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Guidelines for Quantitative Reasoning

The requirements for general education mandate that each student take a
minimum of one course in quantitative reasoning. The importance of the
quantitative reasoning requirement cant be understated. This one course has to
satisfy the requirement that the Organization of Mid Atlantic States calls one of its
essential skills of general education, not to mention the expectations of parents,
employers and taxpayers. The provost declares that quantitative problem solving
is one of the tools we want to foster in our students. Since the transformative
process calls for more intensive courses that promote deep understandings, this is
not the time to weaken standards.

The question what is quantitative reasoning immediately

arises. The Deans Response to GEACs Guide for Liberal Learning contains the
following, a mere five sentences, defining the requirement.
Quantitative Reasoning Outcomes
Apply math to society
Students will understand how real-world problems and social
issues can be analyzed using the power and rigor of
mathematical and statistical models.
Understand math
Students will be able to evaluate representation and inferences
that are based on quantitative information.
Interpret math models
Students will be able to interpret mathematical models such as
formulas, graphs, and tables, and draw inferences from them.
Find math answers
Students will be able to estimate and check answers to
mathematical problems in order to determine reasonableness,
identify alternatives, and select optimal results
Use math methods
Students will be able to use arithmetical, algebraic, geometric,
and statistical methods to solve problems, but learn to
recognize the limitations of mathematics and statistics as well.

The following document is an interpretation of the above guidelines in an

effort to clarify what is and what is not quantitative reasoning. It is not the intent
of this document to crush innovative ideas. This should serve primarily as a point
of comparison. We accept that courses that do not conform to the following
guidelines may satisfy the requirement; however, we feel it is incumbent on the
author of such a course to justify, in a convincing argument, such deviations.
Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematics
Each heading in the Deans Response contains the word math. Each
sentence is filled with mathematical terms like formulas, algebraic, rigor,
andstatistics. GEACs Design for Liberal Learning insists that the quantitative
reasoning requirement is only satisfied by a minimum of one course with goals
aligned with those published by the Mathematics Association of

America. Clearly, quantitative

mathematics. While it is understood that such courses are not intended to be
traditional math fare, or even taught by mathematicians, the tools and methods of
reasoning must be primarily mathematical. No one would classify a course
containing a few anecdotes, as a history course. Similarly a course containing
some mathematics is not a quantitative reasoning course.
Quantitative Reasoning Outside of Mathematics
Many students are turned off by the traditional approach to
mathematics. These students are not likely to be successful by continuing along
the same path. One goal of quantitative reasoning is to combine mathematics with
a subject that engages their interest. It is hoped that these students will gain an
appreciation of math and will understand how real-world problems and social
issues can be analyzed using the power and rigor of mathematical and statistical
Most math courses traditionally contain applications structured around a
math topic. Quantitative reasoning opens the door to courses focused on a nonmathematical subject, treated with a wide array of quantitative tools. Such courses
work best as quantitative reasoning when the subject matter and mathematics are
seamlessly combined.
The Level of Mathematics
The Deans Response calls for problems to be analyzed using the power
and rigor of mathematical and statistical models. Rigor means strict
mathematical reasoning, rarely seen at the high school level. This implies that the
depth of mathematics in these courses is anything but elementary. The Deans
Response also calls for high ordered reasoning. Students are expected to evaluate
representations, interpret mathematical models, determine reasonableness
and recognize limitations. This implies that the students need a deep
understanding of the methods they employ. Specifically they need to comprehend
the meaning of the calculations and answers and determine if such methods are
appropriate. Plugging numbers into equations or a calculator will clearly not
The Breadth of Mathematics
The Deans Response calls for students to master arithmetical, algebraic,
geometric, and statistical methods. A literal reading of this requirement suggests
that every element must be addressed; however not every subject lends itself to all
mathematical tools. Breadth within a mathematical subject may be a substitute for
breadth between such subjects. For example, if the mathematical content is
primarily statistics, a variety of statistical methods should be employed throughout
the course.

The Use of Technology

Modern calculators and computers, if used properly, can greatly enhance a
quantitative reasoning course. Traditional mathematics courses use a substantial
amount of time teaching hand calculation. Technology can now graph equations,
compute derivatives, perform matrix operations and analyze a data set
statistically. This opens up weeks of time to be devoted to other aspects of a
It must be acknowledged that technology is only a tool. Using a hammer to
break a piggy bank is not woodworking. Similarly typing numbers into a
calculator or a computer is not quantitative reasoning. The nature of skills is not
determined by tools but rather how they are used. The high level reasoning
required by the Deans Response can only be achieved if students understand what
the values they enter mean, what the technology does with these values, how to
interpret the output and why the procedure is appropriate to the given problem.
The time constraint of a semester and the goals of a course are frequently at
odds. It is not expected that every method be explained in excruciating
detail. Occasionally technology may be used to save time; however, the time saved
should be used to emphasize other aspects of quantitative reasoning. Technology,
if used, should enhance mathematics, not bypass it.
Creating a Quantitative Reasoning Course
Clearly its impossible to describe every format for a quantitative reasoning
course. This section hopes to merely provide a few examples of how this might be
accomplished. Since a quantitative course requires breadth, one or even a few of
the following will not suffice.

Modeling with equations:


Given a model with either an intuitive or formal

Translate intuitive descriptions into variables connected by equations

Solve the equations of a model by hand or with an equation solver.
Use a program to graph the variables of a model. Given one value, can you estimate
another? How can you tell if there is a solution or a unique solution?
Model the equations in a program or on a spreadsheet. How is a change in one value
reflected in the change of the others? What impact does this have on measurement

Statistical Analysis: After entering data into a statistical program

Change all the values systematically, like adding one or doubling each. How does this
effect the programs output. Use this to give an intuitive meaning to standard
deviations and means.
A theorem states that roughly two thirds of the data should be within one standard
deviation of the average for normal curves. Have the students determine how
accurate this is. Discuss what types of data tend to have normal distributions and
what do their distribution curves look like. Have them create a dataset that is visually
not normal and test the theorem again.

Have the students calculate the variance and standard deviation of a very small dataset
by hand. How can variance be thought of as an average?

Regression Analysis: Given a data set apply a linear regression

Determine visually if the line truly represents the data.

Discuss examples of data that might be expected to have a linear distribution. What
data sets might not? Test their guess.
Randomly select a small sample of the data. How does this effect the regression?

Note that the above examples do more than just use mathematics. They
examine the modes of mathematics themselves.
There are many more areas that might fall under the category of
quantitative reasoning such as error analysis and sampling. In addition to the
above generic topics, all subjects have their own forms of mathematics. Music
theory deals with ratios, its physics deals with waves and its technology deals with
The graphic arts use ray tracing, physical models and fractal generation in its
computer art. Even in literature, statistics can be applied to determine authorship
of disputed documents.
Justifying Quantitative Reasoning
The syllabus of a prospective quantitative reasoning course has to justify
this classification. This is difficult to do because of the wide range of formats and
content possible in such a class. Making vague references to key words in
the Deans Response wont answer questions of depth and breadth. Telling a
mathematician that a course uses functions is like telling an English professor that
a course uses words. In order to evaluate a quantitative reasoning course, its
necessary to know something about the specific content and methods used. On the
other hand, providing a complete description of all mathematical methods and
assignments would be unwieldy and time consuming.

We suggest that an appendix be added to the document which contains

some typical examples of mathematical assignments in the course. These
examples should give insight into the depth of the mathematics. This should be
followed by a brief statement of how often such assignments are given, indicating
the breadth of the mathematics. In addition to the appendix, it would help if the
title of course topics included a mathematical component. So, for example, instead
of The Structure of Fish Populations it might be better to have something
like Statistical Analysis of Fish Populations, in order to justify the breadth

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