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Name of the church:

Church address: Lui diocese andLui archdeaconry
Tel: +211924795457
Conduct person: Joana Leye
Tile: Diocese secretary
Tel: +211927200857/0928180058
LOCATION OF THE PROJECT: Great Mundri of the western Equatoria state
Duration of the project: Six (6) months August -February

Lui diocese is a church in Mundri east county South Sudan which is the newest nation in the world that have
become a sovereign state 2 years ago and working to restore the population from 2 decades of civil war where
more than 2 million lives was lost. To avoid recurrent violent conflicts, the youth need to embrace in the church for
better growth of the church in south Sudan serving the God is to save the nation .but still the church of Lui
struggling to abiding their life for Jesus Christ and many will not work for God because no payment for them, but
those with faith never give up and never surrender to the world. Youth of Lui diocese need to empower their faith
by conducting more training to them especially on the leadership and their role
Therefore, this project will facilitate experiential learning from the youth leaders and engage them into peace
building experiences through workshops, conferences and capacity building training for the youth collectively.
Project Goal:
To enhance youth participation in church of Lui diocese of Mundri East County in turn to saving God with power


1. Creating a central support system bridging inter-generational gap and cooperation between the youth
and youth leaders regardless of the leadership role.
2. Conducting training to the youth of Lui diocese and the archdeaconries, to be the role modern in their
different churches.
3. To learn, share and forge relationships among the youths engage them into social dialogue with the
church leaders and community believers.
4. To improve communication between youth leaders and other youths in other archdeaconries churches
and parishes across the respective counties.

Activities and Methodology:

o Training of 8 archdeaconry youth Leaders and 26 youth Leaders from different Parishes 26
secretaries from Parishes, 26 treasures from different Parishes 8 secretaries from archdeaconries 8
treasures from archdeaconries making the difference of 102 Participants for the two weeks training.

o 6 workshops: the two (2) weeks each workshop will bring 48 youth leaders to share, learn and
forge new way in settling disputes in between the churches Units) in the 3 counties of Mundri
East county The youth will have
o 3 youth leaders workshop will be conducted in each church and bring 16 participants to
discuss, share identify problems relating to the activities and seek a common direction to
peaceful co-existence among the youth
o Youth Conference: the conference will bring 54 youth leaders for 5 days from 16 parishes of
greater Mundri Counties in which both male and female will be selected to participate in the
planning and running the panels conference.
o .
o Capacity Building: 16 youth leaders representing the 16 churches in Mundri east county will be
trained and trainer of trainee (TOT) for 10 days in leadership role and their responsibilities.
o Publication; the publication of this activities will be done In three folds;
o The project will produce uniform to the youth of Lui diocese.
o There will be 500 copies of end of project report compiled and summarized in form of a
magazine that can be easily shared and read by the beneficiaries and other youths of other
o A Documentary film will equally be produced at the end of the project however; short video clips
will be made available at the end of each activity.

Objective 2:

1. 3 Youth workshops for selected 3 participants, from each of the 16 Payams in 3 days each per county.
2. A Training workshop for chief from each Payam and in the 3 counties.
Building the capacity of youth leaders in settling youth matters and responding to community needs


1. Increased youth knowledge in conflict management and resolution, communication skills and
facilitation of meetings.
2. Youth leaders making positive influence in the community.
1. 16 youth leaders train as trainers in leadership role
2. Increased number of youth leaders engagement with church activities.
1. Training of trainers attendance list
2. Training report and pictures
1. 16 youth leaders will be selected for the Training of Trainers from 16 parishes for 8 days in
leadership role in Mundri East County.
Objective 3 To learn, share and forge relationships among the youth in Mundri east county and engage them into
social dialogue with the church leaders (pastors) and community living around.





Experiences shared are being replicated in another part of the churches

Friendships and contacts exchange.
Increased access and demand for the youth
Youth get empowered through histories from the chiefs.
Number of youth participation in the training
Number of topics of the trainings for the youth being covered since the training started Number of
youth invited
Number of practical commitments taken by individuals for training of the leadership
Stories and inspirations documented from the leadership training
Pictures of the training
Participant and facilitators list

1. Plenary sessions
2. Group discussions
3. Leaders and other youths group work workshops

Inputs Budget = 7,392 USD

Objective 4

To improve communication between youth leaders and pastors across the respective churches

1. Increased accountability and transparency among the youth, community and the pastors
2. Increase access to information to the population in Mundri East County.
3. Increase participation and ownership of the project
1. Posters and leaflets will be produced
2. Annual report will be printed and made available for youth leaders and church leaders like pastors
3. Documentary film will be produced and shared with beneficiaries and donors.
4. Story booklets will be published for the public libraries for church
1. Printing of Information Education and Communication Materials
2. Distribution for the IEC materials to youth leaders
3. Monitoring and Evaluation of the training
Input Budget = 2,925 USD

LgLogical Framework

Goal: To enhance youth participation in leadership role and development in Greater Mundri Churches.


Creating a central support system bridging the churches in Mundri East

1. Strong working relationships will be established between the church leaders and youth leaders
of different churches.
2. 30 churches leaders will be working together in addressing the church issues among the youths
and the church elders of Mundri East.
1. Youth leaders and priests conducting regular meetings together.
2. Youth leaders and priests voicing together as development partners. Of the church
1. Level of participation in the workshops and their respective feedback.
2. Number of consultative meetings conducted between youth leaders and pastors
3. Number of youth and pastors join projects in the communities.

Project Team and their Qualification:




George Chance

Youth coordinator

Rasul Poni

Youth leader

Joana Leye


Noah Issa Phillip

Assistant secretary

Budget Summary

Budget Lines

Training of

34 Youth Leaders Workshop


2 Training of 34 secretaries



Conducting training to 34 treasures

4 Conducting conference for youth Leaders total 26 participants


5 Communication Materials to youth Leaders for the above 34 Participants


6 Feeding for 128 Participants


7 Transport cost for above 34 youths from each category area


8 Accommodation for 128 Participants


Gross Total in USD


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