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Prize Essay Topics

(Deadline for these essay entries is August 12 - awards given in Atlanta on Sept. 30)

Access to Health - Nearly ten million children and half a million mothers die annually from
preventable causes due to a lack of access to the necessary healthcare. Many times, even
when healthcare services can be found in developing countries, results are hindered due to a
lack of trained providers, patient education, sufficient supplies and effective technologies.
Research current initiatives to increase global access to healthcare, then, based on your
findings, pinpoint where the issues lie and suggest what further actions would improve
effectiveness. Give specific examples of strategies, organizations or countries that are
making a difference.

Education and Literacy According to the United Nations, there are over a billion people
who are either undernourished or illiterate, or both. The problems of illiteracy and hunger
are related - studies have shown that children learn more effectively when they are not
hungry, and increasing education has a direct effect on improving agricultural production. A
World Bank study showed that increasing women's primary schooling could boost
agricultural output by 24 percent. Even in America, 42 million adults can't read at all, and
the impact on child literacy is compounded when there are no adult role models. Education
is the best tool we have available to reliably change entrenched attitudes and it is necessary
to break the cycle of poverty. It is important that girls are able to attend school regularly and
are safe as they travel to and from school. Research what steps are being taken to increase
international access to education and put together a step-by-step proposal for one
country of your choosing to further diminish the rate of adult and child illiteracy.

Human Trafficking Somaly Mam, world-renowned human rights activist and founder of
the Somaly Mam Foundation, will be a featured speaker at the 2011 Global Womens
Initiative: Creating the Ripple Effect. Human trafficking is the second largest criminal activity

throughout the world, with over two million women and children sold into sexual slavery
each year. Research and investigate current initiatives to combat modern-day slavery.
Based on your research, how do you propose to increase awareness of human trafficking,
reduce demand, rescue victims and bring about new policies to eliminate this activity?
Cite examples.
Women and Public Policy Ambassador Swanee Hunt will deliver the keynote address at
the 2011 Global Womens Initiative: The Ripple Effect. Founder of the Women and Public
Policy Program at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Ambassador Hunt believes
women are the key to peaceful and stable domestic and foreign policies. To what extent are
women excluded from political and peace processes and how should womens international
inclusion in global policy-making be approached? Use research to guide your essay and
develop a proposal that addresses how women can distinctly and positively impact
domestic and foreign policies. Give examples of specific countries and recommend
strategies to advance change. Include a list of organizations working to solve these issues
that have demonstrated effectiveness (not included in 2,500 word limit).

Discover Prize Essay Topics

(Deadline for these essay entries is Sept 16 - awards given in Chicago on Nov. 10)
Economic Empowerment In recent years, studies have found that gender equity is smart

economics." Yet in many areas of the world, womens potential remains an untapped
opportunity for economic growth and development. According to the United Nations
Development Programmes Overall Human Development Index Survey, nations with narrow
gender gaps tend to have higher overall economic competitiveness. This is illustrated by the
fact that the ten nations with the lowest gender inequality rank at the top of the Human
Development Index Survey while the ten nations with the highest gender inequality rank at
the bottom. Research how gender equality leads to gender equity, then, research a
developing country that has taken steps to improve its gender equality. Develop a
strategic plan for how those steps could be applied in a country with lower gender
equality. Finally, use research to support ways gender equity can impact the global
Security and Political Empowerment - Individual security and self determination are two
crucial aspects of stable societies where individuals are able to pursue prosperity, health
and happiness. Yet in places where conflict, crises and turmoil prevail, millions of women
typically have no voice through political channels or public dialogue to advance ideas and
creative solutions to combat violence and extremism. Research this issue and recommend

specific strategies to increase opportunities for women to be more actively engaged in

public issues and fully embraced in the country of your choosing. Include specific desired
outcomes and ways to measure success. Include a list of organizations currently working
on this problem (not included in the 2,500 word limit).
Gender Imbalance and Cultural Implications In the United States, the balance of power is
shifting girls do better in school, they earn more advanced degrees, and the number of
women in leadership roles is on the rise. But for many countries, gender bias and male
gender preference still drive couples reproductive, health, birth and parenting choices,
thereby diminishing the number of women in a society. According to a recent Newsweek
article, in some areas in countries such as China and India, baby boys outnumber baby girls
by 30 percent or more. Explore the economic, cultural, health and political ramifications of
this impending gender imbalance in the fast-developing model countries of China and
India, then, offer strategies to counter those ramifications and ways to alter cultural
biases against female children. Give specific examples.
Global Leadership In March 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted the 2011
International Women of Courage Awards. This event recognized women around the globe
who have shown exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for women's rights and
empowerment, often at great personal risk. How can corporations and organizations in the
United States identify, train, and assist future women leaders in the U.S. and in other
countries? Write a project outline that will reach out to prospective women leaders and
provide them with the tools they need to be political, economic, or social leaders in their
own country.
Corporate Social Innovation As the world and global economy continue to change,
economists are predicting corporations will begin to migrate beyond corporate social
responsibility and focus instead on corporate social innovation. Corporate social innovation
requires businesses to generate real social and economic results, not just reputation
management. Research corporate social responsibility and corporate social innovation,
and find specific examples of companies that are implementing programs that address
global challenges in developing countries. Afterwards, write a hypothetical proposal to a
real company that would propose a way for them to impact a need in a developing
community where they do business and stay in tune with their corporate mission. Include
a list and brief description of five corporate CRS/CSI programs that you consider to be the
most effective in helping with global issues. (List is not included in 2500 word limit)

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