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Who Am I?

The evolution of man complexes me.
If there is a god up there
Why is making every waking moment agony?
The thoughts in my head that boggle me.
Do I love me more than my neighbor?
Or does society force me to think of myself better?
The makeup of society that confuses me.
All men are created equal
Where are the women?
What is equality?
My journey and where I go from here.
Who would care about me and
My thoughts, my reactions and emotions?
Dont question.
The world and its movements, so they say.
Everything comes in due time,
People will be slow to come around.
But why be slow with the subject of equality?
Maybe its time to figure out why
Why, as women, are we still fighting to be heard?
To be respected?
To be seen as significant?
If so, who am I?
Am I just meant to be mother or a fighter?
Do I act simple and conform to society or am I an outsider?
At times, I dont know who I am

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As a woman, why am I stereotyped so harshly?

I dont want my position to be etched in stone.
We are as powerful as a hurricane,
Yet as soothing as your favorite lullaby.
We are all gorgeous human beings
Wanting to know more and advance.
But why continue old habits?
I dont quite understand
Journeys are taken to find something new,
Why not to take the journey as one people?
Equality is for everyone
So why isnt everyone fighting?
Its safe to say Im confused,
But Im ready to make my journey
And as all my questions
In order to fulfil my purpose.
Who am I?
Someone. A female with a voice.
A human being wanting truth and
The deeper meaning of why we act the way we do.
I am different.
I am an empty book ready to be written.
I am not a problem,
Yet I dont have a solution
I am ready to wonder.

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Define your purpose in life in one word,
I dare you.
Its so tough to do.
You need a minute,
I give it to you.
Just like you, I havent found mine.
This journey has taken a lot of
Effort and time
Spent capturing the true definition of one word:
It motivates some,
Angers a few,
Lifts up a lot,
Drops bombs on who never knew
The message behind this word.
In a theoretical sense,
Its the fight for equality for women
All across the board.
Economically, socially, and politically.
Has it progressed, really?
Would you fight for your women?
Protest for your women?
Give up rights, privileges, and
Opportunities for your women?
No? Didnt think so.
Thats why they fight for themselves.
So what is the real meaning of Feminism?
Is it women bashing men?
The supremacy of women,
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Or simply the equal right to be heard?

As humans, we form our own opinions,
And I am still trying to form mine.
But a voice once said to me,
A feminist is a person who always asks,
What truths are missing here?
Feminism takes on many faces
In different social forms
And even different races,
But if it bogged down by stereotypes
That bites.
Enlightenment is needed.
In this era we call 21st,
Questions should be answered.
Definitions should be clearer,
Because ignorance brings blindness
But, lets start here

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First Wave
Mama goes into the kitchen
And fixes me something to eat.
Papa sits by the radio while
My brother turns it on.
Its voting day now,
Daddy gets ready.
Is mama going to vote too?
I ask.
Daddy said Mama cant vote,
Shes a lady.
She has to cook and clean
While Daddy makes the decision.
Mama looks down into the plates
And washes them with anger.
In her mind, she thinks
Homemakers, cookers, seamstresses and so on.
These rigid categories of jobs cant go on.
They put us to work in factories
So men could fight in big battles and forge on.
So why cant cast a vote,
Pick a different job,
Contribute ideas
Without the title arrogant and bossy.
Oh! How it irks me to see my little girl
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Not see me have a say,

Not get my own way
Like her smart, big Daddy.
I should join that club, no wait
Like they say,
Mother knows best.

Female voices are important

To a country too!
When you run out of man power,
Who you gonna look to?
Im sick and tired of being quiet
While men decide for me.
Gosh, I should get my sign
And protest like my neighbor Julie.
She said soon women can vote,
And thats what I want.
I want to make change,
An opportunity men flaunt.
You know what, Ill join that march!
Today is the day when all of this stops!
Forget the news of the day,
Womens rights will now be on top!
Mama drop the plates
And ran out the door,
She stopped and looked at me
Her eyes said, Im not staying silent anymore.
She gave me a hug and grabbed her handmade signs,
Took off her apron and got ready to go.
She stopped at the door, looked at me and said,
Baby, 20 years from now, youre gonna be a CEO.
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That memory was after the Cold War,

Who knew what she said,
Would finally come true.
With the strikes and protest,
Suffrage for women was finally won,
But who knew that the fight for equality
Had just begun.
Put That Lipstick On
A casual walk into the board room
And shes about to give the most important presentation of her
She worked so hard for this moment
Suit pressed, hair done, every fixed for this one opportunity.
She walks in head held high,
Shaking the hand of every male counterpart.
She stands in front of everyone,
Then takes the clicker and scans the room
What are they looking at?
Enormous breasts? Her make-up?
The fact she is beautiful?
Why not listen to her words?
I bet if she was just standing in her Victoria Secret underwear
They would listen to every single word.
But no. The presentation she words days and nights for
Goes through one ear and out the other.
Women work hard to be accepted in todays society.
We just dont want equal pay,
We want equal respect.
We want equal say in the ways we are advertised in society.
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You shouldnt be threatened by a women in the workplace.

She may act like a lion, but she doesnt want to tear your head
Women want to make the same contributions as men.
And its the 21st century, so why not?
Things have changed from the 80s.
We dont hate men.
We want to walk along with you
To make the world a better place.
But yet it gets confusing when
You see us look ravishing
In the workplace.
These days, girls who put their lipstick on
Are even more outspoken than before.
An opinionated mind with ideas
That can help change the fate of any situation shes in.
So girl, put your lipstick on!
Walk with grace and dignity.
Girl, put your lipstick on.
You dont have to worry about
Stepping on the toes of your male counterpart.
Wear your lipstick with pride
Because you know you can strikingly beautiful
While still fully exposing your authority on any stage.
Because you know, that true knowledge is not only power
But its true beauty.

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Why Girls Like Beyonc

Whats not to like?
She got a voice of angel,
Body of a goddess,
Millions to her name,
I could go on.
Beyonc is the ideal woman.
Whens the last time you didnt hear her song on the radio?
She everywhere and she cant do any wrong.
Shes the ideal woman.
Houston, Texas native who doesnt take crap from anyone.
She built her own empire without any help.
She stands firm on any decision she makes.
Shes a role model.
People havent seen her skinny as a stick,
Always focusing on a healthier version of herself.
She never stops giving back to the community.
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Shes a person, not just a female.

She knows she has a voice,
And uses it to empower women across the globe.
A woman who knows what she wants.
Girls like Beyonce because no one seems to faze
The persona she has created.
Impervious to the rumors of the media and hater comments,
She rules the music with sweet yet sour personality.
Sweet and Sour?
How can she both?
Sweet, because she is respected and shows the respected right
Sour, because thats the taste she leaves in your mouth when
You know the negative comments you send her way does not
Block her shine.
She is a women, with the work ethic of a man.
Yet, shes not the only one out there.
Girls like Taylor Swift, Emma Watson, Amy Pohler,
The list goes on and on.
Girls want to mimic them in order to be them.
Girls want to be successful like them.
Girls just dont like them.
They just dont like Beyonc,
They want to be like Beyonc.

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Hidden Messages.
Look at the media,
Look at what read,
What you watch and listen to daily,
What is it teaching our children?
We all have roles, yes thats true.
But take a closer look
What do men contribute?
They are the breadwinners, the stronger one.
The protector of all, the head if the family
The woman. The helper, healer, and heartstrings of the family.
The calm in the storm and the sympathizer.
What happens when the roles flip?
Would be awkward?
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Men shouldnt be afraid of their position in the world

Being taken away by females.
Hell no we wont go! will never disappear,
But it isnt that harsh anymore.
Women dont want all the power,
Though it comes off as like we do.
Comfort zones can be left behind,
And stepped out off.
Will we ever see a woman president?
Maybe, we almost had a female vice-president.
Will we ever see gender equality?
One day, maybe one day.
But until Princess Daisy can save herself from Donkey Kong,
Until girls can find their inner Mulan,
Until Hercules can share his strength,
Until Tarzan doesnt have to save Jane,
Well have to wait.

Hidden messages,
Teaching our children more than we can ever do.
From movies, to video games and even social groups in school,
We can barely control how much they learn daily
Or can we?
What if mommy and daddy shared the same responsibilities at
What if rappers dont objectify women in their videos?
Can runways show models that arent size double zero?
Hidden messages, they are everywhere.

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Dont Be Afraid.
Dont be afraid, boys.
Just because the girl of your dreams is headstrong
Doesnt mean she hates men,
It just means shes confident in herself enough to practice selflove.
Dont stray away.
We need you to help fight as well.
Two voices are stronger than one.
Venture into a world of peace with us.
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Dont conform to normality.

Just because she pays for the bill,
Or makes plans for the both of you,
Or makes the first move
Doesnt mean youre any less of a man.
If anything, it makes you more of the definition.
A man is not only brave,
He is vulnerable, quick to listen and kind.
A man can be composed and conquering all at the same time.
Theres nothing like a man supporting a woman.
Respecting her choices one million percent is not only
Its a desired quality that is as rare as a diamond.
What is better than both of you being successful?
The feistiness of a women back by the strength of a man,
A winning combination.
Dont worry, men.
We can solve problems.
Do you remember mother taking care of you without hesitation?
And how she kept the home in tact without father?
So dont worry men.
We are not gunning for your title.
We need you to join the fight for equality.
One part of an equation cannot exist without the other.
Dont be afraid.
Were not demoralizing your standing.
We want to enhance it, and make you more valuable.
So dont worry, boys.
We want you to help us build a better you.

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The Worlds Perspective

The only way to know what people are thinking
Is to ask them.
No filters, no barriers.
The truth speaks bounds.
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Second hand accounts

Are not enough when it comes to true reality
So from your perspective and knowledge, what is
Feminism is gender equality; where the rights of women are equal to the rights of men
socially, in the workplace, and in the minds of all the members of our communities and
society. Feminism is not the slander of men, but the recognition that the female gender
has as much to offer as they do in every aspect of the way we live. It is respect based
on basic global human rights. It is the uplifting, and somehow still astonishing, notion
that men and women can do the same things, can have the same expectations of each
other, and can be equally compensated.
From my perspective, Feminism is the right we women have in our society, the right to
fight for what we deserve and fulfill our dreams.
Feminism is believing in the total equality for women. Believing that all women should
be given equal opportunities like men.

Believing that men and women are equal.

Type of pursuit of equality of all women and all genders are equal, including

Pursuit of equal opportunities and the allowance of the

Feminism aims to understand gender inequality. It is a movement or ideology that
focuses on the empowerment of women and establishment of equal opportunities
for women in politics, education and employment. Feminist movements are also
committed in making their voice being heard on sensitive topics such as rape,
sexual harassment and any form of violence against women.
I see "feminism" as a movement that initially sought to achieve equality
for women in various arenas (workplace, political, social, etc.).
However, the movement was quickly dominated by man-haters, lesbians and
pro-abortionists, to which it is now inextricably connected. It's sort
of like unions; they were started for a very good reason but quickly
became powerful, corrupt and caused many good corporations to fold.
I think feminism is equal rights for women on a whole. Where women and men can
play the same role in society. We were all created by God to serve a purpose on
earth, therefore we should all be given the same opportunity to fulfil that need.

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I think that feminism is when someone really supports what women should do, and can
such as women's rights to vote in an election, that is, that women have the same
equal rights
to act, perform, or do certain things just as men do. Women should be
recognized as being
equal to men in most things, such their ability to do a job properly and
efficiently just as good,
Or even better than men.
Feminism is equal opportunities for womens rights on the grounds of political,
social, and economic equality to men. A feminist advocates or supports the rights
and equality of women.

Feminism (check the dictionary's definition to quote but I don't follow it or

the advocates of such). Feminism to me means not having to perform a job
or take on the persona of a male but remain true to my talents and gifts 'to
be the best that I can be." I don't have to wear masculine clothes in
management but keep my feminine touch and execute my policies and
procedures in the tone, demeanor and personality that it true to my
character and person. It means walking, talking, smelling and looking like a
female but handling the task at hand without 'being hard or without using
foul, vulgar language or profanity to demonstrate the seriousness of my
point. I can gently 'say what I mean and mean what I say' and be a lady
before, during and after my demand, request or issuance of a consequence.
Quite simply, I believe that feminism is the advocacy of women's rights, whether
economically, politically, socially, or in any other facet. Whatever men's rights are,
so should a woman's be.

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We want to live in a world

Where men and women are equals.
You might not believe so,
But there is still skepticism.
So its simple
Do you believe gender equality exists in 2015?
I don't believe gender equality exists in 2015. Not until, globally, the average pay rate
for men and women is not defined by a gap of any kind, but by the breakthrough ideal
that there is no gap. When women can walk down the street unafraid, when little girls
are taught to say "excuse me" instead of "sorry", and monetary compensation is
determined solely on one's capability not one's gender or social standing, THEN
gender equality will exist. That is not to limit "gender" to the traditional,
binary definition of only heterosexual men and women, I believe this also
includes members of the LGBT community and those who don't identify as any specific
gender as well.
I dont believe it completely exists.
No, personally I believe gender equality is considered a joke to most U.S. citizens

Yes and no. Depends on the person and their beliefs.

No. Because its not fair. Women dont have their equal rights to this day.

because of how much society has changed and

impacted the world.

I believe that women have come a long way over the past years but the fight for
total gender equality still has a very long way to go. There are currently 22 female
presidents, prime ministers and other heads of state as of 22 January 2015,
however there are many other countries where women are still being severely
oppressed. Religion and cultural values that society built decades ago have to be
broken down if we are to move forward. The United States of America, the worlds
most democratic country to date has not had a female president. I am very hopeful
that the women of the 21st century have realized that we have a voice and should
be heard. With this positive attitude, gender equality will surely be a realization for
the upcoming generations.
I believe that today women are treated -- in the western hemisphere -closer and closer to equal with men; however, there are still
disparities for sure. In the Eastern Hemisphere, it is quite a

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different matter, as women are often considered second-class citizens

and inferior to men.

Yes it does to an extent, in certain jurisdiction. My reason for that answer is that in
todays world women are being considered as the weaker link and therefore women
have to fight for supremacy, respect or position in the boardroom and elsewhere in
society. Thus far in 2015 it is no different than five ten years ago where a position
is available and a woman and man applies for that position. The woman possesses
more qualification and experience but because of the nature of the job it is not fit
for a woman.
The woman is not given the opportunity to prove herself as society have certain
positions laid out to be a male job. There are Companies and corporation still in
2015 are male dominance leaving women to do the clerical or administrative work.
Salaries are variable when it comes to a fair days work for a fair days pay. In the
Cayman Islands it took the Government to pass into law a Gender Equality Bill in
order for a woman to earn the respect they need on the job.
In other jurisdiction women are not allowed to demonstrate or get an education
which is wrong. In todays world women are struggling to climb up the corporate
ladder and earn the same salary as men. With continued education on gender
equality in the public domain women will begin to rise above feminism and other
prejudicial behavior in society and take their rightful place. First the educating
needs to begin from the young ones so the whole notion that women have their
place in the boardroom, politics and laces where there are male dominance in order
to break down the barriers that are put up over the years.
Yes, I do believe that gender equality exists in 2015. Women have proven
themselves to be very capable and competent of doing various jobs such as being a
sitting Judge in a Court of Law; Attorneys-at-Law, Doctors/Surgeons and Accountants,
etc. over the past 30 years or more. I believe that in most cases the pay for a
woman in most jobs are almost the same as what men are paid, but I believe that this
is being looked into more so in 2015. Also, men are not only good tailors, but they
are also good dress makers as well. Men are also good hair dressers and some say
they can do their hair even better than a woman can!!
I believe gender equality exists in 2015 to some extent as we have women in
politics, women in the army etc. But for true equality women would have to
give up being treated with respect in the work place and take the dirty jobs
that men have.

Gender equality may exist in some circles in 2015 but there is still a big
disparity of income. It may take generations to remove biases that is
'caught' more than 'taught'. Women are still the number one caretakers for
children, the elderly and infirmed. Therefore, a man is supposed to take care
of his family by working while the wife stays at home. There has been a
great movement to accept working women at the top who do not have
children but those that do find it difficult to succeed as late hours, travel and

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'hanging out' is still part of the 'good ole boys- men's club and expectation
for high profile positions.

Example of some gender equality exists as reported by Forbes magazine that

highlight women who have exceeded 'the glass ceiling' in Fortune 500
companies as CEO's. However, it is public knowledge that men receive
higher pay than women. Therefore, only in challenged companies where
protests or boycotts have been held have changed been made to close the
gap in gender income. Usually, negative attention via television and social
media will cause executives to re-visit hiring, promotional, and income
I believe the world will never be truly equal, because that would be a perfect world,
but I do know that women's rights have come to the forefront more and more over
the years. We have made leaps and bounds as far as women's rights and examples
can be seen by the mere fact that we have women CEOs, politicians, pastors, the
list goes on. However, I am not blind to the fact that I know women, no matter how
hard we fight, will never be truly, 100% equated with men. We'll never get the same
pay, we'll never get the same judgement, and well never get the same support.
Why? As much as I hate to say it, that's just the way it is. So, in conclusion, I believe
gender equality has made huge strides in our world coming from a history of women
only being allowed to stay at home. But there are the hidden parts of our society
that still shuns women, still mistreats their rights and still makes us feel victim to
the "all-powerful male".

*this survey was conducted from March 23, 2015 to April 1, 2015. The
surveyors are males and females ranging from ages 18 to 65. They live in
North Carolina and Indiana, USA, Toronto, Canada, and Grand Cayman,
Cayman Islands. They span through many different occupations which
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include college students, police officers, accountants, HR managers,

teachers, principals, and retirees.*

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