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Greenhouse Gases, and Information Technology

Theme: Evolution of Rights and Living since Independence

Rights and free living have their tradition and continuity in American
history. Technology, innovation and modern living show the latest
development and evolution.
Black Power Salute projects an unsolved racial problem since civil war till
LBGT is the latest development of rights movement and life style choice.
Is living in a healthy environment a right or an option? Innovation makes
America progress but is there a limit to growth, especially in environment
Innovation brings in new technology, in particular, Information Technology.
Access to IT has gone beyond business necessity and is now part of our
life, in fact, a very important part. It is a right and a living.
And the stories of rights and living will continue.

Exhibit 1:American icons

Black Power Salute and Human Rights

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The 1968 Olympics Black Power salute was

an act of protest by the African-American
athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos
during their medal ceremony at the 1968
Summer Olympics in the Olympic Stadium in
Mexico City. In his autobiography, Silent
Gesture, Tommie Smith stated that the
gesture was not a "Black Power" salute, but a
"human rights salute".
The fall of Berlin Wall ended the Cold War.
However, racial problems continue in USA
despite the election of the first black
President. Recent riots and incidents prove
there is still a long way to go.

Exhibit 2: Rights and Liberties

LGBT and Rights to Live differently

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LGBT rights related laws including family,

marriage, and anti-discrimination laws vary by
state. Thirty-seven states plus Washington,
D.C. offer marriage to same-sex couples;
these marriages are recognized by the
federal government and Missouri, but not by
the twelve other states.
Society's progress has led to new rights
movements, from anti-slavery, voting rights,
women rights to equal opportunity. New social
demand and justice will emerge from time to
time. LGBT is not recognized in all states.
With the passing of time, will it end up like
other rights movements?

Exhibit 3: America The Beauties

Beauties under threat from Greenhouse gases

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Climate change is happening. Greenhouse

gases trap heat and make the planet warmer.
Human activities are responsible for almost
all of the increase in greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere over the last 150 years. The
largest source of greenhouse gas emissions
from human activities in the United States is
from burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat,
and transportation.
USA is the main contributor to greenhouse
gases. Global warming and climate change
are international issues but the American
beauties will under threat if these problems
remain unsolved. How can we do our parts?

Exhibit 4: Spirit of Innovation

Rights and Life in the Age of Information Technology

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Information technology (IT) is the application

of computers and telecommunications
equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and
manipulate data. It covers television,
telephones, computer hardware, software,
electronics, semiconductors, internet, telecom
equipment, e-commerce and computer
services. It is hard to imagine life without IT,
without internet.
Modern living is supported by IT. Increasingly,
having IT is a right. And free access to IT is a
continuous spirit of US Constitution of
freedom. It is another history in the making
and involves all aspects of life.

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