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Submitted to the English Departement of

Puworejo Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfilment of
The requirement to Obtain Sarjana Pendidikan Degree







Submitted to the English Departement of

Teacher Training and Educational Faculty of
Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement to Obtain
The Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Approved by :

The Dean of Techer Training

The Consultant

Drs. H. Hartono, M.M.

NIP. 19540105 198103 1 002

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

NBM. 877081






Accepted by the Board of Educationers of Faculty of Teacher Training

And Educational Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo and
Declared to Have Fulfilled the Requirement to Acquire Sarjana Pendidikan
Degree in English Education on February 29 th, 2012

Board Examiners :


First Examiner

: Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.


Second Examiner

: Sri Widodo, S.S


Third Examiner

: Ismawati Ike N, M.Hum


The Dean of Faculty of Techer

Training and Educational Science

The Chairman of Study Program

of the English Education Departement

Drs. H. Hartono, M.M.

NIP. 19540105 198103 1 002

Semi Sukarni, M.Pd.

NBM. 877081



I who sign bellow


: Yuliatun Chasanah

Student Number

: 112120359

Study Program

: English Education Departement


: Teaching vocabulary using English song published By.

Z.E. Majeed For Sixth Grade Students of Elementary

Declare that this paper is absolutely my own and the contents of the paper is not
written by someone else, expect some parts which follow the wrtitten rule and
ethics of thesis. If is proved that this statement is incorrect, this entirely becomes
my responsibility


Juli 2012

Yuliatun Chasanah




It is only Alloh who helps us and he is the best protector (QS. Ali Imron : 173)

The bright of tommorow is what to do of today (William Shakespare)

God never change people fate expect they attempt to change it themselves

Where there is a will, there ia a way


With gratitude and love, this paper is dedicated to :

My beloved father (Mr. H. Djaeni) and mother (Mrs. Hj. Rochatijah) in memoriam.
My beloved husband (Fadli Effendi Akhmad Suyudi, S.Ag.) and daughters
(Salsabila Rizki Fadillah and Syifa Nur Fadillah) thanks for their prayer, support and
All my dearest sisters and brother, all my sisters and brothers thanks for their
support and encouragement.
All lecturers and staves in UMP who help me in finishing this paper
My headmaster, teachers and staffs MTs N Kebumen 2 thanks for their kindness
and support.


Alhamdulillah Robbil alamin, All praise be to Alloh almighty, the

beneficent, and the Merciful. Only by his Grace and Blessing has the writter been
able to finish this paper.
By accomplishment of her paper, the writter would like to express her
special appreciation and gratitude to :
1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd. As the Rector of Muhammadiyah Purworejo
2. Drs. H. Hartono, M. M. as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo.
3. Semi Sukarni, M. Pd. As the Head of English Departement of Muhammadiyah
University of Purworejo.
4. All lecturers of English Departement who has given her much knowledge and
improvement in English.
5. Everyone who has given her support and help.
Finally the writer realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect and
needs improvement. However, the writter would like to accept any criticisms to
make this paper better.
The writter hopes this paper will be useful and helpful to the readers and
can give contribution in the English teaching learning proccess, particulary to the



Page of Title .................................................................................................... i

Approval Sheet ................................................................................................ ii
Ratification Sheet ............................................................................................. iii
Statement ......................................................................................................... iv
Motto ............................................................................................................... v
Dedication ....................................................................................................... vi
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................... vii
Table of Contents ............................................................................................. viii
Abstract ........................................................................................................... x

I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................ 1
A. Background of The Study .................................................. 1
B. Reason for Choosing The Topic ........................................ 2
C. Limitation of The Study ..................................................... 3
D. Statement of The Problem ................................................. 3
E. The Objective of The Study ............................................... 4
F. The Significance of The Study........................................... 4
G. Organization of The Writing ............................................ 6


II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ........................ 6

A. Teaching and Learning ...................................................... 6
B. Vocabulary ......................................................................... 12
C. English in Elementary School............................................ 16


D. Teaching Vocabulary in Elementary School ..................... 18

E. Teaching Vocabulary Using English Song ........................ 18
F. Songs ................................................................................. 21
G. Definition and Function of Pronounciation........................ 23

III. DISCUSSION ................................................................... 24

A. The Implementation of Teaching Vocabulary Using
English Song Published Z.E. Majeed for Sixth Grade
Students of Elementary School ......................................... 25
B. Steps of Teaching English Song Published Z.E. Majeed... 36
C. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Teaching
Vocabulary Using English Song Published
By. Z.E. Majeed .............................................................. 40


IV. CONCLUSSION AND SUGGESTION ........................... 40

A. Conclusion........................................................................... 40
B. Suggestions.......................................................................... 41




2012,Yuliatun Chasanah,. Teaching Vocabulary Using English Song Published By

Z.E. Majeed For Sixth Grade Students of Elementary School. Sarjana (S1) Degree
Program, Muhammadiyah University Purworejo.
As far as we know, most of teachers in Indonesia only use blackboard as
the media in teaching learning English. In fact, there are some media can be used
in teaching learning English, such as tape recorder, radio, pictures, songs and
games. It happens because the teachers lack of knowledge about various media in
the school.
Vocabulary is one of the most important factors in learning language. By
mastering vocabulary, student will be able to convey their ideas messages and
express their feeling as well. Students of elementary school are generally
interested in their recognition of new words. When we are thinking about
language, we usually give attention to the vocabulary mastery, especially to
develop the speaking ability. It is because vocabulary becomes the basic
component to support the people to communicate, to express their idea.
Vocabulary is one components of language. Language will not exist
without word. Words are sign or symbols of ideas. It implies that words are used
to tell our ideas, feelings, and thoughts in order to communicate with others.
The aims of this study are to describe about the use of an English song in
teaching vocabulary and to know about advantages and disadvantages in teaching
vocabulary by using an English song for the students.
The writer believes that teaching vocabulary using English song
published by Z.E. Majeed For Sixth Grade Student of Elementary School is one of
marvellous and flexible techniques in teaching vocabulary before referring the
main text to comprehend the material text well. Beside that, the students are more
interested and not bored in learning because it takes them in a fun condition. The
students become active participants in learning process.



A. Background of The Study

The vocabulary understanding is important for someone who wants to
know and understand English. Without vocabulary, it is impossible for us to
know English, especially for elementary school students. Vocabularies can
help the students to learn English easily. Teacher begins to introduce English
easily if they are interested in English. Student can listen the new vocabulary
from their teacher. It makes the students want to know the meaning of the
The 2004 curriculum of basic education concerning primary school or
elementary school states that English will be given as a new subject to the
students. English is as the first foreign language to the students. The material
construction should be taken into account for four major language skills,
namely: listening, speaking, reading, and writing as reflected in abilities
concerning language use. Therefore, the students are able to express simple
expression to emphasize on vocabulary mastery.
Concerning to the curriculum reform, KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat
Satuan Pendidikan) is one of the alternatives to improve the quality of national
education in Indonesia. The teacher has the most important role to transfer the
actual curriculum in the classroom.

Vocabulary is one of the most important factors for learning

languages. By mastering vocabulary, students will be able to convey their
ideas, messages, and express their feelings as well. Students of elementary
school are generally interested in their recognition of new words. Learning
vocabulary is not an easy thing. Teacher should choose appropriate method
that is suitable with the subject related to the condition of the student.
Sometimes the learning process could be a burden for the beginner like
elementary school students, and sometimes, they do not have any motivation
or curiosity or even lazy when they are learning English at school. Eventually,
learners feel hard to remember what they have learned from glossary that they
have made before. In learning process, some of the good and appropriate ways
of teaching pronunciation and vocabulary are
1. Reading English magazines or newspaper,
2. Joining at English conversation clubs at school or outside the school,
3. Watching English programs on television, and
4. Listening to English songs and sings the songs.
Therefore, in this study the writer will discuss one of the effective
ways in teaching vocabulary by using English song that is.

B. Reason for Choosing The Topic

Elementary school students are potential language learners. They can
learn something new from everywhere. English is new experience for them, so
learning English for students in these ages is predicated to be easier. In this

case, the writer uses English song as a media to teach vocabulary, and the
writer wants students to be able speak English.
The writer chooses this topic based on some reasons:
1. The writer is interested in teaching English for elementary students,
2. The writer thinks that using English songs that are familiar to the students
can make them interested to study,
3. By using English songs, the students of elementary school can in crease
their vocabularies, and.
4. The writer is interested faith English songs published by Z.E. Majeed.

C. Limitation of The Study

There are many aspects that can be discussed related to teaching
English for elementary school, but in this case, the writer will only discuss
teaching English using English song for sixth grade of elementary school
students. This limitation is to focus the discussion and to get a good result of
the study.

D. Statement of The Problem

The writer states some problems to discuss that is how to teach English
using English songs published by Z.E. Majeed for Sixth Grade Students of
Elementary School. They are :
1. How to teach vocabulary English songs published by Z.E. Majeed for
sixth grade students of Elementary school.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an English song in

teaching vocabulary at the sixth grade of Elementary school.

E. The Objective of The Study

1. Related to the statement mentioned above, the writer has two objectives in
this paper that are to describe how to teach vocabulary using English songs
published by Z.E. Majeed for sixth grade students of Elementary school
and to know the advantages and disadvantages of using an English song in
teaching vocabulary at the sixth grade of Elementary school.

F. The Significance of The Study

The writer hopes that the result of this study will be useful. They are
three significances of the study:
1. To encourage English teachers to be more creative in using technique of
teaching English especially in elementary school.
2. To give contribution to English teachers and students of English
3. To encourage students in elementary school to be more active and creative
in speaking English.

G. Organization of The Writing

The paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter, chapter I, is
about introduction. This chapter consists of background of the study, reason

for choosing the topic, limitation of the study, statement of problem, the
objective of the study, the significance of the study, organization of the
The second chapter, chapter II, is about of Review of Related
Literature that consists of definition of teaching, definition of learning
definition of vocabulary, English in Elementary School, Teaching Vocabulary
in Elementary School, Teaching Vocabulary Using English Song, Songs,
Definiton and Function of Pronunciation.
The next chapter, chapter III, is about discussion. This chapter consists
of lesson plan, Steps of Teaching English Song Published Z.E. Majeed, some
advantages and disadvantages of teaching vocabulary using English Song
published by Z.E. Majeed.
The last chapter IV, is about conclusion and suggestion. In this
chapter, the writer tries to give some conclusion related to the topic discussed
and some suggestion for readers especially for teachers and student of English.


A. Teaching and Learning

1. Definition of Teaching
There are many definitions about teaching. Teaching is an effort
to present the knowledge, which is done by someone for other person.
According to Brown (2007 : 8) states that teaching is showing or helping
someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding in the
study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or
According to Hoogveld in Pasaribu as a quoted y Priyatmoko
(2008 : 6) teaching is an activitiy to help the students to reach their ability
in finishing their Duty of life, to be obligated of their responsibility, in
another definition, Langeveld Said that teaching is an activity of the
teacher to lead the students in order to become adult people.
Students or learners are Exposed to socio cultural data and
direct esperience. One of the implication events and direct contact with
people, the foster pen pal correspondences, school exchange visit to make
available authentic documents such as magazines, brochures, book and
While according to Richard and Schmidt (2002 : 411), teaching
is to give students teachers experience of classroom teaching, an

opportunity to apply the information and skill they have studied in their
teacher education program and a chance to acquire basic teaching skills.
Form the definition of teaching above, it can be concluded that
teaching has the different definition and meaning. Howefer, the writer can
conclude that teaching is an activity which is not a simple work because it
must needs much experiences and patiently. Teaching will be successful if
the teacher can manage the students understand what the teacher talks
about and have a good respect. To make the students understand, a good
teacher must have a sense of this or her students need both before a class
begun and during controlling the teaching activities to create a good
situation for the students. A teacher has the important role to manage the
classroom with the method or the material of learning because a good
teacher can make a bad method or bad material to be good. An English
teacher needs a good education to know many teaching methods and
practice them in different condition.
Both teaching and learning have relationship. Teaching is process
which mostly had done by a teacher an important role in education, if a
teacher teacher in school, it means that there is a student who learn. It
means that the operation of education in relation to the goal in school is
assigned by the teaching learning process between teacher and learner. In
other word, teaching and learning are two things which can not be separate
from each other. So in the learning processes, the teacher is as one of
determinant of the achievement of the student in relation to the teachers

role in the teaching learning process. It can be said that one of the
important roles of a teacher is to attempt to give guidance and aid to the
students who are trying to reach their goal.
2. Definition of Learning
Learning is very important for human because without learning
we can not know about new experience, culture and about social life.
Learning is defined by some experts as a relative permanent change of
behavior or performance that accurs. Some who knows or can do
something after having experience, practice or exercise means that
behavior or his performance is changed.
Learning is a complex case. There are many definitions of
learning. The definition of learning depends on the theory of learning
which processed by someone. According to Roth in Pasaribu as a quoted
by Priyatmoko (2008 : 8), learning is the improve of behavior and
intelligent. The purpose of learning according to Roth is to change
behavior in better condition.
Brown (2007 : 7) learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of
a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction. The competence of
learning are :
1. Learning is acquition or getting something.
2. Learning is retention of information or skill.
3. Retention is implies stronge system, memory, cognitive, organization.

4. Learning involves active, conscious, focus, and adds acting upon even
outside or inside organism.
5. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.
6. Learning is changes of behavior.
Another definition stated by Kimble and Garmenzy (In Brown,
2008 : 8) say that learning the learning is a relatively permanent change in
a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice.
Learning shows the change of behavior as the result of
experience. The change includes related response and stimultant. The
change is obtained intentionally, because it is intentional activity. Learning
is the process of change of activity and response of the environment.
According to Hornby (1989: 1318) teaching is an activity which done
by teacher in the school. Beside that, teaching is also job teacher. So, what is
teachers duty? As we know, the teachers duties are as a mediator, manager
and facilitator. Actually, teacher has different jobs in different position. The
function of a teacher becomes a mediator, manager, and facilitator.
1. Teacher as a mediator
Teacher becomes a mediator when there are some problems or
conflicts. Beside, teacher has many different methods in the learning and
teaching process in the class. For example,

when the class has a

discussion. The teacher has to be good at problem solving, he has to have

a good personality, he must be a wise man, he must be a pioneer, etc.


Actually, a teacher must be able to overcome the problems and give a

good opinion to the students.
2. Teacher as a manager
What is a manager? What is the function of a manager? We know
that manager is someone who manage to make a better result of certain
efforts including, a bank manager. We know a manager must be able to
manage the bank for instance to become a good bank. In the educational
field, a manager is very important for the good class. Teacher as a
manager of the class must manage the class to be a good teacher. A good
teacher is a teacher who has high ability for solving the students problem.
Teacher should have good personality.
What is the function of manager? According to the function of
manager, what should the teacher prepare? Teacher must be able to
prepare everything in the process of teaching and learning. How does
teacher teach the lesson to the students so they understand the lesson
clearly? How does teacher make an effort to have personality a good? So,
what steps should a teacher do to be a good teacher as a manager?
Form the explanation above, the writer concludes that a teacher is
has many important roles in the educational field. Someone who wants to
be a good teacher must know what she should prepare.
3. Teacher is a facilitator
In fact, teacher must be a person who knows everything than the
students in the class. Besides, teacher must be able to become the best


students in the class. In other words, teacher is competence should not be

worse than of students. Teacher must be able to serve and facilitates
everything which is needed by students.

B. Vocabulary
a. Definition of Vocabulary
When we are thinking about language, we usually give attention to
the vocabulary mastery, especially to develop the speaking ability. It is
because vocabulary becomes the basic component to support the people to
communicate, to express their idea.
Hornby (1974 : 1462) defines the vocabulary as follows :
a. Vocabulary is total number of words which make up a language.
b. Vocabulary is words known to or used by a person in trade, profession,
c. Vocabulary is book which contains list of words used in an book, etc,
usually with definition or translation.
Another definition about vocabulary is stated in Longman
dictionary of contemporary English (2003: 1843). It explains that
vocabulary is:
a. All the words that someone knows or uses
b. All the words in a particular language


Vocabulary is the most important component of language power

and vocabulary is an important thing in communication to express ones
idea, feeling and thought. Hornby (1974: 959) states that vocabulary.
1. Total number of words which (with rules for combining them) make
up a language.
2. (Range of) words known to, or used by, a person, in a trade profession,
3. Book containing a list of words; list of words used a book with
definitions or translations.
Vocabulary needs to be met and recycled at intervals, in different
activities, with new knowledge and new connections develop each time
the same words are met again. There are five ways to achieve the
effectiveness of teaching vocabulary; Hatc and Brown (1995: 372)
describe five ways in teaching vocabulary as below:
1) Having sources for encountering new words.
2) Getting a clear image, whether visual or auditory or both, for the form
of new words.
3) Learning the meaning of words
4) Making a strong memory connection between the forms and meaning
of the words.
5) Using of vocabulary
In other words, it is said that the mastery of vocabulary can be divided into
two kinds: they are that of the passive vocabulary, which is used


receptively in listening and reading, and that of the active vocabulary

which is utilized productively is speaking and writing.
According to Napa (1991: 1), vocabulary is one components of
language. Language will not exist without word. Words are sign or
symbols of ideas. It implies that words are used to tell our ideas, feelings,
and thoughts in order to communicate with others.
Through communication people can convey their ideas to others.
Communication here means that people can use a language to
communicate to one other. They can cooperate with other if they master a
certain language as the medium of communication in they community.
When communication takes place, there must be two or more people who
are engaged in talking or speaking to one another.
In general, most people agree that vocabulary is one most
important factor in mastering a language. By mastering the vocabulary,
people will be able to convey their ideas, message, and express their
feeling as well. Vocabulary is a basic for communication. If one does not
recognize the meaning of key words used by those who address him, he
will be unable to participate in the conversation. Vocabulary is also
considered as the important component of a language and it will help the
learners increase their ability in speaking skill Napa (1991:6) states that
more words one learns, the more ideas she or he should have.
Haycraft (1978:44) states that vocabulary is divided into two types;
active and passive. Active vocabulary is words that the student understand,


that he can pronounce correctly and that he uses constructively is speaking

and writing. Passive vocabulary is words that the students recognize and
understand when they occur in a context, but which he cannot produce
correctly by himself.
Vocabulary can also be divided into general and specific. General
vocabulary consist of words that are applied in the various activities of
daily life and Specific vocabulary arises from particular circumstance of
ones life and work such as hospital, aviation, and educational
Elementary school students are included in the pre adolescent
phase, during which will be interested to know and learn new words. In
short, students are expected to be able to recognize the meaning of new
words in any sentence and context and able to use the word to express
students opinion.
Teaching vocabulary is not an easy thing for teachers because it
includes meaning of words also the spelling and the pronunciation of words.
Teaching vocabulary are very important in language. One can know the
grammar rule of a language. It is agreed that vocabulary is the key to improve
language skill especially in pronunciation. Is a good teacher should use
appropriate presentation technique and enough practice for certain words so
that the objective will be achieved. Teachers should have teaching technique
in teaching learning process. By knowing a large number of teaching
technique, a teacher can do several things such as :


a. Makes learning more interesting for the learner.

b. Solves many problems faces in teaching such as large classes, different
ability among students and unsatisfactory of teaching material.
c. He / She can improve his / her professional ability and knowledge.
Teaching vocabulary is a part of teaching language. Thus, the process
of learning vocabulary constitutes of teaching and learning that guides to an
ability to receive and use the vocabulary in accordance to its story.
Vocabulary mastery in elementary school is intended to introduce a number of
English vocabulary items to students so that they have the basic knowledge of
English preparation for the higher levels of education. Teaching vocabulary is
also one of the important English teaching processes in building the
motivation of the students in learning English especially vocabulary in relation
with the effort to improve students ability. We never realize how many
vocabulary we have had. Vocabulary is very important in our life. We use it in
daily speaking. Imagine if our vocabularies are limited, of course, we cannot
speak to others clearly. Therefore, if we want to learn foreign language, the
first thing we should do is learning its vocabulary.
Teaching and learning vocabulary are doing with some considerations:
a. Aims

: what is expected from the learner to be able to do

b. Quality

: quantity item to learn

c. Need

: The choice of vocabulary that should be relevant to

the student need.


C. English in Elementary School

The degree of the Minister of Educational and Culture (RI. No. 1487 /
4 / 1992) states that an elementary school can add some extra lesson in its
curriculum as far as they are not in contradiction with the goal of the national
education. In accordance with this policy, another decree (Minister of
Education and Culture, No. 060 / U / 1994) states that English can be
introduced to the four grade students of an elementary school (Suyanto, 1995 :
30). The decree is closely related to the curriculum because it decides that
English is taught from the fourth grade up to the sixth grade.
Teaching English is taught from the fourth grade up to the sixth grade.
The fourth grade students are about 10 years old. They usually play with their
friend in a group because paying can make them happy. The fifth grade
students are about 11 to 12 years old. For the sixth grade, the general objective
is that students master a given amount of vocabulary, practice functional skill
in the form of simple reading text are related to students environment
(Depdikbud, 1994).
Teaching English
The speaking ability of students of elementary school in general in
speaking English is very low. They are still difficult to listen, speak, read and
write English orally it is not surprising that they are difficult to comprehend
the English news in newspaper and magazine. To speak English fluently, we
must be good at pronunciation, vocabulary and structure. So, it is advisable to


utilize dictionaries to develop students vocabulary and improve their


D. Teaching Vocabulary in Elementary School

The objective of English teaching of second grade students in
elementary school is to make them able to read, listen, pronounce, and write
English vocabularies which are related to home and school environment in the
form of simple English sentence and expression.
Talking about teaching foreign language to elementary school
students, a teacher should know the characteristics of the learners. There is a
significant difference in teaching English vocabularies between children and
adult. Brown (1987:87) says that adult can learn and retain longer
vocabularies than children.
Teacher as a facilitator must create attractive, interest and fun activities
in the classroom in order to keep the students attention in teaching learning
process. Flashcard can be used by the teacher as one of the alternative solution
to improve the vocabulary mastery of the second grade students.

E. Teaching Vocabulary Using English Song

1. The Ways of Teaching Vocabulary
There are many ways or media that can be used to teach
vocabulary such as picture, games, and songs. According to some teacher,
actually they want to use such media, but they do not use theme optimally


yet in every meeting. They say that are lack of media. Not all schools
provide the media. Sometimes they have to make one media by
themselves, like picture or games. In a favorite school, of course, we find
the media easily. However in many state school or ordinary schools,
sometimes we do not find even a single media. The school does not
provide extra fund to buy the media or to pay for photocopying. This
makes them reluctant to use the media.
There are some ways of teaching vocabulary such as :
b. Teach and picture the words first: otherwise, the students will
pronounce the words as they are written.
c. If the students have a passive knowledge of the lexical items, the
teacher must put them into context and get the students to practice
d. The teacher should always check whether are not the students do not
understand about the words given or new words.
e. The students will remember new vocabulary better if it is presented in
a memorable way to start with.
2. The Steps of Teaching Vocabulary
The teacher should know how to teach vocabulary well. There are
some steps of how to teach vocabulary such as :
1. Look and learn the theme being discussed.
2. Look and learn the list of vocabulary in the curriculum or in the


3. Decide how many vocabulary items that will be taught and it must
suitable with the curriculum.
We never realize how many vocabulary we have had. Vocabulary
is very important in our life. We use it in daily speaking and activities.
Imagine that if our vocabularies are limited of course we cant
communicate with others clearly.
Related to the statement mentioned above, that the students will
remember new vocabulary better if it is presented in a memorable way to
start with. The writer thinks that songs can change the routine in the
classroom. The writer is sure that by using English songs, as a media of
teaching learning will give a good solution because it does not need
additional cost. Students only write the words written in the blackboard by
the teacher. It can break the ice, and the accessibility of song should not
encourage us to be indiscriminate in our use of them, for they may help or
hinder the learner in a number of different ways. A song is highly
memorable. It is because a song creates states of relaxed receptivity.
Another benefit of song is to provide an enjoyed way to teach
vocabulary, structure, pronunciation, and spelling. The students can enjoy
trying to produce new sounds. A carefully chosen song, on the other hand,
allows the students to practice a new sound without producing boredom.
Song or music in education can attract the students to study hard.
They can feel relaxed and enjoy studying using a song.


The steps that are usually done by teacher in teaching vocabulary

using English song are as follows:
a. Teacher prepares a song that is fitted to the theme / topic which will be
given to the class (before the class begin)
b. Teacher writes the song carefully in the blackboard.
c. Teacher asks students to write the song in their books.
d. Teacher reads carefully each vocabulary given with the correct
e. Teacher asks students to repeat what the teacher says word by word.
f. After students know to read the vocabulary correctly, teacher gives the
example how to sing the song. Then, the teacher asks students to sing
the song together until the can sing correctly by paying attention to
their pronunciation.
g. Teacher asks students to sing in front of the classroom one by one.
Most students enjoy singing. They try to memorize the song
continually. It means that they have to try hard to memorize word by
word because this is an English song. They also have to memorize how
to pronounce those words.
h. Finally, teacher gives test to students (pronunciation and written test).


F. Songs
1. Definition and the use of Songs
Song is a good item to study almost of skills of language use.
Many benefits can be taken if a language teacher uses song as a mean or
media instruction of language. Song can be given or used not just for
children but also for adult. As a matter of fact, everyone likes singing. The
following are the benefit and usefulness of songs:
a. Music and song make students relax and enjoy to study English.
b. Song can be used especially to introduce vocabulary.
c. Song can be used to learn the structure of a sentence and.
d. Song also can be used teach pronunciation.
2. The Elements of Song
Song has many elements as follows:
a. Melody
According to Hoffer (1985 : 23), melody refers to pitches sounded one
after another in illogical series to from a satisfying musical unit. For
most people melody is experienced in simple, short pieces of music
that exist primarily because of its melodies are pleasing to hear, play
and sing.
b. Rhythm
Rhythm refers to the flow of music in terms of time in music. It does
not refer to a recurrent pattern, orderly movement, or a repeated
situation, as it sometimes does in everybody usage.


c. Tone
Tone in literature may be defined as the writers attitude. It is the
emotional coloring or the emotional meaning. Tone is characterized by
duration of length intensity of loudness, timbre or color and envelope
and a characteristic pattern.
d. Harmony
In music harmony refers only to simultaneous sounding of pitches,
regardless, or whether the effect seems pleasing or not. The practice of
accompanying sounds, harmonizing takes place when an evoke song is
sung with guitar accompaniment.
e. Form
The word from Latin word forma It refers to the overall pattern that
can be heard in relatively long segments of composition. It can also
describe the nature of complete works symphony, oratorio, concerto
or the pattern of shorter sections and lines of music.
G. Definition and Function of Pronunciation
Pronunciation is one of five components in speech process that is very
important in language learning especially in communication so that we can
speak and pronounce the words correctly. If the speaker is wrong in his
pronunciation, the listener of course, will receive the wrong message and the
speaker will get the wrong feedback from the listener. Thus, mastering
pronunciation skill will be an essential factor in communication especially in


In this chapter, the writer wants to discuss the subject of the study, in other
words, the writer tries to cover some finding based on the problem statement
stated on this writing.
Teaching vocabulary using English song is one of ways or techniques in
improving vocabulary that can be considered to solve the problem.
Another benefit of song is to provide an enjoyed way to teach vocabulary,
structure, pronunciation, and spelling. The students can enjoy trying to produce
new sound. Song or music in education can attract the students to study hard.
They can feel relaxed and enjoy studying using a song.



A. The Implementation of Teaching Vocabulary Using English Song

Published by Z.E. Majeed for Sixth Grade Students of Elementary

: English


: VI/1


: Vocabulary

Time Allocation

: 2 x 40 minutes

1. Competency Standards :
Understanding simple instruction and information

by doing action and

language with the student context.

2. Basic Competence :
Responding simple instruction action politely.
3. The Objectives :
At the end of the lesson students can:

Sing an English song well

understand the meaning of an English song

improve and increase their vocabulary by singing an English song.

Complete the completion test based on the song what the teacher sing.

4. Indicators :

Student can respond by doing action politely

Student can improve their ability in vocabulary


5. Learning Materials :

Songs with the titles Bismillah, You are Alloh and Yaa Muhammad
from Z.E. MAJEED

Tape script

6. Methods/Techniques :


: Direct instruction


: Three-phase technique (pre-listening, whilst listening, post



: Question and answers

7. Tracking Procedures
1) Pre Teaching
Teacher acts:



Checking students attendance

Arousing students motivation

Introducing the materials

Giving the question about the materials

Asking the students to listen the song

Student acts:

Responding greeting


Starting attendance


Listening teachers motivation

Responding interactively

Listening to the song

2) Whilst Teaching
Teacher acts:

Listening the song to the students twice

Giving question about the song

Improving the student vocabularies

Asking the students about the difficult words

Giving exercise based on the song. The teacher gives the students an
exercise to fill missing word in the song.

Correcting students mistake about their task and show their mistake.

Student acts:

Listening to the song

Answering the question

Looking for the meaning of the difficult words

Doing the exercise. Repairing the mistake

3) Post Teaching
Teacher acts:

Giving reflection about the material

Concluding the material

Giving assignment




Student acts:

Noticing the teacher

Doing the assignment


Saying good bye

8. Learning Resources

Songs with the titles Bismillah, You are Alloh and Yaa Muhammad
from Z.E. Majeed

Tape script

9. Assessments
a. Assessment technique

: Practicing and writing

b. Assessment form

: - Performance
- Essay

c. Instruments

Questions :
1. Do you like singing?
2. What kind of song do you like?
3. When do you usually singing? Are you happy or sad when you are
4. Why do you like singing?

1. Write the word you heard.


2. Complete the missing song based on what youve heard.

3. Read this words orally.

Bismillah, bismillah
Before we eat
We say bismillah
Bismillah, bismillah
Before we read
And before we write
We must all say bismillah
In the name of Allah
In the name of Allah
We are muslims
We must all say
To start the day



You are Allah
You are always there
When I need You
To cry upon and share
Allah the Great
Allahu akbar
I can see You
All around me
I can feel You
Always near me
I can know You
With hearth and mind
You created me
And others, o so fine
Strenghthen my faith!
Lengthen my life!
Look upon me!
And forgive me!
Every thing I do,
Every single thing,
Allah, is for You
Allah, is for You


Born in Makkah
Near the Kabah
Into the arms of Aminah
To Abdul Muttalibs delight
To be Abu Taalibs pride
Yaa Muhammad, Yaa Muhammad
The Final Messenger
O Muhammad O Muhammad
The Final Messenger
Abdul Muttalib was his grandfather
Abdullah was his father
Abu Taalib was his uncle
Aminah was his mother
Come to Islam!
Come and submit!
To the Oneness of Allah!
Come to Eemaan!
Come and have faith!
In the oneness of Allah!


Bismillah, bismillah
Before we . (1)
We . (2) bismillah
Bismillah, bismillah
Before we . (3)
And . (4) we . (5)
We . (6) all say bismillah
In the name of Allah
. (7) of Allah
We are . (8)
We must . (9) say
To . (10) the day

1. eat

6. must

2. say

7. in the name

3. read

8. muslims

4. before

9. all

5. write

10. start



You are Allah
You are always . (1)
When I need You
To . (2) upon and share
Allah the Great
Allahu akbar
I can . (3) You
All around me
I can . (4) You
Always near me
I can . (5) You
With hearth and mind
You . (6) me
And others, o so fine
Strenghthen my faith!
Lengthen my . (7)!
Look upon me!
And . (8) me!
Every thing I . (9),
Every single thing,
Allah, is for You
Allah, is for . (10)


1. there

6. created

2. cry

7. life

3. see

8. forgive

4. feel

9. do

5. know

10. you

. (1) in Makkah
Near the Kabah
Into the . (2) of Aminah
To Abdul Muttalibs delight
To be Abu Taalibs pride
Yaa Muhammad, Yaa Muhammad
The . (3) Messenger
O Muhammad O Muhammad
The Final Messenger
Abdul Muttalib was his . (4)
Abdullah was his . (5)
Abu Taalib was his . (6)
Aminah was his . (7)
Come to Islam!


. (8) and submit!

To the Oneness of Allah!
Come to Eemaan!
Come and have . (9)!
. (10) of Allah!
1. born

6. uncle

2. arms

7. mother

3. final

8. come

4. grandfather

9. faith

5. father

10. In the oneness

d. Scoring Procedure
Score formula:

Score = Achieved score x 100

Maximal score

e. Score Rubric

Score Aspect

With score range :







Score Maximal




Kurang sekali : 1
B. Steps of Teaching Vocabulary Using English Song Published by Z.E.
Majeed for Sixth Grade Students of Elementary School
Step 1
In this paper, the writer will explain how to apply the implementation
of teaching vocabulary using English songs published by Z.E. Majeed for
Sixth Grade Student of Elementary School
1. Do you like singing?
2. What kind song do you like?
3. When do you usually sing? When are you happy or sad?
4. Why do you like singing?
Step 2
After teacher gives some questions to motivate the students. The
teacher writes a song on the blackboard then the students write it on their
books. After writing the song, the teacher sings it herself all. After that the
teacher asks the students about the song if they have heard before. The teacher
sings the song again.
Before asking the students to sing together, the teacher read the song
word by word so that the students can listen carefully how to pronounce them.
After that, the students follow their teacher to pronounce them. The teacher
pronounes them twice. Then the teacher ask the students to find the difficult
words in the song then find their meanings.


Bismillah, bismillah
Before we eat
We say bismillah
Bismillah, bismillah
Before we read
And before we write
We must all say bismillah
In the name of Allah
In the name of Allah
We are muslims
We must all say
To start the day

: Now, you listen to me and then repeat after me.

Before (/bifa: (r)


: Before


: We (wi:)


: We


: Eat (i:t)


: Eat


: Drink

= sebelum

= kita/kami

= makan

= minum



: Read (ri:d)


: Read


: Write (rait)


: Write

= membaca

= menulis

In this case, in order that students could know the meaning and
understand how to pronounce the words well, the teacher gives the
competitive game. The teacher divides them into groups and the is about
matching. The game is like this:
1. Before we eat we say Bismillah :
2. Before we drink we say Bismillah :
3. Before we read we say Bismillah :
The meaning:
1. Sebelum kita minum mengucapkan Bismillah
2. Sebelum kita membaca mengucapkan Bismillah
3. Sebelum kita makan mengucapkan Bismillah
Step 3
This is the illustrate the conversation in the class.
Now, please look at the blackboard. This morning, we learn English
by using English song. I would like you to writer some words and sentences
and then pronounce them. I m sure that all of you like singing, right ? (Here,
the teacher translate English into Indonesian in order that the students
understand what the teacher talks about).


(Sekarang ibu ingin kalian lihat ke papan tulis sejenak. Hari ini kita
belajar bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan lagu berbahasaInggris. Ibu
ingin kalian menulis beberapa kata dan kalimat, kemudian ucapkan, Ibu
yakin bahwa kalian semua senang menyanyi betulkan?)

Bismillah, bismillah
Before we .
We . bismillah
Bismillah, bismillah
Before we .
And before we .
We . all say bismillah
In the name of Allah
. of Allah
We are muslims
We must . say
To start the day

: Of course, Mom


: Ok. Now, all of you try to writer the song your own book.
Lets sing English song and first, you listen carefully.


The writer believes that teaching vocabulary using English song

published by Z.E. Majeed For Sixth Grade Student of Elementary School is
one of marvelously and flexsible techiques in teaching vocabulary. Before
refering the main text to comprehend the material text well. Beside that, the
students are more interested and not bored in learning because it takes them in
a fun condition. The students become active participants in learning process.
C. Some Advantages and Disadvantages
We also have to know the advantages and the disadvantages of
teaching vocabulary using English song.
The advantages are :
1. A song is easy and enjoyable
2. The students can be easier to remember the vocabulary in a song .
3. It doesnt make the students boring
4. The songs can build students motivation in learning English.
5. The songs can help the students to memorize how to pronounce the words
6. The songs can increase Islamic religions knowledge of the students.
The disadvantages of teaching vocabulary using English song are :
1. In teaching vocabulary, using the songs takes more times (time
2. The teacher needs a lot of time to create the class condusive
3. Teaching vocabulary by using a song needs preparation more, for
examples tape recorder, cassets, a speaker .etc


This chapter is the last part of the paper. It presents conclusion and
suggestion extracted from the discussion.
A. Conclusion
The writing comes to the conclusions as follows:
Based on the discussion above, teaching vocabulary using English songs are:
1. Pre Teaching
Teacher acts:
- Greeting
- Praying
- Checking students attendance
- Arousing students motivation
- Introducing the materials
- Giving the question about the materials
- Asking the students to listen the song
Student acts:
- Responding greeting
- Praying
- Starting attendance
- Listening teachers motivation
- Responding interactively



- Listening to the song

2. Whilst Teaching
Teacher acts:
- Listening the song to the students twice
- Giving question about the song
- Improving the student vocabularies
- Asking the students about the difficult words
- Giving exercise based on the song. The teacher gives the students an
exercise to fill missing word in the song.
- Correcting students mistake about their task and show their mistake.
Student acts:
- Listening to the song
- Answering the question
- Looking for the meaning of the difficult words
- Doing the exercise. Repairing the mistake
3. Post Teaching
Teacher acts:
- Giving reflection about the material
- Concluding the material
- Giving assignment
- Praying
- Closing


Student acts:
- Noticing the teacher
- Doing the assignment
- Praying
- Saying good bye
Some Advantages and Disadvantages
We also have to know the advantages and the disadvantages of teaching
vocabulary using English song.
The advantages are :

A song is easy and enjoyable


The students can be easier to remember the vocabulary in a song .


It doesnt make the students boring


The songs can build students motivation in learning English.


The songs can help the students to memorize how to pronounce the
words well.


The songs can increase Islamic religions knowledge of the students.

The disadvantages of teaching vocabulary using English song are :

1. In teaching vocabulary, using the songs takes more times (time
2. The teacher needs a lot of time to create the class condusive
3. Teaching vocabulary by using a song needs preparation more, for
examples tape recorder, cassets, a speaker .etc


B. Suggestion
The writer hopes that this paper will be useful and helpful for the new
English teacher or helpful for the readers who are interested in teaching
English especially in vocabulary and pronunciation. The writer gives several
suggestion as follows :
1. To the teachers :
a. The teacher should give English songs scripts a week before running of
the class.
b. The teacher should choose an English song that is suitable for his students.
c. The teacher must be creative. It means that the teacher always gives
something new to find vocabularies and often use them in front of his
d. The teacher has use some techniques in his or teaching so that the teaching
learning process will not be boring, and, of course, the technique must be
related to the objective of the teaching learning process and also depend on
the situation of the class
2. To the students :
a. In order that the students are eager to find new words in dictionary, they
are hoped to communicate with other using the words found in the English
b. The students must practice to sing the English song both inside of the class
and outside the classroom.


c. Paying attention to the pronunciation is an important thing for students, so

that their ability of speaking English will be improved.



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