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How accurate is it to describe the industrial and agricultural policies of 1952-62 as disastrous failures?

The years 1952 to 1962 was a period of great change in China; Mao implemented two Five-Year Plans,
in addition to rapid collectivisation. Although there was some successful development of industry as a
result of the first Five Year Plan, the consequences of collectivisation and the Great Leap Forward can,
indeed be described as disastrous failures.
Inaccurate to describe all policies as a failure
Targeted heavy industry
Almost all targets achieved
Coal output doubled surpassing targets by 2 million tonnes
Electricity trebled
Steel output 400 percent increase
Although peasants suffered to some extent as they were forced to sell produce to the state at very low
fixed prices - As a policy, v successful - achieved its aims
2.) Second five year plan, known as the Great Leap Forward, however, resounding failure for industry
Mao encouraged peasants and workers to set up backyard blast furnaces in their cooperatives in an
attempt to dramatically increase steel production
Unusable steel very poor quality blast furnaces had completely failed by 1959
The quality of factory output fell dramatically as they attempted to achieve the overly ambitious
An implication of the 1957 Hundred Flowers Campaign was that China now lacked technical
professionals and managerial know-how
Production in heavy industry, despite increasing upto 1960, then fell dramatically
Coal fell from 270 mill tonnes in 1960 to 180 mill tonnes in 1962 (lower than it has been 1958)
Steel form 13 mill to 8 mill
Light industry: cotton cloth halved
certainly disastrous failures by the end of the period
initially creation of Agricultural Producers Cooperatives was popular and successful as these were
voluntary and allowed the poorest farmers to pool their resources
by 1956 90 per cent of families forced into APCs relative success for Mao, but not necessarily for the
workers themselves losing private property they had only been afforded relatively recently
Under the Great Leap Forward agricultural policies began to fail drastically: mass mobilisation achieved
by combining cooperatives and collectives into communes of 30,000 people
Agricultural work force weakened as many had to tend blast furnaces;
Four Nos Campaign: Sparrowcide peasants ordered to kill sparrows, tragic results as more insects and
vermin began destrying crops
Lysenkoism also detrimental initiative , deep ploughing/ close planting rendered vast areas of farm land
almost useless

Grain production by 60 million tonnes between 1958 and 1960, gross agricultural slumped
Chinas great famine; estimated 50 million deaths across the country as well as widespread

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