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As for the collage some of the meaning is:

The bottom right corner:

She is half asleep and half submissive. The salamander is both as scientifically
verified creature rumored to survive longer in fire and mythic creature that li
ves in fire or are made of such. These elementals are the same as Asuras, Devas,
Fallen Angels, and Fire Beings.
The sky of night 2, month 6, year 1432 are the set of jewels upon her body. Each
season has it's constellation animal to view in the evening/night. Beltane has
Camel. Lughnasadh has bear. Samhain has dragon. Imbolc is horse.
Dances of the bright quarter vary. The dance of the May pole was May 6th this ye
ar or the night before, where astronomically accurate. The hand represents all b
lessing and security.
To interpret this astrology chart we can get: My reputation is a Submitter to Go
d (Mooslim in `Arabic). I'm an intellectual creature full of introspection. Unco
nsciously and in our true natures we are spiritual. We will live on past the liv
es of our bodies. The time is to reflect on the strength needed for this test. B
eyond all other's see, I strive to be pure. Stay active, but think. Grow in this
thoughtfulness. Share of your ideas. Use art consciously. Let all your aspects
know they are working together.
Raspberries are a symbol or blood, essence, kindness, and women's healing.
The Saamskrita chant is the Hare Krsna Maha Manta of the one called Caitanya. In
use it reminds us that light and sound are proofs of the omnipresence, omnipote
nce, and omniscience of God or Bhagavan.
The listing of the II Corinthians 2.2-3 shows we have to take the teachings of t
he prophets inside us and manifest them through our bodies.
Center Left:
Chrysokyma is the theory and practice of becoming more aware of and more able to
manipulate the subtle and gross energies of the microcosms & the macrocosms.
There is Solve et Coagula. When combined they form the Golden wave or Chrysokyma
. It contains every type of love. Being aware of more then just the gross energi
es leads us to be aware of the Hindu Prana & Akasha, the Chinese Shen, Bulwer Ly
tton's Vril, the Latin Fluidium, or the Hellenic Pneuma. Once aware of it in one
spot, we should trace its sources and paths. Being aware of our general body, m
ind, and spirit noises our very important. We can fuse them with or be raptured
by other earthly creatures (albeit lawfully), the Light Beings, Fire Beings, and
God (knowing still we are not divine, but sacred). The in-between states are ce
ntral to at least the starting of this practice. Right before sleep, bodily func
tions, copulation, and right after such are some examples. Being in clothes and
environments where the resistance is lessened is also important. Different postu
res, such as on the back, flat with the legs forming pyramids are key as well. T
here is much to this and other practices as you may see.
Reiki "Spiritual Atmosphere/Power"
A Japanese system developed in the 1920's by someone on a fasting retreat on a m
ountain. It is a system of relaxation and concentration. The most commonly known
portion is that which is like "laying on of hands." This is done by systematic
pressing and holding. Some of which is so intimate that it should only be done b
etween spouses. There is the psychic technique as well. There is self healing an
d the healing of others. The strength of the system is the goal of not draining
our energy to heal others. There are also differing degrees of healers. Of cours
e I'd like to remind that healing is only through the permission of God, The Hea
ler. The only effects that are verified from this practice are connecting and tr
ust in God, the operator, the community, and the different aspects of our selves
There were ethics mixed into the system from the summery of teaching from an Emp
eror or two. Amoung the most common are not to be angry, worrisome, ungrateful,
unscrupulous, or unkind. The importance is being caring, directing intentions, l

earning the ways, and teaching the ending of suffering.

Blueberry or Vaccinium Corymbosum is a symbol of Venus of Earth, Fertility, gain
, and playfulness.Swara Mantras "Garland of Notes/Emitting Sound That Frees and
Swara Yoga is the uniting with God and by default our communities via that which
makes its own sweetness. This is the chanting that involves the nose. Ascend wi
th sa (c), ri (c), ga (pyth-d), ma (f), pa (g), dha (g), ni (a), sha (c..). Dece
nd the levels of consciousness known as Nishada, Dhaivata, Panchama, Madhyama, G
aandhaara, Rshabha, and Shadja (born of the six).
Signs of This level include:
An upward pointing triangle with the symbol for Venus attached to it's uppermost
tip intertwines with a blue downward pointing triangle with a little P for Plut
o inside it's bottom corner.
A unicursal septagram is surrounded by TO PNEUMA TO AGION as the top of a circle
and Everything is spiritual as the bottom half of the circle reading the same w
ay. In the center is a triquetra of three intertwined spheres. The top sphere is
on top. In the center of it is a dot. This is the symbol for sun. The bottom of
this sphere is a crescent meaning moon.
The other two spheres are connected forming a curved V joining them to the top s
phere. In each of these three lower sections is the number 6. The Kamea Square o
f the sun has the total value 666. Each row and column equals 111. Aside for the
magical powers in union of the top three Sephirot there is many meaning to thes
e and other symbols.
Bottom Left Corner:
From sheep to crabs and lobsters, we refer to the verticle transcendence. She w
as praising, reverencing, and honoring. She now returns to her regular state as
water. She can cut herself as merely being about consumption, desire, and soci
al constraints. If she dies in this state, she will be a dweller of the waters
of the sun.
4-6-1429 Ninth Solar Hour or 2:56-3:26p P.S.T. June 8, 2008 C.E.
Theurgy) Since I was leading my neighbor Mike in this meditation, I explained o
r sung each part of the preparation in English. I started by looking at ThHHBYB
AATNN with Mike. I handed him a piece of Peacock Ore to put on his forehead and
we both selected our spots of the room. I vibrated the YAD hymn, followed by s
inging the English of The Call of The Thirty Aethyrs with The Fourth Aethyr: The
Aethyr Of Impending ..The Beginning of The Second [the aethyrs seemingly divide
d into ten groups of three) with the Governor names of God being Who Brings Vict
ory, The Light, and Keeper of the Three Fold Throne. I then preceeded to vibrat
e the ENOKhYAN. After PAZ KhYS was T h o t/k a n p/a, A x z/x y a r g, and P o
t h n y/r r.
1) Having worked up quite the trance, I began to see psychedelic scenes. No lo
nger experiencing myself as being in my living room on my covered with white cou
ch, I saw a diverse mix of colors like rounded pixels. Staring dumbfounded by t
his scene, I saw that it was shaped like a hanging plant that is stringy. The r
ainbow & branch like strings went out and down from a central point all around i
n a circle.
2) A pleasant sensation like the prickling of pins made its way from my head in
the south to my feet in the north on the white couch laying. I was now in a di
fferent place. Unaware of the passage of time, I was looking up. Above me was
a ceiling that came together like a pile of connected Vs. Feeling a feeling of
the presence of millions, I heard a voice like a widely spreading fire. It sai
d, "homtoh g a kroodzy od vls ol Victory with the beginning and end of self."3)
The sense of presence increased as a MADRYAX shaped like a sphere with a thousa
nd flares constantly moving appeared before me. It was the size of a small moun
tain, diverse in colors of the Unfallen angel realm. "paz a kaosgo Expression o

f Earth, " it said in a loud voice resembling bubbling water.

4) I began to see myriad forms of plant like animal forms as the unusual sense
of presence went away. The one the I remembered most clearly was like a purple
flower crossed with an octopus. While this occured, there was an energy like a
circuit flowing above me, through my head, and out my feet.
5) When the ineffable variety ceased appearing before my eyes, a myriad's myria
d presence arose again. There were three Light Beings of unknown size, back to
back in the form of a triangle. In the middle and above them was something I ca
n't begin to describe. The arrangement of these lion like Unfallen Angels was:
Furthest away from me was a lion like Blue Mala-ikah, the one on my right was a
Mala-ikah Green, and on my left was the Mala-ikah Red one. There arose a sound
of whirling air. It said shrieking, "olpyrt y pyr Light that's Holy." Then the
n the three Mala-ikah jumped back (towards the center) and spewed forth, each wi
th a different growl.
6) All that went away as the sense of presence decreased to that of a crowd of
less then ten thousand. With a grumbling like a rumbling earthquake; I saw fou
r Jinnoot Golden cartoon shaped lightning bolts move from in front of me in the
center above at 45 degrees, down to the right and disappear. In the middle of e
ach was a Fire Being Orange symbol of some sort which was flashing and I couldn'
t discern. During this stage there was an energy where the object of the Jinnoo
t realm appeared that moved left and right, a little.
Post) The weary eyes, they have become.
Unexpected, thought I'd run.
Four fold expression that filled me;
Compared to that I am empty.
Much satisfied with all that bliss;
I don't care what I have missed.
Thanking YAD is the true bliss!
Mike said the meditation made him think of expressions from circuitry to pla
nets to star systems.
Comment) You may have noticed the arrangement is like the variation of the arra
ngement of the Great Table in Liber Scientiae and the order from the Thoth Tarot
The way the ceiling came together can remind one of the Sign of Victory in w
hich one holds your arms up and straight forming the letter V with arms and feet
. It reminded in a physical way that YAD is ThOTANP.
The light refered to by the saying, "Light that is Holy" shows that AXXYARG
is a name about how YAD is in charge of the ineffable light which transcends our
ability to detect it with our instruments.
I believe the Unfallen Angels back to back were supporting the throne mentio
ned. Maybe, each was connected to one of the three realms of creation. Perhaps
the undescribable part was a Being incharge of The Three, but this is just spec
ulation. Truly YAD is POThNYR.
As far as the lightning shaped things, I can not teach on symbols which are
not remembered.
In closing to correspond with the typical way of thinking about TABAAN "Gove
rnor" names, just like in the SheMHaMFoRaSh; YAD as God is known in its qualitie
s through the manifestations of holy and mundane creations, MADRYYAX included.
Finally is the Aenkhs "Life" symbol in red with the NFR "Good, Beauty, & Perfect
" in the center of the cross section in blue. In the center of the blank is YaH
oHeH or a very secret name of God from as early as the time Yaeqb was a Waysr or
high public official in the first half of the Second Millennium BCE in T'wy "Th
e Two Lands."
center right:

Annikaah (Marriage) 4.6) 4.21) 4.3) 4.25) 4.22) 4.23) 4.24) 24.32) 24.33) 24.34)
24.35) 2.221) 2.234) 2.235) 60.10) 5.5) 81.7) 24.13) 17.32) 23.5) 23.6) 23.7) 2
4.3) 25.68) 66.12) 70.29) 70.30) 70.31) 24.2) 2.223) 24.27) 24.30) 24.31) 4.15)
4.16) 7.189) 25.74) 30.21) 2.187) 24.31) 24.38) 24.60) 24.61) 33.33) 33.59) 4.34
) 65.6) 4.19) 2.229) 2.227) 2.231) 2.236) 2.241) 2.229) 2.230) 2.232) 34.4) 59.1
) 59.2) 4.128) 4.34) 4.35) 33.49) 33.79) 33.37) 33.49) 65.1) 65.2) 65.3) 65.4) 6
5.5) 65.6) 65.7) 58.1) 58.2) Al Hajja wa-l ..Oomrah (The Greater and The Lesser
Pilgrimage) 2.158) 2.189) 2.196) 2.197) 2.198) 2.203) 3.96) 22.1-78) 22.28) 22.2
9) 39.75)
The Four Qabalistic Worlds manifest in this sphere as: ATzLH: ALHY "My God/The P
ower" BRYH: RPAL "Healing of God", in the order of ShNANYM "The Multiplying Ones
/Thousands, with the general purpose of ShLYThY "Powers" YTzRh: TPARH "Beauty" w
ith ShMSh "The Sun" AShYH: BLPGR "Liege Of The Dead", in the order of TWGRYRYM "
Those Who Bellow Grief & Tears", with the general function of SWRT "The Banished
/Turned Away/Son Of Man(this is in the negative context)" 5th degree=6th or 7th
Phrases of this Center include: ABRAHADABRA "Heal, One, Secret, Heal" ARBADAHARB
A "Mend, Limb, Increase" IO PAN PAN PAN "O All Every Total!" IAO "Source of Ligh
t and Mystery/Nature Destroyer Redeemer" The eye takes five to open, then four t
o close in a non resistive state. The liberation of the body, moksha, moksha, mo
kshaa! The state between. Peace of the body Positions, positions, positions Ther
e were already four intitiations. After Earth, Air, Water, and Fire it is time f
or Spirit! Walking in the path of God. The egg is in pieces as it stands hatched
amoungst the shells. The snake is uncoiled but still tense. Animals of This Cen
ter include the peacock, black antelope, gazelle, doe.
She rises from a posture of reflection, orientation, patience, or duality
Bottom center:
Tantra is the weaving of our being with what is spiritual & devoted to The Div
ine, stretching our ability & awareness. The most commonly known aspects of thi
s system are Khundalini & Chakras, Yantras, and Nadis.
The Khundalini is the manifestation of The Divine and Holies within us. The
snake as it were ascending as the dove descends. It is potential energy increa
sing and manifesting as material which joins with kinetic energy and knowledge.
This Shakti "Sacred Force, Power, Energy" joins with Shiva "Auspicious One/Abig
uity & Paradox " as Shiva-Shakti, but this as a divine name is not confined to t
he blasphemous references of male, female and other unions of opposites that are
not to be associated with Deity.
Chakra means circle or wheel. These spheres are located within the field of
our own being. They are where the energy lines within the body meet. The stro
ngest and best known are the seven base line chakras. They are confirmed by mod
ern science to be centers of feeling and awareness. They are also proven to eve
n emit light and sound on command. The goal for most it to make it to the top,
but to return to life on the level of the heart with a balance of the spiritual
and the physical. They and their attributes of frequency, place, chant, color,
and meaning are as follows:
Sahasrara crown '!' white "thousand-spoked wheel"
Aja 4100 x 10-8 cm third-eye OM indigo "command wheel"
Visuddha 4700 x 10-8 cm throat H
Visuddha 4700 x 10-8 cm throat HAM blue "pure wheel"
Anahata 5300 x 10-8 cm heart YAM green "wheel of the unstruck sound"
Manipura 5900 x 10-8 cm naval RAM yellow "wheel of the jeweled city"
Svadhisthana 6100 x 10-8 cm Reproductive organs VAM orange "wheel of the self-ba
Muladhara 6700 x 10-8 cm base LAM red "root-foundation wheel"
Trataka or gentle, non resistant concentration is a hallmark of the final sp
iritual center. It is also the sign that you are on what so ever level you ascr
Yantras or Machines are visualizations or pictures to represent the chakras
or the sounds. They are concentric and have elements such as triangles, squares
, circles, points, and flowers. They often resemble the sound pattern of the ma

ntra of the level they represent.

As well as the centers in the body designating your subtle channels called N
adis is of great importance. There are at least fourteen of these. The center
one Sushumna, goes straight up from your bottom to your top. On the right Pinga
la goes from the tail bone and weaves crisscrossed with Ida around the chakras u
p to the right nostril. Ida on the left weaves likewise up from the base to the
left nostril. These three which have attributed the rivers of Saraswata (Ghagg
ar- hakara), Yamuna, and Ganga (Ganges) are considered most important. At the b
ottom they start at what is called
At the bottom they start at what is called Yukta Triveni"Combined Three Streams.
" The unmanifested energy is depicted as a serpent coiled around a center thre
e and a half times. This Svayambhu-linga at the tail bone blocks the entrance t
o Sushumna with its mouth. As long as the Coiled Corporeal Energy stays asleep
your energy centers are exhausted. Once it awakens, it uncoils and awakens each
of your spheres on its ascent.
Ida or the left channel is as the moon, negative, reflective, white and cold
. Pingala or the right channel is as the sun, positive, shining, red, and hot.
These two join again with Sushumna at the heart at a place called Mukta Triveni
"Liberated Three Streams" Ida and Pingala end in their respective nostrils. A
fter Khundalini reaches the crown it continues with descent until its return to
the base to rest. Pralaya "Perfect balance of elemental and non- elemental, Non
existence, Rest" it is called. This is the unification of the Mystical and Psyc
hological Approaches!
Top Right corner:
Strawberry is Fragaria Vesca: Venus of Earth, beauty, clairvoyance, divination,
fertility, gain, love, in Norse myth children souls hide in strawberries picked
and taken to the afterlife, in Southwestern U.S. myth-gifts of creation to women
and children, modest & sweet in life and character
Blackberries are said to be a place of Satan on September 30, because by them th
ey can be alcoholic or mildly rotten. They are a symbol of ignorance, spiritual
neglect, haste, overjoyed, et cetera.
Hellenic culture said we all have a smaller self inside us called a Daimon. This
concept is always represented as being of the opposite sex. More call this the
Aenima/Aenimus part of the soul. It is the ideal image of a spouse according to
our true natures. We may not be aware enough, though.
Top Center:
The Aramaic alphabet which had 22 letters can be used to represent space. Infin
ite up to down is Al. You draw an ox head, which is the bar of Air. Infinite r
ight to left is Mah. On this you draw three points of water. This is the Bar o
f Water. Front to back is Shin which is teeth drawn like a w with straight line
s. This is the bar of Fire. When these three are formed you form a + or Taw "M
ark"with a point going in all 6 directions from the center. This is point of Ea
In the center you have the planet Earth. Above you is your house (Bet). Be
low you is your feet (Gam). To your right is a door (Dal). To your left is an
open palm of the hand (Kaph). Before you is your mouth (Pey). Finally behind y
ou is your head (Resh). Bet looks like a wide, squarish u with a L rotated to t
he right and attached to the tip of the right side. Gam looks like a hollow blo
cky L. Dal looks like a straight line across the goes of the right and left sid
es of the top of a square. Kaph looks like U with a slight divide at the bottom
. In the middle extending to the top edge are two separate vertical lines essen
tially dividing the center into three. Pey looks like a narrow mouth or a flyin
g saucer. Finally, Resh is profile of the head of a shaven man with hair on the
top of his head looking to your left. These edges of the cube are the planets
Saturn (R/T), Jupiter (T/K), Mars (G/P), Earth (K/T), Moon(B/G), Venus (K/D), Me
rcury (P/B), and Sun (D/R).
The twelve signs of the Zodiac form the lines of the cube. They are H (Arie
s/Aquarius), V (Taurus), Z (Gemini), Ch (Cancer), Th (Leo/Libra), Y (Virgo), L (
Libra/Leo), N (Scorpio), S (Sagittarius), Ae (Capricorn), Tz (Aquarius/Aries), a

n Q (Pisces). Hey is in the Northeast and looks like a man standing with his ar
ms raised up at right angles. Waw looks like a Y or a tent peg and is in the So
utheast. Nun is in the Southwest as a seed sprouting down like a ~ angled down
to the right. Lam is in the Northwest and is like a shepherd's staff hanging do
wn like /. In the top east is Zan, which is like an agriculture implement appea
ring like a H on its side with the top left edge curving out towards the ground.
In the top south is Tsad, which is a man laying on his side. It looks like a
circle with a ~ to the right. In the top west is Sin. This is a thorn angled l
ike an .., topped by a line and intersected by two lines decreasing in length to
wards the bottom. In the top north is Thet which is a container resembling a ci
rcle divided in four with an x. In the bottom east is Chets, which resembles th
e roman numeral for three. In the bottom south is Quph or "Horizon" which is li
ke a horizontal line dividing a circle in the middle of it. In the bottom west
is Aeyin, which is the picture of an eye with the iris towards the top. Finally
in the bottom north is Yud, which is a bend arm with a hand to your left. The
twisted rope of the letter Ghah is both inside and outside the system and is rep
resented as the unseen element in the dark mirror.
Mikal (Who is Like God?), Mishel (Touched By God/God's Silk), Muwkal (Vessel of
God), Muhshal (Seized By God) are all variations of the Ancient Aramaic name of
the guard of Hell.
Top left corner:
The passions are atleast part of what lead us to the fire, but even then we are
Through our increase of will power to repent, we are sanctified.
When desires of self or society alone decide, it is such a lie!
May what is best for me be througho !ut my head and what is expressed until I di
True, but it is better to go through willingly than refine because mistakes forc
e otherwise.

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