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Family Court overwhelmingly denies fit and worthy parents under divorce and paternity suits,

their right to die (ie, direct care and support of) their children. If it does, it becomes a father in a
virtual slave to both the State and the mother and to pay outrageous extortion payments for the
abduction of their children in the state - or go to jail. These are all clear violations of their
inalienable rights (fundamental or individual) and the constitutional protections that were put in
place to secure them. But what are the root causes that created a tyranny that court against
Three main causes of tyranny court parents are: 1.
Continuous deterioration of the judiciary of its obligation to maintain constitutional rights in court
when fundamental rights are at stake. Fraudulent propaganda
2. Feminist and politically correct mindset of intolerance
3. Feminists promote laws imposed by the 'common good' state benefit women at the expense
of the fundamental rights of fathers and men.
- Deterioration of the Judiciary - usurping of justice people: Thomas Jefferson distrusted the
judiciary and warned us that " judiciary ... Working like gravity by night and by day, gaining a
little today and little morning and advance its noiseless step like a thief over the field of
jurisdiction until all shall be usurped ".
Over time, the judiciary has removed the protection of defendants and litigants from bad laws
and legal process malicious - nowhere more evident than in the Family Court. It has undermined
the rights of litigants not protect against bad law and bad prosecutions. It does this by
* Prohibit the notification in 1898 of the rights of the jury to be informed - that is, that the jurors


can judge the law and the evidence in the case in court. So if the accused is tried under a bad
law, jurors may find innocent despite the evidence. Jurors still have that right, but are not
notified of it.
* Ensure a jury trial or whenever the fundamental rights large amounts of money are at stake but not in the family courts, where all rights and huge legacies are at stake.
* Allow only the lawyers' practice 'law- from the 1940s instead of the' Advocate own choice of a
litigant. Lawyers and behavior are regulated and protected by the State Boards of Supervisors
Bar. If a lawyer dollars the system then he will lose his ticket to practice. But sometimes the
"system" should be resisted to prevent corruption.
* Creating virtual immunity for judges, prosecutors, and a growing number of members of the
court for any action taken by them in their duties. The ability to discipline or remove judges for
the actions or opinions unconstitutional is almost impossible. This allows corruption.
* Allow a mentality of social engineering in judicial determinations and its members to override
individual rights of a "greater good" social reason.
- fraudulent propaganda feminist and politically correct intolerant mindset: Operational
Feminism has perverted the "equal opportunities for women 'issue in an ideology of social
engineering applied by a (PC) politically correct thinking is intolerant to any critique of feminist
ideology. This intolerance PC is enforced in education, business and government and nullifies
the rights of individual choices. It allows virtually no balance to 'perverted-feminism "has
brainwashed children and students university.
Women's issues are defined as 'women only' and excluding any view by men - or women -. That
does not conform to feminist "party-line" This kind of ideology is based on the suppression of .
The freedom of expression and criticism are easily slips into the idea of social engineering by
imposing the laws of their own professed "good" and that "the end justifies the means"
-. The feminists promote laws imposed by the state 'common good' that benefit women at the
expense of the fundamental rights of fathers and men.
PC Feminist Propaganda pushed by privileges under the government offices of the rights of
women The enormous power of the State to the issues and rights of women - funded by the
government -. Grew PC brainwashing against opposition served to prevent adequate controls
how the laws women taking advantage of it to direct expense of the rights of men. Tantamount
This was instituting 'greater good' excuse laws - although sounding- commendable that violated
judicial protection rights consecrated by time and due process of male to accusations of women
accused. The "safety of women 'abuse excuse" law and its processes typify the benefit of
women "victims" to clear the expense of the constitutional rights of offenders' cases'.
Feminist jurisprudence that puts the concerns of women on the fundamental rights of men and


due process required has been embedded throughout the judicial system. No worst affected by
this is the feminization of family court. R ITR He forced the perversion of "best interests of the
child" excuse in all cases as a greater good that the protection of the rights of parents unfit to
raise their own children - and also for the mother. Forces the father in a category that does not
have custody, where everyone else of their fundamental rights may be canceled or restricted
without due constitutional process.
- The creation of an industry based on Judiciary parasite feeding on parents and taxpayers:
The clear denial of fundamental rights of a parent adjustment - including their right to parent
their children, and also for the mother and extortion of money from it for the benefit of the
mother has help finance a huge industry - divorce and domestic violence industry (LVDD).
Taxpayers fund many programs of this industry related to domestic violence.
This industry funds almost everyone you possibly can benefit from the court's refusal family the
right of a parent to parent their children. Outside and divorced mothers 'parenting' which
includes judges, lawyers and judicial assistants in the legal process as well as state and federal
agencies income.
On the side of domestic violence, judges, lawyers and police departments ultimately benefit the
unjust legal process. And finally, prisons benefit as much as it is where men and parents end up
A huge propaganda program by the corresponding DDVI hidden injustice faced by parents.
- The Feminist Fraud: Feminist policies imposed by the State
Imaginable have produced the most malicious anti-male sexism. But the PC Advertisement
achieved suppress awareness of what is happening and perversion of the laws that tyrannize
men for the benefit of women. That's why operational feminism is a fraud - the feminist fraud.
In the Family Court Episode 11: The children aging out of Foster Care (2001) Host: Bill Tingley
With: Judge Joan Byer, Steve Stratford on behalf of family judges of the Court of Jefferson
County. . .
About The Author
Shane Flait gives you the capability you need to fight for your rights.
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