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Title: Bees are Boppin : IB Oriented Lesson on Jazz

Rehearsal: 4/8/15 Merrill Middle School

Description: Students will be presented with different types of jazz and decide where in the
spectrum of jazz, Bees are Boppin fits. They will then describe the important traits of this subgenre, and find some technical aspects of playing that will help them emulate this characteristic
Subject: Orchestra
Instruction time: 45 minutes
Student grade level: 6th
Resources used in the lesson:
Music, instruments
Jazz descriptions page
Standards to be addressed:
Universal Constructs
Complex Communication: Playing, Listening, Reading, Understanding
Productivity and Accountability: Playing, Listening
Critical Thinking: Analyzing, Understanding Relationships, Listening,
interpreting, Evaluating, Comparing
Creativity: Playing, Synthesizing, Problem-Solving
Collaboration: Playing, Listening, Problem-Solving
Flexibility and Adaptability: Playing, Listening, Monitoring, Analyzing
Lesson Objectives that meet the standard(s) above:
Students will be able to list at least three different sub-genres of jazz
Students will know which sub-genre Bees are Boppin fits into
Students will know and the technical aspects of playing involved in emulating this style
of jazz, and will begin work on mastery of these techniques.
Learning Targets for this lesson:
I will be able to list at least three different sub-genres of jazz
I will know which sub-genre of jazz Bees are Boppin fits into
I will know the technical aspects of playing involved in emulating this style of jazz
Essential questions for this lesson:
What is jazz?
Where does Bees are Boppin fit into all the sub-genres of jazz?
How do you make that sound of on a violin/viola/cello/bass?

Thinking strategies used in this lesson:

Summarizing: Students will summarize information gathered about sub-genres of jazz
Making Inferences: Students will make inferences regarding how to produce jazz-like
sounds on a classical instrument
Making connections: Students will make connections between the styles of jazz and also
between jazz and their own playing
Assessment of objectives for today:
Exit Slip:
o Decide which sub-genre of jazz you believe Bees are Bopping fits in and support
your answer.
o Name three sub-genres of jazz
Visually/aurally assess student playing of Bees are Boppin with new knowledge of
desired style
Find a piece in a similar style to Bees are Boppin
Practice Bees are Boppin. Use new knowledge of desired characteristic sound and style

Rehearsal (activity) Plan: Bees are Boppin : IB Oriented Lesson on Jazz

School: Merrill Middle School
Grade: 6th
Time: 45 minutes

1. Bell activity
a. As students enter they are given a description of 1 of 7 jazz sub-genres. They get
their instruments and music and sit in assigned areas for each sub-genre group
b. Instructions on the board are to read the description they were given at the door
and highlight/circle any information that is new to them. On the back, write down
what they expect that sub-genre to sound like or any experience they have already
with this type of music.
2. Class comes together
a. Address learning targets and brief students on the days agenda
3. Example (watch no more than a minute of each)
a. As we go through each example the associated group presents information from
their description about this sub-genre
Hard Bop
Bossa Nova
Free Jazz

4. 2 Cents discussion activity

a. Students get two pennies each. Each student must contribute to class discussion
twice. Each time they are called on, they turn in one penny.
b. Discuss which jazz sub-genre Bees are Boppin belongs to.
c. Questions:
i. General
1. How are these sub-genres different?
2. Which does Bees are Boppin belong in?
ii. Orientation in time and space
1. What major turning points effected jazzs evolution over time?
2. Is this a global art form? Is it specifically American? Has it stayed
that way?
iii. Personal and Cultural Expression
1. What feelings are the examples or Bees are Boppin expressing?
2. Who is being creative in jazz, the composer/arranger or the
musician playing the music?
iv. Implementation
1. How do you imitate the sounds in the examples on your
instrument? What do you physically do with you bow/fingers/?
5. Pick up instruments
a. Bow
i. Practice open string swung eight notes. Be as together as possible.
ii. Bow changes from up to down and down to up should be as smooth as
1. Accomplish this by leading the bow change with the wrist
2. Lighter bow
b. Harmony
i. These are special types of chords which are characteristic of jazz.
ii. Work on tuning
6. Exit Slip
a. Decide which sub-genre of jazz you believe Bees are Bopping fits in and support
your answer.
b. Name three sub-genres of jazz

(This page will be displayed on the projector at the beginning of class as students walk in)

Learning Target:

I will be able to list at least three

different sub-genres of jazz
I will know which sub-genre of jazz
Bees are Boppin fits into
I will know the technical aspects of
playing involved in emulating this
style of jazz

Global Context:
1. Orientation in Time and
2. Personal and Cultural

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