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Yes, l do. l love thern so much l'd like to become a

zoologist or an ethologist and l'd like to study animal


animals. ldon't think l could live without them.

have a dog, two cats and a budgie.
l love

c) l don't like animats. l am

afraid of them, especially

dogs. l have been afraid of dogs since l was attacked

and bitten by the neighbour's dog when ! was three
years old. l get frightened whenever they come running
towards me, even if they are wagging their tails.

anmal ['renlmel]


zoologist [zulolad3rstJ - zoolgus (llatta n-tuds)

ethologist [ii0oled3rstJ - llati viselkeds kutat

study ['stndi] - tanulrnnyoz

behaviour [bthervje*] - visel keds

wthout [wt aut] - ntktil

budge ['bnd3iJ - torpepapagj

be afraid of ['freld] - fl

especially fi'speJeli] - kl,ilonsen

attack [dtrck] - megtmad

bite [balt] - megharap
neghbour ['nelbon] - szomszd

get frightened [tfraltend]

wag [wregJ - csvl


tail [terl] - farok



l have got a lot of favourites, but if l have to pick one

lwouId go for the tiger. l love tigers because they are
very beautiful, majestic and independent creatures.

Their cubs are absolutety adorable.

My favourite animals are horses. They are strong and
intelligent. l love the way they took, smetl and sound

and l love riding them. My favourite breed is the

Arabian. lt is very graceful. l enjoy feeding them and
grooming them; even cleaning their stable is fun for


l've always loved dogs. l can't irnagine rny tife without

them. They are loyal, and that's why we call them man's
best friends. They are adaptable and very intelligent.

They are devoted to the!r owners and protect thern

against danger. They are clever so they can easily learn

to obey orders, and they can fetch and bring back

ba lls.

pick [ptk] - kivlaszt

go for - vlaszt

majestic [moU3estrk] - fensges

independent [,rndlpendantJ - ftigeetlen

creature ['kri:ta*J - lny

cub [knb] - kolyok

absoltrtely [,rebse'lu:tli] - teIjesen, nagyon
adorable [aUc:rablJ - imdnival

intelligent [rrttelrd3ent] - intetl!gens

look [lok] - kinz

smell [smel] - illata van

sound [satlnd] - hangja van
breed [bri:dJ - fajta
Arabian [e'rerbien] - arab
graceful ['grelsfo! - kecses

feed [fi:dJ - etet

groom [grrr:m] - pol, kefl

even ['i:ven] - mg
stable ['sterblJ - isttl
fun [fnn] - szrakozs
imagne [r'mred3lnJ - e!kpzel
loyal ['lclel] - hisges
adaptable [oUrepteblJ - a lka lmazkod
be devoted to [dlvecrtld] - ragaszkodik

owne!, [bt_rna*J

- tulajdonos
protect [pra'tekt] - megvd

danger [telnd3o*J - veszly

clever ['kleva*J - okos
obey [eu'ber] - engedelmeskedik
order ['c:da*] - parancs
fetch tfet] - odahoz, rte megy



20, AtvlMALs ANp




l have never had a pet because my parents wouldn't

let me have one. l'd like to have a cat. cats are soft,

cuddly, loveable and extremely clean.


l have a hamster. Hamsters are cute, playful and very

easy to look after. The only problem with them is that

they easily find ways to escape from their cages and

then it takes forever to find them.


l have had a lot of pets

hamsters,gulnea pigs and

gerbils. Now l have a little rabbit called Nyusz

the most lovable pet t have ever had.

- she



take care of [kee*] - gondoz

bath [bc:O] - ftirdet
it is worth [ws:OJ - megri

Golden Retrever [,gaulden rltri:va*J - golden retriever

wake [welkJ - felbreszt
lick [ltk] - megnyal
defi nitely ['deflnatli]

hat rozottan

house-tran ['haostrernJ - szobatisztasgra szoktat

pee [pi:]


litter box ['lrta*] - alomdoboz / macskavc

pet - kedvenc kisllat

let - enged

calm [ko:lm]


stroke [streokJ - simogat


cuddly ['kndli]

treat [tri:tJ - kezel, bnik vele

train [treln] -tant, betant
amusins [dmJu:zlg] - szrakoztat
trick - trkk

health [helO] - egszsg

resist [rlzrstJ - ellenll
purr [ps:] - dorombol
belly [tbeliJ - has
golden ['gauldan] - arany
stripe [strarp] - csk
cuddle ['kndl] - megolelget
relax [rtlreksJ - pihen
chase [t"[ets] - kerget

- olelnival

loveable ['lnvebl] - szeretnival

extremely [rk'stri:mli] - nagyon

hamster ['hremste*] - horcsog

cute [kju:t] - aranyos
playful ['plerfel] - jtkos
look after [b:fto*] - gondoz
way lwetJ - md
e cape [r'skerp] - elmenekl
cage [keld3J - ketrec
it takes forever [fdreve*] - orokk tart
gunea pig ['grni plg] - tengerimalac
gerbil [\l3s:bel] - futegr
rabbit ['raebrtJ - ny l

feather ['fe a*] - toll

danglns ['ddet]glrrl] - fityeg

strng [strrr3J - madzag

tend - hajlamos

elt nik
mysteriou sly [nrlstreriesl i] - tito kzatosa n
fortu nately ['fc: tJenetli] - sze rencs re
disappear [,drsdple*J -

think dogs make the best pets. They are great fun. They
never let you down. lf you treat them with love you will
have a friend for life. They can be trained to protect our


homes, and they can be taught to do amusing tricks.

However, taking care of dogs is not easy. you have to
feed them, train them, and walk them every day. They
must be bathed and groomed regutarly. But it is worth
it. l have a Golden Retriever, caIIed Rocky. t love being
with him and he loves being with me. He wakes me up
every morning by licking my face.

Definitely cats. They are very clean, they take care

of themselves. They are easy to house-train. They


don't pee in the house, but in a litter box. They help

keep you calm: stroking a cat is good for our health.
No one can resist a purring cat. l have two cats. sziszi
has a white belIy and her feet are white, too. charlie

has golden and brown stripes. when l am unhappy, I

stroke them, cuddle them and then I feet much better.
They love to play with their toys and relax on the sofa

with me. They love to chase balls and feathers, or

just about anything dangling from a string. They tend

to disappear mysteriously, especialty at night,

fortunately, they always come back.

make the best pet - a legjobb kisllat
let so down - cserbenhagy




l don't know, but l think dogs, cats, hamsters

guinea pigs are the most popular pets.


popular ['popjula*] - npszer

There are lots of reasons why people keep pets. pets

keep you company and give unconditional love. They
might even comfort you when you are sad. They are
good listeners. And dogs, for example, keep you fit,
as you have to take them for a walk every day. pets

also provide opportunities to meet new people.

you can make friends while walking around
in the
neighbourhood or taking part in competitions.

unfortunately, some people buy pets to took cool

and to impress other people. For them a pet is only a
status sym bol.
reason ['ri:zsn] - ok
keep company ['knmpeni] - trsasgot ny jt
uncondtional [,nnkenudenol] - felttel nlktili
comfort ['knmfot] - vigaszt ny jt
listener ['ltsener'J - ha llgatsg
keep so fit - edzsben tart
provide [pra'vard] - biztost, ny jt



opportunity [,npe'tju:neti] - lehet sg

neighbourhood ['nerbahud] - korny k
take part - rsztvesz
competition [, kanrpdtrJen] - ve rse ny
look cool [ktr:l] - rnen nek nz ki
impress [tnr'pres] - leny gz
status symbol ['stettes,stnrbal]

fill up - feltolt


Although pets can bring lots of happiness to our lives,

keeping a pet involves many responsibilities. you have
to train your pets, and clean up after them. lt is a lot
of work. keeping a pet is not cheap either. you have to
feed it, and you need to buy the necessary equipment
- collars, cages, litter boxes, muzzles, bowls, toys etc.
pets need veterinary care: for example they have to
get their annual shots.
You can't always take your pet wlth you when you go
on holiday and it is difficult to find someone suitable
to look after your pet or suitable kennels where you
can leave your pet to be taken care of while you are

brush [brnj] - kefl

untangle [nrftreOgl] - kibont
knot [not] - csom
check-up - orvosi vizsglat
bedding ['bedr1] - alom



Dogs are pack animals, social creatures" They belong

may get lonely outside. But if you keep them inside,

you have to take them out for walks several times

a day and you mustn't leave them alone for a long

although [c:l' etl] - br

disadvantage [,dtsed'va:nttd3] - htrny
happiness ['hreprnas] - boldogsg
involve [rrfvclv] - magban foglal


opinion [e'plnjanJ - vlemny

space [spels] - tr
trap [trrep] - csapdba ejt
aggressive [a'gresrv] - aggresszv
destructive [dlstrnktlvJ - krt okoz, rombol
pack lprek] - falka
social ['saoJel] - trsas
belong [brloa] - tartozik
lonely ['launliJ - magnyos

responsibility [rt,sponslbrlrtiJ - felel ssg

cheap [tJi:pJ - olcs
not .". either [tar e*] - sem
necessary ['nessseri] - szksges
equpment [rk'wlpment] - feIsze rels
collar ['kole*] - nyakorv
muzzle ['mnzl] - szjkosr
bowl [beol] - tl
veternary care ['vetertneri] - llatorvosi ellts
annual ['rnjuel] - ves
shot [Jot] - olts
suitable ['sju:tabll - alkalmas
kennels ['kenelz] - kutyapanzi

What rules ao

your dog?


whenever you are waIking your dog in public you must

keep it on a lead. Don't allow it to jump on peopte or
other animals. Don't allow it to put his front paws on

lthink children can learn a lot of things by having a pet.

They can learn responsibility, patience and empathy.
They can also learn how to take care of and took after
a living creature.

others, even it is just playing, especially if its paws are

dirty or muddy. Don't let it attack or snarl at people.
you can allow your dog to run free in sign-posted offthe-leash areas. Don't walk your dog in parks or areas
with a sign saying 'No Dogs Allowed'.

No one likes to step in dog poop. clean up after

your dog: pick up its waste. you can use speciat

patience ['pedens] - ttirelem

empathy ['empe0i] - belerzs, egyrittrzs
lvngcreature ['kri:to*] - l lny

biodegradable dog poop bags. Dispose of the bag in

one of the bins in the street.

l have got a dog. I feed him once a day in the evening,

but l regularly fill up his water bowl. l take him for

Can you keep d dog f you live n a Iat?

ln my opinion, we should not keep a dog if we live in

a flat. Dogs need lots of space to run around. If they
don't have enough space to play, they feel trapped
and they may become aggressive and destructive.
inside with their "pack." They need to be cared for and
loved. They love spending time with their family. They



l have got a hamster. I feed her apples, nuts, bananas

and vegetables. l regularly give her fresh water. l clean
her cage and change the bedding every day. l play with
her every day. She loves getting a new toy.

walk three times a day. After school we spend at least

an hour together playing in the park. l brush his coat
to untangle the knots every day. l give him a bath once
a month. ltake him to the vet for regular check-ups.

Aggressive dogs must be m uzzled in public. you have

to muzzle your dog if you travel by public transport.
rule [ru:l] - szably

follow ['folou] - kovet, betart

in publc ['pnbltk] - nyilvnos helyen
lead[li:d] -p rz
allow [e'lar"r] - enged
paw [pc:J - mancs
muddy ['mndi] - sros


20. Antnnals AND PETS

snarl [sno:rl] - megmorog, rvicsort
sign-poted ['sarnpeostrd] - kit blzott
off-the-leash [li:fl - prz nlkl
area ['eerto*] - terlet
slgn [satn] - tbla
step - belelp
poop [pu:p]- rlk

biodegradable [,bareudr'greldrbl] - leboml


- szemetes

bee tbi:]



take care of a tarantula, and it takes up only a little


Although his tarantula is really beautiful and l often

watch it for hours, l think it is unfair to keep exotic
animals in the home. lthink they should be left in their
own [ectn] - van neki
unusual [nn'ju:3uel] - szokatlan

tarantula [te'rentjr_rle*] - tarantellapk

hairy ['heari] - szrs

arthropod [b:Orepod] - zeltlb

yes, l have. My grandparent tive in the country and

they have a lot of animals. They have a pigsty with two
pigs and in the yard they have a chieken coop where
chickens lay their eggs. They also have ducks, geese
and turkeys. They used to have cows in the barn, but
they sold them a few year ago.

No, lhaven't, but


een farm animals in the

zoo. you can see farm animals native to Hungary in

Budppest ZoQ. There are spotted cattle, waltowbellied woolly pig , sheep and horses in the barns.
pigsty ['prgstal] - disznl
yard [ja:ct] - udvar
coop Iku:p] - tyrikketrec
lay an egg [lelJ - tojst toj
duck [dnk] - kacsa
goo e, geese [gu:s, gi:s] - liba
turkey ['ts:ki] - pulyka
cow [kauJ - tehn
barn [bo:nJ - pajta
native [tneltrv] - honos
spotted cattle [,spotld 'kretl] - magyar tarka szarvasmarha
swallow-bellied woolly pig ['swoleclbelrd'wcrli]
- mangalica
sheep [Ji:p] - juh

natural habitat.

venomous ['venemes]


be allergic to [a*le:d3rk] * allergis

sting [st,q] * csps,fullnk

One of my neighbours has a tarantula. lt is a large and
hairy arthropod. lt is venomous, but it will bite only
if it feels threatened. My neighbour says it is easy to

wa p[wnsp] *darzs


threatened ['0retend] - fenyegetett

take up - elfoglal
unfair [,rrifee*] - nem helyes, mltnytalan
exotic fg'zotrk] - egzotikus

natural habitat [,nrctJeral'habltat] - termszetes lhely


tme you went to a zoo?

yes, l have. The last time l went to
the zoo was about

l am afraid of dogs, l was bitten by our neighbour's dog

when l was two years old, l have been afraid of dogs

three months ago. our biology teacher organised

trip to Budapest Zao.

since then.


zoo [zu:J - llatkert

l am scared of spiders. l feel almost paralysed if l see

a spider. l often imagine that l see spiders, even when
there aren't any. l start screaming when l see one. l

biology [batoledsiJ - biolgia

organise [b:g anatzf- szervez
trip - utazs, kirnduls

know it's crazy but when the fear takes over, l can't

think straight, Just thinking about them gives me


goosebumps. l know that most of them are harmless,

but for me they are s|mply disgusting and frightening.

l am afraid of bees and wasps because l am allergic to

their stings.
be scared of ['skead] - fl
spider ['spalde*] - pk
be paralysed ['perelaIzd] - lebnul
scream [skri:nr] - sikt
crazy ['krerzi] - rlt
fear [ie*] - flelem
think straight [strert] - tisztn gondolkozik
goosebumps [!u:sbnmps] - libabr
harmless ['ho:mles] - rtalmatlan
smply ['slmpli] - egyszeren
disgusting [dIs'girstrg] - u ndort

frightening ['frartenrg] - fle lmetes



often do you vstthat zoo? How much does

get in?

t cost to

The nearest zoo is in veszprm. t love going to,the zoo

so we go there at least four or five times a year. Tickets
are quite expensive, but you can buy an annuat season



The nearest zoo is in Budapest. l love animals so

visit the zao regularly. l have also adopted an animal
- Jonas, the giraffe. Anyone can adopt an animal in
Budapest zoo and thus contribute to the animal's

feeding and care. ln return for your donation you get a

personalised adoption certificate and two free tickets
to visit your adopted animal twice a year, when there
are Adopters' Meetings.

20. ArulMALs AND PETs

Footed Ferret.

at least [li:stJ - legaIbb

quite [tkwalt] - elg
exp n ive [lk'spenslvJ - drga
annual ['rcryuel] - ves
ea on ticket [,si:zn 'trkrt] - brlet
adopt [a'dopt] - orokbe fogad

There are many endangered and protected speeies in

Hungary too, for example the black stork, the black
eagle, the wolf, the lynx, the Hungarian meadow viper
and others.

thusIns] -gy

contribute Ikarr'trrbjrr:t] - hozzj rul

in return for [rlts:n] - viszonzskppen
donation [deo'nelenJ - adomny
personalised ['pe:senolarzd] - szemlyre szl
adoption [otop"[an] - o rokbefoga d s
certificate [sdtlfrkot] - oklevl
adopter [e'ctopto*l - orokbefoga d


die out [da,]

iberan [sartbrarien] - szibriai

Mountain Gorilla ['rnactnttn gdrllal - hegyi gorilla
whale [wetl] - blna
black-footed [,blrck'ft-rtldJ - feketel brj
ferret ['ferrt] - menyt, gorny
stork [stc:kJ - glya
eagle ['i:glJ - sas
wolf [wul|J - farkas
lynx [lrlks] - hirjz
meadow viper [,medeu'valpet]

l think zoos are useful is that

They can learn a lot about their lives, habits and



Ithink keeping anirnals in zoos is cruel" Anirnals kept in

zoos are taken from their natural habitats and put in
cages. Their cages and enclosures are far too small, so
they don't have enough space and they are deprived
of their freedom. l think animals should be left in their
natural habitat.

Do you know about any endangered speces?

Are there qny endangered speces n your country?
There are many endangered species in the world. l've
read somewhere that there are about 5,000 of them

Can we do anythng to protect endangered

and take our rubbish home. we can volunteer to

remove rubbish from oL!r forests, fields and parks. We

can help endangered birds by building birdhouses for
them and feeding them. We shouId ban over-hunting.
preserve [prfzs:v]

- meg


destroy [dtstrcl] - lerombol

rainforest ['retnforlst] - es erd
hike[hatk] -t rzik
regulation [,regju'lerfan] - szablyozs
rubbsh [trnbd] - szemt

volunteer [,volarftle*] - onkntesnek jelentkezik

remove [rlmu:v] - eltvolt
field [fi:ld] - mez
over-hunting [,eove'hnntrq] - t lvadszat


Do you thnk people should buy and wedr ur

don't think people should wear animal furs. KiIIing an
animal for its fur is cruel and unnecessary as we can
buy and wear fake furs.

lf it's okay to eat animals and wear their skins in the

form of leather jackets and leather shoes, it is also
lright to wea r fu rs.

about 500 species of animals have become extinct,

including the dodo and the tarpan. There are many

fur [fsJ - bunda

the Mountain Gorilla, the Blue Whale or the Black-

parlagi vipera


and at least one species dies out every year. Since 1600

endangered species today, such as the Siberian Tiger,

We should preserve their natural habitat; we shouldn't

destroy the rainforests, for example" When we hike in
forests we should leave flCIwers, plants or bird's eggs
where we find them, w shotlld follow fire regulations


endangered [rnUelnd3ecl] - veszlyeztetett

speces ['spi:Jes] - faj
breed [bri:dJ - tenyszt
captivity [kredtrvrti] - fogsg
sick - beteg
injured ['rnd3ed] - srtilt
treatment ['tri:tmant] - kezels
visitor ['vtztte*] - ltogat
distant ['drstant] - tvoli
habt ['hrebrt] - szoks
cruel [tkru:alJ - kegyetlen
enclosure [rrtklao3e*] - kortilkertett hely
deprive [dfprarv] - megfoszt
freedom ['fri:dam] - szabadsg


bat [bret] - denevr

ln my opinion, there is nothing wrong with keeping

animals in zoos, There are a lot of endangered species.
lf they are kept and bred in zoos they can be protected
and saved. Anirnals in captivity live longer as they get
the necessary care and the right food. lf they get sick
or injured they get the necessary treatment.
visitors can see animals from all over the world. They
can study them without travelling to distant countries.

extinct [rk'stlr3ktJ - kihalt

dodo ['cleudou] - dod
tarpan ['tc:panJ - eurpai vadl
horseshoe ['ho:su:J - patk

ls it rght to keep anmals n d zoo?

Another reason why


enda ngered-a ni ma ls.of.the.worId/24)

unnecessary [nrfneseseri] - szti ksgtelen

fake fur [ferk] - m sz rme


in the form of

leather ['leo*]


ba n

br (feldolgozott)



20. ArulMAts ANo



Hzi kedvencek

ra nyha l


goldfi sh ['gacrldflj]

botsska * stick insect [-strklnsektJ

csincsilla - chinchilla [tJrrrtJrleJ
futegr - gerbil [U3s:bal]
gyk - lizard [tlrzod]
hal - fish [fd]
horcsog - hamster ['hremsta*J
htiIl - reptile ['reptarl]
kanri - canary [kdneari]
kgy - snake [snerk]
kutya / kutyakolyok - dog

horse [hc:s]

puppy [dos / .pnpi]

macska / kiscica

- cat / kitten [krct /.krten]

ny l-rabbit['rreblt]
papagj - parrot ['prerat]
pni - pony ['pacrni]

tarajos g te - newt [nju:t]

tarantella pk - tarantula [te'rrentjtlla*]

tekn s/tengeri tekn s-tortoise/turtle ['tc:tas / ts:tl]

tengerima|ac - guinea pig ['grni prgJ
torpepapagj - budgie / budgerigar ['bnd3i, 'bnd3erigo:]
trpusi hal - tropical fish ['troplkelJ
agancs - antler ['rentla*]
agyar - tusk [tnsk]
bajusz (macska) - whiskers ['wrskez]

cs r-beak[bi:k]

farok - tail [terl]

kagyl - shell [Jel]
kar (polip} - tentacle ['tentekl]
karom - claw / talon [klc:, 'ttelan]

kopolty -


oll (rk)

gill lgrlJ
paw [pc]

pincers ['plnsoz]

orrnny - trunk [trnr3kJ

pata - hool hooves [hu:|J

pikkely - scale [skerl]

sorny (l, oroszln} - mane [meln]


szrny - wing [wrr3J

szarv - horn [hc:n]
uszony - fin [fin]

akvrium - aquarium /fishbowl/ tank

alom - bedding ['bedr1]
alomdoboz l macskavc- litterbox ['hteboks]
azonost bilta - lD tag [,al.di: tregJ
bolha ellen vd nyakorv - flea cotlar
etet - feed, fed, fed [fi:d, fed]
etet tl - food dish ['ftr:d dI]
fs - comb [kat;m]
hullajtja a sz rt - lose / shed hair [lrr:z]
ivartalant - sterilize ['ste nlatz!
jtkszer - toy ltcrJ
jutalomfalatot adni - give them a treat for good behaviour
[tri:t, bthervjat]
kalitka, ketrec - cage [keld3]
kefe - brush [brnJ]
kikpez - train [treln]
konzerv kutyaeledel - canned dog food
kosr - basket ['bo:sklt]
kutyahz - kennel l doghouse [.kenel]
kutyatirl.ilk zacsk - waste removal / poop bag
[rtmu:val, pu:pJ
lenyr, rovidre vg - trim [trm]
mikrochipet tetet be - have your dog microchipped
nyakorv - collar [tkole*]
olts - shots lotsJ
prna - cushion ['kuJen]
prz- leash / lead [li:J / Ii:dJ
simogat - stroke [stret_lk]
szabadon enged - let off the leash to run free
szjkosr - muzzle [tmnzlJ
szraz kutyaeledel - dried dog food
szobatisztasgra nevel - housetrain ['haustrernJ
takar - blanket ['blrejkrtJ
te rr riu m - terra rium [te'reeriem]
torzskonyv - pedigree ['pedrgri:]
ttizel - be on heat [hi:t]
veszettsg elleni olts - rabies shot
vizestl - water bowl [beul]


subtropical [,snb'troprkl] - szubtrpusi

are the r cha racte ristics?

climates can be classified into five main groups: tropical,

dry, humid middle latitude, continentat, and polar.

These groups can further be divided into subtypes
with more specific characteristic features; subtypes
include subtropical, steppe, desert, Mediterranean,
oceanic, rainforest, monsoon, subarctic, tundra or
polar ice cap. The characteristics of the five main
climates are the following: The tropical climate has
very high temperatures all year round; all months
have average temperatures above t8" cetsius, and a

very large amount of rain. ln dry climates there is very

little rain and a huge daily temperature range. Humid
Middle Latitude climates have warm, dry summers
and cool, wet, mild winters. continental climates are
usually found inland, with warmer summers and colder
WinterS. ln Polar clirnate permanent ice and tundra are
always present.
clmate [tklarmotJ - ghajlat
characteristic [,krerakto'rrstlkJ - jelle mz

classify ['kl.tsrfar] - osztlyoz

main [mern]


tropical ['troprkl] - trpusi

dry [drar] - szraz

humd mddle latitude [hjtr:mtd,mtdl'lretrtju:dJ



kontlnentl] -


sz ra zfo d i/ko nti ne nt l is

M editerranea n [,medr tdretnien] - fold kozi -tengeri

oceanic [,auJi'renrk] - ceni
rain forest ['relnforlstJ - es erd i

monsoon [,morttsu:nJ - monszun

subarctic [,snbb:ktlk] - az szaki sarkvidk s a mrskelt
gov kcizotti
tundra ['tnndre] - tundra
temperature ['temprete*J - h mrsklet
average ['revarld3J - tlag
Celsius ['selsias] - Celsius
large amount of rain [la:d3 a'maont ev,relnJ nagy

mennyisg es

temperature range ['temprete* relnd3] kti


be situated ['srtfueltid]



inland [,rrr'lrenct] - bels , belfold

permanent ['pa:menent] - lland

be present ['prezntl- jelen van

Hungary has a temperate continental climate that is

influenced by the Mediterranean sea and the Attantic
ocean. winters are cold, cloudy and windy; the coldest
months are January and February, with a lot of snow.

summers are sometimes very dry and hot; JuIy and

August are the hottest months.

polar ice cap [,peulor'als kirp] sarkvidki

further ['fs: e*J - tovbb

divide into [dtvardJ - feloszt

subtype ['snbtatp] - altpus

specfic [spdslflk] - jellegzete

steppe [step] - sztyeppe

desert [UezatJ - sivatagi


temperate ['temperet] - meleg mrskelt

influence ['mflusns] - befolysol
Mediterranean Sea [,medrtdrernien si:] - Foldkozi-tenger
Atlantic ocean [ot'leentik,eoJnJ - AtIanti-cen
cloudy ['klaodiJ - felh s


2L WrarHER


windy ['wlndi] - szeles



dry [drar] - szraz




What sort of clmate would you lke to live n?

As l really like sunshine and hot weather, l would like to
live in a Mediterranean climate, like the one in Greece
or Turkey. ln summer l like dry, hot days and gentle
breezes, with cool evenings, Since l don't like snow, l
prefer mild winters that are rainy.

Today it's bitterly cold; the temperature is 2l"C below

zero. lt's an unbearable winter day with a strong wind
and a heavily overcast sky.


lt's a very pleasant spring day today. There's a lot of

l'm satisfied with the climate in Hungary,

like having

four seasons, because every season has its own

pleasant feature for me. However, sometimes l'm fed
up with rain and wind, because l hate getting wet.



f ffil

















sunshine ['snnfarn] - napstits

Greece [gri:s] - Gorogorszg
Turkey ['ta:ki] - Torokorszg
gentle [t3entl] - ley
breeze [bri:z)- szell , szl
prefer [prtfe:*] - vlaszt
miid [marld] - enyhe
rany ['rerni] - es s
be satisfied with ['setlsfaldJ - elgedett valamivel
own [eon] - sajt
pleasant ['pleznt] - kellemes
feature ['fi :tJa#l - jellegzetessg
however [,lrau'eve*] - azonban
be fed up with [,fedhp wl ] - torkig van vmivel
hate [hert] - utl
get wet [get 'wet] - megzik

sunshine, the sky is clear and blue, a gentle breeze is

blowing from the west and the temperature is ideal
for walking or gardening.




What's the weather like today?





lt's scorching hot today. l think a heat wave has reached

our country. l heard on the radio that everybody


advised to stay indoors and drink a lot.

Today is a really nasty autumn day with rain and a
but it feels
strong north wind. The temperature is 7
much colder because of the wind.



bitterly cold ['blteli] - metsz n hideg

below zero [b1,leu 'zloreu] - fagypont alatti
unbearable [nrr'beareblJ - elviselhetetlen
overcast [,eove'ko:st] - felh s, borult
ideal for walking/gardening [atdi:el] - idelis (sthozl
ke rtszkedshez)
scorching hot [tskc:tJrt]] - perzsel en forr
heat wave ['hi:twelv] - h hullm
advse [od'valz] - ajnl, tancsol
indoors [,rn'dc:zJ - otthon, a hzban
nasty ['no:sti:J - ronda, utlatos
strong (wnd} [strog] - er s szl

l Do you know any specal tradtons assocated

with dfferent seasons n Hungary?

What s the weather lke n Hungary n dIferent

seasons? What's the average temperature? Whch
month gets the most ran?

To tell the truth, l'm not very interested in traditions,

but l can rnention two things that are associated with


seasons. The first one takes place in Mohcs, in the

southern part of Hungary every February, and it's
called the Busjrs. At that event local people dress
up in woolly costumes, with scary masks and make a
frightening noise. They want to bury the winter and
they also commemorate the defeat of Ottomans in

sometimes cool and windy with a lot of rain. Summers

are dry and hot, with a lot of sunshine. The average

autuffif,, it's grape-harvesting, and that's not a local

The country has a continental climate, and as a result,

winters are usually cold, windy and very humid with

snowfall. The average temperature is 0 to -15 oC.
ln spring the weather is really unpredictable and

changeable, sometimes very warm




century. The other tradition takes place



tradition, everywhere in the country people have

sometimes higher, 30"C or more. Autumns are usually

cool, foggy and rainy, but there are some weeks at
the beginning of autumn when the weather is very
pleasant, with a lot of sunshine and warm breezes.
The average yearly rainfall is approximately 600
millimetres; November is one of the rainiest months.

grape-harvesting festivals where they wear traditional

Hungarian folk costumes and celebrate the new wine
with dance and music.

daytime temperature in the summer

as a result [rtznlt]



ennek eredmnyekppen
nyirkos, nedves
snowfall ['snecrflc:l] - hess
average ['rvartd3J - tlagos
unpredictable [,nnprrUlktebl] - megjsolhatatlan
changeable ["tJelnd3ebl] - v ltozko ny
foggy [tfoEi] - kodos
rainfall ['retnfc:l] - csa padk(mennyisg}
approximately [e'proksrmatli] - kortilbell, megkozelt leg
humid ['trjtr:mtdJ


tradition [tre'drJn] - hasyomny

assocate [a'seuJiert] - trst, kapcsolatban van
event[t'vent] -e emny
local ['ler_rklJ - helyi
dress up [,dreshp] - feloltozik
woolly ['wr-rli] - gyapj
costume ['kostju:mJ - jeImez
scary ['skeeriJ - ijeszt
mask [mc:sk] - maszk, larc
frightening ['frartnlj] - rmiszt
noise [nctz] - zaj
bury ['beri] - eltemet

commemorate [kaimemerert] - mege mlkezik

defeat [drfi:t] - legy zs
Ottoman ['otemenJ - torok


century ['sentJari] - szzad
grape harvesting [grerPho:vrstlnJ - sztiret (sz
festival ['festrvl] - tjnnepsg
folk costume ['farrk,kostju:nrJ - npviselet
celebrate ['seltbrertJ * rjnnepel






There are everal way of getting information about

the weather. There' a weather forecast on television

after every news programme, you can listen to

My favourite season is spring. After the cold and dark

winter days l always become very happy when the first
spring flowers start to blossom and we have longer
days with a lgt of sunshine. The weather in spring is
ideal for walkiflg, hiking and just sitting in the garden
and l really like doing these things.


weather forecast ['we a* ,fc:ko:sq * ad jrs-jelents

weather report ['we e* rt,pc:t] - id jrs-jelents
daily new paper [,derli'nju:zpelpa*J - napilap

As l'm mad about skiing, winter is my favourite season.

l like snow very much and whenever l can, l go skiing
either with my family or my friends. usually we go to
slovakia for the weekends or to Austria or slovenia for
a week.

accurate ["inkjerot] * pontos

condition [kan'dln] - llapot, helyzet
particular [pe'trkjalo*] * konkrt, egyedi

My favourite spare-time activities are sunbathing and

windsurfing, so the best season for me is summer. l
also l!ke this season because there is no school for two

I like autumn when the trees become colourful and

there're a lot of beautiful fallen leaves ln the forests.

l often go hiking with my friends and l enjoy the
wonderful view of the hills.




o .., ['aI at, 'i:

e*J [c:*]


pare time [speaxttarm] - szabadid

sunbathing ['snnbel rry] - napozs
windsurfi ng ['wlndss:fig] - szorfozs






The season t really hate is autumn. There are several

reasons for my dislike. First of all, the school year starts
in september and l don't like school at all. secondly,

l don't like chilly and



autumn is my pet hate with its rainy days. Last but not
least, the days get darker and darker, the teaves falt
from the trees and everything starts to perish.

As ldon't like snow, ice and slushy streets in the city,

winter is the season I like the least.

Yes, l have: actually l check it every day, because l like

going to school by bike, so l want to know what the

weather will be like the next day.
yes, l have: once or twice a month l go hiking with

l always try to check the weather for the next day and l
plan my day accordingly. l also try to get dressed based
on the weather reports.

l don't depend on the weather reports at att, l never

check the weather and l'm not interested in weather
forecasts. ljust look out of the window and that's al!.
depend on [dtpend Dn] - ftigg valamit
plan [plren] - tervez

damp weather with rain, so

ln recent years there have been roasting hot days with

unbearable sunshine in summer, so l don't like this
season at all. l would like to live in a country where
summers are a bit cooler.

your cty on the lnternet?

my family or friends and I always check the weather

before that.

blossom ['blosam] - virgzik, kiviru l

hiking ['harklqJ
be mad about [mred e'baotJ - meg rril valam!rt


weather forecast every hour on the radio, you can also

ask your mobile cornpany to send you text messages
every day about the weather, you can read weather
reports in daily newspapers and you can visit different
websites on the lnternet that can give you accurate
information on the weather condition in particular

accordingly [e*kc:dl]liJ
based on [berst on]


- megfelel



chdnge your plans?

l don't think we can believe in weather forecasts 100%,
so l would not change my plans based on them.

b) lf l

plan an outdoor programrne and the weather

forecast says there will be a lot of rain or storffis,

dslke[dls'lark] - utlat
chilly ['tfili] - h vos, hideg, bartsgtalan

damp [dremp] - nyirkos

pet hate [pet 'hert] - legutltabb dolog
perish ['perrJ] - elmrilik
roasting hot ['reustlJ] - perzsel en forr
slushy lslntJ - lucskos

always change my plans and do something else.

believe n [btli:v rn] - hinni valamiben

outdoor ['aot,dc:*] - szabadtri



severe [slvre*J

condtonsin advance?

First of all, there are some very simple, practical

reasons: for exampl , you can plan what to wear, or

what kind of programmes to have for the day. Another
very important factor is that people can prepare for
extreme weather conditions and natural disasters, like
hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, or floods.
practical ['prrekttkl] - gya
rea on ['ri:znJ - ok
factor ['fiekte*J - tnyez

kemny, stilyos

threat [0ret] - veszly, fenyegets



prepare [prtpee*] - felksztjl, el kszril

extreme [rk'stri:m] - szls sges

natural dsaster [,nietJral dlzo:ste*] - termszeti

hurricane ['hnrrkon] - hurrikn, forgszt
tornado [tclneldeu] - tornd
typhoon [taffrr:nJ - tjfun, forgszl
flood [flnd] - rads

natural disasters?

Many natural disasters are related to the weather.

Floods happen after heavy rains or when snow melts

too fast. Hurricanes are serious tropicaI storms that
gather heat and energyfrom seawater. Tornadoes come
from violent thunderstorms and they are rotating,
funnel-shaped clouds. Typhoons are powerful tropical

storms with very strong winds. Thunderstorms are

very dangerous as well; lightning kills several people
every year. ln some parts of the world winter storms,
blizzards and heavy snowfall cause natural disasters.

relationship [rtle{nJrp] - ka pcsotat

related to [rtlertrd te] - kapcsolatos, kothet

melt [melt] - olvad

serious ['steries] - komoly
gather ['ge e*J - syl:jt
heat [hi:t] - h
energy ['ened3i] - energia
seawater ['si:wc:te*] - tengervz
violent ['valelent] - durva, heves, er s
thunderstorm ['0nndastc:m] - mennydorgs, vihar
rotating [reu'teltrrt] - forg, porg
funnel-shaped ['fnnl,JeIptJ - totcsralak
lightning ['lartnllJ - villmls
blizzard ['blrzod] - hvihar
cau e[kc:zJ -okoz

claim [klelrn] - kovetel

human lives [,hju:marr'lalvzJ - emberi letek
hal [hetlJ - jges
frequent ['fri:kwent] - gyakori
damage [trenrrd3] - megrongl


so what do you thnk s cdusng these changes? Do

you thnk thdt n recent years we have been losng

our four dstnctseasons?

yes, l think weather patterns are changing. There are

two reasons for it: one of them is global warming and
the other one is climate change. Experts often warn
people of these changes: that the Earth is getting
warmer and warmer and the polar ice caps are melting.
We are definitely losing our four distinct seasons. lf we
look back over the past few years, we can say that we
didn't have real spring seasons, because in April and
May we have temperatures as high as 23-27 "C, which
we used to have only in summer.
weather patterns ['we o*,pret nzl - id j rsi rendszerek
distinct [dtstrgkt] - vilgosan megkrilonboztethet

rea on ['ri:zn] - ok
global warming [,glaubl'wc:mlrJ] - globtis felmelegeds
climate change ['klalmet tJemds] - klmavltozs
expert ['eksps:t] - szakrt

warn [wc:n] - figyelmeztet

defi ntely [tefinetliJ - ktsgkvtil,hatrozottan

people feel? Are you affected by the weather?

people are often affected by the weather in many

different ways. Just to give some examples, l'd start
with the changes in air pressure, because they can

cause changes in our attention and short term memory

functions. lt can become very hard to study, work or
concentrate when atmospheric pressure changes. The
next feature is temperature, because our body finds it
hard to cope with extreme temperatures, especialty
when it's hot for a very long period of time. Another
factor affecting us is humidity. on hot humid days we
have poorer reaction times and our activity is much
slower. we also have to mention sunshiff ,.because
we tend to feel better when the sun is shining. some
people also say that wind drives them crazy.

|'m sometimes affected by the weather, especialty

which are caused by weather?

yes, there are, but luckily, they are not so
severe as
in other parts of the world. Fiooding is a threat every
year when the snow melts, but fortunatety, it doesn't
claim human lives. Thunderstorms and hail are quite
frequent in the summer and they sometimes damage
people's houses.


when it's about to rain. t become very sleepy and I find

it very difficult to do my homework or pay attention
at school.
affect l'fekq - befolysol
air pressure ['ee,preje*J - lgnyoms
attention [a*tenJnJ - figyelem
short term memory [,Jc:ttt3:m,memeri]
concentrate ['konsntrertJ - koncentrl

rovid tv


b) l

atmospheric [,retmes'ferrkJ - lgkori

cope with [kocrp wr J- megbirkzik
reaction time [ri'rkJn talm] - reakciid

like sunshine when it's not too hot, because my

favourite summer activities are hiking and ctimbing

mention ['nrenjn] - emlt

tend to [tend teJ - hajlamos valamire

drive sb crazy [dralv'k retzi!- meg rjt
pay attention [per e'tenJn] - figyelni

wakeboarding ['werkbc:drg] - wakeboardozs

boat trip [baut'trlpJ - hajkzs
sailing ['selhlJ - vitorlzs
hking ['harkrlJ -t rzs

choosing where to go on vacaton?

a) As we like sunbathing,

swimming and diving, my

parents always choose a place for our vacation where

the climate is hot and sunny. we usuatly go to the
seaside or to an island in the Mediterranean.

b) l really


like rock climbing and mountaineering, so

My parents and l are mad about skiing, so we always

go for a winter holiday and we choose a place with a
Iot of snow, usually in France or ltaty.
diving ['darvrj] - brjvrkods, merls
sland ['allenclJ - sziget
rock climbing ['rok,klarmrlJ - sziklamszs

mountaineering [tmaontdnlarl0] - hegymszs,

alpiniz mus



l hate snow, especiatly when it

becomes slushy and all the streets in the city are dirty.
lt's not Very difficult to guess that my favourite winter

To tell the truth,

activity is sleeping and relaxing in our warm living


room or going to a sauna with my friends.

l love snow. l always look forward to winter, because
l like a lot of activities you can do then, for example
skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross-country
skiing, ice skating or ice surfing.

An lndian summer is a period of calm, dry, sunny

weather in late autuffifi, not long before winter. lt can

last for a few days or extend to a week or more.

lndian ummer


period ['pteried] -



- vnasszonyok


calm [ko:mJ - nyugodt

extend [tk'stend] - elhrizdik (id ben)

yes, it is, several types of weather have
an effect on
traffc. The most dangerous one is sleet, because a lot
of drivers lose control over their vehicles. snow and
ice also cause a lot of trouble on roads; especially to
drivers who don't have winter tyres on their wheels.
Fog is also dangerous: people drive a bit slower, but
they usually keep a shorter distance from the car in
front and this increases the risk of crashes. Rain is also

an important factor to mention, as in big cities we

always have huge traffic jams during rainy periods,

effect F'fekq - hats
sleet [sli:t] - nos es
lose control [lu:z kerr'treulJ - elveszt az uralmt

vehicle [tvi:rkal] - j rm
winter tyre ['wtnte,tata*J - tli gumi
wheel [wi:lJ - kerk
be in trouble [ttrnbl] - bajban van
distance from the car in front [UrstensJ - kovetsi tvolsg

increase [rr'kri:s] - novel

risk [r,sk] - esly
crash [krafl - ritkozs, karambol
traffic iam ['trrefik d3rem] - forgalmi dug

guess [ges] - kitall

sauna ['sc:ne] - szauna
look forward to [luk'fc:wad teJ - nagyon vr
snowboarding ['sneobc:dlr3] - snowboa rdozs
snowshoeing ['sneuJu:Il]J - htalpas t rzs
cross-country sking Ikros'knntri,ski:rrJ] - sfuts
ice skating ['ats skertr1] - jgkorcsolyzs
ice surfing ['als sa:filJ - jgszorfozs


always try to choose a place with high mountains. The

climate is much cooler in the mountains, so it is ideat
for my activities.


summer actvty?
l love sunshine and summer as well. tn summer


doing several different activities like sunbathing,

swimming, windsurfing, diving, wakeboarding, going

on boat trips and sailing.





felh s - cloudy ['klat-rdi]

felh s, borult - overcast [,etlvdko:stJ
felh s, komor - duII [dnl]

jrs - Weather ['we at]

ghajlat - Climate ["klarmot]

az szaki sarkvidk s a mrskelt gov kozotti


rain forest ['retnforlst]

es erd i -

foldkozi-tengeri - Mediterranean [,medrta'rernien]

meleg mrskelt- temperate ['temperet]
monszun - rnonsoon [,morr'su:n]
nedves kozp-szlessgi- humid middle latitude
ceni - oceanic [,at-rJi-aenlk]
sarkvidki - polar ice cap [,peolor'ats krepJ
sivatagi - desert [ktezat]
szraz - dry [drarJ
sz razfo


i/ko nti ne nt l i s

co nfi ne nta l

szubtrpusi - su btropica l [,snb'troprkl]

trpusi, forr govi - tropical ['troprkl]
tundra - tundra ['tnndra]



- Adjectives
- slippery ['shpari]

M ellknevek


elviselhetetlen - unbearable [nrrtbeerebl]

enyhe - mild [marld]

es s-rainy['rerni]

fagyaszt - freezing cold ["fri:zrq]

fagypont alatti - below zero/subzero [br,lau 'ztareu]

fagypont feletti - above zero [e,bnv 'zterau]


forr, meleg - hot [hot]

fullaszt, fojtogat - stifling ['starflrq]
ftjlledt, leveg tlen - close [kleos]
hideg - coId [kouldJ
h vos - cool [ku:l]

vos, hideg, bartsgtalan - chilIy ['tJrli]

idelis (sthoz/kertszkedshez) - ideal (for walking/
gardening) [atdi:el]

jeges - icy ['arsi]

j - good [sud]

kedvez , viharmentes - fair


kegyetlen, kemny, zord - harsh [ho:JJ

kellemes, j - nice [narsJ
kellemesen nedves - moist [mcrst]


n - perfect [tps:fikt]

kodos - foggy ['fogi]

lucskos - slushy [slnJt]

megjsolhatatlan - unpredictable [,nnprfdlktabl]

rneleg - warm [wc:mJ
metsz n hideg - bitterly cold ['brteli]
napos - sunny ['snniJ
nedves - wet [wet]
nyirkos - damp [daemp]
nyirkos, nedves - humid ['hju:mldJ
nyomott, ftilledten meleg - muggy ['mngi]
prs, kdos - hazy [therzi]


perzsel en forr - scorching hot ['skc:tJrgJ
perzsel en forr - roasting hot ['reostrg]

pocsk - rotten [trotn]

pomps, remek (nap) - lovely (day) ['lnvliJ
ronda, utlatos - nasty ['no:sti:J

bad [bred]

siralmas - miserable ['nrrzrebl]

szakad (es ) - torrential [to'renJlJ
szeles - windy [-wrndiJ
er s szl - strong (wind) [strog]
enyhe szl - slight (wind) [slartJ
szaki szl - north (wind) [nc:O]
szp, kit n - fine [farn]
szorny , szeles, es s, viharos - foul [faul]
tikkaszt - swelteri ng ['swelterrry]
tikkaszt, rekken - sultry ['snltri]
tiszta (nap/gboIt) - clear (day/sky) [kha*J
t zforr - boiling hot ['bcrlrq]
t zforr - baking hot ['belkrgJ
v ltozkony - cha ngeable ['tJernd3eblJ



csapadk(mennyisg}- rainfall ['relnfc:lJ

es -

rain [reln]

es csepp - raindrop ['rerndropJ

vszak - season ['si:znJ
fagy, hideg, z zmara - frost [frost]
felh - cloud [klaudJ
felh szakads - downpour [Uaonpc:*]
felh szakads - cloudburst
fok - degree [dr'gri:J
ftistkod, szmog - smog [smog]

dew [dju:]
hidegfront - cold front [keuld frnntJ
h - snow [sneu]
htf vs - snowdrift ['sneudrlft]
hess - snowfall ['snaufc:lJ
h hullrn - heat wave ['hi:twervJ

h mr - thermometer [0e'momrta*]
h rnrsklet- temperature ['tempretJe*l
hpehely - snowfl a ke ['snar-rflerk]
h sg - heat [hi:tJ
hvihar - blizzard ['blrzed]
hurrikn, forgszl - hurricane ['hnrlkan]

id jrs eI rejelzs - weather forecast ['we a* ,fc:ko:st]

id jrsjelents - weather report ['we e* rt,pc:t]
je - ice [als]
jgcsap - icicle ['alsrkl]
jgdarab (jges kor) - hailstone

jges - hail [herl]

k d-fog[fog]

kod - mist [mIstJ

k d, pra - haze [lrelz]

mennydorgs, vihar - thunder(storm} ['0nndastc:m]

napos id szak - sunny spell ['snni spel]
napstits - sunshine
nedvessg, nyirkossg - humidity [hjulmrdetiJ
nos es - sleet [sli:t]
pra - vapour ['velpa*J
sr - mud [nrnd]
szrazsg, aszly - drought [ctraut]
szell , szl - breeze [bri:zJ
szitl es - drizzle [UrrzlJ
szivrvny - rainbow ['relnbooJ
tjfun, forgszl - typhoon [tar'ftr:nJ
tornd - tornado [tc:tneldooJ
vnasszonyok nyara - lndian summer [,rndiorfsnme*]
vihar - storm [stc:mJ
viharos szl - gale [getl]
vi!lm - lightning ['lartnrry]
villm(csaps) - thunderbolt ['0nndabecllt]
zpor, zivata r - shower [Jar_re*]
igk - verb

- flood [flndJ


men nydorgs - thu ndercla p [*OnndeklepJ


befagy - freeze over [fri:z 'eoveJ

befelh sodik - cloud over [klar"rd 'er-lva]
b rig zik - get drenched [get UrentJt]
b rig zik - get soaking wet [get 'sauktj wetJ
csriszik - slip [slrpJ
fagy - frost [frost]

f j-blow[blau]

havazik - snow [snou]

jges esik - hail [horl]
kitisztul - clear up [,klrerhpJ

kodbe borul, elhomlyosodik - fog up [foghp]

lecsendesedik, csillapul - settle [setlJ
megzik - get wet [get 'wet]
olvad - melt [melt]
olvad, enyhl - thaw [0c.]
noses esik - sleet [sli:t]
prolog - evaporate Pvaperert]
permetezve, szitlva esik - drizzle [UrrzlJ
zuhog, omlik - pour [pc:*J
zuhog, s rin esik - shower [Jaoe*]


jrssal kapcsolatos kifejez ek


Expressons related to

Az vszakhoz kpest szokatlanul hideg van, nem? - Very chilly

for the time of year, isn't it?
Befelh sodik. - lt's clouding over.
Micsoda rmes id ! - What dreadful weather!
Nagyon e ik. - lt's pouring with rain. Ilt's pouring down. / lt's
raining heavily.
Szp napunk van, ugye? - Lovely day, isn't it?
Tisztul az id . - lt's clearing up.
ey tnik,esni fog. - lt looks like rain.





What gre the biggest problems fac:ing ui


There are many environmental problems today, for

example pollution, global warming, climate change
and the greenhouse effect.

facing ['lelsl4] - amivel szembe kell nznie

environmental [ln,valeredmentel] - kornyezeti
pollution [pa'lu.en] - sze nnyezs
global warming ['gleubelJ - globlis felmelegeds
clirnate change [tklarnret] - ghajlatvltozs
greenhouse effect [r'fekt] - riveghzhats

The temperature of the Earth has increased and this

has caused climate changes. Global warming is caused
by an increase in the greenhouse effect. Because of
global warming, the icecap at the North pole and the
glaciers are melting and the sea-level is rising.

h mrsklet
Earth [s:0] - Fold
increase (v} [rrr'kri:s] - megn
increase (n} ['lnkri:s] - novekeds
cause |kc:z]- okoz
North Pole [peol] - szaki-sark
icecap ['ankrep] - jgsapka
glacier ['glresio*] - gleccser
rnelt - megolvad
level ['levolJ * szint
rise [ralz] - emelkedik
temperature [ttemprotj3*] -

The greenhouse effect keeps the Earth warm enough

for hurnans to live there. The greenhouse effect

means that certain gases in the atmosphere (water

vapour, carbon dioxide, methane etc.) trap the energy
from the sun and this makes the Earth warmer. lf the
greenhouse effect becomes stronger, it could make the
Earth warrner than usual, which may cause problems
for humans, plants and anirnals.

partly because of the greenhouse effect the ozone

layer around the Earth has become thinner and the
ultraviolet rays of the Sun can reach the Earth's surface.
uv rays are responsible for burning and are the main


cause of skin cancer. That's why it is important to keep

out of the sun during the peak hours of 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. when the sun's rays are strongest.
(http: l le


gov/c l i m




k id

s/g re

e n h o u s e. ht m ! )

human ['hju:menJ - ember

during I djr-lerr1] - alatt (id ben)
certain ['sa:tn] - bizonyos

gas [gres]


atmosphere ['retmasfia*J - lgkor

vapour ['vetps*] - pra
carbon dioxide [,ko:ben dafoksald] - szndioxid
methane [tmi:Oeln] - metn
trap [trrep] - csapdba ejt
energy ['ened3iJ - energia
than usual ['ju:3uelJ - mint ltalban
partly ['po:tli] - rszben
ozone layer ['eozaon,lela*J - zonrteg
thin [ftn] - vkony
ultraviolet [,nltre'vateletJ - ultraibolya
ray [ret] - sugr
reach [ri:tJJ - elr
surface [-sa:fis] - felszn

responsible [rfsponslblJ - felel

burning ['bs:nlr3] - gs
main [nreln] - f
skin cancer ['krensa'tJ - b rrk
keep out of - tvol marad, kitr
peak hours [pi:k auazl- csticsid

Pollution is something that makes the air, the water or

the land dirty or unsafe. we cause pollution when we
use electricity or burn fuel or when we buy something
that was produced or transported using electricity or
fuel. Chemicals released by factories and vehicles also
po|Iute the air and water. People who smoke pollute the

air too. we also pollute the air when we use aerosols.

They say that even cows pollute the air when they belch
because whenever they do, methane gets into the air.



dirty ['ds:ti] - piszkos

unsafe [nrtser|| - nem biztonsgos

electricity [r,lek'trrsrti] - villanyram
fuel [fjuel] - tizemanyag

produce [prdu:s] - gyrt

22. EruvlRoNM ENTAI pRoBtErvls

transport [trrerr'spc:tJ - szllt

car pool ['ko:prr:l] - egy autban tobben utaznak

alternative [ol'ts:netrvJ - a lte rnatv

chemcal [tkenrrkel] - vegyianyag

release [rtli:sJ - kibocst
factory ['frektari] - gyr
vehicle [tvi:rkl] - jrm
pollute [pa'lu:t] - szennyez
aerosol [beraosDl] - aeroszolos palack (hajtgzas)
belch [beltJ] - bofog

energy source [sc:s] - energiaforrs

solar energy ['seule*] - napenergia
heat[hi:t] -f t

plant [plo:nt] - tiltet

produce [pro'u:sJ - termel

Many greenhouse gases come from things we do every
day. whenever we use an electric appliance, e.g. watch
Tv or dry our hair, we send greenhouse gases into the
air. whenever we go by car or use public transport, w
are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
electric [r'lektrrk] - elektromos
appliance [*plalens] - berendezs, eszkoz
public transport [,pnbhk'tro:nspc:t] - tomegkozlekeds

add [redJ


we can save energy and water if we use them only

when we need them. we should switch off tights, our
computer or television when we don't use them. we
use low-energy bulbs. we save water by turning off
the tap while brushing our teeth.
we can walk or ride a bike instead of taking the bus or
driving our car, we can car pool - when we take turns
driving each other to and from work or school. we can
use alternative energy sources, such as solar energy to

heat our houses or to make electricity.

To reduce greenhouse gases we can p|ant trees, which

produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.

we can collect

hazardous waste, such



baeries, separately. we shouldn't throw them away:

we can use rechargeable batteries instead.

we shouldn't just throw away things we don't need

anymore, but recycle them. we can reuse them or
give them to sorneone who needs them. we can buy
recyclable products instead of non-recyclable ones.
Recyclable products are usually made out of things

that already have been used.

The three Rs are very important - reuse: keep using

the same things as many times as you can, reduce:
reduce the amount of things you buy, recycle: make
new things from the things we have already used.
reduce [n dju:s] - csokkent
save [selv] - megsprol
switch off [swrtfl - lekapcsol
light [lart] - lmpa
low-energy bulb [,lsr-l'ensd3i bnlb] - energiatakarkos
turn off [ts:nJ - elzr
tap [tap] - csap
instead of firtsted av] - helyett

oxygen ['oksrd3en] - oxign

absorb [eb'zc:b] - elnyel
hazardous ['hrezedes] - veszlyes
waste ['welst] - hulladk
battery ['bretari] - elem
separately ['seperetli] - el kri lon tve
rechargeable [,riitJo:d3obl] - jra feltolthet
recycle [,rilsarkl] - jrahasznost
reuse [,riJu:z] - jrahasznl
recyclable [,rilsalkleb! - jrahasznosthat

product ['prod^kt] - termk

amount ['mauntJ - mennyisg

Recycling is when we collect rubbish to create new

products out of the materials from the old ones. we
can recycle newspapers, milk cartons, bottles, cans
and plastic bags, for instance.

we should buy products that contain

materials. Many brands of paper towels,


bags, greeting cards, and toilet paper are made from

recycled materials.

we should separate our

rubbish and take our

recyclables (newspapers, bottles and cans etc.) to a
selective waste collection point in the city where there
are different sorting containers. The blue containers
are for paper and cardboard, the yellow ones are for
plastic waste, the white ones are for white glass, the
green ones are for mixed glass and the grey ones are
for metal waste. lt is important to rinse out bottles
before disposing of them.
rubbish ['rnbd] - szemt
create [kri-ertJ - ltrehoz
material [me'tlerielJ - anyag

carton ['ko:tan] - paprdoboz

can [krenJ -

fm dt sdoboz

plastic bag ['plrestlk] - m anyagzacsk

contain [korr'ternJ - tartalmaz
brand [brrend]


towel ['tauel] - torrilkoz

garbage bag ['go:brd3J
greeting card ['gri:trq]

- szemeteszsk
- tidvozl lap
separate rubbish ['seperertJ - elkrilontve gy

jti a szemetet

selective waste collection [sllekttv, ke'lekJenJ - szelektv

hulladkgy jts
sorting container ['sc:tlj ken,terne*] - kuka, melyben
ktilon lehet gy jteni
cardboard ['ka:dbc:d] - ka rtonpapr

mixed [mrkstJ - vegyes

metal ['metal] - fm
rinse out [rlnsJ - kioblt
dispose [dlspaoz|- kidob, megszabadul





ttow can you reuse things?

When we go shopping we can take a cloth bag with us,
which we can use again and again. We can use cloth
napkins instead of paper napkins. We can use both
sides of writing paper.
Butter and margarine tubs, coffee jars and shoe boxes

lige cties do to improve the qualty

of their dr?

can be used to store things.

l think the most important thing would be to improve

the public transport system and ban cars from the city
centre. They shou|d also build new cycle lanes.
Another good idea would be to build new parks and
plant a lot of trees.

We can give things, clothes or toys we don't want any

more, to friends or take them to charity collection

improve [m pru:vJ - javt

quality ['kwolrtlJ - min sg

cloth bag [kloO] - textilszatyor

napkin ['nrepkrnJ - szalvta

tub [tnbJ - m anyag doboz
jar [d3o:*] - tjveg
store [stc:*] - tnol


system ['srstemJ - rendszer

ban [bren] - kitilt
cycle lane ['salkl leln] - kerkprtit

Hungary is located in the carpathian Basin

of central
Europe; we can atso say that it can be found
in the very
heart of Europe.
be situated ['srtJtrertrdJ
- elhelyezkedik
be located [leo'kertld] - elhelyezkedik
Carpathan Basin [belsn] - Krpt medence
in the ,:ry heart of
[rn o 'veri hc:t ovl - valaminek a
sz vbe n

area ['earie] - terrilet

quare kilometre
[skwee 'kllgmi:to*]


Hungary is bordered by seven countries;

slovakia to

the north, the ukraine and Romania to

the east, serbia
and Croatia to the south, and Slovenia
and Austria to
the west.

north [nc:0] * szak

east [i:stJ - kelet
south [sauO] - dl
west [westJ - nyugat
lovakia [sleu.vaekia] - Sz!ovkia
Ukrane fiu:'kreln] * Ukrajna
Romania [ru'melnioJ - Romnia
erbia [-ss:bre] * Szerbia
Croatia [k rau'ere] - Horvto rszg
lovenia [] * Szlovn ia

Austria ['ostrio] - Ausztria

The capital city of Hungary is Budapest;

hatrot orszg

it has

PoPulation of about 2 mi!lion people. The largest cities

are Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Szeged, Pcs
Gy r, all of which are re8ional centres.
capital city [,{ - f vros
population [,popjdlerJn] npessg

regional centre ['ri:d3enlJ

The area of Hungary is 93,000 square


bordering country ['bc:doru3 knntrr]

be bordered [.bc:ded] - hatjrol

the largest cities in Hungary?

rgis kozpont

The highest point in the country is kkes,

which can
be found in the Mtra Mountains. lt is L,,O!4
above sea level.
the highest pont [,hatest'pctnt]
- a legmaga abb pont
sea level ['si: levlJ - tengerszint

lakes n Hungary?

The two longest rivers are the Tisza (its

length in

Hungary is 596 kilometers) and the Danube

Their sources are outside the country.

Hungary can boast the largest freshwater

lake in

Europe: Lake Balaton, which has an area


595 quare

kilometres, and is a very famous tourist

The second biggest lake in the country
is Lake Tisza, an
artificial lake with an area of I27 square


river ['rtva*J - foly

lake [lelk] * t
tength [lery0] - hossz(rjsg)
ource [sc:sJ - forrs
boast wth [beust wl - dicsekszik valamivel
freshwater ['freJwc:tei] - d esvzr]


23, HuruaARy & THr EU
tourist destination [,tclertst,destt'nelJn] - turisztikai riti cl
arfificial [o:ttfrl] - mestersges

form of governrnent [fc:nr av tgnvennrent] - llamforma

parliamentary republic [,po:la'mentri rtpnblrk]

pa rla

ment ris kozt rsasg

There are six major geographical regions in Hungary;
they are the following:
the Great Hungarian Plain, the Little Hungarian Plain,
The Transdanubian Hills, The Transdanubian Medium

Mountains, The Northern Medium Mountains and

geographical [,d3i:e!rrefikl] - foldrajzi
region ['ri:d3en] - rgi, tjegysg
following ['foleolg] - kovetkez
Great Hungarian Plain [grert hng'geerian pleln] - Alfold
Little Hungarian Plan [htl hng-geerian pleln] - Kisalfold
Transdanubian Hills [trrenzdrcnJu:blan hrlz] - Dunntrjli
Transdanubian Medium Mountains [trrenzdrenJu:btan
,mi:diam ,mauntanzj- Dunnt li kozphegysg

Northern Medum Mountains ['nc: en ,mi:diam

,maont anzJ- szaki kozphegysg

Hungary has a population of about 10 million people.

About 20% of the citizens live in the capital city.
citizen ['sltzn]

The currency of Hungary is the Hungarian forint, which

is divided into 100 fillr, but the fillr has not been
used since 1999. Depending on the economic situation
Hungary will be able to adopt the euro between 2012
and 2Ot4.
currency ['knransi] - pnznem
divide into [dtvard] - feloszt
depend on [dtpend] - frigg valamit
economc [,i:ko'nomrk] - gazdas gi
adopt [aUppt] - alkalmaz, bevezet
euro [Jt-roracrJ - euro


Major ['merd3a*J - nagyobb, fontosabb, f bb

political party [pa'lrtrkl,po:ti] - politikai prt
at the present time ['preznt] - jelenleg
Hungarian Socialist Party [hng,gearien'saofeltst po:tiJ

Magyar Szocialista Prt

Allance of Young Dernocrats [e,latens ov jngtemekrretsJ

- Fiatal Demokratk Szovetsge

Hungarian Civic Union [hng,georiarlsIvrk ju:nian]
- Magyar Polgri Szovetsg
seat [si:t] - kpvisel i mandtum
Alliance of Free Democrats [a,latans ov frildemekrrets]
- Szabad Demokratk Szovetsge
Christian Democratic People's Party [krrstJan

,demdkrptlk pi:plz po:ti] - Keresztnydemokrata

The Hungarian flag has three equal horizontal bands of

red, white and green.
flag [flregJ - zszl
equal ['i:kwalJ - egyenl
band [brendJ - sv

official [e'ftJl] - hivatalos


Hungarian Civic Union. There are three smaller

parties with a number of seats in the Parliament: the
Alliance of Free Democrats, the Christian Democratic
People's Party and the Hungarian Democratic Forum.

language family.

Hungary has been

Socialist Party and Fidesz (Alliance of Young Democrats)

horizontal [,hDrt'zontlJ - vzszintes

The official language of our country is Hungarian,

which is a uralic language, part of the Finno-ugric

fi n nu

ln the Hungarian parliament there are two major

political parties at the present time: the Hungarian

Hungarian Democratic Forum [hng,gearien,demdkrret*
'fc:ramJ - Magyar Demokrata Frurn


Uralic [Joerehk] - urli

Finno-Ugric [,finoo'ju:grrk] -



parliamentary republic since

Hungary has a temperate continental climate that is

influenced by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic
ocean. winters are cold, cloudy and windy; the coldest
months are January and February, with a lot of snow.
summers are sometimes very dry and hot; JuIy and
August are the hottest rnonths.
temperate ['temperot] - meleg mrskelt
continental [,kontfnentl] - szrazfoldi/kontinentlis
influence [\nfluens] - befolysol
Mediterranean Sea [,medrtdrernien si:] - FoIdkozi-tenger
Atlantic Ocean [et'leentik,er-rfn] - AtIa nti-cen
cloudy ['klaodi] - felh s
windy ['wrndiJ - szeles
dry [drar] - szraz

23. HuNGARv & THE EU



Could you summarize the hstory of the country

in a

As it is a very hard task to summarize the history of a

country in just a few sentences, I will speak only about
the milestones of Hungarian history.
The Magyar tribes occupied a considerable part of the
Carpathian Basin in 896, led by rpd.
The first king, lstvn (Saint Stephen) (997-1038) made
Roman Catholicism the state religion . ln !24L-42 the
Mongols devastated the country; this is mentioned in
Hungarian history as the Tartar invasion.

From the beginning of the 15'h century the Turkish

Empire threatened the country. ln L456 the Turkish

Army was defeated







Hungarians under the leadership of Jnos Hunyadi.

During the reign of King Matthias (1458-1,490) Hungary
became one of the leading cultural states of Europe.

ln 1526 the Turks destroyed the Hungarian army at

the battle of Mohcs; Hungary was split into three
parts and most of the country came under Turkish
domination for more than 150 years.

ln 1686, the Austrian lmperial and Hungarian armies

recaptured Buda and by the end of the century the
Turks were driven out of the country.

Between L703 and L7LL there was a national

independence struggle Ied by Ferenc Rkczi, which
aimed at gaining independence from the Habsburgs,

but it was unsuccessful. Habsburg rule


consolidated in Hungary.

The Hungarian Reform Period started in the 1820s

and various new laws were enacted by the Parliament.

Count lstvn Szchenyi recognized the need for

modernization and became one of the reform

On 15 March 1848 the national independence struggle
led to a revolution and a war of independence began
in Hungary, which ended in August 1849 when Russian

troops came to help Austria and the Hungarians'



communist rule, but it was defeated by the Soviet


ew sentences?

struggle for independence was defeated.

Austro-Hungarian Compromise of L867 the dual

Monarchy of Austria-Hungary came into existence.
By the

ln 1918 there was a radical bourgeois revolution and a

republic was proclaimed, but in 1919 the Communist
Party of Hungary came to power and proclaimed the
Hungarian Soviet Republic.

During the regency of Horthy Mikls between 1919

and 1944 Hungary was a kingdom without a king,
governed by a conservative elite.
At the end of the Second World War in 1945 Hungary
was "liberated" from the German forces and conquered
by the Soviet Army. A period of strong Soviet pressure
and interference began.

ln 1956 there was a national uprising against soviet

domination and a democratic revolution against

ln 1989 Hungary opened its borders to Austria and let

people from East-Germany go to the West, and with the

Proclamation of the Republic of Hungary the Socialist

People's Republic ended.
The first free parliamentary election was in 1990. lt
was won by the conservative 1-|ungarian Democratic
Foruffi, under Prime Minister Jzsef Antall.
ln 1999 Hungary joined the NATO.
On 1 May, 2004 Hungary joined the European Union.
mmarize ['snmor aruj- osszefogla
mlestone ['marlsteun] - mrfoldk
tribe [tralb] - torzs

occupy ['okjupatJ - elfoglal

considerable [kartslderabl] - jelent s, szrnottev
lead, led, Ied [li:d, led] - vezet , irnyt
Roman Catholicsrn [,reoman ke'Oolesrzom] - rmai
state [stelt] - llami
relgion [rtlrd3en] - valls
Mongolian [mog'gecrlian] - mongol
devastate ['devestelt] - elpusztt, letarol
Tartar invason [trfvel5nJ - tatrjrs
threaten ['0retn] - fenyeget
defeat [dtfi:tJ - legy z, megver
leadership ['li:doJtpl - vezets, vezrlet
rule [ru:l] - uralkods
leading ['li:drry] - uralkod
destroy [dtstrcrJ - megsemmist, elpusztt
army ['o:mi] - hadsereg
battle ['bret! - csata
split (split, split} into [splttJ - feloszt, rszekre oszt
domination [,domfnelnJ - uralom
recaptu re [,rilkaptfe*] - visszafogla l
drive out [,drarv'aot] - ki z, kikerget

i n depende nce
[,mdfpendans] - f ti ggetl e n sg(i )
struggle ['strngl] - ktizdelem, harc
aim at [elm et] - szndkozik, igyekszik
gain [gem] - elnyer, megszerez
unsuccessful [,nnsak'sesfl] - sikertelen
consolidate [kertsohdert] - rneger st, megszilrdt
law [lo:] - torvny
enact [r'nrcktJ - torvnybe iktat
count [kaunt] - grf
recognize ['rekognau] - felismer
leader ['li:de*] - vezet
revo|ution [,revdlu:fn] - forrada lom
troop [tru:p] - sereg, csapat
compromise ['kompramauJ - kiegyezs
dual I dju:al] - kett s
monarchy ['monoki] - monarchia
come into existence [knm mta tg'ztsten ]- ltrejon
radical ['rredrkl] - radiklis
bourgeois ['boe3wo:] - burzso
proclaim [pra'klelmJ - kikilt
communist ['komjenrst] - kommu nista
come to power [knm te 'paua*J - hatalomra jut
regency ['ri:d5onsi] - kormnyzsg
kingdom ['krqdam] - kirlysg
govern ['gnvn] - kormnyoz, vezet, irnyt


23. Hurueanv

a rxr EU

etite [eili;t] - elit
liberte [,libarert] _ felszabadt
.onqu"r l.kopke;] _ tegyz, meghdt
pr"rrur" 1'p.1.*i- nyoms
interre.en." [jnte,freiens] - beavatkozs
uprising [hp,iarzrj] - felkels
pio.1",ition 1,proitamerln1- kikilts
join ldscln] - belp, csatlakozik
_ ffi

conservative [kan sa:vetrv] -


the parliament, st. stephen,s


House and Vcistreet. The City Park is also.popular,

as it is the largest open space in BudaPest and You can
find the zoo, the funfair and the Vajdahunyad Castle
there. The most visited museums in the capital are the
Hungarian National Museum, the National Gallery, the
Aquincum Museum and the Museum of Fine


following [,foleorg] -

sight [sart}- nevezetessg,

Gastl; [,ko:l] castle distrlct [lrstrlkt] including [rrtklu:drp] - magban


gallery [!eleri] - galria

fine arts [arn\r:ts] - szpmvszet


wi iam

some typical traditional

onions and lard are often used. other very common

ingredients include garlic, black pepper, parsley,

thymg marjoram, vinegar and a thick sour cream

called 'tejfl'. The most famous dishes are Fish SouP,

Goulash Soup and Jkai Bean Soup, Chicken PaPrika

with small dumplings, meat and vegetable stews,

stuffed cabbage and stuffed peppers, HortobgYi

pancakes filled with veal stew, and some sweets like

Dobos cake, Floating island and Tr Rudi (a chocolate
bar filled with sweet quark cheese ).
Typical traditional Hungarian drinks include the white
dessert wine called Tokaji, red wines from Villny and
Eger, a very famous liquor called Unicum, and Plinka,



Arts. #



i, a kind of fruit brandy.

Some Hungarian mineral Waters are also well-known,

such as Szentkirlyi, Ave and Kkkuti.
typical [,trprk{ _tipikus, jellemz
traditional[tre\{anl] - hagyomnyos
dish [dd] - tel
drink [drrrlk] - ital
quite [kwart] - elg(e)

splcy ['sparsi]-fszeres
hot paprika [hDt pdpri:ko] _ ers paprika
onlon [hnjen] - vrshagyma
lard [lo:d] _ sertszsr
common ['komen] - gyakori
ingredlent [rnlri:diant] - hozzval



Most tourists coming to Budapest visit the following ffi
sights of the city: Buda Castle with the Castle District $
inituding the Fishermen's Bastion and Matthias
Church, Gellrt Hill, Margaret lsland, Heroes, square,


funair [,f,rnfee*] - vidmpark



First of all, the most popular tourist destination ffi
in Hungary is definitely the capital, Budapest. The ffi
second place visited by thousands of tourists every ffi
year is Lake Balaton. As it is very close to Budapest, a ffi
lot of tourists go to the Danube bend and visit places ffi
like Szentendre, Visegrd and Esztergom. Big cities ffi
like pcs, Debrecen and Szeged are also popular with ffi
tourists. There are some sites that are part of the ffi
World Heritage and thus they are Very famous all over ffi
the world, for example the Old Village of Hollk, the W
Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma, the Caves of the ffi
Aggtelek Karst, Hortobagy National Park, the Cultural
Landscape of Lake Fert and the Tokaj Wine Re8ion,
ctose to [\leus ta] - kzel
DanubeLend ttanju:b bend]-Dunakanyar

popular with ['popjela wt] - npszer valakik krben ffi

site tsar] _ nejvszin
worid Hritage [,ws:ldherrtrd3] -Vilgrksg

* gy, iiy mdon

famous [iferrnss] - hres
Benedicne [,bjnrktrn] _ bencs
abbey ["abi] -aptsg
cave [kew] _ barlang

national part t,npt'po:k] - nemzeti park

landscapl 1wnaskerpf _ vioet
wine region [warrtri:3an] - borvidk


F|shermen's Bastion ['fiJemenz,bastien] - HalszbstYa

Matthias Church [md0ares,tJs:tl - MtYs temPlom
Heroe, quare [,hrereuz skwee*] _ Hsk tere
open space [,eopen,spets] _szabad terlet
zoo [zu:] - llatkert



thyme [tarm] - kakukkf
marjoram ['mo:d3arem] - majornna
parsley ['po:sli]




Jkal Bean soup c:kqr bi:n su:p] -Jkai bableves

Chkken paprlka [,t$krn pe'pri:ke]- csirkepapriks
smatt dumplings [smc:l'd,rmplrrlzl - nokedli
meat tew [mi:t'stjuN - prklt
vegetable stew [ved3tabl'stjud - fzelk
stuffed cabbage [st^ft'ksbld3] -tlttt kposzta
stufed peppers [stnft'pepaz] - tlttt paprtka
floating lsland [,flarrtrrJarland] - madrtej
quark cheese [kwo:k'tJi:z] - tr
fitted [fild]- tlttt
tiquor ['hke*] - likr



23. HtlNGARy & THE EU



fruit brandy [,fru:t'brrcndi] - gymolcsplinka

mineral water [tnrtnoral wc:ta*] - sv nyvz
well-known [,wel'neon] - jl ismert

Ninth Symphony by Beethoven. When it is used as the

European Anthem, it has no words. The EU's birthday
is Europe Day, on the 9th of May, because the idea of
the European Union first came up on 9 May 1950 in a

Hgw mgny member stcrtes are there in the EU?

Our country joined the EU on ].'t May, 2004. There are
27 member states in the EU (in 2009).

Sch uman.

member state [,memba'stert] - taglla m



What is the European lJnon? Whai ai tne main

gims of the EU? What is the name of the common
currency in the EU? Whqt's the European ITag like?
What's the European Anthem? When s the EI!'s
The European Union is a unique economic and political
partnership between 27 democratic European

countries. The EU's main aims are peace, prosperity

and freedom for its citizens - in a fairer, safer world.
The euro is the EU's sing|e currency. The European flag
is blue with twelve yellow stars in a circle in the middle
of the flag. The twelve stars symbolize the idea of unity,
solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe.
The melody of the European Anthem comes from the

speech made by the French Foreign Minister, Robert

unique [jdni:k] - egyed lll, egyedi
partnership ['po:tnatp] - trsasg
dernocratic [,denre'krretrk] - demokratikus
main [nreln] - t
aim [etnr] - cl
peace [pi:s] - bke

prosperity [prdsperati] - jlt

::Tffi Tl';*J ;-H:,1tli.,',,,

kozos va uta

foreign minister [,forerr'nrtntsta*J -


syrnbolize ['stnrbelarz] - je lkpez

idea [ar'dla] - eszme, gondolat
unity [)u:neti] * egysg
solidarity [,solrtmretiJ - osszeta rts
harmony ['hc:nrani] - harmnia
peoples ['pi:plzJ - npek
anthern ['ien0enr] * himnusz
melody ['nreledi] - dallam
symphony ['stnrfani] - szimfnia
come up [,knnr\pl - felmerril






l cou l d,]also,,,'m,Bafiiohi


t h r



n ally',,',

it is




h ighly,,'''l,ikel


F,evezetessgek Budapesten - Tourist attractions in Budapest
i " Cai vr - the Royal Palace of Buda [,rctol'pnlas]
- |adella - the Citadel ["srtodelJ
-- -. apart - the Danube bank ltrerr:u:b,brcryk]
!".sbet hd - EIizabeth Bridge [r,lrzaba0'brrd3]
-; szbstya - the Fisherrnen' Bastion ['fifemenz,biestian]
- js jk tere - Heroes' Square
['hlarauz skweo*J
_: - :h d -

Chain Bridge [tJerrtbrrdr]

','3 "8it hd - Margaret Bridge

',' : .3it-sziget


Margaret lsland [,mo:grrt'allend]

Mtys templom - Matthias Church [me'Oares,tfs:tJ]

Nemzeti 6alria - the Nationa! Gallery [,nreJnol'grelariJ
Nemzeti M zeurn - the National Museum [,nrefnel mju:-ziomJ
Operahz- the Opera House ['opra haus]
Parlament - the House of Parliament ['po:lament]
Szabadsg-szobor * the Liberty Monument ['hboti,mon!umant]
Szent lstvn Bazilika * 5t" Stephen's BasiIica [be'zllrko]
Szpm vszeti M zeum - the Museum of Flne Arts [farnb:ts]
Vrhegy - the Castle Hill ['ka:sl 1rrl]
Vrkeret - the Castle District ['ka:sl,dntrrktJJ
Vrosliget - the City Park [,sltlpo:k]


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