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Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus

Del Remedio, San Pablo City
Graduate Studies and Applied Research
Summer Class 2015-2016
Course Code: EM 208

Topic: Work Teams and Groups

Reporter: Jenaluz P. Mendoza
Major: MAED- Educational Management
Professor: Cirilo A. Puyo

Work Teams and Groups

Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, and Working together is success! Henry Ford
TEAMS Mature groups with a degree of member interdependence and motivation to achieve a common goal.
A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common mission, performance
goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.
GROUP Two or more individuals interacting with each other to accomplish a common goal.
Two or more people with common interests or objectives.
1. Norms of behaviour
The standards that work group uses to evaluate the behaviour of its members. These norms may be
written or unwritten, verbalized or not verbalized.
2. Group Cohesion
The interpersonal glue that makes members of a group stick together. Group cohesion can enhance
job satisfaction for members and improve organizational productivity.
3. Social Loafing
The failure of a group member to contribute personal time, effort, thoughts, or other resources to the
group. This may create a real drag on the groups efforts and achievement.
4. Loss of Individuality
A social process in which individual group members lose-awareness and its accompanying sense of
accountability, inhibition, and responsibility, for individual behaviour.
Why people Form Group?
Need Satisfaction, Proximity, Attraction, Goals, and Economics
Group Formation

1. Formal Groups are sometimes called official or assigned groups (Command Group or Task Group), formal
groups gather to perform various task and include an executive and staff, standing committees of the board of
directors, project task forces, and temporary committees.
2. Informal Groups may be called unofficial or emergent groups (Interest Group or Friendship Group), informal
groups evolve in the work setting to gratify a variety of member needs not met by formal groups.
Stages of Group Development
1. Mutual Acceptance In this stage the focus is on the interpersonal relations among the members. Members
asses one another with regard to trustworthiness, emotional, comfort, and evaluate acceptance. Once team
members establish a comfortable level of mutual trust and acceptance they can focus their attention on the work
of the group.
2. Decision Making Planning and Decision making occur during the second stage of a groups development. The
focus turns from interpersonal relations to decision-making activities related to the groups task accomplishment.
Specifically, the group must make decisions about what its task is and how to accomplish that task.
3. Motivation and Commitment In this stage the group has largely resolved the interpersonal and task issues.
Member Attention is directed to self-motivation and the motivation of other group member for task
accomplishment. Some members focus on the task function of initiating activity and ensure that the work of the
group really gets moving. Other members contribute to motivation and commitment within the group through
maintenance functions such as supporting, encouraging, and recognizing the contributions of their teammates or
through establishing the standards that the team may use in evaluating its performance and members.
4. Control and Sanctions In its final stage of development, a group has become a mature, effective, efficient,
and productive unit. The group has successfully worked through necessary interpersonal, task, and authority
Summarize of the stages of group development we have the following;
Forming - Group member get to know each other and reach common goals.
Storming - Involves redefinition of the groups task and overall goals.
Norming - Strong degree of mutual attraction, commitment and feelings of group identity.
Performing - Focuses its energies, efforts and commitments on accomplishing the tasks.
Adjourning - Involves the termination of group activities. A functioning group or team is able to disband once the
work tasks are completed.
Relates to the extent to which group members are alike
Group composition can influence outcomes
Group can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous
Homogeneous group members share a number of similar characteristics
Heterogeneous group members have few or no similar characteristics.
Each position in the group structure has an associated role that consists of the behaviours expected of the
occupant of that position.

Standards shared by members of a group
They may be written and sometimes communicated verbally
In groups, norms relates to productivity
Leader exerts influence over the other members of the group
Viewed as a respected and high status member
Lead others in the group to accomplish the goals
Closeness or commonness of attitude, behaviour and performance
Force in between the group members
It is the pressure on the individual member to remain active in the group and resist leaving it.
Mature group comprising people with interdependence, motivation and a shared commitment to accomplish
Good when performing complicated, complex, interrelated and/or more voluminous work than one person can
Good when knowledge, talent, skills and abilities are dispersed across organizational members
Environment and collaboration; not power and competition.
Quality Circles & Teams
Quality Team a team that is part of an organizations structure and is empowered to act in its decisions
regarding product and service quality.
Quality Circles - a small group of employees who works voluntarily on company time, typically one hour per
week, to address work related problem such as quality control, caused reduction, production planning and
techniques, and even product design.
A comparison of the New Team Environment versus the Old Work Environment
Person come up with initiatives


Person follows orders

Team has considerable authority to chart its own steps.

Team depends on the manager to chart its course.

Members form a team because people learn to

collaborate in the face of their emerging right to think for
themselves. People both rock the boat and work

Members were a team because people conformed to

direction set by the manager. No one rock the boat

People cooperating by using their thoughts and feelings.

They link up through direct talk.

People cooperated by suppressing their thoughs and

feelings. They wanted to get along.


Psychological Intimacy emotional and psychological closeness to other team or group members.
Integrated Intimacy - closeness achieved through tasks and activities.
Self-Managed Teams
Teams that make decisions that were once reserved for managers. Small groups of individuals empowered to
perform certain activities based on procedures established and decisions made within the team, with minimum or
no outside direction.
Need to be consistent with the organizations.:
- Business requirements
- Values and goals
- Competencies
Multicultural Teams
Multicultural groups represent three or more ethnic backgrounds. Diversity may increase uncertainly, complexity,
and inherent confusion in group processes. Culturally diverse groups may generate more and better ideas and limit group
Factors Influencing Team Effectiveness
Skill for Team Members to be Effective:
Emotional stability
Problem-solving abilities
Communication skills
Conflict resolution skills
Steps for Managers to Help Ensure Team Work:
1. Keep the team size as small as possible
2. Make certain that a sufficient range of skills, information, and/or experience to do the tasks exists among team
3. In still in the team a sense of common purpose.
4. Give the team leeway to develop its own set of work procedures without outside interference.
5. Help developed a sense of mutual accountability.


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