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TGD 1102


12. Sumberdaya Geologi

Salahuddin Husein

Jurusan Teknik Geologi

Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada

1. Konsep

shddin 2011

Sumberdaya mineral terkonsentrasi oleh proses geologi yang beroperasi

dalam sistem tektonik dan hidrologi. Sebagian besar membutuhkan waktu
yang lama untuk terbentuk, sehingga bersifat terbatas dan tidak
Endapan mineral (ore deposits) dibentuk bersama proses pembentukan
batuan beku, sedmen, metamorf, dan proses pelapukan. Banyak pula mineral
logam yang melibatkan pergerakan fluida hidrotermal.
Sumber energi yang bersifat tidak terperbaharui meliputi batubara, minyak
dan gas bumi, dan energi nuklir. Sumber energi yang terperbaharui meliputi
energi panas matahari, tenaga angin, tenaga air, tenaga pasang-surut, dan
energi panasbumi. Saat ini energi terperbaharui hanya menyediakan sedikit
dalam kebutuhan energi manusia.
Lokasi dan kekayaan sumberdaya alam ditentukan secara langsung maupun
tidak langsung oleh tektonika lempeng.
Ada batas pertumbuhan populasi manusia yang ditentukan oleh
keterbatasan sumberdaya alam.

2. Sumberdaya Mineral

shddin 2011

Proses geologi
dalam pembentukan
sumberdaya mineral

3a. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Beku

shddin 2011

Sebaran endapan mineral bijih menurut tatanan tektonik.

3a. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Beku

shddin 2011


gold, silver,
copper, lead,


Pembentukan batuan beku menghasilkan banyak endapan mineral.

3a. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Beku

shddin 2011



Krom (chromite) terbentuk dari kristalisasi dan pengendapan lantai intrusi

batuan beku basa. Bushveld Complex, South Africa.

3a. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Beku

shddin 2011

Endapan tembaga terbentuk dari intrusi dangkal yang melibatkan fluida

hidrotermal. Bingham, Utah.

3a. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Beku

shddin 2011

Grasberg, Papua

3a. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Beku

shddin 2011

Grasberg, Papua

3b. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Metamorf

shddin 2011


3c. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Sedimen

shddin 2011

Konsentrasi mineral
logam berat dalam
endapan tempatan
(placer deposits)
oleh aliran sungai.

Emas, intan, dan timah, umumnya ditemukan sebagai endapan tempatan di

sepanjang alur sungai.

3c. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Sedimen

shddin 2011

Formasi Besi Berlapis (banded iron formations) terbentuk ketika mineral

besi berselingan dengan rijang terendapkan di lingkungan laut dangal PreKambrium.

3c. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Sedimen

shddin 2011

Penguapan yang sangat tinggi akan menghasilkan garam dan magnesium.

3c. Sumberdaya Mineral Bentukan Batuan Sedimen

shddin 2011

Petani Garam, Madura

3d. Mineral dan Proses Pelapukan Pelarutan

shddin 2011

4. Sumberdaya Energi

shddin 2011

Energi yang dikonsumsi oleh USA

disediakan dari banyak sumber.

4. Sumberdaya Energi

shddin 2011

Perkiraan konsumsi minyakbumi di USA (M. King Hubbert, 1956)

4. Sumberdaya Energi

shddin 2011

Prediksi konsumsi energi dunia


4a. Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Energi panas matahari

4a. Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Tenaga air.
Hoover Dam, Colorado River.


4a. Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Tenaga angin

4a. Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Energi panasbumi


shddin 2011

4a. Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan

Lapangan Panasbumi Wayang Windu, Pengalengan

4a. Sumberdaya Energi Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Sistem panasbumi

Air panas terbentuk akibat

sirkulasi airtanah di sepanjang
sesar yang dalam atau
terpanaskan oleh tubuh intrusi
magma dangkal.


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Coal deposits are commonly

formed by the expansion and
contraction of a shoreline and
involve the associated movement
of a swamp and barrier bar.

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

The origin of coal involves burial, compaction,

and induration of plant material.

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

The principal coal deposits are concentrated in fluvial and deltaic sedimentary rocks
on the continental platforms.


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Panian Coal Mine, Semirara Island, Philliphine

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

The accumulation of oil and gas requires (1) a reservoir rock (a permeable formation,
such as a porous sandstone) into which the petroleum can migrate and (2) a barrier (an
impermeable cap rock) to trap the fluids.

Anticline. Oil, being lighter than water, migrates up the dip of permeable beds and can
be trapped beneath a relatively impermeable shale bed in the crest of an anticline.


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

The accumulation of oil and gas requires (1) a reservoir rock (a permeable formation,
such as a porous sandstone) into which the petroleum can migrate and (2) a barrier (an
impermeable cap rock) to trap the fluids.

Fault trap. Impermeable beds can be displaced against a permeable stratum and then
trap the oil as it migrates up dip.

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

The accumulation of oil and gas requires (1) a reservoir rock (a permeable formation,
such as a porous sandstone) into which the petroleum can migrate and (2) a barrier (an
impermeable cap rock) to trap the fluids.

Salt dome. Oil and gas may accumulate near the flanks of salt diapirs that pierce and
arch up sedimentary layers.


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

The accumulation of oil and gas requires (1) a reservoir rock (a permeable formation,
such as a porous sandstone) into which the petroleum can migrate and (2) a barrier (an
impermeable cap rock) to trap the fluids.

Stratigraphic trap. Shale surrounding a sandstone lens can form and prevent the oil
from escaping.

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Three-Dimensional Seismic Imaging


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Major oil and gas fields and deposits of oil shale are found on all of the continents
except Antarctica. Most form in thick sedimentary deposits on continental crust.The rifted
margins of Africa, South America, and Europe are important oil-producing environments.
Other important fields lie in the sedimentary basins of the platform and the flanks of
folded mountain belts.

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Oil wells such as this in the North Sea are important symbols of our modern society


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Anjungan Pengeboran Minyakbumi Lepas Pantai

4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011


4b. Sumberdaya Energi Tidak Terbarukan

shddin 2011

Methane hydrates consist of a methane molecule (CH4) trapped inside a crystalline

cage of frozen water (left).They form on the deep seafloor as methane released by
bacteria bubbles upward and is trapped in ice.They may be abundant enough to form an
important source of natural gas and will burn if ignited with a match (right). However,
they will be difficult to mine and pose environmental hazards because methane is a
greenhouse gas.

4c. Energi Nuklir

shddin 2011

Uranium deposits and nuclear reactors may become a key part of the future
production of energy, but only if the public becomes convinced that nuclear reactors are
safe and that their waste products can be safely stored in repositories for long periods of


5. Tektonika Lempeng dan Sumberdaya Mineral

shddin 2011

Mineral resources are intimately related to the plate tectonic system. Some of the
major ore-forming environments are shown on this schematic cross section. Plate
tectonics controls igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic processes and even the
climate; it therefore exerts a major control on the types of ore deposits formed at any
location and time.

6. Batas Pertumbuhan dan Konsumsi

shddin 2011

Earths human population has grown exponentially.


6. Batas Pertumbuhan dan Konsumsi

shddin 2011

A computer model of resource consumption and its influence on other variables

assumes no major changes in the physical, economic, and social relationships that
historically have governed the development of the world system.

7. Pulau Easter

shddin 2011


7. Pulau Easter

shddin 2011

Pollen fossils


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