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1. Promosi
Usaha perusahaan untuk mempengaruhi

dengan merayu calon pembeli, melalui

pemakaian segala unsur acuan pemasaran disebut sebagai promosi. Promosi adalah segala bentuk
komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menginformasikan, membujuk, atau mengingatkan publik
tentang produk yang dihasilkan organisasi, individu ataupun rumah tangga.
Kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh sebuah perusahaan merupakan penggunaan
kombinasi yang terdapat dari unsur-unsur atau peralatan promosi, yang mencerminkan
pelaksanaan kebijakan promosi dari
perusahaan tersebut. Kombinasi dari unsur-unsur atau peralatan promosi tersebut dikenal dengan
acuan/ bauran promosi (promotional mix).

Gambar 2. Pomotional mix (morisan, 2010:17)

Oleh karena acuan atau bauran promosi adalah kombinasi strategi yang paling baik dai
unsur-unsur promosi tersebut, maka untuk dapat efektifnya promosi yang dilakukan oleh
perusahaan, perlu ditentukan terlebih dahulu peralatan atau unsur promosi apa yang sebaiknya
digunakan dan bagaimana mengkombinasikan unsur-unsur tersebut agar hasilnya dapat optimal.
Kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan suatu perusahaan menggunakan acuan/ bauran promosi
(promotional mix) yang terdiri dari advertensi, personal selling, sales promotion, dan publicity.

Advertensi merupakanbentuk penyajian dan mempromosi barang atau jasa yang dibiayai
oleh suatu sponsor tertentu yang bersifat nonpersonal dalam rangka untuk menarik calon

konsumen guna melakukan pembelian, sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjulan produk dari
perusahaan yang bersangkutan.
Advertensi dalam strategi promosi dikenal sebagai komunikasi massa yang dibayar.
Suatu iklan melibatkan media massa (Morrisan, 2010:18), Media yang sering digunakan dalam
advertensi ini adalah radio, televisi, majalah, surat kabar, reklame, poster, hadiah cuma-cuma
(disertai nama perusahaan) dan lain-lain. Iklan merupakan salah satu bentuk promosi yang paling
dikenal karena dapat mengirimkan pesan kepada sejumlah besar kelompok individu pada saat
Advertensi dapat dilihat sebagai kegiatan untuk menyadarkan konsumen yang berpotensi
akan kehadiran produk tersebut, kegunaan maupun sifat-sifatnya dan dimana produk tersebut
tersedia dan dapat dibeli. Bentuk advertensi disini yaitu advertensi produk. Dalam advertensi
produk ini pemasangan iklan hendak memberitahu atau merangsang pasar akan kehadiran
produk berupa barang atau jasa perusahaan, tetapi secara tidak langsung juga menggunakan
advertensi kelembagaan yang tujuannya untuk mendapatkan nama baik dan menciptakan goodwil.

Personal Selling
Personal selling merupakan penyajian secara lisan perusahaan kepada satu atau beberapa
calon pembeli dengan tujuan agar barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan dapat terjual (Assauri,
2009:277). Personal selling juga merupakan betuk komunikasi langsung antara seorang penjual
dengan calon pembeli (person to person communications) (Morrisan, 2010:32). Jadi, dalam
pesonal selling terdapat kontak peribadi secara langsung antara penjual dan pembeli. Disamping
menjelaskan atau memberitahukan tentang produk dan membujuk calom pembeli, personal
selling juga menampung keluhan dan saran dari para pembeli sebagai umpan balik bagi
Dalam rangka menimbulkan keinginan pembeli terhadap produk berupa barang atau jasa
yang baru, sebenarnya sangat efektif adalah jika perusahaan melakukan kegiatan advertensi.
Akan tetapi, sering kali advertensi tidak cukup, sehingga dibutuhkan personal selling untuk
meyakinkan konsumen atau langganan terhadap mutu atau kualitas produknya bila dibandingkan
dengan produk pesaing.


Sales Promotion (Promosi Penjualan)

Promosi penjualan adalah kegiatan promosi selain dari advertensi, personal selling, dan
publicity yang dapat mendorong pembelian oleh konsumen, dan dapat meningkatkan efektifitas
para penyalur dengan mengadakan pameran / display/ eksibisi/ peragaan atau demonstrasi dan
berbagai kegiatan penjualan lain, yang dilakukan sewaktu-waktu dan tidak bersifat rutin.
Promosi penjualan disini yaitu promosi penjualan yang diarahkan kepada pembeli misalnya
sample, kupon, pameran, demostrasi/peragaan dan lain-lain. Promosi penjualan dapat membantu
produsen untuk memperkenalkan produk baru, menambah pemakaian atau persediaan para
penyalur dan dealer atau distributor, menarik pelanggan baru, menanggulangi kegiatan para
pesaing, meringankan akibat penurunan penjualan, karena pengaruh musim, dan membantu
untuk meringkankan tugas bicara berupa sales talk dari pramuniaga (sales person) perusahaan
(Assauri, 2009: 283).
Promosi penjualan secara umum dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu yang berorientasi
pada konsumen dan yang berorientasi pada perdagangan ditujukan pada pihak-pihak yang
menjadi perantara pemasaran (Morrisan, 2010:25). Promosi penjualan dapat pula dikatakan
sebagai kegiatan yang melengkapi dan mendorong periklanan, dan personal selling, dan sifatnya
berbeda dengan pesonal selling ataupun advertensi. Perbedaanya dengan advertensi adalah
advertensi ditujukan pada kelompok konsumen dalam jumlah besar sedangkan promosi
penjualan mengkhususkan pada suatu kelompok konsumen tertentu dalam jumlah yang relatif
kecil. Perbedaannya dengan personal selling yaitu ditujukan kepada kelompok pembeli atau
calon pembeli sedangkan personal selling ditujukan untuk perorangan.

Merupakan usaha untuk merangsang dari suatu produk secara nonpersonal dengan
membuat, baik yang berupa berita yang bersifat komersial tentang produk tersebut di dalam
media atau tidak, maupun hasil wawancara yang disiarkan dalam media tertentu. Metode ini
sangat baik untuk memperkenalkan perusahaan atau produk yang dihasilkan, karena publisitas
dapat mencapai pembeli yang potensial, yang tidak didapat melalui advertensi dan personal
selling. Publisitas ini lebih efektif karena cara penyampainnya dilakukan sedemikian rupa
sehingga dapat diterima sebagai suatu berita yang baru oleh para pendengar atau pembacanya.

Assauri, Sofjan.2009.Manajemen Pemasaran. Jakarta:PT.Raja GrafindoPersada

Morrisan.2010.Periklanan Komunikasi Pemasaran Terpadu.Jakarta:Kencana Prenada Media Group.

6 Proven Ways to Market Any Healthcare Organization

By Stewart Gandolf on January 26, 2011 in HEALTHCARE MARKETING, MEDICAL

The New Normal for Medical and Hospital Marketing in Tough

Economic Times
Healthcare marketing and advertising can appear to be complex, confusing and daunting. But
the first steps on the road to success are grounded in only six fundamental building blocks.

We think of it as an ah-ha moment. Its that highly

gratifying instant in our consulting work with practitioners when the veil drops, the mystery
disappears, the light bulb ignitesand a big idea is understood in a flash.
Its rewarding for the client, seminar attendee or the audience were addressing, as well as for
ourselves as healthcare marketing instructors.
Here, in 14 words, is a sentence that frequently leads to an ah-ha moment:
There are only six ways to market any healthcare organization. Six and only six.
Admittedly the broad topic of successful healthcare marketing is complex and sometimes
confusing. There are hundreds of strategies and thousands of tactics, but understanding this sixpoint outline provides a manageable starting point for bringing it all together.
We organize our seminar presentations and our client marketing plans around these fundamental
elements. If this is a back-to-basics list for you, perhaps its a useful refresher and something you

can share with others. If this is an eye-opener, were pleased. For many people, grasping these
six elementary building blocks demystifies healthcare marketing in an ah-ha moment.

The Six Fundamental Elements

Professional Referral Marketing: A reliable and continuing stream of inbound patient referrals
from other medical, dental or other professional sources is the lifeblood of many specialty
providers. And whether its a primary or secondary channel, professional referral sources cant be
taken for granted. Doctor referrals do not happen by magic or simply because you are a good
provider. Success requires a written plan and an unfailing system to preserve and grow the flow
of professional referrals.
Internet Marketing: From websites and social media tools, to patient portals and mobile apps,
online marketing is a mainstream channel for marketing, advertising and public relations.
Exactly how you use the muscle of the digital freeway can be highly effective and profitable, or a
huge waste of time and money.
Branding: This is all about standing out from the crowd in a positive way, and it includes
virtually everything you do. A powerful, differentiating brand for your healthcare business is part
of your reputation. Meaningful and effective branding does not occur without a deliberate effort
to shape and express the right message at the right time.
Internal Marketing: This heading includes all the ways and means that you communicate with
people who already know you, primarily present and previous patients. Depending on the nature
of your practice or situation, this influential audience can be a rich resource for referrals,
additional services, testimonials and/or word-of-mouth advertising.
External Marketing: These are the media that reach prospective patients that dont know you.
Advertising in newspapers, radio, television, billboards and the like target an audience that needs
to know that you provide an answer for their healthcare need. Theres little margin for error in an
external media budget that is expected to produce a measurable return-on-investment.
Public Relations: This heading includes, among other things, planning and generating
healthcare publicity and free press exposure, such as newspaper articles or broadcast interviews.
The end results look easy, and it can be a positive and powerful influence. But free press
typically results from careful planning, good timing, a clear message and a deliberate effort.
Whether this is familiar territory or an ah-ha momentand whether you work with us or not
there are only six ways to market any healthcare organization. Use this list to guide your
healthcare marketing plan for achieving your goals.

(Weve included additional links to related, in-depth articles that weve authored for our
publications, subscribers or for other professional publications.)

Healthcare Professionals Who Actively Engage in Healthcare

Marketing Increase Their Annual Revenues by 20-30%.

If you are frustrated with your personal income as a physician, chiropractor, or dentist, you are
not alone. Doctors in all practice areas are working harder than ever yet see little increase in their
take-home pay.
In fact, the ability of health care providers to build a successful and profitable medical practice
has become so complex; doctors across the country are giving up. Frustrated and disappointed,
they are shutting their practice doors and giving up on their dreams.
It doesnt have to be that way. You CAN lead the ideal practice lifestyle. You CAN have a
successful and profitable medical practice. You simply need proven healthcare marketing
strategies and effective practice management principles to help you reach your goals.


Because, healthcare is evolving at lightning speed!

How are you preparing to stay profitable through and after health care

What are you doing to combat increasing global competition?

How are you staying competitive in your marketplace and attracting new
paying patients?

Changes in health care are going to force you to reevaluate the way you operate your practice.
Whether you operate a solo primary care practice, a cosmetic surgery center, a small group clinic
or private hospital, effective marketing strategies are essential to conquering the imminent
challenges facing the business of medicine.

How integrated healthcare marketing can help you?

Healthcare marketing enables your organization to experience sustainable growth. In business
they say, Marketing is everything! So why is your medical practice any different, it is a
business, right? A hospitals purpose is to help the sick become well; but doesnt that hospital
have to generate a profit to continue to serve its purpose?
You see, healthcare marketing is not simply creating a fancy website, sending out postcard flyers
and running a yellow pages ad or television commercialthat is healthcare advertising.
Healthcare advertising is only ONE of the many facets of healthcare marketing. Healthcare
marketing is actually very complex. Despite the general perception, healthcare marketing is not
just selling and promotion.

So, what is healthcare marketing?

Focused on building sustainable and profitable healthcare organizations, effective healthcare
marketing strives to meet the needs and wants of patients by strategically planning and executing
processes based on the analysis of your products, services, pricing, location, methods of
promotion, and more. Healthcare marketing also requires an in-depth understanding of your
target market (your ideal patients), and how to best communicate with them. All of these factors
make up healthcare marketing, and if you are not considering these factors, your practice,
clinic, or hospital is certainly suffering.
Looking at healthcare marketing from this perspective, you must ask yourself, How could I
have gone so long without a healthcare marketing strategy? Wellyouve struggled! But, you
do not have to.
You can take action NOW to change the course of your healthcare organization.
Todays consumer has better access to information about competition, quality, and cost than ever
before. And now we have to face the challenges of healthcare reform. Now, more than ever
before, healthcare providers in ALL practice areas are going to have to find ways to
communicate their VALUE to their patients. You MUST reach out to the patients you desire to
treat, and build long-term doctor-patient relationships using powerful healthcare marketing

strategies. You must strategically plan the course of your healthcare organization if you want to
Using customized, proven medical marketing strategies will secure your likelihood of success in
these changing times. With proper planning you can achieve your goals, work less, increase your
income, and provide superior medical care to your patientsafter all, isnt that what being a
doctor is all about?
The bottom line: Medical professionals need to engage in healthcare marketing to build
sustainable medical practices, clinics, and hospitals.

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