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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\b\f0\fs24 Avery D.
1906 Hickory Street\par
Texarkana, AR 71854\par
Msg 903-244-9249 Cell 903-691-2239\par
\pard EXPERIENCE \par
Artex Electric\par
Texarkana, AR\b0\par
commercial and industrial wiring, lighting, installed low and high
bays lighting tracks,2x2 and 2x4. installed panels, ran conduit 1/2 - 1" .
read \tab \tab\tab prints,diagrams, installed wire mold , receptacle, and
switches, can operate bucket trucks, scissor lifts 06-09--08-09\par
\b Colburn Electric\par
Broken Arrow OK\b0\par
\tab commercial and industrial wiring, lighting, ran conduit ridgid and emt 1/2-
4". along with my journeyman we installed transformers, single and three phase \tab
equiptment, various types, sizes and amperages. laid out floor plans read prints
and tape measurements. comfortable with power tools electrical and \tab pheumatic.
o8-08--o5-09 \par
\b Harp Electric\par
Tulsa OK \par
\b0\tab installed residential wiring, lighting, read prints,
schematics,diagrams,also control wiring. I ran conduit ridgid and emt,1/2 - 4"
useful with various benders, can \tab read a tape measure, read prints installed
panels mds, two hundred amps;main and sub panels 3-08-08-08\par
Roberts Electric\par
Texarkana, TX 2007-
\pard\li1440\b0 I performed the duties required of an electrical apprentice. I
installed wiring, lighting, trouble shooting, repair and testing of electrical
devices under the direction of an electrical journeyman. I performed these duties
under normal supervision. \par
\pard\b \par
Keel Electric \par
Dequeen, AR\par
Residential and Commercial duties.\b0 I performed the
duties required of an electrical apprentice trouble shooting, repair and testing of
electrical \tab\tab devices under the direction of an electrical
\b0 2006-2006\cf1\b\f1\par
\tab Industrial Power System\par
Nash, TX \cf0\b0\f0 \par
\pard\li1440 I gathered the tools and proper materials for shop work orders. I
operated the bucket truck and the man lift. I operated the pressure bender to bend
conduit in different angles and degrees. I terminated leads to various points in
service panels, outlets and receptacles. I performed the duties required of an
electrical apprentice trouble shooting, repair and testing of electrical devices
under the direction of an electrical journeyman. I performed these duties under
normal supervision.\par
\pard\li1440\b Airco Service Incorporated \par
Tulsa,OK \b0
I performed diagnostic and trouble shooting for home repairs. I installed and
tested electronic accessories such as ceiling fans, track lighting, water heaters
and garbage disposals. I performed the duties required of an electrical apprentice
under the direction of an electrical and plumbing journeyman. I ran romex through
and under houses as required by the work orders. I performed customer service
duties by purchasing needed materials, billing the customers and collecting the
monies. I performed these duties under normal supervision.\par
\pard\b EDUCATION\par
\pard\li1440\b0 Lockesburg High School, diploma \par
Beech Truck Driving School, Commercial Driver License\par
Vatterott College, Associates of Electrical Technology \par
Vatterott College, Electrical Mechanic \par
Texarkana College, Presently continuing studies in the electrical field \par
\pard\li1440\b0 I am able to operate power tools, hand tools, hydraulic and
pneumatic equipment in a safely manner. I am able to work in all seasons and
regularly scheduled weekends. I have the ability to do the work of an Electronic
Integrated Systems Mechanic without more than normal supervision. I am able to
trouble shoot, inspect, test, and maintain electronic system.\par

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