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The re are thre e type s of six strand braids, what I call the hard way, the e asy way, and
the half round. The first two are round braids and the m ain diffe re nce be twe e n the two
braids is the am ount of finge r work re quire d to cre ate the braid he nce "the e asy /
hard way". Be fore you be gin you should saddle soap your strands to m ak e the
braiding e asie r and m ore consiste nt and for an ave rage brace le t you ne e d your
strands to be about 18 inche s long. I'll show 2 vie ws of e ach braid, a loose strand
vie w so you can se e whe re the strands are and a tight vie w for how the braid should
look . So le t's ge t braiding!!

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In the se im age s I've starte d with 3 strands 36 inche s long and

m ade a 3 strand flat braid hoop in the m iddle to start a brace le t,
you'll just have to figure that one out yourse lf. I can't give away
all m y se cre ts. This im age shows how the strands are laye d out to
be gin with and you can click on any of the im age s to vie w it in a
large r size .

Six Strands the Hard Way

Starting with the top strand on the right,

bring the strand be hind to the le ft and
go unde r one strand, ove r one strand
and unde r one strand.

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W ith

strand on the Le ft, bring the strand

be hind to the right and go unde r one
strand, ove r one strand and unde r one

W ith

strand on the right, bring the strand

be hind to the le ft and go unde r one
strand, ove r one strand and unde r one

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W ith

strand on the Le ft, bring the strand

be hind to the right and go unde r one
strand, ove r one strand and unde r one

I think you ge t the ide a, work ing from

e ach side bring the top strand be hind
the n unde r, ove r, unde r. Since you re pe at
this sam e ste p on e ach side this is
conside re d to be a single ste p braid. All
that finge r work ge tting that strand unde r,
ove r, this is why I, at le ast, call this the
hard way. He re 's a photo of a braide d
le ngth.

Six Strands the Easy Way

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Starting with the top strand on the le ft,

bring the strand be hind to the right and
go unde r one strand, ove r two strands.

W ith

strand on the right, bring the strand

be hind to the le ft and go unde r two
strands and ove r one strand.

W ith

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strand on the le ft, bring the strand

be hind to the right and go unde r one
strand, ove r two strands.

W ith

strand on the right, bring the strand

be hind to the le ft and go unde r two
strands and ove r one strand.

So with the le ft strand you go unde r one ,

ove r two and the right strand you go
unde r two and ove r one . This is
conside re d a two ste p braid since your not
doing the sam e braid e ach tim e . He re 's a
photo of a braide d le ngth.

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Six Strand Half Round

This is a nice look ing braid that m ak e s for an inte re sting alte rnative to the re gular
round braids. It has a flat V braid on the back while the front still has the ove r unde r
look .

Starting with the top strand on the le ft,

bring the strand be hind to the right and
go unde r two strands, ove r one strand.

W ith

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strand on the right, bring the strand

be hind to the le ft and go unde r two
strands and ove r one strand.

W ith

strand on the le ft, bring the strand

be hind to the right and go unde r two
strands, ove r one strand.

W ith

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strand on the right, bring the strand

be hind to the le ft and go unde r two
strands and ove r one strand.

This is again conside re d a single ste p

braid since you are re pe ating the sam e
unde r two ove r one braid all the way

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C opyright 2 0 1 5 Leather Braiding by John . P owered by Zen Cart .

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