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I've be e n braiding for som e four ye ars now and I'm ofte n be ing ask e d how it is done . The ne x t
fe w page s will give a basic introduction to braiding. W he n I
first starte d braiding I use d an ine x pe nsive sue de to le arn the
basics, the n I m ove d on to cow le athe r and finally Kangaroo
le athe r. Sue de was a good le arning tool but is ve ry thick and
te nds to bre ak whe n your trying to braid tightly, m ak e sure to
buy som e glue also. C ow le athe r, sm ooth calf sk in and pro
lace are slightly m ore e x pe nsive and good alte rnative to
sue de . The y still te nd to be thick and bre ak although not quite
so e asily. Ah Kangaroo is possibly the absolute be st to work
with, it is thin ye t has a highe r te nsile stre ngth the n othe r
le athe rs m ak e s it pe rfe ct for braiding and k notting. Kangaroo
can be double the price though so it is be st to start out with

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som e thing ine x pe nsive and work your way up.

W he n you work with le athe r you should use a saddle soap to pre pare the strings for braiding,
m ak e s it e asie r to pull the strands tight. Som e folk s use wate r and soap toge the r but I've found
that wate r dark e ns the le athe r so I use soap alone . O the r the n le athe r and saddle soap the re
isn't m uch e lse you ne e d to braid, m aybe a fe w pie ce s of string to start out with but braiding is
ve ry e asy with the sim ple st of tools.

For those look ing for a book or two on braiding I'm se lf taught from the Bruce Grant book s.
Le athe r Braiding: A conde nse d ve rsion of the Encyclope dia, has m any of the braids and k nots but
not the proje cts.
Encyclope dia of R awhide and Le athe r Braiding: This is the big book that e ve ry braide r has on the
she lf, cove rs just about e ve rything.
You can find the se on Alibris Book s A quick note about Alibris, I'd orde r som e braiding book s awhile
back and whe n one pack age was de live re d e m pty the se lle r offe re d no he lp at all. I talk e d with
Alibris and the re funde d m y purchase whe n the se lle r wouldn't, so I lik e the se guys.

And m ost im portantly, re m e m be r: "I can show you how to braid but only tim e can te ach you".

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C opyright 2 0 1 5 Leather Braiding by John . P owered by Zen Cart .

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