right? 7
John: On the right! Do you see him now? 8
Sally: Oh! Yes! What is so special about him? 9


Sally: Oh! Yes! I need to hurry or they will call the next one. Have a
great semester, John!


John: He comes from the same town as I. I heard he was coming. He is

very smart. Is that your number they are calling? 10

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Thanks! You too!

Conversation 2
Topic: Jobs
Setting ~ John and Sally were beginning their university year. They are
now meeting after it is over for a chat.
John: That was fast. What kind of job do you think is in your future? 1
Sally: I think a teacher in Africa. Have you ever been to Lesotho? 2
John: Lesotho? Is that a big or small country? 3
Sally: Its a very small country. Which country in Africa would you
choose to work in, if you had to choose one? 4
John: I have never thought of that. Looking on the map there are so
many to choose from. Isnt is always hot and dry there? 5
Sally: Yes! It is hot and dry or very wet most of the time. My friend
grows millet there. What does your father grow on his farm? 6
John: My father grows corn for popcorn. You cant eat it like the sweet
milk corn. We also make ethanol from the corn to put in our
gasoline. It makes the cost cheaper. Do the farmers use big
machines in Lesotho? 7
Sally: No! The farmers are very poor. Most of them do it by hand. A few
of them have animals to help. The land they own is small so most
farmers go away to find a job. Is your father a rich farmer, with
big machines? 8


Sally: Yes! It does get chilly, but not for long. In the desert it often goes
down to 00 Celsius at night as well. Do you like cold? 10


John: Well, my father has large machinery. That is true. The cost of the
machines is very high. Most people think that we are rich, but we
have a lot of debt. Farmers in Lesotho may be poor but they dont
have debt to worry about. What about winter? Isnt it cold in
winter? 9

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Winter has some good points like skiing, but I prefer the warmth
in the winter. Perhaps I can go to Africa in the winter to help the
farmers. It will be warmer than here. I have to go. I need to help
on the farm. Perhaps we can meet when school starts.
Sally: Yes! Sounds like a great idea. I have things to get ready as well.
See ya later! Bye!

Conversation 3
Topic: Houses and Homes

*This chapter has bold where there is a reference to vocabulary related to

houses and homes. The words are specific to the chapter in the book
studied. This helps students see how many words they use. This is in
addition to the question numbering already in place. Not all references
are annotated. Bold and underlined reflect the grammar focus of the
given chapter.

Setting ~ Sally and John have become friends at University. There is a

new house being built on campus. It is quite different from normal
houses. John needs to find an apartment.
John: Hi Sally! I was just looking in the paper for an apartment. It is
tough when you are a student because the price is so high. What
do you have in your apartment? 1
Sally: My apartment is quite small. It has your basic bedroom,
bathroom, and kitchen/living room. What do you need in your
apartment? There is a new building on campus. I heard that
some students will live there. 2


Sally: Yes! It has a small closet. I also have a fireplace. It is a gas one
so you can have both heat and looks. The one complaint is that I
have to walk four flights of stairs. How many bedrooms are you
wanting in your apartment? 4


John: Really! I will have to check it out. Is there a closet in your

apartment? 3 I need a closet to hang some of my clothes.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Well, I was hoping to have two. I would like to have a den at least
to study in. I dont have a roommate yet. Stairs is not a problem
if the price is right. Here is one with two bathrooms. Do you
know anybody that needs a roommate? 5 It would be cheaper.
Sally: I dont know anybody personally, but there is a bulletin board. A
larger one is nice but finding a good roommate is often hard. That
is why I have a small apartment. Is there a yard in the back? 6
John: The picture shows a small yard or garden. Maybe I can grow a few
things to help my diet. Does your apartment have a garage? 7
Sally: It has a one car garage so there is no room for mine. I park in the
front driveway. Do you have a car or will you take the bus? 8
John: I have a car. In the country you need a car because there is no
bus, and walking helps you stay fit but time is money. In the city
I can walk or take the bus, but I will need place for my car. Do
you take the bus? 9
Sally: Sometimes! I do not live very close the bus so on bad weather
days I take my car. Apartments are cheaper if the bus route is not
so close. The new building on campus looks interesting. It would
be convenient. From the picture it has closets and a den. Just the
washing machine is shared. It is close and you have on campus
parking. A great place! Why dont you put in your application? 10
John: I will go tomorrow. I should visit a couple other places as well,
just in case I dont get one on campus. It never hurts to plan
ahead a bit.

Conversation 4
Topic: Possessions
Setting ~ John and Sally meet at the University cafeteria.



Sally: Was that your Cobra I saw in the parking lot? 1

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Yeah! I rebuilt in high school. I have put a lot of money into it. It
is a kind of show car now. I dont drive it much. You are wearing
some interesting jewelry today. It looks quite old. Where did you
buy it? 2
Sally: I think your car is way cool. I didnt buy this jewelry. It is an
heirloom from my grandmothers family. I think she told me it is
over 100 years old. I dont wear it much. I am afraid to lose it.
What do you have in your bag? 3 You carry it everywhere.
John: I have all my stuff I need in it. Like my wallet. It doesnt look
special but I bought it when I was in Africa on a mission trip. I
helped put the roof on a church. It is a special reminder of that.
What do you have in your bag? 4 It is quite large, but maybe it is
just style.
Sally: Oh! This bag? I have lipstick and makeup, like all females. I also
have my new mp5. It was a present from my parents for
graduation. Do you have an mp5? 5
John: No! I only have an mp3. Kind of old technology. I have the new
Samsung tab though. I think it is more flexible than just an mp5,
but it is bigger. What kind of cell phone do you have? 6
Sally: I just have an old one. I think it is an antique compared to the
new ones. I can only text and phone. What other things do you
have that is newer technology? 7 I am always a bit intrigued by
the new toys for boys.
John: Well, I dont have a lot of stuff. I like the tab because it is lighter
than a notebook. Most of the technology I put in my car. It has a
few things that old cars never had. What intrigues you about new
technology? 8


John: No! I have a d-cam but not a spy cam. Do you carry all your
books in your bag? 10 Mine are too heavy.


Sally: I find that I have a bit of technophobia. Maybe I have it from

watching too many science fiction movies. What you see in the
movies is now in the store. Do you have a spy cam in your bag? 9

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: No! I just carry a digital tape recorder for lectures and a notebook
for writing notes in class. I review the notes after. I have to go to
work in a few minutes. We will have to get together again.

Conversation 5
Topic: Daily Activities
Setting ~ John and Sally have different school schedules. They are very
busy. Finally they get together.
John: Hello again Sally! Its hard to get together without our school
schedules. When do you have your first class in the morning? 1
Sally: Monday is my busy day. My first class is at 7 AM. I get up at 5
oclock just to get there in time. When is your busy day, John? 2
John: My busiest day is Thursday. I get up at 4 in the morning. I go
jogging every morning for about 1 hour. It keeps me in shape. My
first class is at 6. My last class is at 8 in the evening, but I have
no class on Friday so I am tired. What time do you have lunch? 3
Sally: I take lunch from 1 to 2 pm every day. It is very convenient to
plan your study time. What time do you take lunch? 4
John: Every day is different. Usually I have a break early, like 11 in the
morning. Do you have breakfast every day? 5 I am usually
hungry after jogging, but most of the people I know dont bother.
Most of the time it is my biggest meal.

Sally: You are right! I like to sleep as long as possible, so gulp some
juice or coffee and run. Have you joined any clubs? 6



John: I did! I joined the English Conversation Club. Professor Paul is the
supervisor. I really like it. There are students from about 7
countries there. It is very interesting. We meet every Wednesday
from 7 to 9 pm. I think I may even teach some of them English.
What about you! Have you joined any clubs? 8

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: I joined the movie club. I like movies and want to learn how to
make them at home. It is a very interesting one. We meet every
Tuesday afternoon at 5pm. I will have to buy a camera. Perhaps
this weekend. What is your schedule like on weekends? 9
John: I am looking for a job. It will help pay my rent, but the hours are
not regular. I want to work from 9 to 5 if I can. I will even work
every Sunday. How about your weekends? Do you work, study, or
party? 10
Sally: I dont have money to party, but I do work. I have a part-time job
in the Library. It is not much money, but I can study and do my
job. It is warm, dry and in the daytime. I can meet friends at
night. Do you party on the weekends? 11
John: I used to but now I need to make money, not spend it. Thank you
for the great conversation. I have to go find a job before I run out
of money. See you later!
Sally: Ok! Later!

Conversation 6
Topic: Getting there
Setting ~ John and Sally need to find places to go for a project. They
Have a map to get there and are making a plan how to find their
John: Hi Sally! What are you doing here so early in the morning? 1
Sally: I was thinking about the places we could show some of the foreign
students. It takes a lot of work to give good directions. Can you
think of any special places to take them? 2


Sally: No! I dont think I have. What is a Tack Shop? 4


John: I was thinking that they would like Johns Tack shop. It is on the
other side of the city, but it is interesting. Have you ever been
there? 3

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: It is a shop where you buy equipment for horse riding. They have
really nice leather working tools and materials. Do you know how
to get there? 5
Sally: I dont. I have never been on that side of town. Do you take the
train or the bus? 6
John: You have to take the bus to North Central Mall. You have to
transfer to line 4 on the subway there. Its about 5 stops down.
Do you think that a foreigner would find it? 7
Sally: It sounds easy. Where do you go after you arrive? I think most
subways have several exits. Foreigners could get to the right stop
but get lost later. 8
John: I think it is exit 6. You have to look for the Queen of Hearts
Fashion Mall. It is next to that. When you see what they do with
leather, you will be impressed. You have to go sometime. Do you
know anywhere else people would like to see? 9
Sally: Well, I think they would like to watch Shakespeare on the river.
Have you ever watched it? 10
John: No! I havent! Where is it? 11
Sally: If you take bus # 7689 downtown, you have to transfer to bus #
9807 to Spadina Avenue.When you get off the bus you have to
walk about 15 minutes to the river. You can see the Pavilion from
there. You may have to walk along the river a few minutes to get
there, but its not hard to find.
John: Sounds like a lot of fun for foreign students. Well, I have to go to
class. Lets find a couple of students to see if our directions are
easy or hard to follow.
Sally: Ok! Sounds like a great idea. Till next time. Chao!

Setting ~ John and Sally have been very busy. They would like to take a
break. Sally phones John.


Topic: Free time


Conversation 7

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: Hi John! What are you doing? 1
John: Im trying to learn a new song on my guitar. Do you play guitar? 2
Sally: No! Unfortunately I never learned to play any instruments. How
long have you been playing guitar? 3
John: I learned in high school. We had to choose an instrument, and I
chose guitar. Now I play and write music in my free time. What
do you do in your free time? 4
Sally: I read books. I enjoy a quiet corner where I can read a good novel.
I am not a good writer but I do like a good book. Being a musical
person do you play any sports? 5
John: I like basketball. I played basketball in high school, and had a
basketball hoop set up at home on the farm. I am not good
enough for Varsity ball, but I like going to the games. Can you ski
or skate? 6
Sally: I cant ski but I can skate. I go skating on the river when they
open it, or at the public skating area made by a Hotel downtown.
Have you ever skated downtown? 7
John: No! I didnt know there was a skating area there. I can ski a little.
Good downhill skiing areas were too far most of the time. I can
cross country ski much better. I think it is much more fun. It
sounds a bit noisy there. What are you doing? 8
Sally: Oh! Yes! It is a bit. I am cooking spaghetti and my sister and her
boyfriend are here. Where are you? 9
John: I am at home on my bed relaxing with my guitar. What kind of
music am I hearing? 10


John: Ok! I will try to finish this song. Bye!


Sally: That is indie. It is my sisters favorite. Like I said, I like to read a

book in a quiet corner. John! I have to go and finish this spaghetti.
Chat with you later!

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 8
Topic: Clothes
Setting ~ Sally wants to buy some new clothes. She hates shopping
alone so ask John if he would join her.
Sally: Hey John! I need to buy some new clothes. Going to university
makes me feel like I am not dressed right. It is so different than
high school. Could you come with me? 1
John: What style or colors do you want to buy? 2 You always look good
when I see you.
Sally: I like pastels. Pastel colors are soft and gentle. I think it fits my
character and my face color. I am not a big jeans person. You
seem to be more a jeans person. Are you ready? 3
John: Ok! Ill come with you. I have to buy my father a present for
fathers day. What do you think I should buy him? 4
Sally: Well my father likes darker colors. He dislikes whites and light
colors. He says they get dirty too fast, and he hates sports socks.
He likes the lighter dress socks, because he wears suits every day.
What about your father? 5
John: My father is a country guy. He likes the cottons and plaids. When
he is working on the farm there is a lot of dust and it gets itchy.
He does like to dress up a bit for Church and special occasions. Do
you think a tie is a nice gift? 6
Sally: Yes! I think that a tie is nice. Does he like colorful or printed ties?


Sally: I think Shinsegae Department Store would be a good place to start.

They always have good quality and great colors. I love shopping
there. Which is your favorite store to shop? 9


John: He really hates plain ties. He loves those funny cartoon ones. Like
the ones with Looney Tunes and Bart Simpson. I tried to find
them in the local stores, but I havent found them yet. Where
would you like to start shopping? 8

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: My favorite store is Eddy Bauer. It is a bit more expensive, but
the styles for men are good. Its kind of a western style shop. I
like the jeans there. Maybe Shinsegae has those ties I would like
to buy for my father. What are we waiting for? 10
Sally: We are almost there. Lets enjoy the day!

Conversation 9
Topic: Eat Well
Setting ~ John and Sally like to go out to eat. Usually they met friends
for some fast food. Today food is on their minds and having a
party is better than just going out for fast food. They are studying
English together and..
John: Im hungry! I think we should have a party this weekend. We
havent had a party for a long time. Spring is here and we need to
experience some fresh air in our brains. What do you think? 1
Sally: What a great idea! We will have to buy some food I guess. What
do you like to have at a party? 2
John: Hmmm! I like to have hamburgers. I think grilled homemade
burgers are so much better than fast food stuff. In my family we
always have potato salad. My uncle makes the best salad. I will
have to get his recipe. I know he uses potatoes, mustard, and
mayonnaise. Do you have extra of those items? 3


John: I like celery and red radishes. But it we buy celery we need some
Cheese Whiz. How many stalks of celery, and bunches of radishes
should we buy? We may need more variety. Maybe we can add
them to a lettuce salad. How much lettuce should we buy? 5


Sally: No! I buy the small size all the time. I live alone so I dont need a
lot. We should buy what we need. We do need other salad though.
I dont like JELL-O salad too much. It always melts too fast, and
its messy. I think a few bags of chips would be better. Maybe
some veggies too! Which are your favorite veggies? 4

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally: Sounds great! So we will buy hamburger meat and garlic bread.
How about hotdogs? How many packages of hotdogs should we
buy? 6
John: Well, if we have a dozen people we will need maybe two packages.
Not everybody will want them. We will need something to drink as
well. I am a COKE man. How many bags and different kinds of
chips did you want to buy? 7
Sally: I think we should buy super size bags of chips. Perhaps Sour
Cream and Onion, Salt and Vinegar, Plain, and BBQ. For the
drinks we should buy 2 bottles each of COKE , SPRITE, and
ORANGE. How many plates should we buy, and we cant forget
the forks and knives? 8
John: I think if we buy 20 plates it should be enough. That would be two
packages of plates, forks, and knives. Is there anything else we
need? 9
Sally: I dont think so. What do you want for dessert? Watermelon is not
in season so maybe a couple flavors of ice-cream would be good.
How many liters of ice-cream should we buy? 10
John: I think 1 liter of three different flavors would do great.
Sally: Now we have find people to eat all this. Lets go find them. You
phone a few, and I will phone a few. If nobody comes we will
have to pig out or eat it for a week.

Conversation 10
Topic: Health
Setting ~ John and Sally were to meet and study for tests. Both have
busy schedules andthey are getting tired.


Sally: You look a bit pale. I am tired as well, but it is just because I
stayed up all night studying. There is a flu bug going around. Do
you think you have the flu? 2


John: Good morning Sally! How are you feeling today? 1 I am a bit tired.
I think I caught a bug.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John: Well, I have the sniffles now, but not the other symptoms. I think
you need to have aches and pains in the joints. Perhaps its
because I ate too much at the party. Did anybody else get sick
after the party? 3
Sally: I havent heard of any. I dont think the food was bad. I think you
just got a bug from the air. Your face looks a bit swollen. Did you
have mumps when you were a child? 4
John: I had measles, but not mumps. Do you think I have the mumps?
Sally: Perhaps! It makes your body look swollen especially your face. Do
you feel sick, or have pain, anywhere else? 6
John: My stomach feels like it is in knots and I have a pounding
headache. I thought of food poisoning as the cause but if no one
else is sick I maybe just have a bad cold. Are you sure you want
to study with me? 7
Sally: Of course! Now that you have the symptoms, you are not as
contagious. Unless you shake my hand or sneeze on me. Are you
taking any medicine for what ails you? 8
John: I am taking a remedy my grandmother used to give me. Its a
mixture of homemade chicken soup and lots of tea. She always
told us that you should drown the virus not feed it. What do you
suggest for what I have? 9
Sally: I usually just fill myself up with Tylenol and sleep. If you can sleep
your body will heal itself. I think the combination of too much
study and work caused your body to fight you. My grandfather
used to tell me, The best remedy is love. Have you tried that?


Sally: That would be a good discussion. I dont think we have time today,
but we need to talk about that later, when you are feeling better.
Now lets get down and study a bit.


John: Hmmmm! Thats a good thing to consider. How does love, chicken
soup, and lots of tea go together?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas


John and Sally


The Story

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Preface ~
Chapter 8 LETS EAT




Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

In a search for an effective way to expand conversation I chose to have
students write out their ideas. Enjoyable conversation contains more
visual terms. To put the thinking into writing encourages the student to
expand their terms of reference. This expansion will help students to
participate in conversations in a fuller way, leading to a higher satisfaction
The base of this theory is to take the basic conversation pattern, question
-answer question, and add the visual or descriptive words. Most books
have the same topics covered. Most books have CD's or DVD's with short
conversations. Few books build the ideas together.
This homework and final test is designed to help the student understand,
not only the patterns of conversation, but remain focused on a prescribed
topic vocabulary. Developing the skill of communication in more graphic
terms will also improve listening as vocabulary increases. Understanding
the key words to listen to, which in turn will help to increase the speed of
comprehension, is important.
Conversation at this level is not about rote memory or advanced grammar.
It is rather a development of descriptive ideas to enlarge on the basic
topic structure learned through the dialogue with Sally and John.



I do not expect novelists to be born. Rather a better understanding of how

to make conversation work better, confidence to enter conversations
higher, an overall conversation satisfaction, and easier interaction. Each
chapter should contain 10 Q-A-Q sequences. The five friends should be
given equal talking time on an average, 10 vocabulary or grammar ideas
related to the chapter topic, and about 2 pages A4 length per chapter.
Enjoy your reading of Sally and her friends as they have their various a
weekend adventures. 4

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Chapter 1

New Places / New People

Sally had just moved in to a new community. She felt strange because
she didn't know anybody. At school she had a lot of stress. One morning,
soon after school started John, another student bumped into her. He
spoke quietly to her, "Hi! Sorry! I'm John! What's your name?"
Sally replied, "Oh! I'm Sally! I'm new to this school. Where are you from?
You seem to be different."
John being a little shy said, "Oh! I'm from America. Actually I lived in
America for three years."
"Oh really!" replied Sally, "What do you like to do?"
John putting his hands in his pockets, "I like to work on computers. What
do you like to do Sally?"
John and Sally move closer to the school to find a better place to continue
their conversation.
Sally, putting her lips together while she thinks. "Well, I'm new to this
school and I like art. I usually stay at home and draw cartoons. What kind
of things do you do with your computer? Are you a gamer?"
"Yes! I like to play games. Especially 'Diablo II'! I spend four hours a day
playing it." said John.
"Wow! That's a lot of time!" replied Sally.
Just then they heard a book drop. A gasp of air from behind sounded like
someone was having a bad day. Looking around they found a slender
young female student struggling with an armful of books. John, being the
gentleman, rushed to help her.


"Hi Sue!", greeted John and Sally.


"Agh! Why do we have to buy so many books?" Sue mumbled to herself.

"Oh! Hi! Thanks for helping me. My name is Sue."

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"John is a computer person and I am an artist. We just met. How about
joining us?"
"Ok!", replied Sue. "I need a rest. These books are too heavy."
Frank and George are walking in the hallway. There were always a lot of
students around Frank. He was the most popular student of the school.
"Oh! There's Frank and George! Come over and meet Sally and Sue",
yelled John. John did not yell very often but he wanted his new friends to
meet Frank.
Frank came over with George. George and Frank were always together.
Some people wondered if they were brothers sometimes. They were just
friends, but had gone to the same school since they were young.
"Hi! I'm Frank! This is George! He always follows me. He is the school
clown. What're your names?"
John was less shy now. He seemed to be more confident with Frank and
George around. He said in a strong voice, "Frank! George! Why don't we
go somewhere this weekend with Sally and Sue?"
'Sure! What kind of music do they like?"
"I like Hip Hop", piped Sue. She was the one who enjoyed fashion so it
was an easy question to answer.
"I like the ballads of the 70's" said Sally, almost in a whisper. She really
didn't like crowds much. They were always so noisy, and she preferred
"How about sports?" asked George. It was almost as if he knew that Frank
really wanted to go to a basketball game on Saturday. Then Frank could
show off to the new girl, Sally.
"When is it?" asked Sue. She liked basketball. It was her favorite sport.


"Oh! It's at the school gym", replied George. "Sally! You are new here!
Where are you from?"


"Where is it?" asked John. He wasn't really into sports so didn't know
where anything was played.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"I'm from South Korea!" responded Sally. Have you, Frank, and John
lived here all your life?"
"No! I was in Mexico for awhile. Then we moved here." John said coolly.
"1 have been here most of my life.We moved here soon after I was
"Does anybody go to movies in this town?" Sue was anxious to change the
topic. All these questions were making her nervous.
After a bit more discussion about meeting again these five friends set a
time and place to meet. As she went back to her house Sally thought of
the new people she had met. It sounded like the new year would be more
fun than she had thought it would be. The only problem is that they
weren't in the same class.
Chapter 2

Doing it right!
Sally was not sure if she could meet all of her new friends the next week
end. Her mother didn't like her going out too much. If she went out too
much she couldn't focus on her studies, but friends were important to her.
They were supposed to meet at the gym again. Everybody knew where it
was and they could plan from there. Sue liked fashion stuff so she thought
maybe they would go shopping at the mall. It was so big it had to have
something for all of them.
"Hey Sally! A booming voice said. It was John. John had a loud voice so
Sally couldn't see him right away. Once she saw him he was easy to see
because he was a large guy.
"What do you want to do today?" asked Sally when they got closer.
"Well I thought we could go window shopping!" said John. "Is anybody
else coming?"


"Well maybe they are at the mall already!" John seemed to know these


"I don't know. I haven't heard from any of them!" replied Sally.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Sally and John went to the Mall to window shop. There were lots of food
shops too. They could have lunch there.
"Hey! John! Come here! Look at these cute puppies!" exclaimed Sally. She
loved small animals.
"Wow! Look at that one! It is so big!" John's mouth was open with awe.
Just then a clerk came over with a form and pen. She asked them if they
wanted to support the Animal Shelter. She said that they needed
donations to help keep the animals safe.
John and Sally looked at each other and then asked the clerk how they
could help, because they had no money.
The clerk gave them the form and told them. "Surname on the first line!"
"What is a surname?" asked John.
"It's your last name!", replied the clerk. "Write your telephone number
over here!"
John and Sally were finishing the form when Sue saw them.
"Hi John! Hi Sally!" she said. "How about getting a photo made? The
machines make a fun photo you can stick on your mirror or books, and it's
only a dollar."
OK! John and Sally had nothing better to do so why not. All three of them
found the machines on a different floor of the mall.
"Hey! John! Smile!" laughed Sue. "She was always joking and having fun.
~~ A great person to have on a boring Saturday.
"Sally! Sit over there!" Sue was giving directions again.

"Sit here!" she said rudely.


Finally the pictures were done and their pocket change was gone. Now
they had to find something to eat. They found a restaurant that seemed
quiet. The waitress came over to them.


"Excuse me! Over there or over here?" asked Sally. She was confused
because there was not very much space in the small booth.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"Pardon me!" said John. Sue was very quiet and Sally was too scared to
'I'm sorry! The table was reserved so you have to move to that one."
"Do you have a menu we can see?" asked Sally.
"Yes!" replied the waitress. Circle the kind of drinks you want with this red
"Excuse me! You want us to just circle on the menu what we want?" asked
John confused.
"Yes! And be careful when you come to pick it up. The floor is wet."
They were just finishing their coffee when Frank and his buddy George
saw them through the window of the cafe. They came into the cafe but
left the door open.
"Shut the door!" There was no please and thank you. The friends left
the coffee shop as fast as they could.
"What should we do now?", Frank wondered.
"You say it! We will do it!", shouted George. He liked to follow. Then he
didn't have to think too hard and could enjoy the fun.
"Let's go to the indoor golf shop!" said John.
"Ok!" they all said together. It sounded like fun. When they arrived
George was very confused.
The golf shop person had to help them a bit. "Take a club and ball!"
showing them where they were.

Pardon me! Did you mean by the plastic tree? asked George.


"Go over there to start! That is hole number 1. The guy was so cool about
his job.


"Underline the hole number you are at! Then count how many times you
have to hit the ball before it goes in the hole!

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The game started, but was taking too long. They were not very good at
golfing indoors. Finally they had to rush because Sally's mother was
expecting her to be home for dinner. Another Saturday was gone. It
seemed so short. Sally hoped she could fill her weekends up this way all
the time.
Chapter 3

Furniture for my room

Sally looked forward to meeting her friends every weekend. Each weekend
weekend she really needed to find some items for her room. A few shelves
would be nice. She had so many books and stuff it would help her keep
her room clean. She needed a desk too. One with a cabinet so she could
study better. She liked one she saw last weekend in the mall. Perhaps she
could go there this weekend again.
As she was getting her jacket on her mother asked, "Where are you
Oh! I'm going to meet my friends from school! I want to look at some
furniture for my room", yelled Sally.
She walked slowly to the school yard. It was a bit windy so she felt a bit
chilly. Then she saw George and Frank.
"Hey Frank! Hey George!" yelled Sally.
"Hey Sally!" Frank's voice was very loud. "It's great to see you! Have you
seen John and Sue?"
I think they will come. Sue said she was going to be a bit late", Sally said.
They started to walk to the Mall, the cold wind biting at their faces.
Suddenly they heard footsteps behind them.
"Hi guys!" Sue and john panted. "Where are you going?


"What kind of things? asked Sue.


"We were going to the Mall to look at furniture. I need some for my
room." Sally was anxious to get there.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"Well, just normal stuff. I have a laptop but I need a desk. John! You often
carry your notebook in your backpack.
Do you have it today?" asked Sally.
"Not today", replied John. "George! What do you have in your backpack?
It looks heavy today."
Looking in his bag George started pulling things out. "Hmm! There is a
dictionary, my iPod, wallet, pens, and cell phone. Did you need anything
special", asked George.
"No" replied Frank.
Sue was wondering how Sally was going to decorate her room. "Sally!
What color are your curtains?"
"They're green flowered ones. I don't like them but I need furniture first."
Sally was determined to get her furniture.
"I have sports posters on my walls", said John.
My room is bright with pink wall paper and a white floor. It's hard to keep
clean but it's better than dark.
"My room is very messy", said Frank. "It's not very big and I have so
much sports stuff, I can't put it anywhere but on the floor."
"Oh! I like that desk over there!" cried Sally.
Everybody looked at the desk in the window.
"I think I could put the desk under the window. I can move the lamp
beside my bed." Sally was talking to herself really.

The sales person turned around to write the order.


Yes! It comes with a set if you would like one", replied the sales lady.


"Would you like the chair that comes with it?" asked the salesperson.
Nobody had seen her come over. "Sure and do you have a bookshelf to

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Then Sally asked one more question. "Excuse me! How many shelves does
the book shelf have?
The sales lady looked in the catalogue and said, "Well! The matching one
has 3 shelves. You should be able to get 10 schoolbooks on each one. Is
that big enough?"
"Great thanks!" Sally was happy. Now she could organize her room better.
Another successful adventure was closing! Let's have a slush before we
go home!" they all said together.
"Sounds great!" they yelled in unison.




Chapter 4

My Busy Schedule
Sally got up sleepily. She had stayed up late watching a movie. She
looked at the time and it was 9:30. "Oh my!" she said to herself. She was
going to be late for class. Her mind was going crazy. As she hurried to get
dressed the phone rang.
Rrrring rrrring
Her mother answered the phone and then called her name. "Sally! John
wants you on the phone!"
"Well, this morning I have to clean my room. Now it is 9:30 and it will
take me about 30 minutes." Sally told her mom.
Why would John want her this late? He should be in class! Sally was really
confused. "Hello! John! Why aren't you in school?"


"Really!" Now Sally thought she was really stupid. What's your schedule
for today?


"Well its Saturday", John replied almost laughing.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

We were going to go to the Mall today! Remember? What did you have
planned for today? John asked.
"What do you have scheduled for today?" asked Sally.
"Oh! Well we had planned to meet in the morning. In the afternoon I plan
to play basketball at the gym."
John was trying to think of anything else he had planned. "After cleaning
your room what is your plan?"
Well, just a few house chores. "Do you do chores in your house John?"
"Not usually", John thought about what he did in the house. His mother
did almost everything.
"Why not?", asked Sally. "Why don't you help your mother?"
"It will take me about 30 minutes to get ready, and 30 minutes to do my
chores. How about in an hour?
My mother likes to clean so I let her clean, but sometimes I can't find
things after she cleans so I should do it myself, at least my room. I do the
dishes sometimes. When will you be ready for lunch?" John asked.
I wonder if the others will join us. Sally knew the others in the group
usually did chores as well, but she didn't know if they slept in until noon
or not.
As she busied herself to get ready she thought about where they should
go for lunch. The chores were finally done. She got her coat, yelled good
bye to her mother, and ran out the door. As she turned the corner to go
to the Mall two other people were there waiting. Sue and George had
come to met her.

"Hi guys! What are we waiting for?" Frank was almost out of breath
because he had jogged from his house.


Sue replied first. "I get up at 6 every morning. My mother grinds the
coffee beans at 6, and it is so noisy I can't sleep anymore. "What about
you George? Where is Frank?"


"When did you guys get up?" asked Sally.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"Oh! Frank is coming. He has chores to do on Saturday. He gets up at 7
too. He has to clean the whole house, like all the dishes and the wash, but
he will be here", replied George. "Oh! There he is!"
"We were going to the Mall for lunch. What kind of food should we try
today?" Sally was the organizer.
She liked to ask the good questions.
I don't have too much planned. Saturday is my free day so maybe I can
watch you Sally said. Why don't you other guys join me?
"I like the giant burgers at Michelle's Queen of Burger House. It's a new
shop in the Mall but they are the best, said George.
He didn't say a lot usually, but he knew what he liked. What about you
Sue? Don't you think it's too early for burgers? It's only 10 o'clock. I
prefer salad for lunch.
Sue was the one who always watched her weight so carefully. I like to
have lunch around noon. What about Frank? He is the sports guy. Maybe
he has to watch his diet during the season.
It was true. Frank needed to keep in shape for the team.
"I like shish kabobs", said Frank. I think Michelle has a good lamb kabob
on the menu. It tastes great. She opens at 11 on weekends. We should
hurry because her place is usually very busy. What are we going to do in
the afternoon? Does anybody have any schedule? I have a basketball
game with some other guys at school at 4.
"My mother wants me home early to watch my little brother at three thirty.
She has an appointment with the doctor", replied Sue. Maybe I can bring
my little brother to watch. Is that ok with you Frank?

"I have to go home and change first" John said quietly. What are you
guys doing in the evening? Maybe we could meet online.


"I like basketball! Can I play with you guys a bit?" George really liked to
hang out with Frank. Is John going to play basketball?


"Sounds great", replied Frank. "He would enjoy it. What about you

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The four other friends looked at each other and together said, "What a
great plan!"
"Well! Let's go for lunch first. It's eleven-forty already. I'm hungry. My
stomach is growling already, and the line at Michelle's will be too long if
we don't hurry." George was always eating something so was anxious to
order his Monster burger at Michelle's.
After lunch the talk was about their afternoon of basketball with Frank and
the boys. Then they started to talk about doing homework online in the
evening after 8, when everybody else was watching the TV.
Chapter 5

Family Character
Sally and her friends tried doing their homework online together. Frank
was good at math and was a great help. Frank needed help in English.
That is what George was good at, surprisingly. John was the guy to help
with logic problems. He was cool and kept every in balance. The webcams
didn't work well but the chatting made homework so much easier. Sue
had missed the idea because she had other appointments already, and her
mother didn't like her to be online too much.
It was Easter and the friends wanted to see if they could find some special
things in the mall. As they met they talked about their family. Sally had
found some old pictures and had put a few in her wallet. Sitting on the
bench Sally started looking at the family pictures in her wallet.
"Hey Sally!" John had come from behind her so she didn't see him. "What
are you looking at?"
"Oh! John! I didn't see you." Sally was surprised. I was looking at my
family pictures I found yesterday. Do you have family pictures in your


"Well that looks like maybe your brother. Maybe that is you a few years
ago." Sally was proud that she could usually guess who people were in


John took out his wallet and showed Sally a picture. "Can you guess who
that is?"

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"It is actually my brother. Let me keep looking to see if I have a few more
pictures. I don't carry too many but I do keep some." John was digging
deeper for pictures in his wallet when they heard someone talking down
the street.
"Hey guys!" Frank and George were coming toward them. "What are we
going to do today? We don't want to sit on a bus stop bench all day do
we?" Frank liked to keep moving.
We were just looking at family pictures said Sally. "Do you keep pictures
in your wallet? John was just looking for a couple and I had a few I found
in an old box yesterday."
George took out his wallet and quickly showed everybody a picture full of
people. "This is my family. We took it at the park last year. It was the l0th
anniversary of my family's business. John! Who is that?
"Oh! I was telling Sally that it was my younger brother. Are those your
grandparents George?"
"Yes! Many people think they are my parents." George said with pride.
"They are very active in the business which keeps them young, I guess."
Just then there was a loud noise. It sounded like a girl but they couldn't
see anybody. They all turned and saw Sue coming around the corner.
What are you guys doing here? It's kind of chilly today why not go to a
coffee shop or something? Sue was always direct when she shared her
"Oh we were showing each other our family pictures", said Sally, "but a
coffee shop is a great idea. Why not guys! Let's go!"
As they moved to a better place the conversation focused on who was in
their family.


"I have a sister and a brother", said Frank. They are younger than me
and they don't like sports at all. My brother is a funny guy. He likes to


"Does anybody have sisters?" asked Sue. I have two. They are so
different people think that we are different families.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

joke around. My sister ~ the serious one. She hates jokes and usually just
studies. George! What are your parents like?
"My parents are very gentle people. They are always busy with the
business so I don't see them much." George sounded a bit sad. "Frank!
Who are those people in that picture? They don't look like your family?"
Frank had to think a bit. "Well, they are my cousins. They live in Toronto
and I don't see them much, so I keep their picture in my wallet. They are
really outgoing. Their father is my favorite uncle. He is a businessman and
travels all over the world. John you are a bit quiet today! What is your
family like?"
"Well... when I hear of 100 years in business I am impressed. We have
moved a lot so my family is all over the country. My father is a very
gentleman and my mother works hard. I have an older sister who is in
College now. Sue would like her. She is a fashion model. I see her picture
in many magazines." John was a bit shy when they talked about family.
"Sally! What are your parents like? What do they do?"
Sally really didn't know what to say. Her parents were just normal people
who had jobs. They never seemed special. She finally said, "Well my
father has worked at the building store for the past 20 years. He likes to
keep the same schedule and doesn't travel too much. My mother is a hair
dresser. They don't make a lot of money but are very gentle. They are
simple in some ways and they don't waste money.
"Wow! That sounds cool." George said quietly.
Everybody was silent for a moment.
"What about other family members. Does anybody have uncles and aunts
that live in different countries?" George was trying to change the topic.


"Is that your uncle? He looks like your father a lot. Are they close?" Sue
was good with faces, and though she didn't know Frank's family well she
had seen his father at a few basketball games.


"I have an uncle in Haiti!" replied Frank. "He is a missionary there. He was
almost killed in the earthquake. I think I have a picture of a boy we
sponsor with his Organization."

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"They are twins actually. He isa missionary and my father is a car
"Well, my coffee is finished and I should get back", said Sally. "My mother
is making haggis tonight. She is a good cook, especially when it comes to
traditional food."
"Next week is a clothes buying trip for me", said John. "Perhaps you can
join me in making the right choices. I don't have a large budget so will
need to ask a lot of questions."
Frank and George did not get too excited about shopping but Sue's eyes
were dancing with excitement.
"Ok!' They all said. "Next we will be the fashion moguls of Seoul for a day,
and John will be the best dressed of all the students for a week."
Chapter 6

Fashion Moguls
"Fashion moguls", Sally thought to herself. "What is a mogul?" She
needed a dictionary for that. Mogul sounded so Chinese and powerful. She
was thinking of her empire of fashion when a knock on her door startled
"Hello!" Sally wasn't expecting anyone.
Her mother had gone to see her aunt for the day, so she was just relaxing.
Hello! This is John!" a voice boomed out.
"John! I wasn't expecting anyone this morning. Especially at nine o'clock!"
Sally said excitedly. What are you doing here so early?



lt's ok. We had talked about being fashion moguls last week and I
thought I would come early. It is more fun shopping when there aren't so
many people hanging out in the mall." John was a good shopper, but
being with friends was better than staying at home alone. Have you heard
from the others yet?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"No! Not yet! I think they thought we were meeting at the mall around
11:00." Sally wasn't quite ready to go. She wanted to look pretty, at least
a little bit. How much money should I bring?
"Ill wait outside while you finish. Did you make a list of things to look for?
Remember it's not about spending money. It's about having fun today."
"I know! I think Sue will have the most fun." Sally was trying to choose
the right color. Should she wear pink or orange? Quickly she dressed,
brushed her hair and ran out the door. "Ok! I'm ready! Let's go! Do you
think we will meet them this morning?"
Walking toward the Mall, they saw three people two blocks ahead of them.
Could it be their friends? They walked a bit faster so they could see them
better before they called them. As they got closer....
"Hey Sue!" John shouted. Sue was wearing her fashionable white leather
jacket. "Can you slow down a bit?"
"Hi John! Hi Sue!" George, Frank and Sue all spoke in unison. "We are
almost there! Does anybody have a list to look for?" George was always
worried when they went shopping. He did not like window shopping.
"Hi guys!" Sally and John said as they finally got closer to just talk. "I
have a list!" said Sally. I want to find a GUCCI belt."What about you guys?
Do you want to play fashion mogul with us girls?"
"It can't hurt!" Frank was not very enthusiastic.
"I think it will be fun!" Sue could hardly wait.
The Mall was just opening when they arrived. It was Saturday, so it
opened a bit later. Sue was the first mogul. She chose a discount store to
choose her mogul item. Do you have any striped shirts? She asked the


Sue almost laughed. Do you have five of them? I am a fashion mogul and
we must all wear them today!"


The clerk was looking for something to fit Sue, who was very small, and
then found one. It was pink and yellow striped one with a banana on it.
When she showed it to Sue "Is this one ok?"

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Frank, George, John and Sally looked like they wanted to run away. They
each chose one to wear and paid the three dollars. Now they were a team
of moguls. It was now Frank's turn to be the mogul.
Frank looked at sweatshirts. They were his favorite. "Do you have any of
these sweatshirts in my size?" He asked. He saw only three small ones.
As the clerk looked around the store and on the computer, George was
thinking about what he would choose. He was the largest of the five
friends and liked computers more than fashion. The clerk returned after a
few minutes and told them, "I'm sorry! We only have the three small
"Hmmm! What should he look for next that all of them could wear?" he
mused. Suddenly, he saw some polka dotted shorts in the corner. How
about these? Frank asked, "Do you have these in our sizes?"
Sue and Sally were not paying attention and quickly ran over to see what
Frank was choosing.
"Oh no! What terrible moguls you are! You are an ogre". They were
laughing. It was just for fun.
"Do we have to wear those?" they asked?
"Yes! They are only two dollars so we can all buy them?" said Frank. "The
mogul has spoken!. Whose turn is it next. I think it is George's turn.
George was not happy to hear his name called the mogul. He preferred to
follow Frank. Then he didn't have to make choices.
"How about those blue shirts over there? What are they made of?"They
look very cool.
George had seen a guy at school wear one and it looked really good.


Sally was just around the corner and saw some solid red ones. Why not
get red ones? George! Please!


"Those are denim I think!" Sue was always quick with cloth materials. She
was careful to buy just the right ones all the time. Do they have any
different colors?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

George was the mogul this turn, and really hated red. He looked really fat
in red.
"Nah! I think I will stay with the faded blue jean style. They are the
cheapest ones at 6 dollars. Do all of you have six dollars left?"
Off they went to the next store. They were having fun but really looked
funny with the clothes they had chosen to buy. Sally knew just what she
wanted to buy. It was now her turn. A sweater she had seen two weeks
ago, if they weren't sold out.
Julia's Sweater Shop was not far and usually had a discount. The price
may be too high. She would have to check.
"Excuse me! The clerk seemed to be busy. Sally quickly found the
sweater she wanted. "How much are these sweaters?" They seemed to be
on the sale table.
"That is our daily sale table!" said the clerk. "Everything on the table is
12.49. There are some good deals on that table."
What a great deal, thought Sally. The others had gone to another store.
She looked carefully on the table and found enough for all of them. Now
she had to find them.
Sally went out to find the others. They were not hard to find with their
striped shirts and polka dot shorts. The sweaters she had chosen had ~
circles on them.
"You need 12.49" commanded Sally the mogul.
"That is too much!" they all complained, but they bought it because the
mogul had demanded.
"How much do you have left to spend?" John asked.


"Do you have five pairs of these?" John asked the clerk.


John was the last one to be mogul. He had chosen socks. They were
cheap and they could all wear them. As they passed the sock store he saw
a pair with an elephant trunk and big ears. They were a buck and a half.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The clerk thought John was joking but said they had lots of them. Now the
five fashion moguls had their day. They had not spent a lot of money, had
a lot of fun, and.....
Just then Sue's mother saw them. She was laughing so hard she couldn't
talk. Sue was red with embarrassment. "Fashion moguls", what a great
game to play on a Saturday!
Chapter 7

How often do you do it?

Weekends! They come after Friday every week. There were always things
to do on the weekend, but she couldn't do all of them every weekend.
There were also things she didn't like to do, but had to do on the weekend.
Sally was thinking about weekends. She would have to ask her friends
what they really liked to do on weekends. Saturday was only part of the
weekend. Sally and Sue had made a plan to meet in the morning for a
muffin at Sharon's Bagel Shop.
"Hey Sue!" Sally was curious about what Sue liked to do. Sue was the
fashion outgoing person in their group of friends.
"Hi Sally! Glad to see you this morning. What a blast we had last weekend!
It was so much fun. We should do it more often." Shopping for fashion
was what Sue loved to do. How often do you think we can play that
"It was great! My mother couldn't believe we wore those clothes in public.
I don't see you much at school. How often do you go shopping? Sally was
wondering because Sue always had new clothes.
"Well, I try to get something every weekend. Sometimes I just go to the
Department Store to buy a pair of nylons. You are always carrying a big
bag of books. You must study a lot. When do you do usually do your



I almost always do my homework the day I get it. If I can do it fast I can
have more time to go out and do other things. How often do you get
together with Frank and George?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"1 usually meet them on weekends. We don't have the same classes so
it's hard to meet during the week. We were going to meet this weekend
for a movie. How often do you go to the movies?"
"Not too often. I have to clean my room. John and the other guys never
clean their rooms. Their mother cleans it for them. Oh! I see them coming
now. They look cute in their new striped t-shirts. Hey guys! How about
doing something on a Friday night instead of Saturday?" Sally wanted to
change the routine a bit. There were things you could do at night you
couldn't do on Saturday.
George wanted to say something. His mouth opened but then closed
slowly. "Sounds good! I play an online video game every Friday night with
a team. Then I sleep in late Saturday mornings. How about you John? Do
you play video games?
"I rarely play video games", John liked computer but not games. I work
on my computer. There is a lot of new technology out there, so I surf the
Internet to see what I can find. Frank what do you do Friday nights?"
On Friday nights, I sometimes go dancing with my classmates. Some of
my teammates and their friends often get together for a dance party. You
should come sometime. The music is nice and we just have chicken and
coca-cola. It's a really fun time. What about Sunday night? Frank was
always very active.
"Sunday?" George was surprised. On Sunday, I practice English on my
cell phone. I have a class with my-teacher. How often do you guys talk to
your teacher?
"Sunday!" John was thinking about Frank's basketball game schedule. Do
you play games on Sunday, Frank?"


Sounds like a good idea. I can always make some time. Sometimes I
download music and Sunday evening is the best time to do it. Afternoons
are often a bit boring. We can make a plan if you give us a schedule for
your games. Sue! When do you download music to your new IPod?


"Sometimes! Usually games are scheduled on Saturday. More people

come then. If it is on Sunday then it is an afternoon game. Why don't you
come sometime?" Frank would like to have his friends come sometime,
but knew it was not possible most of the time.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"Weekends are when I have more time to sit at the computer. I try to find
the free music sites to download newer solo hits. There are so many apps
on the phone but they cost money, so I don't use them much. I just use it
for the music. What else do you like to do on weekends, Sally?" Sue and
Sally were quite different but they were both female and had a common
bond in that.
I like to take time to unwind. I study hard all week. Sometimes I play
soccer, or rather kick the ball around, on Sunday after Church. I often go
for walks in the evening. There is a nice park close to my house. How do
you unwind Frank? You are always so busy.
I go to movies to unwind. Sports make my muscles tight, and my mind
needs some fresh air. Movies help me focus on other things, and I need
that once in a while. Lets see what's playing at the theatre. Maybe we can
watch a movie.
Chapter 8

Lets Eat!
The movie was over and the friends followed the crowd out of the theatre.
"I'm hungry", said Sally.
She didn't really say it to anyone but just said the words. Three hours
movies always made her hungry. The others had caramel popcorn and
maybe weren't so hungry.
"I heard that", said Frank. Popcorn never makes me full. "What is good
around here?"


She had almost forgotten that there were some Koreans coming to the
school this next week. "Hey guys! Remember we need to plan a party for
the Koreans coming to school next week! I think there is a good
Hamburger joint here somewhere. Michelle's is maybe closed because it is
too late. Sharon's Bagel is open later and they have good sandwiches.
Why not go there?"


"I can't forget to do some grocery shopping before we go home",

muttered Sally.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"What makes a good sandwich?" asked George. I always eat chips or
hamburgers. Now we have to think about making sandwiches ourselves? I
like Sharon's Bagels though. We can plan our party together while we eat
our 'sandwiches'.
They wander off to Sharon's and order their sandwiches.
"So when is the party?" Sue was all excited about it already. "Who did you
say was coming? We need to plan food that they like!"
It's the Koreans! I know they like rice, mayo, and ketchup. What can we
make with rice, mayo, and ketchup? George was very confused. He didn't
even put that on his hamburger.
Hmmm! John was thinking hard. This would be a tough party to plan. I
think we need to add green tea to the list. They like green tea. Do you
think they like potato salad? If we make that we need to buy some ~ and
onions. How many should we buy?
"My mom always buys a bag of onions, but maybe that is too much.
Frank was not a good grocery shopper usually. A dozen eggs will be ok.
You need a few if you make a large bowl of salad. What about a green
"A green salad! Hmmm! What and how much should we put in a green
salad? This was getting interesting for Sue.
Sue loved to shop but making salads was not her forte.

I think we buy them in bunches. We can use them in our desserts. Who
will make the desserts? I asked Frank.


"Well! Sally was the planner. That is why she could do so well in her
studies. She always had a plan or a schedule. "We should plan on going
soon, because the party is next week, on Friday. I think they would like
instant noodles. The Asian students I know always eat noodles for lunch.
They are crazy about them and they are very cheap. That and bananas!
How many bananas should we buy?


"A green salad has lettuce of course, but it is better with tomatoes,
peppers, and sometimes fruit, to give it some nice color and taste. John
was not a good cook maybe, but he had seen his aunt prepare for many
parties. When should we go shopping?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

I will! George piped! "Desserts with bananas are easy! I love it. How about cups,
napkins, plates, and cutlery? How many do we need of those?"
"There were several dozen plates left from the last party. I think we can use them.
We need about 5 packages of napkins I think. We need several good quality cups.
Sally seemed to know these things! We also have a lot of frozen sausage and
chicken left over. I think we should use them. Koreans love chicken and we could
have a outside BBQ. Who is going to buy all this stuff?" asked Sally. Of course
buying the stuff would cost money, so knowing who had the money would be a
good idea.
"I think we just need to keep the receipts for what we buy and the school will pay
for it." Frank knew a lot about school things because he played basketball on their
team. They always had parties for their team fans.
"We can't forget the BBQ sauce. Chicken, sausage, and burgers need sauce. Let's
meet tomorrow after school. Maybe you can bring some things from home. How
many bags of potato chips do you have at home?" John was just trying to think of
cutting the cost a bit.
"We always buy them by the case, so I'm sure we could spare a few." Sue was the
one was never too shy to share a few things from her cupboard. "Do Koreans use
forks? Maybe we need to buy a box of chopsticks; Napkins for the finger food; cups
and plates for the punch and salads; buns and sauces for the BBQ stuff; small bowls
for the desserts! I'm not sure what the desserts will be, but I'm sure there will be
some sweets."
"Sounds like a great party." They all seemed to think about it at the same time.
As they left Sharon's Bagel, they knew it was late. They were going to show these
Koreans a real BBQ party, western style. They just hoped they didn't have too much
left over. Some had said the Koreans were big meat eaters, so it should be just
about right.
Chapter 9


The week flew by so fast. The party was a hit with the Koreans. They
wanted to attend the school when it started the following year. Maybe this
weekend Sally could just sleep in. In the real world it just never seemed


I really enjoy it

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

to happen. John had called to ask what Sally and the others had planned.
Perhaps a lunch or something would be good. Sally's mother called up the
stairs just then.
"Sally!" her mother called. "Your uncle from Malaysia is phoning today. He
wants to chat with you and your friends. I think he will come this summer
to visit us."
"Ok!" Sally replied.
Maybe her friends could have sandwiches at her house. Now she had to
wait for the call from her uncle. Sally quickly phoned the others to tell
them. She couldn't stay on the phone too long.
Finally her uncle phoned. Her friends we stuffing their mouths full of ham
and cheese sandwiches. They were more anxious than Sally to know what
her cousins were doing.
"Hello! Sally! This is Uncle Sam! Can you hear me?" Uncle Sam's voice
was very clear.
"Yes! I can you hear you well. What is Henrietta doing? If I remember she
was a social person." Sally had to try and remember.
"Henrietta? Yes, she is hanging out with her friends. What are you doing
today? It is a weekend so there is no school." Uncle Sam was hoping to
connect his children with Sally so they could have fun when they came in
the summer.
"Well, my friends and I are here and they have lots of questions for you.
We have had so much fun lately. Last weekend we played "Fashion Mogul".
Where does Henrietta hang out with her friends?" Sally had to think of
good questions to ask.



"Henrietta likes to hang out at the theatre. Now she is watching a movie.
What do you and your friends do when you hang out together?" asked
Uncle Sam.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Here is George! He can tell you and then ask a question about Howard. I
think Howard is the same age." It was tough to remember all the ages for
Sally. They didn't visit very often.
"What is Howard doing now?" asked George.
"Howard! He is practicing karate!" answered Uncle Sam. "Do you do
karate George?"
"Not really!" George was glad that they were not using the web cam.
"What level is he at?"
"He is a brown belt! He enjoys it very much. He has been training for
three years. What do you enjoy doing?" Uncle Sam was curious about
Sally's friends.
"I enjoy watching sports. Tae kwon do is popular here. Frank enjoys
playing basketball, so I watch him almost every weekend. Would you like
to talk with him?" George was not comfortable talking with strangers.
"Hello Uncle Sam! May I call you by that name?" Frank was polite like a
"Yes! You can just call me Sam, if you want." Uncle was too formal most
of the time for Uncle Sam.
I have heard there are some good golf courses in Malaysia. Do you enjoy
"Well! I don't have much time to golf in my business. My second son, Bob,
likes to go golfing. Hes always playing sports. He likes tennis, baseball,
cricket, and soccer the most. What are you doing this weekend? Are you
going to play basketball today?" Uncle Sam was very happy to hear that
Sally had friends who enjoyed sports.


"Yes! I have another daughter. Her name is June. I'll check to see what
she is doing." Uncle Sam went to see what his daughter was doing and
Frank gave the phone to Sue.


"This weekend we don't have any games. Next week we have a

tournament! Do have another daughter?" Frank could talk for hours, but
there were other friends who wanted to ask questions.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"Hello! Sam! Are you there?" Sue was waiting for Sam to come back to
the phone.
"Hello! Yes I'm back!" said Sam. "I had to find my daughter."
"What is she doing?" asked Sue.
"She is playing pool. She is almost a professional. Malaysians are good at
playing pool. She doesn't enjoy outdoor sports too much. Do like playing
Not exactly! I enjoy shopping. Shopping was Sue's favorite pastime. I
go shopping almost every weekend. What about the rest of your family?
John has a question for you.
"Hello Sam!" John said. "What is your wife doing?"
"She's cooking dinner!" Uncle Sam was quick to reply. "Do you like
"I enjoy cooking. I often cook for my family. My parents are very busy, so
they don't have much time to cook. Well, I should let you go this call will
cost you a lot of money." John was sensitive to the cost of phoning such a
long distance.
Sally took the phone and said her good bye to her Uncle Sam.
"Wow! It was great to hear from them. We hope to see them in the
summer, when they visit the family." Sally wasn't speaking to anyone in
"Well! I have a busy afternoon, so I will have to go," John said.
They all seemed to be busy this weekend. Maybe they would have more
time next weekend. They were all in High School so they needed to talk
about their future some time too.
Chapter 10


Tests were coming closer again. Finals were always hard to study for. You
had to think about your future and get good grades. For Sally it was no


Future Careers

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

different. She had waited for summer when she could get a job, make
some money, and start her plan for a career. It was just too stressful. As
they met at Michelle's for a burger the conversation topic started with the
question, "What do you hope to do in the future?"
Sally had asked the question, but not to anyone special. It was just a topic
to chat about around a table.
I think I will be a famous programmer!" said John. "I will be famous for a
special gaming technique. I have been working on something, but I need
some more education to finish it. Did you hear about the twenty - year old who started the banking program, Mint? He sold it for over 100
million dollars!"
"Wow! That's a lot of money!" George couldn't believe that a young guy
would have that much. In the future I will be a Space Pilot. We are
almost there already. We have the technology. Would you guys come on
board my Spaceship?
"Oh George! What a wonderful idea, but you will have to do a lot of
training to get there. You don't see too many oversize pilots in the Space
program." Sue was trying to be nice about George's size. "Do you think
you will be fit enough to be there?
I am going to be in a fitness training program next year. I will have a
special diet and lots of exercise. I even thought I could send my name in
for The Biggest Loser TV show. What about you Sue? What do you
predict you will be in the future?


I think so! It sounds like an interesting fortune. You will have to study a
lot to get there. What kind of job will pay enough to save money if you
don't go to University? Part-time jobs are not so hot, but maybe you could
do some online teaching or something. You are also good at fashion so
you could design your own fashions and sell them online." Frank was
always full of ideas. It must be the basketball practice giving his mind
fresh air. Maybe you will be famous someday. Will you move to a
different city?


In the future I will work very hard! I am going to be a singer. Most

singers start in small places and work hard every night to make enough
money to continue. I'm not going to do that. I will get a good job, save
some money, and make a CD demo. I will also try to win the American
Idol contest. Do I have to be American?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

"Yes! I think so! I will have to move to a different city. Our town is nice
but very small." Sue had thought about moving after high school, but had
not decided on one special one yet. Being famous was in her future. "John!
What is in your plans for the future?"
Someday you will see me on your cell phone video! I am going to go to
New Zealand to study next year. I am going to get married and have lots
of children. I will have to work hard but I will be famous. Do you think I
can do it?, John quipped.
"If anybody can, you can!" said Sally. She had faith in John's ability. He
was quiet most of the time but he was smart. I am going to live in
another country. I don't know which one yet. If you go to university, you
do not always keep the same major. Everything will change by then. The
world is a continuously changing place. What are your plans of the future?
If you don't keep moving you will lose. If you continue changing you will
be ahead of all your friends.



Can you add a good ending, or another

chapter to this story?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

John and Sally



The Homework

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The following is how to make your conversation work better. Each weeks
homework adds to the next week. You can have 20 questions for each
conversation ready.
1. Open a conversation with a greeting PLUS a question. This shows
that you are polite and have thought about your approach.
You: Hello! + Are you waiting for someone?
Alternate ~ Hello! + Are you busy?

** With a (NO) response you can continue.

Response ~~ No!
You: May I have a conversation with you?

*** With a (Yes) you stop your conversation approach unless you need
some urgent or necessary information.
Response ~~Yes! (Go away)
Poor questions ~ Do you ... Are you Is he Is she
Good questions ~ Who is Who are
Better questions ~ How are What are.. When is

**Questions starting with DO will not help your conversation. They will
give you a Yes/NO answer.
2. Add information by adding a topic to chat about. Add questions and
responses to help
CONTINUE the conversation.
+ (information) I am interested in

Response ~~ No!


You: Hello! + Are you waiting for someone?


Are you interested in movies?

Are you interested in sports?
Are you interested in traveling?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

You: May I have a conversation with you?

Response ~~Sure!
You: Are you interested in movies?
Response ~~Yes!


Add good questions here ~~ How long When do Who do you

Where do Why do you.
You: How often _______________________ movies?
Response ~~


You: _________________________________________________
Response ~~


You: __________________________________________________
Response ~~


You: _________________________________________________
Response ~~


You: _________________________________________________



Response ~~



Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Task ~ The next section has two ideas ( 3 + 4 ). There are three topics
just like the first two.

Create a conversation with a polite opening, which

continues with the ideas given. Remember to keep your topic
words together. Fill in the blanks to make your conversation.
Story ~ You are in Saskatoon.
You want to watch a movie, but forgot your map at home.

You have tickets to a soccer game and need to find the right

You would like to change your travel plans and need to find
someone to help you.

3. + Where can I find the nearest theatre?

+ Where is the nearest stadium?
+ Where is the nearest hotel or travel agent?

** When you want to connect in a conversation you need to offer some

information. If you offer information other people will offer
ADD information to your conversation which will help your
conversation continue.



4. + Which movie did you see last?

When did you last see a game in person?
Where did you go on your last trip?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

You: Hello! + Are you busy?
Response ~~ No!


You: Where can I find the nearest theatre?

Response ~~


You: ______________________________. + (information) I went

to see PI a couple of weeks ago. ___________________________?
Response ~~


__________________ ____________________________________?

You: ______________________________.
_______________ _________________________________?
Response ~~


_________________ ____________________________________?

You: ______________________________.
Response ~~


__________________ ____________________________________?

You: ______________________________.


__________________ ____________________________________?


Response ~~



Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

You: ______________________________.

Response ~~


__________________ ____________________________________?

You: ______________________________.
Response ~~


__________________ ____________________________________?

Task ~ The next section the task is to take the practice into real life.

Choose 1 or both pictures of people shopping and one or both to a

o Ask the questions listed below.
o Add a few more so you can get at least 5 minutes of speaking.
o Make a movie of your conversation.
o Make an audio file and add it to a PowerPoint presentation of
o Send the script and audio/video files to your professor.




Make a practice conversation using the questions before you go.

Take a deep breath and have fun.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Questions to be used in the conversation.

Fill in the blanks BEFORE you go on your excursion.
Q. What did they buy? _________________________________________.
Q. How much did it cost? ______________________________________.
Q. When did ___________________________________________________?
Q. Who did ____________________________________________________?
Q. How many did _______________________________________________?
Q. Why did ____________________________________________________?
Q. ___________________________________________________________?
Q. ___________________________________________________________?
Q. ___________________________________________________________?

Making a PPT movie is easy.


Make your PPT.

#2. Save it as a .jpg file. This will save a folder in the PPT file name.
#3. Open Windows Movie Maker. (If you do not have one you can download
it for free)
#4. Copy all the .jpgs from the first file into the movie timeline. (You can
and drop these .jpgs)
#5. Make your mp3 file, while you play the movie.
#6. Drag your mp3 file into the movie timeline.
#7. Save your file. It will be a wma file. Convert or save your file again as an
mp4 file.


A good free converter can be downloaded @


#8. Send both files to your professor. ( Script and movie mp4)

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Making the script.

Write your script like an essay. This means that you do not write line by line.
Like this.
Use paragraphs.
You should use about 2 pages for the script. (4-5 minutes)

The following 10 conversations follow the topics given in a regular ESL
textbook. Each week students were tasked with writing one Question
Answer sequence containing at least 20 sets. Each week the book focused on a
set of grammar ideas. These are listed at the top of the conversation for each
week. When they are used the students were to underline them. They were
also to use at least 10 vocabulary words and list them at the bottom.
Students were put into groups of 3. This allowed students to have the
conversation in pairs while the third took the movie. Each student had to
be shown as the primary student asking the questions. Each week the grammar
and vocabulary changed.
One script file for the group plus 3 video files were sent to the professor. This
allowed the confirmation of the students participation in the project.
If you are a teacher and this is too much for your students, have them use
select chapters to give students the practice and adequate homework
participation points. Make a rubric to reflect the use of the grammar and
adequate participation.



Following are the templates designed for this project. Students can use them
to help create their own.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Meeting People is/a /are/s/ to be

1. Are you busy?
2. Are you waiting for someone?
3. May I have a conversation with you?
4. I would like to talk about family. I have two _________. How many
siblings do you have?
5. Who is the smartest? My __________ is the smartest. They always think
faster than me.
6. Who in your family do you look like? I look more like my grandfather
than my parents.
7. What does your father do for a job? My father is a teacher. He teaches
_______ in a High School.
8. Where does your name come from? My family name comes
from ________. It is a ____ in Korea.
9. Do you have any pictures of your family? I always carry one in my wallet.
Let me show you? This is ______. This is _______.
10. My ___________ likes to ____________. May I ask why you came to
11. I have always wanted to go overseas. I think it would be fun. What do
you like about Korea?
You make the rest. INFORMATION + QUESTION

13. ________________________.




12. _____________________.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

14. ________________________.
15. ________________________ .
16. ________________________.
17. ________________________.
18. ________________________.
19. ________________________.
20. ________________________.

Homework video #1 Meeting People

Group Project (3 persons / group)
In this homework you will make a video with a partner. Each partner
must make a video. 2 people (me + partner) = 2 videos.
You want to meet someone and get some information about that person.
When you get the information (on video) you will turn to the camera and
introduce them to the camera (professor) giving all your information as
an introduction.

c. In your video you want to end with a face - to - camera telling us some
information about this new person.


b. In your video you want to use questions starting with Whos/ Whats /
Wheres / How old/ etc.


a. In your video you want to have a conversation with a foreigner. In the

video you want to ask the person some good questions from this

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

d. This video should be at LEAST 5 minutes

long. (minimum)
e. Make a script of your conversation.
When you are done email your professor the two files. Label each file with
your student ID. (201347568.avi/ .mp4/.hwp/.doc etc.)
Choose a format which can be opened easily. Ask your professor to reply that
they have received the homework.

The points for this homework are 10

Good chapter questions
Questions with Whos
Face to camera
Time and script

= 10 points

You will find that the opening is the same. This gives practice to students but
feel free to change them. Keep the beginning similar for politeness. This also
puts into practice what has been done in class and for homework previously.

Homework video #1 Meeting People

(alternate choice)

1. Homework for this week is a choice. Make a PowerPoint


2. Make a video with a foreigner. Ask good questions about

their EXTENDED family. Use questions that will get good
information. This should be about 4 minutes long. Send
the file and script to your professors email.


presentation about your family. In your presentation you

will include pictures of your family and what they do/ kinds
of music, hobbies etc. You will record your voice to tell
your family story. Include some EXTENDED family as well.
This should be about 4 minutes long. Send the file and
script to your professors email. 50% or less of the class
can do this.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 2 Leisure Time

1. Are you busy?
2. Are you waiting for someone?
3. May I have a conversation with you?
4. I am interested in __________. Are you interested in ______________?
5. How often do you _____ _____? I __________ _______ twice a week.
6. I want to ____ more, but I dont have time. What day(s) do you _______?
7. I usually ______

____from ____ to ____. I meet one some of my friends.

When do you ______


8. I like to go to ______ to _____ ____. It is a bit far, but it is a much nicer

place. Where do you like to go to _____________ ______________?
9. There is a ______ this weekend. Tickets are about ______ won. Why not
bring a friend and join us? (me and my friends)
10. Next month there is a ______tournament in ____________. You might
like to go with your friends. Are you interested?
11. Korea has a lot of events going on all the time.


13. ________________________.


14. ________________________.


15. _______________________ .


16. _________________________. ________________________________?


12. ________________________.


You make the rest. INFORMATION + QUESTION

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

17. _________________________. ________________________________?

18. _________________________. _______________________________?
19. _________________________. _______________________________?
20. Thank you for the conversation. Perhaps we will meet again.

Homework #2 Leisure Activities

(A) The goal is to ask questions about what a foreigner does in
their free time. (B) After a few opening questions you should ask
the foreigner to an event. You should ask about the time/ if they
are interested in the event/ where it is, etc. It could be a movie,
play, game, etc. This will be at the end of your conversation. They
may decline, but that is ok. (minimum 5 minutes)

baseball/ event) + Are you free + time of the event? Be

sure you write their answer in the script.

to your video and make a script file. Send to your

professors email address. Send your file with your NSU
student ID as the file name.
(2013332457.avi/.mp4/ .hwp/.doc) etc.

Total =10


Good questions
Time limit


Points for the homework = 10

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 3 Asking The Way

1. Are you busy?
Response: ____________________________________________________
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. I am interested in ______________. Are you interested in __________?
Response: _____________________________________________________
5. I would like to find the nearest _______________. Would you be able to
tell me directions on how to get there?
Response: ____________________________________________________
6. How far is it from here?
Response: ___________________________________________________
7. How long does it take?
Response: ____________________________________________________
8. Is it faster if I take a taxi?
Response: ____________________________________________________

10. I am in a bit of a hurry. Thanks again for the information.


Response: ____________________________________________________


9. Is it easy to find? I get lost easily.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Homework #3 ~~

Asking the Way (A/B)

Choose 1 of the two options below for your homework.

Homework #3 A movie ask a few (5 or more) foreigners for

directions to a place more than one kilometer (or two subway
stops) from where you are.

Movie/script (Minimum 5 minutes)

Homework #3 B ~~ Take a picture of a house and ask
10 foreign people, in English, at least five uestions about
the picture.

(Minimum 5 minutes)

If you chose 3B you should use the pause

button on the camera so it is one video. It is
easier than stop and start with 10 videos.



Send your script and video to your professor.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 4 People (past tense)

1. Are you busy?
Response: ____________________________________________________
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. I am interested in __________. Are you interested in ____________?
Response: ____________________________________________________
5. I went to the ________ last month. I _______ (bought) a ___________.
What did you _____

last month.

Response: ____________________________________________________
6. What did you buy?
Response: ____________________________________________________
7. I usually pay __________. How much did you spend?
Response: ____________________________________________________
8. I like to buy things in twos. That way if one breaks there is always a spare.
How many do you usually buy?



Response: ____________________________________________________

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

9. I spent about _______ . I have to watch my budget. Do you work on a

Response: ____________________________________________________
10. I _________ almost every week. How often do you ___________?
You write the rest. INFORMATION + QUESTION
11. _________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
12. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
13. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
14. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
15. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________

Response: ____________________________________________________




16. ___________________________.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

17. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
18. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
19. __________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
20. Thank you for the conversation. Perhaps we will meet again.

Homework #4

People (A /B)

Choose 1 of the two options below for your

A~ Make a power-point presentation about your
family. If you made this before you MUST DO
Movie/script (5 minutes minimum)

B~ Print out a picture with one or two people in it and

ask 5 foreigners about it.
Movie/script (5 minutes minimum)



**This dialogue was worked on earlier.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 5 Sports

(Have you ever )

1. Are you busy?

Response: ____________________________________________________
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. How long have you lived in Korea?
Response: ____________________________________________________
5. I am interested in __________. Are you interested in ____________?
Response: ___________________________________________________
6. ________ season has started. Have you ever gone to a _______ game?
Response: ____________________________________________________
7. I have been going to ___________ for more than _____ years. What
sports do you like to watch live?
Response: ____________________________________________________
8. I usually ______

_________ go on weekends. How often do you _____?

Response: ____________________________________________________
9. Spring has many festivals. I like to go to the _______ festivals. Have you


Response: ____________________________________________________


ever gone to any festivals?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

10. There is a _______this weekend. Its not far. Have you ever ________at
a festival? They _______ it at almost all festivals. It is very fun.
Response: ____________________________________________________
11. Next month there is a ________ in ____________. You might like to go
with your friends. There is a train or bus that takes you there. Have
you ever _________ at a ________ festival?
Response: ____________________________________________________
12. What about ______________ have you ever ______________ some of
You make the rest. INFORMATION + QUESTION


Response: ____________________________________________________
14. ________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
15. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________

Response: ____________________________________________________




16. __________________________.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

17. ________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
18. __________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
19. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
20. Thank you for the conversation. Perhaps we will meet again.

Homework #5 Sports
Choose 1 of the options (A or B) below for your homework.
Use the ideas below to help you do your movie.
5 good questions / Do you / Are you / Can you / Have
you ever / What sports



Movie/script ~ Have a conversation with a foreigner

about a festival. Ask the 5 good questions and at least
five more. Use what you have done before to help
you. (Minimum 5 minutes)

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 6 Shopping (What are you

1. Are you busy?
Response: ___________________________________________________
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. How long have you lived Korea?
Response: ___________________________________________________
5. I am interested in __________. Are you interested in ____________?
Response: ____________________________________________________
6. What are you going to do during the summer vacation?
Response: ____________________________________________________
7. Im going to visit my friend. What are you going to do during the
Response: ____________________________________________________
8. Im going to travel. I was going to meet my friend, but he hasnt come yet.
Do you think he will come soon?
Response: ____________________________________________________


Response: ____________________________________________________


9. I expect he will come soon. Were you and Mary going to go on a trip?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

10. We were going to go next month. there is a ________ in _________.

You might like to go with your friends. There is a train or bus that
takes you there. Have you ever ______ ?
Response: ____________________________________________________
11. What about ______________. What are you ______________?
You make the rest. INFORMATION + QUESTION
12. ___________________________.


Response: ___________________________ _________________________?

13. ____________________________.


Response ___________________________.


Response ___________________________.


Response ___________________________.

16. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

17. _________________________.




Response ___________________________.



15. _________________________.



14. ___________________________.


Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

18. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

19. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.


20. Thank you for the conversation. Perhaps we will meet again.

Homework #6 Shopping (A/B/C)

Homework #6 Shopping (A/B/C)
Choose 1 of the options below for your homework.
A ~ Have a conversation with a friend in English about their shopping habits.
Use as many questions as possible to make your movie/script.
(Minimum 5 minutes)
B ~ Take a picture of someone selling on the street. Then ask 3 foreigners
questions about what they are selling. Ask more if you can.
(Minimum 5 minutes)
C. Make a video/script presentation about what you should and shouldnt
wear ~ in the office / formal restaurants/ casual social settings/ and
religious institutions. (Minimum 5 minutes)



Send the files to your professor.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 7 Books and Television

(What happened yesterday?)

1. Are you busy?

Response: ____________________________________________________
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. Im interested in reading about ________. What was the last book
title you read _______?
Response: ____________________________________________________
5. My last book was a mystery romance. I like books written by _________.
Why did you choose the book you read last?
Response: ___________________________________________________
6. The mystery was about _____________________. _______________.
Response: ___________________________________________________
( army Captain, from the Chosun Dynasty. He fell in love with a young
lady whose family was very poor. Keeping those secrets was hard back then.)
What was your story about?)
7. Where do you usually buy your books? I dont like to buy books online. I
like to see the book first. I go to one of the bigger book stores. They
are quite expensive.

Response: ____________________________________________________


8. Have you ever gone to the used book store in Itaewon? I have been there
once. I will have to go back and see if I can find a new book.


Response: ____________________________________________________

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

9. Does your favorite writer write in one style, or many? The author I
usually choose most often writes on one topic. (He likes to write
about life and romance, in the Chosun Dynasty.)
Response: ____________________________________________________

10. Would you recommend a book for me to read? I may be a bit slow, but I
usually get through with time.
Response: ___________________________________________________

Response ___________________________.

12. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

13. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

16. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

15. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

14. _________________________.




Response ___________________________.



11. _________________________.


You make the rest.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

17. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

18. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

19. _________________________.




Response ___________________________.


20. Thank you for the conversation. Perhaps we will meet again.

Homework # 7 Books and TV



Have a conversation with a foreigner about their favorite

movie or book or TV show/series. Use questions with ~
Is/Are there ~ to get information about it. Be sure you
have made your own answers and have opinions about
your favorite movie/book. (10 minutes minimum)

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 8 Work
important in a job?)

(What is most

1. Are you busy?

Response: ____________________________________________________
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. Im interested in finding a good job. What do you like most about
your job?
Response: ____________________________________________________
5. If I was to choose a job, I would choose one with a good salary. How
important is salary to your choice of job?
Response: ___________________________________________________
6. Because I am looking for a job, I should also think about moving up
the ladder. I think promotions are important. What are some
advantages and disadvantages of moving into a management position?
Response: ____________________________________________________
7. I like to work independently, most of the time. Is your job team oriented,


You make the rest.


or do you work independently?

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas


Response ___________________________.


Response ___________________________.

10. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

11. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

17. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

16. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

15. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

14. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

13. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.

12. _________________________.




Response ___________________________.



9. _________________________.



8. _________________________.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

18. _________________________.


Response ___________________________.

19. _________________________.



Response ___________________________.


20. Thank you for the conversation. Perhaps we will meet again.

Homework #8 Work

Have a conversation with 1 ~ 3 foreigners about what is

most important to get a job. Use the topics from what you
know about this topic to help you.
Discuss their job, what they like and dont like about it,
and your job or future job.
Record it and send it to your professor.



(10 minutes minimum)

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Conversation 9 Food (How to make your

favorite food.)
1. Are you busy?
2. Are you waiting for someone?
Response: ____________________________________________________
3. May I have a conversation with you?
Response: ____________________________________________________
4. Im interested in food. What do you like most about food?
Response: ____________________________________________________
5. I like to eat kimchi and rice for breakfast. What do you prefer for breakfast?
Response: ____________________________________________________
6. I prefer to have my mother make my breakfast. Who do you prefer to
make your breakfast, a restaurant chef or yourself?
Response: ___________________________________________________
7. I usually have lunch in the cafeteria at school. Where do you usually have
your lunch?
Response: ____________________________________________________

Response: ____________________________________________________
9. ____________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________


8. ____________________________.


You make the rest.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

10. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
11. ___________________________.


Response: ___________________________________________________
12. __________________________. _______________________________?
Response: ____________________________________________________
13. _____________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
14. _____________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
15. ____________________________.


Response: ___________________________________________________
16. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
17. ___________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
18. ____________________________.


Response: ____________________________________________________
19. ____________________________.




Response: ___________________________________________________

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Homework #9 Food
Make a movie about how to make your favorite food. Include
how many/much ingredients,

how to make it,

how long to cook it,
how many can you feed with your



10 15 minutes

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The Interview
The interview challenge is often a required homework in ESL
classes. IT is also a good makeup class activity. This interview
has two sections. The first is student ~ foreigner. The second is
a reversal with foreigner ~ student. This design makes the
student think quickly on the spot.
Often students will fill out their half before to help them. Some
will also struggle to get started. This hesitancy is ok and just
encourage them to do it.
One of the struggle is a fear of rejection which often happens.
Some students who are less assertive may find rejection
happens more. The more assertive ones will experience fewer
rejections. Rejection is a good thing. This is what happens in
real life, which is the objective of any ESL course.
Make a copy for each student to hand in when finished.
Require students to video or audio record this activity. This
makes the challenge a bit harder, but many will go around the
corner and fill it out otherwise.



Choose a place where it is easy to find foreigners.

Hand the papers out. (prep by sending email to students)
Set a time to meet.
Wait for the students to return with their papers filled
out and stories to tell.
Have fun and expect the video/audio files.

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

The Interview
1. Hello! My name is ____________. I am doing interviews for my English
class. May I ask you some questions?
2. How long have you been in Korea?
3. Was your first impression positive or negative?
4. If you could change something in Korea, what would it be?
5. Have you traveled in Asia before?
6. Do you speak more than one language?
7. Did you study a language in College? _____ If yes which one(s)
8. I like to _______! What do you like to do for a hobby? ______________
9. If you could change your career what would you be?_______________
10. Thank you for answering my questions. Do you have time to ask me
some questions to help me practice?

Yes = continue

No = stop and find one more person to

Repeat # 1-10.



Go to the other side for more questions

Conversation Templates For Conversation Expansion Including homework ideas

Part II
11. Where have you been in Korea? __________________________
12. Where do you study? __________________________________
13. Do you like to study English? ________________________________
14. If you could travel to another country, which one would you choose?
15. Why would you choose that country? __________________________
16. If you could change something in Korea, what would you choose?
17. Why would you change it? _________________________________
18. What kind of job do you want to have after you graduate?
19. What will you do after this interview is over? ___________________
20. Thank you for asking me to help you. I hope you have a great future.
Good bye!
*** Thank you for helping my students with their conversation project.



Professor __________

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