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There is a problem related to abortion especially in adolescence, generated by different

causes which are made known in the course of this trial.
Considering the above, it can be said, that pregnancy is that pregnancy occurring after the
first menstruation (between 10 and 13 years approximately). However, abortion is a nonlegal practice arising from various causes that although they are well known, some
misinformation is generated in the management of the risks involved with this type of
undesirable circumstances.
In this same way, it is necessary to mention the causes originating the pregnancies at an
early age. Among the common causes are the following: misinformation in the use of
contraceptives, rape, school dropout and poverty.
The first cause of abortion is related to unwanted pregnancies that occur due to improper
use of contraceptives and the denial of sexual practices.
The second cause for this analysis is the violation. In this sense, the unwanted pregnancy
becomes a serious obstacle to the realization of the plan of life of women in situations of
sexual abuse. Such circumstances bring as a consequence the abortion regarded as
termination of pregnancy by a person without the training or the necessary qualifications to
perform the procedure safely and in a place that does not meet the minimum medical.
The third cause is the loneliness that women (usually adolescent) feels when she is pregnant
and decides not to disclose their State of pregnancy to parents because your thinking tells
you that your family will not support it. This means, the support of parents to their children
is essential even if the pregnancy is not wanted at that moment by the circle family.

However, the reaction of parents upon learning of the pregnancy of the adolescent is
different, showing little understanding and loving support. They care more for what will
happen to them and make it reproaches. They know that in one way or another they are
those who will have to solve the problem both economic as in the breeding. The young man
feels lonely to take on the conflict, with a heavy burden of guilt and often decides to have
an abortion.
Taking this into account, the causes of abortion among adolescents generate multiple
consequences as: death of prematurity and the pregnant woman, transmission of diseases to
the pregnant woman and psychological problems in the patient that practice is activity to
feel disgusted with gestate a human in her womb.
In this same order of ideas, the teens become pregnant, risk factors exist in all walks of life,
depending mainly on education, communication and training parents to provide their
children. It is for this reason that both unwanted pregnancy and abortion in adolescence is a
problem of social, economic and public health which is considered of great magnitude, both
for youth, family and environment surrounding them.

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