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they will reach out for Me in their nothingness and find

that I have already left them with My bride in My arms

I AM YOUR LORD JESUS. HERE ARE MY away to safety. They will have clung too tightly to the
world and only to discover the world cant save them
and the only One who can has stepped over the
The world stands in disbelief that I am coming.
threshold with HIS bride and closed the door
They trifle with Me. Their disbelief is incredible. I AM permanently behind HIM.
true to My Words. If ever
there was someone true to
They will then turn and face the horrors of what
their words, it would be MeI
they are left to live with. The only escape will be
death. Many think My message is too harsh. Many
think I am too frightening with
Do they think they can toy
My harsh warnings. Soon the
with Me? The people carry on
reality will set in and the
in their sin as always. They
warnings that should have been
look up from their sinful activities, notice something
heeded will do no good. The
differentthey notice different tribulation in the earth. harshness of My warning will
It doesnt trouble them a bit. They explain it away.
only be a memory as reality sets
There is always an explanation. They call it all sorts in as to what the world has become.
of things, but to admit there is a GOD Who is angry
with their sin is too much truth for them to grasp.
That would hit home too much. Then they would be
guilty of the lifestyles they lead in front of a HOLY
Evil will run like a rushing river over everyone in its
GODtoo much for them to admit to. Then there
path consuming and terrorizing everyone. Life will be
would be a need to repent and surrender to MEa
so harsh, answers wont be easy. Peace and serenity
HOLY GOD. They cant have it. They want to carry
will be gone. Life will be difficult. No one will be
on in their sinfulness too much.
unaffected. It will encompass everything and
everyone. The earth will be demonized and the enemy
MY LUKEWARM CHURCH LIVES IN DENIAL AS will blanket the earth. I am telling you the truth.
They are also blind to truth. They need to wake
up before it is too lateshake off the earth they have
I cannot tolerate this earth anymore. All are
grown too comfortable with.
by evil. You cannot escape it. If you are My
They want to cling to it and its
follower, you see sin and evil at
evil ways. It is their great
every turneverywhere you go.
pacifier. It sickens Me the way
they cling and grasp the world
Come to Me now. The hour is
and all its iniquities. They hold
on with both hands tightly. Soon
closing. Evil man wants to control
the earth and whoever stands in
the earth will crumble and fall
apart between their tight grasp
their way. Dark clouds are rolling in.
The world is crumbling. Even those
and they will be standing there holding nothing and
Letter dictated by the LORD JESUS to Susan of USA on November 11, 2010*

who call themselves Christians believe My Words in

My Book are empty phrasesempty promises. They
enjoy My Book as if it is lovely fables to teach with
and forget that My Word stands the test of time.
My Word stands. My
Word is the standard. Turn
back to it. Dont revile it.
Embrace it. Soon My Word
will be hidden from men and
truth will be a precious, hardto-find commodity in a world
gone mad over evil and lies.
Clean yourself up in My blood, My precious
blood. Repent, surrender all to Me. I will save you
from utter despair. This is My desperate plea. Quit
following men. Turn to GOD. Turn to Me, JESUS. I
am the Way, the Truth, the Life. You must turn now.
Please turn to Me now. I cant wait much longer. I
love you so much, but I must leave with My bride
very, very soon. Dont be left to face the worst
because you think all is well and everything is fine.
You feel in your spirit that
evil runs around you
unchecked. You know that
the world is hanging by a
thread to stay together and
that the world is teetering on
a thin line and that
destruction is at the door.
You see prophecies given in
My Book long ago coming to pass.

PLEASE PULL THE COVERS BACK FROM OVER 3Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do
YOUR HEAD, AND PULL YOUR HEAD OUT OF evil, who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor
malice in their hearts.
I AM TRUTH. There is no other truth. All the evil
delusions that you spend your time on that keeps
you from seeing things the way they truly are will not
save you in this late hour. It is not yet too late. Wake
up now.
Men cannot save youmoney cannot save you
your possessions cannot
save youfalse teachings
cannot save youpagan
religions cannot save you. I,
JESUS can save you. I am
the only way. I am the
narrow path. Get to the
narrow pathcome to ME!
Come away with ME to safety, beauty, love, peace,
salvation, truth, holiness, life everlasting.
Do not trivialize My warnings. Put down your idols
and turn to Me. Your wooden idols will not save you.
I am alive. I can save you. I am desperately pleading
with you. Let My love consume you. Find safety and
peace. These are My offerings O lost men. Come to
your senses. These words are true.
Your only LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS
The LORD said to add this Scripture with the letter
Psalm 28 (NIV)

4Repay them for their deeds and for their evil work; repay
them for what their hands have done and bring back upon
them what they deserve.
5Since they show no regard for the works of the Lord and
what his hands have done, he will tear them down and
never build them up again.


6Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy.

7The Lord is my strength and my
shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am
helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will
give thanks to him in song.
8The Lord is the strength of his people,
a fortress of salvation for his anointed
9Save your people and bless your
inheritance: be their shepherd and
carry them forever.
*Dear Friends of Christ:
This is a series of letters that Sabrina of Belgium and Susan of the U.S. have
received from the LORD. The LORD brought them together approximately three
years ago from two parts of the globe to do HIS end time work. They both did not
know what this work would involve until just recently. Except for the images and
the Bible translation which, in original is in KJV, the words printed here are exact
copy of the letter dictated to these two daughters of the Lord.
Please share these words with your friends and families.

Turn to JESUS


Before it's too late!

An open letter from
the One who loves you most
Before the great and
dreadful day

1To you I call, O Lord my Rock; do not turn a deaf ear to

me. For if you remain silent, I will be like those who have
gone down to the pit.
2Hear my cry for mercy as I call to you for help, as I lift up
my hands toward your Most Holy Place.

Don't be left behind!

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