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GOETZ VERDICT INDICTS ~ BLACK YOUTH __. THE NATIONAL NEWSPAPER OF THE NATION OF GODS AND EARTHS wo ONE WORD CAN CHANGE THE COURSE OF A NATION r Vout No.2 31.00 OLY 1987 @ALLAH: THE LIFE OF THE MAN HISTORY HAS YET TS REMEMBER — Teday. there are thousands ef young black men and women who ar members of The Nation of Gods and Earths. The even thousunds more who" are not members put whese lives have been ‘affected in some positive TRUCHET _ Seep SHEINZER wan from no the: =DUCA TIONS KEW. knowledge of themselves pogrom By % knowiodge of cnemenrye® Emm gygentm in the man who is = oats responsible for awakening Bier | se many vinck youth ENERGY CON VER! Known to the masses of eh ae eS our people? Whu has un : win never beon henbesde | SENG GaxcmREny- Perhaps it's because ‘his SHIW OND PROVE SUGE full greatness won't be realized until the world beholds the greatness of Uhe masses of bluck youth. whose lives he touched, bet's take the time now tp look back at the Life of Allah: the man histeryg has yet to remember. Story on page 3 ‘Ste Publisher & Notional Editor BELOVED ALLAH Fe Dieeetoe cop ALLAH MIND Marketing Ouector shaHiD Mm. ALLAH Managing Editor ALLAH SUPREME Cuture & Lelewe ASIA LEARN HER EARTH omens édtor REFINE PRINCESS PEACE Contaibuting Editors ‘ALLAH B. umiversat SHamméeauDD ALLAH BORN KING ALLAH Corncounity Affcis Directo: GOD UMAR ALLAH Stott Photographers @LLAH RASHEEN Jamel sHapazz Production Coneutant HO KHALIE KaLiret THE LORD pupLicaTiONS P.0. BOX 20036 UEK — AME |. JARIAICAL HY. tae -GDETZ SMART By @12an Supreme As we meet our copy deadline . the jury’ faces the fith dag rinse going Inte ‘elbecotion guar the tial and ehorges ‘gcinst one Bernhard Hugo Goetz, craft Keizter ond san at 9 shite molestor Hugo. ino. cesparate.ottempt to contin bis manhood the ld fasion Woy, with Gleanes weapon, shacpened Skils. “and tested stemegy, fet out for the jungle vith 9) determined Wea to bag some coons, ‘Pission necomplized, operative Hugo escapes New York to he sale house “in "New Hamehire a plonned Lith US. "Govemment top Securty Clearance in test he tums hiraceit oust fo the. diewie! Inus enforcement offices Huga cold. tess, on video tape no less, to fow counts of attempted murder eu Hompshice weshes there hands end extiditer Hugo to New Vork, where he feceiver ¢ nero’? wisisome ond perzonol Security service, courtesy of the. Gordian Angele, the Neg’? applaud, the tmiitents nee eniaged end “Devnyl Coday Ter poiawsed becouse at pomt Blane fangs Hugo fek he didnt look thet Be. fens gous him cnott So. begins Opecation —Thermoste. How! wit the people of New York 20st fo the realty of gall eppointed ‘Sigienty unlenshing the vicious ‘uirath of the common fect, contemptiand jealousy they have for black ghette color wouth Sr enore. specifically ter the -knage of them ist har been felsloreed by pepulor Bimericon media, Images of fyorline fal dered on weed and aleshel, Ve tof Jere set white thal hia WHAT'S THE WORD homeboys, ets on: baclauerds, fon forehsed breaiusonce tO Beat of a 20. pound, 35 watt Ghetto Biester Kickin sunthetic ‘bass that the heart just catt rest, bihatever you co dont un ‘into One after 1130. and for Bete’s Sake dont let them mate. Images like. uncuizes, connabelisie hordes with thick. lp. fist nose and vunpieked Ato Stopping to feast on. their obviously European neighbors ‘en youte of thai ued fo. Bie, images of tall well bull Beedatngs unth dieadiocks thet Nt hard fond then dissaoear inte the jundle night Unt ie is reedy for another victim. Irnnges that demand of the sub-coneious ming a seek ond destioy response thet is Basse an ke est ew ait prezervtion, Coupied “uit the Block with rime az in flack on Block. the continuous photo coverage of Blacks fond ‘ate in the ily “age (papers) in block and white, ond the ever present Portrayel “of Bincks on television as the Custodians of enmes blacke Perc shades he stupid Humen beings formulate thelr opinions cot ‘others bared ‘on the conmact and inusivament eney howe with ether human beings, im the event thet thew Conner or 25 not moke veel “contact they. tely on the imoge thet has. been prazented to. them bua twisted medic Source and this wage is weighed os i it Gere act contest Enter the Binekmen, Inthe minds of Amenice, hig image thot of "burden. predator and uninvited Guest. Unapprecietively enjoying the Sdvantages oF the "land of the Wee ond the home of the gave” — Frank & Stlen hove rented o morcter and fis out of then contral ond in thew awogence they ow want to esterminate. the monster For having the cudaciy t steke out at there he tone har bean set and iit float, lz open senzon on young black fen ond even the Negro Sher” (Uncle Bend is “tow ome. for rome. fine Upzonding white clizan who finds the Very precence oF the Blackman Shrentening Lathin @ mctter ot hous the verdict ‘wi be in fe) Hugs Geots but fox uoune Bineke men in Americas ucben centers the juny har long ago sentenced them to Satin an Sb, Nhe “ponseual oF he fmoge: ‘ot troy Cony new under drug Fehebiitation, Jamar Iamaver” and Bory Uisiour “parsstes whose extermination 1s ecesooy fr the totety of sone, on Froage thet ip toghianed te cava ovat In The "mings ot white fmaricane ond mental dead Negros to ft the iceription of any young Blackman wre may diess, tote, wale, oF even armel He One of these Young brothers. Let us be perfectly clea’. there ave sore young Brothers in our sommunitie "who. are ery dengecour ond ave beuand repair. Who de the black communty, must Geel uth “stoity and. eltectwely, But We Eannot allow anyone to genevclize thei Character "and behavior as being Fepresentative of the umole. hihen the juny gequts Hugo Geots of attemptad murder because he felt his ite was in Sanger, "we must «ecognize that Ae | fezponze to ther ino! sction war bored ‘On the image that was cszocited. Uath | block ghetto. zolony youth ond. “achat Pmmeriea's pastisn eh how they shoulé bev deak with. ele more. crucial ae the | fime than in the pest” for uoung Bioek men to wake up ‘and smell the coffee, To bee auna bioek mala ts 4 set up for gave dicsapointment if you are not ‘equipped ith conciousness end alle hecerary to zu/ive the hell dnd doom thee if dus zoo 2. break loose, and being in the fe Cerme) 0 sure Gissapoinimant nasders to “Soy Pecedour to nee heath ur message to black youth is to} begin tenn at Once for Sova and | aduanearent in cppasition t2 the plans Sf ep hortia society seeking to destroy the “image it created to reinforce ies | fun ‘belle ruse only the history Of | Gout people to. provide you with a tue | mage of sel Vigorausty. cin your bod, find and spit dally. because milion racist clones looking to score Brauiny points with Uncle Samm by , Remembers Suvivel fe _ through { Gitferem aspects of ght that nas been | given Knowledge, Hisdom and Light | for "been "given te fit any and all | Csccesans: thet ma prewal Rel ot | fang oiven time, to recoonize the Gtfecent sagenants of time that hes been Sven. It one thls to recognize le before Ris upon you is ones own tout, there is ‘no remmount ‘of pry given Out. only otal suffering. when the tiene has. been ‘sppcintes, thir happens inaividuolly os Gar Gs collectively duet cetain Foomote: love yeccs ago todo Gane 16, (376) block Youth in SowetD, South atika Satuseen the ages of Wand 28 inated" mass protest” rally andinst the ‘attamet oa the pat OF the Apauthied Eovernment to. force | the ffekanns Tongues. ¢bosterdites dutch) “onthe fAiikon students The. South kon Police opened fie on the demonstrators Eling 26" 'and wounding manu mora. Let Us recognize the time tue cre in cnd NOt become a wistin of creurstances, SURSCRIRE TO © “THE wees | StHO Mame, aoperss. ann go | | Vor veniey suescemnon HE Kaw pURLICATIONS % 20036 | Jamenca. nv. 4620 | i } PaRT IBY BELOVED 4LLan Today, blogk ran hace ave thauson fond warnen wh members of Tha Netion of ode and Eavtns. Theie ie aven thousands more who ove not ragnbare But whose i have “beer of young attectes In some positive wou fern learning the knouledae of themselves hy ist the fo many blosk youth known to tha masses of cur people? Lihy has ti fran never bean hanoved? Perhaps i's because his ful gientness wont be fealized until the “world beholds the masses of black lives te touched. Let's tak wu to lack bosk at the ite of tan history has rernembar file was bon, Clavence Smith Friday, Fabrunry 1829 in Denville Uuginia. He wos the fitth con of Louie ond Mary Smith. Hie sister : younger brother Harey