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river of mental moments (thoutsh, feeling, intution, concesness, subconciousness

, mind )
--------------Wisdom has to be experienced to be true for you
--------------Neuroplasticity is modern concept but buddhist as well
-----------------------Whatever is inside ( hopelesness, low self esteam, jealossy, anger ) has to be b
asis to work on.
Every living being has the potential to be free of the above, free of suffering
and to develope positive qualities that bring us happeniness and are good for ot
Positive states of mind and negative states of mind have not equal status, but g
ood qualities can be perfected.
Negative states are not core of our being ( anger, depresion etc..) and can be t
ransformed, it is possible, it is doable...
There is no contradition between heart and mind in buddhism, concentration medit
techniques taken from hinduism ...
-----------------Meditation , after just 3 months, 30 minutes per day has been meassured on the b
rain ecg and mr and big increase in : immunity, concentration and happiness has
been recorded in scientific studies.
What is your baseline, is it constant happiness or misery.
If you are vunerable under threat you will widrow , cannot help others, you have
your own problems to take care of.
Altruism and compassion go with some kind of fearlesness, and that fearlesness i
s knowing that no matter what you will be fine and with that you are able to fac
e the world.
You get that knowing and fearlessness trough meditatation,
The hardest thing on the path is stopping believing what your seeing, you are cr
eep, that people are really bad, stopping beliveing you have to be angry, start
believing your mind is yours and you can work on it and change so take first ste
p it will give you carriage and is your job to do this but it
is inate in your and practise will make perfect
-------------The idea of happiness ( we think it is when you get what you want ) drives us fr
om primordial times, ( get job, money , girls) but buddha idea of happiness is w
hat you get when you get rid of your neurosis. (neurosis of fear, worrie, deppre
sion, exaity as opposed to thouts of being useful to others, calm, loving )
-------------------Stop being what you are not, be authentic, see what you are, take responsibility
for yourself, .
Slowly you start being able to distinuish between neurotic voices ( anger,poor m
e, worry egotic I I I ) and positive qualities ( we we we, sense of connection,
sense of others )
So if negative voices are not core, it is possible to cognitivelly diconstract t
hese negative voices and disolve them, slowly diconstract them there is kit ot t
ools for doing this.....
You don'thave to give up your mind , you can be brillian thinker and love your m
ind you don;t but alongside this you need emotinal intillegince ( humility,inte
grity, wish and will to look at yourself and go beyond blame and heart)
---------So you have to addmit your negatives to yourself and have compassions for yourse

So you say yes I am angry, simpitise with yourself, don't predent you are not, b
This gives you high self esteem, because you are working on yourself, and know i
t is possible to improve yourself, this is approach.
--------------------------There is distinquison between the thing itself ( girlfriend, money, profession )
and the way you approach it ( craven, attachment, neurotic dependense on these
not the things of themsleves)
But we should recognise that everything change and we loose things , people, sit
uation but having neurotic attachments we suffer when this happens.
First steps in anything is thought so your mind has to want this path is buddhis
m, check the teachers, due diliggence etc..
The more we are in touch with reallity ( suffering and delusion are two sides of
these unreall states of mind ) we are not objective and make stories in our min
ds that is why we need to diconstract it
When you angry or worried or agressive
Anger is in thoughts of anger ( how do you dare do that, i am this and that ) so
what needs diconstracting is thoughts , thoughts make you feel anger, so feelin
g (feeling in just your body , physical )needs to be acknowledged but the change
is in the way you think... ( the way you think , what you think is the cause no
t based on reality )
Taste your own womit and delight in it... ( anger and depression etcc...) you ne
ed the courage to own it and respect for yourself to know it does not define you
and the willingness to go deep in and work on it....
Yes I am angry I am jealous but it is not my essence and I can change it.. It is
ancient process...
You don't want to be fundamentalist to pour anger on yourself because you are an
gry you have to admit it allow it first then deal with thoughts that get you the
re ..... This is buddhist way......
------------You can learn to like problems as you like icecream, but the first thing is to a
ccept reality, accept death accept problems...
The objects in our life are not central but our mind is central and 2 main posit
ive characteristic of mind are peacfullness ( i e serenity, harmonious, content
etc.. ) and ackknowliding external and internal reality ( i.e acceptance of ) .
2 negative points of mind are distortion of reality ( i.e not acknowlding realit
y ), fearfull and distorted.
It assumes unhappy I, which causes object aquision and eventual suffering.
This is introspective life style looking constantly at your feelings and thought
s in order for diconstract your unhapppy I and constract peacfull, harmonic one.

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