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Signs and symptoms of E.

coli O157:H7 infection

The patient will typically experience symptoms within three to four days after being
exposed to the bacteria, however, in some cases they may appear within a day or a
week later.
The individual may experience:

Abdominal pain - typically, the first symptom is severe abdominal cramping

that comes on suddenly.

Diarrhea - a few hours after the sudden abdominal pain, the patient typically
has watery diarrhea. A day later there may be bright red bloody stools,
caused by sores in the intestines.


Vomiting - note that many patients who become ill may not vomit

Fever - note that many infected people may not have a fever

Fatigue - diarrhea causes loss of fluids and electrolytes (dehydration), making

the patient feel sick and tired

What are the causes of E. coli O157:H7 infection?

Most strains of E. coli are harmless. However, one group, including 0157:H7,
produces a potent toxin - Shiga toxin - that is harmful for the lining of the small
Humans can become infected by:

Ingesting contaminated water - even though tap water contains chlorine

and has undergone ozone or ultraviolet treatment, some E. coli outbreaks
have been caused by contaminated municipal water supplies. Private wells
can be a source of infection, as can some lakes and swimming pools.

Ingesting contaminated food - examples include ground beef,

unpasteurized milk, or fresh vegetables. Infected people who work in
restaurants and do not wash their hands properly after going to the toilet can
spread the infection to customers and other members of staff.

Having physical contact with an infected person, known as person-toperson contact. Good hand hygiene is important in stemming the spread of

Contact with animals - this may not only occur in farms, but also in petting
zoos or country fairs.

High fiber diets - researchers from the Uniformed Services University of the
Health Sciences reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS) (May 2013 issue) that people on high fiber diets have a
higher risk of harboring E. coli bacteria and suffering the consequences of
O157:H7 infection and severe disease. The authors reported that "dietary
choice affects Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O157:H7
colonization and disease."

E. coli infection risk factors

A risk factor is something which raises the chances of developing a condition or
disease. For example, obesity significantly raises the risk of developing type 2
diabetes. Therefore, obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes.
The following risk factors are linked to a higher risk of problems with E. coli

Certain foods - consuming soft cheeses, raw milk, apple juice, cider, and
undercooked ground beef are linked to a higher risk of becoming ill

Immunocompromised patients - those with weakened immune systems,

such as patients with AIDS, those taking immunosuppressive medications,
and people receiving chemotherapy are susceptible to complications.

Stomach surgery - patients who have had the size of their stomach
surgically reduced have less stomach acid that kills off bacteria.

The person's age - very young children and elderly individuals have a
higher risk of developing serious illness and complications

Coli Bacillinum is a Near specific medicine for treating e-coli infection

Clemetis Erecta is very effective for UTI
Sulphur is the great burning sensation while passing urine
Merc Cor is another good homeopathic Remedy for UTI
Cantharis as the number one Homeopathic remedy for uti
E Coli 200C is also known as Bacteria Coli, Bacteria E.Coli, Bact Coli, or Colibacillinum. E
Coli can be used as an adjunct to offset symptoms of food poisoning and infections from E
Coli bacteria. E Coli is also used as an adjunct for your health plan for urinary infections and
urinary irritation.
Kathryn Jones Health Counselor has included a short valuable user friendly Dosing Guide.
This guide offers tips for starting dose and maintenance dose.

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) Is A Proven Natural Antiseptic With Strong Antifungal And
Antibacterial Action - See more at:

Grapefruit Seed Extract is used by healthcare professionals worldwide for health concerns
requiring the use of an ingestible or topical, nontoxic antimicrobial. GSE Kills Strep, Staph,
Salmonella, E. coli, Candida, Herpes, Influenza, parasites, and fungi. GSE has been
laboratory tested against and found to be effective against the following microorganisms:

Gram Negative

Gram Positive Bacteria

Other Organisms



Aspergillus niger



Campylobacter pylori


Corynebacterium acnes

Candida albicans


Diplococcus pneumoniae

Chlamydia trachomatis



Entamoeba histolytica

E. coli

Lactobacillus arabinosus



Listeria monocytogenes

Giardia lamblia


Mycobacterium tuberculosis Helicobacter pylori



Herpes simplex


Staphylococcus aureas

Influenza A2


Streptococcus faecalis

Keratinomyces ajelloi



Monilia albicans



Saccharomyces cerevisia






Legionella pneumophila



Blastocystis hominis

- See more at:

Self Care Measures

Along with homeopathic treatment there are some measures that can be taken to keep the urinary
tract healthy and prevent recurrent infection:

Drink plenty of fluids to flush bacteria out of your urinary system.

Do not hold urine once the urge to urinate has occurred.

After a bowel movement, wipe from front to back to keep bowel bacteria at a

Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes so that air can keep the area
dry. Avoid tight-fitting jeans and nylon underwear, which trap moisture and
can help bacteria grow.

Avoid using feminine hygiene sprays and scented douches.

Rinse soap off well in the shower.

Urinate after sexual intercourse.

Adequate vitamin C or ascorbic acid in your diet makes your urine acidic,
which discourages the growth of bacteria. Drinking cranberry juice may also
produce the same effect.

Four Most Common Remedies

Cantharis; most common remedy; key is burning which is intense and quick;
may be so bad that they shout; quickly report that there is blood; can see
extreme sexual excitement, tremendous anxiety and urge to masturbate
beyond reason

Sarsasparilla; #2 remedy; pain at the end of the urination(95%); pain is

intolerable; urging and inflammation; urine flows better when standing; child
screams and anticipates pain; sense of chills coming from neck of bladder in

general=keynote; air passes with urine=gurgling noise=keynote; pains in

kidneys and ureters especially right

Nux vomica: Much irritability; tenesmus and cramping; key is painful and
powerful urging; urine dribbles out then ceases; great urging; very little urine;
brief relief from urine; become very irritable=keynote want instant relief;
come on from abuse of coffee or tea; must get off or for treatment to work;
better warm applications=keynote ie bathtub, urinate in the bathtub helps;
tends to be worse before and after urination

Pulsatilla; if a drop of urine collects in the bladder it must be expelled; pain

after urination in the urethra; Pulsatilla will say the whole urethra hurts;
burning is milder and onset is slower; alot of urine and is thirstless; little girls
with nocturnal enuresis; symptoms come on after suppression of menses;
exposure to cold wet; back feels as if cold water running down it with fever
and chills; if flip over on back at night, urging to urinate which will awaken

Other Remedies to Consider

Aconite napellus: Urinary retention in mother(more likely to be

causticum=physical stress) and in newborn(#1); anxiety, fear, burning with
restlessness; must give the remedy quickly

Apis mellifica; Urine is scanty with thirstlessness; pain is before and at

beginning of urination; great burning and scalding; use mostly in kidney
conditions; when Apis starts working, will suddenly start urinating alot more

Belladonna: extremely irritable bladder; after urination strain for more;

worse jar=key

Benzoic Acid; pain between urination; intense odor of urine like a horse;
smells like old hay; sediment

Berberis: Violent shooting pains into bladder; key is radiation in all

directions; one of main remedy for kidney infections; only remedy listed for
bladder pain on movement;

Cannabis Indica; similar to Canth; kidneys have burning aching feelings

worse with laughter=keynote; ecstasy state; kidneys have burning achy
feeling; over time mental and sexual deterioration with a tendency to UTIs
following prolonged usage of pot; children of parents who use alot of pot
around the time of conception

Cannabis sativa; urine starts after a long wait=key; similar to cantharis;

urethra gets dark red and swollen; intense sexual excitement

Capsicum; creamy discharge with burning on urination and after;

Causticum: Only chronic cases; tendency for burning can cutting during
urination; retention after confinement (ie hospital); worse cold; cant help
their urinating #1 remedy for incontinence

Chimaphilia: #1 remedy for acute prostatitis in males; must spread legs

and lean forward to urinate; sensation of sitting on a ball

Clematis: Urine starts and stops before finally comes in painless stream;
think contractions (spasmodic); mostly acute

Conium: Mostly chronic; urine flows more easily when standing;

constitutional state of weakness and lack of expulsive power

Copaiva: Urethritis with burning; meatus is sore as if wounded; irritable

bladder of elderly females; often accompanied by mucous in the stool;catarrh
of the bladder=mucous;

Cubeba: crave nuts=keynote; mucous DC

Digitalis: prostatitis of older men and bachelors; violent urging with urge to
stool; better lying down and relieves the pressure; only remedy for violent
urging in prostatitis

Doryphora: Urethritis in small children brought on by external stimulus;

external inflammation of the urethra;

Dulcamara: Inflam or bladder after taking cold; if chilled will lose urine

Equisetum: More mucous than Canth and a great amount of urine: urge
increases as the quantity decreases; good remedy for enuresis; enuresis from
habit(no cause), although rhus tox is more common

Ferrum Phos: worse standing and better lying; involuntary urination;

constant urging with relief from urination

Medorhinum: Pain when last few drops are voided; chronic urethritis and
prostatitis; symptoms after suppression of gonorhea; Reiters syndrome with
conjunctivitis, urethritis and arthritis

Mercurius corrosivus: symptoms come on with great violence and

intensity; tenesmus; pain is not so great as cantharis; can be a green puruent
DC esp at night; no relief with urination; often will be salivation; continued
urge to go; tenesmus is constant; see the same thing in ulcerative
colitis=constant urging;

Natrum Muriaticum: chronic cystitis

Pareira brava: urinate only when on hands and knees and put their head on
the floor-mostly in prostatitis; that position moves the stone or prostrate;
forked stream; great urging and straining

Petroselinim(Parsley); good only for kids; sudden irresitable urge to

urinate; must be gratified instantly; child jumps up and down with pain;
tingling and itching of urethra; all of the provings only relate to the bladder;
can use parsley tea for UTIs 4 tsp parsley to a cup with a drop or two of
sandalwood oil; drink 2 cups per day; use this regimen for people on a
constitutional with recurrent UTIs

Rhus aromatica: Severe pain at beginning or before urination in children;

Sepia: chronic freq of urination; rise often in the night; sour smelling urine;
sudden desire to urinate; nocturnal enuresis in young girls; recurring cystitis,
especially if there is bladder pain with menses;

Stapyisagria: Honeymoon cystitis=psychic impact of marraige; cystitis

after emotional shock, suppressed anger or humiliation; very frequent urging
that is painful and lasts a long time; burning during and after

Sulphur: Chronic cystitis, prostatitis and urethrits; scalding pain in the

urethra in broken down old men with enlarged prostrates; history of gonorhea

Terebinthina: Turpentine; similar to Canth; strong kidney remedy; urine

burns and is scanty and dark/smokey colored with blood and mucous;
SRP=odor of violets

Thuja: sensation of urinating when they are not; foaming urine; woart on
genital and anus; chronic cases ; history of vaccinations or G.C.

Uva Ursae; slimy urine associated with prolapsed uterus

Viola tricolorada: odor like cats urine and milky color

Home Remedies For Yeast Infection

Systemic infection with candida and other strains of yeast is epidemic today and is an underlying
factor in many chronic conditions (e.g. migraines, colitis, obesity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,
sinusitis, PMS). This is a result of immune failure and contributes to immunitys progressive
weakening. Home remedies yeast infection can also be used in combination with other remedies
for the above mention symptoms.
Other contributing causes include antibiotics, which destroy protective intestinal bacteria, and a
variety of immune-damaging factors and environmental toxins. Sugar and carbohydrate excess,

or estrogen imbalance (hormone therapy` pill, PMS),

sweetens the tissues, creating a yeast breeding ground. Food allergies and a toxic digestive
system (dysbiosis) complete the picture. Home remedies for yeast infection can reverse the
imbalance and return it to normal levels.
Antifungal herbs must be used and alternated for some time. An integral part of treatment is
yeast die-off or Herxheimer reaction, which can produce fatigue, headaches, digestive upset and
so on. The side effects can be minimized by starting with low dosages, increasing gradually, and
helping detoxification. A low-carb, high-protein diet, digestive enzymes, liver detoxification and
immune-strengthening herbs are essential. Check below a list of home remedies for yeast
infections. See also Candida

Home Remedies Yeast Infection

Home remedies Yeast Infection #1: Black Walnut**Juglans nigra
Unripe, green hulls contain juglone, an effective antifungal agent.
Assists with systemic candida, athletes foot and ring worm infections.
Also inhibits other fungi, cryptococcus, salmonella, staph, E. coli.
Home remedies Yeast Infection #2: Cats Claw* * *Una de gato/Uncaria tormentosa
Has antimicrobial effects for fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites.
Important intestinal cleanser for dysbiosis, leaky gut, diverticulitis, colitis, Crohns. Anti-aging,
anti-inflammatory, immune strengthening.
Home remedies Yeast Infection #3: Celandine*Chelidonium majus
Treats candida effectively; powerful liver detox fier and hepatic strengthener; helps in removal of candida metabolites from the bloodstream.
Home remedies Yeast Infection #4: Garlic***Allium sativa
Contains several antifungal ingredients; rapidly destroys yeast.
Stimulates immune function. Highly antiseptic, effective in infections, and is beneficial for
long-term use against chronic candida syndromes.

Home remedies Yeast Infection #5: Goldenseal***Hydrastis canadensis

Strong antifungal effects, while healing intestinal mucus linings.
Strengthens and detoxifies the liver; immune and white cell stimulant.
Home remedies Yeast Infection #6: Yeast infection Tinture:
1 ounce tincture of black walnut husk (fresh)
1/2 ounce each tinctures lavender flowers, valerian root, pau darco.
10 drops tea tree oil.
Mix all the ingredients and shake well before each use. Take 2 to 3 dropperfuls a day.

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