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The BIG question is what can happen if electricity did not exist? If there were no electricity in the world then a
chaos can most likely take place due that we are all used to having electricity, however, as I was investigating
about the subject. I found out that if electricity is not around then it means that the electrons will not have
movement on the element's atoms, and if the elements don't have electrons that can crash from a nucleus to
another, then the protons could lose their cohesion and they could fry and shoot themselves. The protons by losing
themselves from the element's nucleus then the neutrons could separate or dissipate themselves. Electricity is one
of the most basic elements of our civilization; we use it for every electronic device known to man like lights,
radios, guitars, computers, television sets, stoves, cell phones, laptops, refrigerators, and even electric cars like
golf cars and other devises. Definitely we are really dependant on electricity energy. Today approximately at 8 am
there was an electrical shutdown that affected 90% of the country, and in Hermosillo Sonora, Mexico a chaos took
place. I got out of my car like around 9:05 am and there were no traffic lights working, and by running and
jumping I made it to work like in approximately 50 minutes after when most of the time I take only about 10
minutes. The people that were inside their cars looked confused, in panic, and did not know what to do, or where
to go. Even a police driver got out of his car and started to argue with a taxi driver because the bus got in his way.
What could the world be without electricity? I think electricity is the energy that we can use for cars and for other
devises because this energy can have no limits as it exist everywhere including the human body. We need this
energy for everything in our lives.
La pregunta GRANDE ES que pasara si la Electricidad no existiese? Si no hubiera electricidad el mundo sera un
caos para todos, ya que todos estamos impuestos a la electricidad. Sin embargo, investigando mas sobre el tema,
se expone que el decir que pasara si no existiese la electricidad quiere decir que los electrones no se mueven en
el tomo de los elementos, si los elementos no tiene electrones que choquen de un ncleo a otro, los protones
perderan su cohesin y saldran disparados, al perderse los protones de los ncleos de los elementos los neutrones
se separaran o disiparan. Desde radios, lmparas y luces, hasta computadoras, refrigeradores y telfonos
celulares, todos son intiles sin una fuente ilimitada y de fluido constante de energa elctrica ya que nuestra vida
como la conocemos sera imposible si no hubiese electricidad. Del griego electrn que significa mbar cuyo origen
son las cargas elctricas y es la energa que se manifiesta en fenmenos mecnicos trmicos luminosos. La
electricidad es uno de los elementos bsicos de nuestra civilizacin. From Greek electron which means white or
amber which origins are the electrical charges and which energy manifest in a phenomenal mechanical thermal

lighting way. Definitivamente nosotros somos muy dependientes de la energa elctrica. Hoy como a las 10am hubo
un apagn que afecto al 90% del pas, y en Hermosillo Sonora, Mxico se ocasiono un caos en extremo. Yo sal en
mi auto como a las 10:15am y todos los semforos inservibles, as que saltando y corriendo llegu a mi trabajo
como 50 minutos despus cuando por lo general solo me tardo 10 minutos La gente en sus autos pareca
confundida y en estado de pnico, no saban que hacer, para donde ir Sobretodo patrullas de la polica,
ambulancias, y bomberos chocaban unos con otros, Hasta un polica se bajo de su auto para alegarle a un
conductor de taxi que porque se le haba atravesado. Realmente que fuera el mundo sin la electricidad? Yo pienso
que la electricidad es la energa que usamos para carros elctricos y otros aparatos porque esta energa no puede
tener lmites y existe en todos lados siendo una fuente ilimitada de energa incluyendo el cuerpo humano.
Realmente necesitamos esta energa para todo en nuestras vidas.

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