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AER402 - Problem Set

This document might be updated regularly please check periodically

The Mathematical Nature of the Flow Equations and Their Boundary Conditions
Problem 1
Show that the system of CauchyRiemann equations is elliptic.
u v
v u


x y
x y
Problem 2
Consider the two-dimensional stationary shallow water equations describing the spatial distribution of the height h
of the free water surface in a stream with velocity components u and v. They can be written in the following form,
where g is the earths gravity acceleration:
u v h h
0, u v g
0, u v g
Show that,
uv gh u 2 v 2 gh
(1) , (2),(3)
u 2 gh

Comment on the role of gh.

Problem 3
Show that the one-dimensional NavierStokes equation without pressure gradient (known as the viscous Burgers
equation) is parabolic in x, t.
Hint: Write the equation as a system, introducing v=u/x

Steady 1D Diffusion Equation with Source Term

Problem 1
In this problem, you are to explore the issues of accuracy and scheme order. From the Taylor series, it is possible to
show that the 1st derivative (in index notation) is given by,
i 1 i O x
dx i

i 1 i 1 O x 2
dx i
Using these two expressions to find the first derivative for T=exp(x) at x=1
0.00001, 0.000001, 0.0000001.
2. Add comments.
Problem 2
In this problem, consider the heating of a solid plate which includes a source term. The thickness of the plate, L=2
cm, with constant thermal conductivity k=0.5 W/m/K, and uniform heat generation q=1000 kW/m3. The base is at a
temperature of TA(x=0)=373 K (100oC), and the end is at a temperature TB(x=L)=473 K (200oC). Assuming that the
dimensions in the y and z direction are large, and that temperature gradients are only significant along the xdirection, the governing equation reduces to,
n k dx dA qd 0
1. Applying the finite volume, cell-centered technique, show that this reduces to (for a cell with faces e and w
and width x)
dT dT
qx 0
dx e dx w
2. Solve using 5 volumes by hand.

Modified Equation and Stability Analysis

Problem 1
Consider the model equation
A numerical technique with the following formulation has been suggested for the FDE:
at n
u in 1/ 2 u in
u i 1 u in
at n 1/ 2
u in 1 u in u in 1/ 2
u i u in11/ 2
Use the von Neumann stability analysis to obtain the stability condition for this technique. Hint: Eliminate n+1/2
in time level in the second equation by the substitution of the first equation. The resulting equation will have time
levels of n and n+1 only. Now apply the von Neumann stability analysis.
Problem 2
Using the von Neumann stability analysis, determine the stability requirement of the following FDE, for a>0.
u in 1 u in
u n u in1
a i
Problem 3
Write an implicit finite difference formulation for the wave equation which is first-order in time and second-order
(central) in space. Determine the modified equation.
Problem 4
Consider the wave equation (a>0),
a 0
Write an explicit finite difference equation which employs a first-order forward differencing in time and a
second-order central differencing in space.
Determine the stability requirement of the scheme.
Problem 5
Repeat problem 4 using the implicit Crank-Nicolson (Trapezoidal) scheme
Problem 6
Consider the diffusion equation given by
2 u
Write an implicit Crank-Nicolson formulation.
Use von Neumann stability analysis to determine the stability requirement of the scheme.
Problem 7
For the model equation
The following finite difference equation (known as the Lax method) has been proposed:
at n
uin 1 uin1 uin1
ui 1 uin1
Determine the artificial viscosity of the method.

One Dimensional Unsteady Flow

Problem 1
Solve the second order heat-diffusion equation,
, 0 x 1, T 0, t 100,T 1, t 200,T x,0 100 ,
t x x
using the forward time and linear approximation finite volume scheme. Let =0.01 m2/s use N=5.
a) Select the appropriate time step such that the problem remains stable.
b) Solve the problem and plot your results at a few time intervals.
Note: Steady state is defined as the condition for which the solution does not change in time. A simple method of
determining steady state is by plotting the solution at a point (say x=1/2) as a function of time. As the solution
flattens and reaches an asymptotic value this is an indication that steady state has been approached.
Problem 2
Consider the unsteady Burgers equation,
u u
x x x
This equation is considered as the surrogate for the Navier-Stokes equation, since it is similar to the momentum
equations. In conservative form the equation takes the form,
u u 2 u

t x 2 x x

Using the finite volume scheme show that this equation reduces to,
u u 2
u 2 u

t 2 e 2 w x e
x w
where e and w represent the east and west faces around a control volume.
2. Find the appropriate expressions for a boundary volume for both the essential and natural fluxes expressed
at the wall.
3. Find the expression for the finite volume discretization assuming linear approximation for both the
convective and diffusive fluxes.
4. Find the expression for the finite volume spatial discretization and time integration using an explicit first
order time integration scheme.

Project Guidelines
In each project the student (team of students) must adhere to the following rules:
1. The document must be submitted by the due date
2. The document must have:
a. A cover page that has the name of student (s), bench number (s), title of the project, title of the
subject, and yea.
b. A summary page. The summary should be no longer than one paragraph in a page on its own,
summarizing the key conclusions of your project.
c. A contents page
d. An introduction. This should be no longer than one page. In it you should have three paragraphs.
In the first paragraph, describe the problem. In the second paragraph describe how you solved the
problem. In the third paragraph mention what your project document contains (more of a
e. A theory section. No more than two pages showing the theory, stability restrictions if any and so
f. A results section. Each figure must have a paragraph explaining what is in the figure. Failure to
explain a result and find a conclusion will result in a poor grade.
g. A conclusion page. A single page showing the major outputs of your model/project.
h. A reference page if applicable.
3. No copy/paste is acceptable. Use your words in short sentences to avoid errors.

Project 1
The maximum number of participants/project is 4
Submit as two separate documents
Problem 1
In this problem, consider the heating of a solid plate which includes a source term. The thickness of the plate, L=2
cm, with constant thermal conductivity k=0.5 W/m/K, and uniform heat generation q=1000 kW/m3. The base is at a
temperature of TA(x=0)=373 K (100oC), and the end is at a temperature TB(x=L)=473 K (200oC). Assuming that the
dimensions in the y and z direction are large, and that temperature gradients are only significant along the xdirection, the governing equation reduces to,
n k dx dA qd 0
1. Modify the code in your lecture notes to run it for N=11, 21, 41, 81, 161 volumes. Plot your results on the
same plot, clearly labeling each solution.
2. Compute the error at x=L/2 for the different number of volumes, and determine the order of your scheme.
The exact solution for this problem is,
T TA q
T(x) B

L x x TA

Problem 2
Solve the 2D stream function equation, 2 0 , using the finite volume approach. Solve with the following
boundary conditions
0, y 0, 1, y 0, x, 0 0, x,1 1
For simplicity use the same number of grid points to discretize the x-and y- derivatives. Your solution should
1. A contour for the stream function
2. Vector plots for the velocity (use quiver command in MatLab)

Project 2
The maximum number of participants/project is 4
Submit as two separate documents
Problem 1
Solve the second order heat-diffusion equation,
, 0 x 1, T 0, t 100,T 1, t 200,T x,0 100 ,
t x x
using the forward time and linear approximation finite volume scheme. Let =0.01 m2/s use appropriate number of
grid points.
a) Select the appropriate number of grid points. You need to solve the problem for different grids and
determine when changes in solution at steady state become independent of grid resolution.
b) Select the appropriate time step such that the problem remains stable.
c) Solve the problem and plot your results at a few time intervals until you reach to the condition of steady
Note: Steady state is defined as the condition for which the solution does not change in time. A simple method of
determining steady state is by plotting the solution at a point (say x=1/2) as a function of time. As the solution
flattens and reaches an asymptotic value this is an indication that steady state has been approached.
Problem 2
Solve the coupled 2D unsteady heat convection-conduction problem in air. The governing equations are given by,
2 0

2 T
Subject to the following boundary and initial conditions,
0, y 0, 1, y 0, x, 0 0, x,1 1

T x, y, 0 0.5
T 0, y, t 0, T 1, y, t 1, T x, 0, t 0, T x,1, t 1
Let =0.01, which is the thermal diffusivity. For simplicity use the same number of grid points to discretize the xand y- derivatives. Your solution should include (in no more than 4 pages)
1. A contour for the temperature distribution at steady state
2. A plot showing the temperature at x=y=0.5 versus time
3. Briefly explain the scheme
4. Are there stability constraints.

Project 3
The maximum number of participants/project is 4
Choose a problem and submit one document
Solve the 2D stream function vorticity equation,

1 2 ,
u v

t x
using the finite volume approach.
Problem 1
Use the appropriate boundary conditions to obtain the solution of the driven-lid cavity problem. Let Re=100, and the
upper lid velocity be 1 m/s. For simplicity use the same number of grid points to discretize the x-and y- derivatives. Your
solution should include
1. Contour plots showing the evolution of the vortex generated by the lid as a function of time.
2. A contour for the stream function and vorticity at steady state
3. A plot for the velocity vectors if possible at steady state
4. Briefly explain the scheme
Problem 2
Use the appropriate boundary conditions to obtain the solution of the flow entering a two dimensional room. The
flow enters at x=0, L/2<y<L and exits at x=L, 0<y<L/2. Let Re=100 (based on inlet height), the inflow velocity be 1
m/s, and L=1 m. For simplicity use the same number of grid points to discretize the x-and y- derivatives. Your solution
should include
1. Contour plots showing the evolution of the vortex generated by the flow as a function of time.
2. A contour for the stream function and vorticity at steady state
3. A plot for the velocity vectors if possible at steady state
4. Briefly explain the scheme
Problem 3
Use the appropriate boundary conditions to obtain the solution of the flow entering a two dimensional channel of
dimensions 20LxL. Let Re=100 based on the channel height. For simplicity use x=y. Your solution should include,
1. A contour for the stream function and vorticity at steady state
2. A plot for the velocity vectors if possible at steady state
3. The distribution of shear force on the lower wall
4. Briefly explain the scheme
Problem 4
Use the appropriate boundary conditions to obtain the solution of the flow entering a two dimensional channel of
dimensions 20LxL. with a bluff body in the centered at x=5L and y=L/2. The bluff body is a square section of
dimensions L/8xL/8. Let Re=100 based on the channel height. For simplicity use x=y. Your solution should include,
1. Contour plots showing the evolution of the vortex generated by the flow as a function of time.
2. A contour for the stream function and vorticity at steady state
3. A plot for the velocity vectors if possible at steady state
4. The distribution of shear force on the bluff body
5. Briefly explain the scheme

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