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Peter Skryznecki has flawlessly ustilised the medium of poetry to

portray and delve into the mystery that is the human experience.
NAME TWO POEMS. CRS details the trauma and confusion the
people of Europe went through. MH describes_________
Skyrznecki has effectively untilled various poetic devices to explore
the complexities of the human experience that is migration.
The migration experience can result in emotional turmoil for the
individuals involved.
6 different techniques
3 techniques Body Paragraph CRS- WHAT IS THE EMOTIONAL
TURMOIL? CRS- Leaving homeland Title(biblical allusion), loss
of loved ones(, memories of war and destruction(. FIND A QUOTE
3 techniques Comparitively OR SIMILARLY, NEXT POEM
Body Paragraph MH- anxiety for future, uncertainty, misgiving,
isolation, dislocation

The human experience is a great influence for poets and their works. Peter Skrzynecki has utilized the
medium of poetry to great effect to explore the human experience of post WWII immigration. He is able
to capture many stories of post WWII refugees and with his brilliance and artistry come the creation of
two of his poems, Crossing the Red Sea (CRS) and Migrant Hostel, Parkes, 1949-51 (MH). Both
portray powerfully the journey from adversity to freedom, the memories of loved ones and the hardship
of post-war refugees as they begin life in Australia. His impeccable use of poetic techniques not only
adds meaning to the poems but is also a reflection upon the life of his family. Poetry is a beautiful form of
literature. For Skrzynecki, it is used to tell stories of tragedies and hope. He once said that he was a
poet of experience rather than abstract ideas or language theories, and it is clearly seen through his
poems, CRS and MH. CRS is a brilliant poem and describes the hardship of post WWII migration and
reflects upon the memories of lost loved ones and pre-war Europe. The poem is composed in a
melancholy tone as Skrzynecki tells a story of misery and adversity. Skrzynecki is extremely religious
and uses frequent biblical allusion in CRS. The title, in particular, refers to Moses leading the Israelites
out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He sees the journey, as escaping from injustice and going to
freedom, just like the Israelites and Moses. Other biblical allusions include the mention of Lazarus in the
lines: (And the seas breath/Touched the eyes/ Of another Lazarus) suggesting hope for a new and
improved life for the refugees. Imagery is also successfully used and describes what is seen, felt and
heard on the journey. The refugees are described as having sunken eyes which expresses exhaustion
and sorrow. Another example of imagery is in the line A blood-rimmed horizon which is referring to
the sunset. The word blood-rimmed is used, as the colour red that symbolizes war and destruction is
the recurring motif of the poem. Personification is another technique successfully used in CRS. The
lines: Peaks of mountains and green rivers/ That shared their secrets/ shows that the refugees are still
holding on to the memories of the war. These memories are now secrets to the refugees for they are too
horrible to speak of. Personification is also found in the lines: Daybreak took away/The magic of
dreams,/ Fragments of apparitions/ suggesting a sense of loss and heartbreak. The refugees have lost
their family members during the war and now their images are only see in dreams. It is seen clearly in
the poem the expression of pain and grief, as Skrzynecki is able to show the refugees sorrow and
hardship. Similarly, MH, also portrays the difficulties of refugees, memories of the past and the anxiety
surrounding their future. Skrzyneckis human experience comes into the creation of this poem as he
stays at a migrant hostel in Parkes from 1949-1951 and describes them as some of the happiest times
of his life in his memoir. However, MH is written in a gloomy tone, as struggle and anxiety become the
recurring motif. Simile is a technique that is extensively used in the poem. Skrzynecki describes life at
the migrant hostel as being like birds of passage-/Always sensing a change/In the weather:/ Unaware
of the season/ Whose track we would follow. It is understood that the refugees moved around frequently
without knowing why. He also describes the barrier at the main gate to be like a finger/ Pointed in
reprimand or shame. This refers to the harsh regime they live under in Europe, which show they are still
holding on to sad memories of the past. Imagery is also used in MH and to great effect. The lines: A
barrier at the main gate/Sealed off the highway is understood as another reference to the war. The
refugees feel like they are being locked up in the migrant hostel, similar to the way they were kept away
from freedom back home in Europe. The lines: Recognised by accents, / Partitioned off at night/ is
auditory imagery and shows that the refugees are desperately trying to find a sense of belonging in the
migrant hostels. They are trying to find those who come from the same cultural background as them and
find a sense of home in a strange land. Anxiety still surrounds their minds as the refugees begin life in
Australia. Through the use of these techniques, Skrzynecki captures the attention of his readers, gives
us a great mental image of what is seen, felt and heard in the poem and produces a poem of great value
and meaning. The human experience of war and destruction are seen clearly in MH as well. Peter
Skrzynecki has utilized the medium of poetry in great effect to explore the human experience. He
captures many stories of post WWII refugees in the poems CRS and MH. Both portray powerfully the
journey from oppression to freedom, the memories and values of families and the hardship of post-war
refugees. His excellent use poetic techniques not only add meaning to the poems but are also a
reflection upon the life of millions of refugees in the world.

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