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Bitcoin Tipping Point: Why You Absolutely Need To

Know About Bitcoin Right Now.
One of the most profound and exciting ideas the world has ever seen is
manifesting as we speak. I sincerely believe that Bitcoin, a crypto-currency,
will affect your life more than anything else, ever (whether you follow the
advice in this report or not.)
And you probably have never even heard of it until now. I put together a
short video on what is happening, why its happening, and how you can make
a ton of money if you get in now and act fast. Watch this video now.
So you probably have a ton of questions about the topic of this report
So lets start with the good news: fortunes are being made right now and will
continue to grow for years to come. And this Report is your heads up to
make sure you get yours.
To give you an idea of just how fast this investment opportunity is moving,
if you invested just $1,000 in December 2011, that $1,000 would be worth
$266,666 today (a 26,666% return).

And the best news is, I think this trend will continue for at least the next two
years. If I am correct, then this report could be the most important read of
your life.
Before we get into Bitcoin, or crypto-currencies, I want to define 2
important concepts that I hang my hat on, when I make bold predictions like,
This will affect your life more than anything else.
1. Disruptive Innovation. A disruptive innovation, is defined as an
innovation that helps create a new market and value network, and
eventually goes on to disrupt an existing market and value network
(over a few years or decades), displacing an earlier technology.
For a better understanding of some world-changing technology
disrupters of the 20th Century, you should watch this eye-opening
Basically, its a new technology that
is so cool, that it replaces less
productive industries. For example,
when the Ford Model T first
appeared it was so superior to the
existing horse and buggy options,
that within decades the horse and
buggy businesses were all but
extinct. As a result of the Model T Ford and in deed all disruptive
innovations, society took a huge leap forward.
Imagine if you or your grandfather would have invested as a stock holder in
Ford before he took over the market? Youd probably be set today! That is
the kind of thing I am talking about

In the digital age, we see disruptive innovations can occur not in decades,
but in years. It only took a few years for the digital camera to make
redundant film processing. Broadband internet to replace the DVD Store.
DVDs to replace VHS. BluRay to replace DVDs. The list
is endless and the speed with
which these disruptive
innovations replace soon-to-beantiquated technologies is now
down to a few years.

2. Money. Money is one half of every single transaction on the planet.

Money touches the lives of every single person in every single nation, every
single day. If there were a disruptive
innovation that came along and made the
government-manufactured fiat money
system obsolete, then I think its fair to say
that that event would affect your life more
than anything else possibly could.
Enter crypto-currencies.
I believe crypto-currencies are that innovation, and it is already making new
millionaires daily as people scramble to get their hands on some.
So what is a crypto-currency?
It is digital money. Very simply put, it is money that exists on your
computer. You can send it across the globe like an email and the person at
the other end can receive it, and spend it.

It is digital money designed for a digital age and for many reasons that we
will get into later, it is far superior to our existing government-issued paper
At this point in our conversation, some of the more educated readers have a
very understandable knee jerk reaction, that I think we should address
For most us, our experience in the digital world is
that all things digital can be copied very, very easily.
From duplicating documents, copying images, and
downloading, music and videos, one of the
advantages of the digital age is that anything can be
copied at no cost.
Therefore it stands to reason that any digital currency can be easily copied
(counterfeited) and thus made worthless.
I mean after all, if record companies and movie studios cannot stop people
from copying their goodies, how could you possibly stop counterfeiting of a
digital currency?
It is valid point for sure, but one that turns out to have an equally valid
Through recent advances in Cryptogrpahy (codes) it is indeed possible to
create a currency a crypto currency that cannot be counterfeited. By
anyone Ever.
This is a tremendous leap forward.

So your next question may be, how is this possible?

The techie geek answer is: complex mathematical computing codes that
require more computing power than it is worth to crack the code would be
The lay persons answer is: a hacker would have to spend more money on
trying to break the code than the currency will ever be worth. No one
would do it. Imagine if copying an .MP3 costs $50,000. No one would
bother to copy it, because they can simply go online and buy the .MP3 for
.99 cents.
And even better, the cost to hack bitcoin grows exponentially as the
bitcoin network grows. In fact already the computer power required to beat
the bitcoin protocol doesnt even exist. You would have to pool the worlds
super computers together for years to even come close.

So, counterfeiting isnt really

an issue. And that is a good
thing, because large scale
counterfeiting of the money
supply is the most horrific
and disastrous event that can
happen to a society.
Now lets consider our
current fiat system currency. Yes, it can be counterfeited, but even worse, a
quasi-government group has a license to legally print more money, without
your approval. This means that the Federal Reserve can make your money
less valuable simply by turning on the printing presses, a practice they have
been engaged in heavily the last 10 years

Economist John Maynard Keynes wrote:

There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of
society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden
forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner
which not one man in a million is able to diagnose....
Since this is one of the primary reasons people are running to Bitcoin, I
thought I would take a moment to explain this properly.
Most of us understand that if some terrorist group printed up a trillion dollars
in undetectable fake US$ and started buying up US businesses and real
estate that would be illegal.
It is illegal (and rightfully so) for 2 reasons.
1. The counterfeiters got something for nothing. Most agree this is unfair
that this group get something for nothing when everyone else has to
contribute value to others to earn money.
2. The 2nd reason is something few people understand. To say the
counterfeiters got something for nothing is actually misleading. With
their newly printed notes they have acquired purchasing power, but
where has that purchasing power come from? The answer is
everybody with the real currency has lost some of the purchasing
power of the notes they
previously hold. The truth
is the counterfeiters did
not get something for
nothing. They actually
stole something. They
stole purchasing power.

It is an odd concept because if you have $100 in your hand, and then a
counterfeiter increases the money supply by 10 times, you still hold
the $100 in your hand. You do not feel as though you have been
stolen from because you still have the $100. However as the
counterfeited money makes its way into the system, your $100 buys
less and less and it is the purchasing power that has been stolen from
you and not the paper the money was printed on.
It is for this reason Keynes wrote not 1 man in a million can diagnose the
Now here is the catch. The effects are exactly the same whether terrorists
counterfeit money and add it to circulation, as if the government, banks, The
Federal Reserve or Santa Clause counterfeited money. Nothing changes
except who the beneficiaries are.
Throughout history, money has always been corrupted by falsely expanding
the currency supply. Most recently, the banks and Federal Reserve just add
some zeros to their computer balance sheets. A few decades ago, the paper
was just printed. And for centuries before that, several gold receipts were
printed for each gold coin held at the bank. And for millennia before that,
gold and silver coins were clipped, and cast.
History shows money always gets corrupted.
Crypto-Currencies (if adopted and widely used), means this age old theft
that has been around for thousands of years will finally end.
It is beyond the scope of this Report to explain that government sponsored
counterfeiting is the primary cause of all poverty, wars, and starvation on
this planet but trust me it is.

The peace and prosperity that will follow as a result of the wide spread use
of crypto-currencies will resemble a fairy tale. That is why I say that using
Bitcoin is the most patriotic thing anyone can ever do ever. And the good
news is It is also the fastest way to make an incredible fortune.
With Bitcoins value doubling all of the time, the returns received by
investors are staggering. If the trend continues for the rest of the year,
anyone who gets in now could be very, very happy with their returns.
This is especially true considering that the stock market is at all time highs,
and for not-so-good reasons. Most people are feeling a little bit hesitant to
keep investing in what seems to be a huge bubble.
On the other hand, for Bitcoin, it has been an uphill climb for the last 5
years. And I think its going much, much higher.
While there can be no guarantees, there are plenty of reasons why this
disruptive technology could do exactly that. We will go into lots of those
reasons in this newly released video that I think will blow your mind with
possibilities, but for now here is a little bit of the history of Bitcoin.
In 2009, the worlds first major crypto-currency, Bitcoin, was released
through open source code by a programmer, or a group of programmers
named Satoshi Nakamoto. It is unknown whether Satoshi is one person or
many people, and his avatar disappeared from Bitcoin forums in 2011. If
anyone knows who Satoshi is they are keeping it secret. So the actual
creators of Bitcoin will likely remain anonymous
Legend has it that Bitcoin was first used as money on May 21, 2010 when an
internet personality Laszlo offered on a forum, 10,000 BTCs (Bitcoin) if

someone called a pizza delivery shop and sent

him a pizza. Jercos accepted, and in what
proved one of the best investment decisions of
Jercos life, that 10k Bitcoin is worth over
$1million dollars. I would imagine Turning $20
into more than $1 million in less than 36 months
has earnt Jercos some bragging rights.
From there, more and more people began accepting and spending Bitcoins.
Slowly at first, and then at an increasing rate. As with all disruptive
technologies the adaptation from there has been exponential.
Every now and again, some attack, theft, or bad press hits Bitcoin, and either
slows its meteoric climb, or causes a drop in value. Usually the headlines
read Bitcoin Hacked and the newbies panic thinking it will be worthless
soon. That is impossible, and the headlines are just plain wrong. Its akin to
one website having a bug and saying The internet was hacked and will soon
be worthless.
Over the last three years, I have personally lived through the Bitcoin bubbles
and crashes that the mainstream media love to dub the Death of Bitcoin
that is until Bitcoin continues its exponential climb again and again.

To understand why Bitcoin is so resillient, lets start with the top 10 most
important characteristics:
Top 10 Most Important Things About Bitcoin.
1) Open Source. Open source code is computer programming code that is
open to the public to view and is free to use. Satoshi released the Bitcoin
code as open source code so anyone could view it, scrutinize it, and
understand the dynamics of Bitcoin.
The open-source nature of the code
is critical for two reasons: first, so
everyone (or at least computer
geeks) can understand exactly how
the Bitcoin algorithm works.
Second, the open source nature
gives Bitcoin transparency beyond any other currency. This is huge.
Imagine if you could be a fly on the wall during every meeting of the
Board of the Federal Reserve. You would know exactly how they are
going to manipulate the money supply, and you could plan your buying,
spending, and saving accordingly.

Not only do we not have this information from the Fed, we cannot get it,
because it is deliberately withheld
for fear of a run on the US dollar.
Imagine if the Feds Chair said,
Well, guys, were flat broke, so
were just going to have to turn on
the printing presses and print the

dollar to oblivion! If you knew he was going to do that, youd get your
money out of the US dollar. Its a pretty obvious prediction for anyone
paying attention though.
With Bitcoins open source code, you know exactly what the money
supply is going to be, and when. The fact that the code is open source
means it is an open book. No secrets. No surprises. In fact, it even tells
you when the supply of Bitcoins will end. Which brings me to my next
point. Bitcoin has a limited supply.
Limited Supply. Only 21 million Bitcoin will ever exist. The open source
code mandates that they will stop being created in 2040. At present, there are
approximately 11 million Bitcoins in existence. At present, 25 come into
existence every 10 minutes. How they come into existence is beyond the
scope of this Report, but it is something we will cover in more detail in our
follow up videos. If people continue to buy Bitcoin, and the Bitcoin
marketplace continues to grow, the value of individual Bitcoins will rise.
Since the number of Bitcoins is capped at 21 million, the purchasing power
of a single Bitcoin will go up.

It is the same thing as when gold and silver are used as currency. There
is a limited amount of gold and silver on this earth. And as more people
recognized gold as rare and valuable
than silver, its value began to
increase. At present, a single ounce
of gold is worth about $1,300. A
single ounce of silver is worth about
$21. So you could buy a car with 10
gold coins, or 600 silver coins. And every day in the news you see more
and more people selling their cars, homes, and services for Bitcoin. And
I believe that in the very near future, you will be able to buy a luxury car,
like a Porche, with a single Bitcoin.
But wait, doesnt that create a problem? If Bitcoins supply is capped at
21 million, what happens if one Bitcoin becomes worth $100,000? What
can you buy then?!? Dont worry. This brings me to my next point.
Bitcoin is divisible to 8 decimal points. And because it is a digital
currency, there are no costs associated with dividing it up, like there are
with a gold or silver coin.
2) Divisible by 1/100 millionth. The divisibility of Bitcoin coupled with its
limited supply allows for controlled growth. The market will determine
the value of the Bitcoin, and then we can divide them and pay for goods
and services by the appropriate decimal amount of Bitcoin.
Just a fun side-fact: a .000001 Bitcoin is called a Satoshi after the
infamous creator(s). Someday, a Satoshi may be the equivalent of our
modern-day US dollar. If you were one of the brilliant ones to get started
before the curve, then only a small investment could be worth millions.
Getting excited?

3) Decentralized. This is the coolest part for those of you who dont trust
those in control of your government right now. You see, the government
cannot shut down Bitcoin. There are no headquarters, CEO, servers, or
central location where Bitcoin is housed. It is on every computer that
uses it. It does not depend on one person, company, or location.
This fact is incredibly important. If you have
the legal monopoly on being a counterfeiter
via the Federal Reserve System as politicians
and bankers have, you might well want to
protect that monopoly. And given these guys
start wars for fun and profit, anything threatening their monopoly on
counterfeiting will eventually get lots of government guns pointed at it.
Knowing this, Satoshi designed Bitcoin to be violence-resistant.
As an example, take Napster. Remember when everyone began sharing
music files on Napster? Great for the music lovers who were sharing the
music, bad for record labels and profits. Those same record labels were
quick to file suit and get an injunction to unplug the servers at Napster
(which at the time, were housed in Silicon Valley). Because Napster ran
at one location, and was centralized, the powers that be could use force to
unplug those servers.
What you may not know is, that within days a peer-to-peer network
sprung up called BitTorrent. BitTorrent did the exact thing same as
Napster, but instead of having the processing power come from servers, it
used a little computing power from the millions of computers it ran on.
The government could not shut down BitTorrent, and people all over the
world are still downloading music and movie files for free today.
Bitcoin runs on the same type of peer-to-peer network, which I explain in
a little more detail below.

4) Peer-to-Peer Network. In a peer-to-peer network, every individual

computer contributes processing power for the network to exist. You
cant kill the network without killing every
single computer in the world. So, if the
government doesnt want you to own
Bitcoins, and they go to your house and
turn off your computer, or try and delete
the application, they will fail to destroy
your Bitcions. Your Bitcoins will still
exist in the network. Whats even better is, if your government tries to
outlaw your Bitcoin, they can only do so by finding every computer
around the world that runs the program and unplugging all of those. So
short of a world-wide house-to-house search for Bitcoins, your Bitcoins
are safe from your government.
5) Hacking Threats. Over the last few years, there have been some news
reports that Bitcoin has been hacked. These are simply not true. There
have been attempts to hack third party service providers in the Bitcoin
marketplace. For example, third party
businesses like Bitcoin exchanges, wallet
providers, or storage services are
sometimes targets of hackers. That is why
it is critically important that you fully
understand how, where and why to store
your Bitcoin, once you dip your toe in the
water. Although these hacks can
sometimes effect the Bitcoin ecosystem, Bitcoin as a protocol remains
untouched, and despite the hackers attempts, the price has bounced right
back and it continues to climb after every bump in the road. Mainstream
media outlets often report Bitcoin Hacked when events like this occur.

But that is the equivalent of saying The Federal Reserve was breached
when a pick pocket steals my Federal Reserve Notes from my pocket.
So although Bitcoin cannot be hacked , there is an issue of people stealing it,
just like anything else of value. A very real risk is that a hacker logs into
your computer and steals your Bitcoins, the same way someone could get
your bank account details and wire themselves your money. This is
certainly a topic which you will want to know more about once you
understand the incredible gains that can be made buying and holding
Bitcoin. And if youd like to jump right into those predictions, I suggest you
take the time to watch this video.
6) Security. Bitcoin is very much like cash:
If you lose your wallet or your private key,
it may be gone forever, and there is
nothing you can do to get those Bitcoin
back. You should treat your digital wallet
and password as cash, gold, or a diamond
ring that is not insured. Once you lose it, it is gone forever.
We dont have to go too far back in history, to a time when even banks
were not insured by the Federal government. In 1929, after Black
Monday, the stock market crashed and there was a run on the banks.
Many Americans quickly learnt that their money was not actually at the
banks, and they lost big time.
To trick people into trusting banks again, FDR issued legislation
guarantying every bank account up to $100,000. When you go into
your bank today, youll see the FDIC logo on the window. That label
shows you that your bank is insured. But who pays that insurance? We
do, as tax paying Americans. We pay the insurance to make sure banks

can make bad lending decisions, and not be held responsible for those
So, no, Bitcion is not backed by the Federal government. It is the free
market in action and as its value rises entrepreneurs will create products
and services around Bitcoin to help with its secure storage. Some storage
providers offer incredibly secure storage along with insurance in case
anything was to happen to your Bitcoin. So the market is already solving
some of these problems!
7) Anonymity. Many people say that Bitcoin is anonymous. This is not
entirely true. Bitcoin can be anonymous if you take steps to make sure it
remains anonymous, but is not anonymous by default. In fact, the Bitcoin
network is extremely transparent and publically available. Anyone can see in
which wallet, every single Bitcoin has ever been in its entire history.
For example, if I start an account at one of the Bitcoin exchanges which
requires my social security number and photo i.d., and then I transfer all of
my Bitcoin into one wallet, then anyone can determine who that wallet
belongs to, and where those Bitcoins went. If that wallet later transfers
Bitcoin to a known gun dealer then there is a digital trail of Bitcoin
transactions. However, it is not that difficult for either yourself or the gun
dealer to make their wallets anonymous.
Whats even more stealthy: Bitcoin services exists that scramble the
transactions and make it nearly impossible to trace what money went
where. This is great especially if you
dont want a paper record of things that
you are buying. Many Bitcoin users are
true patriots, and believe in our right to
bear arms. However, with recent
threats to these rights, it is becoming

even more important to maintain our privacy. Imagine, if in a year, the

government can search all gun transactions and target your house because
they found the digital trail. With Bitcoin, there are ways to make sure
this never happens to you.
8) Acceptability. The Bitcoin community is growing rapidly each and
every day. As a business owner, I highly recommend you start
accepting Bitcoins for your services right now. We can help get
you started if you are brand new to this idea. You can purchase all
kinds of things with Bitcoin: pizza, guns, books, clothes, and
Amazon gift cards (which is basically everything online).
And although you can buy many things
online, Bitcoin is still not widely accepted
in the retail or real world. But that is
changing. And fast. Some of the biggest
Bitcoin processing services report that businesses are signing up in droves,
and the trend has nearly hit the tipping point.
If you have an e-commerce business or sell things online, you need to
integrate a shopping cart which accepts Bitcoin. Not only are there no
chargeback fees, or merchant fees you are contributing to this growing
community of freedom. Well talk more on how you can do this later.
Opportunity. This brings me to my final point: Bitcoin as an investment
opportunity. You dont need to be a techie to buy or use Bitcoin. You
dont have to build websites,
write computer code, or decipher
codes. In fact, its as easy as
sending an email.

There is a huge buzz about Bitcoin right now. And people are literally
running to Bitcoin in a frenzy to make money and protect their hard
earned savings from inflation, taxes, and bail ins. Last year, in Cyprus,
the EU decided that everyone who had more than $100,000 in a bank
account would be levied a one time tax of between 10-40% of their
savings. This tax was for mistakes that banks had made not these
people! And this is happening all across Europe. As it does, more and
more Europeans are opting out of the banking system and into Bitcoin.
What is this doing to Bitcoins value? Skyrocketing it!!
What is about to happen in the United States is even worse, and if you
want to position yourself to make a fortune while protecting your wealth
and freedom, Bitcoin is the answer.
Some reporters think governments are a big threat and will eventually
outlaw Bitcoin. Some governments will and some wont and it doesnt
really matter because it is violent resistant. What I believe is that
governments are actually Bitcoins best friend.
Through there destructive budget deficits, acts theft through inflation and
depositor haircuts, the government of the United States and Europe will
literally herd billions of people into Bitcoin over the next few years. For
those of you reading this before Bitcoin is valued at over $100,000 per
coin, I think you are looking at the investment of the century.
But you may be skeptical. If so, I dont blame you. I was too. But here
is what I did: I learned more. And the more I learned, the more I
believed that this single investment would be worth more than any other
that may cross our paths in our entire lives.

I am talking about google before it was google. Apple, Microsoft, and

Facebook combined. Dont believe me? I dont expect you to. Ill show
In this short video I fully explain why Bitcoin is nearly at its Tipping
Point a point beyond which the opportunity will be gone. And I highly
suggest you take the time to watch what I have to say. The opportunity is
enormous, and it will give you an advantage that many do not have:
My advice: click here, watch the video, and get ready to act immediately.
Chances are, if you check the Bitcoin price right now, it is even higher than
when I wrote this Report. That means youve already lost some money, but
there is sooooo much more to gain.
Ill see you on the other side. Click Here to watch this incredible

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