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PD Meeting notes

Global Context Review- IB Training
1. IB schools are centered around Global Contexts (GCs)
a. All student learning should be learned through a lens. Could be any of the six
b. All GCs should be encountered in each unit. But an individual lesson plan may
be focused on just one or two
2. Identities and Relationships
a. Each GC has three columns meant to guide teachers in using this GC
b. Identities and Relationships refers to all styles of relationships, possibly local or
global, or local in another location on the globe.
c. Example exploration examples include teams/competition to experience relations
between two sides.
3. Orientation in Time and Space
a. What does it mean to be older or younger than another person and how should
you treat that person because of that difference?
b. What does it mean to come from different countries or cultures?
c. This GC has a lot to do with history- points in history
d. All subjects should use this to give background on the concepts theyre studying
e. Music history is important
4. Personal and Cultural Expression
a. Most used amongst music teachers
b. Has a lot to do with creativity
i. Creativity is influenced by what a given culture thinks is a good creative
ii. Also influenced by what has come before and the traditions/infrastructure
that exists for expressing ones self.
c. Metacognition and abstract thought happens in this GC.
5. Scientific and Technical Innovation
a. This GC helps us work through innovations not only in science classrooms, but
in every subject. All leaning happens through the technology of the day.
i. Students today often learn by using an Ipad
ii. Students 150 years ago used a personal chalkboard.
iii. The technology is different, but students still learned and teachers still
b. What technology is available in music now?: notation software, smartmusic,
electronic tuners, . Etc
c. Music technology was different all throughout history and at one time or another
everything was the newest fanciest thing at one time.
d. Includes everything from development of mathematic concepts do
implementation of Ipads, to learning about technology that put a man on the

6. Globalization and Sustainability

a. This seems like two different subjects smashed into one.
b. Globalization
i. The world is becoming more connected and we have/need more systems
in place to communicate
ii. We need to have the right kind of communication. Might look different in
different situations. Lots of business can be done electronically, but some
conversations need to happen in person and so the infer structure needs to
be in place to allow that to happen.
c. Sustainability
i. We need to be constantly aware that everything we do needs to be
ii. Not just with oil, which is the big ticket that kids always seem to come up
with. But with creating and scheduling classes for example. If the needs of
the students are going to change for next year because you made the
conscious choice to educate them in a certain way, then you need to be
prepared to meet the needs of the more educated students youve created
next year.
7. Fairness and Development
a. Every person around the world has both rights and responsibilities. This doesnt
change, no matter when you lived, or where youre a citizen or what you believe.
b. It is important to think about fairness as it applies to opportunities for all. Students
should learn the importance of this point through how you conduct class. But they
should also learn the effect of fairness on pop culture and in years passed.
c. Example explorations could discuss power and privilege with regard to who
writes the music that gets listened to for hundreds of years. There is real power in
the hands of the people who make history and write it down, because they decide
what and how things are remembered.
d. All countries are different and yet should have a system in place for ensuring
basic human rights are met.

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