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Unlock Your Personal Power!

Learn all the stuff they didnt teach you at school

in this special free report.

Written by Aymen Fares

Copyright 2001 Aymen Fares

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Table Of Contents

Introduction ............................... 4
Are You Letting Your Thoughts Control You? . 6
You Are Not Your Thoughts! ................. 8
A Little On How Your Mind Works ........... 10
Your Will Your Power! ................... 13
Your Emotions ............................. 16
Who Are You? .............................. 19
Happy and Whole ........................... 23
Its Fear That Stops You! ................. 26
Final Words. .............................. 29
An important point to remember! ........... 34

You can do anything you want!
This is a bold statement and it is true.
The problem and the reason you fail to achieve your
potential is simple.
You dont know how you work. The human being is
complex and there is much more to you than your
physical body. In order to master life you need to
know how you work. In other words you need access
to the secret techniques that govern existence and
how to use them.
A special note if you run a business.
There is a mass of information in the world on how
to succeed in running your business. All businesses
are just a collection of systems. In my experience
working with hundreds of people who own businesses,
it is the human element that lets down your
business systems. When you understand how you work
you will understand how others work. You will see
why your business and its systems arent at their
potential. When you see, you will be able to
implement changes that explode your profits to
higher levels.
This e-book is a collection of extracts from my Key
To Life and Spiritual newsletters. This e-book will
give you a basic understanding of how you work. For
a full and detailed explanation refer to my
Key To Life Manual.
Remember you can do anything you want. Just learn
how, you work!

Here is a quote to start you thinking.

"There is no such thing as failure.
'Failure' is merely an opinion that a
given act wasn't done satisfactorily.
Being ruled by fear of failure lets you
take the easy way out. Rather than
accepting the challenge of pursuing a
goal, you can scratch it off your list and
tell yourself that it is impossible or not
...Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If
you never try you can't win, if you do you
might." Jack Collis
People often do not try; your fear of
failure often holds you back.
Subconsciously you can say to yourself
that you did not fail. However lack of
failure does not mean success.
Overcome your fear
o Set your own standards don't let others make
your choices.
o Don't try and be perfect at everything, it's
unrealistic and will rob you of your enjoyment.
o Go head on, do something that you like, yet
fear. Start small.
o If you think you have failed treat it as a
learning experience, you can learn a lot from
your experiences.

Are You Letting Your Thoughts Control You?

"Every thought you have makes up some
segment of the world you see. It is with
your thoughts then, that we must work, if
your perception of the world is to be
changed". A course in miracles.
You have about 50 000 thoughts per day.
What are you thinking to create the world
you live in? Be aware of your thoughts.
This will give you the power to create the
environment you want. You are in control
whether you like it or not. Accept it!
Many people lead unfulfilled lives.
Are you aware that your thoughts dictate your
emotions? The path you follow is decided upon by
the thoughts that you have and then follow. Your
thoughts make you feel in a certain way. Emotion
impossible without thoughts preceding them. When an
event happens in your life you interpret it based
on who you are, your past experiences and the
knowledge you have at the time. Interpret means we
start to think. Thoughts appear and this leads you
to having emotions based on what you are thinking.
The same event may be interpreted differently by
you and your neighbor, causing different emotions
in each of you.
The first step in making a positive change in your
life is being aware of what you think. This sounds
easy but how many thoughts do you have each day? I
have heard the figure 'fifty thousand' quoted. It
is very hard to be aware of all your thoughts; some
are so quick and habitual that you can easily miss
them. Once you start to consciously 'catch' your

thoughts you may be surprised at how many negative

thoughts you have. You may even be shocked at some
of the thoughts you have.
Your thoughts are not real they are just thoughts!
You have a choice. You can pursue these thoughts
and dwell on them. You can even put them into
action. You can also choose to let them travel
through and not follow them. You can consciously
choose to have positive thoughts. It requires
effort, especially at the beginning. It will soon
become habit. Rather than fight your negative
thoughts just let them go. Get into the habit of
throwing some positive thoughts after them.
Where to start? Next time you are not happy. Take a
look at what you are thinking. Just think about
something that makes you happy. It's that easy. The
Live in the present moment and create your own
constantly thinking about it.

You Are Not Your Thoughts!

Most people have an identity based upon their mind.
This means that you believe you are the thoughts in
your head. Everyone thinks in their own certain
way. Most people believe that they are these
thoughts. 'I am fat' 'I am poor' 'I am unhappy' "I
am a carpenter" etc.
These thoughts are not you!
They originate due to external stimuli in your
world. They depend on how YOUR mind has interpreted
the world around you. An example would be; if there
were no thin people then how could you say you were
fat? The word fat would not exist. Your mind
compares you to a standard that you decided to
accept. Your mind continually bombs you with
thoughts that are based on your past and what you
have inherited from your culture.
Emotions are similar. Often the emotion, which
comes after the thought/s are so charged with
energy that you are overwhelmed. You believe that
you are the emotion and act accordingly. Emotions
are your reaction to your mind and it's thoughts.
None of this is you!
When you actually take the time to catch one or
more of your thoughts you discover something
Who is doing the catching?








to long for this short article. It

contained in The Key To Life Manual.



The manual has all the answers and the techniques

that enable you to radically change your life for
the better.
Did you notice that when you do this there are two
of you? If you have gone through this process you
must now acknowledge that there is someone there
that actually does the catching as opposed to the

A Little On How Your Mind Works

"The best way to predict the future is to
invent it." Alan Kay
You invent the future with every choice
you make in every moment of your life.
programming. Choose where you are going
and make it happen.
One of the best ways you have of improving yourself
is by looking into your thought processes. The
easiest way to do this is to look at the results in
your life.
I mean look at what is happening around you and
what is happening to you. This is an easy way for
you to change your life because you get instant
feedback, just by looking around.
The results you see are the end product of the
accumulation of your thoughts. Your thoughts
actually carry 'weight' and determine what your
world is like. This is not always apparent. We have
so many thoughts; most people are unaware of the
majority of them.
It is estimated
thoughts per day.







Let me explain how your mind works.

You have experiences, through your 5 senses, which
are the process of the conscious mind. These
experiences are recorded by your subconscious mind.


everything that happens to you, what you think
about it and how you feel about it. Your
subconscious mind can't judge the quality of this
information it only records it.
If you imagine something that is vivid (vivid means
a clear image with depth of emotion), then your
subconscious mind treats this as a real life
subconscious mind just records as it sees, it
doesn't store past and future with an image. It
lives in the present.
What is recorded in your subconscious mind forms
your belief system and your Self Image. Your Self
Image is the opinion you have about yourself. The
image of yourself that you form comes from your
accumulated beliefs and the judgments you make in
regard to what you can and can't do.
It is the job of a part of your subconscious mind
to harmonize your external world with your Self
Image. When the two don't match it creates an inner
tension and something must change.
There are two possibilities for change. Either your
external world changes or the tension is reduced.
Lets come back to this later!
Most people exist and accept what happens to them
as their lot in life. They float through life. I
say, you can have whatever you wish. How?
Just reverse the way you do things.
Look around at your world and see what results you
have. Pick something that you wish to change and
set a goal.

Setting goals is not a new concept. All successful

people have used the concept of goal setting.
However less than 3% of the western population set
and write their goals.
Setting a goal is putting a new image of what you
want into your subconscious.
Lets say you are overweight and you want to be
slim. You need to do the following four things.
1. Set the goal. (I want to be slim)
2. Be specific with the goal. (I want to be 70kg.)
3. Write an affirmation. An affirmation is a
statement of intent and must be written in the
first person, present tense. A statement of intent
has more impact if you add emotional words. (I am a
stunningly slim 70kg and I look wonderful.)
For a full and detailed explanation of these three
things and the fourth and final point please refer
Key To Life Manual. Youll also find a full and
detailed discussion on the two things that stop you
using one of the most magical sources of creation your subconscious mind. The first of these is if
you look for the how. The how is never apparent
otherwise your goal is too easy. The second thing
that stops you is requiring proof before you act.
Proof means you have no faith. Without faith you
cannot harness your subconscious mind.


Your Will Your Power!

The collection of your thoughts and their strength
and ability to manifest what the real you desires,
is called your will.
Will is your personal power. Your will is the
collection of your thoughts. Your thoughts if you
have a strong will, enable you to manifest what you
To put it bluntly, you get what you want if you use
your will. Many people have not developed their
will. In fact many people create situations that
weaken their will.
One of the easiest and simplest ways to strengthen
your will is to set and attain a goal.
Boring you say, we have already covered this! Let's
go a little deeper.
Every time you have a thought that goes along the
lines of - "I will do..." or "I am going to..." you
are actually setting a goal. In other words anytime
you say to yourself I am going to do something no
matter how small that something is, you are goal
It's like making an appointment with yourself.
"Next week I will..."
The question to ask yourself is do you do it? Do
you keep the appointment? It's interesting to
observe that most people keep appointments with
others yet break the appointment they make with
themselves. This is an indicator of your selfrespect.


It's your thoughts that create your goals and

targets whether you consciously have a part in them
or not.
Remember we have already covered that the average
person has 50,000 thoughts per day. That's about 2
thoughts per second. Most people are only aware of
a few of their thoughts.
Here's the important bit. Every time you do NOT
follow through and attain your goal you are
weakening your personal power.
Every time that you follow through you are
strengthening it. The first thing to do is to be
conscious of what you promise yourself and other
people. Don't promise too much.
I know, I am an advocate of shooting high when it
comes to goal setting. However if you consciously
examine your thoughts I believe that you will find
you are promising too much.
You need to focus on less to achieve more.
Here's are some easy examples,
1. A gentleman I know wants to exercise more. He
has trouble exercising once per week and he has
many late nights. He sets himself a target of a
grueling workout every morning before work. It
never happens but he continues to set this goal.
2. A salesman I met believes that he can earn a
fortune selling his product. He has a small,
established client base and has trouble making cold
calls. Everyday he promises himself that he will
make 30 phone calls. His best day so far is two.
3. I have a client that is disorganized; he has
hundreds of small jobs to do. They are not high on
his list of priorities and they never seem to get

done. He promises himself everyday that he will

clean up. He never has time.
All three scenarios have a multitude of solutions
but we are only discussing the thought process and
how it affects your will.
In all three examples the people are dis-empowered.
In order to build strength of will you need to
start with a smaller target and work on achieving
Achieve one gym workout per week in the afternoon
for a period of time. Make four phone calls per
day, everyday. Do one small task from your low
priority list per day. Build a habit and look for
consistency. Strengthen your will. Achieve one
small step at a time, and then look to the sky to
achieve your dream.


Your Emotions
inexplicable force that you have to deal with on a
daily basis.
Think of your emotions in terms of energy currents.
Imagine an energy field around you, which changes
shape, color and texture as your emotions change.
In spiritual terms this is called your astral body.
Some people call this your emotional body or energy
Generally, your emotions serve your personality or
your ego. If you wish to achieve a measure of
personal development you must learn to master your
emotions and not be ruled by them. This personal
development is one of the first steps on the
spiritual path of initiation and is also known as
spiritually evolving. The goal of our personal
development is to exercise control of our emotions.
Energetically this is like calming the stormy sea
and symbolically, emotions are represented by
This doesn't mean that we do not 'feel' or that we
should 'shut off' as many people do, on the
contrary the only way to master your emotions is to
get closer to them and actually find out what you
really are feeling. Your emotional needs are often
manifested in physical form. A simple example would
be; eating, many people eat too many sweets. Sweets
are often used as a reward by parents or eaten at
celebrations and may be associated with happiness.
People who are not happy have a subconscious
craving to eat sweets. Emotions control this


Other ways in which emotions dominate are numerous.

You may seek to satisfy desire in many ways; food,
money and sex are common ways to do this. Your
subconscious emotional needs dominate and cause
behavior, which is not 'good' for you. You measure
'good' from a reference point of what you, the soul
behind your ego, thoughts and personality wants.
Through the veil of emotion and ego, a clear path
There are many ways to still the waters one-way
is to respond, rather than react.
There are other methods that are discussed in my
Manual but we dont have enough room here to cover
them all.
Reacting means you are usually expressing a
negative emotion such as anger and jealousy. Please
notice how I said expressing. If we respond rather
than react we will still feel the emotion. We do
not however have to express it in a negative
fashion. In order to respond rather than react you
need to follow two simple steps that you can find
in the Key To Life Manual.
This two-step process is simple, but hard to put
into practice, the heat of the moment often
providing a difficult training ground. A common way
to overcome this difficulty is to work backwards.
Start with the moments that cause you to react.
Look at incidents that cause you to get emotional,
situations where people 'push your buttons'. Anger
and Jealousy are easy places to start. Look for the
message about yourself; don't just react.
Your emotions originate from thoughts. Unravel the
thread. Find the thought pattern behind the
emotion. All negative emotions start with a fear.


Take jealousy for instance. This is based on the

fear of losing your partner. It also has it's
origins from the incorrect assumption that you
posses your partner. This shows up as issues of
self worth and it means that you are comparing
yourself to another person and judging yourself as
Envy is another negative emotion and again the
origin is fear. The focus with envy is on what we
are lacking. What you are really thinking is "The
other person has what I want" This is based on one
of two ideas;
There is not enough for everyone and I might be
inadequate or I am not happy with my situation or
myself. This manifests with you launching an attack
or belittling the person or object of your envy.
Statements such as "I didn't want that anyway"
"That's no good because..." mean you are focusing
on what you don't have. Change your thoughts; focus
instead on what you do have.
Once you are aware of the mechanics, which come
into play when your negative emotions are aroused,
you have come a long way. What is required to
finish the task at hand is a willingness to
confront yourself. Remember, when emotions are
raised in YOU, that is the signal for you to look
A common trap along the way is failure to look at
yourself and instead look to the other person
responsibility for your self. You need to shift the
focus back onto you. If you are really interested
in working with this concept you need to take a
look at the Key To Life Manual. It teaches you the
techniques that enable you to take responsibility
and change your life for the better.

Who Are You?

This is an important question.
You are a soul, experiencing certain aspects of
creation through a physical body. The real you is
eternal, the real you is the hidden spiritual side,
the voice of wisdom that you sometimes hear in
moments of clarity. The real you is one with the
universe and everything in it. It is the part of
you that feels, the part of you that has a dream,
the part of you that knows right from wrong and
good from bad. Some people call this "your higher
In most of us, to varying degrees, this true nature
is blocked and hidden by what's known as your ego.
Your ego is the part of you that does all the
thinking, it is responsible for the management of
your physical body, including feeding, sheltering
and protecting it. Although your ego is a
necessity, problems arise when it dominates and
controls. This happens because it over identifies
with your physical state and believes it is all
there is. The result is that you live under an
illusion and forget who you are. Your true
spiritual being is blocked from your consciousness.
This is your negative ego. Some people call this
"your lower self."
Why are you like this?
You are here to experience the physical, to learn
the power of our thoughts and to create with them.
We are on a journey back to our source. In order
for us to be able to do this we must temporarily
forget who we really are. Your mind through its
guardian, your ego, latches onto an identity. This
identity is formed from our surroundings and

experiences since birth. It serves us because we

believe that that's all there is.
Ask someone, "Who are you?" You are likely to get
an answer such as,
o "I am a Writer"
o "I am a Lawyer"
o "I am a Basketballer"
o "I am a Catholic"
People answer with what they do and associate with.
Not with who they really are. The identity that you
create and hold onto also encompasses certain
traits. These traits are learned responses to
stimuli that you have encountered. If the behavior
you choose is deemed to be self-serving at the
time, your ego adds it to its repertoire and a
habit is in the making. Your Lower Self behavior
usually serves your subconscious desires and needs.
These needs are essentially physical and survival
based. They are based on you moving away from fear.
Imagine a shop-aholic who spends all his/her money.
They have to have all the latest clothes no matter
how expensive and how many other clothes they have
to wear. They do this to the detriment of the other
parts of their life, perhaps they run up huge
credit card bills as is common. The fear in this
case may be that they would not be accepted, their
ego tells them that if they have the latest
fashions then they will be accepted. The extent to
which this is played out is dependent on how much
control their ego has. Imagine an angry driver who
abuses other drivers for driving too slow in front
of them. This may be a fear of arriving late for
work or an appointment. The anger is their ego








Your Higher Self makes decisions based on movement

towards love and this is essentially spiritual in
nature. An example of this would be spontaneously
giving a present without thought of any reciprocal
arrangement. Helping someone from a pure desire
just to serve, like in the clich of helping a
little old lady across the road. This would also be
taking up the career we love as opposed to the
egoic choice of a career for the money. Going to a
restaurant you love as opposed to the egoic choice
of the restaurant that is fashionable to be seen
What do you argue about?
Think of two people arguing. Who is right and who
is wrong? It depends on your perspective.
Two people argue over the weather, the first person
says it is cold the second person says it's not.
The temperature is 7 degrees Celsius. Who do you
think is right? The first person lives near the
equator and enjoys the warm weather and sunshine.
The second person comes from one of the poles and
is used to subzero temperatures. Right or wrong can
only be - when it is compared to something else.
You take up your defensive position because your
ego identifies with certain thoughts that you have.
These thoughts are part of your identity and your
ego has convinced you that this is who you are and
therefore you must take a stand. You are not your
opinion. There is no right and wrong. Think about
what you last argued over. You may have tried to
make yourself right and the other person wrong.
What is there to defend? Nothing. Why does one of
you have to be right and therefore the other wrong?

You are not the identity that your ego has built.
If you make some changes in your life, you will
still be you. Change your career, car, spouse, the
country that you live in, your eating habits, your
sexual preferences, your sporting club, go to jail
or go to church, go to the movies or sleep all day.
You are still you, no matter what you do. The
scenario's we can discuss are endless, complex and
along similar lines. What is important is that you
recognize what your fear is and when your ego takes
If you are interested in learning the techniques
that enable you to overcome your urge to argue have
a look at my self-help manual, The Key To Life.


Happy and Whole

"It is an orderly universe and the
suffering that comes to us has a purpose
in our lives, it is trying to teach us
something. We should look for its lesson."
Peace Pilgrim
Look around you. The world is reflecting
what you believe. The world is reflecting
to you, what and who you are. If you are
not happy with what's going on around you,
the type of people you attract or your
physical surrounds. Stop trying to change
the world and change who you are.
Your soul chooses to manifest into the physical
body you have today, to create, express and
experience. To be happy and whole you need to do
four things. Here is a brief explanation of two of
things you need to do.
1. Express and nurture yourself.
As a human being you need to express yourself.
Expression means doing what you want to do, what
you feel you have to do and showing the world who
you are as an individual. This is often cloaked in
an emotional cloud. Your path can be obscured by
the powerful 'should' word. People often spend
lifetimes doing what they should do as expressed by
the wishes of their parents or society. "What will
my parents think if I am the singer in a rock and
roll band instead of a lawyer or doctor". Find what
you want to do as expressed by your soul. This is
how you find your power.
Living a life that denies expression and your inner
feelings means that you are not nurturing yourself
and that you are suppressing your feelings.

Suppression gives away your power. When you give

your power to others it enables them to have undue
influence over you. When people have too much power
and influence over you and subconsciously you are
not doing what you want, you feel helpless and
victimized. This causes you to be frightened and
angry. Anger is a symptom of your loss of power.
The easiest way to suppress feelings is to
medicate. Drugs including alcohol and the use of
food are popular methods employed. Emptiness,
boredom and disease are the results of this
process. Not doing what you want means you are not
nurturing yourself this again may manifest in the
abuse of food, alcohol or sex. The substance or
behavior becomes a substitute for nurturing.
2. Love yourself and accept yourself as you are.
You need to accept
you are today. All
and everyone has,
'bad' thoughts. We
ashamed of.

yourself and to love yourself as

of us have thoughts and feelings
or has had, what they consider
have all done things that we are

There is both positive and negative in you. This is

also known as light and dark. You must acknowledge
and accept your dark side to become whole. No
matter what you have done in the past you can
change your behavior today. It is pointless to
wallow in your feelings of guilt as this is based
on the assumption that what you did was wrong. Your
behavior always has a positive intent for you, at
the time.
There is a great self esteem exercise that is very
quick and simple to do. It enables you to
dramatically improve your Self Love, Self Esteem
and Self Acceptance.


It can be found in the Key To Life Manual along

with the other two things that you need to do to be
happy and whole.


Its Fear That Stops You!

"Fear is the foundation of all human
limitations." Benny the Jet
Benny the Jet was a fighter, a kick boxer.
Although very small in stature he has
ventured to fight much larger opponents in
full contact tournaments and he has beaten
them. This is an achievement, which earned
him some acclaim.
Before you say, "hey! I thought that this
carefully and reflect over your life. What
fears have stopped you doing something and
what rewards have you missed out on?
Fear is only an emotion not a brick wall.
You have learnt of goals and setting targets. It is
important to move forward into the direction that
you wish to go. I deliberately use the words 'move
into' because that's what you do. You don't move
towards your goal as if it was a never reachable /
achievable ideal. You literally merge with it. You
move forward and become what you want.
What stops you? Fear.
Fear is an interesting emotion and comes from a
series of thoughts. These thoughts are expressed
and form a picture of what you don't want to
happen. The ideal is to focus on what you do want
to happen. Whatever you focus on you move towards.
Just because you have a series of thoughts that
create an emotion does not mean that you can't act.
The emotion is independent of the ability to act.

Here are some physical examples that illustrate the

If you are about to parachute from an airplane you
may feel fear but you can still perform the action.
A fighter may feel fear whilst he faces his
opponent but he can still perform. You may feel
fear at the thought of public speaking. You can
still actually speak whilst in the company of this
If you look at the pattern of thoughts that precede
the emotion you will see that your focus is on what
you do not wish to happen. There is a direct
correlation between the amount of thought you give
in this direction to the power of your fear. Of
course there are other factors that complicate this
illustration. You may have had a prior negative
experience, which usually increases your fear. I
know if you look closely you will find the same
pattern of thoughts that lead to the emotion of
fear. A thought or series of thoughts have as much
power over you as you give them. It's not always as
easy as the physical examples I have given. For the
relationship between action and emotion is quite
obvious. Here is a more intangible way fear
manifests and stops you moving ahead and into your
Fear of success is prevalent and is often linked to
self-esteem and responsibility. You may not think
you are worthy of success. You may believe that you
are worth less than someone else and therefore are
not deserving of success. Realize that you are
equal as a human being with the rest of humanity
and that no one person is any better or worse than
you. You have your own set of challenges to work
through. You are just as deserving of success as
anyone else. What judgment have you made that limit
your own self-esteem?

When success finally comes you move from an old

pattern that has held you back, to a new pattern.
This can create emotional turbulence in the lives
of those around us. It is important that you
understand that you don't have to hold yourself
back to protect the self-esteem of others. You have
a fear of your own greatness and you can
read more about it in the Key To Life Manual, along
with two other major fears that prevent you moving


Final Words.
"Fear is not of the present, but only of
past and future - which does not exist."
A Course In Miracles
You are often afraid, now, of something
that is imaginary. How much energy do you
something that may never happen, next
week? Do you empower a past negative
situation and let that spoil what you are
doing today?
Your thoughts are yours; only you have the
power to change them. I show you exactly
how to do this in the Key To Life Manual.
The Key To Life Manual teaches you how to get
anything you want. This includes happiness, success
and wealth.
It is honest, hard-hitting information that works,
written by someone who uses it everyday on himself
and real world clients.
It is not just theory!
The manual also explains why normal practice of
goal setting often doesnt work. I teach you secret
techniques that are not generally know and explain
exactly who you are, where you came from and what
the meaning of life is.
Try it for yourself. You cant afford not to.


Business and Lifestyle Coaching

Life Coaching is a special relationship between you
the client and I the coach. As a coach I help
people from all walks of life and each relationship
is different. I guide you in stages at your pace
and I offer you a non-judgmental point of view.
This allows you the recognition of your own
enormous potential.
The result is that you achieve your objectives much
faster than if working alone. I assist you in
finding happiness and a fulfilling stress free
Coaching involves weekly sessions, either in
person or over the telephone. (You can be
anywhere in the world and I can ring you)
I do things a little differently to other
coaches some people say I am a little
psychic. (Youll have to wait and find out
about that one!)
Coaching is about Action!
Putting into practice what you learn.
Here are nine ways you can benefit from my coaching
1. It's about You!
There never has been, there never will be another
YOU. It's important to get it right by fulfilling
your potential. Coaching completely focuses on
you. Unlike attending a training course and
sitting through content that is not relevant to
you. Coaching is 100% focused on your needs and


wants right now. You are the expert in your life

and I bring out your best.
2. You can reach for the Stars
As your coach I help you stretch your boundaries
and venture from your comfort zone. Challenges
can be incredibly rewarding and I offer you a
partnership to set challenging goals and achieve
your potential. Make your goals more important
than the other things that compete for your
attention. How much time do you spend watching
television? How much time do you devote to other
peoples problems? One hour per week with me can
change your life.
3. Spiritual Fulfillment
The process of coaching leads you to question
your internal life and the way you do things. As
an expert in esoteric practice I can show you how
to master your thoughts and emotions giving you
the insight required to find your true path in
life. Your Emotional Intelligence has been found
to be more important to success than IQ and you
can now build your emotional intelligence to a
new level.
4. Focus on Solutions not your Problems
I help you focus on where you want to be and the
best way to get there. By staying firmly focused
on what you want rather than your problems, you
can achieve extraordinary results and many
problems just fade away.
5. Your Education
If you are like most people you love to learn new
things yourself and often you don't trust the

advice of others. As your coach I don't tell you

what to do; rather I help bring out your best,
enabling you to learn from your own experience.
Your emotions can cloud your judgment. As your
coach I don't have an emotional attachment to
your problems and can therefore show an objective
point of view.
Note: If you want to do this yourself try the
Key To Life Manual.
6. Your Success is not an Accident
Developing a step-by-step plan for your goals
dramatically increases your chance of success.
Rather than just throwing yourself at a new idea
I can help you break your goal into smaller
steps. This added depth to your planning makes
starting a whole lot easier and helps keep you
action orientated.
7. Stick to your Plan
If you lead a busy lifestyle, without something
to remind you about your plans it's easy to let
them slide. Staying committed to your plans is
difficult and a professional support structure
helps you stay on track and achieve a result. As
your coach I am that support.
8. Relationships
The answers to many of life's questions are found
in the relationship you have with yourself and
with others. You will learn how to improve your
business relationships, with both customers and
employees. You can dramatically improve your
personal relationships.
9. Accountability and Motivation


With increased accountability your success rate

improves dramatically. Your coach is there to
remind you of where you are going. An expert
motivator I can help you overcome those moments
when it all becomes a little daunting.
Accountability dramatically improves your bottom
line. In dollar terms alone, this one point pays
for years of coaching.
If you are looking for direct personal or business
coaching to really make your world zing! Contact me
direct or via my web site.
Aymen Fares
KTL Enterprises Pty. Ltd.
Suite 49/66 Kingsway
Glen Waverley VIC
Australia 3150
Phone 61 03 9753 6202
Mobile 0418 102 544
Are you still not sure about coaching? Dip your toe
in the water with the Key To Life Manual.


An important point to remember!

Next time you
Argue with your spouse.
Get angry with your children.
Have trouble at work with your employees, your
employer or your work colleagues.
Find yourself without direction.
Have no meaning in your life.
Are stressed about something.
Are experiencing fear, in any way.
Find that you are unhappy.
Find that you have lost motivation.
Are stuck and not taking action.
Are in emotional pain.
That guy on the Internet has the answers!
Even if you dont want the commitment of coaching
you have the option of a How To manual that gives
you all the answers.
I almost forgot
The manual comes with a Lifetime guarantee!
Click here for more information.


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