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Influenza refers to many strains of viral illness that are more intense than a common cold,

and typically include fever, muscle aching, headache, and fatigue. Some kinds of flu have
cold-like symptoms with sore throat or respiratory involvement; others focus on the digestive
tract, with diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. If a strain of flu with a characteristic set of
symptoms is going around, a remedy that matches them can often be used preventively.
When a person is ill, a remedy should be chosen to match the specific symptoms.
For dosage information, please read the information at the end of this section. See also
Using Homeopathy With Professional Guidance in What Is Homeopathy?
Aconitum napellus: A flu that comes on suddenly and intenselywith fever, anxiety,
constricted pupils, and strong thirstis likely to respond to this remedy. The person may feel
fearful or agitated, and the fever can alternate with chills. Symptoms are often worst around
midnight. Exposure to cold wind or a shock of some kind often precedes the illness.
Apis mellifica: This remedy may be helpful if a person has dry fever that alternates with
sweating, facial flushing, and a very sore throat with swollen tonsils. Pain may extend to the
ears, and the eyelids may be swollen. Exposure to cool air and cold applications may bring
relief. Despite the fever, thirst usually is low. The person can be very irritable, disliking
Arsenicum album: A person who needs this remedy during flu feels chilly and exhausted,
along with an anxious restlessness. The person may be thirsty, but often only takes small
sips. If the digestive system is involved, nausea with burning pain, or vomiting and acrid
diarrhea may occur. If the flu is respiratory, a watery, runny nose with sneezing paroxysms
and a dry or wheezing cough are often seen. The persons head usually feels hot, while the
rest of the body is chilly.
Belladonna: Sudden, intense symptoms including fever, red face, hot skin, and extreme
sensitivity to light and jarring suggest a need for this remedy. The person may have a very
red sore throat, a pounding headache, a nagging cough, or other throbbing and inflammatory
symptoms. Despite high fever, the persons hands and feet may feel cold, or chills and heat
may alternate.
Bryonia: When a person is very grumpy and feels miserable with the flu, wanting only to lie
still and be left alone, this remedy is likely to be useful. Headache, muscle aches, and cough
or stomach pain may be the major symptoms. Everything feels worse from even the slightest
motion. The persons mouth usually is dry, with a thirst for long cold drinks.
Eupatorium perforliatum: Flu with deep pain occurring in the legs or back (as if the bones
would break) often responds to this remedy. Pain may be felt in the eyeballs, with a heavy
sensation in the head. Illness often begins with chills and thirst, followed by high fever. Chills
may be felt the back and legs, and the aching in the bones is worse from motion. The person
feels wiped out and miserable.

Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy may be helpful during flu with fever, headache, rosy
cheeks, and a feeling of weariness. Sensitive eyes, a short hard cough, strong thirst, and
vomiting after eating are other indications. This remedy is often helpful in early stages of flu
or fever, even if symptoms are not especially clear.
Gelsemium: Symptoms of fatigue and achiness that come on gradually, increasing over
several days, may indicate a need for this remedy. The face feels heavy, with droopy eyes
and aching. A headache may begin at the back of the neck and skull, and the person may
feel chills and heat running up and down the spine. Anxiety, trembling, dizziness,
perspiration, and moderate fever are other indications for Gelsemium.
Nux vomica: When this remedy is indicated in influenza, the person may have have high
fever, violent chills, strong nausea and cramping in the digestive tract (or a painful cough and
constricted breathing if the flu is respiratory). Headache usually occurs, along with
oversensitivity to sound, bright light, and odors. A person who needs Nux vomica is often
very irritable, feeling worse from exertion and worse from being cold in any way.
Oscillococcinum (also called Anas barbariae): Oscillococcinum is one of the common
names used for a remedy that is widely used for prevention and treatment of flu in the United
States and Europe. Research suggests that it has strong antiviral effects.
Phosphorus: When this remedy is needed during flu, the person has a fever with an easilyflushing face, and feels very weak and dizzy. Headache, hoarseness, sore throat, and cough
are likely. If the focus is digestive, stomach pain and nausea or vomiting usually occur. A
person who needs this remedy often has a strong anxiety, wanting others to be around to
offer company and reassurance. Strong thirst, with a tendency to vomit when liquids warm up
in the stomach, is a strong indication for Phosphorus.
Rhus toxicodendron: A person who needs this remedy during flu feels extremely restless.
Fever is accompanied by bone and muscle aches. Sore throat, red tongue, a teasing cough,
and nausea and bloating are other likely symptoms. Soreness and stiffness may be felt all
over, with improvement from hot showers or from getting up and pacing. A person who needs
Rhus tox usually feels worse when waking up, after lying in bed, or from keeping still too
long. Symptoms are relieved by rubbing and stretching, but especially warmth and
Sulphur: This remedy may be useful if a flu is very long-lasting or has some lingering
symptomsoften after people have neglected to take good care of themselves. Symptoms,
either digestive or respiratory, will often have a hot or burning quality. The person may feel
hot and sweaty, with low fever and reddish mucous membranes. Heat aggravates the
symptoms, and the person often feels worse after bathing.
(See also Homeopathic Remedies for Infection, Common Cold, and Cough.)

Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where selftreatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C,
12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed
on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and
wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If
improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The
frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be
required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day;
and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.

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