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IBM i DB2 and SQL School

Formation Informatique / Systmes d'exploitation / IBM Systmes

SQL is a very powerful programming and database language that is widely used in business today. For example, SQL can be
used to perform interactive database queries as well as to extract data from a server and pass that data to a Java applet
running on a client PC. SQL is frequently used in i system high-level languages as an alternate means to access the
This course is designed to teach i programmers and highly skilled i system users how to access the database using SQL. You
will learn how to create, maintain, and query the database using the interactive SQL interface and System i Navigator.
This course provides lectures and hands on labs in a face-to-face classroom setting. This course is also offered in a live
virtual classroom environment (ILO - Instructor Led Online) with hands-on labs: IBM i DB2 and SQL School - ILO (OV47GB).

A retenir


Use data definition language (DDL) to describe tables and views

Use UPDATE, INSERT, ALTER, and DELETE to modify SQL tables and maintain a database
Use the SELECT statement to extract data from tables and views
Code SQL queries that include column and scalar functions
Code SQL queries that include inner and outer joins
Use SQL Query Manager


Dure : 5 jours soit 35h.

Rf. OD47G

Dates des sessions

This intermediate course is designed primarily for experienced IBM i programmers. However, very skilled i system users who
want to learn how to use the SQL programming language as a means to access the DB2 for i database might also consider
attending this class.
This course is not recommended for users who need to perform simple queries. Query for IBM i is an end user oriented tool
designed for this purpose. You can learn about Query for IBM i by attending such courses as Query for iSeries Workshop
This course is not recommended for users who need to perform WebQuery queries. WebQuery for IBM i is an end user,
programmer and administrator oriented tool designed for this purpose. You can learn about WebQuery for IBM i by
attending such courses as DB2 WebQuery for Advanced Users, Developers and Administrators (OV55GB).

You should be able to:
Use a Windows-based PC
Navigate and use a Windows-based desktop
Navigate IBM i menus
Use IBM i commands
Use PDM/SEU or LPEX editors
List the data types that are supported by the DB2 for i database
Explain the function of Data Description Specifications (DDS) in defining files on the i
Explain the use of the data types supported by the DB2 for i database
These skills can be gained by attending System i Application Programming Facilities Workshop OL49GB iSeries System
Facilities (OL49GB) or (OL490GB)
For those students who need to learn about the i DB2 database features and functions, attendance at DB2 UDB for System i
Fundamentals (OL45GB) / (OL450GB), prior to this class, is recommended. IBM i users who want to attend this class might
not have a broad programming background. However, some prior experience in programming would facilitate their learning



formation est
propose en
Inclus dans cette formation

Coaching Aprs-COURS

Day 1
(00:40) Unit 1. Welcome and introduction
(01:45) Unit 2. Introduction to Relational Database Management and DB2 for i
(01:45) Unit 3. Introducing Structured Query Language
(00:30) Exercise 1: Getting to know SQL
(1:35) Unit 4. Extracting data using SELECT
(00:30) Exercise 2: How SELECT works

Pendant 30 jours, votre formateur

sera disponible pour vous aider.
CERTyou s'engage dans la ralisation
de vos objectifs.

Day 2

Unit 4. Extracting data using SELECT (continued)

Exercise 3: Using the SELECT statement
Unit 5. Functions
Exercise 4: Using SQL functions

Votre garantie 100%

Notre engagement 100% satisfaction
vous garantit la plus grande qualit
de formation.

Day 3
(02:15) Unit 6. JOIN and UNION
(00:40) Exercise 5: JOIN and UNION

CERTYOU, 37 rue des Mathurins, 75008 PARIS - SAS au capital de 10 000 Euros
Tl : 01 42 93 52 72 - Fax : 01 70 72 02 72 - -
RCS de Paris n 804 509 461- TVA intracommunautaire FR03 804509461 - APE 8559A
Dclaration dactivit enregistre sous le N 11 75 52524 75 auprs du prfet de rgion dIle-de-France

IBM i DB2 and SQL School

Formation Informatique / Systmes d'exploitation / IBM Systmes


Unit 7. SubSELECTs
Exercise 6: Coding subSELECTs
Unit 8. Query Manager
Exercise 7: Using SQL Query Manager

Day 4

Unit 9. Database maintenance

Exercise 8: Enhancing an SQL table
Exercise 9: Maintaining database objects
Unit 10. Using embedded SQL

Day 5
(01:40) Unit 11. Stored procedures
(00:30) Exercise 10: Creating a stored procedure
(01:40) Unit 12. Database tools with System i Navigator


la Certification Gestion de Projet PMP du PMI

la Certification PRINCE2 Foundation
les Certifications PRINCE2 Foundation et PRINCE2 Practitioner
la Certification ITIL Foundation
la Certification Agile certifi SCRUM Master
les Certifications TOGAF Certified et TOGAF Foundation

Retrouvez cette formation sur notre site :

IBM i DB2 and SQL School

CERTYOU, 37 rue des Mathurins, 75008 PARIS - SAS au capital de 10 000 Euros
Tl : 01 42 93 52 72 - Fax : 01 70 72 02 72 - -
RCS de Paris n 804 509 461- TVA intracommunautaire FR03 804509461 - APE 8559A
Dclaration dactivit enregistre sous le N 11 75 52524 75 auprs du prfet de rgion dIle-de-France

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