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Police Officer With Brilliant

War Record Sees Royal Couple



; OFthe thousands of people who viewed Their Majesties j

here Wednesday, one man perhaps obtained a better
chance to see the King and Queen than any other. He was
Corporal G. H. Soles, Agassiz detachment of provincial police,
and a man with a distinguished war record.

Cpl. Soles' task It was to keep

a. struggling, weaving group of
press correspondents and photo

:he,, (jh; )}, Wd1J

fr-B~ re75

graphers in line. As such, the

young looking war veteran had a
front row seat for the proceedings.
The Agassiz police officer had
seen His :Majesty once before, ln
London, shortly after the war,
watching the ceremony of cha.nging the guard.
Corporal Soles' war record is
outstandin g. He was thrice awarded the Distinguished Conduct medal, next award to the Victoria
Cross. He wears the D.C.M. and
two bars. He enlisted with the
48th battalion, third pioneers, a
few months after the war started,
He was wounded at Vtmy and
after recovering from his injuries
transferred to the Seaforth Highlanders on July 1, 1917. He served
with them until September 28,
1918, when he was wounded at
He was. awarded the D.C.M. first
at Pasch end ale in October, 1917,
when, with six other men, he cap
tured three German machine guns
and took eighteen prisoners. His
second .. award was secured at
Amlens. This time e. tank was
firing lnto British troops. Corporal
Soles stopped lt before any con
siderable damage was done, there
by preventing e. major tragedy.
On the third occasion when he
was awarded the D.C.M., Corporal
Soles, acting as sergeant-major of
"A" company, with others, repelled a German counter attack.
He had 17 out of 120 men left at
the Ume.
Recalling the unpleas&.n tness at
Pa.schendale, Corporal Soles states
that Major Hamllton, now a well
. known figure in B. c. commercial
life, was In command at the time.
The officer called for volunteers to
bomb the German machine gun
ne:rs out of their positions. Corporal Soles and one other man got
through the swamps surrounding
the Get'Illan position, threw their
bombs, killed several Germans,
and took the me.chine gull.9 and the
prisoners. "They told me we
couldn't get through those swamps,
and I said that It wouldn' t be any
thing as bad as duck hunting in
British Columbla," Corpol"al Soles
He joined the B.
game depart
ment In 1922 and served with it
until 1928, when he joined the provinclal police. He has since been
1tatloned at Prince George, Prince
~upert and Hope.


. ....... ..... .. . . . . . "'


, , "

_..u t> u1 1,~uou\!HCO h1:' 1tre1ni~~

~ ntl found 11:1rl n( lhc i.lnlcn GOOd~.

not ronsidcrcd d c:oir~b lr It) rcmlin1~
li e eH fe!l~cd.
on the coursr . I Lht11 clrnn;:ccl 1011nr
a nd hc:id c<I into the 11lntf ~11 11o.1c
rhro1tRho111 thr 1ep01 t are mMy
1he sra!' ~ h i1111c1f ~oufct kcc11 l'u
: ci.~mples of tin~ kine! nf drlcienL
111fot h ouse l'fc-1r.
, v.l)rk c~ 1r1cc1 1)111 111 pla1:ei; \\'hCrt'. one
do~:; n<'l orci111anl" expect to rind
"Th i~. ho11c:vcr. J)l'O\ eel [ULllC :1. IL !
cool. p:unstaking pol:cc ser\'ICC or
11 a.,. gcLLlng coldr1 and the lee ''ll:.!t!
th 1~ rhnmcter.
noL w:1~h olf even Lhoui;h I>;; Lill!, ta.:c
or 1hc 27 munlclpaliuc~ which
the ~c:is bl'llkt con tinuous ly on dP.d'contr:ict.ed to hn e lhclr policing
l then decided LO make Victory 5 n
done I>) the B. C. PoJtce Force not
n.nd Lie up for the 111gh1. owlne1 to me
one bas l'\': r n&kcd Lo withdraw and
l'fSk of Che bO!LL l)Clng ICCd down, :111d
t press comment. some or Y.hlch
make a n attcmpL aL daybreak next
1s quou:d tn the rcporl. i$ mo.~l comday."
NotwlLhstuncl lng Lho.L Lhc COllSLab!~'s
report ncxL morn ing communleklCd:
1 x1-: w s r 1\rims t'R.\l SE
1. S. \\'. PAR SO XS
" heading h1to same eondlllon$ ns ihc
The Pentlc~on Herald Iii t>arLlcu ior
<hiY previou:;," they reach ('d Wales
i\~~lst:u11 Cummls,.hrncr.
u. t :. j commen~~
on t.h~ freedom from IOC:ll
l:Jnd aL noon. The lnl1l\bllanLs, m~ Jy J'olice. second In ro mmancl ..r the influence~ :h:H ha:; chnmctcrlzcd the
fishermen, were well buL short or P11>
Pro"incial r.,r 10 t!lll. " cMt1llln. work or lhe ron:c In rhaL 111u11lcJpality.
visions and cnLlr cly wl thOuL hope ~ I
/\ sub:nanllal S!:Ctlon or the r l'pon
getting l-0 shore for mall :rnd the1~
Christmas ~up1>h~.
'111r~ had llt'fn S(Cd rain.~ t.o .::18 _ farmer.. !,>r .!le deals "Ith the work or Lhe Molor
Br;rnch. whlrh not only t.SSuc.s
1,torm1>01111d for tllrtc Dcpiu-tmcnL of /\gnculturc
rrom 85 .000 to l00.000 mot.or c,v
j '!'h ey hct.!d uclmi111~tc1 tile She~ licenses
I\ ~car. m11h1tain., a registry
Thill 1ia.s tillll' one of many perilous Protection. !lioxlou~ Weeds am'I Bnu:;i
1:1 ulscs In the nceL of "P.M.L.'s" which Ac~~ for the Ocp:1rtmenL or /\gTlcul- Of I he LILlei o( nll C..'\J'S In the Pl'OVlnce,
l)ut !sues 130.000 Lo 140.000 drl,;ers
J 11aln~itl :l C?n~l:rn t fll\Ll'O l a long 1ht: twc.
West Coast of Vancou1c1 lsland. thl'
They l'CJ> i1nd helped Iv r1gn L chAuffeurs and other special kinds or
licenses each yea r.
":;raveynrd of the Pacific." p uttlnit to for~t Cire~. .
~en imder conditions when no 1>th~1 , 'I hey pro 1 1decl c.>corts 1rnd lr>lll~
1'. srEEr. OIF.:S /\T QUM..lCUM
"Cs.~I ol i.lm1l;\r 1onm1gc: would da:c portatlon for llu::ncc departme11~ J .N/\NAIMO.
July 7.-John Young
venture out.
audit.ors :111\1 ror r1u1<1s 1.m11sm!LL~<I
steel, 64. retired mcrch:m~ rroin VanHerc Is till' story or nnother pat:oJI lr?m district officers to cc1Hrat notut.J. couver. died In hls home 111. QuR!lcum
1111de1 an enLircly <i lHcrenL set of .-:rThey l.ssued liquor pcrnut.; In re1110\c. Friday.
rnmstnnces caurnir for cqul\l fortitude: I placc.~.
He had res ided JO year&. He
lCY ass1~tcd Lile fire marshnl. ror
CllRIS'rlllA S NEW:;;
which purpose Oll<' Llurd of the rorc-.: Is su r \'l\cd by l\\'O sl.sters. Miss Annie
Vancou1er. and Ml$-~ Mary
On Christmas Dar word w~s rr- deputy m11.rshals.
\'cd ;1,L Prine~ Ocorge thttt 1~ ma.1
They co -01l<'ratcd with the OcpnrL- SLeel Q11allcum. :rnd a brother In
.s reported dead on 1h e t.rall at .>ll:n 1menL or Nat1011nl Defen~ :i.L OL.awa SC'oUand
F'uneral ;;ervlccs will be conducted
' In admlnist.crlng Lhc relier camps, reIn the h om11 Sunday nt 3 p.m .. Rev.
Proctcc.l ins to l'cnny on the rai l- spondlng LO many call:; when Lhe C. Flnn11more 0Cflc!ntll1g. rnt.crmcnt
One o! the sensaLional aerlallsf.s
way 11111-. Co11stat.ill!s Soles and lllurmilltlA. orrl ~ers found . outside help i11 Qualicum ccr.iet.ery.
with the Shrin e Club Circus at the
ray lcH on .. nowshocs tor :)lim Lake. nec~sary LO l't'.duce dls.tffectlon.
Auditorium next week is dainty
They conducted Severn! hundred tnonly 20 miles nway In a tcmpcan ture
Thousands or people still belh?\'C in Gladys L:l.Toumeau who will peror 4Z below ?:cro, ~Ith a high wind
vestlgatlons fo1 lhe lmmlgro.nL d c- lhal superstition ha\olng Its origin tn form her dc:1lb-dcfyinir mid-air heel
Occp snow made tn\\'cl
a n cien t Eg,pt. 1.IJR.t. the nspen lcM catch. one of the mos L th:rllllnt of
riifficult :rnd. n.fler four mUes, 0 11e
rhcy lnsper.Lcd l>O'V<ICr mu ga>1<11es quivers bec~rn$C of horror. since Christ aerial stunts. Proceed$ of the circus
of i>lu1ray's ~nows.hoes broke. A tcmfor the fedeml mines deparLmen~.
was supposed t.o h1we been cruclrled will be devoted to the Shr ine Club'.;
Crippled Children' Fund.
porary repair was effec ted. but wilh REVENUE SOU RC1'S
u pon a cross made or aspen wood.
the he:ny going ll became l\J>pnrenl

i- t h
the shoe wou ld nol s lnnd the journ ~y.
ere 15 a "'" 0 l c he:ictings under
which they co!lcctcd re,cnucs for the
In addlLlon, I.he persplrallon rro7.e govcmmcnl..
Murrny's fee~. Reluctantly they turnerl
Amusement lax
s l,l!~ O
bnck lo P<'nl1y. where firs~ aid was '

1 - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - - - rendered and Murray had to go b.v:k Brand Act
l.o rrlnce George.
Game licenses
Sons r>f .E ngllln d- Sons of l!lnglnnd cream .wlll be provided. The comOon~l.nblc.s SA.tes the ::crv- I Gnmc tnx
t,;,os lod"'e. Merrie Enghmd. No. 266. will mitLee In c harge expects a rcco;d
'"tide nan1cd J~
2S,~ lS
,, In Red Rose dC?grce in Lhc ns:sem blY w IlCJl 'h e program com11. n
~ or a vol1111t~~
~~ "'
P 11 cou rtt finr~ . . . . . . . .
mences nt I :30 p .m.
llondrea.u and continued the expcC:1- I 0 ce cour iost~
. l'oll tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'.l.!1ll:. MRsoni c

Some Idea or whaL they were UJ) Pool room liccnseio
~.96 1 , Avenue and Victoria Road, Tuc:;day
Easl AngUa anll l\tercil\ Association
:ina il1sl. Is comeyed In lh<' ract :ha~ Sheep protccto n :icL
~.'1 3b
11~ 8 p.m. Ari 1.nvlt.Rlion Is ext.ended will hold Its first nnnual picnic on
they did net reach Slim Lake w1Lll Sheriffs' rees
tib 7
Lo visiting broLhcrs.
Sunday. July 15, at Eagle Harbor,
noon on Dec. 30, where I.hey found the Tr:ide liccntes
On Thursday. West.em Jubilee. West Vancouver. A specJal bus will
rroren body or Onutry Lcwonluk, 35- Fisheries /\ ct
~3.938 lodge No. 237. will meet In Red Rose leave the 13.C.E.R. depot., Carra.IJ
)'t'Rr-old Pole.
VGlatn 1 ~~ 1 11 ~~cs .. .. .. .. ..
li~~ deg ree In Victory Ht\11, 535 Homer SI.reel.. at 9:30 a.m. Members are re0
" .. " "
SLrcet llL 8 p.m.
qucsLed to telephone the sect"ctary,
Firt.y yards away lay his lce-C!lked
snowshot'~ wllh his empty pack.ia~k Miscellaneous
l3.il4 1 'J'he Rnnunt piculc unclcr the com- Miss E. M. C. Andrews, Sey. 8588R. or to 2. ncaro- Lrec. Hc had cvlAll Lhls \1a:; il1 addition tn iilmost blned auspices ol t.11c Sons and Sey. 858 ior further particulars. An
d ently wet h is snowshoes m the lake S2.000,000 or mot.or license fees l\nc DaughLers or England. or Vancouver lnvllatlon Is extended t.o all rormer
nnd round it lmpo:;slble Lo dry them. serves Lo show I.he manifold d11Llcf and New WcstmlnsLcr dls~rlct.s, wlll residents of East Angllo.n and MerJ~lnding Lmvet on tht\ frozen shoes too of a police orrlcer.
be held on Sunday. July J5. at New- clan counties Lo join the pe.rf;f.
dlrtlcull. he had &rled to get Lo his
In addition the Conunlsstonr.r re- castle Island. Boat.s will leave Pier
ca.bin on foot. had fallen exhausted ports many cases In which ~l'le police "D" at 9 a.m. Tc:1, mllk and ice 8ranoh)-O!fice3 nnd clltbrooms of
and died.

cream will be provided. A delegaUon the Overseas League have been moved
IL Wl\5 bnpoosible Lo carry out the were despa.c1led Lo remote cabins In from Victoria \\'lll join the party at to 528-9 Marine BuUdlng, and E. o.
body, so Constable Sa.les burled It near the wilds, orten In bad wealhc: , Lo NewcAStlo Island. The Sons of Eng- F. Ames, presJdent, extends an fnvJthc lake and erected a. wooden cr1)Ss.
bring out sick nnd Jnjured people. land Band wlll give a. concert from tat.lo~ member& ot the league and
"A pa.trol of this type !.!. not. an sometimes necesslto.tlng arduous labors 2:30 to 4 :30 p.m. Details may be ob- associations arid persons 1nlsolated Incident; each year there al'e packing helpless human forms ovrr talned rrom the secretary, R. Wood- teres to vlslb the. new quarters,
a number of sucb lnvest.lgatlon.&, usu- precipitous and awkward tral\s.
brtdge." 2738 Telford Avenue. New where r. Ames wilt be Ill attendance
J\lly entailing a.good deal of p c;sonal
The ll!e o! a Colu\nbla Westminster, tc.1cp.ho1.1e Carl. 1566:\C. at all t 111es. Te.lep.hon. e Is Trin. 1726.
bardshiP.'9 reports the Comm1S&lone!'. police constable Is at least varied. 1:1
spite or all these many seivloes, howk ll s 1
hi d i
ever. the membc t'S ot the force arc
Yor s 1 re c e.y-T e w s,, r ve
Comln.y 'Events - Many outdoor
and dance conducted by the York- gaiherin~s arc being planned by
Here Is ano er 1ncldent reflecting efficient in thelr basic duties. the shire SOClely every Thursday, will be English f KJndred Societies !oi the
Ule a.rdous nature o! a constable's maintenance or order and apprehendutles In northern B. o. The incident sloo o! d!fenders.
discontinued during the months or sununc~r.' months. Those already ar,_
July and August.. They will be re- ranged include: County or London

1.; reveal 1ng 0 f a spccia 1 c aract<'J'.,.tJc BUNTING CRJMIN/\LS
sumed in the White Rose ballroom In tea pa "Stanley Park Povlllon, July
or the B. c. Police. They are tile Gocrnment's Jack or all trades. Not only
Tho report contRl.ns some Interest- September.
21: U
~,c.r. ~lety picnic. Bowen
do they police the country, perform Ing narratives of good sound J>Ollce
The annual plcnlc will be held on lslt l. 't'~ 0.,.._
' Fellowship
errands or mercy for .lsal.llt.l>d settlers work discharged by oCilcers In ~he Sunday. July 15: to Bowen Island. bea
~ ...
-q.,ach, July 18;
ru1d Issue the motor Jlcen.'lcs. but tJ1cY more remote portions o! the p1ovln~P. SS. Lady Cyntllla will leave Union S
11nd games,
are pressed Into service by every other
The manner In which Crowley, StcnmshJps Co. pier at 9:30 a .m. Tea, f
...J,. ...~ ~
department of thr. Government.
Fer11.lns and Sm ith were traced M<I coffee. mnk and Ice cream wlll be ~o~ ~'>
~umberbrought to Justlce for the hold-up or provldecl by tlle committee. which Is
t-"':" Devon
the Bank of Montreal tn Vancouver antlcipnllng a full attendance.
"1'.'> ~~~..
T hb lime they we1c asked t.o dclhcr lasL November Is llluinlnatlng.

'O' ~ ~ ,~
I.he ballot boxes lo Telegraph Creek
During t he night o! Dec. 14 AshCorn wa ll. n ovon a nd SonicrH~~ }
~~~ ~\ ~.: , .
1or the last Provincial ele.cLlon. The crofl People 1-:elll'd thP. of a .:ar. Association-Tho annual picnic an1
~ ..
~ $>
ll~l',r~th;c Is found In the diary or Con- Jnvl'~lf!'Atlnn hn,,.n,. llv ~- "'" '- -- ' - -






5 0 11



.c., ....;)., ._

























c.-. ~

I congratulate you on the gallantry and devotion to dutt for w~ich you have been awarded


C ommanding Fourth Army.

PR.O:TED n1 li'R4NOM DX A.tlJi1'Y ~IHNTU(~ A.'lfl 8'l'A'1'JOIVJC1fl'. SF.RVICJ\11.





.:. r . .
. .

!2nd Canadian

.' t' .
In f'.~ntr.r

Batta lion,.


Decemoor 23 ; 1918 .

SSt..! G . H. Soles ;1 D. C. i'.t 1 .
72n~ Caw.o_fa..~ In:f.'.1.:Yi:.ry 3 e.::.t;;.li on,
-rJ/~ 3rd. C. C. D. )!



Seaford,' Suss9:z: .:

near Se rgeani Solea :,It gives me ve ry _g reat r>leasure indeed to

advise you that you have been awan~ed a S e c0n~
Be.r t o your Distinguished Conduct, Medal.- The

a utho;ri ty fo~ this ,Award la 4th!.dln:n D ~.v:i. :"!.l .i."JJ1

. .
A. 42-332 11c1~ted . 1 9.-1 2.-18 ..: The J.:mntl w:tll ;,c

publishe d in 'the LonGl.on- Gazette in d'4e course .
- ~~---'Please ac~epit-my-hearty 'consratule,ti cms .









!@nq Oe.nf0..lan
iC:3/'.) )0.

i_ ~ ,... -~ ,, ..,
. ,


7 :2t?='



1.; . .
~ I

T~ ar

-.. .rt... ;.; .

....!1-. . ,.,.,-. I.

") ~







~.- 7


:J . '





.. . ..

Se rge[;..nt Soles:-

1.t give r, ::le very

n ~~.,.. ~-r> : ;" ) '.},P

.i.11l dtl d to

gr-ea~, iileo.s , J_:i!.~>

advise you that you he:l/P-

:n.:..1 t, Ln.~uish.e.i



...~ ~ ... 0

1n 2

Ckr-1):'.lC'I:. 3fod"1.l. The

J. \ ! "f,~ j~,9\J,,J. ;., 2i :t .: },"', i ~-f }_.,,-.:.. : )~l . .: 1f.::,~ ' .:;, i. '. ~ :. i.. . ~~ I.. )i:~.=- 1 . :~.
' _,_., '. t'"'-1
...,-1 ;_,
""'. _~ ! ''.:: '-1- - ,.~_ ..., _ ' 1, }
..,,1_, .. ,



~.- 1.~ J l~ _i.~l"'1~ ~c1.

:_rt :-,; "': !'J:) :t.:1..:)!l-

Pl.ease acce pt my he<3.:rty


t ~."".l~

~.t :.;

4. ):.. ...

e )'.\l''SJ .

<~o;lc;rot. ula t i r~lw- .

LJ. .-~ 1t.-

r:hl J.1el.

CoI! 72nd Canadian Inf. Battn



riSecond Bar to D.V.M.




LT.-COL. C. C. M&:RR l 1T, V.C .


430337 C.s.M. George Bilton $oles

1943 44


BRIG,-GEN. J , A. Cl.ARK, C.M.G., O.S.O .
BHlt) AD IER A. 0. W I LSON, 0 .S.O . , V . D .
L.T.-COL. R. M . 9 1..A.I R. V .O, (G. M .) (G .C .)
BRIGADIER J . R. 5 . LOUCH, 0.5 .0.. M .C.. V.O .
L T.-COL. T . S . 1..ESl.IE. E .D.
CCI . C . C. F F.RRJE, E .0.
L.T.C O L.. I AN T lltT, ELD.
H Ol"~MEtl STE R.

M AJ.-GrcN. a . M .

o.s.o .. E . D .

MA.JO R W. M . M C l(AY
J. A. P ATON, M.l...A.
F'. PAT\1:

J . W.


H . I". H I N ES





E. H . LV1'LE
0 . M U RPHY



<Sx4'culi,,c 1944

El. R0131i:RTSON


W. S.


Throughout the operations this non commissioned

officer has shown remarkable courage end Leadership
On ~ept . 29th., he rushed an enemy strong point
on the right of Sanooort, single handed, killing
one of the garrison, captnring Six , and driving
out the remainder, l eaving Three Machine Guns in

oar hands

For conspicioos gallantry and devotion to dnty

during the B.w. Operation before Cambria, trom
8Bpt.27th., to Oct. lst., inclnsive

H . M. SM>J...L



A . M C K EN Z IE!


RliV. CHAS. E. BATZOl..O , M . M .

Later he worked his way, alon~_a railway cutting,

and personally shot at least ~ght of the enemy
Later on he organised a strong point, which held
up an ee~ counter atack

Seeing that the enemy were much too strong to be

held by the small torce at his~disposal, he returned for reinforcements, but was wounded in the
bead by a bullet., and bad to be taken to the :I
dressing station

2837 ,r. 6tb , a.vo.

Vancouver, J
Sept . 12th,



Guy lI. K1rkpatriok, Ltt. Ool

Seaforth JJ r riourics,

v,.noouver, D.C .

Doar Col. :-


W1" ~-- .,.. JOV eqal that I

-Ste 111' 111114'10M ot tu Oul>rQ. aot ion
toqb' fl'olll s~ 2'f'Jl \o. 19'11. l9JB whon I

. .

I must say that I donot remember a

ereot deal about t ho 27th and 28th , ot so~t .
but I do romoribor somo of t he action on ~ ept .

29th t

"An Company at t ho ti mo oi' jurilpi ng off

on s opt. 29th , at 8 a . m. had only about 60

man ol.l toln undor t ho oomand of Capt. Gray.
Thoro was ono otlicr Ott1cer a young Liontoncmt , I boliove that h1a narao was Dond but
coul d not say for auro as ho had juot oam.e to
the 60. Our n.c.os . -rroro vory- short .corpl .
Willian E. Dorkoloy waa put 1n chnrco of tho
right half of t ho 60 . tUldor t be Lientonant
and I was i n ohor ee o~ t ho lof't half ,

L/sgt .

Goorge Shortt woa in obargo of the machine

wo off at 8 c . m. ricbt bohind tho

barnago and believe mo the seine wos tough ,
Soco of _..... own ohells uoro droppinr short.
Ca'Pt Gray was afraid._,._. gott1ng
t oo for bohintl tho barrage nnd ho ~opt tellill6 as to movo up faater but Dorkoley ond I
know tbot wo W.01'0 closo enongh so wo kopt all
the mon wo oould book , but about 8 1n t ho
oontor with Oapt.Gnay got *8o ~ ahea.4 aa4 S
all killed by one ot .r OWA a,_,,Ja
~ on lnm4l."96 yards ranher OJI I'm ti#

ia.,. ,,_..

, some enemy strong po1n'ta which ba4 to be

bombed out.. some prtaoners ware "taken and a

number ot machine suna put out ot action,

bot th1a held tts baok an4 onr barrage got mm
ahead o't we bad to work our way ahead

without the barrage and there were some verr

strong positi~na to attaok,but we maneged
to work torward until we reaobed the :railway- just south of senoonrt where the

railway turns to run to Cambrai, This WBs as

tar aa we could go the Enemy was massed 1n the
railway out for a countar ataok ao we took

cover in a small d1toh on the top of the

railway out. At this t1me the work ot Cpl.
1PrllD1c c. SlaT1n and his section wee wounder:t'ul
they sat their maohene gun tlP on the side ot
the ra~lwey and f'ired j.nto the massod enemy
hilling at le&&t f1:tty. Frank r1ou l d not g ot
down ant11 he had tired three pans . I am
sorry to say Frank' was severely wounded at
h1e time and I bel..-Ve he died when t bey were
carrying him out.
Co~. Berkeley was wounded also the Lieu t
enantts:s by this 1i1me. there was only L/sgt.
Shortt 15 men and myself. 'l'he enemy wu tning to oroas the railway to' get at a but we
hel4 them back tor 211 hollr8 with r1.f'le and
maohene 'gttn fire.
The Batt. on our right tailed to ohle np
so onr right w11s in the air. Also we could not
t1n4 our "C" Coapany on our left, b11t it there
were no more o-r 'han. than thm.-e were on "A"
Comp&J17 1' waa no wonder. We set up a J!aohena

gan at both ends o:r t,10 ditch , and t he r ost

o~ us wato ed t ho front , t he enemy made u
nD'iber ot attacks but wero dr1von back each
time. At som\l time botwaon elav0n and t wel ve
oclook I was wonnded in the head and was anoon
soioae tor some time when I oame to we dec1de4

that we oonld not bold thia position 1t we

ooald not get retrltoroementa so it was 4eo1de4
that I woold go baok tor help I had not gone

vory for when I rrui into our Latt . 6 inch Newton trench nortar seotion and gavo thom the poa

1t1on of tho enemy in tho rcilway cut and tbey

openod f1re oausing a lnr~o nambor o~ oasnaltiE
on the anomy.
Aftor loavine the newton tronch mortar soctio
I worked my way back into Sancoart . On entering
the South East oornor or Sanoourt I turnod into
a sunken rood ond saw a Gorman sentry standing

l ookittg back tovrorda uhoro

'10 bad jnmpod ott 1dI

I crawlod Ill> behind him t nd told
him to put UJ' his hands , wbioh ha did. Ho t old
mo that thoro wore 40 Gormans in tho Dugout
thot he was guarding, I told him t o toll t h em
to come up whitholt their gona,wh1ch ho d1u ,
it was a hoadquartors dugout f\nd the Offioar was


norni ~

a Br 1ead1or , a nd spoke vory good Engliab. He nos

vory muob disappointed to bo taken prisoner os
ho bud only beon ma ~ e a Dr1gadier tho day beforo
I took those prisoners book until I ran into 1llll
oo J 0 Streto ler Doorora who wonted them to carry

Thia is all os I waa on my way to England .

bat I must eo.y tllat this action frort tho 27th ,
to t"1e 29th , of Soptembor uos tho worst I Aa\v
i 'l my: 30 mont lls 1A J!lre1lee.

Toan u.al7.Ceorge L soi.

12 !5U5

--------------- -

- ,.,;1

VANCOUVE~, a . C .



Jimnie Well.burn~
Hatnilton St.


Vancouver, B.C.


1st Bn

MOVES - Le.ft, Vancouver for overseas in December, 1939. Equipped and trained in
Englani as part of 2nd Brigade, 1st Canadian Division. First Active Service Invasion Of Italy, loth Ju1y, 1943.
CASUATir IES - During the actual beach 1nvasion casualties were very light - being
3 K.IoA. and a f'e11 'vound.ed,. Casualties continued. light for first 10 days, unti1
Germans were encountered. just before Leon Forte - then became heavier. Landed in
Italy in August, casualties continued light until 8th Jti~my developed heavy fightfug up Adriatic Coasta Under the system of reporting casualties it is
impossible to obtain correct v.nit figur-es ar.d as a rule, officers are more easily
identified than OoRs .... possibly due to their Sm9.ller numbers. The best casua.lty
figut"es I can give are believed correct - as to K.LA. and a fair estimate as to
wounded bub neither list is up to dat e. Here are the figur es as I have them.




Officers - 16
o.Rs .

Nounded - All Ranks - Actually traced - over 350, believed correct- over 500
Missing - All Ranks


There are of course many casualties subsequent to the 768 r eported above.
OFFICE..'R.S - Of' the officers who went overseas with, or shortly after the lst Bn. no
f'ewe.-r 18 have attained the rank of Lt. Col.. or better . One of these is a
Ma.jqr-GeneraJ.. and three are Brigadiers~
N. C. Os. AND ~N - Their quality is r eported as being outstanding in every respeot
an:i second to none.
DECOR.AT IONS (App.) - D.s.o. - 7;

M.C. - 4; D.C.M. - 5; M. :M. - 15; plus several.

mentiions-:--These figures are believed to be conservative and do not include Lt.
Col. Merritt 1 s v.c. which was won with the South Saskatchewa.ns .,

PJl'E BAND - 9 pipers , 7 drums::1 headed by Pipe Major Esson who is .famous for wearing
regulations) and who has made his barn outstaming in the
Canactia:n A:r:my.

a beard"l'aJ.lcnved by

SPORTS - The Bn.. won the Divisional Sports in Italy - Septel2lher, 194:;.

SEAFORTH REUNION - Same of you may not know that at Cata.."lia, Sicily in August, 1943
there was a splendid r e union between olF l st Bn.. and the 2nd and 5th Seaf'orths,
both of the 5lst Division and tho 6th Seaforths of the 5th (British Division).

2n.d (Res,) Bn.

Sl'R"SNGTH & ENLIST?ENI'S - P.cesent strength - 504; Took to Camp, 1944 - 298;
Enlict.ments during war - 171:3; Recruits supplied to Active Arrey - 807.


OFF:n:::ERS - 2.nd Bn. has supplied 22 Officers to 1st Bn.

PIPE B.A:tm - Strength ... 26, very keen.



Os. - Average age -


Cl'JJJP - 1944 at Gordon Head, V. I. Training was very good - comprising range firing
.fen" rifles and 1.,M.Gs. also .3" Mortar. Ca.l"!'iers - Signals ~\Tireless). Bno Cooks
were excellent - 15 of them being trade tested.
Cadet Bn..
STRENGTH - Annm.1 Inspection May, 1944; 251 on parac:le, 209 uniformed & 42 recruits.
Is starling new yea:r with approximately 200 boys in uniform and over 50

reoru:i..ts .
ENLIBTMENl'S - For year ending M9.y 31st, 1944 73 Cadets enlisted voluntarily for
Active Ser-nee.

- July, 1944 - near Sardis, very successful - 186 cadets attending,

PIFE BAND - Really e.xoeJ.lent, ll pi pers and 9 drumners. In open competition ranked
second f or stewart Trop!i..y by half a point and f:irst :in dr~g.

GENERAL - Has been cons:!..stently in denmrl for displays of drill and training,




Tut$\: FILES

To all Old Seaforths:


Since I virote to you all in July last, our History has been doing better - but not
well enough. I have now received about 25 written communications containing personal
recollections - all of them written in di.fferent styles~ Some are 1C1ng , some short,
some humorous, some serious and straight ahead , but all very interesting and well
worth while. I have shown some of these to a f gr,'l of your old comrades who are within
easy reach of me and they were all greatly interested and most of them have started
to vvrite their own memoirs . I personally lmoYf of at least twenty more "recollections"
yet to come in. But all put together these are not 10% of our merri!:>ership. There
should be at least 200 men amongst you nho have sorothing interesting to tell - perhaps
a long story - perhaps only a short one. If you want to see ;;hat others are,
then take the t roubl e to write to me and say so and I Ydll send you a copy of someone
elser s story so a s to give you some ideas.
In my last l etter I told you all to wake
all of you, except the t wenty-five or s o
grateful. If you are not yet completely
~, even i l it is only t o ask me to stop

up and get busy and those w-ords still go for

who have v~ritten to me and to whom I am very
dead then prove your existence by writing to
bothering you.

I enclose a l ist of 11Addresses Wanted" and shall be gl ad of any help anyone can give
me in this matter. I also enclose a short 11News Letter'1 re our first and second, and
Cadet Battalions.
I kn0';1 that most of us have trouble our memory ;1hen it comes to happenings of 25
years a go , so I am enclosing a short ''Table of Events 11 whi ch may be of . some help. In
the earlier years the 0 1'abl e 11 is :in greater detail for the benefit of the older men.
When I send out my next l etter, I hope to bring the ''!'able of Events" up to the commencement of the present viar.

Seaforth Armouries,
Vane ouver

.... B. C

October 2nd, 1944,


72ND REG ThiEN1'



24th Nov. 1910 - Authorized as "72nd Highlanders of' Canada".

27th Mar. l9ll - Approved as tt72nd Seaforth Highlanders of Canada" (Alliance

sanctioned by the War 0.ffice) .

22nd June 19ll - (Coronation Day) - First Public Parade.

29th July 1911 - Ca.ledonian and st., Andrews Games - Brockton Point.

1st Aug. 1911 - lst Inspection - Col.. Wadlnore,



Aprll. 1912-lst Church Parade - St. John's Church.

28tih April 1912-Tacoma Trip Proposed,.

11th June 1912 - Inspected by Major Gen. Colin McKenzie.

lst July 1912 - March from Cowichan Bay to Victoria, B.C. v:ia
of Colvrood and Parsons Bridge.


4th July 1912 - Trip to Taco:rm, Wash.

13th July 1912 - 2nd Annutl Inspection - by Col. Wad.more.
21st July 1912 - 39th Annual Meeting B.C.R.A. - Lt. R.M. Blair wins Lt. Governor s
Cup and Medal, Seaforths win Laurie Bugle.
l8tih Sept.1912 - Duke of Connaught; arrived in Vancouver, 2 Guards of Honour D.O.O.R. - C.P. Station;
S. H.. of C. - Court Housee

19th Sapt.1912 - Seafortha :inspected ey H.R.H. Duke of Connaught - Pipe 1&3.jor

GjJ,lies honoui>ed.

llth Jan. 1913 - Military Ba.ll given by Seaforth Officers at the then New Hotel

15th A].lt'il 1913-0hUI'ch Parade - Seaforthe and newly farmed Hiehland Cadets
command Lt. Colo Leckie - St. Jol:ms Church.

9th June 1913 - Sham Bgttle attack on Shaughnessy Heights by Seaforth Higbla.nd.ers.
23rd June 191:3 - Annual Inspection of Seaforths - Complimented by D. O. c. Col. Roy.

26th June to

1st Jul 1913 ... Seaforths m Camp at Sid-ney, B. c.

Ref.,-'t .,


H.. of


Offically named 1st Bn. 72nd

(A.llied with The Seaf0rr.h HigllJ.a..Jde:r.s).

28th Jme 1913 - Seaforlhs ir.spected in Camp by Gen. Sll' Ian ff..'"JllL:!J.ton.

14th Aug. 1913 - Midnight - troops off to Na.:r~dmo to scene of riots.

Tait in commar.d of Seaforths - 250 strong.

Major J. S,

14th Aug. 1913 - Seafortha :in pea.cefu1 possession of Cunber:L:lnd M;i.nes.

29th Aug, 1913 - Troops come home from Nana.:lmo are complimented by Prenrier



October - 191' - Canadian Militia. Of~cers at,tend .Arrrr.y Manoeuvers in Switzerland,

France and Lt. Col. Leckie attends for Seafoi:-l.::..ha.

lst June 1914 - Battle of Reds aJ'ld Blues at Vernon.



took part.

June -

1914 - Major H.

'robin of Sea.forths appointed Brigade Major.

4th Aug.

1914 - War.

August -

1914 - Regtt 1. Colors deposited in St. Johns Church (per taxi cab).

Over 500 all ranks leave for Valca.rtiers at am of August.

4th Sept. 1914 - 72nd Seaforths first contingent arrive at Valcartier. ,Remainder
carries on as Hee;:i.mental Depot Hqrs. a.t Hoffmeister Building,
Pender Street, under Major J. S. Tait.
Deoember 1914 - Hqrs. moved to old Vancouver Club, 901 Ha.stings Street w. Regilllenta.J. Depcrt performed &ll'rison duties and recruited trained and
forwarded reinforcements to the Front.
September 1914 - C. Os. were as follOifS - Major J. s. Tait joined, promoted to Lt.
Col. - 29th Bn. C.E.F. November, 1914.

l9l4 - Major G. H. Kirlcpatrick, until he took conuna.nd of llth C. N.

C E. F., February 15.


February 1915 - Major J. A. Clark - until he took canma.nd of 72nd Bn. C. E. F.

July -

1 915 - Major F , E. Leach, until he took ccmmand of 23lst Bn. C.E.F.

March 16.

- Major R.H. Tupper, until tha Regimental Depot was merged in the

!pr~ l9l6 t
ueu.'.:lu - 1 91 7

1st Depot at Hastinr;s Park Lt. Col. H. st. J. Montizambert,

Major Tupper acting as 2 i/c,


Disbanded early 1919.

1920 - 72nd Ree:il!lent s.H. of c. officially reorganized as ''The Seaforth

Highlanders of Cauadan. lst Bn. - (72nd Bn. C.E.F.) 2nd Bn. (Res.)
- (23lst Bn. c.g. F.)

- Ill'. COL, J. A. CLARK,


72nd Battalion C.E.F.

July -

1915 - 72nd Bn. C. E. F. aul:ihorized.

Aueust 1915 to
April - 1916 - Hastings Park.
- 1916 - ottawa - Inspected and Complimented - Halifax.
May - - l.916 - Liverpool - Bramahott - Inspected - Watson - French.


- 1916 - Inspected - The King, IJ.oyd


- 1916 - Le Havre, Front line instruction Kemmel.


Guard of Honour.

September 1916 - First Raid - March to Somme.

Oct.-Nov, 1916 - Somme - Regina Trench - Jfiaroh to Vj,Jey.
December 1916

t,... April 1917 - V:i.nw Ridge - Raids ("B11 Co.) Sports (Brigade,, eto.)

- 1917

Apr U



1917 - Vimy Ridge Capture and later.


1917 - Ra.Ul.s - La. Coulotte 1 23lst reinforcements,. Corps Sports,, 1st

June -


horse show.

l9l7 - Tug of War Team - Paris Avion front.

August l.917 to
Septenber 1917 - Raida and counter raids. Corps Sports - dugout:..
July -

Ociiober - 1917 - Passcherrlaelo - Crest


NC11.re1rber- 1917 - A\U3hel.

December 1917

to April 1918 May, June &

July l.918 August - 1918 SapteDiJer 1918 -

La. Goulette am Avion Raids. (Loughs,, Hmsonts,, etc.)

In reserve - Auchel etc. Carps Sports at Tinoques. Highlani
gathering at T incques. Farnpoux: front raid (McDonald).
Allliens and follow up, move to Orange Hill.
Drocom+ti - Queaut; (Dury Hill) Lt.Col. Clark promoted Brig. Gen.

September l.918 - Bourlon Wood (C&nbrai).

Ootober - 1918 - Move Fcrwa.rd.

November- 1918 - Valeneiermes - Armistice.

Move Forward.

January to

- 1919 - Ohain - Colors presenl;ed, King Albert, Left for Le Havre.

May -

- 1919 - Southampton, Victory Parade, Bramahott.


- l9l.9 -

s. s.


0lympic 11 home and disbandment.

September 1919 - H.R.H. Prime of Wales visited Vancouver and ex-members of "1'2nd
Bn. G.E.F. volunteered as Guard of Honour.

- Irr. COL. F. E. LEACH, COMMANDING 2,'?l.SI' BN. C. E. F.


1916 - Officially authorized.


1916 -


A11 , 1'B 11 & "D 11 Companies in Camp at Sidney. 110 11 Company at

H:l.stings Street Hqrs. to carry on recruiting - very success.:f'ul.

August .... 1916 - ''C 11 c ompa.ny joined Bn. at Sidney.

October- 1916 - Bn. moved from Sidney to Hastings Park, to carry on training.

1917 - Left for overseas / passing through otta.wa..


1917 - Ra.lifax, England - Seaforths inspected by Col. Gardiner.

May -

1917 - General leave for Bn.


1917 - All junior and O.Rs. to France as reinforcements to 72nd

Draf't of 400 to 72ni Bn. other C.E.F Bns.


l.917 - All senior officers volmrl;,eered to revert to lieutenants for

service in Franoe.




Lt. J. Atcheson, M.C.

T. (or C ) Aitlrenhea.d, M. M.
R. D. Arm.9trong, M.M.
G. A-waJ.t, M.. M..
W. E. Bm'keley, M.M. (bar)


s.B .


n.s.o., M.c.

J, Bond, M. M.
Lt. C. H. Brook, D.C.M. , M.M.
J, M. Gameron, M. M.
T. Carmichael, M.M.
H. G. Gordon, M. M.
J. Gray, M. M.
W. H. Graggain, M.M.
W. C. Griffiths, M. M,
T. K, Hall, D.C.M.
M. J. H. Harris , 1-LM.

Lt. O, L. Fiedler

Lt. R. L. GaJ.e
Lt. W. Harrison
J, W. Hartley, M. M.


Hawes, M.M.

H, L, Heaton, M. M.

R. E. Huison, M.M.

S. Irwin, D.c .M.

G. s. Kerr , M. M.
Capt. C. G.R, Kilp;i.trick
R. King, M. M. (bar)
Lt. J, McK. Knight , M.C .
L.c . Ma.bbath, M.M.
Lt .. R . C, Major
Lt. A. C. Macdonald

N. McM:illa.n
G. R. !~jar, M. M.

A. '\i1f, Jl.'fartin, M. M.
Alex MaAulay, M. M.
F, C. McGalltun, M. M.
A, McDonald , D.C,M,
I. P. McDonald., M. M.

Lt , J.A. McGregor, M.O,, M.M.

O, A. McKay, M. M.
J. A. McLaren, M.M.
D. H. McLean, D.C.M,
J. McLean, M. M.
H, J., M.M.
W. G. McNall, M. M.
E. R, McPherson, M. M.
Lt. S.J., M.O.

T . G. Nicholson, M. M.
A. Nob1e, M. M.
G. Nihara , M.M.
Lt. H. Qlg, M. M.
R. G. Ol'en, M.M.
Lt. E. V. Graham
Lt. N. E. Gore-Langton

Lt, R. V, Leese

Lt. G. Ogilvy
Lt. H.L.L. Rosson
Lt. M.L.G. Armstrong
Lt. G. B. Benson
Lt. G.A.L, Ellis

Lt . W. S. Fernie
Lt. F. B . &:r.ker-Thomas
Lt. A. J .. Julian
Lt . J. H., Kerr
Lt, R..,Ko McCOU'.'thy
Lt. W.L. wVray

E. G. Paisley, M.M.
A. B. Parrutt, D.O .M.
E. W. Rich, M.M.

E. E. Ryan, M.M.
T. Saunders, M. M.
H. Scott, M. M.
H. Soulthorpe, M. M.

F.J.A. Shaw, M.M.

G. A. Shortt, M. M.
G. E. Shove, M.M.
J. S:imson, M. M.
T. F. Sinclair, M. M.
A. Sraith, M. M. (bar)
Lt. J. W, Smith
Lt. J. G. Smith
Lt. J, H. M. Smith

J. Sneddon, M. M.
stewart , M. M.
stewart , M.M.
Lt . F.1.G. Switzer, M.M.
R. H. Sweggert, M. M.
A. M,
J. G.

s. A. Thomson, M. M.
C. E. Torrey, M.M.
W, D. Turnbull, M.M.
A. Wa.rd, M., M.


M. M.
W. A. Wellband, D .C . M.
G, Warren,

Lt. H.o. Whittaker ,

Lt . H. G,
Lt. T, Raisbeck


Capt-> R.A. McDonnell

T . H. W:lJ..kinson, M.M. (bar)

C.R.A. Wilson, M.M.

H. Woodfield, M. M,
G. A. Young, D.C.M.


J. T. Bressee
D. Brovm
W. F . Calpha.m

H. B. Dick.son, M. M.
P. F. Henrickson

P. L. King
A. E. Milne
G. A. Smith

Box 2001

Miles city, Montana.

J~ 12, 1944..
Guy H. Kirkpatrick, It. Gol.
Sea.forth Armouries,

Vancower, B.


Dear Col.1

Ae Salvage :for Custer County, Montana, I appreciate the Scottie picking up
the overflow and getting it back in oi:rculation, so here we go.
I am at present - liquor vendor in State Liquor store, Miles City, Montana, (which
position more or leas depends on whioh way the political wini blows ) and as such
occasionally come in contaot the beverage represented by the Black and Vlbite
Scotties,, which reminds me o:f the time, Dec. 31, 1917 D Co. was supposed to have
Nevr Year d:inner at Cha.teau de la. Haie, and a shmv after 1 but 15 and 16 Platoon
soerned to be at the tail end of the l:Ule and lost out on the turkey, which deficiency lvas made up later.. By the t:iJne, the D Coy Sergeants had seen to it that the
boys at least got some beer 1 and turned their weary footsteps toward the picture
show dovm in the valley they found that there also 1 they were at the tail end of
the line, and no standing roam. ava.i.L:Lble. To cheer our failing spirits we thought
possibly Gou,y Servins miglrt. offer respite 1 but by th:Ls time Gouy estaminet were
olosed. Being Orderly Sergeant for the day, it seemed that it was my duty to see
that those weary Scats Sergeants should have an opportunity of seeing New Year Eve
out in the traditionaJ. nmmer. With a11 due respect the Orderly Sergeant reported
to the 0l:'derly Officer am. a~er being cordially :invited to enter I oould not leave
11\Y comrades in distress, Sgts. Nicoll, Munro, and v1ho was the other one? Anyhovr,
ai'tier toasting the King, the Queen, the 72nd and Col. A. J. Clark and D Co Officers,
we were starting to give a toast to each other, when the Officer of the day seemed
to notice that altho there irra.s only one bottle on the table at a time, the supply
behind his bunk seemed to be depleting rather rapidly. He therefor mde the ruling
that any further toasts would have to be made with rum. The Orderly Sergeant allowed one toast in rum then got. his brother-in-arms out of there beeause the :Major
was due back .from the picture shaw and might want to know what happened to the
spirits, so passed a New Years Eve m good fellowship al1d. cheer that started out
rather drear. I wonder i f Lt. Mand.el still talks
Another :incident that oome:J to :mitrl was the night June 28 1 1917 1 about 6 P. .M. when
we took that other 250 yards around Elen trenches to the le.t't of Avion. That was
where Geordie Munro and yours truly found Dunoan Murray of our own Platoon 15 in a
Shell Hol.e with broken legs. After fixing h:fJn as best we oould had to l eave him
for stretcher bearers. Next time I sa"llV Dunoan vras here :1n Miles City, about ten
years later. Inoidently L.A. Mercy:fie1d, 2020:;92, who le.ft U.S. Navy and joined the
72nd. in VancoU1Ter is now Chief Grazier in U.S. Graziel' Office here in Miles City and
am sorry to report that he has just returned from 'Misso'Ul.a, Mont. after the 11'1lneral
of his -vdi'e.

it looked like Jerry was coming over a.nd

Geordie Munro says to Duncan Murray -"I am taking off m::r apron al1d. we will let them
see the color of the tartan11 That was about the t:ime Col .. Clark gave the order
that every p:itrol had to be accompanied by an Officer and he, Clark, went out first
in bright moonlight, snOVt on the grourrl in about 75 yard no nans land, I have recollection of Bill MaoLennan ma.k:illg his oup ot tea those cold nights on his pork and
bean tin tonnrw oooker (salvage fat and gunny sack). Talking about B:ill 'nd.nds me
of the t:i.m9 he took my place that tillle we went in at A.miens and Bill knocked out
that machine gun crfI'lt with a revolver, aJJ. by his lonesome, according to Blighty,
who 'l'l'a.S trying to keep up with him a ma.chine gun and son:i rumnunition. Tilat
was about; the t:ll!le Par.rot took the oour:d;er aC.tacking Germana to a cleaning. S,,
a.i'ter I had dutifully followed the cmfit u.:p to Roseries,, waiting .for my leave
Then there was the time on V:im;y Ridge when

warrant, tha.t I was supposed to get at Gentille Wood, the beys were being assigned
for leave, oadet oour'ses and so forth, there vra.l!I I expeoting Sgt. Weddel to oome to
me next '' 11\Y transportation warrant, but he oalml.y aays, I have to report to B.,
H. Q., you are detailed Orderly N C. o.. Funny how these things stick in your :memory.
Instead of going on leave we went baok up to the Arras .front, Mljor Wocxi, Lt.
Fe.iJiler, taking the lead of the Company that night Orange Hill and Drury. I got my
leave on a stretcher a.Ild hospital boat, and Ool. Clark gettmg a stretcher for me
and eayillg ''I will meet you in Vancouver. 11

May be Col. , you remember the tme you tried to get Pipe Major Gillies to play the
pipes 150 to the minute and the kiltie~ march like a bunoh of Grenadier Guards but
the lcilt would not mTing at that paoe,
Baok to that morning of June 28 in .front of Ia Goa.latte Brewery, when we cleaned our
pa.rt o:f the trench and ran into Capt. Ma.oinl;osh barging down the trenoh wanting to
know i f there were any more huns aro\Dli, then trying to get some information out of
the two Gernnns who seam to been taken prisoners. The big fellow who would not
aay anything and the young fellow in pigeon French trying to tell him. somsthingJ to
oap it all, the young GenllU11 when we started them baok with one of the boys that
got a finger shot off1 indicated that the oonmunioation trench was no good., and took
the lead over the t0p direct to the brewery. Just when we thought we had done our

good deed for the day, sanebcxly and gives order to follow Scout Sergeant
Brawn to Saskatoon Road, so vm followed. him dawn but it seemed a long way down espec:ially in broad daylight 1 but. a:eyway vre got there, and Brawn started to give us
our .frontage but the .Art:Ul.ery beat us to it and says Brown, "see that tree on your
right , that oh:JJnney in lens on your left;, it is t:i.Jne to go" , and we went. I always
rem.ember that "tV'e busted a gap in the wire 1 and Geordie Munro behin:i me with the
Machine Gun.1 then soroohcw Geordie and I took off down this German trench just as it
was getting dark bub d:Ui not encounter any Fritzias, but we run onto some of the
boys who had been killed in Murrays section,, then when we started to reconnoitre a
bit we got to that fork in the trench where Murray heard ua talking, he oalled to
us, then we took one fork then the other and decided. he was :1n between the forks of
the trenches, so we got on top again and got Dunoan in.
It seems anywhere I have been that Geordie Munro pope up. When we were 1.Jl the l.ine
at V:ilt\v an April 9th, and the boys went over the top. You relnember the morning
Major Sweet wa.a killed, Geordie and I vrere out there bringing in some wounded fellows
with the whiz bangs banging around as we were trying to keep the atretoher leve1,
-walking over shell holes. That was the time Lt. Chowne was hit.

Then ai'ter a. while we took off down to Givenoby and. up that Gluoas trench, we got up
there a bit, when a1ong comes Col. Clark and Brig. Ma.oBrien when ,,1e enquired where
they were going they sairl they were trying to locate the Frit~des. McLennan was
with them. I think, a:nyway Mc.Brien got -vrounded in the arm or somewhere shortly a.fter
we -vrere relieved by the Mi.d.d1eeex or same other 'English outfit.

It seems that next time :!n Avion I had a bit of a mix with some Germns and Jimmie
Rowbottom was supporting my out-post wit h his Maohine Gun but could not fire because
Germans dropped in the street between us. Anyway I will always remember that fellow
who was with me, and when the Germ:i.ns rushed us he said he vras not much good on parade
but he sllre would stay with me, and he sure d:W. 1 nhen we had taken care of the rush
Kappel back from further along trenohes to see what the noise was, and thought
we ought to take a prisoner, we were not taking any oh.a.noes on prisoners, lib.en they
were about 20 to 25 (I wonder i f Kappel is as good an orator as he was then) I think
it was that night Kappel and the rest of ua investigated the orchard - and got some
good pears. Soon after, the '.38th rel:i.ewd us. I still wonder what happened to the
GerJMn Lug~ pistol I took off the German that night o Maybe Jinimie Wellbum remembers the time Nicoll mailed it at Oarency for llle.
This is about all I am good fo.r.- tor.ight ~
to say about Salvage.


is a change from. thinking up somethi-rig


During rey spare man.ems today, it ciocurred to m that all thru six pages I seem to
have lost traok of Bill Niooll, sinoe we cleaned up on Duggants Dew at Chateau de la
Hail, but. Bill could not have been very far away as we bunked together most of the
time in the line and out. You remember the t:ime at Hailleootn"t near Bruay when we
visited Madame at the Etamuet across from D Co. fa.rieyard billet. We went on the prowl
far some meat. The butcher had no pork but; said he would have some pretty quiok, he
broughti the hog into a shed with cement floor and it seemed no time until vre had the
pork ohops over to Madame. I guess that was the only time I had garlic mixed 1n my
food and did not know it 1 bub it sure was good. After a pleasant visit vre mde our
homeward way a.long bedgrows and fog, arriving in Camp far a good nightls rest only
to find that we were next up for sentry dut.y.
Then there was the in the sector to the lef't of Arras, wher e no ma.n' s land was
about tr mile wide~ 15 Platoon took the night patrol, first half of the night and Sgt.
Nicoll and 16 Platoon took the second shift, of course Nicoll had his Officer along,
I think it '\l'ra.s Lt.. MacKenzie and the way Bm told it 1 that Officer just took him
:around tha.t GerI!\9.ll wire :in the dark, l:lke as i f he was on daylight patrol.
got some good infornation tmt night. During the early part of the night two other
ello.'Vs who were out, run on to a c~ of' grO'USe, that just about gave us heart
failure. Now that I got started on Nicoll it seems he was around somewhere most of
the tilne.!t Just after we took Vil:ey and were going on working party to dig a trench
to the right of Givenohy the Jerries must have Jmow we were ooming, they straf.fed us
going down the hill and. mde us take oover, but 1m fimlly got to the white tape the
engineers ha.d out far our benefit, we got out a ff1W shovelfuls before
One of the worst nights was when we went up past Courcelette on the Somme, up through
Death Va.ll.ey1 rain, mud and slush, wire overhead, wire underfoot, when we vrere lifting our feet high f or about 50 -yards, the wire overhead would cat oh us in the neck
and vioe versa. We finally gal:; to a more er less dry spot and rest ed until daylight.
Just ai'ter eating our dry brealct' the :N.c.o. wanted to lmow who had finished breakfast, so yours truly happened to be one picked on a stretcher deta:iJ. to oalJoly follow
that stretcher bearer out over the top to pick up the wourrled, I should have said
follOV' the calm stretcher bearer, After ooming back f'rom that job we bad to go up
to Desire Trench, but all we ooul.d f inl was some shell holes the fellCTl'vs -vm rel.ieved
said it was the fi'orxt line, but we d'Ug a. nevr one that night 1 then af'ter Comlllg out of
that we camped in Bivouac and it rained all. night, we were glad when the order to go
up the line again in the rain 1ras oanoelled.
Thia is Ir11f third start on this letter and am lietening to the radio and the Bible
Hour 1 and they are eiinging 1'When the Mists have Rolled Away 11 J so if the mist would
roll away maybe I could get started. Talking about. Chaplins 1 reminds of the excellent work that Cpl. Ba.tzold in taking oare of the wounded in that PassohendaJ.e trip.
That ,.,as some trlp, and it really r ained, that was the night that somebody- got some

gasoline mixed with the rum and it made the rounds s~ to spare, and somehc:m
it got back to me. I :nnnaged to piok up an extra water battle alld. saved that overflow. Next; night the ration plr't;y got knocked out ~o we had an iron ration of a
kind. When we ware coming out. eooo ~the boys were ready to drop out dea.d t:lred 1
so I gave them a swal.l.ow of tha rum and gasoline mixture and they mde in good
shape. That was the same trip that Jirrm:te Rowbottom. Curly '1ibl.ado got buried
with the:lr ma.chine gun in the j umping off trenoh. You lalow hmr it is in the da.!'ke
I crune to No. 6 on the gun who seemed to be groggy an:l the rest of the crew a little
worse. On starting along trench I found myself waJ.ldng on top, where I figured ~O\'l
bottom and Pitblado shouJ.d be. . I imrood.ia.te.1y got shovels am started digging. We
m:naged to get Curly O. K. but. J:i.mmie had been r esting when Curly was standing
sentry, and he got buried, we tried to 'LlSO :3.I"t,:!.:fiaW r espiraticn b\ll; h8 was too far
gone a.nd I dontt think he lmm1 'Wh-1.t h:l.:t hL1., Uurly v..ras not bUt'ied so deep and :r.iti'
shovel struck soroothing sofi;,, whe:.l I ~o ~;. dovm F.,'Y' f'e'.:.t with ';ey hands, I contact ::ici

-4Curly1 1!1 eurly hair and got the dirt away from hie faoe. He eays, ''By Gosh Sam, I
thought you were never com:i.ng11 I guess I had waJ.ked over them a couple of times in
the dark for them and I am pleased to 3ay we still drop each other a card at
Christmas. Along that same trench next da.y ar so, Jerry was dropping the oooasional
shell, and one landed as I thought :right in tho t~enoh - fortunateJ.y it landed behind
but there was Worral shoving away as i f he were back in billets, he said it did not
hit him so why wqrry.

The episode of that Raid on ViJlw when Private w. Blaok oame back from the German third
line to get a stretcher for the wounded. I saw Debauohier af'ter he got baok from
Gerim:ny and he .said that when Black did oot; get back by daylight he had to give up to
save the comrade. Bill Black was ldlled in Camnrunicating trenoh up near to Avion.
He 1va.s on ration party that night and was badly hit when we put; him on stretcher.. He
said so long to llB, he knew he had come to the end of his road.
About; the time we were around Dugout we got some rein.foroem.ents who did not
knmr the value of vrater, and the:i.t' days ration drank up by 8 A.M. and wanted more.
When I shmved them the shells dropping around the well at Givenohy their thirst left
them, and they got a1ong on their;r ration ai'ter that.

Do you remember that time up in, I think it vras Canada Trench? when Col., Clark,
Scout Offioer Finlay, Major Bird met ~ officer ani :rey-aelf at Blook in Communication
Trenoh. On enqu:iry where they 1rrere going, they eaid they were going up to try and
looa:te the Boeohe 1 did I vrant to go along? I guessed i f they could ramble up that
trench in daylight I aould. Capt. Fillla.y was 8lllall enough, he could crawl around on
top and look ahead once in awhile. We f inally oame to the GerDBn blook in the
trenches and used aur mi.n.1a:ture perisoopes. It wae rather a shook to find yoUC'seli'
looking at the baok of a German Sent.ryts neok. We f ormed ourselves int.o a. bombing
party with Col. Clark taldng the bayonet but we did not have to use any rough stuff,
the German did not know we were there. It was decided that we had located the enemy
so we r eturned to our lines, bixb I had to go baok again that night with a patrol,
which did not end up !!6 good.

ReJileIJlber the time that D Co. survivors i.vant f'ram Chateau de la Ihre to a plaoe near
Mout; St. Eloi to get our pictut'es taken - some of D Co. boys still have them. I do
not know who was in the lead coming back from the studio but it seemed we had to go
thru an estanrunet on our way. Vin seemed to be the only refreshment. We
started out. two and tln'ee at a. table but it -was not long imtil we 111[ere all one party
at one table and very sociable, and we all marched past the M.. P. in gooi shape on
our homeward way.


That last sld.rmish I -vms in at Drury, September 1, 1918 when we got up to front line,
or vve thought it was., a runner comes up and details Lt. Feidler and 15 Platoon got
out and established a Post., j-ust as the runner lef't and we were trying to give it
some thought the support:lng bar.rage and away they vrent, a few hoUC's a.i'ter
daylight. Lt. Clark, D Ccy. came along and told me Lt. Fiedler had been wounded and
Major Wocxi was killed, &Drl. that I vras to reorganize 15 Platoon and report to the
Colonel. By the I got what was le.rt; of the Platoon and located some machine g'Ull
ammunition Col. Clark arrived and told me that there was a part.y going out on our
right and he wanted m:r to take oare of' any flanking movement of Germana. The
Germ:i.ns shcnved up just about the t:lJM The Red Devil German planes over ua dropping grenades. So, I looka at the Col. and 6aid it looked like it wa.~ time to go,

so over we went, I think a.bout lo or 12 of 1lB al.l that lei't. 11w idea was to have
one section cover the other seotion with :l.n.filade fire While advancing, but that was
easier said than done in shell holes vdth bombs dropping and bullets ldcldng up the
dust, so I bad to get up in front. on top to eee where the boys were in the shell
holes. FinaJ.l.y,, decided the only thilig to do was to go ahead and figure on the boys
following. So I got to McLean (one of tb..e 23lst from Boston,, Mass.) he was all in,

- 5 ....
he had been out with Feidler in the morning - ~o I gave him Dzy' bayonet and I took
the ma.chine gun and etarted firing at a Germn Post and seen some of them disappear.
We went on to where I thought Feidler was headed, but you know that the other hole
looks better than the one your in, so we started :in but they got me and McLean, I
had felt the bang on my chest but not enough to knock me down.
McLean said he was
hit so I went
help h:iJn, but, could not loosen his equipment. Some of the boys
that were following caJn.e into the hoJ.e and helped to fix him up, then they went to
work on me aa I had had one that went right through and two reohoohed off my ribs,
one through llliY" finger. Leaving the boys in ah.ell hole, I started to see who was
a.round and where, then I ran into Cpl. Carson who had seen :me oaning (he had stayed
cut from the early morning raid) and joined UB in the move forward. I told him he
vra.s in charge of Post forward and he go up and talce oharge as the bullets i,,vere cutting grass he wanted me to stay where I was until dark as I had a bandage round my
ohest, one round nw belly, one on l1JiY' finger and one round nzy- leg where it was torn
on the wire. He YfEmt up and I lay for a while but got restless again and :made a :rmv
more holes, and run onto a ComJWlY scout;, spoke to h:hn and he disappeared. Shortly
a.f'tenrard I heard noises and talking, stuck my head up aga:ln and savr the bunch of
Ger.mans that I had seen from J'Ulllping Off Trench. The only rifle that was handy was
that Scout Rifle, so as I thought it was rrry .finish, I would ta.lee as many as possible
with ma. I emptied the rifle at the bunch then saw a Hienie firing at me i'rom a
ehell hole to n:w left. .t I t'ltt'lled the ri.:f'l.e on him. and pulled the trigger .... nothing
happened, was out of ammunition, so I made far him to uee the bayonet, and mde a
poke at him only to find that it did not have a bayonet and tried the butt stroke
but d:ld not seem to have the strength, W'O\lnd up by grabbing him by the throat with
JI\Y' hanle trying to ohoke him, guess I ImJst have been gett~ weak by this time, he
hollered for his pal "Helmuth11 and I dropped in the shell hole beside him. They ha.d
m down and whammed me on the head with the rifle butt a couple 0 timea before they
put ma to sleep. (I still have to piok a scale o:ff.':nw head ewry once in a while
yet). When I canatoo, those tv'TO Jerries were sitting on top of my legs, so I did
not argue anymore. Next. time I to my senses it wae dark and they were still
nround. but not sitting on 100. I gob a chance to tUt'n over on my back and ease the
pain :In my chest. T award daylight the artillery started up again, then the Brigade
Gmis, and as it got daylight the boys started corning over so I gave them a wave of
the hand and managed to get to nzy- feet and made it to the Headquarters dugout and
met Ool. Clark on the stair. After a while they got a stretcher and started me ba.ok
to the 1ight railways on the shoulders of four Gernan Prisoners. From there to
BO'\.tl.ogne, Birnrlnghrun, Clarence House ConvaJ.esoent Hospital, Putney near London.


It. was while coming in 1'.rom Riohmond Park to the hospital. that a bus of wotmded
passed me and a feD.O\'T yells, l'.fiello Sam."
I f I had not left him in that shell hole
I would have thought it was McLean. .Anyhmv it was McLean and he had his Captain
call my hospital and had leave arranged and a place to meet :ln London about an ho\.U" I had seen h:iln.
Well thia is enough.

Hope you oa.n mke it out,

Yours truly,

4664331 Sgt. s. Firxllater,

l5 Platoon, D eoy.



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