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P .0 .

Box 49
3515 Aparri, Cagayan


i'l/M Bob Priitt

l^iED^ORD, ORSGCrJ 97501

January 1991

278^4- 3, fdver rtoad

Grants Pass,

M/M Bert Bureros


ForwaHinc ^-jents




The Messages this time will be largely from personal letters from Mary and Bert because the
newsletter they sent did not reach its destination, and it would take almost a month to get

another one in hand. So olease be patient with the Forwarding Agents. The excerpts may not
necessarily be chronologically in order, but the facts and message are valid. We will also
feature news from the Satellite Home, vfe regret that we will not be able to tell you all the
exciting things Mary and Bert would want to share with you.

I know the first thing they would say would be praise to the Lord for His crovision and protect
ion for them, and their joy at the oresence of Christ in their lives. They love the work they
are doing, and are so gratefdl to you who make it oossible with your many ways of supoort, and
your orayers.

They, and you, and the Lord, are a oretty terrific team I

Qaoting:"'/fe had a nice Thanksgiving and Jordan*s birthday on Nov. 3^'th at the Fletchers house.

Bert was not here because

he had gone to Cebu to see how everyone was there.

We (all the

missionaries who could) had roast chicken and some other dressings and I took cornbread dress

ing, olives, cranberries (I was the latest to Manila) blackberry jam, and apole pie. Jordan had
apole pie for his cake. As far as I can remember that is the first time I have ever baked
aople oie, and I must say it was good. The boys sure liked it. I think Jordan would have eaten
a '^ole pie if allowed. We can get red delicious apples here, so that is xdiat I used. Jordan
even peeled most of them while I was trying long sleeved shirts and jackets on the boys (of the

Jacob olayed in the pan of water.

I have not always been a big apple pie fan, but

either these were really good, or it has just been so long they tasted good."

"Bert got home Tuesday night. (Bert's family lives in Santander, Cebu, in the area of Typhoon
Mike that wreaked great damage and loss of life. Ihis typhoon did not reach the island of
Luzon, where the Home is.) Everyone is okay, and praise the Lord our house was not bothered
at all. (Bert has some property near his fathen) Faoa's house has the roof messed up, like
someone squeezed parts of it in their hands, but otherwise okay. A coconut tree fell on his
aunt's house and smashed it, but she was out and the boy was not hurt. His brother also lost"

his roof,

inogene (Carlsonveteran missionary in Cebu with her husband, Ray, deceased) lost

some ceiling, but otherwise okay. The houses around on the way up the hill to her house were
all destroyed so all the people stayed at her place for two days. The house higher up on the
hill lost its roof. Things are really a mess, he said. But not too bad for our friends and
family. The problem for most now is no water or electricity, and it is raining so they are wet,
without their houses or roofs."

"While Bert was in Cebu his wrist all of a sudden swelled and he went to the doctor and he hfad

a cyst, xflhich they removed that same day. So he is somewhat one handed yet. He ^d-ll have the
stitches removed Saturday. It seems to be okay, except his fingers keep swelling."

"Last weekend the electricity was off and so we used thegenerator.

That evening (Sun.) we

noticed the other houses had their lights so we turned off the generator, and had no light.
We found out a line had broken in the wind because it was weak. Ihe winds were not real strong,
but a little because

there was a storm somewhere.

So i t

took them two days to come and check and they told us we
to buy the wi3:*e. So I bought the wire today and

they will be here tomorrow- How thankful we are for the

generator, as it is always raining and we would be in

real trouble for seat covers without it, as well as
short on water, most likely. And it is nice to have

light in the mornings getting up and until bed time.

BABIES Got Jake, a Negrito, 1 month old, yesterday.
The mother could not nurse him and was sick, plus no
food or money. Two days beforethat we got Rodelo. He is

II months, weighs about 11 lbs.

The father was killed




last week by the NPA (New People's Armythe communist

guerillas) and the mother will have a hard time looking
for food.

He has an older brother about 5 but he is with

the mother.


"Recently we had a new body put on our Tamaraw (Jeepney).

It was badly rusted and we were able to set a good price
and so have

a new body.

We still have to finish the

painting, etc., but it is good to not have holes, and

to know the seat won't fall through because of rust.

Dick and Kay Davidson are from Libby Christian Church,

Libby, Montana, and they are in charge of the Satellite
Home in Bagabag, Nueva Vizcaya, about 7 hours by bus from
the main Home. There are 12 children in this home. The
following information is from their recent letters.
"What a terrific year 1990 has been for usit Ihe Lord
has been so faithful to our needs and we have experienced
much answered prayer."
Sarkar Simpliciano

"We are nre^^aring for 3 baotisms for this Sunday (Jan 6).

Gialita's mother and James' mother

and father have confessed Christ as their Savior and are planning to be baptized, we praise the
Lord for His faithful word that convicts people. We will go directly to the river after our
morning service."



"Our Jeep is finished and runs very



The Lord knew what we needed

and what we had money for and led

people that could make

Thre are new parts

and old parts, but i t runs better

be n able'to'^provid^ medicne '^

Satellite Home Childrenminus 2 babies

we needed i t .

Our little Gialita

was in the hospital from Ifec.26-29


and James both had asthmatic bronchial pneumonia.

She was vomiting and had to be on IV's

while James was able to be doctored at home.

Shirley, our child care worker is back with us and
all recoveered from her bout with malaria. She thanks vou
you all for the many prayers,
She is a

de voted Christian lady and a great help to our work here."

"Our dryer is fixed and working well. We have borrowed a bigger transformer from another
missionary that didn't need it for his use anymore. We didn't have to put out a lot of extra
money for it and we are now able to keep up with the diapers during this cool weather. \te
praise God for the weather, though, as it's wonderful for us."

"We're looking at a couple possibilities that would give us a bigger living area and more yard
space. nease, please keep this in your-prayers. -We-want to stay in Bagabag if possible as we're Just beginning to get to know a few people and the community is starting to trust us.

The house we are presently renting has so many problems that we will be leaving it in March or
Aprildrainage problems with an open drainage ditch and only 1 bathroom for 18 people. We
are hoping to be able to take more children, but it's impossible in this present house.
are trusting the Lord to show us what He has for us. "

"All our kindergarten and elementary children went to Aparri for Christmas Day.

excited to be going back and seeing all their friends there.

that's not counting the staff,
hands full from morning to night.

They were so

That home had 118 children and

stayed here with the two babies and believe me we had our
Both babies were ill on Christmas Day and Gia was admitted

to the hospital the next day."

Now back to Mary and Bert: "We praise God that He continues to protect and care for us. Space
does not allow, but He has definitely protected us where there could have been a terrible
traffic accident, protected those in Bagabag when they unkowingly were near some NPA, and

daily protects us as we travel and do His work.

Pray for Pres. Aquino and for this country."

We all include our thanks for all that you do.

In his love,
Bert and Mary

NOTICE! t If you do not wish to continue to receive the newsletter, please cut off the address
section, put it in an envelope and return it to Rogue Valley Christian Church with instructions.
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Permit No- 5^1

Medford, Oregon


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Horizons Magazine
Missions Services
Box 2A27

Knoxville, IN 37901


Forwarding Agents


M/M Bob Pniitt


April 1991

278^^- S. River itoad

Grants Pass, OR 97527


ANGELS REJOICEM "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone,
the new has comel(II Cor. 5:17) ' How we oraise the Lord that as we have come into this new

year many of our children have come as "new creation".

Because you have made it possible for

us to be here we are able to teach these young peoole the love of Jesus Christ and they have


Since the newsletter at the end of September Manuel, Jerry Concencino, Teresa,

Sam Daluoing, Joyce, Wilfrey,

Haricris, Angel, and Gerry Bergonia have accepted Christ as their

Saviour and been baptized. Bssides these children of ours, six neighbors have also been
brought into the family through Jesus Christ. This is what our ministry here is all about, and
we thank and oraise God for all of you and your part in this ministry and these victories for

PROGRESS 'Hfe have been earnestly working on the chapel, and we praise God that because of your
generous gifts we now have it nearly finished. Dec. l6th we held our first service there, on
the dirt floor, rough benches, improvised lights, no windows, etc. Now the floor is in, except"
for the tile, the walls are plastered, window grills on, stage completed, baptismal almost
finished, and we sit on nice benches. How we praise the Lord for all of you who have given
especially for this project. We are happy that some of the money has come from our own congre
gation as well, but are thankful for the extra from you that made it possible for us to complete
this project."

"Praise the Lord, we have finally gotten the submersible pump installed. Our problem now is
that the well can hardly keep up with the pump. But it is doing okay. Thank you to all ^0
have given for this in the past."

"Last Nov. Cindy MDreton from New Zealand came as an intern.

What a blessing she was

to us. Cindy is one of those peoole who fits in, sees things to do, seeks no attention, has
eyes and heart for others. How we all enjoyed having her with us for 3 months. We were sad to
see her go home last Feb. and xre miss her. Pray for the Lord's leading in her life as she
finishes her education and seeks the snecial place of ser/ice the Lord has for her."

"We were also

sad to see Lolo (&?andpa) Hugh Kafton go home to the States last Jan.

But we

are happy to hear that he is olanning to come back and join us again, and for a longer time,
when all arrangements are made. Pray for his olans also. Hugh is a registered nurse with much
experience, and a great help to us."

SORROWS AND JOYS In the last several months there have been many changes in the population of
the Home. Rodelo,l? yrs., came for 4 days, then died of pneumonia. Little Jerry Allicuman,
a Negrito, died very suddenly of undetermined causes.

And then there was Arlene.

"Just two

weeks ago Arlene was brought to us, 20 hours old and weighing 2.9 lbs. How tiny, but beautiful.'
The mother is a widow, and this child was unwanted. At first we fed Arlene with a dropper, but
after 2 days she was able to suck the bottle. On Fri. I noticed she had turned yellow, so we
took her for a check-uo, but the Dr. said she was okay, that it was normal. The next day she
seemed very weak, and seemed to stop breathing.

We rushed her to the Dr. and she had stopped

breathing, but he revived her and she looked good again. But within a few hours
from this world to join the Lord in heaven. We were all deeply saddened because
us, but we know she is better off than we are." The hearts of Bert and Mary are
losses such as these, but they are thankful they have the opportunity to try to

she had passed

she had left
grieved by
save the


There have been several additions to the family: Jake, 3 weeks old, 3


more Marcelino boys (they already had the 3 youngest boys from this

father-abandoned family), beautiful Flor, 6 mos. And then, "JonJon,

about 18 mos., severely mal-nourished. He was not yet able to stand;


his legs and face xgere very swollen from edema, but he was very thin.
After his check-up he was out on medication. He had a very,very severe

urinary tract infection. In 4 days he made great improvement, but the

mother came back and insisted on taking him home. Even the DSWD (welfare dept.) tried to discourage her, but it was useless. We have not
heard how he is doing, but have certainly prayed for him.

* s

1 '

very thin, the size of a 3 or 4 mo. old. He is a good eater, so will


quickly recover.

SATELLITE NEWS "They received 3

He was very

neglected." Next came handsome Darin, 1 mo. old, and Medarlo 4, and
Lonalyn 7, abandoned children. Lastly came Nelson, 17 mos.,a Negrito,

was severely anemic.


.1 v .

. old Grail Marie ;dio looks fat, but II

The mother had died at birth and the father was

trying to care for her.

She is fine now.


Just last week 11 mo. old

twins joined their family. They are about the size of 2 mo. old and
just maybe 2 weeks from death in their present conditions and situa-


tion. January, Fred and


twins almost 7 yrs. old, who had been in

the Home for 6 yrs., went home to their parents.

Pray for them to

remember the Lord and be a light to their family." There have been
"new creations" in Bagabag also, as 3 adults were baptized recently.
new building for the Satellite Home.



Very sick
sick JonJon
They are still seeking a

"We are seriously looking into starting an A. C. E. (Accelerated Christian Education) school here:
using our chaoel building. Please be in prayer about this with us. It would be a good thing
for many of our children.''

IM MI HA13E . . "Several times idien we were in the States I was asked why we did not just
have a feeding program instead of the Home. The answer is that our children come from such a
wide area. Bit we have now started a feeding program in a Negrito village named Ganzano, idiere


peoole were in severe poverty and ill health.

In the past these people lived from the

mountains, but because of the dwindling forests and the insurgence problem" (Communist gueTrillas)
they are not able to do that, and so are harder up then ever.

Through the months rice has been

given to us to use for this project, and we supplied the protein to go with it (this is just
once a week). We were challenged to start by the testimony of some old women who shared that
they walked the distance to the nearest chapel fto save their 3 pesos that they would use for

fare to give for their offering.

So we visited} them and saw a real desire for spiritual teach

ing and need for physical nourishment. In the past months around 12 from the village have been
baptised and their chapel they built has been enlarged 3 times. We praise the Lord that the

Mayor of the town, Gattaran, and his brother hajve been a great help in this project and have
donated land for resettlement, school and farming.

This is a great blessing to this community.

They are in the process of building their new homes (of native materials) and we helped them

put in a pump, well, and comfort rooms. This i^ the hope of a future for these people. Hope
fully, a school will be opening there in June.

This project is in need of funding, as we do not want to use Children's Home funds for it, as
they are designated for the Home. There is nee^ for medicine and. food as they work to build
their homes, chapel, and school, and other things. Since we started there the death rate for
their babies has been 100^.

We pray that as the conditions improve so will their health.

(Hugh was a great help in this project while hej was here.) Satan has tried in many ways to

attack, as they are showing great spiritual interest, but again we praise God that He has been
victorious in it all.

If you want to designate funds for this project, please mark it on

your check."

"We would like to express our thanks for all of you for the wonderful Christmas you

gave us. We received many cards and gifts, and funds designated for the Christmas of the
Home. Because of your gifts to us we were able to purchase gifts for all the children (back
packs for elementary boys, new dresses for the girls and older children, new clothes for the

kindergarten children, and toys for the smallerj ones) and have a delicious dinner of chicken,
spaghetti, fruit salad, ice cream and apples. (Wb were also able to bake more than 1,000
cookies and make popcorn balls. The kids said we weren't having Christmas until we started
the baking. They really look forward to that.) And we had a little money left over to make

us a delicious New Year's dinner as well.

We also received several boxes of gifts sent by

mail. Unfortunately, some of them arrived after Christmas, but that made the party last longer.
Thank you all so much. We pray our kids will learn to be generous as they experience your
generosity to them."

"Thank you to all of you for your wonderful faithful supnort for theHorae through financial
-^rfts, prayers,- and- jLtemssuchas-toys and -clujbhesjYou .ar .ell _sp _impoi^ant in_you oim way^
to this ministry. We praise the Lord for you and ask His blessing on you."
Please oray for:



Additional staff (Christian, if possible)

Summer activities (camps, DVBS, Conventions, etc.) and our strength and patience with all

the children home for the summer, including 10 teens or near teens.


The Ganzano project

A.C.E. School plans
5. Our new Christians,and older ones, also,,to be strong
6. Kharen's eye surgery, which has been postponed because of illness and heart murmur.
7. A new house for the Satellite (Bagabag) Home
Give praise for;


The continued construction of the chapel


The end of the Mid-East war


Our faithful supporters

Our new Christians

5. New life in God's Son. In this letter we have gone from celebrating His birth to the^

time to remember His death, burial, and resurrection. Praise be to God for sending His
Son to be our Savior, and for the joy and puroose we have in life as we live it for Him.'
In Christ's love and service,
Bert and Mary

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid


li|40 S. OAKDALB




Permit No. 5^1

Medford, Oregon


Address Correction Requested

Horizons Magazine
Missions Services
Box 2427

Knoxvllle, IN 37901



Forwarding Agents
M/M Bob Pruitt


July 1991

278^1- S. River Road

Grants Pass, OR 9752?

M/M Bert Bureros

P.O. Box 49
3515 Aparri, Cagayan


"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly

realms with every soiritual blessing in Christ.

For he chose us in him before the creation of

the world to be holy and blameless in his sight."

SUMMER NEWS Our summer vacation has ended; the children are back in school.

very busy summer, full of blessings.

It has been a

There have been several conventions, Vacation Bible Schools

and orograms, 3 weeks of camo, a weekend youth retreat held here in our chapel building, trips
to Manila and Cebu, visitors, etc., etc. But the greatest blessing ofthe summer was having a
summer of very minimal problems with 108 children here, and 10 of those teen-agers. The children

were very good, doing their work throughout the summer and staying out of trouble. We praise
the Lord for that and thank you who were praying soecifically for this, vie had the 8 school-age
children from Bagabag here, James Paul who is studying in the DEAF school, and all 99 of ours.

There have again been additions to the Lord's family, ^rv Grace. Homy, and Barok accepted the
Lord and were baptized, as well as Edwin (the uncle of 6 of our boys, ^dio has been living here
since Dec. He lost a leg in an accident and had no where to go while he overcame his depression
and got ready to face life again), and Wilraa, one of the "Aunties" in the Bagabag Home. She is
actually the niece of Bert, and has since returned to her home. Please keep these brothers
and sisters in orayer as they grow in the Lord."
At the time Mt. Pinatubo eruoted we were in Manila and very thankful that we were far from the
Mt. There was a lot of ash that fell in Manila (like fine sand) and some has gone as far north
as the Children's Home, but ve nraise the Lord that we do not suffer from it. There are so many

of oeo-nle without home, food, and land because of this disaster."

POPULATION INFORMATION; Our family has grown in numbers. Laurice.5, Cristian, 4, and Cherry
Ann, 2, all in one family, came to us in great need. They were 3rd degree malnourished. Only
Cristian was able to walk,

Lord, is now walking.

none could walk.

and just barely.

Laurice has slight cerebral palsy, but praise the

When they were found by the DSWD (Welfare Dent.) and taken to the hospital

They were hospitalized for three weeks before coming to us,

and they were still

skin and bones. Now, thanks to all of your wonderful supoort and prayers, they are nice and
healthy and all walking. The parents were separated and the father was working, but drank a lot.
The sister, 11 years old, was taking care of them, but there was no food. Next came Jovelie,

1 mo., oretty and tiny.

Her mother was confined in a mental hosoital when she gave birth and

could not care for the baby.

The father did not show uo, so they brought the baby to us.


had sent word to the father, but because of much wPA (Communist guerillas) activity in his area
he was not able to coTne out-

He has left the baby with us for a while, since he

had the mother

released and must adjust himself to her care. He is also taking care of a bed-ridden brother.
Bert brought Barok from Cebu. He has been living with Bert's aunt since he was very small, but

some of the peoole there would not accent him because of his background, and he was having a hard
time. He is hanny here vrfiere he is loved and accented by all. He is a very bright boy and
loves the Lord. Barok is 11 years old. SATELLITE BABIES: "Peter and Pablo, 1 yr. old twins
from Banaue, Ifugao,(mt, area) joined the Bagabag family. They were 3rd degree malnourished,
and would not have lasted long." Dick and Kay Ebvidson, managing the Satellite home were asked

had^mosquito^bites all-overtheir

by the Social Worker to go get the twins.

uation that turned out to be.

chipmunks from malnutrition.

slow for them.

Those ^oor

Quoting from Davidscnfe letter: "What an awful sit

babies looked to be about 2 mos. old with cheeks like



Then came Rosalie.

18 mos^ Sie comes from a very sad

background where the mother, aunt

Satellite Home children, except for babies

(12 yrs. old), and nossibly even hepself, have suffered from sexual abuse.

She has been very

fearful of men, but has warmed up to Lolo (Grand'^a) Eick (Ebvidson) and is a happy girl now.
She was somewhat malnourished also, but last reoort

she was about to walk.

Some have written asking about funding for the Bagabag (Satellite) Home.

They are just a branch

of the first Home, and their funding comes from the general Children's Home fund.

There have

been funds designated specifically for Ifugao and those have been saved and/or used for repairs,
equioraent, furniture, etc., or "for future needs of rent, etc.

Right now the Davidsons are paying

the rent from their funds, but the other exoenses come from the eeneral fund.

We are still pray

ing and looking for a larger building for them. |They are getting very crowded. We thought we
were going to get a building built several years ago by the government to be used as a hotel,
but that is still uncertain. So please keep this need in your prayers, ive are thankful that
the owner of the house we are now using has allowed us to continue there.

HELPING HAtjDS We were very hapoy last May ^dien Hugh Kafton rejoined us in our work.

gone ^ months and is back into the swing of things and keeping busy.
ward to the arrival of Linda Van Wormer. an intern from CA.

He was

We are also looking for

She was to arrive in r^nila June 20,

since Mt. Finatubo decided to blow up she has been delayed.

PROJECTS The Ganzano Project (among displaced, poverty-stricken Negritos) has really taken off
and the Lord is blessing it.

Sunday will be the one year anniversary of that project of preach

ing Christ and feeding the hungry. There have b^en many baptisms, both among the Negritos
(Agtas) and the Ilocanos.

We oraise the Lord that the brother of the mayor donated land for the

Negritos to put up permanent houses, and also land to farm. There will be a school in the
futurethis year just kindergarten. They now have a hand pumo for clean water (thanks to

designated gifts) and a carabao (water buffalo) f^or farming their land. Fbney was designated

for the carabao, so we sold them our carabao and ^sed the money to purchase a large hand tractor

for our own land. The government is also giving a female carabao, but have been delayed be
cause of the distance the animal is comingfrom and transporting difficulties. We praise the
Lord that some brethren from New Zealand have also joined in the financial needs for this pro
ject. If you would like to give for this project olease designate it on your gift. The
government also sent oeople to teach t hem basket weaving and weaving of reeds into hats, mats,
etc., so they are already beginning to be able to have some income. Please keep this project
in your nrayers."

Before our furlough in 1989 a olan was made to se|t ud a Campground on land that Bert had in
herited from relatives, in Cebu (on the beach).

This was to be set uo by churches and indivi

duals who wanted to put up cabins. We have out up one, and a friend of Bert's, who also gave
some land, out uo one, and other work has been done with funds given by friends in the States.
We are making this another extension of the Home, but only on a designated fund basis. They
have held camp there twice, using tents, lean-tos , etc. This summer there were more than 100
campers and 5 were baptized.

This is far from the Home, and our children, at this time, cannot

benefit from it, but we praise the Lord others can and hope ours will be able to some day.

is a beautiful place with a lot of potential (anjather Camp Wi-Ne-Ma?).



This year we are beginning our own school, Jurisdiccion Christian Learning

Center, us ing the A.C.E. (Accelerated Christian p3ucation) curriculum. We will be having our
training Seminar in Sept., and will really be able to begin. Right now we are having classes
with our children who were to be in first grade and 4 other children who were having a very

difficult time in school. We do not, have-^ll the|matarials-and curriculum, but are beginning

anyway, so that we will not have to transfer them later.

All together there are 13 students,

including Dolores (C. P. child), who loves it. Next year we will have all our elementary kids.
I (Mary) am acting as the teacher at the moment, but not forever. Please pray for this project

Other school children include 22 in our beginning and advanced kindergarten,

17 in

elementary, 10 in high school (5 will graduate), |one in Seminary and one in University.
Bagabag has 8 in elementary.

How we praise the Lord for each of you who uphold us in prayer and financially so that we may
give life, education and especially spiritual training to these children and others we are
able to help. Without you this would be impossible. Thank you each one for 7/our love and
dedication and faith in the Lord that He will continue to meet your needs as well,

vve have had

a lot of added expenses, but our Lord is able and we so appreciate each of you for helping
make it possible. May the Lord's blessings fill your lives as you have blessed us here. May
His Name be glorified and honored in all things.
Please pray for our new Christians, for our strength, wisdom, and patience to accomplish our
goals, and for resources to meet our many needs, We praise the Lord for all He has done for
us a l l .

* Cagayan Valley Children's Home exhibit. National *

* Missionary Convention Nov. 1-3, Springfield, IlI *

Bobby Pruitt will be there t






Your partners in Christ

Bert and Mary

Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 561
Medford, Oregon


Horizons Magazine
Mission^ Services
Box 2427

Knoxvllle, TN 37901

Forwar-iiin^ Agents
i'l/M Bob Pruitt
2784 S. River Road
Grants Pass, OR 9752?

M/M Bert Bureros


P.O. Box 49
3515 Aparri, Cagayan



October 1991

"Because of His great love for us, God,who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when
we were dead in transgressions. . For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do
-^ood works, which God oreoared in advance for us to do," (Eoh. 2:4, 5 10)
now we oraise God for His love and mercy for us and for you, who,by your good works of faithful
prayer and giving, make it possible for us to do good works of caring for these children and

sharing the love and mercy of Jesus Christ with them, 'v^ithout your help we could not be caring
for these children, vfe are also very grateful to those who have given designated funds for the
Ganzano project so we can continue to help our Agta brothers and sisters.

FAJ'dlLY NEWS: In the last 3 months we have received 6 new children in Lal-lo (Main Home), First
Marcelino, 7 mos, old, 3rd degree malnourished. The father had left
the family before the baby was bom and with 5 children the mother was

having a veiy difficult time, Marcelino could not sit up by himself and
could barely turn over. Praise the Lord his now nice and chubby and about

to sit up.

In mid Sept. Anthony , 6 yrs. and Ann-Ann. 4, were brought by

their widowed mother so she could go to Manila and find work and a place to
live. The other children are living with relatives. She hones to get them :
all back together soon.

Ihen came Joey, about 3

Jenny Bee, about 4

It seems the mother had mental problems and had left home with her

4 children and went to her mother's, leaving the oldest there.

Then she wasi

trying to sell her other 3 and someone who knew of us rescued them and

brought them all to the Home. "Diey all slept there that night (Sat.) and

Sunday while church service was going on the mother left with the older
child, just leaving Joey and Jenny Bee in the room. Until now she has not
returned. They are sweet kids. Then came Christian Angelo, 20 days old,

His mother is a rehabilitated mental patient without home or job. The

baby is illegitimate. Thank you to all of you who help us to help these
children. Pray they will all feei and know the love of our Lord,

Marcelino, 7 months
with mother

Our sad news is that Michael, our first child in the Home, is no longer
with us. He had been warned up to the last warning, and having gone against the rules one too
many times, we had to let him go from the responsibility of the Home. It was a very hard thing,

after 14 years, to tell him he had io leave, but he knows the Lcrd"His Word,
and we just pray that he follows it.

love, and will

At the moment he is in need of a lot of prayer, a young man

(17 yrs.) out on his own for the first time in a world full of temptations which are pulling him
very strongly.

Please pray for him.

In Bagabag (Satellite Home) things are going well.

The family there has not changed, except some

change in staff, Bit a new place to live seems to be on hold now. It appeared we were going to
get the hotel building, but then a couple things came up that make it impossible for the time


We are just trusting the Lord to work it out, for the same building, or another place.

Seems He has said "Let's wait a while."

It will be interesting to see what He does in the future.

We are also still in need of a chaplain for the satellite Home and ask you would continue to pray

for these needs, Dick and Kay I^vidson will be going on furlough for 6 months starting in July,

Please keep their plans in your prayers,


We have gotten the first report cards from school and most of the children are doing

wellbetter than last year. Our plans for the A.C.E, school are coming along. Three of us have
taken the training, but our chaplain,vrfio will be the principle, was not yet able to (he will in

Nov.) because his father died just before the scheduled time.

signed, but we are expecting it this week.


Our contract has not yet been

We were inspected this week for our facilities and

Please praythis will be excellent for our children and the community in the future.

It will cost us about $300 to set up for our beginning students this year, then there will be the
continuing costs of running a school.

AuvENTURE n 1f when we went down to Manila in Sept. to take the A.C.E.' training, we (Bert, Mary,
Jordan, Jacob, Nilda, our helper, and RonQr, our assistant pastor) left on the bus Monday evening

at 5sOO, expecting to be in Manila about 12 hours later. About 4-|- hrs. on the way our bus broke
down, but we were able to transfer before too long.

There were 4 seats left when we got onone

near the front (for Romy) and 3 ^t the way back, where we sat with the boys and all our luggage,
and some other that was already there.

To make a long story short,

on the trip because of some problem in the road.

taken 5 to 6 hours.
saw us through.

bus I



we ended up being 22 hours

The last I6 hrs, distance-'wise, should have

We were not able to straighten our legs most of that time, ^t the Lord

Cur boys were so good, even with lack of food.

Boy, were we happy to be off the

to say, we flew home.

Our intern, Linda, finally arrived 2 weeks late, due to airport closure because of Mt.

Pinatubo's eruptions.

After a short 6 wks. she returned to her work in the States.

We enjoyed

her visit and help at both Homes and her good rapport with the children. We hope she was blessed
by her visit as much as we were. Now we are looking forward to the arrival of Michel 1e, from

Idaho, aie is planning to stay at least a year and help in the A.C.E. also, as she has ^en a
monitor before. She will be arriving Oct. I6. Cindy. from NEw Zealand is planning to come back,
and ^ve, also from there will be arriving Nov. 8. Please keep these people in your prayers.

The Ganzano Fro.ject is going well.

We are continuing the feedinsr Drograra, thanks to you who have

designated funds for that. The kindergarten is going fine, there are 6 in public school, the
?^ral -ealth
Dept.has promised monthly community service, and they just finished a refiner
course in their weaving. A buyer is in the process of working on getting a steady supply from
them, so keer) this in your rrayers. Again, thank you to you who are helping to keep this ministry

Because several heloed a down payment, the YOUTH CAi^iHGRDUl^iD in Cebu was able to acquire
another piece of land adjoining the campground.(Actually belonged to Bert*s Uncle in years past.)
The Lord brought this to our attention just as some tourist developers also became aware. The
lady was offered 240,000 pesos but sold it to the camp for 180,000 pesos (approximately $6,666).
Please pray for these needed funds to come in.

Piany of you have asked if we were affected by the volcano. We were not, but thousands have been,
including our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is a very sad thing, a lot of loss and grief,
and these people need our prayers.

At the time of this writing I (Mary) am in Manila with our Lolo (Grandpa) Hugh Kafton.
not been feeling well for 3 wks. and feels he should return to the States.

Hugh has

We will miss him

here very much (he is a retired nurse, helping us). He will always be a part of us, whether he
comes back or not.
CLOTHING MEEDS that we have are shorts and T shirts, or tank tops, for boys and girls, especially
ages 4-10. We can always use color books, chewatle vitamins, books for babies (soft and washable,
or the thick kind) and summer pajamas, especially for boys .
Here, as everywhere, inflation is a problem. Prices are going up and the exchange rate is going
down. We thank the Lord for sup>-lying all our needs through you wonderful people who lovingly,
faithfully, and sacrificially give to keep this mnistry going. We thank the Lord for each one of

you. We know financial problems are the same in [other countries as they are here.

Please pray

with us for the Lord's continued supply of our needs, as He has promised.

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all."

(II Cor. 13:14



We have received our permanent resident visasno more paperwork!


The good training for the A.C.E. school and all we learned.


For the wonderful love of our Lord Jesus and the way He blesses our lives with


God's continued provision, care, and protectilon.

strength and





The approval and needed funds to start our school.

The preparation and adjustment of the interns.


The funds needed for daily expenses.

Ihe chaplain and residence for the Satellite Home in Bagabag.

Hie funds needed for the final payment of the camp property.
In Christ's Service,

Bert and Mary

Remember: Visit Cagayan Valley Children's Home eidiibit, #806, when you are at the National
Missionary Convention November 1-3, anci meet Bobby Pruitt.
***** ^******,^v*********** **********






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