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Centaurs have the upper torso of a man mounted on the body of a horse. They are a
race of brave and noble creatures with a deep respect for living in harmony with
nature. Their economy is based around the trade of beaded strings referred to as
parpa. Parpa serve a dual purpose: they act as both historical documents, telling the
tales of the past, and as a unit of currency. Their religion is built around elaborate
ceremonies and rituals, often resembling fully produced plays, and centers on the
worship of the harmony of spirits between all living things. It is believed that when a
Centaur dies, his body goes into the ground, and his spirit aids the growth of the
plants, and in this way even the dead contribute to the living. Cities that are
historically of Centauri origin are of a simple design, consisting mainly of long
wooden structures only a single story high. For years, the Centaurs, at the time
called Ceni, warred with the Minotaurs, then called Minos, until a treaty was
forged between the two, forging the Taurus Kingdom.
Ability Score Increase: +1 Strength, +1
Age: Typically live to between 110-150 years.
Size: Large
Speed: 50 Feet
Vision: Normal Vision
Proficient in Athletics and Nature
Barding: All armor must be custom made for a
Centaur, and costs 4x the price/materials to
make/craft as armor of the same type would
for a medium creature.
Poor Swimmers: Centaurs have disadvantage
on Athletics checks to swim.
Languages: Common and Taurus

o Charge If an Onondaga moves
at least 30 feet in a straight line
toward a target and then hits it
with a melee weapon attack on
the same turn, the target takes
an extra d6 damage. For each
ten feet after that, this amount of damage increases by one die size
category, capping at d20.
o Unencumbered An Aquesedoss inventory slots are doubled. In
addition, they are never encumbered by heavy armor.

+1 Strength

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