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Phone: 412-304-6710

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
December 2015
Master of Information Systems Management (Data Science and Business Intelligence Specialization)
Relevant Coursework: Applied Data Science, Data Mining, Python for Data Analytics, Hadoop and MapReduce.
GPA: 3.08/4.00
University of Mumbai, India
Bachelor of Computer Engineering and Networks

May 2014

GPA: 3.73/4.00

SKILLS: R, Python (pandas, Scikit-Learn), SQL, SAS, Java, Hadoop, Weka, JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5, Tableau, Minitab, AWS.
Data Science Intern
Sanjay Maintenance Services Pvt. Ltd.
June 2013-August 2013
Developed a prediction model for forecasting profitability of various verticals such as Hospitality, Security and Travel
using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines algorithm which was 62% more accurate than the previously used linear
regression algorithm.
Extracted analytical insights from the MIS reports using R and visualized them using Tableau to develop graphically
enhanced reports which helped senior management understand the operations of the organization better and reduced
the time invested by them in meetings by 75%.

Improving the quality of Nursing Homes using R
January 2015-March 2015
Analyzed data of 15000 nursing homes to identify the major components that determine the quality of nursing homes
and implemented Principal Component Analysis to reduce the effort required in collection of data by 87.5%.
Implemented algorithms such as Support Vector Machines, k-Nearest Neighbors and Expectation-Maximization and
Identified Random Forest Classifier as the best algorithm for prediction of quality of nursing home.
Identifying the impact of IMDB ratings on viewers through A/B testing
January 2015-March 2015
Designed and conducted a randomization experiment to identify the causality between the IMDB rating and viewership
of a movie using techniques such as randomized blocking and power analysis.
Tracking trends using Hadoop
January 2015-March 2015
Analyzed a dataset of 25 billion comments on a major social networking site to obtain the most trending buzzwords and
performed a time-series analysis on these key-words to track their popularity monthly.
Aggregating News using Python
January 2015-March 2015
Developed a news aggregator by using data gathered from different RSS feeds and performed hierarchical clustering on
it to obtain clusters of data that had similar news.
Maximizing profit of an Electronic Management Corporation using Oracle SQL
September 2013-October 2013
Developed a data-warehouse for corporations products and performed SQL procedures on it to obtain spatial and
temporal distribution of products which helped senior management take better decisions regarding their distribution.
Predictive Modelling of the Purchasing Behaviors of Retail Customers using SAS
January 2015-March 2015
Performed customer segmentation on product-purchasing data of 1.5 million customers to identify the characteristics of
consumers that determine their purchasing power and used this analysis to improve the efficiency of inventory by 44%.


Active Member of Heinz Analytics Club and Heinz Digital Marketing Analytics Club.
January 2015-Present
Presented a paper Comparison of Data-Mining Methods that compared different data-mining techniques and
associated appropriate applications to each of them.
XIE Technical Paper Presentation Event, May 2013
Organized and supervised Temple Run, an Inter-collegiate event at iris 13, annual cultural festival of St. Francis
Institute of Technology, University of Mumbai.
September 2012

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