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Staggering Seduction Mines

TP.BZ Special edited by epic2sk8

It is the art of breaking barriers and quickly integrating yourself
into her romantic narrative in a manner that will feel gradual and
natural. I call it 'staggering because of both the incredible results
and because the principle is to break down barriers in overlapping
levels and to create a seduction narrative for her, bringing together
her different realities. Think of it as setting land mines in a
staggered pattern. Every time she attempts to erect a barrier, a
mine will explode and give you further access into her world. And in
the end, you bring it together withher.If you do this correctly, she
will be willing to do virtually anything for you.
Limits of speed seduction (at least of the version so far
revealed):1) Women have deeply embedded obstacles. It will take
more than simply creating a temporary state of stimulation or
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openness. She has been training herself for 20+ years to erect
certain barriers. Even if you overcome some of her obstacles by
inducing her into a temporary hypnotic state,there is a high
likelihood that she will retract and put up her former obstacles once
the feeling is gone or you are away,e.g. the same way the
temporary high that comes from listening to self help tapes goes
away after a few days.Anchors have limited use when they are
attached to feelings and aren't in turn attached to more profound
states that are related to a woman's deepest, most closely held and
complex thoughts. Speed seduction needs a more realistic and
integrated synthesis where the seducer becomes part of the
woman's intricate and lasting thoughts and feelings.
2) These deeply embedded obstacles often make asking her direct
questions to access the fourth level of her mind or introducing ideas
using traditional SS methods (e.g. weasel phrases) somewhat
ineffective. For example, imagine what would happen if someone
you didn't know well asked you about the specific reason you really
enjoy 'x'. You may be unmotivated to really think about the answer
unless you already really like the person. Without first establishing
a deep level of rapport and trust, and without something to
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make her WANT to discuss things with you, you will probablyoften
get cursory and even inaccurate answers.Just think about how your
parents used to ask you all those questions about what you enjoy
about school, etc.we are inclined to provide curt answers that say
nothing when we are unconcerned about what the other person
thinks or do not feel motivated to involve ourselves in deeper
3) Ross's answer is to establish rapport before you go into this
type of questioning. He would have us do this with laughter and
making small talk to maker her comfortable. Certainly this is a
viable solution, but it is also easier said than done.Moreover, if
someone is skilled enough to establish this rapport, they are
probably on the path towards seducing that individual even without
using SS tools. A programmatic technique is thus needed to
simultaneously address the problem with establishing rapport and
to put her into a state where she WANTS to be seduced.
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Basics/purposes of this staggering seduction mines:
1)Establish a way to simultaneously building rapport and trust by
include:social expectations, peer influences, personality (she isn't
used to being open in this way), moral constructs, and
inertia(especially if she is attractive, she may be unreceptive unless
you provide something that she wants or something that intrigues
her). This technology does not assume that instilling a momentary
or temporary feeling will suffice to break down the walls. There
must be substance underlying the seduction and substance
underlying the lowering and elimination of her barriers. The idea
behind this important distinction between this technology and SS is
that feelings are not easily recalled, even with anchoring. Her
former barriers will likely destroy whatever temporary progress you
have made. However, if these feelings are combined with ideas,
values,deep memories, hopes, dreams, and the very constructs of
her character, you become something much more important than
someone who temporarily made her feel good. You become
essential to her sense of higher self. Borrowing that infamous line
from Jerry Maguire, "you [will] complete her."
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2) Make her anticipate your words and focus on what you have to
say because you will be intriguing, comfortable, and somewhat
confusing to

her. You will instill the feeling in her that you have something
valuable and perhaps essential to add, not only to the
moment, but in her entire life and to her eternal mind and soul.
3) Give her access to herself in a way that makes her feel as if she
has unlimited power to make herself whole. And provide "specific
generics" that give her reason to believe that you know more about
her than she realizesthat you possess some kind of insight and
wisdom that you will reveal on your own terms. E.g. asking her if
she ever had a secret desire to be an actor. Use the horoscope
principle. That is, if you provide a bit of insight or a broad level
prediction, if she is in the proper state, she will fill in the blanks and
make whatever you say true. Everything you say will start to take
on significant meaning and she will come to see you as her
authority in life.This is extremely powerful, but also terribly
4) Instill yourself into her personal narrative by accessing her past,
present, and future; fluctuating between the three; and making
suggestions about her, about you, and about the two of you within
this context. This is the key to this technologyyou will access
pleasant and cherished childhood memories,and integrate them
with her present and future. This must include symbols and
snapshots or movies that reveal her
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values, fantasies, dreams, and aspirations. It is time-distortion to
the tenth power, adding underlying substance to it. If you are able
to integrate these things, you will make her feel 'whole'
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and you will be given the opportunity to inject suggestions about
your role in her life very easily.
5)This technology is called "staggering seduction mines" because
you are laying conversational traps to gradually break down her
barriers, and you will destroy these barriers and employ a
staggered seduction strategy, alternating between her different
realities (past, present, and future) and integrating them, while
incorporating yourself as the glue that holds them together. Break
her down her different levels and put them back together.
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Strategic Implementation
These are general suggestions; they merely present a structure for
using this technology. The real power and force in this technology
comes with true understanding of the underlying principles. Thus,
although I present steps in applying the technology, it should not
be taken so literally. These steps are simply examples and
highlights of key principles. One who does not understand the
principles will likely fail in using the technology. However, one who
does understand the principles and learns how to carry them out
will wield incredible power. While I hesitate to use the comparison,
it is the same principle that compels nations of people to follow a
cult-of-personality leader with unbridled devotion and it is the same
idea that makes reasonable people able to fall prey to cult leaders.
These ideas combined with the strongest applications of SS make
this technology absolutely deadly.
Step one:
Set a precedent that allows you to bring up random ideas of which
she will search for greater meaning. This will give you the
opportunity to set 'conversational traps' without having her become
suspicious that you are trying to lure her into your control.
Very importantyou must intersperse profound and extremely
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intelligent ideas with ridiculous and seemingly irrelevant ones. This
is not the same as interspersing hypnotic suggestions with fluff.
You are condition her to confuse
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and add intrigue and mystery, making her more attentive and
curious.Make it so that she has a difficult time being able to tell
whether you have said something extremely important or whether
you're just being wildly creative. Do this using an inconsistent
pattern. What you discuss does not have to be geared towards
specifically seductive topics.Rather,you are laying the groundwork
so that she will be somewhat confused by you, but will come to
suspect that there's something really deep going on in your mind.
You are conditioning her so that she will come to believe that
everything you say may be interesting and important.
For example, I have gained the instant respect and curiosity of a
number of women by saying something as ridiculous as "You know,
I think Beavis and Butthead is a really good show." She will
inevitably scoff at me and talk about how stupid a show it ishow
it's just two idiots making dumb comments. I will respond by
pausing a while, looking at her for a while, and without any
disrespect say "is that all you see in it? Hmmmm... I guess that's
probably what most people think, now that I think about it." She
will start to feel as if I am judging her, though not necessarily in a

manner that it terribly threatening, since it's Beavis and Butthead

Only when she asks what I think, as she inevitably will, since she
wants to know on what basis she is being judged, I will launch into
a detailed discussion of how the writer of the show perfectly
captures the most mind-numbing side of suburban dystopiathe
imaginary place
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where life is depressingly wretched and where people live a fearful
existence. I discuss how the idea that these two kids
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who have nothing in life besides each other and their television
communicate in a way that barely recognizes the existence of the
other.For example, there are numerous scenes where one of them
gets hurt,and the other acts as if he does not even realize it. It's as
if the other person is no more real to him than what he sees on
televisionthe most compelling recent rendition of individualism in
our capitalist society leading to an existential crisis. I'll then
compare it to various works of literature that invoke the same
theme, and explain to her that most people mistake the
presentation for lack of substance, which is no different from
judging a book by its cover. I inform her that during Dostoyevsky's
and Kafka's time, their writing was treated as mere comedy.
Her reaction to my discussion is usually one of tempered curiosity
she'll of course say that she thinks I'm reading too much into it, but
it's obvious that she is surprised by my insight and is forced to
question whether she's missed something just like everyone else
has.To cap off the discussion, I'll discuss how intelligent the creator
is,referring to an interview and something really profound that he
said,just to make her question herself even more.
It's terribly important to not fight her on it Never be defensive and
treat the conversation like it's being had in good fun. Make her
wonder just how serious you are. Let your statements speak for
themselves, [as an aside, in the above discussion, I've also laid a
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powerful seduction mineone that is setting up a discussion about
living life to the fullest and achieving the optimal statemore on
that later] Note, if you are unable to discuss your 'ridiculous topic'
intelligently and thoroughly, don't do ityou'll just end up looking
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So what I've done accomplishes a number of things. First, by
making what initially seems like an absolutely ridiculous statement
and allowing her to think of it/me as ridiculous, I let her know what
it feels like to look down on me or dismiss what I say. Then I lower
the boom and overwhelm her with a discussion to show her just
how wrong she is and let her question her judgment about
whatever I say, and essentially about me. If I do this in a light
hearted and even humorous way and intersperse it into the
conversation enough, she will begin to actively listen to me and will
become afraid to dismiss anything too readily for fear that she'll
miss something or be seen by me as not worthy of my company. I
can't emphasize enough how well this works.
Another way to accomplish the same thing is to lace the
conversation with things that seem like they're wildly irrelevant.
When you show her how relevant and interesting your point is,
she'll be intrigued and forced to take what you say seriously, again
for fear that she's missing something. The more seemingly
irrelevant comment, the better.
For example, a woman once told me how her younger brother was
really shy. I informed her that a number of mentally ill people take
up the martial arts. Of course, she became offended and asked
whether I was saying her brother was mentally ill. Then I explained
to her how the act of going through physical routines and engaging
in a disciplined practice instills confidence and greater poise, and
this is why many mentally challenged people are encouraged to
take up the martial arts.
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I told her how her brother should focus on an activity that requires
a high level of physicality and discipline because it will force him to
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less on his internal states and instead on a rigorous practice of 'x\
[another asideagain, I'm laying down a conversational mine
about how focus on the external and emphasis on internal states
are at oddsit will be easy for me to talk about her internal states
and what she focuses on in the environment later on]
Btw, I explained to this woman the relationship between her
brother's shyness and mentally ill people practicing martial arts it a
lot better than what I've just writtenbut the idea is that you are
conditioning her in an extremely powerful way. If you are able to
set a precedent where you have the liberty to bring up anything, no
matter how irrelevant it seems, then it will make it much easier to

apply traditional SS techniques later on. Moreover, it will give you

the license to bring up seductive topics without having her instantly
erect her typical obstacles to you. And you start gaining a license to
shock her. You get her used to your saying things that seem
outrageous, and eventually you will normalize these outrageous
comments so that she will eventually start to create a special rule
for youthat your outrageous comments are OK, because
occasionally she finds out that they're really relevant and insightful!
Because she's seeing you as a wildcard, she will consciously and
subconsciously question her own patterns of behavior as it relates
to her automatic distancing herself from potential threats.
Eventually you will use this to your advent age by bringing up
sexual themes that would have scared her off had you not
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conditioned her to accept them.
Do not make the mistake of always explaining why what you've
said is relevant. Don't a jerk about it, but make it so that you are
picking and choosing
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what you explain. It's all on your terms, because you are the one
with the knowledge, wisdom and power.
Step one is intended to break down her barriers that resist
comments and behavior that fall outside of her moral, social,
aesthetic norms. It lays the groundwork for what you will bring up
later. Also, it increases your worth in her eyes, because she will
view you as someone who has something to add on his own terms.
You'll start to become that interesting and mysterious person who
is worth getting to know.
Step two:Laying conversational traps/mines. Although you have
already set the precedent that allows you to bring up what most
people could not,you still don't want to scare her off, and you must
remember how cautious some women can be (and with good
reasonthink of all the kooks, stalkers, and just awkwardly
aggressive dorks there are out thereattractive women become
quite adept at sniffing them out and shutting them down).
What are these conversation traps? They are references that you
intersperse throughout your conversation so that at a later point,
you can draw a link or reference to what you had said before,
making it seem like you're simply picking up on something that had
been brewing in the conversation. This will make it seem like your
conversation has gradually developed in a substantive manner. It's
an interesting but
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empirically true psychological phenomenon. People feel like if
you're bringing up something that links to something that was
previously raised, it's natural and part of the development of the
conversation. It takes the pressure off of bringing something up in
its cold start newness. This is one of the solutions to the rapport
problem I noted earlier.
In the SS DC 2000 seminar tapes, one student discussed how he
tried to engage in conversation with a woman he met at a bar. He
asked the woman what she really enjoyed about her job and what
was important to her about it. Not bad questions, right? Well
predictably, the woman thought it was a little strange that he was
asking these types of questions right off the bat, and answered in a
way that revealed little and did nothing for him. Ross's answer was
pretty cursory, telling the student that he had failed to first get into
the state himself and that he had failed to establish rapport. While I
agree that getting into an open state before you attempt to get
someone else into that state is important, it is obviously not so
simple, and I realize that Ross realizes this. The difficulty of
establishing rapport in the way that Ross would have his students
do should not be underestimated. It is an especially significant
hurdle to overcome if the person doesn't know the woman well
already. This is why you set conversational traps.
Substantively, the conversational traps should be geared towards
touching upon the areas in which she is most likely to have
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that prevent her from wanting to allow you to become intimate with
her(and I'm speaking on a holistic level, not just a physical
level).As I've stated, these barriers include ideas that she got from
family, friends,her general moral code, inertia, and the patterns she
has assumed in her personality. The idea is that at the incipient
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stages of the conversation, you sprinkle into the discussion
statements that can be recalled later on.
Let's say that you suspect that she has a barrier in that she's
strongly influenced by family pressures and will not get into a
relationship unless her family would approve. Maybe her family has
an undue influence on her choices in this way. Anyhow, if you
aren't positive about this and do not have an opportunity to
address it, it's likely that this barrier will be extremely difficult to

overcome. So you need to get her to consciously think about this

barrier and when she does, you can use the principles of SS 2000
to get her to think differently and additionally, you demonstrate
that you have an understanding of these barriers. The
conversational trap should be subtle and must not appear forced.
Using the above example, let's say that you're talking about
something mundane like weather. "Beautiful day," she'll say.
"Yeah. Uh huh, it's supposed to be beautiful all weekend" a normal
dullard would respond. But you, instead, will set a conversational
trap and will say something like "Yeah, it's supposed to be sunny all
weekend, but even so, I have this irrational impulse to carry an
umbrella. I think this is a remnant of influence from what my
mother used to always tell me."She'll just see this as a funny
comment, related to the subject at hand.But what you've really
done is give yourself an ability to bring up an important subject
later on.... Like if she does something inexplicable or apparently
irrational later on, you can say, "hmmm... is it possible that
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this is your personal umbrella issue?" She probably won't know
what you're talking about,
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unless she's really sharp. If she doesn't know what you're referring
to,then you say something like "remember how I was telling you
about how I have these impulses that are based on things my
family told me rather than what is realistic?" This makes it much
easier for her to think about that topic in your presence, because it
was brought up in such a casual and funny manner and because it
was a link to something that was brought up before.
I could go on for dozens of pages about this topic alone. You can
and should use this powerful technique so that no matter what
issue or barrier might arise, you can make a reference to
something that was discussed beforehand. This is infinitely better
than asking her direct questions that instruct her to delve into her
personal space and give something to you. Instead, it makes her
feel like going into her personalreasons for doing things is part of
the development of the conversation.It simply takes the pressure
off of her and allows you to be more invasive.
Here are some examples of conversational traps I have successfully
used to establish real rapport, break down her barriers, and set her
up for the most powerful seduction model:
1)"That reminds me of a conversation I was having with my
brother, since he just had a kid, about the best way to raise my
nephew." Of course, if we get into the discussion right there, I can
learn a heck of a lot about her value system, what she
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prioritizes and cares about, and what her idea is of her past and
future self as it relates to family issues or other common obstacles.
But if we don't get into the discussion then, I can
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bring it up later by relating it to something she says. E.g.,she'll say
something totally mundane like "I don't like watching tv much."
And I'll respond by saying, "yeah, when my brother and I spoke
about his raising my nephew we spoke in detail about the effects of
tv on kids." Since it's the second time I'm bringing up the
conversation, it's almost guaranteed that we'll discuss the topic in
greater detail. And even though in this example, we will begin by
talking about whether growing up with tv is good, the real strength
of the technique is that I start getting her to invoke and describe
her own childhood memories and I can easily get her to talk about
her attitudes and values by branching out the discussion so it
relates to other things that my brother and I supposedly discussed.
You see, women really want to talk about these things,but they will
only do it if it feels comfortable, natural and safe.What I've done is
make it seem comfortable and natural, and by bringing up the
conversation in the context of my own family, it seems safe to her
to discuss her own opinions and experience. This uses the power
principle of reciprocation, e.g. if you reveal something (and she
doesn't view you as a needy weakling who isn't worth her
attention), she is likely to feel as if she should reveal something
One of the reasons why this particular conversational
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trap is so effective is because family and past influences are critical
in a woman's development of barriers or general rules for intimacy.
If you get her to
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discuss her family and she feels like she's learning something about
her past while she's talking about it, she will enter an altered
statethe most powerful trance state you can access.As I'll discuss
later, it's important that you don't direct the conversation in a
manner that makes it seem like you're becoming her therapist.
Make it so that it seems like you're trading information and giving
her a chance to talk about things that matter to her. Never spend

too much time exclusively delving into her pastotherwise you'll

start to fulfil an unwanted role. You will need to assert yourself and
bring up plenty of random comments to take her off track when the
flow of the conversation doesn't favor your objectives.
"That experience put me into a state of flow". Here, I'm setting up
a conversation about optimal states. It is somewhat similar to
Ross's discussion about 'biissnosis', but the difference is that 'flow'
is based on academic clinical psychology and not some new age
sounding thing, just in case she's one who might disrespect the
self-help world (or at least a man's participation in it). If you're
trying to raise your esteem in her eyes, talking about psychological
research about how people become happy and experience optimal
states is a good thingshe'll perceive you as an interesting person
who spends his time reading about sophisticated topics. Referring
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to something you learned in a self-help course might end up
making you look like something of a wuss.
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Flow is a field of study pioneered by this professor of psychology at
the University of Chicago. He was trying to figure out what puts
people in their optimal states, where one's sense of time is off, all
distractions fall into the background, etc. It's like how a chess
mater can focus on a single move for hours without realizing that
the time has passed. If you want to learn more about this topic,
you should read Flow, the Psychology of Optimal Experience. It is a
rare woman who doesn't enjoy talking about this topic. And the
thing is, it gives you the opportunity to really nail her with the most
powerful SS tools. You get her to recall experiences where she's
experienced her most optimal state. She'll want to do this. Most
people want to add something to the conversationif you're going
on about this academic subject which really has to do with our
everyday experiences, she's going to want to participate to make
herself feel like she's adding something and is intelligent. And you
will give her an automatic way to participate by telling her how.
Once you start to flesh out what her optimal experience was in the
past, you can use all the tools of speed seduction, e.g.
demonstrating understanding, anchoring, putting in commands that
relate to you, etc.
It's like we're characters in a movie". This one is remarkably
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powerful. First of all, it's somewhat ambiguous. What do I mean by
'we'? Is it the generic 'we' or does it mean the two of us, as an
exclusive couple? I'll make this comment when something unusual
happens in the
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environment when we're talking or if anything unusual is brought
up in our discussion. This gives me an opportunity to later talk
about this 'movie' we're in. And I get her to contribute about what
is in the movie, what happens, and what the underlying themes
The wonderful part of this trap is that it sets up a discussion where
I can directly get her to co-create a movie about the two of us, and
I am given the power as a director in this movie. This also gives me
access to how she processes her images. It's a direct way to access
her submodalities, as Ross would put it. The actual conversation
where you are creating this movie together is something she will
likely enjoy, because it gives her a chance to be creative and
imaginative. It's the same principle that underlies women's
obsession with artists.They love to live vicariously and feel a part of
this creative world that the man has created. She wants to be a
part of this world of creativity and imagination. You are giving her
the chance to do just this.
This, of course, is the key to seducing hercapturing her
imagination, and most of all directing it. The purpose of your
conversation trap is to make it seem normal to her that you think
in this vivid manner. If she realizes that you process your ideas and
what you hear in a visual and audio and dynamic
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fashion, it will seem more normal when you ask her to participate
in your creation that involves the two of you. Since I assume that
you have an advanced
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understanding of speed seduction, I leave it to you to come up with
seduction themes and language in your movie discussion."That
reminds me of 'name work of literature.'" If you're dealing with a
woman who is an expert in literature, you can't use this. The last
thing you want to do is enter into a territory that she will best you
in. Instead, you want to make feel like you have something to add.
But at the same time, you're also giving yourself an opening to
directly talk about seduction themes in a non-threatening manner.
She'll also likely be flattered to comparisons or even discussions
that compare her ideas or behavior to works of literature. This is
the equivalent to reading a woman poetry, but it is much better,

because by setting the conversational mine, you give yourself the

license to describe in detail seductive themes and bring up things
that you've picked up from reading. You can also set up discussions
of how what she's said or how she's behaved relates to a good
movie you've seen or a song you've heard.
Think of what's easier for a woman to discuss. She can respond to
a direct question about what she finds seductive or attractive,
which will make her feel incredibly uncomfortable.Or you can give
her the chance to give you her perspective on what characters in a
particular movie are feeling when they're falling in love. Almost
invariably, she'll draw on her love
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experience and value system. This is an easy way to
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indirectly and even directly talk about seductive topics. Let me give
you an example.
Early in the conversation, I'll say something mundane like,"did you
see the Oscars?" I'll make a comment about how I wish "Crouching
Tiger Hidden Dragon" had won the award for best picture. If she
wants to talk about the movie right then and there, then fine, I go
directly into the discussion. But the point is that I've set a trap. She
knows that I think highly of the movie, but she has no idea that I
plan on discussing the movie at some point in a deeply seductive
manner. Anyhow, if she's not interested in talking about the movie
right then, I wait until a point in the conversation where I feel like
she'll be more open to go into a topic in greater detail.
Then when something random comes up, I'll make a comparison to
Crouching Tiger, e.g. "yeah, that man has no patiencenothing like
that guy in Crouching Tiger. Do you remember how Chow Yun Fat
had spent his life loving Michelle Yoeh?" Then I'll let her go on for a
while about what she thought. I'll say some random things back
before I barrage her with seductive theme.
I'll say, for example, "Like every minute, he felt an overwhelming
desire and deep warmth and love for her to the point where his
entire being radiated and glowed with an
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energy generated from his true love, but he refused to act upon
that feeling all his life, up until the point before death where he
realized he wasted his life by not acting upon
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that love? I mean can you imagine that? You feel a deep and
almost magical connection with a man to the point where your face
becomes flush and you tingle with excitement every time you're
close to him. [pointing at yourself]. But for some reasonbecause
of family, because of honor, you deprive yourself, and then on the
brink of death, you realize that you have forgone the most
important and true thing in your life?"
If you understand SS, you understand that I'm bringing her into
that state of feeling what true love is like. This should be pretty
easy if she saw the movie, since she'll be dually thinking of her own
experience and the movie (which would've probably evoked some
intense emotions in her). Then I'm getting her to think about how
painful it is to not act on something that she could find out in the
future is true love. This involves negative conditioning, and also
time warping.
Moreover, I am also creating an artificial shared experience
between the two of us. Why do women love to watch these
romance films? Well they love to live vicariously and feel as if they
are the protagonist who is winning her true love, just the kind that
she deserves. It's the same principle that makes thuggish men
want to see violent films. If you can get a woman to recall a
romantic movie that she loved, and if you can talk about it in a way
that brings back the experience and you can discuss it in her
language, then it's as if you're sharing that experiencealmost as
if you were sitting next to her in the
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theater, or even better, as if you were both characters in the film.
There's so much more I can do with this Crouching Tiger example.
For instance, I can say, "isn't it interesting how the different love
stories give people different things to relate to in that movie. Like
on the one hand you have Chow Yun Fat and Michelle Yoeh, which
involved this long lasting respect, admiration, and true love which
was reciprocated but never acted upon, [expand and add seductive
themes]. And then you had Zhang Ziyi (the young woman) and the
rogue warrior, a wild heated romance of violent passion where it
wasn't so much mutual temperate respect, but the need to possess
and the need to throw yourself into something dangerous and
explosive. Like remember that scene where he was taking that
splinter out of her foot and how seductive that washow she was
experiencing intense physical pain,but submitting to him in an
overtly sexual wayand how she stabbed him before they suddenly
embraced and started kissing passionately and rolling around then
having sex. [again, you can expand and elaborate]. And finally, you

had this brewing possibility of a romance with Chow Yun Fat and
Zhang Ziyi, where this fascination between a master and pupil was
developing. Like Zhang Ziyi was the undisciplined girl with
tremendous talent ability, someone full of possibilitiespossibilities
and potential that fascinated and drew Chow Yun Fat to her. And
with Zhang Ziyi, there was a real draw of his poise, his wisdom,and
his ability to be a self-entity, unlike the rogue warrior [blah, blah,
[Page 39]
blahadd more seduction themes].
The brilliant part of this conversation is that you present different
models of romance and falling in love. She will most likely focus on
one of them, the one which she finds most exciting or compelling in
her life.Then you can really explore that theme and describe the
scenes in a really seductive manner. It's like presenting her with a
choose-your-own-seduction path/adventure. You are laying traps
within the trap.
This is just one example. Potentially, you could talk about seductive
topics the whole time, while she believes she's just having a high
quality conversation about movies, books, music, or whatever. Of
course, you need to do your research before you use this
technique.Otherwise, you'll just come across as dim witted.
I suggest focusing on the romance film technique. You must do
your research and watch these movies and spend time
understanding them and figuring out how to talk about them. Tons
of women enjoy When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, and
Pretty Woman. These arepretty awful movies, but what can you do?
If the woman is more intelligent, then she might like Shadowlands.
Remains of the Day,Casablanca or perhaps even Breathless. Figure
out how to discuss these films in a seductive manner. It will give
you an instant in. One cautionmake sure that you retain a certain
level of dismissiveness when you do thisotherwise she'll probably
think that you're a little too girly.
Yes, this is similar to Ross's advice to tell stories, read poetry or
whatever. But it's infinitely better, because the woman will respect
you more based on your insight, she will has access to what you're
talking about (i.e. if she hasn't seen the movie, she definitely will),
and it gives her more of an opportunity to participate and reveal
herself to you.
Step Three
Identify those barriers and begin to peer over them.
So you've laid the groundwork. She has some level of respect for
you and is intrigued to a certain degree by what you have to say.
And you've laid the foundation for being able to bring up random
topics as well as bring up topics that have already come up before.
Now is the time to address the barriers preventing you from
developing a special relationship with her. First, you must find out
what they are before you can break down those barriers and get
her to think differently.
Much of this has to do with going back to topics that you've
brought up when laying down your seduction mines. The
discussions you will eventually have will simultaneously put her into
a receptive trance state and substantively break down her barriers.
In order to do this, you have to figure out what triggers her interest
or causes her to react the most. You've already brought up a
number of topics with your seduction mines, so when you bring
them up again, is it easy to
[Page 41]
get her to talk about the topic or is she less receptive or interested?
If she is interested, you can delve into the area to find out what her
sticking points are.
For example, there was one situation where I brought up
something about my parents, and she became very interested and
started asking about whether my parents care about what kind of
person I date. This is the easiest case. She's giving me a direct
opening to talk about this area of her life and is indicating what her
issues might be. If she's not so forthcoming, I could make another
reference to my umbrella problem and talk about another such
problem. I could then bring up a funny story about growing up, and
then I could ask her an open-ended questiondid you ever have
anything like that happen to you when you were growing up? Then
I would listen intently to see how she characterizes her childhood.
I'm not trying to be a psychiatrist, nor am I pretending that I can
truly understand her complex past. Rather, I'm getting hints as to
what I should do when I'm crafting seduction themes. If she talks
fondly of her childhood and laughs at things that she and her
parents and siblings used to do, she probably highly values that
type of tranquility, peace and security in family life. So when I go
into my seduction theme, I'm going to focus on those values and
feelings that are associated with happiness in the family. On the
other hand, if she talks about conflict and people who are
unreasonable, I'm going to focus my seduction
[Page 42]

theme on overcoming conflict and resolving problemsescaping

Another example is one where I determined that the subject of my
seduction seemed to be limited by what she considered to be the
boundaries of her personality. I realized that in order for her to
allow herself to be seduced by me, she would have to do things
that she wouldn't otherwise do. To first put her in this risk taking
state, I started doing slightly unorthodox things. For example, I
would talk to strangers and minimally involve her in the
conversation. This demonstrated to her that we could behave in a
way that went beyond her comfort zone and the results would be
positive or at least would not involve any painful consequences. I
then segued into a seduction theme that involved risk taking. I
asked her to recall a time where she overcame a fear, describing
the prior state as one of paralysis, like she's so nervous that she
becomes someone who is not herself (note that I'm suggesting that
her risk taking self is closer to her real self).I asked her to recall
how invigorating and wonderful it felt to know that looking back,
the obstacle or barrier that prevented her from taking a risk was
not realthat she could overcome it and experience whatever there
is to offer in lifeall of the possibilities. Then I involved some time
distortion, saying how great it would feel to be in a place in the
future where she knows she's taken all the opportunities life has
thrown her way and she would have no regrets, and looking back
to this point
[Page 43]
in time, she would know that she made an important decision to
overcome these obstacles that she would later discover were
merely illusory.
You'll want to do this for the major areas in which she might have
erected barriers preventing her from letting you in. As I've
stated,these barriers include her morals, family, social influences,
inertia, and her personality patterns. I leave it to you to craft the
specific manner in which you access these potential barriers.
But the general principle is the same. Relate a statement and an
open ended question to something that you've previously
mentioned. And then listen for her trigger words and emphasis,
which you'll use as the groundwork for your seduction thesis.
Obviously when you start to develop these seduction themes, you
should use all the skills you've learned in SS. The best one to use is
time warping, especially when dealing with her past. If she had a
happy upbringing and has cherished memories of the past, then
you can talk about how memories work, and just as she is now
looking back on the past and keeping that as a part of herself, that
someday, she'll look back to the way things are now, and hopefully
she will have made the right choices so that she can look back just
as fondly. Certainly you're going to want to lace this description
with embedded commands and a more detailed description of what
you think should consist of her
[Page 44]
memories she's currently creating. This is just an example.
One caution. Be sure to watch for the difference between boredom
and reluctance. For example, if I bring up in the conversation again
the topic about my brother raising his kid, if it's something that she
seems reluctant to talk about, then I can safely assume that
something about her life in that area makes it difficult for her to
talk about it. I have identified a potentially huge barrier. And with
every barrier, I see great potential. Because the person who can
peer over the barrier is the one who will gain her devotion.
[Page 45]
This step is probably the toughest one. This is where you
canpotentially scare her off, but it's also where she can start to
really gain a sense of devotion to you, the one who truly
understands her.
Step four
Now you have already discovered what some of her barriers are,
and you have talked to her in a seductive manner that relates to
the key themes of those barriers. She should really start to get a
sense that you understand her. You will pace this whole process by
interjecting things that are irrelevant, just to keep her anticipating
what you have to say.
Once you're satisfied that she's in a state where she's really
starting to open herself up, you go pull out the big guns.
First, you throw out a number of 'specific generics.' As I've stated
before, there are a number of things that are almost invariably true
about people, even though they believe that thing is a unique
attribute or experience.
One example is "did you ever dream about becoming an actress
when you're growing up?" This is true of almost any woman,
actually. However, especially when she's caught up with how well
she's being understood, she will think that you're reading her mind.
This makes her ripe for the ultimate seduction technique. The
'actress' example works particularly well with shy girls. Most shy

girls have dreams of being something that they're notsomeone

who can project her greatness and become the center of attention.
But they're afraid to do this in real
[Page 46]
life, and often they're even afraid to reveal that aspiration. I once
used this specific generic on a woman, and she couldn't believe it
she thought I was reading her mind and just stared at me with her
mouth wide open, saying 'how did you know? How did you know?"
"I just did," I responded.
Another specific generic is "do you sometimes feel like people just
aren't understanding where you're coming from?" Alternatively, "do
you feel like sometimes, people aren't really listening?" Well this is
obviously true. People in general pay very little attention to others.
She'll probably have picked up on this in her own experience. The
benefit of this specific generic is that she'll also make sure to listen
more carefully to you.
Yet another specific generic is "do you sometimes wonder what it'd
be like if you just left everything and everybody behind and started
anew?" Well everyone thinks about this. And I'm certainly not
trying to say that women are unintelligent and gullible and will
think you're reading their mind if you say this at any point. In fact,
if you say this right off the bat, she'll probably say, "yeah, doesn't
everyone think about that?" However, if you've put her in a state
where she's already fascinated and somewhat in a trance and have
demonstrated understanding, then she'll give your statement a
very generous and liberal interpretation. And all of the sudden, you
become this authority who really understands things and
mysteriously knows who knows
[Page 47]
And even another specific generic is, "do you sometimes feel
disappointed by people." Same principle. Invariably true. But
people are prone to thinking they're more unusual than they really
are. This includes all of us, of course.
Now that you've done that, it's time for the really deadly seduction.
Keep in mind, you do this after you've already loosened her up,
you've identified her potential barriers, you've figured out
something about seduction themes to develop, you've already
launched into barrier breaking seduction themes, and you've
presented yourself as someone mysterious, unpredictable, but
intelligent and full of incredible wisdom and insight. Now it's time to
lower the boom.
It's triple threat time distortion. The most powerful technique of SS
is time distortion. But what I've developed here is much more than
just having someone imagine an outcome as if it had already
happened or thinking about and reviving the past in the mind. The
basic idea is that you take the most powerful ideas and themes
you've been able to ascertain about her past (especially her
childhood); her current conception of who she is as an individual,
her limits and strengths included; and her ideal future selfthe
way that she thinks she will be and the way she'd ideally like to be.
Take all of these elements, wrap them up and create a synthetic
whole, a complete picture capturing all of these things, casting it in
the most coherent, clear, strong, and
[Page 48]
brilliant light in a place that goes beyond time and spacea place
that lies in the nexus between reality and imaginationwhere
imagination and fantasythe most uninhibited creativity,
intelligence, and spirit of her mind, heart, and soul become eternal.
Yes, it's vague, but intentionally vague. Basically, you are helping
her to achieve a concept of self that is incredibly powerful, yet
resonant with her being.
Let's step back for a moment. Why am I doing what I'm doing
here? 1 am addressing a core problem that addresses what
prevents people from being happy. Most people in our culture are
not as happy as they could be. We all know this but choose not to
acknowledge it in our daily existence. There are a number of
reasons why we aren't happy, but one of the main reasons is that
our society pushes us based on economic constraints and social
pressures to behave in ways and make choices that aren't
consistent with how we conceive ourselves and how we developed
as individuals.
There are those of us who are able to adapt is a way that doesn't
stray too far from what we've been, who we are, and what we want
to be. Those people are comparably happy. There are the lucky few
who have been blessed with the proper gifts or even
encouragement, or perhaps they've just figured it out and have the
right psychology and have lived life to the absolute fullest. But then
there are the majority of people who have been trained to not
demonstrate or explore the full extent of our creativity and
individuality. Our aspirations are quashed
[Page 49]
before we even had a chance to get started living out our dreams.

To the extent that this is all true for you, it is three times as true
for women. Our society places so many expectations and
limitations on women's growth. The opportunities to be a certain
type of person, live a certain type of life, and be in a certain type of
relationship are severely restricted due to pressures from family,
society, peers, media, etc. If you have gone through the first three
steps of this seduction method,you will have already uncovered and
addressed some of these barriers.You should not underestimate the
constraints that women subjectively feel.
Every man who wants to understand women should read the book
Reviving Ophelia, written by Mary Pipher. It is a book that talks
about the development of self in adolescent girls and how various
pressures impair and even cripple a young woman's sense of self
and possibility. Obviously I strongly oppose anyone trying to
seduce an adolescent. But it should be clear to you that a woman
is the product of her past development.
Just as you may have adapted to fit in and to become a productive
member of society, a woman you are trying to seduce almost
invariably has encountered tons of sexist bs, has been inundated
with messages of her limits, etc. The whole idea of your seduction
should be to present to her the opportunity of going back to that
time when she went from being a carefree, fearless young girl, full
of life and possibility to a
[Page 50]
jaded, conforming young woman, whose actions are dictated by
someone else's expectations, her fears, worries, and concerns.
If you can seamlessly connect this state of mind and link it to her
current statethe way she sees herself, and her prospective
stateher ideal self which perhaps relates to the way she was as a
child, you have created narrative integrity in her life. In other
words, her life will seem to make senseit will be coherent with a
compelling story, rather than being a patchwork of decisions made
without reflection. This is why this technique is so dangerous. Why
wouldn't a woman love a man who could make her feel this way? I
really believe that this technique provides men the ability to give a
wonderful gift to women and can help them undo some of the
unfairness and ridiculousness that exists in our society relating to
attitudes towards women.
So how do you do this? Well you've already laid down the
groundwork. It's now up to you to weave together a narrative using
embedded commands, trance words, etc. There is no one way to do
this, and in fact, I advise against coming up with a canned method,
because the spontaneity of putting things together for an
individual cannot be replaced. However, you can arm yourself
with general ideas. The best one I've come up with so far is as
I ask her whether she's seen the movie Afterlife. It's a Japanese
movie that came out within the last couple of years. It's an
[Page 51]
film that you should see. Anyhow, if she hasn't seen it, I tell her it's
premise: that after you die, you enter this place between earth and
heavenit looks like a barren and empty place and it's like that for
a reasonbecause they want to give you an opportunity to be by
yourself and understand what is important to you. Your opportunity
in this place is to come up with a single memory that signifies your
life, and it is that single memory that you are allowed to take into
the afterlife. You spend your time in this empty place deciding what
that memory is and then creating a movie, an exact replica of that
This is a fantastic example. It applies what I call the pink elephant
principle. That is, if I ask you to not think of a pink elephant, you
wouldn't be able to do it. Just the same, as I describe how
individual characters in the movie came up with their memories, it
is impossible for her to not think of her own, most treasured
memory. And it's easy and natural to segue into that discussion, i
will say that I was thinking about what mine would be. And then I'd
describe one possible memory,using tactile, visual, auditory
descriptions. 1 would then offer her the opportunity to discuss her
memory or at least try to think of one.
She might be shy at first, but once she really starts to think about
it and go back in time to think of that treasured memory, it's not
that hard to get her to describe that memory in detail. And within
the context of the discussion, it's appropriate to ask her about the
[Page 52]
the sights, the colors, and feelings of that memoryyou can even
be playful and pretend that she is in the afterlife and you are one of
the directors who is responsible for reenacting the memory. When
you're doing this, you have the opportunity to help her draw out

that memoryyou become a co-director, helping her arrange the

pieces so that everything falls into place. Obviously, it will be very
easy for you to use submodalities, embedded commands, etc.
when you are doing this.
Then the next thing I do is suggest that it would be cool if instead
of having a single memory, you could have a short film strip that
represented your life. Like it can start out with a memory from
childhood, blend into a present memory, and then go into the
future and depict something her ideal future self and life. You then
assist her in putting this together, weaving it into a seamless
narrative, capturing the underlying themes and common
denominators and interjecting your voice, your symbolic self, and
your energy to piece it all together as the glue of her new personal
narrative. And once you do this, you have her visualize that movie,
that filmstrip wrapping up into an orb of energy,that's so powerful
that it surrounds the two of you, and extends penetrating
luminescent rays of light throughout, bursting within (make sure
when you do this you use ambiguous language so you include
yourself into the experience). Basically, you're taking that narrative
and using techniques of hypnosis and SS to link that
[Page 53]
feeling to you. Anchor that feeling and then let her know how easy
it is for you to create that energy, that feeling together.
I've left out the particular language and many of the particular SS
tools that you would insert, but the general idea is there, and it is
that general model that is truly powerful.
If you successfully adhere to this seduction method, you will win
the woman's respect, admiration, intrigue, attraction, and even
thanks for making her feel like she never hasa whole and eternal
As with any powerful technique, its application can be dangerous.I
strongly oppose any exploitation of women, but think that this
technique could give men who really have a lot to offer the chance
to share something or provide something really special to someone
who deserves it.

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