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Technomancer subspecies conversions

Note: DN = depleted neutronium.

Homo Sapiens Arachnae

-2 pt.

Hairy six-limbed spider body with human torso rising from

the front. Has spinnerets, but human genitalia. The front two
spider limbs are extra arms rather than legs.
Attributes: Lifting ST +5 (15).
Advantages: Claws (sharp: 5), Clinging (20), Extra Arms: 2
(20), Extra Legs: 4 (10), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak With Animals
(Spiders only, -60%; 15), Venom (Toxic 1d (Followup (teeth),
Cyclic: 1 hr.; 4 cycles, Resistible (HT-5; -10%)); 7), Webbing
(Binding: level 15, 1/10 Range (-30%); 20).
Disadvantages: Dependency: Mana (Common, Constantly;
-25), Lunacy (-10), Social Stigma (Outsider; -15),
Vulnerability (x3 from silver and DN (common, together);
-45), Weakness (1d/5 min from silver & DN; common; -20).
Webbing (ST = lifting ST): ST 15, D: -, Max: 10, Acc: 3,
RoF: 1, Shots: -, Recoil: 1. Make sure Webbing ST is the same
as lifting ST.

Homo Sapiens Canis

-38 pt.

A humanoid with distinct canid features; long muzzle,

sharp teeth, a long tongue, pointed erect ears, a furry body, and
a tail. They can resemble any of the smaller wolves and wolf
relativescoyote, bushwolf, dingo, jackal, &c.
Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 (4), Discriminatory Smell
(15), Fur (perk; 1), Magery 1 (15), Penetrating Call (1), Sharp
Teeth (1), Speak with animals (Canines -60%; 15),
Ultrahearing (5).
Disadvantages: Dependency: Mana (Common, Constantly;
-25), Lunacy (-10), Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),
Vulnerability (x2 from silver and DN (common, together);
-30), Weakness (1d/5 min from silver & DN; common; -20).

Homo Sapiens Felis

-40 pt.

'Cat people;' human facial features, cat ears, whiskers, slitpupil eyes, tail, small claws, sharp teeth, and soft fur. They also
have human head hair.
Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 (4), Catfall (10), Claws
(Sharp Claws: 5), Combat Reflexes (15), Fur (perk; 1), Night
Vision (8; 8), Perfect Balance (15), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak
with Animals (Felines -60%; 15).
Disadvantages: Curious (12-; -5), Dependency: Mana
(Common, Constantly; -25), Extra Sleep: 2 hrs (-4), Impulsive
(12-; -10), Lunacy (-10), Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),
Vulnerability (x2 from silver and DN (common, together);
-30), Weakness (1d/5 min from silver & DN; common; -20).

Homo Sapiens Raptor

-73 pt.

'Hawk people' have feathered wings instead of arms. These

have curving talons at the tips, and hawk people stand on them
like legs; where a human has legs, hawk people have arms.
They have human heads with no beak, but a crest of feathers
instead of hair, a sharp nose and a high forehead. Their skin is
covered with soft down, with a tuft of feathers of their pubic

Secondary: Reduced HP -1 (-2), Reduced Move: Running

-2 (-10).
Advantages: 3D Spatial Sense (10), Acute Vision +3 (6),
Claws (Sharp Claws: 5), Flight (winged -25%: 30), Speak With
Animals (birds of prey -60%; 15).
Disadvantages: Dependency: Mana (Common, Constantly;
-25), Lunacy (-10), Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),
Vulnerability (x2 from silver and DN (common, together);
-30), Vulnerability (x2 from Crushing & large Piercing, very
common; -40), Weakness (1d/5 min from silver & DN;
common; -20).

Homo Sapiens Serpens

-6 pt.

Known as a 'naga,' or 'snake person,' they have a human

upper body but are a snake from the crotch down. Their eyes
are slit-pupilled, and they have fangs and a forked tongue.
Their voices have a slight 'hiss' accent.
Secondary: Reduced Move: Running -2 (-10).
Advantages: Constriction Attack (15), Vermiform: armed
(15), Foot Manipulator (Extra Flexibility (lower body); 12),
Infravision (low-res---4 to Vision, -25%: 8), Magery 1: Comm
& Empathy only (11), Scales (perk; 1), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak
With Animals (snakes only, -60%: 15), Venom (Fatigue: 2d,
Followup (Teeth; +0%), Resistible (HT-4; -10%); 18).
Disadvantages: Dependency: Mana (Common, Constantly;
-25), Lunacy (-10), Reputation: Manipulative: -1 (-5), Social
Stigma (Minority Group; -10), Vulnerability (x2 from silver
and DN (common, together); -30), Weakness (1d/5 min from
silver & DN; common; -20).
Vermiform: armed (Double-Jointed (15), No Legs: Slithers

Homo Sapiens Vulpes


'Fox people' resemble 'wolf people,' but with fox-like

featuresfox-like ears and a bushy tail. They have the magical
ability to project the illusion of a human form.
Secondary: Reduced HP -1 (-2).
Advantages: Acute Hearing +2 (4), Acute Taste & Smell +3
(6), Fur (perk; 1), Knack: Perfect Illusion Disguise (as
human: ), Sharp Teeth (1), speak with Animals (canines and
foxes -60%; 15), Ultrahearing (5).
Disadvantages: Dependency: Mana (Common, Constantly;
-25), Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10), Vulnerability (x2
from silver and DN (common, together); -30), Weakness (1d/5
min from silver & DN; common; -20).


-9 pt.

Cat halflings look human except for the ears, long furry
tail, and sharp teeth and nails.
Advantages: Acute Hearing +1 (2), Claws (Sharp: 5), Night
Vision (5; 5), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak With Animals (felines,

-60%; 15).
Disadvantages: Curious (12-; -5), Extra Sleep (1 hr: -2),
Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10), Weakness (1d/5 min
from silver; common; -20).


-10 pt.

Canid halflings look like humans apart from upright dog

ears, short tail and sharp teeth. They don't have fur.
Advantages: Acute Hearing +1 (2), Acute Taste and Smell
+1 (2), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak With Animals (canines, -60%;
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),
Weakness (1d/5 min from silver; common; -20).


-9 pt.

Fox halflings are very human, the only fox features being
pointed fox ears and a bushy bicoloured tail.
Advantages: Alertness +1 (5), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak With
Animals (canines and foxes -60%; 15)
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),
Weakness (1d/5 min from silver; common; -20).


-18 pt.

Hawk halflings look like humans but with feathers where

humans have hair.
Advantages: Absolute Direction (5), Acute Vision +1 (2),
Speak With Animals (hawks -60%; 15)

Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),

Weakness (1d/5 min from silver; common; -20).


20 pt.

Snake halflings are largely human, having a forked tongue

and slim snakes instead of hair, and some scaling of the body.
The head snakes are not intelligent, but they can bite.
Removing them is painful and leaves ugly raw bumps that will
grow back to snakes in about a month.
Advantages: Double-Jointed (15), Scales (perk; 1), Speak
With Animals (snakes, -60%; 15), Striker: Snake Hair
(Piercing, Long (+100%), Weak (-50%), No Parry (-40%); 6),
Venom (Fatigue: 2d, Followup (Teeth; +0%), Resistible (HT4; -10%); 18).
Disadvantages: Reputation: manipulative: -1 (-5), Social
Stigma (Minority Group; -10), Weakness (1d/5 min from
silver; common; -20).
Snake bite is ST thrust damage, at the same range as your


33 pt.

These look human with one exception; a pair of extra arms

midway down their torso and another just above the hips. Both
pairs are functional.
Advantages: Extra Arms: 4 (40), Sharp Teeth (1), Speak
With Animals (spiders, -60%; 15), Venom (Toxic 1d (followup
(teeth), Cyclic: 1 hr.; 4 cycles, Resistible (HT-5; -10%)); 7).
Disadvantages: Social Stigma (Minority Group; -10),
Weakness (1d/5 min from silver; common; -20).

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