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By Shannon Heit

This year, the Seoul

Global Center and Global
Village Centers offer a
Seollal program for interna-
tional residents.
The events will run from,
Feb. 5 to Feb. 15 and will be
hosted at the Seoul Global
Center and three of its affili-
ate Global Village Centers.
They are open to all interna-
tional residents of Seoul and
will include an introduction
to Korea’s traditional Lunar
New Year culture and activi-
ties, as well as a volunteer
This is the first year that
the SGC has offered this
kind of lineup of events for
the Seollal period. When
asked why the SGC decided
to offer these programs,
SGC manager Kim Sang-
yong said it’s good for expats
to get involved.
“It’s important for the
Seoul Global Center to pro-
vide opportunities for inter-
Korea Herald file photos national residents to partic-
ipate during Seollal. We
thought it would be espe-

How not to globalize Korean food cially beneficial to include

cultural exchange and vol-
unteer events as part of this
program,” Kim said.
The first will be this
Friday at the Yeonnam
Global Village Center from
Take culture-focused approach, rather than lumping all foreigners into one pot 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. This
Lunar New Year’s event
will introduce holidays from
By Daniel Gray changed. Her response was, “Why There are also differences in food en — chicken galbi was an overwhelm- an international perspec-
change and generate confusion domes- textures. Some cultures don’t like the ing favorite. I believe it’s because tive, allowing participants
At the end of December 2009, the tically and internationally?” chewy texture of the rice cakes in chicken is the most popular meat in to experience food and cos-
Chosun Ilbo published an article stat- Makgeolli is an example of how “tteokbokki” or the salty-sour taste of America. tumes from different coun-
ing that the current spelling of “mak- Korea has a lot of fervor and passion to kimchi. Furthermore, not all foreign- We also found that cucumber pickles tries. For more information,
geolli” might cause some non-Koreans Expat Living is a section dedicated to the daily
living of expatriates.
globalize, but has yet to do the re- ers are the same. What works in were more popular than regular kim- call (02) 6406-8151.
to mispronounce it as makjolee. The It is printed on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. search. They should also think of their France doesn’t mean that it will work chi. I think it is because it reminded The next event will be
To share stories about your life abroad, send stories
author suggested that the spelling or story ideas to Matthew Lamers at audience. in the United States and vice-versa. people of pickles. take place Feb. 6 from 2 p.m.
should be changed and this would Submissions may be edited for length or clarity. Case in point, let’s take the full page Over the summer, my company was Surprisingly, we found that many to 5 p.m. at the SGC office
popularize this alcohol overseas. He “Bibimbap” advertisement that was in working on a project for a government French people liked chicken and gin- near City Hall Station (Line
recommended a few different options the New York Times on Dec. 21. First tourism organization to write a seng soup. They said it reminded them 1 or 2, Exit 4). During the
such as maggoli, makkoli, and Planet, Wikipedia, Korean newspa- of all, I applaud the Korean show brochure and make a PowerPoint pre- of a popular French dish: poule au pot. Lunar New Year’s
makoli. pers, the Korean government, and “Infinite Challenge” for the initiative. sentation on Korean food to encourage My point is we shouldn’t simply Experience event, partici-
I wish that the author had done some overseas newspapers. If you search for The ad had a great headline: “How the American press to come visit group all foreigners into one category. pants will be introduced to
research to test this opinion, because it maggoli (which sounds like maggots), about Bibimbap for lunch today?” Korea. We were told to then translate In order to globalize the food, we the Korean tradition of an-
caused quite a stir with the aT Center you will get 103 hits — most are about There was a gorgeous picture and they this brochure into French to encourage should do research to find which foods cestor memorial services at
(The Agro-Trade Center) and amongst a Scottish family. Makkoli has 35,000 gave the phone numbers of several the Michelin Restaurant guide to are best for different countries. Seollal, taste traditional
the Korean public. The aT Center is a hits (the top hits refer to a Japanese Korean restaurants in New York. come. Obviously, just translating the Korea should have a more cultural New Year’s food, try on tra-
government organization that has sushi restaurant in New Jersey) and The text is what I have a problem document wasn’t going to work be- approach to food. Chinese cuisine is a ditional hanbok, and learn
been heading the Korean Food most of the hits about “makoli” are of a with: “It is said that this dish came cause different cultures have different perfect example. Chinese food is popu- traditional folk games, such
Globalization project and my company famous chess player with the same from the customers of memorial ser- perspectives on food. Let’s face it; food lar all over the world because they as “Yut no-ri.” Afterwards,
(O’ngo Food Communications) has last name. vice and rural villages. This dish is is very cultural. adapted the food for the local coun- participants can enjoy inter-
been working with them on several dif- Changing the name of something very convenient to provide, just mix- For our project, we interviewed tries. Trust me, you won’t find General national folk performances
ferent projects including how to mar- that is obviously accepted would cost ing of cooked rice with various vegeta- many non-Koreans on their impres- Tso’s Chicken, fortune cookies, or chop from three Global Street
ket makgeolli overseas. the Korean government millions of dol- bles, namul, and red pepper paste to- sions of Korean food. Once we ex- suey in China. performance teams. For
Back in October of 2009, our compa- lars and cause endless confusion. gether.” plained Korea’s cultural concepts of If Korea is to take Korean food to the more info, call (02) 1688-
ny and the heads of many makgeolli As for the pronunciation, I went First of all, death (customers of sharing, we found that the idea of world, they should know who they are 0120.
companies had a meeting to discuss around and videotaped 10 non-Korean memorial service) doesn’t arouse my sharing the side dishes, entrees, and taking it to and they should work to On Feb. 7, the Yeong-
changing the name of makgeolli. I will speakers to see if they would pro- appetite and non-Korean speakers will soups was generally accepted and the put the food in peoples’ mouths. deungpo Multicultural
tell you the same thing I told them: it nounce makgeolli like makjolee. None not know what “namul” is. It was a idea quickly grasped. Village Center will take a
is not cost efficient, it will cause need- of them did. Of the different pronunci- great idea, just poor execution. Interestingly, the side dishes were more academic approach to
less confusion, and it won’t put the ations the ones that sounded closest to The way that Koreans market considered by most to be the most The opinions expressed here do not the holidays by hosting a lec-
drink in people’s hands. the original Korean were “makgeolli” Korean food for Koreans will not work noteworthy part of the meal. Korean necessarily represent those of The ture by professor Kim
If you Google the current spelling of and “makkolli” and I also interviewed overseas. Korea’s “four seasons,” “well- barbecues were also a favorite and Korea Herald. Daniel Gray works for Young-jo of Sangmyeong
makgeolli, you will get 75,800 hits on linguistics expert Kara MacDonald of being,” “good-for-health,” “kimchi,” what most were most ecstatic about. O’ngo Food Communications. You can University. Professor Jo will
the traditional rice alcohol. This is the Hanyang University and asked her if and the “5 colors” will not convince the We found that Americans tended to follow his food adventures at discuss understanding tra-
spelling accepted by CNN, the Lonely she thought the spelling should be average person to try Korean food. favor dishes that involved using chick- — Ed. ditional Korean culture
through Seollal rites. It will
take place from 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. and is open to 70 atten-

In Focus – Shooting in ‘the Zone’ dees. For more information,

call (02) 2670-3000.
For those with an interest
in the kitchen, the Itaewon
The Photo Challenge is spon- But how do we know into changing the aperture will alter Global Village Center will
sored by Hyosung Camera what zones the image falls prior your depth of field and increas- host “Making Korean Rice
(English: 010-7203-9599) and to shooting? Your cameras’ me- ing exposure could introduce Cakes” on Feb. 11 from 4
Babo Shirts (www.baboshirts. tering is preset to place whatev- camera shake or motion blur. p.m. to 6:30 p.m. It will also
com). Winners of the weekly er light it measures into Zone V Also, all zones move together. include an introduction to
competition receive a 50,000 (five) — exactly halfway be- If you expose to place that Seollal topics before rolling
won store credit at Hyosung tween solid black and total bright spot in Zone IV, for ex- up your sleeves for the rice
Camera and a Babo Shirt. To ization of the finished product white (or on 18 percent gray for ample, most of the picture will cake-making. For more in-
take part in the competition, right through to realization of the more technically minded). be crushed into darker zones formation, call (02) 796-
simply upload your photo at that vision in print. But what Switch to spot metering for (though this maybe ok if that’s 2459.
w w w. f l i c k r . c o m / g r o u p s / we will address here is the core greater accuracy and take an your creative end). The final will be a volun-
seoulphotoclub — Ed. of the system — the zones exposure reading from some The extremes yield little to teer opportunity on the ac-
themselves — and how we part of your subject, the camera nothing worthwhile. Zones 0, I, tual date of Seollal, Feb.
By Aaron Raisey might use them in basic form. will automatically set the expo- IX and X retain no appreciable 14. The exact location is to
This is a very limited explana- sure so the metered area falls textural detail so should nor- be announced, but will
We could take this to mean tion and I’m assuming you’re fa- on Zone V — no matter how mally be avoided. In fact, the take place from 10 a.m. to 4
one of several different things, miliar with the principles of ba- dark or bright it might actually general rule of thumb for nega- p.m. This will give Korean
but the particular ‘zone’ I want sic exposure. be, the camera will expose to tive and digital capture is to nationals and internation-
to touch on this week is the The Zone System divides the place it in Zone V. Now visualize place the darkest areas in Zone al residents a chance to
Zone System. Those who have total range of brightness into exactly how bright or dark you III or IV and develop (or post- work side-by-side to offer
been around photography for a eleven steps referred to as want this area — into what process) to place the highlights. cultural exchange and per-
few years will probably have at ‘Zones.’ From Zone 0 (total zone you want it to fall — and Despite being developed for formances at a welfare cen-
least heard of it, if you don’t al- black), through Zones I, II, III, manually adjust the exposure B&W film, the concept can ter in Seoul.
ready use it on occasion. IV and up to Zone X (solid accordingly. equally be applied in all areas of In addition, an exhibition
The Zone System is simple in white), each is separated by one For example, you can use the photography. If you can get your will be held at the SGC of-
theory, but very comprehensive stop of exposure. Most images Zone System to easily shoot a sil- head around the Zone System fices during the entire
when practiced in its fullest won’t span all zones, of course. houette. Spot meter off the sub- it’s a great road to gaining a Seollal program period,
form, so I’m only going to dis- A low contrast subject might ject to be silhouetted (Zone V) greater understanding and ap- from Feb. 5 to Feb. 15. The
cuss it briefly here as it is very only span two to four zones of and decrease the exposure by preciation of exposure, and it exhibition will include dis-
useful to be at least aware of it. brightness, while a bright sun- four or five stops — placing the will become another tool in your plays of toys, food, and
First, a bit of background: ny day may well yield an image subject into Zone 0 or I for an creative photographic arsenal. clothes from different coun-
The Zone System was devel- that spans eight or more zones ideal black silhouette. Hopefully Ansel Adams is recognized as tries.
oped by photographers Ansel — from black shadows to re- you can imagine the creative one of the greatest ever land-
Adams and Fred Archer in the flected sunlight. possibilities available when you scape photographers and I
early 1940s and is more or less The key to utilizing the Zone take back a bit of the exposure highly recommend further For more information
a formalization of Adams’ own System is engaging in a bit of control from the camera. reading on the subject, specifi- about these programs, please
well established black-and- pre-shoot visualization and There are some things to cally Adams’ book “The visit the SGC website
white photographic workflow. knowing into which zone of keep in mind when using the Negative” in which the Zone or
As I alluded to, the full Zone brightness you want to place a Zone concept. System is explained in greater the unofficial blog www.
PHOTO CHALLENGE — winner Feb. 1 — Bubbles are trapped in System encompasses the entire specific area, or your particular Don’t forget about the other detail. — Ed.
ice on a small lake near Wa Stadium, Ansan. Alex Murry process from pre-shoot visual- vision of the final image. effects of adjusting exposure — (

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