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KIN 312M: Management of Physical Activity and Sport Programs

INSTRUCTOR: Brian Gonzales


Wednesday, 10am - 12pm

PHR 2.108 (Pharmacy Bldg.)

OFFICE: Belmont 605
HOURS: 3-5pm, Mon; Fri.. 9-11am, by appointment
PHONE 512.232.6018 (Main Office, BEL 605: 512.471.1273)
TWITTER: @UTSportManage

Wed. 12-1pm

Unique #: 11700

TA: Yen-Chun Lin

Wed. 1-2pm

Unique #: 11705


Unique #: 11690

Office: BEL 327d

Fri. 10-11am



Fri. 11am-12pm

Unique #: 11695

Fri. 1-2pm

Unique #: 11710

Fri. 2-3pm

Unique #: 11715

Office Hours: Wed. 2-4pm; Thu. 2-4pm, by



Pedersen. P.M., Parks, J.B, Quarterman, J., & Thibault, L. (Eds.). (2006). Contemporary Sport
Management (4th ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. ISBN: 978-0-7360-8167-2


This course is designed to introduce students to the field of sport management. The course
material examines the various types of sport organizations and introduces the student to
concepts in the major sub-disciplines within sport management.


After successfully
completing the
course, students
will be able to:



Define sport management and discuss the nature and scope of opportunities
in the sport industry;
Explain the importance of a professional perspective;
Exhibit professional skills and attitudes;
Critically evaluate major challenges confronting various segments of the
sport industry;
Explain the relevance of ethical, legal, and sociological concepts to the
management of sport;
Demonstrate an appreciation of diversity through the use of unbiased
language and an inclusive attitude;
Identify research questions in sport management and demonstrate the
ability to analyze and interpret published research; and
Understand what is required to become a contributing member of the

Discussions/Small Group Work



Grading for the course will be based

on the aggregation of scores for all
assignments, activities, and exams.
Final grades will be assigned based
on the following scale:

Essay/Written Assignments



A- {89.5-92.49%}

B+ {86.5-89.49}


B- {79.5-82.49%}

C+ {76.5-79.49%}


C- {69.5-72.49%}

D+ {66.5-69.49%}

D {62.5-66.49%}

D- {59.5-62.49%}

F {<59.49%}



% of Grade

Participation - Lab Assignments



Weekly (except for Exam weeks)

Individual Assignments


10% = Assignment #1
10% = Assignment #2
15% = Assignment #3


15% = Exam #1 -- February 12

15% = Exam #2 -- March 26
15% = Exam #3 -- April 30
Optional Final Exam -- TBD



Assignments are designed to provide students with an opportunity to apply

concepts and methods from the text, lectures, and class activities. Assignments
receive after the specified DUE DATE/TIME will be deemed late.





Due Date/Time

Assignments will be assessed using the following criteria:

Quality of writing and presentation
Application of methods and concepts from the text, lectures, and class activities
Synthesis and integration of ideas and insights
Clarity and logic
Meeting due date/time
Participation assignments are given and completed in small groups during the
discussion sections. Students are expected to attend all scheduled class
meetings. If you are absent during a participation assignment, you must
provide documented proof of your absence. There is no make-up for missing
participations without a documented excuse. You should attend every class
so you do not miss a participation assignment.

Three (3) individual assignments are required for this course:

1. Career Path Research and Personal Resume
2. Ethical Analysis and Networking and Strategic Job Outreach
3. SWOT Market Analysis
Students will receive assignment descriptions a minimum of one (1) week prior to
the due date. Assignments are due at the specific time on the listed due date. All
assignments will be uploaded via SafeAssign on Blackboard. Assignments uploaded
15 minutes after the due date time will be considered late and will lose points
Four (4) exams are given throughout the semester - 3 semester exams and an optional
final exam. All exams are based on readings and class lectures. You are responsible for all
reading and lecture material, regardless of whether or not it was discussed in class. Exam
format may include multiple choice, matching, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short
essay questions. Study guides will be posted approximately one (1) week prior to the
exam to assist your preparation.

The final exam is optional and can be used to replace your lowest semester exam grade.
You must take all semester exams to be eligible to replace a grade with your final. In
other words, you cannot miss a semester exam and take the final to replace this grade.
However, if you did poorly on a semester exam, you can try to score higher on the final
exam to replace the lower grade. The final example will be comprehensive and
comprised of material covered on the three semester exams.


Attendance is a critical component of your success in this course. It is important for your exposure to, and retention of,
materials not covered in the readings. In addition, it provides you with the opportunity to contribute to our class
discussions and to help formulate ideas for assignments. Material covered in class will be incorporated into assignments
and included on the midterms and final exam. It is expected that you will attend and participate in all classes (lectures
and discussion sections). Neither the instructor nor the TA will repeat in-class material outside of class hours.
Students are expected to have all assignments completed on the announced dates and times. No late work may be
turned in unless the professor has given prior approval in writing. All assigned work must be submitted to SafeAssign
unless otherwise specified. For every day an assignment is late it drops a letter grade. Students excused for athletic
events, travel, religious purposes, etc. should make every effort to turn in their assigned work before leaving. It is not
acceptable to email your work so it is on time unless prior permission has been given. If you are struggling with uploading
your assignment, you are urged to contact ITS at 475-9400 for assistance. We will not assist you with technical issues, nor
will we accept an assignment not submitted to SafeAssign because you could not upload it. Give yourself adequate time
to submit your work in case you have technical difficulties.
A missed exam is not acceptable. If you are ill, or might be absent for any reason, you must notify the professor before
the exam is given. There will be no make-up exams for those absent during an exam. A missed exam results in a zero
for that exam. No exceptions.
Students will be given a one-week window from the posting of assignment grades during which they may bring up any
concerns about lost or missing work. If a student suspects that they did not receive credit for something that they
completed and turned in (mistakes on our end are always possible), they must bring the potential mistake to our
attention within this window. Attempts to receive credit for lost or missing assignments beyond this window will not be

Students are reminded that matters of academic dishonesty are treated seriously by the university and may result in
failure in the class and possible expulsion from the university. In particular, students should use care in the writing of
their papers. For instance, do not copy sentences and passages verbatim from others without placing them in quotes and
providing proper citations. Ideas and theories must also be properly cited if you paraphrase from another persons text. It
goes without saying that it is a breach of the academic code to purchase papers on the Internet or to turn in work written
by someone else. You will be submitting your papers using SafeAssign which will automatically search and report the
percentage of plagiarism found in your paper. SafeAssign searches a database of papers found on the internet and papers
submitted by previous students - if you submit a paper containing plagiarized passages from a previous students paper
or even your own paper for another course, SafeAssign will be able to detect it. Bottom line: do your own work and
properly cite any ideas or words that are not your own.

Outside of class, I will be communicating with you via email and Blackboard postings. Please be sure that the email
address you have on file with the university is the email that you check regularly. You must use the address on file as your
primary university contact. Please check your email and blackboard consistently to ensure you have not missed a
communication from me. You are also responsible for all in-class communication. It is your responsibility to listen
carefully to all instruction prior to leaving class. You are welcome to speak to me or your TA after class or at office hours if
you need clarification on any class communication.


1. To be eligible to pass this course, students are required to complete all assignments and exams at the time they are due
or scheduled. Students are also expected to contribute fully to their groups assignment. Failure to complete any
assignment or exam is grounds for failure of the course.

Students who violate University rules on scholastic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary penalties, including the
possibility of failure in the course and/or dismissal from the University. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all
students, and the integrity of the University, policies on scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For further
information, visit the Student Judicial Services web site at


At the beginning of the semester, students with disabilities who need academic accommodations should notify the
instructor by presenting a letter prepared by the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students
with Disabilities, 471-6259,


By UT Austin policy, students must notify the instructor of impending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of
observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to
observe a religious holy day, you will be given an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after
the absence.


Honor Code -- The core values of the University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual
opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the University is expected to uphold these values through integrity,


Full and detailed acknowledgment must be provided if contributions are drawn from literature in preparation of
assignments. Your written work must properly cite and reference original work where appropriate or required. Citation
and referencing must conform to the style specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(6thed.) both in the body of your paper and its attached reference section.


All assignments must be word-processed in .doc or .docx format, and must be double-spaced throughout with 1-inch
margins all around using font size 12. Title page including name and EID must go on the last page of your assignment, not
on the front. Any work that is turned in by hardcopy must be stapled. If it is not, your assignment may have points


The student should retain a copy of work that is submitted, and should retain graded assignments when they are
returned. Students must be able to produce a copy of all work upon request.


Submission deadlines will be strictly enforced. Extensions will only be granted on medical or compassionate grounds and
will not be otherwise granted except in the most extreme circumstances. A request for extension must be made in writing
(this can be done via email) to the instructor and must be approved by the instructor prior to the due date of the
assignment or exam. An extension, if granted, will be provided to the student in writing only.

10. You will not receive credit for your assignment if you forget your name. It is your responsibility to check your assignments
for name and accuracy.
11. Assignments must be submitted to SafeAssign at the beginning of class on the day in which they are due. They are
considered late if turned in after the first 15 minutes of class. Points constituting 10% of the total will be deducted for
each day an assignment is late without prior arrangement.
12. From time-to-time, the instructor may award an extra credit point for satisfactory work done during a class exercise or
for successful completion of out-of-class volunteer opportunities. No other extra credit will be available at any time or
for any reason.

13. The final exam will be scheduled during the University Exam Period, as scheduled by the university. The exam will only be
given at that time. No arrangement can be made to take the exam at any other time.

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