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1, 05/03/15


Opinions of professionals, family members and service users about the Irish Mental Health Act 2001
regulating involuntary commitment of psychiatric patients
We would like to invite you to take part in a research study by completing a brief opinion questionnaire.
Before you decide on whether to take part or not, we will tell you here about the research and what it
entails. If you wish to take part in the study after reading this information please click on the link posted on
this website and complete the online survey.
1. What is the purpose of this study?
This study is designed to investigate and compare attitudes and opinions held by professionals, carers
and service users about how the current Irish law on mental health and compulsory admission works.
2. Why have I been invited to take part?
You have been contacted because you are a member of a professional or carer group and you might
have experience of this law or you have been previously involuntary admitted and detained in an
approved psychiatric centre.
3. Do I have to take part?
No. Participation is voluntary. It is entirely up to you to decide if you want to take part. If you dont want
to take part please ignore this invitation.
4. What will happen to me if I take part?
If you agree to take part, please click the link on this website. This will take you to the survey and you
just answer the questions as they are presented to you. There are a few questions about you and your
experience of the law and then a few questions about your opinions. It should take no more than 5
minutes to answer all of the questions.
5. What are the possible risks and benefits of taking part?
There are no risks in taking part. The questions are about your opinions, not about your personal
experience in specific cases. Equally, there are no direct benefits for you but you will be helping us to
understand better what people think in this important area.
6. What if there is a problem?
Please contact the researchers listed at the end of this information sheet if you have a problem
completing the questionnaire.
7. Will my taking part in the study be kept confidential?
All the information collected through the survey will be anonymous. It will be stored on a computer but
neither your name nor email address will be recorded with it. Nor can you be identified from any
background information provided. The overall findings will be published in a report but no individual will
be identifiable from this report.

v. 1, 05/03/15

8. What will happen if I dont want to carry on with the study?

If you change your mind while completing the survey and you want to stop answering the questions,
you can do so at any point. However, once you have submitted your responses it is not then possible
for us to remove your answers as they are anonymous and cannot be linked back to you.
9. What will happen to the results of the study?
The information provided by everybody in the study will be analysed by the research team at the
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and written up for a report to be submitted to an academic
journal and to the Mental Health Commission.
10. Who is funding the research?
The researchers are supported by a grant received from the Mental Health Commission in 2011.
11. Who has reviewed the study?
The study has been approved by the Galway University Hospitals Research Ethics Committee (ref.
C.A. 524), Galway, Ireland.
12. Further information and contact details:
If you have any queries or comments about the study please contact:
Dr. Irina Georgieva

Professor Colm McDonald


Clinical Science Institute

Department of Psychiatry
National University of Ireland Galway

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet

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