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Debunking the Fallacies Behind Abortion on Demand

By Rene Guerra

Abortionists circle furiously their wagons around the nauseating U.S.

Supreme Court rule “Roe vs. Wade” that provides a free hand to
soulless women and unscrupulous physicians and nurses to murder
innocent, defenseless, voiceless babies in gestation in cold blood,
with collusive premeditation, malice and full advantage.

Although many callous women and men in general see in abortion on

demand just another convenience of the times, at the very nucleus of
abortionism is the Left and others who seek the destruction of the
American ethos to thus exacerbate the decay and the eventual
destruction of the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed us, and
which generation after generation --for almost twelve scores--
preserved an strengthened as "America --despite its many
imperfections and defects-- the most powerful nation history has ever
seen, yet the most generous and the first overall superpower ever in
human history that liberates and even feeds peoples, and that stands
out and excels as the world’s utmost inextinguishable beacon of
freedom, everlasting fountain of effective democracy, inexpugnable
bastion of individual rights, and inexhaustible mother lode of free

The gist of the matter is that all what the Left seeks through
abortionism is the desensitization of Americans to respect for
innocent human life and, furthermore, drive us all to a morally putrid
societal environment of generalized disrespect of innocent human
life. The ulterior objective being to condition and prepare Americans
to, in a darker future, accept submissively and with indifference the
macabre experiments in “social engineering” that the Left would
perform on America if they ever take full power, and which the Left
has done, and keeps doing, in other parts of the world. Obamacare is
just the tip of the iceberg in that sense in America, if We the People
don’t stop Obama’s socialist agenda. For the moment, Obama is
making American rich his kulaks, but the middle class is next, as the
taxation in his "Stimulus II", deceptively misnomered "Jobs Bill"
clearly indicates, where taxpayers who have a gross income above
$32,000 fall under the ax.
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“Social engineering” --social, structural, ideological, and political

change achieved by the use of state terror-- is the despicable practice
that the Left feels so enamored of, consisting mainly of making
drastic demographic changes in a nation --"...fundamentally
transforming the United Stated of America...", as Obama has vowed
concerning America-- in the pursuit of economic, social or political
goals, and usually done via repression and other despicable ways,
including famine and genocide. Extreme examples of “social
engineering” are the bestial “population manipulations” that Hitler,
Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot “experimented” with, in the process,
murdering tens of millions of innocents.

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If Americans become completely callous in front of the abomination

that abortion on demand is, they could easily accept, or at least
complicitly ignore, other monstrous societal abominations.

Abortion on demand is such an abomination that not even the most

bestial amongst the most detestable animals do it; not even hyena
mothers abort at will their little baby-hyenas in gestation. Some
abortionists adduce “Ah, but some animals devour their own
offspring.” Yes, SOME do, but that is the exception, rather than the

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However, murdering innocent, defenseless, voiceless babies in

gestation in cold blood, with collusive premeditation, malice and full
advantage is now the norm in America.

Being the abomination that intrinsically it is, abortion on demand

should be banned and criminalized as murder in the first degree;
that’s exactly what it is.

However, abortionists have almost succeeded in making it look like if

it were just an outpatient medical procedure more in health care.
They have succeeded in making it look as the most normal thing in
life, when abortion on demand is a horrid crime on a human being
and a most morbid crime against humanity. And, because of the
frequency and pervasiveness with which it is committed with full
impunity, they have also made it look as if it were a blessed human
right of women.

Abortion on demand must be stopped; the only instances when

abortion should be legal are:

a) Due to legitimate, genuine and third-opined medical reasons

unequivocally indicating that the life of the mother is at lethal
peril, at any stage of the pregnancy

b) In cases of incest or rape, but only at very early stages of the

pregnancy, weeks maybe, for adoption exists as an alternative

Abortionists hide behind a number of tired and fallacious platitudes.

Abortionists contend that (1) abortions are needed to terminate

undesired pregnancies; (2) during the early stages of pregnancy what
exists is just a blob of cells ; (3) abortions represent only a
manifestation of the right women have to do whatever they want with
their bodies; (4) abortion in general is an issue pertinent only to a
woman, her family, her physician and her god, and not to the
“government”; (5) “choice”, i.e., abortion on demand, is part of a
woman “reproduction health”; (6) women have the constitutional right
to choose to abort; (7) the constitutional right to privacy guarantees
women to abort in the intimacy of their privacy; (8) that abortion -on
demand, of course- is beneficial to humanity because tissue from

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aborted fetuses is indispensable for stem cell research; (9) only

religious people oppose abortion on demand.

Those nine hollow fallacies are debunked easily and categorically:

1. Abortions are needed to terminate undesired pregnancies

In these times, only morons can incur into undesired
pregnancies from consensual sex. That is, undesired
pregnancies should be avoided rather than terminated; in other
words, conception control should replace birth control. There is
a plethora of ways of, and means for, conception control. For
example, in addition to Clintonesque sex, there are many other
forms of non-reproductive sex, such as, for example, anal sex,
masturbation, sexual toys, sexual devices; you name it.
Furthermore, there are condoms, jellies, pills of all sorts, and
even abstinence. And to seal off the sophistic argument that
abortion on demand is needed to terminate undesired
pregnancies, there is the humane option of adoption for
undesired babies, whom ultimately can be anonymously
dropped at any hospital, fire station or police station. Finally, as
a last resort and compared to first degree murder on a baby in
gestation, even homosexual sex and bestiality could be
preferred as lesser evils.

With all the existing means and ways and means to prevent
them, undesired pregnancies due to consensual sex are an
absurdity these times. Abortion on demand should not be
available under the excuse that it is needed to end undesired
pregnancies. Murdering an innocent, defenseless, voiceless,
baby in gestation at will, in cold blood, with collusive
premeditation, malice and full advantage -- that is, abortion on
demand-- should be called and penalized for what in reality is:
First Degree Murder.

2. During the early stages of pregnancy what exists is just a

blob of cells
That the embryo is in the early stage of pregnancy no more
than a blob of cells indistinguishable from any other blob of
cells and hardly a human is a most false notion held and spread
by abortionists. From the very moment when the egg and the

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spermatozoid fuse into one, what is created is not a tumor, or

any other pathophysiological manifestation, in the reproductive
organs of women; it is an embryo, as basic biology proves it.
And that embryo is not the embryo of a cricket, or an iguana, or
a rabbit, or a chicken, or a sardine; it is a human being, as,
again, basic biology and DNA science and technology
unequivocally prove it.

By the way, and extremely important, motherhood begins from

the very moment when the fusion of the egg and the
spermatozoid is completed; that is, pre-partum (or prenatal)
motherhood has started at that instant, the miracle of the
perpetuation of human life has occurred at that very moment.

That beautiful fusion automatically triggers hormonal and other

endocrinological changes in the female body marking the
beginning of motherhood; pre-partum (or prenatal) motherhood,
that is. The notion that motherhood starts at delivery is a
widespread misconception that abortionists hang on to with the
intention of helping to reinforce the arguments they use to make
women believe that they become mothers only until the
moment the baby exits the vagina; and that while the baby is
inside, he/she is just another body part of a carrier, and not the
baby of a mother. What starts at delivery is post-partum (or
postnatal) motherhood, but a woman does become a mother at
the very moment of conception.

Women of the world behold and beware that you become a

mother --a real, true mother, from the very precious moment--
when one of your eggs fuses with a spermatozoid into one, into
a human living entity, into a baby in gestation.

3. Women can do whatever they can do with their bodies

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The tired platitude that “…a fetus is just another body part of
the woman that is carrying it…” is another great lie; DNA
analysis has unequivocally proved that --since the very
wonderful moment when an egg and a spermatozoid fuse into
one-- a baby in gestation is a unique and distinctive human
entity, different from his or her mother.

And such difference is so solidly true that no mother could ever

be cloned from any tissue or bodily fluid of her baby in
gestation, as in fact she could from the DNA in any miniscule
speck of her dandruff, saliva, urine, sweat, and even in a
minuscule smear of her very feces.

4. Abortion in general is an issue pertinent only to a woman,

her family, her physician and her god, and not to the
Abortion, in general, is a most serious issue; it is about the
willfully provoked death of an innocent, voiceless, human being
in the form of a baby in gestation. And abortion on demand is
killing of a baby in gestation at will, in cold blood, with collusive

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premeditation, malice and full advantage, that is, murder in the

first degree. And the gist is that absolute respect for innocent
human life is the most fundamental of all foundations of society.
Hence, abortion and abortion on demand in particular, is
pertinent to society as well. Then, the government is just an
entity that society (we the people) hires to keep running the
tangible and intangible societal infrastructure that allows us,
members of society, go on with our daily life. So, the
government has the inherent duty of seeing to it that society
remains healthy, that it doesn’t disintegrate, that any attempt
against society’s basic foundations is thwarted, or at least
averted. And abortion on demand being the most flagrant
disrespect of innocent human life, that is, against the most
fundamental of all foundations of society, the government must
have a say in it, in name of society.

5. “Choice”, i.e., abortion on demand, is part of a woman

“reproduction health care”
How can murdering an innocent, defenseless, voiceless, baby
in gestation at will, in cold blood, with collusive premeditation,
malice and full advantage -- that is, abortion on demand—be
reproduction health care? First of all, pregnancy is not an
illness; it is the most normal thing. Secondly, much less is an
“illness” that can be “cured” with abortion on demand. Thirdly,
abortion of demand can be so perilous that it may put an
aborting woman in an unhealthy physical condition. Fourthly,
abortion on demand is so drastic that it may put an aborting
woman I an unhealthy psychological condition for the rest of her
life, with the guilt of having murdered her innocent, defenseless,
voiceless, baby in gestation at will, in cold blood, with collusive
premeditation, malice and full advantage. There is no way
abortion on demand will make any woman healthier, as Barack
Hussein Obama II grossly deceitfully suggests. A pregnancy
where the life of neither the mother nor the baby in gestation is
at risk, is the most healthy happening to any woman.

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6. Women have the constitutional right to “choose”

Abortionists hide behind the euphemism of “choice”, when
taking the pregnancy to full term is the most normal thing to do,
and women do not need to choose it; all what they have to do is
to let nature run its course for nine months. That’s it!

The only “choice” that abortionists want here is the “choice” of a

woman to commit --along with the unscrupulous physicians and
nurses that assist her-- the heinous and crass abnormality of
abortion on demand; that is, the “choice” to committing first-
degree murder on an innocent, defenseless, voiceless baby in
gestation in cold blood, with collusive premeditation, malice and
full advantage. That “choice” is not and cannot be a
constitutional right, not only because it is neither written nor
implicit in the Constitution, but because destroying innocent
human life goes against the most fundamental of all
foundations of human society. Furthermore, no one can give
the abnormality of murdering a baby in gestation the same
weight of the normality of taking the baby in gestation to a full
happy term.

7. The Constitution gives women the right to “privacy”

The other phony argument that abortionists use to vainly
attempt to excuse abortion on demand is a supposed aborter’s
constitutional right to “privacy”. In the sick minds of abortionists,

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“privacy” translates into the supposed constitutional right of a

woman to have a depraved physician and depraved nurses
giving her an abortion in the intimacy of her privacy; committing
first-degree murder on a baby in gestation in private --or in
public, for that matter-- is nobody’s constitutional right.

8. Abortion –abortion on demand, of course- is needed for

stem cell research
This is the high tech, the nanotech phoniest excuse that
abortionists have been using for years to vainly attempt to
justifyin their labors of first degree murder on babies in
gestation. Nazi “scientists” Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer and
Josef Mengele must feel --in their miasmatic graves-- that
abortionists have vindicated them for the mass-murders they
committed in Nazi Germany’s labs “for the sake of science”.
Advanced research on stem cell is proving more and more that
embryonic or fetal tissue is not needed at all to harvest stem
cells; scientists are getting them from all sort of adult human
tissue other than fetal or embryonic. And, to make mass
murderous abortionists shut up, the last breakthrough is that
stem cells can be produced from one’s own skin. Attempting to
paint abortion on demand with a philanthropic façade does not
work at all.

9. Only religious people oppose abortion on demand

There are many secular, and even agnostic and atheist people,
who, for pure humanistic and social reasons, oppose abortion
on demand. I, for example, am an atheist (never an anti-theist,
for I respect others’ right to believe whatever pleases them, as
long as, in the process, they don’t harm me or harm others) and
strongly oppose the abomination, as what I write proves it. But I
am not alone; I know countless agnostics and atheists who
vigorously oppose abortion on demand.

Abortionists’ soullessness and callousness in supporting the first-

degree murder on an innocent, defenseless, voiceless baby in
gestation in cold blood, with collusive premeditation, malice and full
advantage of innocent babies in gestation is not only a most heinous
abhorrence, but also a major contributor to the desensitization of the
American soul and to the perversion of the American ethos. It is

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something that --in their goal of destroying us-- our worst sworn
enemies crave, because a soulless, perverted nation cannot stand
assaults from her enemies, be internal or external.

No surprise then that abortion is one of the Trojan Horses that the
Left uses to undermine American society. It is all part of the process
of ushering America to a chaotic and decadent status where they --
the Left-- can gradually, stealthy take over our country, or where any
of our other enemies --such as mass murderous Islamofascists-- can
destroy us while we, impassively, simply watch, wondering what
wrong we did to them to “deserve” it, as the entire Left, and a fistful in
the Right induce us to think.

And, in the process, the Left and abortionists are first-degree

murdering tens of millions of babies in gestation. Abortionists are
standing on a Mount Everest of little corpses of assassinated babies
in gestation; abortionists are America’s Angels of Death, surpassing
those of Nazi Germany.

How low some Americans have descended!

How much we have depraved ourselves, when a good portion of the

population and of the government --local, county, state and federal--
support and defend something that, besides being in essence
criminal, in effect contributes gravitationally and momentously to the

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destruction of America, the first true lighthouse of democracy and

fountain of liberty that humanity has ever seen . . . the most
benevolent and generous superpower in human history.

Some cretins and some deceivers have taken it to comparing

America with the empires of epochs past, whereas America --with all
her overall overwhelming power and despite her many flaws-- is the
most lenient and generous superpower humanity has ever seen;
America is the first superpower in recorded human history that goes
around freeing and feeding peoples.

Take as a comparison what the powers of the past did to the world;
just see the conquest by arms --accompanied in most instances by
pillage, plunder slavery, bloodshed or other horrors-- that the powers,
major and minor, of the past inflicted on other nations. Take the
Medes, the Babylonians, the Egyptians, the Persians, the
Macedonians, the Romans, the Vandals, the Huns, the Mongols, the
Spanish, the French, the British, the Belgians, the Dutch, the
Portuguese, the Ottomans, the Germans, the Japanese, the Soviets,
Saddam Hussein’s Iraqis, and now the Russians in Georgia, etc.

The fact of the matter is that in fair balance, despite her pitfalls in
domestic and foreign policy, America has been enormously beneficial
to the World. Technological and scientific contributions aside - with
her own blood, stamina, resolve, convictions and material resources-
she saved the World in WWI from the German and Austro-Hungarian
empires, in WWII from Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial
Japan, and in the Cold War, from Bolshevik imperialism.

Here in the Western Hemisphere, she liberated Grenada and

Panama, and stopped Soviet expansionism in Central America.

She also expelled Saddam Hussein’s hordes from Kuwait, defused

the conflict in the Balkans, freed more than 28 million Afghanis from
the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, and freed almost 29 million Iraqis from
Saddam Hussein…and now sees herself freeing the entire world from
mass-murdering Islamofascism.

Aside her monumental contributions in medicine, science and

technology, America’s major contributions to the World are, among

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others, Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democracy, free

entrepreneurialism, human rights, and Pax Americana, which (the
latter) can be accurately defined as democracy, peace and prosperity
imposed by that deep fear of and respect for America’s overall
overwhelming might, as the greatest and most benign superpower on
Earth, ever, she is.

For example, it is mainly due to Pax Americana that Europeans finally

ended the warfare that until WWII they had been engaged into for
millennia, since the beginning of recorded history.

It is mainly due to Pax Americana, also, that abominable European

colonialism --and any other type of colonialism, for that matter-- came
to an end on the surface of Earth.

What a track record!

Of course, the Left lies flagrantly and blatantly and says the opposite,
as Barack Obama --now the coryphaeus of the Left in America--
evidenced in his trashing of America in all his trips abroad. The worst
thing here is, however, that the Left --along with all other abortionists-
- is using abortion on demand as one tool more to destroy America.

In case of America’s demise --to which abortion on demand

contributes enormously-- all those American accomplishments for
humanity would be replaced by the jungle that the world was before
America emerged as the most powerful superpower after WWII. The
only thing is that this time it would be worse, for the world is now
bristling with nuclear weapons.

In addition to the threat to humanity that Islamofascist mass-

murdering terrorism poses, the military threats of Russia and China
persist. Those are additional compelling reasons why America must
remain overall powerful, particularly when, other than American
overall power, there is nothing on Earth to contain the Russians or
the Chinese; the European Union is far from becoming a single entity
that could assume that role, this in addition to the pusillanimity that
now prevails in the European psyche.

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Unfortunately --until the day effective democracy prevails in the

Muslim world, Russia and China-- humanity will remain at peril, and
the only power on the planet that provides humanity with some
protection against them is an overall overwhelmingly powerful

That is, it will be until then that America must keep playing the
unpleasant role of world cop; it therefore that we must keep America
overall strong, in every sense. That is one reason more among so
many, particularly moral ones, why abhorrent abortion on demand
must be banned.

But most importantly among all arguments against abortion on

demand is the undeniable fact that women become mothers since
the very moment the egg and the spermatozoid fuse into one; since
the very moment of conception . . . and men become fathers too at
that very same moment.

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