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John Foster Dulles: Dulles served as Secretary of state under Eisenhower he is
generally considered very conservative. He refused to shake the ambassador of
china's had and wanted to escalate Korea. ATK he also started the trend of
increased United States involvement in Indochina.
New Look: Was a widely unpopular plan with the people of the United States
which Eisenhower proposed and carried out that cut military spending and
refocused the military to become more passive.
massive retaliation: Was a military strategy practiced by both the United States
and The Soviet Union that involved any hostile reaction being meant with the full
force of either country's respective military.
Brinkmanship: Was a strategy partially practiced by both sides that involved
pushing every situation to the last moment and then trying to sue for peace to get
the most out of a situation. However, the tactic was most widely used by
Geneva Accords: Negotiations between France, The U.K, The Soviet Union, The
United States, and China that tried to solve the problems in Korea and Indochina.
Resulted in the separation of Vietnam into north and south zones.
open skies: A proposal that the United States supported that said after a certain
distance the sky became international air space even over a country.
Mossadegh: Was the democratically elected leader of Iran who in 1953 was taken
out of power in a coup that was master minded by the United States and U.K.
Many people say this shows a moral equivalence between the United States and
Soviet Union and as an example of containment.

8. Adalai Stevenson: Was in many ways a 1950's Woodrow Wilson, an academic

democrat. He ran for president three times twice losing to Ike and once to J.F.K.
He was also a diplomat throughout the 50's and eventual an ambassador to the
United Nations.
9. Aswan Dam: A dam seen as pivotal to the development to the Egyptian economy.
It was funded by money given to Egypt from the united states and great Britain
that equaled 270 million dollars.
10. Nasser: Was the dictator of Egypt in the 1950's whose goal was to modernize
Egypt by being given money from both the west and east. While initially this plan
worked eventually he alienated both sides.
11. Imre Nagy: Was a Hungarian political who was eventual educated for treason, he
led the revolt against the Soviet Union that resulted in the crackdown against anticommunism in Russian and showed the weakness of the U.S
12. Radio Free Europe: A radio station funded by the United States that the U.S acted
like it had no involvement with. The radio eventually became increasing radical
and detached from the mission the United States set out for it.
13. Eisenhower Doctrine: Was a doctrine of limited military involvement and
primarily avoiding conflict even if this avoidance hurt the United State's interests
in the long or short term.
14. Francis Gary Powers: Was an American pilot who while flying a U2 over the
Soviet Union was shot down, but instead of taking a cyanide pill was in fact

kidnapped by the soviets and created a huge public mistake for the United States.
15. Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR: Was an essay written by Stalin
himself which many Europeans and Americans thought as him making a turning
point to more mainstream views, however many of the things he wrote in this
essay did little to thaw out relations because it lacked action.
16. Peace Note: Was a speech by president Eisenhower that called to free the enslaved
people of Communism from the world and create peace, in many ways to opposite
17. Konrad Adenauer: Is described in a personal experience by K. Best known as the
man that led his country out of the destruction Germany suffered in World War II
to a productive nation that forged close relations with old enemy France, the
United Kingdom and the United States.
18. disengagement scheme: A goal to limit the amount of solders and funding that
were sent world wide and ease the tensions of the cold war.
19. Peaceful coexistence: A idea developed in the Soviet Union that the United States
and The Soviets could peacefully coexistence in one world and communism could
still spread through the ballot box.
20. Suez Canal: The Suez was a canal in Egypt that was controlled by the British. It
provide vital access in the Mediterranean. The crisis started when Egypt took the
canal, Britain and France began preparing a military response however the United
States forced them to relent.
21. Baghdad Pact: A pact between Iran,Iraq,Turkey,Britain and later the United States.
It was an attempt by the West to take control of the Middle East but largely failed
to have any real long-term votes.
22. Anthony Eden: Was the Prime Minster of Britain during the Suez Crisis. He is
best known for over playing his hand and hurting Britain relationship with the
United States.
23. Eisenhower: Was the former supreme commander of allied forces during world
war 2, he eventual became the president of the United States. He
24. Twentieth Party Conference: A secret Congressional meeting held by the
Khrushchev that denounced the cult of Stalin and his legacy.
25. Poznan: A city in Poland that became the center of soviet dissidence. In this city
there was a mild rebellion but unlike in Hungary there was no crackdown.
26. Rakosi: Was the leader of the Hungarian communist party that was backed by
Stalin. He was considered an evil man by many Hungarians and was one of the
big reasons the Hungarians revolted.
27. Khrushchevs ultimatum: Was Khrushchev ultimatum that stated after allied
powers withdrew from west Berlin he would withdraw from east Berlin. This was
mainly motivated
28. De Gaulle: Was the french leader in exile during world war 2. Was incredibly
popular and became president during the 50's he attempted to keep France's
colonial empire alive by keeping Algeria and Indochina in France's empire

29. Camp David: A highly secure retreat where the president invites foreign leaders to
accomplish a specif goal.
30. August 13, 1961: Was the day that the Berlin wall was erected seemingly over
night. It was slowly expanded to become a impenetrable force.
31. J F Kennedy: Was the youngest president ever elected in the general election, his
first big decision was to follow through with the bay of pigs and it ended up being
a failure that worsened relations with Cuba.
32. Dean Rusk: The second longest serving secretary of state ever, he is considered
one of the voices of reasonof the Cuban missiles crisis. He also advocated an
increases in military combat in Vietnam.
33. NSC 64: National Security Council Report 68, was a report that advocated
containment over detente and eventual became the dominant report in U.S policy.
34. Operation Eggshell:Was an operation that
35. Guerrilla War: is an asymmetric war where usally the defender engages indirectly
by hiding in the environment trying to win the support of the people.
36. SEATO:
37. Diem:
38. Waging Peace:

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