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Farewell speech

Board of Directors, headmistress, Chairman Of PIBG, Chairman Of Old Boys

Association, Teachers and fellow students. Good morning to all of u.
Beloved teacher, dear students:
In unconsciously, we have spent together six years time. This long and short of
six years, I appreciate the hard life, but also feel the joy of learning.
We have learned so much and gained a lot of experiences throughout these six
year. The school places great value on community, learning and fun.
To all the teachers I have had in my life, thank you. All of you have contributed to
who I am today, and although I am far from perfect, I believe that Im a much
better person than the person I would have been had I not met all of you.
To Madam Chuah Chooi Booy,my year six form teacher, thank you for helping me
,guiding me, and giving me inspiration when I needed it most.
To all my friends, classmate or not, thank you very much. Thank you for giving
me one of the most unforgettable moments of my life. It has been an honor to
get to know all of you.
On behalf of the students, I would like to express our sincere thanks and
gratitude to all the teachers, Board of Directors and Old Boys for their support
and guidance in moulding us to be what we are today.
Let us never allow the worlds definition of what is possible keep us from
achieving what we want to achieve. Let us not only dream big, let us dream
grandly. Let us not only reach for the mountaintop, let us reach for the stars.
With that, I end my speech and with the words Eng Chuan, You Will Forever Be
In My Heart. Thank You.

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